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Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316



Improving quality inspection of food products

by computer visiona review
Tadhg Brosnan, Da-Wen Sun

FRCFT Group, Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, University College Dublin, National University of Ireland,
Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland
Received 29 April 2002; accepted 6 May 2003

With increased expectations for food products of high quality and safety standards, the need for accurate, fast and objective
quality determination of these characteristics in food products continues to grow. Computer vision provides one alternative for an
automated, non-destructive and cost-eective technique to accomplish these requirements. This inspection approach based on image
analysis and processing has found a variety of dierent applications in the food industry. Considerable research has highlighted its
potential for the inspection and grading of fruits and vegetables. Computer vision has been successfully adopted for the quality
analysis of meat and sh, pizza, cheese, and bread. Likewise grain quality and characteristics have been examined by this technique.
This paper presents the signicant elements of a computer vision system and emphasises the important aspects of the image processing technique coupled with a review of the most recent developments throughout the food industry.
2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Machine vision; Computer vision; Image processing; Image analysis; Fruit; Vegetables; Grain; Meats; Online inspection


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Fundamentals of computer vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1. Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2. Image processing and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1. Bakery products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2. Meat and sh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3. Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4. Fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5. Prepared consumer foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6. Grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7. Food container inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.8. Other applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Corresponding author. Tel.: +353-1-716-5528; fax: +353-1-475-2119.

E-mail address: dawen.sun@ucd.ie (D.-W. Sun).
URL: http://www.ucd.ie/~refrig.

0260-8774/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

1. Introduction
The increased awareness and sophistication of consumers have created the expectation for improved
quality in consumer food products. This in turn has
increased the need for enhanced quality monitoring.
Quality itself is dened as the sum of all those attributes
which can lead to the production of products acceptable
to the consumer when they are combined. Quality has
been the subject of a large number of studies (Shewfelt &
Bruckner, 2000). The basis of quality assessment is often
subjective with attributes such as appearance, smell,
texture, and avour, frequently examined by human
inspectors. Consequently Francis (1980) found that
human perception could be easily fooled. Together with
the high labour costs, inconsistency and variability associated with human inspection accentuates the need for
objective measurements systems. Recently automatic
inspection systems, mainly based on cameracomputer
technology have been investigated for the sensory
analysis of agricultural and food products. This system
known as computer vision has proven to be successful
for objective measurement of various agricultural (He,
Yang, Xue, & Geng, 1998; Li & Wang, 1999) and food
products (Sun, 2000; Wang & Sun, 2001).
Computer vision includes the capturing, processing
and analysing images, facilitating the objective and nondestructive assessment of visual quality characteristics in
food products (Timmermans, 1998). The potential of
computer vision in the food industry has long been
recognised (Tillett, 1990) and the food industry is now
ranked among the top 10 industries using this technology (Gunasekaran, 1996). Recent advances in hardware
and software have aided in this expansion by providing
low cost powerful solutions, leading to more studies on
the development of computer vision systems in the food
industry (Locht, Thomsen, & Mikkelsen, 1997; Sun,
2000). As a result automated visual inspection is under
going substantial growth in the food industry because of

its cost eectiveness, consistency, superior speed and

accuracy. Traditional visual quality inspection performed by human inspectors has the potential to be
replaced by computer vision systems for many tasks.
There is increasing evidence that machine vision is being
adopted at commercial level (Locht et al., 1997). This
paper presents the latest developments and recent advances of computer vision in the food industry. The
fundamental elements of the systems and technologies
involved are also examined.

2. Fundamentals of computer vision

Following its origin in the 1960s, computer vision has
experienced growth with its applications expanding in
diverse elds: medical diagnostic imaging; factory automation; remote sensing; forensics; autonomous vehicle
and robot guidance.
Computer vision is the construction of explicit and
meaningful descriptions of physical objects from images
(Ballard & Brown, 1982). The term which is synonymous
with machine vision embodies several processes. Images
are acquired with a physical image sensor and dedicated
computing hardware and software are used to analyse
the images with the objective of performing a predened
visual task. Machine vision is also recognised as the integrated use of devices for non-contact optical sensing
and computing and decision processes to receive and
interpret an image of a real scene automatically. The
technology aims to duplicate the eect of human vision
by electronically perceiving and understanding an image
(Sonka, Hlavac, & Boyle, 1999). Table 1 illustrates the
benets and drawbacks associated with this technology.
2.1. Hardware
A computer vision system generally consists of ve
basic components: illumination, a camera, an image

Table 1
Benets and drawbacks of machine vision
Generation of precise descriptive data
Quick and objective
Reducing tedious human involvement
Consistent, ecient and cost eective
Automating many labour intensive process
Easy and quick, consistent
Non-destructive and undisturbing

Sapirstein (1995)
Li, Tan, and Martz (1997)

Robust and competitively priced sensing technique

Permanent record, allowing further analysis later

Lu, Tan, Shatadal, and Gerrard (2000)

