August 2012
IBP moCk Poll
abad, sereno,
Brion on top
DEFINING THE BEST PERSON FOR THE POST. The July 16 IBP forum brought together law deans, Bar
leaders, heads of lawyers organizations and private practitioners.
Celebration of transparency
A week before the Judicial & Bar Council (JBC) held the first ever
live media coverage of interviews of candidates for the new Supreme
Court Chief Justice, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines sponsored the
first ever public forum on the selection process at its National Office in
Ortigas Center.
We are all part of history in the making, said IBP President Roan
Libarios, as he opened the first forum last July 16 featuring law deans,
private practitioners, a former SC associate justice, Bar leaders and a
SC watchdog group.
The IBP has taken it upon itself to help strengthen public discussion
in the search for the next Chief Justice, Libarios declared. The IBP believes that in the search for the next Chief Justice, public transparency
is the best policy.
The recently concluded Senate impeachment trial has raised the bar
of transparency in choosing the next Chief Justice. The current process
is unprecedented, featuring live media coverage of the applicants interviews at the Judicial & Bar Council, submission of waiver of confidentiality of bank accounts and the making public of the JBC scoring system.
The IBP wishes to promote transparency and accountability in public
office by engaging the public in the process of selecting the next Chief
Justice, Libarios said.
- see page 3
CJ Nominees
- see page 3
Mindanao Region
Number 5
Board of Governors
roAn i. liBArios
denis B. hABAWel
Governor for Northern Luzon
oliViA V. JAcoBA
Governor for Central Luzon
VicenTe m. JoyAs
Governor for Southern Luzon
dominic c.m. solis
Governor for Greater Manila
leonor l. GeronA-romeo
Governor for Bicolandia
mAnuel l. enAGe, Jr.
Governor for Eastern Visayas
erWin m. forTunATo
Governor for Western Visayas
isrAeliTo P. Torreon
Governor for Eastern Mindanao
florendo B. oPAy
Governor for Western Mindanao
National Officers
roAn i. liBArios
National President
nAsser A. mArohomsAlic
National Secretary
mAriA TeresiTA c. sison Go
National Treasurer
Jose V. cABrerA
National Executive Director for Operations
rolAnd B. inTinG
National Executive Director for Administration
rosArio T. seTiAs-reyes
National Director for Legal Aid
PurA AnGelicA y. sAnTiAGo
National Director for Bar Discipline
AliciA A. risos-VidAl
National Director for Peer Assistance Program
VicTor c. fernAndez
National Director for Special Concerns
PAcifico A. AGABin
General Counsel
rose BeATriX cruz-AnGeles
Public Information Officer
merlin m. mAGAllonA
Editor-in-Chief, IBP Journal
PATriciA Ann T. ProdiGAlidAd
Assistant National Secretary
VicToriA V. loAnzon
Assistant National Treasurer
dennis B. funA
Deputy Director for Bar Discipline
rodolfo G. urBizTondo
Deputy General Counsel
Editorial Staff
AurorA G. Geronimo
JAryl Ann V. rAnchez
coronAcion P. chu
ViViAn c. cAPiznon
mArissA T. AlmocerA
mylA l. BernAl
cherryl m. ArTAJo
mArilyn B. cABulAnG
soledAd B. AfroilAn
ruBy G. elizon
Jerome m. ABellA
dondon d. sAmoy
mAriA mimosA m. rAmos
eumir C. Lambino
Layout Artist
a deFININg momeNt
Roan I. Libarios
august 2012
A dignified statesman,
not a politician
august 2012
Justice must know practice of law and
should be able to reform the MCLE, he
Pe said a Chief Justice must be able
to impart reforms in the judiciary. Taking
a comprehensive view of the legal profession, Pe argued that a Chief Justice must
be able to understand the meaning of
what is it to become a judge; he must be
able to teach the judges through PHILJA;
he must be able to reach out to the process servers, to the sheriffs, to the stenographers and to the clerks of court. A
Chief Justice must also know what is it to
bring or what case to be brought to the
Supreme Court. And in the academe, a
Chief Justice must be able to understand
the basic questions.
Administration of justice
must be transformed
august 2012
and Bar Council, namely: 1) to allow live media coverage of the applicants interviews; 2) to open the
selection process to qualified applicants from the Bar and Bench
and not just to senior members of
the Supreme Court; 3) to require
applicants to execute a waiver of
confidentiality of bank accounts, including SALN, in favor of the JBC;
and 4) to disclose to the public the
individual votes of JBC members,
including their scoring system, on
all qualified applicants.
Libarios reiterated that the recent impeachment trial has elevated the standards of transparency
and accountability and strengthened the rule of law and democracy in the country.
august 2012
Antonio T. Carpio
Senior Associate Justice, Supreme Court
President Roan Libarios, Central Luzon Governor Olivia Velasco-Jacoba, other Governors and Officers of the IBP, fellow members of the IBP, my co-workers in
the Judiciary and in Government, friends,
a pleasant morning to you all.
I wish to thank you for inviting me
this morning. Your theme in this Convention - Promoting Integrity, Transparency
and Accountability in the Justice System
- is timely considering that the Judiciary
needs to learn, and implement, the lessons from the recent impeachment of
the former Chief Justice. These lessons
pertain to integrity, transparency and accountability in the Judiciary. Of course,
the Judiciary is only one of the pillars of
the broader Justice System that includes
the community as well as agencies of the
Executive branch.
This morning allow me to express my
personal thoughts on Judicial Reform,
which inevitably touches on integrity,
transparency and accountability in the Judiciary. Judicial reform is always a work
in progress, and the Judiciary must keep
on building on past initiatives to address
intractable problems as well as emerging
ones. I shall discuss case decongestion,
integrity and independence of judges,
transparency and accountability in the Judiciary, infrastructure needs of the Judiciary, compensation of judges, court administration, and training and career path for
judges. These are my personal thoughts,
as I do not claim to speak for the entire
1. The number one problem of the Judiciary is clogged dockets, arising from
delays in trial, and delays in deciding
e. The Judiciary must work for legislation that makes appointment to trial
courts by level of court, not by specific
branch. Right now, an MTC judge who
wants to transfer as an MTC judge to
a neighboring city or municipality must
go through another appointment, as if
he is applying for the first time. This
means he must again be nominated by
the JBC and appointed by the President, just to be an MTC judge again
in a neighboring city or town. Every
time a judge makes a lateral transfer like this, he accumulates political
debts, which weaken his independence.
In the Executive branch, a bureau
or regional director can simply be assigned from one station or region to
another by the department head without need of a new appointment from
the President. This should also be the
case in the Judiciary. Once appointed
a first or second level judge by the
President, the judge can be assigned
by the Supreme Court to a particular
branch within the same court level.
The Supreme Court should be able
to assign and reassign judges within
the same court level based on the
caseload of courts, and the need for
lateral advancement of judges.
f. A high vacancy rate in the position
of judges in trial courts naturally contributes to clogged dockets. At present, the overall vacancy rate in first
and second level courts is 25.6%. This
includes unfunded and unopened trial
courts. The vacancy rate in funded
and opened trial courts, or existing
trial courts, is 22.4%. These vacancy
rates are quite high, exacerbating the
already clogged dockets. The vacancy
rate in existing trial courts should ideally be less than 5%, to account only for
the time needed to fill vacancies arising
from normal retirements, promotions
and resignations. In the United States,
the vacancy rate in existing federal
district courts is currently at 10%, and
they are already talking of a judicial crisis or emergency. The JBC will have to
find ways to reduce the vacancy rates
in first and second level courts.
august 2012
the JBC has not adequately evaluated
decisions of applicants in screening
nominees to the Judiciary. The JBC
must give greater weight to decisions
of applicants who seek promotion in
the Judiciary.
