Drawing Manga Boys PDF
Drawing Manga Boys PDF
Drawing Manga Boys PDF
Introduction 4
Materials and Equipment 6
Male Faces 10
Male Hairstyles 13
Basic Hand Poses 25
Action Hand and Arm Poses 31
Feet and Legs 39
Male Footwear 43
Clothes and Costuming 48
Character Gallery 69
Glossary 71
For More Information 73
For Further Reading 76
Index 77
You will need two types of paperone for creating sketches, the other for producing
finished color artwork.
For quickly jotting down ideas, almost any piece of scrap paper will do. For more
developed sketching, though, use tracing paper. Tracing paper provides a smooth surface, helping you to sketch freely. It is also forgivingany mistakes can easily be erased
several times over. Typically, tracing paper comes in pads. Choose a pad that is around
24 pounds (90 grams per square meter) in weight for best resultslighter tracing
papers may buckle and heavier ones are not suitable for sketching.
Once you have finished sketching out ideas, you will need to transfer them to
the paper you want to produce your finished colored art on. To do this, you will
have to trace over your pencil sketch, so the
Graphite pencils are
paper you choose cannot be too opaque or
ideal for getting your
ideas down on paper
heavyotherwise you will not be able to
and producing your inisee the sketch underneath. Choose a paper
tial drawing. The pencil
around 16 lb (60 gsm) for this.
drawing is probably the
The type of paper you use is also impormost important stage in
creating your artwork.
tant. If you are going to color using marker
Choose an HB and a 2B
pens, use marker or layout paper. Both
to start with.
of these types are very good at holding the
ink found in markers. Other papers of the
same weight can cause the marker ink to
bleed, that is, the ink soaks beyond the
inked lines of your drawing and produces
fuzzy edges. This does not look good.
You may wish to color your art using
other materials, such as colored pencils or
watercolors. Drawing paper is good for
graphite pencil and inked-only art (such as
that found in the majority of manga comic books), while heavyweight watercolor
papers hold wet paint and colored inks and come in a variety of surface textures.
Again, dont be afraid to experiment: you can buy many types of papers in single
sheets while you find the ones that suit your artwork best.
The next step is to choose some pencils for your sketches. Pencil sketching is probably the most important stage, and always comes first when producing manga art
(you cannot skip ahead to the inking stage), so make sure you choose pencils that
feel good in your hand and allow you to express your ideas freely.
Pencils are manufactured in a range of hard and soft leads. Hard leads are designated by the letter H and soft leads by the letter B. Both come in six levels6H is
the hardest lead and 6B is the softest. In the middle is HB, a halfway mark between
the two ranges. Generally, an HB and a 2B lead will serve most sketching purposes,
with the softer lead being especially useful for loose, idea sketches, and the harder
lead for more final lines.
Alternatively, you can opt for mechanical pencils. Also called self-propelling pencils,
these come in a variety of lead grades and widths, and never lose their points, making
sharpening traditional wood-cased pencils a thing of the past. Whether you use one is
entirely up to youit is possible to get excellent results whichever model you choose.
If you use wooden pencils, you will need to get a quality sharpener; this is a small
but essential piece of equipment. Electric sharpeners work very well and are also
very fast; they last a long time too. Otherwise, a handheld sharpener is
fine. One that comes with a couple of spare blades can be a worthwhile
investment, to ensure that your pencils are always sharp.
Along with a sharpener, you will need an eraser for removing any
visible pencil lines from your inked sketches prior to coloring. Choose a
high-quality eraser that does not smudge the pencil lead, scuff the paper, or
leave dirty fragments all over your work. A soft putty eraser works best,
since it absorbs pencil lead rather than just rubbing it away. For this reason,
putty erasers do become dirty with use. Keep yours clean by trimming it
carefully with scissors every now and then.
inking pens
The range of inking pens can be bewildering, but some basic rules will help
you select the pens you need. Inked lines in most types of manga tend to
be quite bold so buy a thin-nibbed pen, about 0.5 mm (.02 inches) and
a medium-size nib, about 0.8 mm (.03 inches). Make sure that the ink in
the pens is waterproof; this ink wont smudge or run.