Gunasekaran (2001)
Gerrard, Gao, and Tan (1996)
Tao, Heinemann, Varghese, Morrow, and Sommer (1995a),
Zayas, Martin, Steele, and Katsevich (1996)
Gunasekaran and Ding (1993)
Tarbell and Reid (1991)

Object identication being considerably more dicult in unstructured scenes
Articial lighting needed for dim or dark conditions

Shearer and Holmes (1990)

Stone and Kranzler (1992)

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

Table 2
Applications using X-ray imaging in machine vision

Frame grabber




Fig. 1. Components of a computer vision system (Wang & Sun, 2002a).

capture board (frame grabber or digitiser), computer

hardware and software as shown in Fig. 1 (Wang & Sun,
As with the human eye, vision systems are aected by
the level and quality of illumination. Sarkar (1991)
found that by adjustment of the lighting, the appearance
of an object can be radically changed with the feature of
interest claried or blurred. Therefore the performance
of the illumination system can greatly inuence the
quality of image and plays an important role in the
overall eciency and accuracy of the system (Novini,
1995). In agreement Gunasekaran (1996) noted that a
well-designed illumination system can help to improve
the success of the image analysis by enhancing image
contrast. Good lighting can reduce reection, shadow
and some noise giving decreased processing time. Various aspects of illumination including location, lamp type
and colour quality, need to be considered when designing an illumination system for applications in the
food industry (Bachelor, 1985). Gunasekaran (2001)
found that most lighting arrangements can be grouped
as either front or back lighting. Front lighting (electron
projection lithography or reective illumination) is used
in situations where surface feature extraction is required
such as defect detection in apples (Yang, 1994). In
contrast back lighting (transmitted illumination) is employed for the production of a silhouette image for
critical edge dimensioning or for sub-surface feature
analysis as in the size inspection of chicken pieces (Soborski, 1995). Light sources also dier but may include
incandescent, uorescent, lasers, X-ray tubes and infrared lamps. The choice of lamp aects quality and
image analysis performance (Bachelor, 1985). The
elimination of natural light eects from the image collection process is considered of importance with most
modern systems having built in compensatory circuitry.
There are many dierent sensors which can be used to
generate an image, such as ultrasound, X-ray and near
infrared spectroscopy. Images can be also obtained using displacement devices and documents scanners.
Typically the image sensors used in machine vision are
usually based on solid state charged coupled device
(CCD) camera technology with some applications using
thermionic tube devices. CCD cameras are either of the


Accuracy (%)


Detection of bones in
sh and chicken
Internal defects of sweet


Jamieson (2002)


Spit pits in peaches


Water core damage in



Tollner, Shahin, Maw,

Gitaitis, and Summer
Han, Bowers, and Dodd
Kim and Schatzki
Schatzki et al. (1997)
Kim and Schatzki

Pinhole damage in


array type or line scan type. Array or area type cameras

consist of a matrix of minute photosensitive elements
(photosites) from which the complete image of the object is obtained based on output proportional to the
amount of incident light. Alternatively line scan cameras
use a single line of photosites which are repeatedly
scanned up to 2000 times per minute to provide an accurate image of the object as it moves under the sensor
(Wallin & Haycock, 1998). Monochrome and colour
cameras have been used throughout the food industry
for a variety of applications (Leemans, Magein, & Destain, 1998; Pearson & Slaughter, 1996; Steinmetz,
Roger, Molto, & Blasco, 1999; Yang, 1996). X-ray
radiography has also been used for the generation of
images for computer vision analysis of a variety products such as water core in apples (Kim & Schatzki, 2000)
and for the detection of bones in chicken and sh (Jamieson, 2002). Table 2 shows the dierent applications
using X-ray imaging in computer vision.
The process of converting pictorial images into numerical form is called digitisation. In this process, an
image is divided into a two dimensional grid of small
regions containing picture elements dened as pixels by
using a vision processor board called a digitiser or frame
grabber. There are numerous types of analogue to digital
converters (ADC) but for real time analyses a special
type is required, this is known as a ash ADC. Such
ash devices require only nanoseconds to produce a
result with 50200 megasamples processed per second
(Davies, 1997). Selection of the frame grabber is based
on the camera output, spatial and grey level resolutions
required, and the processing capability of the processor
board itself (Gunasekaran & Ding, 1994).
2.2. Image processing and analysis
Image processing and image analysis are recognised
as being the core of computer vision (Krutz, Gibson,
Cassens, & Zhang, 2000). Image processing involves a
series of image operations that enhance the quality of an

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316




high level



Low level



Knowledge Base





Fig. 3. Typical segmentation techniques: (a) thresholding, (b) edgebased segmentation and (c) region-based segmentation (Sun, 2000).


