JKSim Float IMPC

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JKSimFloat V6: improving flotation circuit performance and understanding

S. Schwarz,, D. Alexander

JKTech Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia

W.J. Whiten, J.P. Franzidis

JKMRC, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

M.C. Harris

University of Cape Town, South Africa

ABSTRACT: Methods of analysing and optimising flotation circuits have improved significantly over the last
15 years. Mineral flotation is now generally better understood through major advances in measuring and
modelling the sub-processes within the flotation system. JKSimFloat V6 is a user-friendly Windows-based
software package incorporating simulation, mass balancing, and, currently under development, liberation data
viewing and model fitting. This paper presents an overview of the development of the program up to its
current status, and the plans established for the future. The application of the simulator, in particular, at
various operations is also discussed with emphasis on the use of the program in improving flotation circuit
While the practice of froth flotation has been in
existence for over 100 years, many aspects are still
considered as black magic. Researchers for many
decades have attempted to model the flotation
process in an effort to better understand, control and
improve the performance. These models have
ranged from fully empirical, black box approaches,
through to the more fundamental investigations of
single bubble-particle interactions.
The simple, empirical models are generally easy
to generate the necessary data, but the capability of
predicting performance when some part of the
process has changes is often lacking. The more
detailed, fundamental models often predict the
performance reasonably accurately, but it is
generally difficult to obtain all the parameters
necessary, and often some are fitted by empirical
methodology developed as part of the Australian
Minerals Industry Research Association (AMIRA)
P9 project, titled The Optimisation of Mineral
Processes by Modelling and Simulation. This is a
collaborative research project involving the Julius
Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) in
Australia, the University of Cape Town (UCT) in
South Africa and McGill University of Canada.
This methodology uses data obtained from the
flotation plant and incorporates various semi-

empirical sub-process models to represent the data

for simulations.
This paper presents a brief overview of the
models used in JKSimFloat, as well as a
chronological development of the program. A more
detailed discussion of the models and equations used
in JKSimFloat has been given previously in Harris et
al (2002); this current paper aims to include the early
research as well as to update the development
process of the program and describe several case
2 JKSIMFLOAT 1990-1994
Following the success of the development of
JKSimMet (McKee & Napier-Munn, 1990), in the
early 1990s a decision was made to incorporate the
then new flotation models into a simulator. The
models were at this time contained in complex
programming that were not often used by
metallurgists on flotation plants, however it was
recognised that there was great value to be gained in
using the models for simulations.
These models were the pre-cursor to the current
models, with the factors affecting the recovery of
mineral particles divided into two groups machine
factors and mineral properties (or floatability).
The floatability of the ore was defined by the
average floatability of each mineral-size class and
the proportion of the floating material. This concept
is still used today and expanded to as many size

fractions, minerals and floatability components as

The effects of machine parameters for
conventional flotation cells were determined using
the following equation:
k i , j ,k
Ri , j ,k =
+ Rw exp ( ENT d p )
1 + k i , j ,k
where Ri,j,k recovery of the kth floatability fraction
from the ith size and the jth mineral fraction,
ki,j,k rate parameter (min-1)
- cell residence time (min)
Rw water recovery (-)
ENT entrainment factor (cm-1)
dp mean particle size (cm)
The rate parameter was assumed to be equivalent
to the component floatability, corrected by a scaling
factor as follows:

attached to bubbles) and entrainment (particles

entrained between bubbles), to give the overall
recovery equation for a particular component (from
Savassi, 1998):

Ri =

Pi S b R f (1 Rw ) + ENT Rw

(1 + P S

R f )(1 Rw ) + ENT Rw


where Pi ore floatability for component i,

Sb bubble surface area flux (min-1)
Rf froth recovery
- residence time (min)
Rw water recovery (-)
ENT degree of entrainment (-)
The overall recovery for a feed with n classes of
similar particles is then given by:

ki , j ,k =

Ci , j ,k


where Ci,j,k floatability of the ith, jth and kth fraction,

and was fitted within the software program.
A significant amount of research was conducted
at the JKMRC around this time involving modelling
of flotation columns (Alford, 1990, Alford et al,
1991, Alford 1992). This research was incorporated
into JKSimFloat and used a single phase model to
describe the recovery of the column. The recovery
across the pulp phase was determined to be a
function of a first order rate parameter and a
residence time distribution (from Alford, 1992); the
actual form of the equation was dependent on the
mixing regime:

