Unit Plan PDF 4
Unit Plan PDF 4
Unit Plan PDF 4
Students will be able to understand why Shays Rebellion caused the people to want
a stronger central government (D2.His.14.3-5.)
Students will be able to explain why the Second Constitutional Convention and the
Constitution was written by dissecting different texts about Shays Rebellion (5
U3.3.3 ).
Assessment: During instruction, students will fill out a worksheet about the letters they
read. This will be collected but not graded, serving as a formative assessment. Following
lesson and exploration of texts each student will write their own newspaper article about
Shays Rebellion. This will be collected and used as a formal, summative assessment.
Instructional Sequence:
1. Pass out textbook passage for students to read through and fill out the chart that will
help them summarize. This provides insight into what Shays Rebellion was before we dive
into the letters and photo.
Independent work time:
a) Students read the passage on their own and fill out the worksheet while they read
through. Once they finish they turn the page over to signal the teacher they have
finished. Then the class discusses the textbook passage and student responses
b) Students pair up with one classmate to read through the textbook passage and fill
out the worksheet. Once they have finished, they meet with another pair who is
done. The partner groups discuss their findings while the teacher walks around
checking in.
c) Students are broken up into groups of 3-4 to read the textbook passage aloud and
fill out the worksheet together. Once they finish the class as a whole goes through
the answers.
8 minutes
2. Go over student responses, writing down answers on the board in front if you choose a
method that requires class discussion. Be sure to correct answers if no one in the class has
the right idea. If small group sharing is encouraged, be sure to walk around and correct
when needed. Students should be raising their hands to answer questions while the teacher
documents their answers. Allow the students to hold on to these worksheets until the end
of the lesson. 3 minutes
3. Transition into primary source analysis. Teacher says, The common story about Shays
Rebellion is that the Founding Fathers realized that the Articles of Confederation were too
weak and thought that the central government needed more power in order to control
uprisings/rebellions. We are going to look at two primary sources and a photo so that we
can respond to this question: Did all Americans think the Articles of Confederation were
too weak? Then pass out the letters from Thomas Jefferson and letters from George
Washington along with the corresponding response sheet. Instruct them to be analyzing the
opinions and feelings of both authors, as well as their position on the rebellion.
Independent work time:
a) Have one half of the room begin with document A and the other half begin with
document B. The document they start with is the one they will be experts on, but
they should read both. Then have students partner up with someone who read
the opposite document as them to finish filling out the chart.
b) Have students work in groups of 2-3 and read through both document A and B.
They will work together to fill out the chart.
10 minutes
4. Once students are wrapping up with the letters, show the photo on the projector. Give
time for them to write down their observations from the photo on the last page of the
handout for the letters. 2 minutes
5. Engage students in a large group discussion about the letters and image. Go through one
text at a time and discuss student responses. Have them use direct quotes as evidence in
their responses. If there are differing responses, encourage discussion amongst the students
about which answer is right, wrong, or if there are any right answers.
10 minutes
6. Tell students that they have just been asked to compare and contrast differing viewpoints
relating to the rebellion and its impact on American society. Pass out newspaper article
packet. Instruct students to write their own newspaper article on their own. 20 minutes
Name: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Purpose for reading: Based on the article, summarize Shays Rebellion (RS #01) by
answering the questions listed below.
Who was involved in the
A and B sourced from
Notes on Image
What I see in the image:
Hampshire Gazette
(Location & Date)