M16 Black Rifle Volume I
M16 Black Rifle Volume I
M16 Black Rifle Volume I
R. Blake Stevens Edward C. Ezell
Edited by R. Blake Stevens
Towards the Truth About the M16
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
The Air Force's End Run Around the Army
Colt's First Manual - the "Basic Infantry Weapon, AR-15"
Explaining the Action of the AR-15
A Forced Examination of the Colt AR-15
A Test of Rifle, Caliber .223 , AR-15
The Air Force Attempts to Buy the AR-15
Rifle by Colt - Barrel by Winchester
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Twenty
Early Colt Bayonets
Development and History of the US M7
The American Historical Foundation's Vietnam War Commemorative Bayonet
The New US M9 from Phrobis III
The Stainless-Steel Canadian C7 Bayonet
The M16's Finest Hour
The XM4 Carbine
President Kennedy in his White House office, examiming an early Colt AR-15
made circa the ARPA order, December 1961 (fig. 121). His aide, Maj.
Gen. "Ted" Clifton, holds an example of the CIA-developed crossbow. Both
these weapons fuelled the late President's interest in "the problems of combatting
communist insurgency".
2 Foreword
Towards the Truth about the M16
For several hundred years the basic military battle implement
has been the rifle, at once a powerful symbol of a nation's
might, its maker's skill, and its user's consequent chances of
survival. Ideally, the best of rifles win their own victories in
combat, becoming ever more the very core of hallowed army
tradition. Generally speaking, while Ordnance research in a
well-run modern army is never completed, the more successful
a rifle in design and application the longer its "life", and the
greater the opposition to its change or replacement.
At the time of this writing, the 5.56mm NATO M16A2 rifle
is heir to worldwide acceptance after a quarter-century of US
service, longer than any other US rifle in this century except
the 1903 bolt-action Springfield. Throughout this period however, far from a history of calm acceptance, the M16 has
sparked a curious and constant controversy: curious in that
everyone has an opinion and defends it with great vigor,
whether pro or con; and constant in the veritable flood of
expert pronouncements, from a remarkable variety of sources,
which flows unabated from the popular press.
R. Blake Stevens
April 24, 1987
1. An early British EM-2, made at Enfield Arsenal and used in the first NATO
standardization trials at Fort Benning and Aberdeen Proving Ground in 1950.
Caliber .280/30 (7x43mm); serial no. 14.
QAD (Ord) Pattern Room
6 Introduction
6 Introduction
5. The (actual size) US counterpart to fig. 4. From left: the original "Case,
Cartridge, Light Rifle" (7.62x47mm) loaded with a double-cannelured M2
ball bullet and headstamped FA 45; the Frankford FA-T1 (7.62x49mm) circa
1948-50, headstamped FA * 48; the FA-T1E1, headstamped FA 49; and the
FA-T1E3 (7,62x51mm, the forerunner of the 7.62 NATO), headstamped FA 50.
Editor's collection
6 Introduction
8 T h e Hall Study
Chapter One
The Hall Study
The first major postwar US study of rifle effectiveness was
ordered by Col. Studler on November 28, 1950, almost before
the smoke had cleared from the first international rifle trials.
Tasked was Donald L. Hall, an engineer at Aberdeen's Ballistics
Research Laboratories (BRL).
The findings of the Hall study were released in March of
1952 as BRL Memorandum Report no. 593, An Effectiveness
Study of the Infantry Rifle. Based on the ongoing international
trials, plus data contained in S. L. A. Marshall's Commentary
and other data from Korea, the study took a decidedly unorthodox approach: it evolved on paper an experimental
series of cartridges, none of which would satisfy the Army's
range and penetration specifications as they then stood, and
compared them to the effectiveness of the standard-issue
.30M2 at ranges up to only 500 yards. This was treading
perilously close to heresy, and Mr. Hall began his report with
a hasty disclaimer:
This report was prepared without regard to present established military characteristics of the Army Field Forces, since
the purpose of research is to provide basic data which may
assist., in developing future requirements... In this study a
family of weapons was considered. The caliber was varied
from .30 to .21 and the weight of the charge was taken to
be 1.0, 0.8, and 0.6-times the charge (53 grains) normally
Hall's calculations revealed that three somewhat interdependent factors governed the effectiveness of a rifle: the
probability that the soldier would hit his target (dependent
on range and muzzle velocity); the ability of the bullet to
T h e Hall Study
The report ended with a reasoned plea that while the bulk
of the study was only theoretical, the results were valid and
worthy of serious consideration:
The final curves of relative overall expected number of
kills show that rifles with heavy charges are preferable at
the longer ranges, but those with the lighter charges are
made preferable at the short ranges. It is beyond the scope
of the present report to state which is the optimum rifle,
for this would depend on the most probable combat range.