The IBP must make its own evaluation of the decisions of a judge or justice to assist the JBC in determining the
competence, integrity and independence of applicants seeking promotion
in the Judiciary. The IBP can submit
its own evaluation thru its permanent
representative in the JBC. In this way,
the IBP will give practical and tangible
meaning to the theme of this Convention - how IBP can help promote Integrity, Transparency and Accountability
in the Justice System.
Indeed, other groups with acknowledged competence in evaluating decisions of judges and justices, like law
school faculties and professors, should
submit to the JBC their own evaluation
of decisions of applicants seeking promotion in the Judiciary. Law professors
also have a permanent JBC representative who can articulate their evaluation.
4. Once a person is appointed judge or
justice, the gatekeeper function is
passed on to the Supreme Court,
which has the constitutional power to
discipline judges and justices of lower
courts. The Supreme Court can create permanent administrative tribunals
to handle administrative complaints
against judges and justices, instead of
the present ad hoc investigative bodies. This will expedite the resolution of
administrative complaints.
5. The leaders of the Judiciary must lead
by example. The successful organizations are those whose leaders lead
by example. The leaders of the Judiciary, and I refer to the Chief Justice
and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, must be the embodiment
of integrity and independence for the
rest of the Judiciary to follow. Thus, the
Supreme Court Justices should lead
in complying with the law by disclosing their SALNs as mandated by the
Constitution and the law. The Supreme
Court has done this as part of the lessons learned from the recent impeachment trial.
1. Adequate courthouses are necessary
for the administration of justice. All appellate courts have decent and adequate courthouses, but not the first and
second level courts. The existing Halls
of Justice can accommodate only 22%
of all existing first level courts, and only
51% of all existing second level courts.
This glaring shortage of courthouses
nationwide needs to be addressed.
The annual GAA must provide a budget for a programmed construction, over
the next decade, of more courthouses
throughout the country.
2. The City of Manila, founded more than
440 years ago, with 104 trial courts,
comprising more than of all trial
courts in Metro Manila, still does not
have a Hall of Justice today. It is really a shame that the capital city of
the Republic does not have a Hall of
Justice. The judges in the City of Manila continue to hold office and trials in
cramped and dilapidated rooms and
courtrooms. The construction of the
Manila Hall of Justice must be revived
as soon as possible. There is already
a lot for the Manila HOJ titled in the
name of the Supreme Court almost a
one hectare lot at the back of the Manila City Hall.
august 2012
text, and moving forward with a clear understanding of why things unfolded the
way they did, is the key to restoring the
nobility and glory of our profession.
Let's face it, we may all say that the
IBP and its members are in favor of promoting integrity, transparency and accountability in the justice system - but how
many people will actually believe that we
mean what we say?
In a society that has become notoriously distrustful of lawyers and judges,
where our supposed lack of integrity as a
class underlies every punch line of virtually all lawyer jokes ever conceived, it has
become too easy for ordinary people to
believe the worst about members of the
Bench and Bar. Everyone hates dealing
with us, and everyone, especially the poor
and underprivileged, dreads having to
deal with the justice system, which they
have come to believe was labeled ironically.
Can we blame them? Unfortunately,
no. People only react to what they see,
and what they see is an ineffective system, unresponsive to their needs, and
afflicted with systemic and endemic corruption. It may be unfair, I know, but not
difficult to understand. Undoubtedly, there
are still some honest, hard-working men
and women who are dedicating their lives
to making the system work - in fact, I
would hazard to state that there are more
good than bad lawyers and judges out
there. But, as the adage goes, it takes but
one rotten apple to spoil the bushel.
We have to see and understand exactly what went wrong for us to have a
fighting chance of regaining the honor
and pride we've always associated with
our titles, whether it be "Attorney" or "Your
Perhaps that is precisely what's wrong
in our profession. We earn our degrees,
we pass the bar, and we get those four
letters "A-T-T-Y" attached to our name
and, suddenly, we have instant stature,
rank and semblance of respectability even though we may have yet to really accomplish anything for society to truly earn
such respectability and stature. It's this
hubris and sense of entitlement that has
perhaps spoiled our perception of who
we are. We forget that when we took our
lawyer's oath, we have effectively entered
a profession that is about service and not
august 2012
Educational Attainment
Ateneo De Manila University
- Bachelor of Laws
(Deans Lister)
- 1964 to 1968
Manuel L. Quezon University
- AB
- 1960 to 1964
Professional Experience
Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court (Aug. 2009
to present)
Assistant Solicitor General
(July 1985 to July 1986)
Teaching / Academic
Dean of the Faculty of Civil
- University of Santo
- Taught Civil Procedure,
Criminal Procedure, Special Proceedings, Evidence and Legal Forms
Bar Reviewer for Ateneo De
Manila University and UST.
Also lectured at Pamantasan
ng Lungsod ng Maynila.
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
Professional Experience
Professional Experience
Teaching / Academic
Teaching / Academic
- MBA-JD Dual Degree
Program (RCBC Campus
- May 2003 to Present
- Dean of Law Program
- Lecturer in Constitutional
Educational Attainment
University of the Philippines
- College of Law
- 1970 to 1975
- Cum Laude
Ateneo De Manila University
- AB Economics
- 1965 to 1970
Professional Experience
Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court (Oct., 2001
to present)
Partner, Carpio, Villaraza &
Associates (1997 to 2001)
Teaching / Academic
University of the Philippines
College of Law
- Professional Lecturer
- 1983 to 1992
- Taught Corporation
Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Credit
Transactions, Taxation
Years in the Practice of Law :
43 years
Date of Birth: Dec. 15, 1944
Place of Birth: Cabadbaran,
Agusan del Norte
Age: 67
Educational Attainment
University of Michigan Law
- Doctor of the Jurisprudence at Science
University of Michigan Law
- Master of Laws (1972)
Harvard Law School
- Master of Laws (1971)
UP College of Law
- Bachelor of Laws
- Cum Laude (Class Valedictorian)
Holy Ghost College
- AB English and History
(1960 to 1964)
- Magna Cum Laude
Professional Experience
Consultant, De Castro &
Cagampang-de Castro Law
Firm (2011 to present)
Partner, De Castro &
Cagampang-de Castro Law
Offices (2007 to 2011)
Teaching / Academic
Philippine Christian University College of Law (2010
Lyceum of the Philippines Professional Lecturer (2005
to 2009)
Years in the Practice of Law :
39 years
Date of Birth: Oct. 8, 1948
Place of Birth: Manila
Age : 63
Bar Examination Rating: 80.9
Year Taken: 1972
Year admitted to the Bar:
Educational Attainment
Professional Experience
Professional Experience
Teaching / Academic
Teaching / Academic
Educational Attainment
dIokNo, JoSE
Years in the Practice of Law :
24 years
Date of Birth: Feb. 23, 1961
Place of Birth: Not cited
Age: 51
1st Grade Civil Service
Bar Examination Rating: not
indicated (1987)
Educational Attainment
Northern Illinois University
- Juris Doctor of Laws
- Magna Cum Laude,
American Jurisprudence
Award for Judicial Excellence in the study of
University of the Philippines
- Bachelor of Arts in
Professional Experience
Dean, DLSU College of Law
2010 to 2012
Private Practitioner, Alumni
Center, University of the
Philippines Diliman (2006 to
Executive Director, Diokno
Law Center, 2006 to 2012
Teaching / Academic
De La Salle University
- Full time Professor
- 2010 to 2012
Ateneo Law School
- Part time professor
- 2003 to 2010
august 2012
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
Professional Experience
Chairperson, Securities and
Exchange Commission (May
2011 to present)
Angara Abello Concepcion
Regala & Cruz Law Offices
- Partner-charge of
finance January 2011 to
April 15, 2011
Teaching / Academic
Lyceum University of the
- 2010 to 2011
- Taught Criminal Procedure and Special
Professional Experience
Solicitor-General, Office of
the Solicitor General (Feb.
