Research Proposal

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(Format for Submission of Research Proposals)

KURNOOL- 518002 (A.P)


Name of the candidate: B.MASTHAN BABU

Registration No: PP.COMP.SCI. 200
Subject / Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Name of the Research Guide: Dr T. SWARNA LATHA
Title of the research Topic & Thesis: Operating System


management and still research is being conduct to improve the
way the memory is allocated for applications because the main
problem faces by memory allocation algorithm is to efficiently
allocating the demanded memory blocks to the demanding
applications with minimum response time along with minimum
memory loss in the shape of traditional memory loss problem
called the fragmentation of memory which keeping the reference
to those blocks that has been allocated and to those blocks also
which are free to be allocated for next demand by any
application running on the operating system.
Its not enough to just provide the memory blocks needed by the
application rather the efficiency of real time systems rely on the
timely availability of these memory blocks with minimum
fragmentation. For this purpose different kind of memory
allocation designs are being utilized such as the static memory
allocation and dynamic memory allocation as described in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Memory Allocation

Both these techniques are supported by real time systems
and both of them differ the way the memory is distributed as in
static memory allocation, memory is allocated at compile time
and its known in advance what to allocate while in dynamic
memory allocation scheme, the memory is allocation at run time
and reference is maintained for allocated and unallocated
memory blocks in the form of free and in use memory blocks.
With the presence of these techniques, todays state of the art
operating systems utilize dynamic memory allocation schemes
through various different ways such as programming interface.
In the presence of different memory management
techniques, goal of any memory allocation algorithm rest in
providing real time support for memory allocation. Every
memory allocation technique has its own pros and cons and it
justify their performance for the purpose these techniques are
developed. Our intent is to figure out what these techniques can
do and what is required by real time systems.
This research paper is divided in different sections where our
intent is to analyze different traditional dynamic memory
allocation algorithms to find out their response times and
viability of these algorithms against real time applications. In
section II of the paper, some related work and background
knowledge will be presented. Section III will present research

methodology followed by which its possible to sum up this

knowledge to comparatively analyze these techniques. In section
IV different memory allocation algorithms will be presented along
with their comparative analysis in next section and also a new
technique suitable for real time applications will be discussed. In
final section conclusion and suggestions with future work will be
Extensive literature review revealed that researchers has
indicated lot of limitations of traditional memory allocation
techniques with justification and suggested improvements. Still
research is being conduct because of the criticality of this topic.
Real time systems have always been under research because of
the constraints they impose such as quick response time
required by real time systems, preemptive scheduling, and time
based scheduling. These features of real time systems make
them special and to serve them special allocators are devised to
satisfy timely requests.
Dynamic memory management plays important role in
memory management because of overhead associated with
static memory management because whole required memory is
allocated to running program at compile time and any block of
that memory which is not used by application cannot be used by
other application which is not efficient use of resources and
further more dynamic memory allocation utilize heap memory
data structure while stack is used in static memory allocation
which makes DMA more efficient as compared to static memory
allocation as discussed in [1].
In [2] a new variation of famous buddy system has been
proposed called tertiary buddy which is an extension to binary
buddy system with improved splitting and response time as

compared to other buddy system variations. An overview of

tertiary buddy will be presented in upcoming sections.
A lot of research has been conducted on improving dynamic
memory allocators and the basics of segregated and sequential
fit are always in research zone to be improved. Two level
segregated fit algorithms is one of the improvements of
segregated fit algorithm by [3]. While keeping in mind the
requirements of real time systems, two levels segregated fit
algorithm has been proposed. Even some improvements have
also been done on two levels segregated fit algorithm to make it
more suitable for real time systems by XiaHui and JinLin Wang.
Similar sort of work has already be done in [4] where author
surveyed various techniques and algorithms in dynamic memory
management and compiled result based on comparison but our
work is different as I will include some new techniques and some
more numerical analysis then in [5].
RQ: What are challenges and issues associated with traditional
performance in real time systems?
To answer the question on which my research is based, I
performed extensive literature review according to the research
guidance provided by B.Kitchenham [5]. According to the
guidelines and research methodology I searched different
research papers on the topic of memory management
techniques. There is a bulk of data available online presenting
different techniques for memory management in operating
system. So in first search I found many research papers then I
shortlisted some of them fulfilling my research topic. Many
research papers are presenting comparative studies while in

some papers, new techniques for memory management are

A. Searching Strategy
Initially I searched for memory management techniques in
operating system to broaden and enhance my understanding
about memory management so that essential concepts and
ideas might not miss.
To make sure I get relevant research papers with detail
analysis of emerging memory management techniques , every
possible search was conducted in IEEE explore digital library ,
Google scholar and third part research paper providing libraries
such as Research Gate.
To get relevant research knowledge I used keywords like
memory management, memory allocation in operating system,
real time operating system memory allocation, issues in memory
allocation and techniques for dynamic memory allocation. By
researching on different research publishing platforms, I got
extensive data about operating system memory management
techniques, allocators, algorithms and issues related with these
B. Selection
After studying basic of operating system memory management it
was necessary to shortlist research papers on operating system
memory management and issues related to traditional memory
management techniques and reasons why these techniques are
not best used for todays real time memory usage for
applications and operating system which reduced number of
research papers.
C. Study Methodology

