Iso TC 001 Screws
Iso TC 001 Screws
Iso TC 001 Screws
Date: 14/02/2011
Screw threads
The extension of formal business planning to ISO Technical Committees (ISO/TCs) is an important
measure which forms part of a major review of business. The aim is to align the ISO work
programme with expressed business environment needs and trends and to allow ISO/TCs to
prioritize among different projects, to identify the benefits expected from the availability of
International Standards, and to ensure adequate resources for projects throughout their
1.2 International standardization and the role of ISO
The foremost aim of international standardization is to facilitate the exchange of goods and
services through the elimination of technical barriers to trade.
Three bodies are responsible for the planning, development and adoption of International
Standards: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is responsible for all sectors
excluding Electrotechnical, which is the responsibility of IEC (International Electrotechnical
Committee), and most of the Telecommunications Technologies, which are largely the
responsibility of ITU (International Telecommunication Union).
ISO is a legal association, the members of which are the National Standards Bodies (NSBs) of
some 140 countries (organizations representing social and economic interests at the international
level), supported by a Central Secretariat based in Geneva, Switzerland.
The principal deliverable of ISO is the International Standard.
An International Standard embodies the essential principles of global openness and transparency,
consensus and technical coherence. These are safeguarded through its development in an ISO
Technical Committee (ISO/TC), representative of all interested parties, supported by a public
comment phase (the ISO Technical Enquiry). ISO and its Technical Committees are also able to
offer the ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS), the ISO Public Available Specification (ISO/PAS)
and the ISO Technical Report (ISO/TR) as solutions to market needs. These ISO products
represent lower levels of consensus and have therefore not the same status as an International
ISO offers also the International Workshop Agreement (IWA) as a deliverable which aims to bridge
the gap between the activities of consortia and the formal process of standardization represented
by ISO and its national members. An important distinction is that the IWA is developed by ISO
workshops and fora, comprising only participants with direct interest, and so it is not accorded the
status of an International Standard.
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The following political, economic, technical, regulatory, legal and social dynamics describe the
business environment of the industry sector, products, materials, disciplines or practices related to
the scope of this ISO/TC, and they may significantly influence how the relevant standards
development processes are conducted and the content of the resulting standards:
Screw threads have two big advantages. One is that they connect parts together, which means
that designers and manufacturers can design and make highly complicated machines and
equipments, thereby extending the very ability to manufacture. The other is that they can be
disassembled, with the result that worn or damaged components can be replaced more easily,
extending the life of the machines and equipment and reducing the costs associated with their use
and maintenance. For these reasons alone and because they are the basic element of
manufacturing industry, screw threads are widely used across almost every branch of industry -which is why the ISO Technical Committee responsible for them received the number one when
the numbers of TCs were being handed out! There are standardization committees for screw
threads or fasteners and screw threads in most industrialized nations. During World War II, for
instance, the US Department of Defence directly oversaw the standardization of screw threads,
establishing the general ASA war committee on screw threads and in the process clearly
illustrating the vital importance of screw thread standardization, in both war and peace.
To produce screw threads, several branches of industry have evolved to serve their production:
providing threading taps, thread rolling or cutting dies, thread rolling machines, tapping machines,
thread gauges, thread inspection equipments, calibrating laboratories of thread gauges, thread
rolling monitors, adhesives and coating, among others. Some branches of industry produce
particular types of screw threads in large quantities: fasteners, valves, lead screws, fittings, and so
With the increase in global production and trade, ISOs International Standards for screw threads
have become increasingly important. Firstly, engineers around the world need to be able to identify
screw threads correctly. There are about 500 screw threads in existence, and it is not always easy
to distinguish among them! Secondly, engineers want unified basic dimensions and tolerances for
screw threads, as well as the ability to check them in a uniform manner. Finally, engineers would
like to see all screw thread standards conceived and set out in the same way or using a similar
system of technology or at least to use the same vocabulary and symbols in relation to screw
threads. Only ISOs International Standards fulfil these wants and needs. At the present time,
many industrialized countries have adopted, or in the process of adopting, ISO International
Standards on screw threads as their national standards. But there are just 21 of these
International Standards, covering only four kinds of screw thread and including a vocabulary of
terms related to screw threads. For other types such as buttress screw threads there are no
International Standards at all. Because of this shortage, engineers have the right to expect ISO/TC
1 to work actively and achieve goals on their behalf as soon as possible. At least a basic drafting
platform, with a unified vocabulary, symbols, designation and technical system, should be built up
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by ISO/TC 1. Other TCs could then use this platform as a basis for drafting their own International
Standards for special screw threads. Then, it would not only be simpler for users to understand the
requirements of those special screw threads, but the number of different kinds of screw thread in
the world could be kept to minimum. However, at present, there are not enough International
Standards even to cover the designations and symbols applying to most kinds of screw threads.