2012 to present)
Deputy Ombudsman for
Luzon, Office of the Ombudsman (July 2011 to Feb. 2012)
Teaching / Academic
UP College of Law
- Professional Lecturer
(2010 - 2011)
- Taught Administrative
Law and Civil Procedure
- 1st Semester of SY
- Taught Constitutional
Law 1
Professional Experience
Senior Vice President-Chief
Legal Counsel, GSIS (March
2012 to present)
Project Management Team
Leader, International Justice
Mission (2012 to present)
Teaching / Academic
De La Salle University Manila
- 2009 to date
- Professional Lecturer,
College of Law
University of the Philippines
- 2003 to date - Professor, College of Law
Lyceum University of the
- 2008 to date
- Professor, College of
Educational Attainment
University of Michigan
- Master of Laws (1977 to
1978) - DeWitt Fellow
UP College of Law
- Bachelor of Laws (1970
to 1974)
- Cum Laude, Class Valedictorian
University of the Philippines
- AB Political Science
(1966 to 1970) Cum
Professional Experience
Partner, Salazar Feliciano
Hernandez & Castillo (January 1983 to present)
Foreign Attorney, Anderson
Mori & Rabinowitz (now
known as Anderson Mori &
Tomotsune) - (1984 to 1986)
Teaching / Academic
UP College of Law
- Professional Lecturer
(1997 to present)
- Is teaching Banking and
Financial Law, Corporation Law, Legal Ethics,
Selected issues in Commercial Law
Educational Attainment
Harvard Law School
- 1987 to 1990 SJD
(Charles Summer Prize)
- 1985 to 1986 LLM (John
Laylin Prize)
UP College of Law
- Bachelor of Laws - 1979
to 1983
University of the Philippines
- 1974 to 1978
- AB - Cum Laude, Deans
Medal for Leadership
UP College of Law
- Bachelor of Laws (1974
to 1978)
- President, Law Student
San Beda College
- AB Political Science
(1970 to 1974)
- Magna Cum Laude, Rectors Award
Professional Experience
Commissioner, COMELEC
(2006 to present)
OIC Presidential Adviser on
the Peace Process (2005 to
UP College of Law
- Professor of Law (1984
to present)
- Teaches Constitutional
Law, Public International
- Taught Obligations and
Contracts, Public Officers, Labor Relations,
Social and Welfare Legislation, Human Rights
and Humanitarian Law
and Legal Theory
Educational Attainment
Professional Experience
Teaching / Academic
Teaching / Academic
San Beda Law
- Faculty Member (2006 to
- Teaches Political Law
Review, Constitutional
Law, Evidence, Legal
Philosophy, Election Law
PUP College of Law
- Professor (2001 to 2006)
- Taught Constitutional
Law, Human Rights
Law, Legal Ethics, Legal
University of Michigan
- Master of Laws
- 1992 to 1993
School of Economics, U.P.
- 1991 to 1992
- 18 Units in the Master
of Arts in Economics
UP College of Law
- 1980 to 1984
- Valedictorian Cum Laude
Ateneo De Manila University
- 1976 to 1980
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Professional Experience
Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court (Aug 2010 to
Exec. Director, Asian Institute of Management (Feb.,
2009 - Aug. 2010)
Teaching / Academic
Philippine Judicial Academy
- Lecturer
- 2004 to 2008
- Taught Law and Economics
Years in the Practice of Law :
not cited
Date of Birth: Oct. 30, 1949
Place of Birth: Manila
Age: 62
First Grade (Professional
exam) Rating: 95.62% - Year
Taken: 1976
Teachers Board Exam Rating: 81.92% Year Taken:
Bar Examination Rating:
Year Taken: 1986
Educational Attainment
UP College of Law
- Bachelor of Laws (1981
to 1986)
San Carlos Seminary
- Bachelor of Arts (1965 to
- Masters in Philosophy
and Theology (1969 to
Professional Experience
Presiding Judge, Regional
Trial Court - Bulacan (June
2001 to December 2011)
Presiding Judge, Metropolitan Trial Court - Malolos
(June 1995 to May 2001)
Provincial Legal Officer,
Provincial Government of Bulacan (June 16, 1988 to June
4, 1995)
Teaching / Academic
Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Professor (Nov. 2002 to Oct. 2007)
Centro Escolar University,
Professor (June 1979 to
March 1986)
august 2012
Years in the Practice of Law :
42 years
Date of Birth: May 5, 1946
Place of Birth: Pangasinan
Age: 66
1st Grade Civil Service
Bar Examination Rating:
80.65 percent
Year Taken: 1969
Years in the Practice of Law :
39 years
Date of Birth: Aug. 8, 1948
Place of Birth: Pasay City
Age: 63
Bar Examination Rating:
Year Taken: 1971
Year admitted to the Bar:
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
Professional Experience
Professional Experience
Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment
University of the East
- Bachelor of Laws
- 1966 to 1969
Manuel L. Quezon University
- 1965 to 1966
MLQU/Northeastern College
- 1963 to 1965
- 1961 to 1962
Teaching / Academic
UE College of Law
- Part time (1993 to present)
- Civil/Polital/Remedial
FEU-DLSU Dual Degree
- Part time (2005 to 2008)
- Taught Legal Ethics and
Conflict of Laws
Professional Experience
Dean, UE College of Law,
(2005 to present)
Member, Board of Regents,
Universidad de Manila (2007
to present)
Member, Board of Regents,
Laguna State Polytechnic
University (2006 to 2010)
UP College of Law
- Bachelor of Laws
- 1965 to 1969, Magna
Cum Laude
Teaching / Academic
Raising the Bar Competence,
Integrated Bar of the Philippines 9th National Convention
Civil Disobedience, Philippine Law Journal
Teaching / Academic
Ateneo School of Law Dean
Ateneo School of Law Associate Dean for Academic
Affairs (2000-2004)
"NoTHING LESS THAN HISToRIC," was how a social media blogger excitedly described the two-part IBP public
forum on the search for the next Supreme Court Chief Justice. For the first time ever in the history of CJ selection, the public saw the
nominees up close and listened to their judicial philosophies and reform agenda.
The Bar Tribune is pleased to publish the full text of the presentations of the nine qualified CJ nominees who participated in the July
20 IBP public forum.
august 2012
tims of crimes find no speedy justice in our to endure beginning-to-end testimonies. ties and (2) the factual and legal issues
He knows from the pleadings the facts that he needs to resolve. At the prelimicourts.