Instead of pure comparative analysis of operating system

memory management techniques, main focus was on
understanding the operating system memory management
techniques and to understand the situations in which any
technique is applied.
So to focus on the result an overview and essential detail of
some new and already used techniques is presented in this
paper and key issues related to these algorithms are summed up
to conclude the complexities involved with these techniques and
requirements for real time applications to answer the research
question. Fig 2 shows basic model followed for the research

Fig. 2. Basic Model for Research

Due to the significance of dynamic memory management in
operating system, most of the traditional and new memory
allocation algorithms utilize dynamic memory allocation scheme
to allocate memory from heap at run time as explained in [6].
Here in this section we will provide an overview of traditional
algorithms under dynamic memory allocation because its the
scheme which is utilized by state of the art real time systems
and has excellent operating system support. New algorithms are
devised based on the limitations of previous algorithms and with
improvements so we will fist discuss traditional algorithms then
we will have a look on new algorithms devised for real time
A. Sequential Fit
As the name suggest, this algorithm utilize the free blocks of
memory in linear order in the form of a list called free list. And
memory blocks are allocated from this free list using pointer in
different ways according to the situation in hand. There are four
different strategies used by sequential fit algorithm as discussed
below and difference is shown by Fig. 3.
1) First fit: First fit is the simplest strategy followed by sequential
fit as the first available memory block which is greater or equal
to demanded memory is served irrelevant of the
2) Next Fit: Next fit is similar to first fit but it start searching the
list from the position where last search stopped and it serve
the next available memory block.
3) Best Fit: As name suggest, best fit will allocate that block
which is best in terms of demanding size.
4) Worst Fit: Its opposite to best fit as it will always return the
largest memory block available.

In Fig. 3 sequential fit algorithms is shown in action. Red block

indicate the memory blocks already used and are not available
to be used while available memory blocks are ladled with the
capacity. Current pointer position is shown after first 1k memory.
Now we will show the execution of this algorithm if 2k memory is
demanded by application.

According to the scenario current pointer position is after the

1k memory location as indicated in Fig. 3. If first fit is used then
the very first memory block from the current pointer which can
satisfy the demand is served. While in best fit, that memory

block will be served which minimize the memory wastage while

worst fit will always return the largest memory block.
B. Segregated Fit
Segregated fit algorithm employ array of free blocks to
allocate memory and this methodology is also incorporated by
many advanced memory allocators. Main theme of segregated
free list algorithm is to use size in power of two [7]. And divide
memory blocks into classes holding different size blocks. By this
way whenever a request of particular size is received,
segregated algorithm round the size of that request up to the
best available class of particular memory blocks and then
memory block from matching class size is allocated. Simple logic
behind this technique is shown in Fig. 4. Like sequential fit
algorithm, segregated fit algorithm also employs certain
strategies as discussed below.
1) Strict Size classes: Basic idea behind this kind of strategy is to
maintain a list of different classes holding memory blocks of
similar sizes. Thats way each class of particular size will hold
memory blocks of same size in list.
2) Exact List. This strategy involves in marinating large number
of free lists of all possible memory block sizes and its best used
if there are small size classes containing free lists of huge
3) Classes with Range: In this type of segregated free list, free
list may contain different size blocks.

C. Buddy System
Buddy system is innovative way of memory allocation based
on the idea behind segregated free list methodology where size
of classes is used with rounding. These way free lists are
separated according to sizes. In simple words it divides the
memory area into allowable block size and partition the area
until minimum block size is achieved. In Fig. 5 basic operation of
buddy system is shown where a 3k memory needs to be
allocated and it partition the available memory and allocate this
memory block.

1) Binary Buddy: In binary buddy variation, all block sizes

preserve the property of power of 2 and splitting of memory in 2
equal halves is observed in binary buddy.
2) Weighted Buddy: Like binary buddy version, weighted buddy
also exhibit power of 2 scenarios but splitting can take place in 2
equal halves or 2 unequal halves because series can be power of
two and 3 times the power of two as shown in Fig. 6.

3) Fibonacci Buddy: According to the name, Fibonacci buddy

follow the ancient Fibonacci sequence and size classes are based
on Fibonacci sequence [8] as in Fig. 7.