R pulp = f (k i , j ,k , i , j , i , j )


where ki,j,k first order rate parameter,

incorporating froth phase effects (min-1),
i,j mean particle residence time (min),
i,j = variance in the residence times about the mean
JKSimFloat was released in 1993 as a MS-DOS
program and was found to be successful in
predicting flotation circuit performance over a wide
range of operating conditions. However, the rate
parameter was limited to a global parameter and did
not relate to different operating regimes.
As part of the AMIRA P9 project, attention was
focussed on understanding the various sub-processes
within the flotation system. The recovery of
particles was split into both true flotation (particles

R = mi Ri


i =1

where mi is the mass fraction of particle class i in the

The methodology to obtain parameters used in the
model has been described in detail elsewhere
(Alexander et al, 2000). The following is a brief
description of the parameters used in the model:
- gas dispersion, i.e. bubble surface area flux
- froth recovery
- entrainment
- ore floatability


Gas dispersion parameters

Gas dispersion in the pulp phase of a flotation cell

can be characterised by the bubble surface area flux,
Sb. Bubble surface area flux is defined as (Gorain et
al, 1997):

Sb =



where Jg superficial gas velocity (m/s)

db Sauter mean bubble diameter (m)
The superficial gas velocity (Jg) is measured using a
Jg probe. The measurement procedure for this
device is described elsewhere (Gorain et al, 1996,
Power et al, 2000). The bubble size can be
measured using either the UCT bubble size analyser
(Tucker et al, 1994) or the McGill bubble viewer
(Chen et al, 2001).
A database of these
measurements from industrial flotation cells has
been developed from studies around the world
(Schwarz & Alexander, 2005), which continues to
grow at a rapid rate.


Froth recovery

There are various techniques focussed on measuring

the froth recovery within industrial flotation cells.
These ranged from changing the froth heights and
extrapolating the linear relationship between the
flotation rate constant and froth height (Vera et al,
1999), to performing mass balances across the froth
phase (Savassi et al, 1998, Alexander et al, 2003).
In general, the froth recovery of a flotation cell can
be defined as:

flowrate attached particles in concentrate

flowrate attached particles reporting to froth
Relationships have been developed to predict
froth recovery based on changes in operating
conditions (Gorain et al, 1998, Mathe et al, 2000),
however more research is continuing in this area.
Rf =

solutions and higher confidence levels was

developed (Alexander & Morrison, 1998). The use
of batch test data to include in the model fitting
routine was also implemented, with the concept of
nodal analysis introduced (Runge et al, 1997).
Nodal analysis involves taking samples of
streams from the plant and floating them
immediately in the laboratory. Using the recoverytime profiles and re-combining them according to
the mass flowrates of minerals in the streams, the
analysis shows if floatability has been conserved or
changed around that particular node. If floatability is
conserved around the whole circuit in question, the
assumption of the same P values throughout the
circuit is validated. Nodal analysis is also useful for
diagnosing how effective various floatability
changing processes are, such as regrinding and
reagent addition, see Figure 1.


The contribution of entrained particles to the overall

recovery and grade of a system is critical.
Techniques were developed within the AMIRA P9
project to collect the entrained solids from regions
just below the pulp-froth interface. Additional
methods were developed to describe the entrainment
response from empirical relationships (Savassi et al,
1998, Savassi et al, 1999).
The degree of
entrainment is defined as:




where Rentrainment is the recovery of the entrained

In general, the recovery of entrained material is
obtained from mass balanced data, using a liberated
gangue mineral as a tracer. This method is well
described by Savassi et al (1998).