The consequences of delays in civil that are admitted, and the facts that re- nary conference, the judge and the parties will finalize the case summary, agree
actions are dire. Few foreign business- main in issue.
We tinkered with the possibility of on the order in which the factual issues
men make long-term investments in our
country because our courts cannot pro- adopting a one-time face-to-face hearing will be heard, and identify the needed witof cases that tribunals in other countries nesses.
vide protection to their investments.
All the facts that the parties allege in
Result: we do not attain economic are employing to solve problems of delay.
But before recommending the proposal to their pleadings and affidavits, when not
growth; our people remain poor.
What causes these terrible delays in the Supreme Court, we opted to bring it to put in issue, shall be deemed admitted or
our justice system? There are many caus- those that would be affected for consulta- regarded as irrelevant.
es. Our courts are few. Prosecutors and tions. Thus, we presented the proposed
public attorneys are few. Our system for change to the Integrated Bar of the Philiphearing and deciding cases is slow and pine (IBP).
The court will then set the case for
One-time, face-to-face hearing???
cumbersome. We could do nothing about
our shortage in number of courts, and the they asked. But after a study, the IBP of- one, face-to-face hearing. Actually, with
few prosecutors and public attorneys we fered to hold nationwide discussions re- the direct testimonies of witnesses emhave. But are we earnest in examining our garding it. The IBP sponsored dialogues bodied in affidavits, together with the docsystem for hearing and deciding cases to at regional and chapter levels with judges, uments, the substance of the evidence for
see if we can increase the capacity of our prosecutors, public attorneys, and private both sides are already before the judge.
At the face-to-face hearing, the judge
practitioners of all kinds. Thanks to the
judges for disposing of their cases?
In 2009, upset with the mess of de- IBP we met them in IBP Chapter centers will have all the witnesses sworn in simultaneously. She may then question the witlays in the hearing and adjudication of or campus halls.
nesses present regarding the first factual
cases, I asked the Chief Justice to create
issue. Counsels for the parties may also
a Committee to Address Case Congestion
examine the witnesses. Then the court
in the lower courts and offered to head it.
Those who took part in the dialogues will move on to the next factual issue.
The conventional thinking was to streamUnder the new procedure, the examiline the system and pound hard on judges agree based on experience that piecemeal trials have escalated to crisis propor- nation of the witnesses by the judge and
to speed up the disposition of cases.
But Albert Einstein once said that it is tions over the years. As a result, the judge the lawyers will generally be free-flowing,
madness to do the same thing the same is unable to hear every item of fact in the shifting from one witness to another, thus
way when it is no longer working. How old context of the whole case. He is forced to promoting spontaneity in answers and
is our system for hearing and deciding rely more on the transcript than on his per- vivid contrast between opposing versions.
This gives the judge the opportunity to
cases? The Americans gave it to us over sonal recollection of what the witness said
a hundred years ago. It is a system unique and how he said it. The judge often finds observe the demeanors of the witnesses
to their history and culture. Yet we adopted no real value in paying attention to what and their reactions to each other. Nothing
face-to-face confrontait in this country and we were
We are preparing to shift from a purely adversarial system to a beats
tion in sensing what is true.
taught in our law schools the
idea that there is no way to combined adversarial and inquisitorial system patterned after Conversation, says the Bible,
hear and decide cases fairly successful European models. It consists of a preliminary confer- is the test of a man. Sirach
except the American way.
ence and one face-to-face hearing with a decision at the end of 27:5 NAB In a way, our highly successful small -claims
The American system is
the hearing.
court is a forerunner of the
adversarial and heavy in certhe witness says at the time he testifies. proposed face-to-face hearing.
Testimonies will be taken in the verThe plaintiff and the defendant match Why should he when he would be decidskills in presenting evidence before a ing the case 3 or 5 years later. In contrast, nacular. No longer will they be interpreted
judge set high on a pedestal but, ironical- the traditional European system for try- into English. They will be electronically
ly, doomed to sit back and listen to what ing cases is inquisitorial. When a crime recorded. Testimonies will be quoted in
is reported, the judge summons the wit- pleadings in their original version with the
the parties want him to hear.
We also adopted a system designed nesses, queries them, and makes his find- English translation in parenthesis providfor both a jury trial and a Bench trial. Re- ings. He takes a direct and proactive role ed by the party, subject to counter translasult: we have a shadow jury sitting in our in searching for evidence. A subsequent tion by opposing side.
trial is largely confirmatory of the findings
Trial will no longer be treated as a
field of combat where the opposing lawOur judge pre-screens the questions of the investigating judge.
We are preparing to shift from a purely yers stand as champions of their clients.
to prevent a supposedly unlearned jury
from hearing inadmissible answers. But adversarial system to a combined adver- But rather, as an occasion for the judge
this is pointless since the judge is himself sarial and inquisitorial system patterned and the parties to collectively search for
the jury and, with his legal training, can after successful European models. It con- truth. As a rule, the judge will hear
disregard inadmissible answers even if he sists of a preliminary conference and one every case in one sitting. One continuous
face-to-face hearing with a decision at the hearing will enable him to see every item
hears them.
of fact in the context of the whole. In conAnother thing, since the jurors sup- end of the hearing.
trast, the piecemeal trials we have today
posedly know nothing about the facts of
run for years. The poor judge would hardthe case, witnesses must tell their stoly remember what he heard two or three
ries from beginning to end through direct
Under the proposed rules, the judge years ago considering the volume of his
examination required under section 4 of
Rule 132. This means bearing with series will hold a preliminary conference and a cases.
of preliminary questions because, in direct one-time, face to face hearing. The parties
examination, counsel has to elicit new will submit the affidavits of witnesses and
facts based on previously testified facts, documents already marked as exhibits.
The judge will then prepare a summary of:
like placing one stone on top of another.
But our judge does not actually need (1) the conflicting factual claims of the parSince the rules require the judge to
other contact diseases. The food is inadequate. Gang wars are abundant, resulting in death or maiming. And since rehabilitation is for the guilty, city jail detainees
do not enjoy the benefits of sympathy or
group cure.
The irony of it is that the majority of
city jail dwellers are charged in court for
the first time. Many of them are held for
non-violent offenses. About half are involved in drugs and only need rehabilitation. Yet they are mixed with the hardy
ones for lack of space. Many detainees
are eventually released because of inadequacy of the evidence against them
or because complainants simply give up
coming to court after repeated postponements.
Such detainees leave the jail but the
scars of pain, degradation, and hopelessness remain with them. They are permanently damaged.
Working with the International Committee of the Red Cross, we are introducing the following changes which should
substantially decongest holding jails in the
next two years: 1. The creation of a pilot
task force Kalayaan at Katarungan in the
City of Manila that is currently establishing
the methods and standards for monitoring
and moving forward the cases of detained
accused persons; and 2. The correction
of the anti-poor culture dominating the
bail system for detainees who, it is often
forgotten, still enjoy the presumption of innocence.