Fig. 2. Dierent levels in the image processing process (Sun, 2000).

image in order to remove defects such as geometric

distortion, improper focus, repetitive noise, non-uniform lighting and camera motion. Image analysis is the
process of distinguishing the objects (regions of interest)
from the background and producing quantitative information, which is used in the subsequent control systems for decision making. Image processing/analysis
involves a series of steps, which can be broadly divided
into three levels: low level processing, intermediate level
processing and high level processing (Gunasekaran &
Ding, 1994; Sun, 2000), as indicated in Fig. 2 (Sun,
Low level processing includes image acquisition and
pre-processing. Image acquisition is the transfer of the
electronic signal from the sensing device into a numeric
form. Image pre-processing refers to the initial processing of the raw image data for correction of geometric distortions, removal of noise, grey level
correction and correction for blurring (Shirai, 1987).
Pre-processing aims to improve image quality by suppressing undesired distortions or by the enhancement of
important features of interest. Averaging and Gaussian
lters are often used for noise reduction with their operation causing a smoothing in the image but having the
eect of blurring edges. Also through the use of dierent
lters tted to CCD cameras images from particular
spectral regions can be collected. Rigney, Brusewitz, and
Kranzler (1992) used a 400620 nm interference lter to
examine contrast between defect and good asparagus
tissue. A multi-spectral camera system with six band
pass lters for the inspection of poultry carcasses was
used to achieve better classication of abnormal carcasses (Park & Chen, 1994).
Intermediate level processing involves image segmentation, and image representation and description.
Image segmentation is one of the most important steps
in the entire image processing technique, as subsequent
extracted data are highly dependent on the accuracy of
this operation. Its main aim is to divide an image into
regions that have a strong correlation with objects or
areas of interest. Segmentation can be achieved by three
dierent techniques: thresholding, edge-based segmentation and region-based segmentation as shown in Fig. 3
(Sonka et al., 1999; Sun, 2000). Thresholding is a simple

and fast technique for characterising image regions

based on constant reectivity or light absorption of their
surfaces. Edge-based segmentation relies on edge detection by edge operators. Edge operators detect discontinuities in grey level, colour, texture, etc. Region
segmentation involves the grouping together of similar
pixels to form regions representing single objects within
the image. The criteria for like-pixels can be based on
grey level, colour and texture. The segmented image may
then be represented as a boundary or a region. Boundary representation is suitable for analysis of size and
shape features while region representation is used in the
evaluation of image texture and defects. Image description (measurement) deals with the extraction of
quantitative information from the previously segmented
image regions. Various algorithms are used for this
process with morphological, textural, and photometric
features quantied so that subsequent object recognition
and classications may be performed.
High level processing involves recognition and interpretation, typically using statistical classiers or multilayer neural networks of the region of interest. These
steps provide the information necessary for the process/
machine control for quality sorting and grading.
The interaction with a knowledge database at all
stages of the entire process is essential for more precise
decision making and is seen as an integral part of the
image processing process. The operation and eectiveness of intelligent decision making is based on the provision of a complete knowledge base, which in machine
vision is incorporated into the computer. Algorithms
such as neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms are some of the techniques of building knowledge
bases into computer structures. Such algorithms involve
image understanding and decision making capacities
thus providing system control capabilities. Neural network and fuzzy logic operations have been implemented
successfully with computer vision in the food industry
(Ying, Jing, Tao, & Zhang, 2003).

3. Applications
Computer vision systems are being used increasingly
in the food industry for quality assurance purposes. The
system oers the potential to automate manual grading
practices thus standardising techniques and eliminating

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

tedious human inspection tasks. Computer vision has

proven successful for the objective, online measurement
of several food products with applications ranging from
routine inspection to the complex vision guided robotic
control (Gunasekaran, 1996).
3.1. Bakery products
The appearance of baked products is an important
quality attribute, correlating with product avour and
inuencing the visual perceptions of consumers and
hence potential purchases of the product. Features such
as the internal and external appearance contribute to the
overall impression of the products quality. Consequently such characteristics have been evaluated by
computer vision. Scott (1994) described a system which
measures the defects in baked loaves of bread, by
analysing its height and slope of the top. The internal
structure (crumb grain) of bread and cake was also examined by machine vision (Sapirstein, 1995). The
brightness, cell density, cell area and uniformity of the
grain analysed indicated that even the most minor deviations from the required specications were obvious to
the developed system, allowing corrective measures in
the bakery to be taken sooner. In a more recent study,
digital images of chocolate chip cookies were used to
estimate physical features such as size, shape, baked
dough colour and fraction of top surface area that was
chocolate chip (Davidson, Ryks, & Chu, 2001). Four
fuzzy models were then developed to predict consumer
ratings based on three of the features examined. Automated visual inspection of muns has also been performed by use of a system developed by Abdullah, Aziz,
and Dos-Mohamed (2000). Colour of 200 muns were
examined using the vision system with a classication
algorithm used for separating dark from light samples
using pregraded and ungraded muns. Correct classication of 96% of pregraded and 79% of ungraded
muns was achieved when compared with visual inspection.
3.2. Meat and sh
Visual inspection is used extensively for the quality
assessment of meat products applied to processes from
the initial grading through to consumer purchases.
McDonald and Chen (1990) investigated the possibility
of using image-based beef grading in some of the earliest
studies in this area. They discriminated between fat and
lean in longissimus dorsi muscle based on reectance
characteristics, however poor results were reported.
Recently greater accuracy was found in a study by
Gerrard et al. (1996) where R2 (correlation coecient)
values of 0.86 and 0.84 for predicted lean colour and
marbling were recorded, respectively, for 60 steaks using
image analysis. Li et al. (1997) measured image texture