Hall's last word was that soldiers carrying the smaller caliber,
high velocity rifles in his theoretical family would be simply
"more effective" than troops armed with the Ml, in several
ways. First and most importantly, They possessed "a greater
single-shot kill probability". More hits and kills, therefore,
would result when the weight of combined rifle and ammunition
carried was equal, but when each carried an equal number
1 0 T h e H i t c h m a n Report
9. Fig. 8 from ORO's June, 1952 Hitchman report, comparing the relative
hit effectiveness of the M1 rifle with (theoretical) Salvo automatic fire for Class
"A" (Korea) and Class "C" (Normandy) terrains. Note that the Salvo-type
weapon offered considerably enhanced hit effectiveness at longer ranges, such
as in the open terrain of western Europe, but neither weapon was as effective
in Korea, where short-range combat was more the norm. Hitchman concluded
that the quest for improved hit probability would best be served by "a small
caliber lightweight weapon with controlled dispersion''.
He found that this would require nothing less than a reexamination of the nature of the combat rifle:
10. An early version of the "Rifle, Lightweight, Cal. .30, T44", built at
Springfield Armory on a lengthened Ml rifle receiver. The T44 succeeded
the T25/T47 as Col. Studler's US contender in the 1952 international
All of Hitchman's many recommendations were subsequently explored in the important but essentially long-term
1 0 T h e H i t c h m a n Report
12. An ad for research personnel from the Operations Research Office (ORO).
Reprinted from the November 4, 1960 issue of Science magazine. Ironically,
the booted, belted and goggled soldier-of-the-future carries a selective-fire
7.62mm M14 rifle, which the ORO-sponsored Hitchman report called "valueless. .on separated man-sized targets''.
11. Prototype "Rifle, Lightweight, Cal. .30, FN" serial no. 38, the forerunner
of the US T48, the choice of many as the successor to the US M1. Shown fitted
with the US-designed flash hider, developed at Springfield Armory during
the 1952 standardization trials.
Springfield Armory Ordnance Corps photo dated March 3, 1954
head-on effectiveness comparisons showing the .220 "homologous" bullet superior to the .30M2 would be unpopular,
to say the least.
13. The .22 Gustafson Carbine, right side view. Made from a standard M2
Carbine manufactured by the Inland Division of General Motors Corporation
of Dayton, Ohio, serial no. 7125359. Regular 15-round magazine holds only 10
of the shortened .222 Remington rounds. Note the muzzle brake on the front
of the 18'' barrel.
Springfield Armory National Historic Site; photos courtesy Larry L. Ruth
As fate would have it, S.L.A. Marshall had had really harsh
words for only one American weapon in the Korean war, the
caliber .30 (7.62x33mm) M2 Carbine. Indeed, the bitter reports
of its chronic jamming in cold weather and its inability to stop
an oncoming enemy stand out all the more starkly due to the
high praise which officers and men alike heaped onto every
other US arm, especially the Ml rifle. Politically, therefore,
the Carbine's name was mud.
that it is the least effective for all the guns [tested] for ranges
greater than 300 yards.
In the Hall study, the Carbine had not been included due
to a lack of available wound-ballistics data, except to say that
its single shot effectiveness was only about half that of the Ml
rifle at 300 yards. Hall had concluded:
. .the overall effectiveness [of the Carbine] is high at very
close ranges but falls off rapidly for increasing ranges so
The purpose of the program is to increase the effectiveness
of the M2 Carbine, in both semi- and full-automatic fire,
by adapting it to a high-velocity, small-caliber, cartridge.
In April, 1952, Mr. T. F. Colleran, Director of Development and Proof Services, and Col. J. D. Armitage, Chief
of Arms and Ammunition Division at Aberdeen Proving
Ground, granted verbal approval to a project proposed by
the Small Arms and Aircraft Weapons Branch to investigate
the merit of small-caliber, high-velocity cartridges for use
in rifles and Carbines. Col. R. R. Studler, Office Chief of
Ordnance, ORDTS, also gave oral approval to the preliminary
investigation with the understanding that a program would
be authorized by his office if the cartridges proved promising
in the early tests...[Program Authority granted by teletype
no. ORD 12153, 2 June 1953].