For the same purpose, we are shortly
submitting to the Court En Banc for approval detailed guidelines for:
1. Getting back into the hands of the
courts from the Department of Justice
the fixing of the amounts of bail, taking
into account the financial ability of the
2. Releasing on recognizance poor detainees who are not involved in violent
3. Provisionally dismissing cases where
the complainants or their witnesses
have repeatedly failed to appear and
testify despite notice; and
4. One time summary hearing of applications for bail of persons charged with
capital offenses to determine if they
can avail themselves of the right to
bail when the evidence of guilt is not
We have to do something for these
men and women who are presumed innocent but are made to suffer years of torture and deprivation. Society has no right
to punish them until they are proven guilty.
They are children of God like us, made out
of His image and entitled to dignity and respect. Yet, we may have already become
indifferent to their sufferings. Unless we
do something for them, Jesus could very
well say to us, I was in prison and you did
not care for me. (Mathew 25:43)
august 2012
Courage &
Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno
Associate Justice, Supreme Court
I deepened my passion for constitutional rule 'when, at age 39, I was appointed as the lone female member of the
25-Member Presidential Commission on
Constitutional Reform headed by Chief
Justice Andres Narvasa, together with
leaders as important as former Prime
Minister Cesar Virata. As Chairperson of
the Steering Committee, I shepherded
the work of the various Committees into a
framework that showed economic issues
in the context of the Constitution.
At 43, I became local co-counsel for
the Philippines in the two international arbitration cases involving NAIA Terminal 3,
a role I was to discharge for nearly five
years. I reported to Cabinet Secretaries in
Malacaang and to the Solicitor General.
I resigned in 2008 because of important
policy differences with one of my principals. The country won both cases at the
ICSID and the ICC, but the victory in the
former was to be subsequently partially diminished. Afterwards, I focused my efforts
on developing policy reforms to improve
governance and the country's economy
as head of the Asian Institute of Management's policy think-tank - the AIM Policy
Considering what I have had to face,
taking on one challenging role after another, I believe it was my consistent decision
to take the difficult road and my ability to
think "out of the box" when solving problems that opened opportunities for me to
do much pioneering and sensitive work.
It helped that I had steeled myself to become immune to the promise of ease from
compromises and had submitted myself
to the fires of adversity, in order to uphold
what was true and excellent. Little did I realize then that I was being prepared for
my present role.
In 2010, at age 50, I was appointed
by President Aquino on the basis of what
he believed I could deliver for justice and
judicial reform. Prior to my swearing in, I
had only met him twice - the first in 2008
when I gave him a briefing on the JapanPhilippines Economic Partnership Agreement; and the second in 2010, during the
anniversary celebration of GMA 7. I had
no political affiliation to rely on; there was
no influential business bloc supporting
me; I did not have well placed relatives;
and neither was I a media figure. Perhaps
august 2012
closure of material information to the SenFor what is leadership if it is not the asked a colleague who was perceived to
ate impeachment court.
willingness to fall as a grain of wheat falls be close to me who I really was, the latter
What has been not equally publicized to die, in order that more abundant life can replied: "Ganyan lang talaga yang si Jusis that I voted against the administration on spring forth? In all those years of leading tice Sereno, kung anong paniwala nya,
the grant of a TRO in favor of Bai Omera people, I have not asked anyone to make sinasabi nya."
Lucman in one of the Executive Order No. a sacrifice, to go through any hardship
I have no hidden, personal agenda,
2 (E.O. 2) cases and partially against the that I was not willing to bear myself. I have and I have no interest in creating one. I
ARMM Synchronization Law that was and not asked others to improve their work un- simply see my role as a judge as a humis a key program of the President's Lib- less my own revealed an unrelenting drive ble; yet highly edifying one. We justices
eral Party.What also seems to be forgot- for excellence. Yet, in calling for sacrifice of the court are to simply apply the law to
ten is that in July of last year, my Dissent and excellence, I have always remem- the truth that is staring us in the face, afin the first Hacienda Luisita Decision was bered that we are all human, and that our ter much searching by the mind and after
heralded by the farmers, the media and destinies ultimately lie in the hands of our much reflection by the heart. It is a humble
scholars alike, for it demolished the ma- Creator.
role because we can go no further than
jority's argument to support the holding
My leadership is to be exercised to what the Constitution, the law, and the
of a referendum on the Stock Distribution uphold the truth the way I have sought to rules of statutory construction allow us.
Option. One columnist-professor called it uphold the truth. It is to be exercised in We do not replace the shared values of
"rare and brave" for a new appointee of favor of those who are weak, in order that the community with our own. Yet, our role
the President to have written what I had.
justice in its true sense may be rendered. as judges is a highly edifying one to sociWhat the above shows is that I take It is to apply the rule of law in a way that ety. For in invoking the lofty vision of the
my oath of office very
Constitution, in painting
My view on the rule of law is concretized by two Dissent- before our people the
seriously. While tradition has witnessed juning Opinions I have written - in Paulino v. Varilla and in prospect of a more just
ior justices rarely being
in living upright
FASAP v. PAL. Rules of procedure are not to be strictly con- society,
heard, I believe that the
lives in order that we
Constitution requires all strued against the poor; and in the Paulino Resolution, not can be in a position to
Members of the Court to against the poor policemen in the case. But they are to be so tell our people "This is
apply all their strength
the truth, this is the right
and skills to understand construed against PAL vis-a-vis the illegally dismissed employ- way, this is the path," we
every case before them, ees who had won three successive Decisions affirming their po- are edifying our society
and to participate vigorbuilding for future
sition. If rules are meant to facilitate justice, then when these and
ously so that the truthgenerations a foundamight be unearthed, and rules frustrate justice especially when the system itself creates tion that is built on solid
that justice be done. I
the injustice - genuine justice must be allowed to prevail. rock - not on the passing
believe that the confancies of politics, but on
stitutional design of collegiality requires shows no favoritism for the privileged, no the more enduringvalues of our people.
the exercise of everyone's conscience existence of the "old boys club" and no
It has been asked how I can be the
in a transparent manner in en banc and need for the informal network of brokers Chief Justice if I am largely known as a
division discussions, without inhibitions and lobbyists. My view on the rule of law dissenter. Was Chief Justice Claudio
brought about by the comparative insuf- is concretized by two Dissenting Opinions Teehankee unqualified when he was so
ficiency of age or seniority. While seniority I have written - in Paulino v. Varilla and in appointed because of his reputation as a
has its rightful place in preserving tradi- FASAP v. PAL. Rules of procedure are not dissenter? Or did not his brave dissent in
tions of the Court, to believe that ' it should to be strictly construed against the poor; the face of much opposition by the estabdominate deliberations and adjudication and in the Paulino Resolution, not against lished majority in fact qualify him to lead
is not to take our oath of office seriously.
the poor policemen in the case. But they the Court in its period of renewal? Yes,
My past 52 years have been not are to be so construed against PAL vis- I was a dissenter in the highly explosive
young years; rather, they have been years a-vis the illegally dismissed employees political cases, and I will again dissent if
of adversity, and of overcoming adversity. who had won three successive Decisions there is a concerted effort to deny obvious
Years of paying the price for my convic- affirming their position. If rules are meant truth, but in a high majority of the Decitions, of inconvenience, of having to work to facilitate justice, then when these rules sions promulgated since I joined the court,
doubly hard, of avoiding shortcuts and frustrate justice especially when the sys- I have acted with the majority and penned
the easy road. Those years were also tem itself creates the injustice - genuine many important Decisions that were conyears of proving my mettle, of holding my justice must be allowed to prevail.