Ore floatability

A methodology to obtain the floatability parameters

(P and m) was proposed by a number of authors
(Harris et al, 1997, Runge et al, 1997, Alexander &
Morrison, 1998).
The main concept of this
methodology involves separating particles of similar
floatabilities into components, with an average
floatability rate, as suggested by Imaizumi & Inoue
These components are assumed to
adequately describe the floatability distribution of a
mineral entering a flotation circuit. A non-linear
optimisation procedure was used to determine the
number and value of these floatability components
(Harris et al, 1997), and a later methodology to
linearise the regression procedure to enable easier

Cumulative % Recovery




Time, min


Figure 1. Recovery-time profiles using nodal

analysis to determine effect of reagent on particle
During the development of the new flotation models
discussed previously, it was noted that the structure
of the MS-DOS version of JKSimFloat did not allow
these to be incorporated. There was also a shift
towards Windows-based programs around this time.
In 2000, it was determined that JKSimFloat should
be re-designed in a Windows environment, with the
capability to incorporate these models and future
models from the AMIRA P9 project. A user group
was established involving personnel from research,
consulting, computing and mathematics at the
JKMRC and UCT. This user group developed a
detailed specification incorporating the means to
transfer technology to industry in a user-friendly
environment, as well as enabling the research team
to continue to test and develop new models. The
development of JKSimFloat V6 is a staged process
simulation, mass balancing, liberation data viewing
and model fitting. The funding for the first stage of

Government and a sub-group of AMIRA P9
sponsors. JKMRC and JKTech also provided
significant funding for the project. The development
was administered by AMIRA, and known as P868.

JKSimFloat simulating

In 2001 the detailed specification of the underlying

structure was finalised, allowing as many different
size fractions, minerals and floatability components
as required to be used in a highly flexible stream
structure. Programming in C++ commenced in
2002. The first version of JKSimFloat V6.0 was
released in 2003, which included the graphical user
interface and simulator module. Sponsors of the
AMIRA P868 project had the option of a preconfigured simulator, using the methodology
discussed previously to obtain the parameters, or to
implement their own models within the software
program. This version was tested against other
spreadsheet-based simulators and found to be
significantly faster, while generating similar results.
However, a need for more convenient data display
was identified.
Specifications for new overview screens and
equipment managers were written during the latter
part of 2003 with V6.1 released in 2004. Feedback
from the sites using the program also indicated the
flowsheet drawer was not very user-friendly, and
this was again specified in detail, with the release of
V6.1PLUS in 2005. The release of the program was
initially restricted to companies who were involved
in funding the project, with the sale of the program
possible to other AMIRA P9 sponsors in June 2005,
and other companies from June 2006. Many
companies around the world are now using the
program to conduct simulations to better understand
and optimise their flotation circuits with some of
these cases discussed later in this paper.

JKSimFloat mass balancing

The second phase of JKSimFloat development

included the incorporation of a mass balancing
algorithm developed at the JKMRC, which enables
balancing on both an overall basis and a size-byassay basis. This mass balancing algorithm is
essentially a minimisation of sum of squares with
multi-linear constraints. This corresponds to a
common set of mathematical problems generally
described as the quadratic problem.
The algorithm is based on a Quasi-Newton
approach which means that the errors in the
constraints are used to determine the changes
required in calculated variables, with the amount of
movement of the calculated variables controlled by
the standard deviations of the experimental values.
Hence standard deviation values of 0 mean that a
calculated value will equal the experimental value

and will not change. If all the standard deviations are

near 0, the program will not have enough freedom to
find a solution, and therefore will not converge. The
JKSimFloat standard deviation interface provides
formulae to allow appropriate standard deviation
values to be set.
Specifications for the mass balancing and
incorporation of the algorithm into the code were
performed in 2004 with the testing, debugging and
release of V6.2 in 2005.
A need for a more flexible interface to the mass
balance algorithm, which allowed parts of the circuit
to be held constant while other parts were balanced,
was identified. Specifications were written at the
end of 2005 to include the ability to identify streams
as major, minor or missing, with the capability of
fixing or balancing these streams, especially with a
large number of missing data. Programming for this
stage is currently underway, with the release of
V6.2PLUS expected in 2006.

JKSimFloat liberation data viewing

Many of the new models being developed in the

AMIRA P9 project are using a property-based
modelling approach, highly dependent on mineral
liberation characteristics. JKSimFloat was designed
to enable liberation data from either the JKMRC
Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA) (described in
Gu, 2003) or the CSIRO QEM*SCAN (described in
Gottlieb et al, 2000) systems to be imported and
viewed within the program. This data will then be
able to be used in the property-based models, and be
mass balanced on a size by assay by liberation basis
in the future.
This stage was specified in great detail with over
80 screens available for the user to investigate how
the liberation characteristics change throughout a
flotation circuit, provided liberation data is available
for these streams.
Programming of V6.3
commenced in 2005, and an alpha version was
available at the end of 2005. Priorities of the
development were changed to reflect the user
requirements, and the final stages of programming
this version was delayed to focus on the
enhancements to the mass balancer (V6.2PLUS) and
model fitting. It is envisaged that liberation data
viewing will be continued after these stages have
been completed.