Considerable delay was encountered in obtaining suitable
barrel blanks and chambering reamers for making velocity
and pressure barrels. In November, 1952, sketches of "Maximum Cartridge'' and "Minimum Chamber'' were made and
the project was initiated in the Small Arms Branch gunsmith
shop on a spare-time basis because of its low priority.
The caliber .30 Carbine has been regarded with considerable disfavor during the recent fighting in Korea, probably
to some extent because it has been employed tactically as
a rifle rather than as a replacement for the pistol. Perhaps
this general misuse of the Carbine indicates that there is
a real combat requirement for a weapon of the Carbine type.
Battlefield reports indicate that poor functioning, accuracy
and stopping power were charged against this weapon.
It was thought at this station that the complaints against
the Carbine could be eliminated, in the most part, by furnishing a cartridge of high velocity, with resulting flat trajectory,
and good accuracy to afford a high percentage of hits on
a man-size target up to 300 yards. Past experience with
privately-owned lightweight sporting rifles of small caliber
14. Closeup of the muzzle brake on. 22 Gustafson M2 Carbine serial no. 7125359.
T h e Aberdeen .22 C a r b i n e 15
of Materiel
Cartridge caliber
bullet wt (grains)
charge wt (grains)
total wt (grains)
case length (in)
overall length (in)
max diameter (in)
15. Closeup of the bolt face of .22 Carbine no. 7125359. Note the increased
diameter of the cartridge seating area, necessitated by the larger base of the
.222 Remington round.
. .Counter-type, electronic chronographs, employing lumiline (photoelectric) indicators, were used for all velocity
Peak chamber pressures were obtained by use of conventional-type, radial gauges with copper cylinders.
16. Experimental .22 M2 Carbine, serial no. 7548460. Stock cut off at
wrist and holes in forestock (ahead of magazine) for mounting in test fixture;
steel tube attached to operating slide to facilitate measurement of com-
ponent velocities; 24" .22 caliber barrel rifled 1 turn in 16" (with no
front sight) chambered for the shortened .222 Remington round.
Carbine, because preliminary trials of accuracy and trajectory indicated that the latter course of fire would be too
"easy" to give a proper evaluation of the caliber .22
17. Side and top views of the action of Gustafson Carbine serial no. 7548460.
Selective fire mechanism removed. Note the modified and lightened operating slide.
T h e Aberdeen .22 C a r b i n e 15
.. The goal was to obtain at least 3,000 fps muzzle velocity
without exceeding 42,000 psi maximum average breech pressure. This objective, while attained, was only slightly
The mean radial dispersion of the caliber .22 ammunition
was only 28 % at 100 yards and 52 % at 300 yards of that of
the unselected lot of caliber .30 ammunition used in this test
..Dispersion characteristics of the caliber .22 weapon/
ammunition combination were far superior to.. the standard
.30 Carbine up to 300 yards, thus the hit probability is
The maximum ordinate of the caliber .22 cartridge, over
a range of 300 yards, is 48% and 16% of the caliber .30
Carbine and caliber .45 cartridges, respectively. The flatness
of trajectory of the caliber .22 cartridge increases hit probability on man-size targets under battlefield conditions, because
it makes range estimation errors relatively unimportant and
sight changing, within 300 yards, unnecessary. With standard
Carbine sights set to make the bullet hit the point of aim
at 250 yards, the highest the bullet would rise above the
line of sight would be approximately five inches, and it would
strike about seven inches low at 300 yards. With the standard
caliber .30 Carbine, having the same sight setting, the bullet
would rise approximately 12 inches above the line of sight
and fall about 15 inches low at 300 yards.
Remaining energy of the caliber .22 Carbine is only 164
ft. lb. (59% of that of the caliber .30 Carbine) at 300 yards;
a widely used criterion for fragment lethality is 40 ft. lb.
Preliminary wound-ballistics studies indicate that smallcaliber, high-velocity bullets may have better "killingpower"
than heavier, larger-caliber bullets of equivalent energy,
perhaps because the energy is expended more rapidly when
the [velocity] factor is relatively large and the [mass] is small.
This phenomenon, and quantitative values regarding it, will
be further explored at the Biophysics Laboratory at Army
Chemical Center..
Penetration performance of the caliber .22 bullets, even
with the soft-lead-nose commercial types necessarily employed in this test, was far superior to that of the caliber
.30 Carbine bullets when fired against hard and soft metal
plates. When fired against body armor and helmets, the
performance of the two cartridges was approximately equal.