Next, you will need a medium-tip felt pen. Although
you wont need to use this pen very often to ink the
outlines of your characters, it is still useful for filling
in small detailed areas of solid black. The Pentel sign
pen does this job well. Last, consider a pen that can
create different line widths according to the amount
of pressure you put on the tip. These pens replicate
brushes and allow you to create flowing lines such as
those seen on hair and clothing. The Pentel brush pen
does this very well, delivering a steady supply of ink to
the tip from a replaceable cartridge.
Test-drive a few pens at your art store to see
which ones suit you best. All pens should produce
clean, sharp lines with a deep black pigment.
rich, detailed work and precise areas of shading. Make sure that you use your markers
with marker or layout paper to avoid bleeding. Markers are often refillable, so they
last a long time. The downside is that they are expensive, so choose a limited number
of colors to start with, and add as your needs evolve. As always, test out a few
markers in your art store before buying any.
However, markers are not the only coloring media. Paints and gouache also produce excellent results, and can give your work a distinctive look. Add white gouache,
which comes in a tube, to your work to create highlights and sparkles of light. Apply
it in small quantities with a good-quality watercolor brush.
It is also possible to color your artwork on a computer. This is quick to do,
although obviously there is a high initial cost. It also tends to produce flatter color
than markers or paints.
drawing aids
male front view
When drawing a male face, the same basic rules apply as to the female, with some
significant differences. The jawline is more chiseled, with sharper lines and a squaredoff base. The eyes also may be slightly smaller than those of a female, the mouth
slightly larger, and the neck wider.
Draw a horizontal
across the face and
position the eyes
across it. Add eyebrows above the eyes,
and then position the
ears using the same
male profile
Here is the same face, but in profile. The features should all be in the same relative
positions as in the front view. Note how the brow juts out above the eye, and the
nose goes to a sharp point. The top lip should overhang the bottom slightly, and
the jaw should step up in angles to the ear.
Create a horizontal
around which to position the visible eye and
ear. Add a double line
for the eyebrow, and a
couple of lines to suggest the cheekbone.
short crop
Sometimes the most effective haircut can be the most simple. Here is a standard
crop, very popular with trendy young males and also tough guys and gangsters. Its a
simple shape following the contours of the hairline, and can be filled predominantly
with black, but with a slight area of color if needed.
Create a couple of
spiky strands on the
right on the face, to
complete the profile of
the hair.
Define an area of
highlight across the
top of the head using a
gray pen.
blue and spiky
Here we have a more fashionable look, with a variety of spikes and strands going off
in various directions. Spiky hair is a typical manga look, often in bright, vivid colors.
This style is in a bold blue, and is cut long at the sides in a contemporary fashion.
Practice in creating spiky styles is always worth it.
Start by drawing a
basic head, with two
eyes, nose, mouth, and
one ear. Then, starting
outside the head, draw
some long, spiky points
of hair across the face.
Create an area of
highlight across the top
of the head using a fine
blue pen.
falling bangs
Large curtains like this are very popular in manga. This style is created from a basic
center part, shoulder-length at the back, and brushed up into two dramatic bangs
falling down on either side of the face. These are usually given shiny highlights to
make them more emphatic and exaggerated.
Start by drawing a
basic head, with eyes,
nose, mouth, and one
ear. Then draw the
shape of a bird in flight,
with the center line of
your head at its center.
black ponytail
This is a simple-looking ponytail, bunched at the back of the head. The cut is a basic,
unremarkable style, and would probably suit a character unconcerned with fashion
and trends, perhaps somebody from a rural background. The white highlight around
the crown helps to emphasize the round shape of the haircut.
simple blonde
This is a neat, simple haircut for a nice, sensible character. It suggests honesty and
openness, and could be used for a college student or sports star perhaps. It has a
basic center part, and is cut to a loose collar-length at the back.
red swept-back
Not all manga hair has to fall down in front of the face. Here is a style swept up from
the forehead in fiery red waves. Its cut high and short at the back to focus attention
on the top, and a glossy white highlight gives dramatic visual impact.
Finally, working
around the outlined highlight
and creating
another one on the
right of the part,
color the hair black.
Start to build up
areas of shadow
using orange-brown.
Shadows form around
the joints, at the base
of the palm and along
its creases, and up into
the thumb.
Begin by drawing a
rectangle with one
end smaller than the
other and a curved
upperside. The top
line will become the
line of the knuckles.
Add an ellipse to
create the pad of the
thumb, and join this
to the hand with two
curved lines.