as a means of predicting beef tenderness. Colour, marbling and textural features were extracted from beef
images and analysed using statistical regression and
neural networks. Their ndings indicated that textural
features were a good indicator of tenderness. Image
analysis was also used for the classication of muscle
type, breed and age of bovine meat (Basset, Buquet,
Abouelkaram, Delachartre, & Culioli, 2000). The meat
slices analysed came from 26 animals with the focus of
the analysis based on the connective tissue (directly related to meat tenderness) which contains fat and collagen variables with muscle type, breed, age, and clearly is
visible on photographic images. The study led to a
representation of each meat sample with a 58 features
vector and indicated the potential of image analysis for
meat sample recognition.
Machine vision has also been used in the analysis of
pork loin chop images (Lu et al., 2000; Tan, Morgan,
Ludas, Forrest, & Gerrard, 2000). Colour image features were extracted from segmented images (Lu et al.,
2000). Both statistical and neural network models were
employed to predict colour scores by using the image
features as inputs and then compared to the sensory
scores of a trained panel. The neural network model was
determined as the most accurate with 93% of the 44
samples examined producing a prediction error of less
than 0.6. Fig. 4 shows an original and segmented pork
loin chop image used in this study. In a similar study
over 200 pork lion chops were evaluated using colour
machine vision (CMV) (Tan et al., 2000). Agreement
between the vision system and the panellists was as high
as 90%. The online performance of CMV was also determined in this study with repeatedly classifying 37
samples at a speed of 1 sample per second.
A technique for the spectral image characterisation of
poultry carcasses for separating tumourous, bruised and
skin torn carcasses from normal carcasses was investigated by Park, Chen, Nguyen, and Hwang (1996).
Carcasses were scanned by an intensied multi-spectral
camera with various wavelength lters (542847 nm)
with the results indicating that the optical wavelengths
of 542 and 700 nm were the most useful for the desired
classication. For separating tumourous carcasses from
normal ones, the neural network performed with 91%
accuracy. Co-occurrence matrix texture features of
multi-spectral images were used to identify unwholesome poultry carcasses (Park & Chen, 2001). Both
quadratic and linear discriminant models had an accuracy of 97% and 95%, respectively. Defects were also
detected using the chromatic content of chicken images
(Barni, Cappellini, & Mecocci, 1997). Possible defect
areas were rst extracted by means of morphological
image reconstruction and then classied according to a
predened list of defects. Soborski (1995) investigated
the online inspection of shape and size of chicken pieces.
Fig. 5 shows a schematic of the system used.

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

Fig. 4. Pork loin images: (a) original image and (b) segmented muscle image (Lu et al., 2000).

Operator interface/
System Manager
Vision processor


Digital I/O

Vision / Reject
logic controller


Existing line

PIR sensor

Fig. 5. Flow diagram of a machine vision system for shape/size inspection of chicken pieces (Soborski, 1995).

The development of automatic sh sorting techniques

using image analysis has been investigated to reduce
tedious human inspection and costs (Strachan & Kell,
1995). In a recent study an image processing algorithm
based on moment-invariants coupled with geometrical
considerations for discrimination between images of
three species of sh was developed (Zion, Shklyar, &
Karplus, 1999). Fish species identication reached
100%, 89% and 92%, respectively, for grey mullet, carp
and St. Peter sh for 124 samples examined at dierent
orientations. In a similar study Storbeck and Daan
(2001) measured a number of features of dierent sh
species as they passed on a conveyor belt at a speed of
0.21 m/s perpendicular to the camera as shown in Fig. 6.
A neural network classied the species from the input
data with an accuracy of 95%.
Jamieson (2002) used an X-ray vision system for the
detection of bones in chicken and sh llets. This
commercial system operates on the principle that the
absorption coecients of two materials dier at low

Fig. 6. Schematic of computer vision system for evaluating the volume

of sh on a conveyor belt (Storbeck & Daan, 2001).

energies allowing the defect to be revealed. The developed system has a throughput of 10,000 llets per hour
and can correctly identify remaining bones with an accuracy of 99%. Tao, Chen, Jing, and Walker (2001) also
investigated the use of X-ray imaging and adaptive
thresholding for the internal inspection of deboned
poultry with ndings indicating that the developed
technique can implement thickness invariant image
3.3. Vegetables
The necessity to be responsive to market needs places
a greater emphasis on quality assessment resulting in the
greater need for improved and more accurate grading
and sorting practices. Computer vision has shown to be
a viable means of meeting these increased requirements
for the vegetable industry (Shearer & Payne, 1990).
Shape, size, colour, blemishes and diseases are important aspects which need to be considered when

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

grading and inspecting potatoes. A study by Tao et al.