See Table 1 for special screw thread standards drafted by other ISO/IEC TCs and Table 2 for the
screw threads not yet included in ISO standards.
The International Standards on screw threads usually include terms and definitions, symbols,
profiles, combination of diameters and pitches, basic dimensions, tolerances and designations,
gauges and gauging, etc. Without some of these basic elements for particular types, the standards
cannot be used. For example, there is no International Standard covering the gauges of UN screw
threads. This limits the use of International Standards.
To enable existing ISO International Standards on screw threads to play their maximum and vital
role, it is first necessary to revise and supplement those that already exist. This is the current
mission of ISO/TC 1. See the objectives of ISO/TC 1, first phase in 5.1.
Since each country realizes that International Standards on screw threads have a great influence
on their entire industry and competitiveness in international market, it usually insists that those
standards be adopted as its national standard as far as possible. So it is extremely difficult to
obtain agreement from most P-member countries and takes a very long time to prepare an ISO
screw thread standard. The history of ISO/TC 1 shows this. It was a tough period. This situation
has to be changed. Otherwise, ISO/TC 1 will go into standby condition once again.
According to the demand of world market, ISO/TC 1 shall decide which screw thread standards ought
to be drafted, and the order of importance and urgency they should be accorded. It is the working
principle of ISO/TC1.
The more modern assembly lines and electronic products that are used, the greater precision and
miniature screw threads that are needed. At the same time, as the connection reliability of screw
threads becomes increasingly important, the user needs more and more reliable methods to
gauge screw threads, calculate their strength and lock their joints. So the development trends in
the field are more accuracy and miniaturization; more reliable gauging, strength and locking.
These are the bases for the long-term work of ISO/TC 1. See the objectives of ISO/TC 1, second
phase in 5.1.
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Table 1 International standards related to special screw threads
drafted by other TCs
Types of screw threads
International Standard(s)
ISO 1478:1999
ISO 7-1:1994;
ISO 7-2:2000 (gauges)
ISO 228-1:2000;
ISO 228-2:1987 (gauges)
ISO 3161:1999;
ISO 15872:2002 (gauges)
ISO/TC 20/SC 4
ISO 5855-1:1999;
ISO 5855-2:1999;
ISO 5855-3:1999;
ISO 10959:2000 (gauges)
ISO/TC 31/SC 9
ISO 4570:2002
ISO/TC 58/SC 2
ISO 10920:1997;
ISO 11116-1:1999;
ISO 11116-2:1999 (gauges)
ISO 11191:1997 (gauges)
ISO 15245-1:2001;
ISO 15245-2:2001 (gauges)
ISO/TC 67/SC 4
ISO 10424-2:2007
(threads and gauges)
ISO/TC 67/SC 5
ISO/CD TR 15464
(gauging recommendation)
ISO 1721:1974;
ISO 1722:1974;
ISO 10208:1991
ISO/TC 149
ISO 6696:1989;
ISO 6698:1989;
ISO 8488:1986
ISO/TC 150/
SC 5
ISO 5835:1991;
ISO/TC 172/
SC 5
ISO 8038-1:1997;
ISO 8038-2:2001;
ISO 11882:1997
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Table 1-- (continued)
Types of screw threads
IEC 60423:2007
(threads and gauges)
International Standard(s)
National standards
DIN 13-51:2005;
GB/T 1167:1996;
GOST 24834:1981
DIN 8141-1:1993 (The Interference fit
takes place on the major diameter);
DIN 8141-2:1993 (gauges);
ASME B 1.5:1997;
BS 1104:1957;
BS 919 -5 (DC,1995)(gauges)
There are the national standards of ACME threads
in 5 countries.
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Table 2 -- (continued)
Types of screw threads
National standards
DIN 513-1, -2, -3:1985;
DIN 20401:2004
GB/T 13576.1, .2, .3, .4:2008;
GOST 10177, 25096:1982;
GOST 10278:1981 (gauges);
GOST 17381:1984 (gauges)
BS 5590:1978 cylinders;
GB/T 22522-2008 cylinder;
JIS B 0271:2004 measuring wires;
ASME B 89.1.17:2001 Measureing wires;
SS 1744:1988 Gauging with wires;
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2.2 Quantitative Indicators of the Business Environment
The following list of quantitative indicators describes the business environment in order to provide
adequate information to support actions of the ISO/TC:
The market size for each screw thread is almost impossible to evaluate due to its vastness. The
absolute fundamental nature of screw threads makes them a born prerequisite for the specification
of most products within the mechanical engineering disciplines. To estimate the market value of
threading tools, threading machines, thread gauges and measuring equipments, etc, is very
complex too.