JKSimFloat model fitting

The next phase of development will include model

fitting within the JKSimFloat package. Currently
the determination of the model parameters is
performed in a spreadsheet, involving complex
formulae. This is generally very time consuming
and potentially prone to error. As more companies
are becoming skilled in developing models, there
has been a requirement to standardise the fitting

routines. The ability to use JKSimFloat to fit the

model parameters will greatly increase the efficiency
and level of confidence in developing the models;
although it is envisaged that a high degree of
training will still be required.
Specifications are currently being finalised and
programming of V6.4 is anticipated to commence
mid-2006, with the release in mid-2007.

further cleaning of the concentrate from the

first stage of mechanical cells
extra capacity in the recleaner bank


Case study 1

The first circuit to be tested using the previous

spreadsheet-based simulation tools and the new
simulation module in JKSimFloat V6.0 showed a
remarkable increase in simulation speed. The circuit
in question was from a base metals plant, and is
shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Flowsheet of part of a base metals circuit

used to test JKSimFloat V6.0 simulation module
Simulations conducted included:
- increasing the air flowrate in selected cells
- open circuiting the cleaner tails
- increasing the number of cells in the
scavenger section
- increasing the number of cells in the cleaner
Each of these simulations took less than 1 minute to
complete using JKSimFloat, compared with about
30 minutes using the spreadsheet-based simulator.
The company in question has been using
JKSimFloat in its current state for several simulation
scenarios and have found it useful in planning and
optimisation studies.

Case study 2

The second case study was conducted in a gold

plant, and involved the whole flotation circuit, as
shown in Figure 3.
The simulations conducted using JKSimFloat V6.1
- increasing water addition to the recleaners
recycling the concentrate from the second
- stage of cleaning

Figure 3. Flowsheet of circuit used in Case Study 2

Results of the simulations and the other analysis
performed as part of this study enabled the site to
identify problem areas throughout the circuit. These
included operating certain cells at higher air rates,
ensuring the cleaner feed is kept at a particular solids
density and changes to the control system. Using
the results from this study produced a 1.3% increase
in gold recovery with a substantial decrease in
operating costs. The benefits from this study have
resulted in a reported US$1.3 million a year
improvement to the mine (Alexander et al, 2005).
JKSimFloat has been developed to provide
metallurgists and researchers a tool to better
understand and optimise their flotation circuits. The
development of the software program has followed
the research outcomes of the AMIRA P9 project.
This methodology has been found to be highly
useful for plant metallurgists, researchers and
consultants alike.
The current state of the software package includes
simulation and size-by-assay mass balancing
modules. Plans are already established to extend the
program and include liberation data viewing and
model fitting for a complete flotation circuit analysis
As more research continues in the flotation
system, JKSimFloat will also continue to develop
and be a useful tool to test these new models in a
user-friendly environment.
Most of the work presented here has been the result
of research conducted as part of the AMIRA P9
project. The authors would like to thank the sponsor
companies for funding and support, AMIRA for
their administration of the project and all staff and
students at JKMRC, UCT and McGill. The sponsors
of the JKSimFloat development project (AMIRA

P868 and P868A), including the Queensland

Government, for their continued support and funding
are also greatly appreciated.
Finally, the authors would like to acknowledge
the user group established to develop this program
since 2000.
Over the years, this group has
comprised of Dr Stephen Gay, Robert Lasker, Yikai
Shi, Dr Ricardo Pascual, Kym Runge, Dr Andrew
Schroder, Chris Bailey, Dan Alexander, Dr Sarah
Schwarz, Greg Harbort, Jonathan Lewis, Professor
Bill Whiten, chaired by Professor J-P Franzidis, with
technical review by Martin Harris (UCT) and Dr
Rob Morrison.
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