(1995a) investigated the use of a Fourier based separation technique for shape grading potatoes. A shape
separator was dened based on harmonics of the
transform, resulting in 89% agreement between the vision system and human assessment. A machine vision
system has also been developed for grading potatoes
using a HSI (hue, saturation, and intensity) colour system (Tao et al., 1995a). The system was able to dierentiate between good and greened potatoes with an
accuracy of 90% by representing features with hue histograms and applying multi-variate discriminant techniques. An automatic potato sorting method based on
two colour components related to tuber brightness and
blemishes produced an 80% success rate when validated
against human expertise (Guizard, Gravoueille, & Crochon, 1998). Wooten, White, Thomasson, and Thompson (2000) investigated the use of machine vision for the
purpose of yield and grade monitoring when tted to a
sweet potato harvester. Classication rates as high as
84% were recorded for the separation of culls from
saleable produce.
Discoloration of mushrooms is undesirable in
mushroom houses and it reduces market value. The
colour and shape of the cap is the most important
consideration of fresh mushrooms. Computer vision has
been applied for the automated inspection and grading
of mushrooms (Heinemann et al., 1994). The features
considered were colour, shape, stem cut and cap veil
opening. Misclassication of the vision system averaged
20% and compared well with the analysis of two human
inspectors. Vzh
o and Tillett (1998) analysed colour
images to decipher between mechanical damage and
diseases in mushrooms so that optimisation of handling
practices may be achieved to maintain maximum quality. Recently similar research used mushroom images
recorded by a machine vision system to recognise and
identify discoloration caused by bacterial disease
o & Felfoldi, 2000). A vectorial normalisation
method was developed to decrease the eect of the
natural discoloration of the mushroom surface and increase the dierences in the image caused by disease. The
method identied all of the diseased spots as diseased
and none of the healthy and senescent mushroom parts
were detected as diseased. The measurement of the
developmental stage of mushrooms has also been examined by computer vision (Van Loon, 1996), with
ndings indicating that cap opening correlated the best
with the stage of development. Reed, Crook, and He
(1995) also used camera based technology to select
mushrooms by size for picking by a mushroom harvester.
Machine vision has also been used in a variety of other
quality assessment applications in the vegetable industry.
Three image processing algorithms to recognise cabbage
head and to estimate head size were developed for the

construction of a selective harvester (Hayashi, Kanuma,

Ganno K, & Sakaue, 1998). From the projected area the
head size could be estimated in a processing time of 2.2 s
with an error of between 8.6 and 17.9 mm. Two algorithms for analysing digital binary images and estimating
the location of stem root joints in processing carrots were
developed by Batchelor and Searcy (1989). Both algorithms were capable of estimating the stem/root location
with a standard deviation of 5 mm, however the midpoint technique could feasibly attain speeds exceeding 10
carrots per second. Howarth and Searcy (1992) also
classied carrots for forking, surface defects, curvature
and brokenness. The classication of broccoli heads
from the analysis of line scan images with the discrete
Fourier transform was developed for assessing its maturity (Qui & Shearer, 1992). For the 160 observations
from each of three broccoli cultivars, an accuracy of 85%
was achieved for multiple cultivars. Tollner et al. (1999)
line-scanned sweet onions for internal defects using Xray imaging. The ndings indicated that a neural classier performed better than a Bayesian, with accuracies of
90% and 80% respectively for sorting onions into two
3.4. Fruit
External quality is considered of paramount importance in the marketing and sale of fruits. The appearance
i.e., size, shape, colour and presence of blemishes inuences consumer perceptions and therefore determines the
level of acceptability prior to purchase. The consumer
also associates desirable internal quality characteristics
with a certain external appearance. This learned association of internal quality to external quality aects future
purchases (Wills, Graham, Mc Glasson, & Joyce, 1998).
To meet the quality requirements of customer, computer
vision is being implemented for the automated inspection
and grading of fruit to increase product throughput and
improve objectivity of the industry.
Computer vision has been used for such tasks as
shape classication, defect detection, quality grading
and variety classication. Defect segmentation on
Golden Delicious apples was performed by CMV
(Leemans et al., 1998). A colour model developed was
used as a standard for comparison with sample images.
The developed algorithm gave satisfactory results with
well-contrasted defects, however two further enhancements following segmentation were required to improve
accuracy. A novel adaptive spherical transform was
developed and applied in a machine vision defect sorting
system (Tao & Wen, 1999). The transform converts a
spherical object image to a planar object image allowing
fast feature extraction, giving the system an inspection
capacity of 3000 apples/min from the three cameras,
each covering 24 apples in the eld of view. A 94%
success rate was achieved for sorting defective apples