The world demand for screw thread products is mainly concentrated in three continents: Asia,
North America and Europe. In 2004, the market shares of Asia, North America and Europe were
about 33%, 32% and 30% respectively.
Note: World demand for screw thread products is estimated on the basis of information on fasteners. Threaded
fasteners are typical of large quantity production.
There are many kinds of screw threads produced in large quantities, including the M, UN,
BSW/BSF, Tr/ACME and G/R/NPT screw thread types. See Table 3 for the market shares of each
kind screw thread.
Pipe Threads 5)
G, R
Asia 1)
North America 2)
Europe 2)
World 3)
1) The market shares of Asia mainly come from the data of China. By investigating the quantity of
threading taps used to cut different kinds of screw threads, the market shares of each screw
thread were estimated in China.
2) By reference of the data of Asia and the conference of CEN/TC 185 held in 2003, the market
shares of North America and Europe were estimated. In UK, the market share of UN screw
threads was about 45%.
3) For each screw thread
WORLD % = (ASIA % 33 + AMERICA % 32 + EUROPE % 30) / (33+32+30).
The values of 33, 32 and 30 come from the market shares of three continents respectively.
4) The market shares of metric trapezoidal screw threads (Tr) and inch trapezoidal screw threads
(ACME) are about 0.67% and 0.33% respectively.
5) The standards of pipe threads are not in the working scope of ISO/TC 1. They are the
standards of ISO/TC 5/SC 5.
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reduces costs;
assures quality;
4.1 Countries/ISO members bodies that are P and O members of the ISO committee
There are 13 P-members and 21 O-members. Among the P-members, eight (61.5%) are from
Europe, two (15.4%) from Asia, one (7.7%) from North America and two (15.4%) from Africa.
European countries are the decisive force of ISO/TC 1.
The market share proportion between Asia, North America and Europe is about 1:1:1. While the Pmember proportion between Asia, North America and Europe is 2:1:8. There is a big difference
between the two proportions. Sometimes voting in ISO/TC 1 cannot reflect the real market
demand of screw threads, with the result that the ISO standard system of inch screw threads
cannot be set up. For example, there is no International Standard for gauges of UN threads, and
no International Standards for inch trapezoidal threads (ACME). The way to improve this situation
is to establish a working principle and strategy for ISO/TC 1. The working principle ought to be the
promotion of international trade and the international trade situation ought to decide the working
program of ISO/TC 1. The strategy ought to be designed to make the work of ISO/TC 1 more
efficient and successful. See the strategy of ISO/TC 1 in 5.2.
Present among the P members of ISO/TC 1 are countries that invented the oldest and most widely
used screw threads, the former ISO/TC 1 secretariat country and nations with a significant
fastener industry, including the UK, USA, France, Sweden, Germany, Japan and China. The
participants in the screw thread committees are drawn mainly from the manufacturers of fasteners,
thread gauges, threading tools, cars, airplanes, etc.
The objectives of ISO/TC 1 can be divided into two main phases: the improvement of existing
standards and the development of emerging needs.
In the first phase, update and supplement the existing standards so that they reflect current
economic and industrial life, in order to facilitate trade between manufacturers and users. See
Table 4.
There are 11 International Standards to be dealt with in the first phase.
The order of priority for the revision or preparation of standards is in three levels, high, normal and low.
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Table 4 Updating and supplementing of the existing standards
International Standards and actions
Reason and reference standards
Metric general purpose screw threads(M):
Design profile is the starting line of
1) ISO 68-1:1998 (Minor revision)
fundamental deviation, not basic profile.
Delete the first paragraph in clause 4.
2) ISO 965-1:1998 (Minor revision)
-- add the tolerances of multi-start thread; DIN 13-52:1999 Tolerances;
-- add the designation for coating threads. After coating & Before coating.
3) ISO 1502:1996 (gauge)(Minor revision)
-- add the thread axile length of gauging The thread axial length of gauging members
member (the length of gauging section) would affect the results of gauging.
DIN 103-9:1985. Cover the max pitch dia.
-- In the column 2 of the Tables 4 and 5,
tolerances of ISO 965-1:1998, 710 and
670 is replaced by 800;
-- In the Figure 1 the tolerance position of Facilitate the adoption of ISO fastener
adjustable ring gauge set plugs is moved standards in USA. For detail see the
toward the limits of workpiec MML or Revision Proposal from ASME B1.
LML, and the set plug tolerances are
located within the limit of workpiece
tolerance; in the Table 10 the formulae of
the set pluges are changed according to
the new tolerance position.
Metric trapezoidal screw threads (Tr):
1) ISO 2901:1993 (Minor revision)
Add the section of design profile.
