Layered Space-Time Codes For Wireless Communications Using Multiple Transmit Antennas
Layered Space-Time Codes For Wireless Communications Using Multiple Transmit Antennas
Layered Space-Time Codes For Wireless Communications Using Multiple Transmit Antennas
Recent studies have explored the ultimate limit of multipleantenna systems from the information-theoretic point of view
[1] - [3]. Consider a multiple-antenna system that has n transmitting and m receiving antennas. It is shown that, if the narrowband slow fading channel can be modeled as an n m
matrix with i.i.d. complex Gaussian random entries, the
average channel capacity of such a system is approximately
min(n, m)-times higher than that of a single antenna system
for the same overall transmitting power.
In most applications, a major obstacle to utilizing this high
throughput is that the transmitter cannot have the instantaneous information about the fading channel. The transmitter
thus must employ a channel code that can guarantee good performance with the majority of possible channel realizations.
Such a channel code is inherently multi-spatial-dimensional
and thus is called a space-time code [4] [5].
Aside from the consideration of combatting channel uncertainty, another practical consideration for space-time codes is
the decoding complexity. As stated above, the channel
capacity of a multiple-antenna system is approximately proportional to min(n, m). This means that each channel usage on
average can convey proportional to min(n, m) bits of information. The complexity of decoding such a high data-rate
channel code using the maximal-likelihood (ML) criterion can
be prohibitively high even if min(n, m) is just moderately
large; thus, space-time codes that admit high performance,
low complexity suboptimal decoding algorithms are desirable.
The layered space-time (LST) architecture proposed by
Foschini in [6] is a framework of processing space-time sig-
nals. An LST code is a channel code that is designed and processed according to the LST architecture. An LST code is
constructed by assembling 1-D constituent codes. With the
use of interference suppression and interference cancellation
at the receiver, these constituent codes can be separated and
then decoded using conventional decoding algorithm developed for 1-D constituent codes, leading to a much lower
decoding complexity compared to ML decoding. Other possible low-complexity decoding techniques include sequential
decoding (SD) [7] and multistage decoding [4] [8].
In this paper, we analyze the performance of both horizontally-layered space-time (HLST) codes and diagonally-layered space-time (DLST) codes. We will show that DLST
codes can achieve better performance compared to HLST
codes. From our analysis, we propose the design criteria, i.e.,
the criteria to choose the constituent code, for DLST codes
based on the truncated multidimensional effective code length
(TMEL) and the truncated multidimensional product distance
(TMPD) of the constituent code.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the background of multiple-antenna systems and
space-time codes is reviewed. In Section III, we introduce the
LST architecture. In Section IV, the performances of HLST
and DLST codes are analyzed. The analysis leads to the
design criteria for DLST codes. We also present an example
DLST code. Concluding remarks can be found in Section V.
In this paper, we focus on single-user to single-user communication using multiple antennas at both ends over narrowband flat-fading channels. We refer to a multiple-antenna
system in which the transmitter has n transmitting antennas
and the receiver has m receiving antennas as an (n, m) system.
A general space-time code can be described as follows. The
encoder first applies the space-time code to the input information bits to generate an n-row (possibly semi-infinite) matrix
C. The matrix C represents the signal that is to be transmitted
by the transmitter. Specifically, the kth row, th column element of C, denoted by c k , represents the signal to be transmitted by antenna k at time slot . We emphasize that there is
no mechanism, such as time-, frequency-, or code-division
multiplexing, employed to ensure that the signals transmitted
by different transmitting antennas are orthogonal upon reception by the receiver. The signal received by the receiving
antenna l during the time slot is denoted by r l . This
CC 0
CC 1
CC 2
to antenna 0
to antenna 1
to antenna 2
(b) HLST
to antenna 0
to antenna 1
to antenna 2
(c) DLST
Fig. 1. LST code encoding process. Here, n = 3. Each
square represents a symbol. (a) The incoming information bit
sequence is first demultiplexed into n subsequences. Each
subsequence is then encoded using a constituent code. (b)
In HLST, the coded symbols from constituent encoder k are
transmitted by antenna k. (c) In DLST, the coded symbols
from a constituent encoder are transmitted by the n
transmitting antennas in turn.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3
y k = ( R kk ) c k + v ' k +
{ constribution from c k + 1, c k + 2, , c T }.
Note that in (3) only the interferences from cl, l < k, are suppressed in yk. The interference term in (3) is canceled by using
the available decisions c k + 1, c k + 2, , c n 1 . Assuming that
these decisions are all correct, the decision variable z k is
z k = ( R kk ) c k + v ' k , k = 0, 1, , n 1.
0 0 0 3 3 3 ...
1 1 1 4 4 4 ...
2 2 2 5 5 5
Fig. 2. The layered structure of an LST codeword matrix. (a)
Prob ( c k e k H ) = Q ---------- ( R kk ) 2 c k e k 2
2N 0
exp ---------- ( R kk ) 2 c k e k 2 ,
Prob ( c e )
Prob ( c k e k )
- ( R kk ) 2 c k e k 2
E exp --------4N
( c k, e k )
E ( m k )
1 + c k e k 2 --------,
4N 0
( c k, e k )
c k e k 2
( m k )
( m k )
= 1 + ---------- c e 2
4N 0
E ( m )
1 + c e 2 --------4N
( c, e )
( c e 2 ) ( m ) ----------
( c, e )
4N 0
( c, e )
( c, e )
E 1
1 + --------
4N 0
= 1 + ----------
4N 0
{ c e 2 ( m ) }
c e 2 ( m )
( c, e )
C. Comparison
By comparing (7) and (9), we conclude that the performance of HLST codes in slow fading environments is inferior
to that of DLST codes. For an HLST code, the average pairwise error probability of the bottommost row is inversely proportional to the ( m n + 1 )th power of SNR. In contrast, in
DLST, the average pairwise diagonal error probability
between two diagonals c and e is inversely proportional to the
( ( c, e ) m )th power of SNR. Therefore, if constituent
codes of equivalent data rate and complexity are deployed, the
error probability of a DLST code in a slow fading environment can be much lower than that of an HLST code.
D. Design Criteria for DLST Codes
Define the truncated multi-dimensional effective length
(TMEL) and the truncated multi-dimensional product distance
(TMPD) between two distinct diagonals c and e as
( c, e )
E n1
Prob ( c e H ) = Q ---------- ( R ) 2 c e 2
2N 0 = 0
E n1
exp ---------- ( R ) 2 c e 2 .
0 = 0
Equation (8) applies in both fast and slow fading environments because the ( R ) 2 are i.i.d. for = 0, 1, , n 1.
The upper bound of the average pairwise error probability
is again obtained by taking the expected value of the righthand side of (8). When the SNR is high,
( c, e )
m and
c e 2 ( m ) .
In this paper we considered layered space-time codes. We
showed that, if the wireless channel is i.i.d. Rayleigh fading,
an (n, m) multiple-antenna system employing an LST code
can achieve a throughput min(n, m) times higher than that of a
single-antenna system for a given overall transmit power
LST codes have two important characteristics. First, the
transmitter is not required to have the instantaneous channel
information to employ an LST code. Secondly, LST codeword
matrices are constructed from one-spatial-dimensional constituent codewords. The decoding complexity of an LST code
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channels, in Proc. IEEE VTC96, pp. 136-40.
G. J. Foschini, Layered Space-Time Architecture For Wireless Communication in a Fading Environment When Using Multi-Element
Antennas, Bell Labs Technical Journal, Autumn 1996.
S. Lin, D. J. Costello, Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1983.