T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

from good ones for the 600 samples tested. Three major
apple surface features were considered in a study by
Yang (1993) using machine vision. Extracted features
were used as inputs to neural network which gave an
average classication accuracy of 96.6% for the separation of defective samples. Further studies by Yang
(1994, 1996) reported the use of a ooding algorithm for
defect detection and stem and calyx identication. Hue
itself, and hue, saturation and intensity have also been
used as a basis for the classication of Golden Delicious
apples in studies by Heinemann, Varghese, Morrow,
Sommer, and Crassweller (1995) and by Tao, Morrow,
Heinemann, and Sommer (1995b). Both systems
achieved over 90% accuracy for the inspection of the
apples by representing features as histograms and by
applying multi-variate discriminant analysis technique
for classication.
Steinmetz et al. (1999) combined two non-destructive
sensors to predict the sugar content of apples. A spectrophotometer and computer vision system implemented online resulted in an accuracy of 78% for the
prediction of sugar content with a processing time of
3.5 s per fruit.
Analysis of the shape prole of apples using a Fourier
expansion procedure was performed by Paulus and
Schrevens (1999). These results were then compared to
Fourier coecients of proles from an existing shape
descriptor list. The rst and second components were
found to explain 92% of the total variance in the fruit.
Fourier and Fourier inverse transform were used to
describe Huanghua pear shape (Ying, Jing, Ma, Zhao,
& Jiang, 1999). The rst 16 harmonics of the Fourier
descriptor represented the primary shape of the pea. The
shape identication accuracy was 90% by applying the
Fourier descriptor in combination with the articial
neural network. Dewulf, Jancsok, Nicolai, De Roeck,
and Briassoulis (1999) used image-processing techniques
to obtain the geometrical model of a Conference pear in
a study using nite element modal analysis to determine
its rmness.
In the research by Singh and Delwiche (1994) a
monochromatic camera with a near infrared band pass
lter was used to capture images of stone fruit for detecting and identifying major defects. Correlation coefcients between machine predicted and manually
measured defects areas were 0.75 and 0.72 for bruise and
scar, respectively. The detection of split pits in peaches
was investigated using X-ray technology in association
with computer vision (Han et al., 1992). A detection
algorithm was developed based on a threshold equation
and tested on 198 peaches with 98% identied correctly.
Kim and Schatzki (2000) investigated the use of 2-D
X-ray imaging to detect internal water core damage in
apples. A total of eight features were extracted from Xray scanned apple images and classied using a neural
network to categorise the apple samples. Apples were

classied into clean and severe categories with 58% false

positive and negative ratios with ndings independent of
apple orientation. Radiograms of whole apples were
obtained with a line scanning X-ray systems at two different orientations in a study by Schatzki et al. (1997).
Still images were viewed on screen with less than 5% of
good apples classied as defective when examined for
water core. However when images were scrolled across
the screen simulating a three chain sorting line, recognition rates fell to unacceptable levels which were at half
of that corresponding to a commercial sorting line.
The quality sorting of tomatoes was performed based
on a two-sensor system, one for vision and the other for
impact (Laykin et al., 1999). Image processing algorithms were developed to inspect colour, colour homogeneity, bruises, shape and stem detection. The combined
sensor system yielded 88% exact classication with 95%
of the fruit correctly classied. The concept of chaos such
as attractor and fractal dimension was introduced to
quantitatively measure and evaluate the irregularity (or
regularity) of the tomato fruit shape (Morimoto,
Takeuchi, Miyata, & Hashimoto, 2000). A one-dimensional prole data consisting of six proles of each fruit
was used. From the analysis of the attractor, there existed
a close correlation between the ratio (X =Y ) of the attractor (X , width; Y , length) and the irregularity of the
one-dimensional prole data. The fractal dimension also
increased with the irregularity of the data (fruit shape).
Sugar content and acid content of Iyokan orange
fruit were evaluated using a machine vision system by
Kondo, Ahmada, Montaa, and Muraseb (2000). Images
of 30 Iyokan orange fruits were acquired by a colour TV
camera. Features representing fruit colour, shape and
roughness of fruit surface were extracted from the images. The correlation coecient between measured sugar content values and predicted sugar content values
was 0.84 while the correlation coecients between
measured pH values and predicted pH values was 0.83
for the developed system. Ruiz, Molto, Juste, Pla, and
Valiente (1996) also used computer vision for the location and characterisation of stem calyx area on mechanically harvested oranges. Colour segmentation,
contour curvature analysis and a thinning process were
the image analysis techniques used in this study, yielding
accuracies of 93%, 90% and 98% respectively, for stem
absence or presence.
In order to oer the consumer a more uniform
product, the separation and classication of mixed nuts
into lots of uniform shape and size is desirable. Pearson
and Toyofuku (2000) developed a non-invasive inspection method using machine vision for the identication
and removal of pistachio nuts with closed shells from
processing streams. This automated system had a
throughput of approximately 40 nuts per second and an
accuracy of 95% comparable with current mechanical
devices without any of the damage associated with these