curred in unanimously. My colleagues in
own, and of testing by fire the quality of
If we are to uphold the rule of law, the court have sworn to the same oath of
my judgment and instincts before inter- then we in the Court must be perceived to office and are bound by the same Connational judges, chief justices and associ- be fair and predictable. There is nothing stitution. We are all professionals. And I
ate justices of the Supreme Court, cabi- mysterious about how I analyze things, believe I have gained the respect of my
net secretaries, heads of universities and how I come to a conclusion, and how I colleagues with the quality of my writing
very senior professors. I have been honed ultimately vote. There is nothing layered and analysis and with the very hard work
in the world of the wise, the elders, and about me; no context you have to imag- I have put in.
key public leaders. I have steadily - with- ine, no agenda you have to fathom. I am
The judiciary is not only the Supreme
out wasting time - forged years of gaining who I am, I vote what I think. I say what Court, but also its 1,700 other justices
wisdom, of gaining a tranquil sense of the I mean, and I mean what I say. As one and judges nationwide. It is supported by
world, of understanding the real meaning fellow justice, puzzled by my unexpected 24,000 other court officers and personof leadership and stewardship.
willingness to be upfront about things, nel. These are the public servants I am
willing to lead. Recently, two newly appointed judges sought to take their oaths
of office before me. One went up all the
way to Baguio with her entire family, so
that I could be the one to administer her
oath. The other was a Muslim judge, who
brought with him his pregnant wife, an
infant daughter and other relatives. Both
were largely unfamiliar to me, but both
said the same thing: they sought me out
to administer the oath to them, because
I am their role model, and they want to
pattern their professional lives after mine
especially the strength of my convictions
as reflected in my writings. The wife of
the male judge expressed the hope that
her daughter would grow up to be like me.
Separately, a senior judge sent me word
that newly appointed female RTC judges
had conveyed to him that they look up to
me as a role model. A colleague in the
Court has confided to me that the younger
judges are rooting for me to succeed in
bucking the system, and that he is confident I will so succeed. These incidents
have strongly convinced me of my leadership role.
If I am to lead, then my first duty is to
inspire. And I can only inspire if I understand the hopes and aspirations of every
member of the judiciary and its staff for a
better future for their families. And I think
I do understand - what it is to be part of
the struggling poor, who make up much
of the rank and file in the judiciary. But I
also understand the sense of dignity and
honor of members and staff of the judiciary, how they equally dream of justice being realized in our country, and that they
are important channels of justice. And if I
have overcome, then I say that we in the
judiciary and the legal profession can collectively overcome. We can overcome not
only our personal obstacles, but also the
I reiterate what I had said in your national convention last year in Subic that
no friend of mine, including the IBP president, gains anything from my appointment, save for the thought that I will not
let the country down. I shall continue to be
our people's steward of justice - resolving
disputes with an even hand and an eye
towards re-establishing faith in the rule of
law. Indeed, even my husband does not
gain anything from my appointment. As
proof of this, I watched silently last year
as the Court en banc reversed the victory
that my husband and his company had already merited from an RTC in Makati. If I
will not do anything ethically wrong to advance my husband's cause by refusing to
promote it with any of my fellow justices,
neither will I do it for anybody else.
I ask you to be with us in our journey.
I ask that you measure us, that you demand of us, what is demanded by justice.
But I also ask that you support us first by
refusing to engage in practices that bring
disrepute to the judiciary; second,by helping us identify the good souls who must
populate the ranks of the judiciary, and
third, by policing your own ranks and also
our ranks. I will also ask the IBP to continue its journey with us in legal reform,
especially in procedural reform. But I will
also ask you to be as excited as I am in
exploring frontier areas of law, as life in
our country and in this century become
increasingly complex. Together, we shall
restore our people's faith in a justice system that works and responds to those who
desperately need it the most.
In the meantime, I wish you every
success and thank you for your patience.
august 2012
Court of Tax Appeals
Court of Appeals
Supreme Court
- 992,817
- 1,067
- 2,405
- 33,032
- 22,547
- 377,839
- 315
- 247
- 13,241
- 14,057
- 38 %
- 30 %
- 10 %
- 40 %
- 62 %
- 1,051,186
- 405,699
- 38.5 %
goverNINg wIsely
aNd justly
(My Quintessential Judicial Philosophy, Vision, Mission And Work Program)
Rene V. Sarmiento
Chairman, Commission on Elections
august 2012
salus populi est suprema lex.
-- Calalang vs. Williams
G.R. No. 47800, (1940).
Human Rights
Human Rights refer to privileges,
claims and entitlements that pertain to
man and woman because of their humanity based on the three principles of indivisibility, inter-dependence and universality
and because they are created in the image and likeness of God.
Achieving Social Justice and Human
To achieve Social Justice and Human
Rights, there must be a balance between
Judicial Restraint and Judicial Activism.
Judicial Restraint means that justices and
judges must show great deference to the
legislature and previous court decisions
and therefore slow to make drastic changes in public policy. Judicial Activism holds
that justices and judges play an important
role in public policy and are open to overturn law and precedents.
To further achieve Social Justice and
Human Rights, there must be a balance
between Strict Construction and Loose
Construction. Strict Construction believes
that justices and judges should limit themselves to narrow interpretation of the
Constitutions text and avoid enlarging
the power of the government. Loose Construction maintain that the Constitution allows the government to adopt to specific
crises or to the call of times.
All these four approaches find balance in what I call Judicial Creativity. It
is harmonizing the approaches to bring
about the function of the common good
through law.
A Chief Justice who, to me, is an
epitome of judicial creativity is Roberto C.
Concepcion with his ponencias in Stonehill vs Diokno, 20 SCRA 383 and Lansang
vs. Garcia, 42 SCRA 448 and his explanation of the meaning of judicial power in
The 1987 Constitution.
My vision is a judiciary that is ethical
and moral, independent and transparent, and committed to the promotion of
common good. A judiciary that will wage
a revolution by law to touch and change
peoples lives especially the vulnerable
and marginalized.
Work Program
Judicial Philosophy, Vision-Mission
shall only be meaningful if there are programmatic activities to give them breath
and feeling. To make them fully alive.
In concrete, these activities will fall under
three categories, to wit:
Thank you.
A managerial approach to
judicial reform
In the past decade and a half, I have
been exposed to many judicial reform activities as Law Dean for two terms at the
U.P. College of Law, and as chair of Bantay Katarungan. I recognize the advances
august 2012
that have been accomplished. What I propose is to take these exclusively legalistic
reforms and look at them from a managerial standpoint, to see how they operate in
actual operation.
For instance, we need quality control
in the hiring of our judges but in order to
do so, we must improve recruitment and
selection at the lower levels of the courts.
I propose that, rather than just wait for applicants for judicial vacancies, rather than
just announce these vacancies in newspapers, we must more proactively encourage quality applicants to the judiciary.
tHougHts oN
tHe judICIary
Amado d. Valdez
Dean, UE College of Law
as expressed in their Constitution. Javellana did not follow the wisdom of the 1935
Constitution requiring peoples ratification
of the proposed constitution resulted in
Martial Law, while De Castro ignoring the
evil to be avoided in the midnight ban of
the 1987 Constitution resulted in the unprecedented impeachment of the Chief
Justice. Perhaps, an important lesson to
be drilled in the consciousness is the dictum that the will of the people expressed
through their law is the will of God.