2) Add the standard of gauges (New
Unified inch screw threads (UN, UNR):
1) ISO 68-2:1998 (Minor revision)
Add the section of design profile;
2) ISO 5864:1993 (Full revision)
Update the data of tolerances;
3) Add the standard of limits of sizes
(New Draft);
4) Add the standard of gauges (New
In the second phase, the existing and emerging areas needing attention are the following. Each
items priority for the preparation of standard is in the parenthesis.
a. Metric taper threads (Low);
b. ACME threads (Low);
c. Metric buttress threads (Normal);
d. Metric threads with transition fit (Low);
e. Metric threads with interference fit (Low);
f. Metric extra-fine pitch threads (Normal);
g. Basic or assistant standards for screw threads, including
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-- The designation of screw threads (Low);
-- The gauging system of screw threads (High);
-- Screw thread measuring cylinders (High);
-- The measurement of screw threads (High);
-- Measurement uncertainty for 60 deg. screw thread gage (Normal);
-- Gage calibration requirements and procedures (Normal).
See Table 2 for details. There are about 30 International Standards to be dealt with in the second
ISO/TC 1 has determined that the planning of new standards and the revision of standards are to
be based on the following:
z The documents are to be drafted and their priority determined according to the world demand
for each screw thread. At present, the metric and inch screw threads are used in international
trade. Both kinds of screw threads are needed. It is impossible to allow all inch screw threads
go out of use at once. Without International Standards for inch screw threads, they will be kept
for use according to national standards, such as those of ASME and BS, which is most
inconvenient for the user. International Standards should be allowed to play their important
role in promoting international trade.
z Metric general-purpose screw threads are used in largest quantities. To extend their scope of
application, miniature screw threads, metric threads with transition fit, metric threads with
interference fit, metric extra-fine pitch threads and metric taper threads should be introduced.
These screw threads form a big family of metric threads.
z Establish a system of screw threads and know the goal of ISO/TC1s works. The system
should include all standards for screw threads and satisfy all needs of thread production. See
Figure 1 in the annex.
z The documents to include the specification of profile(s), diameter and pitch combinations,
basic dimensions, tolerances and designation, gauges and gauging. These are the five basic
aspects of screw threads, which form a comprehensive whole. The absence of attention to
any one of these will adversely affect the use of a document.
z For some large screw threads having many diameter and pitch combinations, those with a
variety of tolerances, and which are used in larger quantities, the five basic aspects are to be
covered in five International Standards or five parts of a standard respectively. This will make
it easier to revise and refers to a particular aspect individually in the future.
z For screw threads used in larger quantities, it would be well to add sections on limits of size,
measuring cylinders, etc, which would enable designers to choose and produce the screw
threads more easily.
z Refer to existing national standards as much as possible during the preparation of an
International Standard.
z Before New Items are applied for, they are discussed with the members from the European
countries. Europe is a decisive force in ISO/TC 1 and many ISO standards are directly
adopted as European national standards.
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If a New Work Item is very advanced and useful, and is not well known to most members,
publish it in the first place as a technical specification. Let most members have enough time to
get to know it.
For each New Work Item, establish a special Working Group to prepare the document.
The chairman and secretary of the technical committee manage the works of the technical
committee, and supervise and help the works of Working Group. There is no subcommittee in
ISO/TC 1 since it is believed that a complicated structure would not be helpful at present.
Note: All active subcommittees of ISO/TC1 (SC1, SC2 and SC4) were disbanded in 2000.
It is considered that the known and possible major risks for the timely completion of the work
programme consist of the following (in un-prioritized order).
z The extreme fundamental nature of screw threads. If a new International Standard is different
from the national standard of a country, that country will incur enormous expense in adopting
the International Standard. Due to the lack of consistent international standardization in the
past, there has developed a wide disparity between different national standards. This makes
the work of harmonization very difficult and the time to draft an International Standard long.
z Differing interests. Each industry and regional standard-developing organization has its own
business interests. For example, some European countries do not use inch screw threads.
While the North America uses the inch screw threads in large quantities.
This section gives an overview of the ISO/TCs structure, scopes of the ISO/TCs and any existing
subcommittees and information on existing and planned standardization projects, publication of
the ISO/TC and its subcommittees.
7.1 Structure of the ISO committee
7.2 Current projects of the ISO technical committee and its subcommittees
7.3 Publications of the ISO technical committee and its subcommittees
Reference information
Glossary of terms and abbreviations used in ISO/TC Business Plans
General information on the principles of ISO's technical work
(Metric 3/30)
(Other TCs)
Vocabulary & symbols;
Gauging system;
Measuring cylinders;
Measurement uncertainty;
Gage calibration
(PIPE Thread)