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

mechanisms (Ghazanfari, Irudayaraj, & Kusalik, 1996;

Pearson & Slaughter, 1996). Grey scale intensity proles
across the width of the pistachio nuts were used for the
detection of early split (Pearson & Slaughter, 1996). The
developed system classied early split nuts with 100%
success and normal nuts with 99% accuracy out of a
total of 180 nuts tested. Multi-structure neural network
(MSNN) classier was proposed and applied to classify four varieties (classes) of pistachio nuts (Ghazanfari
et al., 1996). The performance of the MSNN classier
was compared with the performance of a multi-layer
feed-forward neural network (MLNN) classier. The
average accuracy of the MSNN classier was 95.9%, an
increase of over 8.9% of the performance of the MLNN,
for the four commercial varieties examined. X-ray
imaging in combination with machine vision was used to
detect pinhole damage in almonds (Kim & Schatzki,
2001). By processing scanned lm images, pinhole damage
had an 81% correct recognition ratio compared to 65% for
line-scanned images. The computation rate, if implemented online, was estimated to be 66 nuts per second.
Visual features of raisins such as wrinkle edge density, angularity, elongation for the purpose of grading
were analysed by computer vision (Okamura, Dewiche,
& Thompson, 1993). The developed system accuracy
was comparable to industrial standard air stream sorter
but poorer than sight grading results.
Sorting of strawberries based on shape and size was
performed using computer vision with accuracy of 98%
reported for the developed system (Nagata, Cao, Bato,
Shrestha, & Kinoshita, 1997). Cao et al. (1999) described a method of extracting shape and orientation of
strawberries using a machine vision system. An L a b
colour model was used with ndings indicating that results were not aected by the surrounding illumination
and that the extracted features were a good basis for
sorting and harvesting applications.
3.5. Prepared consumer foods
With numerous foods containing cheese available on
the market the necessity for the evaluation of cheese


functional properties continues to grow. Present inspections are tedious and subjective based on empirical
and sensory assessments hence the use of computer
vision has been implemented for these tasks. Trials by
Wang and Sun (2001, 2002a, 2002b, 2002c) investigated
meltability and browning properties of cheddar and
Mozzarella cheeses under dierent cooking condition
and dierent sizes of samples using machine vision.
Cheese shred dimensions were determined from skeletonised images using syntactic networks in a study by Ni
and Gunasekaran (1995). This technique was successful
in recognising individual shred when two were touching
or overlapping and results compared well with manual
Topping type, percentage and distribution are the
factors which inuence the attractive appearance and
separate many dierent varieties of pizza available
commercially. At present inspection of these quality
attributes is performed manually, however Sun (2000)
investigated the use of computer vision for the analysis
of these features. A new region based segmentation
technique was developed and an accuracy of 90% was
found when topping exposure and topping evenness
were examined. Fig. 7 shows an example of comparison
between an original pizza image and the corresponding
segmented image. In other trials computer vision and
fuzzy logic were used for the classication of pizza bases,
sauce spread distribution and topping evenness for determining acceptable and defective quality samples.
Yin and Panigrahi (1997) also used computer vision
to evaluate the internal texture of French fries. A set of
150 sample images were categorised into normal and
hollow classes by three algorithms. The co-occurrence
matrix gave the best results with 100% accuracy.
3.6. Grain
Cereal quality requirements dier with respect to the
end users such as the preparation of varieties of bread,
cakes, cookies and pasta products. The current visual
classication procedure is demanding, even for trained
inspectors because of the wide variation in visual

Fig. 7. Pizza images: (a) original image and (b) segmented image.


T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316

characteristics caused by contrasting class, varietal and

environmental eects. Zayas et al. (1996) found that the
physical characteristics of wheat could be used as the
basis for the development of an objective wheat classication method. By the use of computer vision and
crush force features, dierentiation rate between hard
and soft wheat was 94% for the varieties tested. A feature selection method based on an orthonormal transformation was used to discriminate digitised wheat
cultivars (Uthu, 2000). Recognition of durum wheat
cultivars and bread wheat cultivars was 82% and 81%
respectively for the samples examined. In a comprehensive study Majumdar and Jayas (2000a, 2000b,
2000c, 2000d) investigated the use of morphology
models, colour models, texture models and a combined
model of all three for the classication of cereal grains.
A total of 23 morphological, 18 colour, 25 textural
features were tested on the training data set of 31,500
kernels. High accuracies were recorded for all the
models examined ranging from 76% to 100%. The mean
accuracies of the combined morphologytexturecolour
model were 99.7% and 99.8% when tested on the independent and the training data sets of CWRS (Canada
Western Red Spring) wheat, CWAD (Canada Western
Amber Durum) wheat, barley, oats and rye. Similar
research investigated the classication of dockage components from cereal grains and found that a morphologycolour model could classify test sample with a
mean accuracy of 90.9% (Nair, Jayas, & Bulley, 1997).
Quality characteristics of corn have also been investigated by the use of computer vision. The classication
of germplasms (ear of corn) was performed by use of an
algorithm developed to discriminate round-shaped
samples based on two features (Panigrahia, Misrab, &
Willsonc, 1998). Two dierent approaches based on
fractal geometry and higher order invariant moments
were used for classication of non-round shaped germplasms. Fig. 8 shows the digitised image of a corn
germplasms. This study found that both the fractal and
invariant moment approaches have potential to be used
for shape discrimination between cylindrical and noncylindrical germplasms with an overall accuracy of
82.5% for this classication. A prototype machine vision