The first order of business of the
new Chief Justice, therefore, must be the
adoption of measures, in fact a vision, to
restore in the judiciary that collective consciousness of making their decision not
only consistent with the letters of the law
but the spirit expressed therein. In this
way, the judiciary will be immensely contributing in cultivating the pre-conditions
for economic development, such as political stability, peace and order, rule of law,
and disciplined people for the common
good. An Integrity Council in every region
must be installed as peer mechanism to
sustain this ideal vision.
Looking in the long term is the possibility creating a Constitutional Court that
will deal with political questions. Under
the second clause of Article VIII, Section
I, par. 2 of the 1987 Constitution, the Supreme Court is no longer the weakest of
the three departments of the government,
metamorphosing from a timid judiciary
which was prevented from looking into the
validity of martial law because of the po-
august 2012
litical questions doctrine. It can now look
into policies of the political departments of
the government if there is grave abuse of
jurisdiction amounting to lack or excess of
jurisprudence. This offers a temptation for
political partisans to win Supreme Court
justices on their side, starting with their
selection, appointment and stay in office.
The intensity of political issues will contribute to the erosion of public trust in the
Supreme Courts independence and integrity especially those cases heightened
by high public expectations.
A constitutional court shall handle
these issues. In Spain, according to Wikepedia, a Constitutional Court, other than
its Supreme Court, is the highest judicial
body with the power to determine the constitutionality of acts and statutes of the
Spanish government. It is the supreme
interpreter of the Constitution, but since it
is not part of the rest of the Spanish Judiciary for almost all other judicial matters, the
Supreme Court is the highest court. The
Supreme Court will depend on his diagnosis of the fundamental problem affecting the judiciary and the administration of
justice. In the eyes of a doctor, the correct
treatment of any disease will depend on
what is his diagnosis of the root causes
underlying the symptoms: corruption
within the ranks, delay in the disposition
of cases, unequal justice for the rich and
the poor, selective/preferential treatment
of detention and convicted prisoners, etc.
On June 15, 1215, rebels in England
led by nobles and barons defeated King
John and compelled him to sign what
was, and is, known as the Magna Carta.
The most substantive clause of the Magna Carta was giving the subjects or the
citizens the right to be tried first and adjudged by their fellowmen and peers before they can be imprisoned or beheaded
or deprived or property or freehold or liberty. The establishment of the jury system
in England deprived the King of the Power
to judge his subjects.
Before the signing of the Magna Carta, King John was so despotic, ruthless,
corrupt and so brutal to the people he
would suspect of defaming him or simply
criticizing him. Since the day Jury System
began in England, English people lived a
peaceful life. They no longer experienced
to be hanged just because the King or
Queen decreed it so. Since the signing of
Magna Carta, no more King or Queen became despotic or abusive and those who
were punished by the jury were only those
were truly guilty. Thus, Winston Churchill later said that there can be no government that will be abusive if there is a jury
that exists.
When the United States of America
(USA) was born July 4, 1787 in Philadelphia, the leaders led by General George
Washington made it sure that the jury
systems were installed to ensure that the
Whites would not discriminate against the
Blacks and other races. Thomas Jefferson described the jury as the anchor by
which the nation can hold together.
following account:
Account Name: IBP Leyte
Chapter Metro Bank Zamora
Branch, Tacloban City.
Account No.: 007-007-20707-3
For more details please contact
the IBP Leyte Chapter at Tel. (053)
321-7811; IBP Cebu Chapter at
Tel. (032) 2547787 and IBP Cebu
City Chapter at (032) 2536713.
august 2012
a suPreme Court
IN tHe servICe oF
law aNd justICe
Rafael A. Morales
Partner, Sycip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan Law
Unlike in the United States where the
power of judicial review is not expressly
conferred in the U.S. Supreme Court and,
therefore, there was a need for Chief Justice Marshall in Marbury v. Madison to
fashion and claim it for the U.S. Supreme
Court, the Supreme Court of the Philippines is expressly granted the power of
judicial review in Article VIII of the 1987
Constitution. Moreover, our Supreme
Court can handle and decide cases in the
first instance, meaning it is the first and
final judge of certain cases. I am referring
here, for instance, to the Supreme Courts
original jurisdiction over petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.
Whether the Supreme Court is exercising judicial review or hearing a case
originally, each and every Justice (including the Chief Justice) is bound by certain
rules of conduct that shape his judicial
philosophy or decision-making process.
Rule 3.02, Canon 3, of the Code of Judicial Conduct mandates that: In every
case, a judge shall endeavor diligently to
ascertain the facts and the applicable law
unswayed by partisan interests, public
opinion or fear of criticism.
In cases where there are clear-cut legal provisions or rules applicable to a set
of facts, a judge should find no difficulty
in complying with Rule 3.02 of Canon 3.
His task here is simply to apply preexisting legal provisions or rules to the facts, in
deciding the case. However, the task becomes somewhat difficult when there are
no clear-cut legal provisions or rules applicable to the case in hand. Whether the
judge likes it or not, he must decide that
case, in the light of the instruction in Article 9 of the Civil Code that: No judge or
court shall decline to render judgment by
reason of the silence, obscurity or insufficiency of the laws. It is in this situation
that a member of the judiciary must navigate uncharted waters on his own, using
his experience and guided by his beliefs.
There is here a spectrum one end of
which is judicial restraint and the other is
judicial activism. I am somewhere in between these two extremes. I will be inclined to be an activist and rein in executive or legislative action that unreasonably
deprives a person of his life or liberty, or
even his property, or if there has been a
At the Joint Eastern and Western Mindanao Regional Consultative Meeting (left to right): IBP President Roan Libarios, Governor for Eastern
Mindanao Israelito Torreon, Governor for Western Mindanao Florendo Opay and Zambasulta Chapter President Jose Rizalino Ortega.
august 2012
arcedel i. libarios
rustico a. peas
isidro l. Caracol
Carlo C. Borromeo
Jonathan M. Jocom
alphon r. lagamon
alfonso s. Casurra
edwin M. Malazarte
noel a. Ben
alizedney M. Ditucalan
Basari D. Mapupuno
Misamis Oriental
rosalio C. Cario
elvie e. albano
South Cotabato
rutillo B. pasok
Sultan Kudarat
Davao City
Michael l. ajoc
Cynthia C. Doromal
Gilberto M. Maduay
Daniel C. lao
Vicente C. andiano
Misamis Occidental
edgar B. Bongalos
Zamboanga Del Sur
Davao Oriental
North Cotabato
richard B. rambuyong
Zamboanga Sibugay
august 2012
Witnesses said that they heard Salusad saying: Akong gipatay si kapitan tungod kay wala kini mipirma sa SANMATRIDA o wala mohatag og certification sa
SANMATRIDA (I killed the captain [village chief] because he wouldnt sign the
SANMATRIDA and refused to give certification to SANMATRIDA). Salusad also
warned the people that whoever complains and fights back, especially the
Liguyon siblings, will also be killed.
The SANMATRIDA, or the San
Fernando Tribal Datus Association,
is a group of Lumads that had reportedly acquired from the government a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT)
over 52,000 hectares of land in several
villages in San Fernando, Bukidnon, including Dao. The SANMATRIDA Multipurpose Cooperative, chaired by retired
military official Herman Cris P. Estrella,
has been enticing mining investors into
their area. The tribal datu of Barangay
Dao under the SANMATRIDA is Aldes
uncle, Datu Manayab Carillo Salusad.