4) Double Buddy: Just like binary buddy and weighted buddy in

this variation there are 2 classes, one following the rule of power

of two while in other list there is power of 2 and offset value is

5) Tertiary Buddy: Its an extension to binary buddy. In tertiary
buddy block sizes are power of 2 and 3 x 2x-3. By this variation
its far more better than binary buddy as detailed analysis
provide by [3]
In previous section we have discussed different versions of
buddy system. Binary buddy is very simple and due to the equal
size partition make it easy to compute pointer which makes this
buddy allocator a real time allocator. Despite of this advantage
internal fragmentation is on higher side as compared to others.
On the other hand Fibonacci buddy has lower internal
fragmentation than binary buddy while weighted buddy with
different classes has lower internal fragmentation than all other
buddy system variations. In Fibonacci buddy block splitting only
take place if sizes are in numbers. Results of fragmentation are
publicized in table 1 below.
Comparison of Different Buddy system schemes
SNO. Binary
Internal Fragmentation

Double Buddy
Fibonacci Buddy
Weighted Buddy
Tertiary Buddy

Higher than others

Lower than Binary Buddy
Lower than Double Buddy
Lowest than all of Buddy

D. Indexed Fit
In Indexed fit memory allocator an index of free and
reserved memory blocks is maintained using different types of
data structures. Indexing is employed in any other technique in
several ways because its the most basic mechanism for

traversing or searching an array or list. As far as response time is

concerned it is somewhat faster than traditional sequential fit
algorithm. Fig. 8 shows basic indexing layout.

E. Bitmapped Fit
Bitmapped fit is an improved variation of indexed fit and it
keeps references to the used and free portion of array by using
bits. Due to searching time which is quite high, bitmapped is not
used as much as other allocators are used. Yet research is being
conducted on improved versions of bitmapped allocation
algorithm because in new operating systems and applications
there are situation where bitmapped fit can be efficient to use.
F. Half Fit
Half fit is much older technique which used bitmaps to keep
reference to unfilled lists while using instructions of bitmap
search technique to get those bits which are set in bitmaps.
Although its known that bitmap is little bit slower but while
combining and improving, it gave good results. Main theme
behind half fit is to use segregated list of single level which is

used to link variable size free blocks.

implementation details of half fit in action.



G. Hoard
Hoard is designed especially for multiprocessor systems and its
performance is quite remarkable among other discussed
algorithms. Trick logic behind hoard is to use operating system
virtual memory as superblocks and these superblocks are used
to server blocks of memory of one class. To reduce external
fragmentation it re cycle its superblocks which are not in use [9].
Its an important algorithm in modern dynamic memory
allocation. It stems its root from segregated fit and half fit as
described earlier. Its different from traditional hoard algorithm
because it uses segregated lists in 2 levels as its name suggest.
These 3 levels of segregated free lists are used to carry free
blocks of memory of same class which reduce internal
fragmentation. In first level there are free blocks of memory
following power of 2 sequences while 2nd list uses users
configured variables to divide free block classes of first list. Thus
help to offer bounded response time. While allocating and de
allocating it uses 3 different equations as described in [11] with
essential implementation detail while Fig. 10 shows basic

graphical view of two level segregated fit algorithm. Performance

and working analysis is presented in section VIII.


In previous sections we have discussed some traditional memory
allocation algorithms. Here in this section a comparative analysis
is presented with respect to allocation and de allocation time of
different algorithms. Then a comparative analysis with respect to
fragmentation and response time will be presented.

First of all the sequential fit algorithm is slow because it has

to traverse the list if following the best fit strategy to find the
optimal memory block which minimize the fragmentation and
this algorithm is implemented by famous doubly linked list. Best
part of best fit algorithm is that it minimizes the fragmentation
as if found memory block is optimal and yet larger than
requirement then splitting of block take place to use the required
space and remaining is freed immediately. Same way first fit and
next fit works by splitting of blocks but following their underlying
strategy as described in previous sections. Overall allocation and
de allocation time of sequential fit is compared with other
algorithms in Fig. 11 while major drawback of this algorithm is
the amount of fragmentation it cause and the response time as
in Fig. 12.
Segregated free list is one of those algorithms which have
been used to devise more advanced and optimal algorithms such
as hoard and two level segregated fit. In its pure form its
performance is not as good as if it is used in conjunction with
other algorithms because on its own it causes large
fragmentation with maximum memory trace. On the other hand
performance of indexed fit is somewhat similar with bitmapped
and segregated fit algorithm.
Among all these memory allocators, performance of two
level segregated fit is better because its worst case time is less
than others while it also minimize the fragmentation with fast
response time which makes it suitable for real time application.


In this research paper different memory allocation techniques
have been discussed along with their comparative analysis with
respect to internal fragmentation they cause, response time,
allocation time, de allocation time and memory footprint they
use. Every technique discussed belonging to dynamic memory
management has pros and cons and can be best utilized in
particular situation. Most of the algorithms are improved versions
of previously discussed schemes such as sequential and
segregated fit and TLSF. Analysis shows that TLSF among
mentioned technique is best to use for real time systems
because TLSF cause very low internal fragmentation, its
response time is very good which is the primary demand of real
time system where time is most important factor. Also TLSF
allocation and de allocation time is small constant time that
makes it much faster than other traditional techniques.
With comparative analysis its found that the larger
fragmentation, slow response time, larger allocation and de
allocation time with implementation constraints, it makes
traditional dynamic memory allocators like segregated fit,
indexed fit, bitmapped fit and simple buddy system in feasible

and in efficient for real time system because real time systems
always pose timing and bounded rationality constraints on
operating system memory management allocators. So Hoard,
tertiary buddy system and two level segregated fit are suitable
for real time applications with faster response time, minimum
amount of fragmented memory respectively.

Signature of Research Scholar


Signature of Research

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