Fig. 8. Image processing of corn: (a) the digitised image of a corn

germplasm, (b) the background removed image and (c) the extracted
boundary of the image (Panigrahia et al., 1998).

system for automatically inspecting corn kernels was

designed and tested by Ni, Paulsen, Liao, and Reid
(1997). Blur due to the motion of the kernels was eliminated by the use of a strobe light and successful classication rates of 91% and 94% were achieved for
classication of whole and broken kernels. Other studies
using computer vision have been successful in the measurement and classication of corn whiteness, and mechanical and mould damage in corn (Liu & Paulsen,
1997; Ng, Wilcke, Morey, & Lang, 1997).
Quality is the most important factor in rice used for
consumption (Singhal, Kulkarni, & Rege, 1997). Rice
millers grade rice quality for nutritional and economic
considerations, and thus need a fast and accurate
grading system. Wan, Lin, and Chiou (2000) developed
an online automatic grain inspection system using machine vision. A total of 16 brown rice appearance
characteristics related to kernel shape, colour, and defects were employed to study the rice quality recognition
performances of three classication techniques. Sound,
cracked, chalky, broken, immature, dead, o-type,
broken, paddy and damaged brown rice kernels could
be recognised and sorted by the system with an accuracy
of 91% at a speed of over 1200 kernels/min. A modied
dark eld illumination technique was used for the
computer vision inspection and estimation of the internal damage of rough rice (Cardarelli, Tao, Bernhardt, &
Lee, 1999). The machine vision system was 91.5% successful for correctly categorising a test sample when
compared to rice visually separated by trained plant

3.7. Food container inspection

Food container inspection using optical systems has
developed rapidly since the rst practical machine was
introduced by Heuft in 1982 (Wallin & Haycock, 1998).
The progression since has resulted in the food container
industry being ranked third as the end user of machine
vision (Novini, 1995). Container inspection covers a
large number of dierent areas. These include inspection
of bottles for thread, sidewall and base defects, with
returned bottles inspected by vision systems to determine shape and to check for foreign matter. Filled
bottles are also inspected for ll level, correct closure
and label position at an operating speed of up to 60,000
bottles per hour (Anon, 1995). A bottle cap inspection
system used information feedback to help to reduce the
number of defects produced, resulting in an reduction
from 150 to 7 or 8 defects in an 8 h period (Whelan,
1991). Table 3 shows a comparison of the throughput of
dierent online computer vision systems. Machine vision
has also been used for the detection of wrinkles, dents or
other damage to aluminium cans that may cause leakage
of contents (Seida & Frenke, 1995).

T. Brosnan, D.-W. Sun / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 316


Table 3
Throughput of selected online applications of computer vision
Area of use

Speed/processing time

Accuracy (%)


Pork lion chops

Fish identication
Detection of bones in sh and chicken
Estimation of cabbage head size
Location of stem root joint in carrots
Apple defect sorting
Sugar content of apples
Pinhole damage in almonds
Bottle inspection

1 sample/s
0.21 m/s conveyor
10,000/ h
2.2 s/sample
3.5 s/fruit
66 nuts/s



Tan et al. (2000)

Storbeck and Daan (2001)
Jamieson (2002)
Hayashi et al. (1998)
Batchelor and Searcy (1989)
Tao and Wen (1999)
Steinmetz et al. (1999)
Kim and Schatzki (2001)
Anon (1995)

3.8. Other applications

Strickland (2000) reported the use of digital imaging
technology for the automatic monitoring of dry sugar
granules and powders. This system provides particle size
data to production line operators for process control
and product quality improvement.

4. Conclusions
This review presents the recent developments and applications of image analysis in the food industry, the basic
concepts and technologies associated with computer vision. Image processing is recognised as being the core of
computer vision with the development of more ecient
algorithms assisting in the greater implementation of this
technique. The automated, objective, rapid and hygienic
inspection of diverse raw and processed foods can be
achieved by the use of computer vision systems.
Computer vision has the potential to become a vital
component of automated food processing operations as
increased computer capabilities and greater processing
speed of algorithms are continually developing to meet
the necessary online speeds. The exibility and non-destructive nature of this technique also help to maintain its
attractiveness for application in the food industry. Thus
continued development of computer vision techniques
such as X-ray, 3-D and colour vision will ensue higher
implementation and uptake of this technology to meet
the ever expanding requirements of the food industry.

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