Jimmy strongly resisted the entry of
large-scale mining companies in his village and this made him a target of SANMATRIDA and its armed force, led by Ben
Salusad a.k.a. Nonong, who is also Aldes
In October 2011, Jimmy reported a
series of harassment and attempts on his
life, particularly by Nonong Salusad, who
is associated with the Philippine Armys
8th Infantry Battalion, and from the paramilitary group TRION Force.
On October 13, 2011, Ben Salusad
called Jimmy, and threatened that should
he go back to Dao, they would kill him.
On October 16, Angge Del-anay, another leader of TRION Force, went with his
group to Jimmys house, but the Liguyon
family moved out of Dao after Salusads
On October 28, 2011, Jimmy and his
wife were coming home from a human
rights day rally in Cagayan de Oro City
when they were stopped by armed men
led by Dal-anay who led them to a vacant
house. Dal-anay told Jimmy to stop joining rallies and that he should allow mining
in Barangay Dao. Jimmy said he did not
want it.
Jimmy also reported that SANMATRIDA convinced him and everyone else
to join their organization. He also reported
receiving information that Barangay Ka-
Jimmy M. Liguyon
august 2012
Mercado, Senior Deputy Director of IBPNational Center for Legal Aid (IBP-NCLA)
as assisting counsels.
The IBP-NCLA coordinated with the
Chief of Police of the Municipality of San
Fernando, Bukidnon thru a letter dated
April 27, 2012, requesting a copy of the
result of the police investigation, with
statements of witnesses and that of the
suspects. Also, on the same date, the
IBP-NCLA communicated with the Deputy
Provincial Prosecutor of Malaybalay City,
Bukidnon to inquire as to the status of the
case and to forward the documents or
pleadings relative to the case. The IBPNCLA has received the copies of the police investigation and documents.
The IBP-NCLA has also inquired from
Ma. Shirlene Sario, Provincial Officer of
the National Commission on Indigenous
Peoples, about the satus of the application for Certificate of Ancestral Domain
filed by SANMATRIDA.
The IBP-NCLA, in a letter to President
Benigno Noynoy Aquino III, condemned
in the strongest terms the senseless killing
of innocent civilians by military and nonmilitary personnel. The IBP-NCLA asked
the President to immediately disband
and disarm the New Indigenous Peoples
Army Reformer (NIPAR) and ordered the
immediate investigation of the killing of
Jimmy M. Liguyon and the immediate arrest of Alde Salusad and his fourteen (14)
The IBP-NCLA called the KARAPATAN (Alliance for the Advancement of
Peoples Rights) Chairperson Marie Hilao-Enriquez to forward the documents on
the extrajudicial killing of Jimmy Liguyon.
The KARAPATAN transmitted to IBPNCLA the profile of the case and promised to send the other pending documents
from Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.
The IBP-NCLA has also asked the
help of Lieutenant General Jessie D. Dellosa, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces
of the Philippines, to immediately disband
and disarm the NIPAR; arrest Alde Salusad and fourteen (14) John Does involved
in the said killing and conduct a thorough
investigation on the killing.
(1934 - 2012)
memories of his late boss and mentor while retired Court of Appeals
Justice Alfredo Lagamon, Sr. narrated his encounters with Gapuz,
praising him for his long and admirable career as a staunch defender
of human rights. Attorneys James
Judith and Francisco del Castillo
also offered eulogies for their dear
friend before one of Gapuzs sons,
Frederico Jr., thanked the Chapter
on behalf of the family.
IBP-National Director for Legal Aid, Atty. Rosario T. SetiasReyes also paid tribute to Atty.
Gapuz and presented a posthumous Presidential Plaque of Merit
and the IBP Death Benefit Check
in the amount of Twenty Thousand
Pesos (P20,000.00) to his widow
Mrs. Liberty Janubas Gapuz and
their children, namely: Emmanuel,
Michael, Andrew, Maria Catherine
and Fernando Frederico.
Atty. Setias-Reyes acknowledged the many achievements of
Atty. Gapuz as a true Manlalaban
ug Bayani sa Katawhan. (Warrior
and Hero for Humanity)
Atty. Gapuz was laid to rest on
May 18, 2012 at the Alubijid Cemetery.
august 2012
Justice Undersecretary Jose Vicente Salazar (second from right) discusses a point with OADR
members (left to right) Atty. Ismael Khan, Mr. Francis Chua, and UST Law Dean Nilo Divina.
OADR Advisory Council members (left to right): Atty. Khan, Atty. Libarios and Associate Justice Ynares-Santiago with OADR Directors.
ProPosals For
Peer assIstaNCe PusHed
Atty. Alicia A. Risos-Vidal, National Director for Peer Assistance Program with
Atty. Edre U. Olalia (right), Secretary General of NUPL
august 2012
July 2, 2012
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
would like to commend the Integrated Bar of the Philippines initiative to render legal aid to Overseas Filipino
Workers through the IBPs OFW Legal Assistance Unit.
As the lead agency in the regulation of private sector
participation in recruitment and placement of workers
for overseas employment, we appreciate every effort exercised by other entities to extend help to OFWs seeking
redress from illegal recruiters and recruitment violators
who exploit the publics demand for honest labor.
In this connection, we would like to set a meeting
with you to discuss the possibilities of forging an official
partnership to come up with complementing programs for
the benefit of our Filipino Workers.
Thank you very much.
La union
Mountain Province
Nueva Vizcaya
(074) 752-8322
(074) 442-8937
(078) 844-1221
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(044) 600-2553 /
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(072) 888-5579 /
0905 411-0640
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0908 862-5152
0917 580-7360
(077) 772-0845 /
(077) 722-3364
(078) 622-2323 /
0939 557-8257
IBP Bldg., Capitol Compound, City of Balanga, Bataan
CECILIO ALEJANDRO C. VILLANuEVA IBP Office, Provincial Capitol, Malolos, Bulacan
Nueva Ecija
IBP Bldg., Ramos St., Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Ilocos Sur
Ilocos Norte
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Davao del Norte
Davao del Sur
Davao Oriental
Misamis Oriental
Surigao del Norte
Surigao del Sur
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Lanao del Sur
Misamis Occidental DANIEL C. LAO
North Cotabato
South Cotabato
Sultan Kudarat
Samboanga del Norte MICHAEL L. AJOC
zamboanga del Sur EDGAR B. BONGALOS
zamboanga Sibugay RICHARD B. RAMBuYONG
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Eastern Samar
(062) 993-2899
(064) 421-3841
(063) 352-0328
(063) 352-0328
(088) 521-3306
(064) 288-5429
(083) 552-3221
(064) 201-3550
(065) 212-2638
(062) 214-3953
(062) 333-5704
(086) 826-6015
(086) 211-3414
(088) 856-4209
(082) 296-0070
(084) 400-5468
(088) 221-3225
(085) 342-5224/
(085) 343-8847
(048) 434-8411
(036) 621-1499
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(033) 337-5224
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(035) 225-2624/
(036) 621-1499
(053) 381-2191
(053) 321-3615
(038) 235-5919
(032) 254-7787
(032) 253-6713
(053) 500-9389
February 2012