Draw an upside-down
U-shape, closing off the
open end with a curved
line. This is the back
of the hand. Add two
lines for the wrist, and a
center line.
spread fingers
gripping fist
sword fight
Male Footwear
utility boot
This is a robust-looking functional boot, with a practical flat sole and reinforced toe
and heel parts. It would be suitable for a military uniform or for a motorcycle rider,
and would suit either a male or female foot. The loose folds around the lip indicate
that the trousers are tucked inside the boot.
Double up on color in
the folds and creases
to add greater realism.
The folds on the top,
around the waist, and on
the skirt all need refining.
space warrior
skater kid
urban warrior
above A tight-fitting
vest and pants emphasize
the characters muscular
physique. Wrist strappings
reinforce the no-holdsbarred attitude.
eco fighter
young warrior
apex The highest or culminating point.
asymmetrical Not symmetrical, or not the same on
both sides.
bisect To divide into two usually equal parts.
bolero A loose waist-length jacket open at the front.
chevron A figure, pattern, or object having the shape of a
V or an inverted V.
chiseled Formed or crafted as if with a chisel.
compass An instrument for describing circles or transferring
measurements that consists of two pointed branches
joined at the top by a pivot.
compress To press or squeeze together.
contours An outline, especially of a curving or
irregular figure.
cravat A band or scarf worn around the neck.
dan The grade of training a martial artist has achieved.
disseminate To disperse throughout.
dogi The pants of a judo or karate uniform.
elasticated Containing strips of elastic in order to make the
clothing fit snugly.
ellipse A closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely
through it.
antenna, 56
arm poses, 3138
bangs, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24
battlesuit, 55
biker, 54
black-and-white fashionista, 18
black ponytail, 19
bleeding, 6, 9
blue and spiky, 15
bolero, 50
boots, 43, 4445
breastplates, 57
brush pen, 8
cannon blaster, 56
cartridges, replaceable, 8
Chartpak, 8
circle guides, 9
clawing hand, 29
clothes and costumes, 4868
colored pencils, 6
compasses, 9
computers, 9
controlled determination, 31
Copic, 8
cravat, 53
dan, 49
dogi pants, 49
drawing paper, 6
ear, in detail, 12
eco fighter, 70
elbow pads, 56, 57
electric sharpeners, 78
epaulettes, 52, 53, 62
erasers, 8
faces, 1012
falling bangs, 17
feet and legs, 3942
felt pen, 8
fingerless gloves, 54
action hand and arm poses, 3738
characters, 6970
gouache, 9
grasping at you, 32
fist, 38
hand, 34
thumb, 37
hairstyles, 1324
handheld sharpeners, 8
hand poses
action, 3138
basic, 2529
HB lead, 7
headbands, 66, 67, 68
holding, 37
jeans, 54
karategi, 49
kneepads, 56
layout paper, 6, 8
leather jacket, 54
Letraset, 8
marker paper, 6, 8
markers, 89
martial arts, 49, 70
mechanical pencils, 7
military greatcoat, 5253
Mohawk, 22
monk robes, 5859
neckerchief, 52
open hand, 26
optical filaments, 64
pageboy, 24
paints, 9
paper types, 67
pencils, 7
pens, 8
Pentel, 8
pointing, 37
finger, 33
profile, face, 11
profile, hand, 25
punching, 38
punk styles, 22
puttees, 62, 63
putty eraser, 8
red swept-back, 23
red warrior ponytail, 16
rulers, 9
scabbard, 60, 61
semi-open fingers, 37
sensible lace-up, 4647
sharpeners, 78
short crop, 13
shoulder pads, 56
shuriken stars, 70
side part, 14
simple blonde, 21
skater kid, 69
smart suit, 48
soldier, 6263
sole of the foot, 41
spacesuit, 55, 6465
space warrior, 69
spread fingers, 37
staff, 70
standing leg, front view, 42
stepping leg, 40
street fighter, 6668
street gear, 5051
superconductors, 64
swashbuckling swordsman, 6061
sword fight, 38
tech battle armor, 5657
tense hand, 27
thermal jumpsuit, 55
thin-nibbed pen, 8
three-quarter view, 39
tracing paper, 6
2B lead, 7
two-fisted hold, 38
urban warrior, 69
watercolor brush, 9
watercolor paper, 7
watercolors, 6
waterproof ink, 8
wild pink spikes, 20
wristbands, 66, 68
wrist guards, 56, 57
young warrior, 70
ISBN 978-1-4488-4799-0