The higher scores of the caliber .22 Carbine, when fired
in comparison with the M1 rifle over the B course of fire,
indicate that the test weapon/ammunition combination is
capable of delivering effective fire up to 300 yards. The fact
that the Carbine weighs about 60% as much as the Ml rifle
and that each round of ammunition weighs only 35% as much
18. A drawing of the minimum chamber and maximum cartridge for the .22
Gustafson Carbine. Development and Proof Sendees, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
November 13, 1952. Redrawn by Thomas B. Dugelby
WRA Full Patch
Bullet Wt
Charge Wt
Mean Instrumental
IMR 4227
IMR 4198
IMR 4227
IMR 4198
and IMR 4227
* Case capacity.
** Muzzle velocity = 3,022 fps. This is the charge used in other phases of the program.
The "blend" charge was employed because no standard IMR powder had completely suitable
burning characteristics for the new cartridge.
It is concluded that:
The M2 Carbine is capable of good performance when
modified to fire caliber .22, 41 grain bullets to velocities
in excess of 3,000 fps.
The caliber .22 Carbine performance, when compared
with that of the caliber .30, M2 Carbine, was markedly
superior with respect to velocity, trajectory, penetration, and
accuracy in both semi- and full-automatic fire.
The caliber .22 bullets have less striking energy than the
caliber .30 Carbine bullets at all ranges; however, the caliber
.22 has more than enough energy to satisfy present criteria
for lethality to ranges of at least 400 yards.
The extremely good burst-fire dispersion performance, the
light weapon weight, and the high striking energy at close
range, make the caliber .22 Carbine worthy of study as a
replacement for the caliber .45 submachine gun.
The caliber .22 Carbine compares favorably with the M1 rifle
in firing against regulation targets up to a range of 300 yards.
19. A further actual size cartridge comparison. From left: 1. the short-lived,
Harvey-designed .224 Springfield round, unheadstamped (chapter 3); 2. a
hollowpointed .22 Gustafson Carbine round headstamped R - P; 3. a full-patch
.22 Carbine round headstamped WCC 54; 4. Mel Johnson's later ".22 Spitfire"
(a necked-down .30 Carbine case) headstamped R-P .30 Carbine; 5. a standard
WWII .30 Carbine (7.62x33mm) ball M1, headstamped LC 4.
Editor's collection
It is recommended that five caliber .22 Carbines and 20,000
rounds of ammunition be procured and tested at Aberdeen
Proving Ground, in the presence of members from Army
FAL (fusil automatique lger) called the T48 was in fact general];
favored as the next US service rifle. The US-developed contende
facing the T48 at this point was basically a "product improved'
M1 Garand: a 20-shot selective-fire rifle called the T44.
Chapter Two
20. Nothing New Under the Sun Department: In a desperate attempt to improve
hit capability for the flagging Wehrmacht in 1945, scientists at the Finower
Industry ammunition works (headstamp code cg) revived an idea at least as
old as the Civil War: multiple bullets. Forced to test their designs using mainly
captured Italian gunpowder, the Finower Duplex-bullet trials were conducted
with 7.92x57mm rifle cartridges loaded variously with two regular 7.92mm "S"
bullets; one "S" bullet and one 7.92mm Kurz Patrone ("K") bullet; and
two "K" bullets in tandem. The last gave the best results. The original German
report of February, 1945, translated into English as "German Duplex Bullet
Experiments " lists the "D-Munition" (double ammunition) as effective from
100 to 300 meters, with a muzzle velocity of 536 meters/second (1,758 fps).
Courtesy Daniel W. Kent
21. John Garand 's misunderstood T31, two unfinished handbuilt prototypes
of which constituted his final project for Springfield Armory. The magazine
Arms "clamshell" T33; all of which were built and tested under
Ordnance Light Rifle contracts during the early fifties. [The
story of the watershed modifications made to the FN FAL in
support of its short-lived adoption as the NATO-caliber West
German G1 rifle in 1958, is told in Collector Grade's The
Metric FAL],
During a subsequent trip to California, Monsieur Michault
became acquainted with George Sullivan, a self-styled "aero-
Mr. Dorchester holds two AR-5 .22 Hornet caliber survival rifles, one with
a gold anodized finish and the other a 16" barreled civilian model. In the
foreground is one of the three-ever AR-16s, designed by Gene Stoner in caliber
7.62 NATO (figs. 156 and 157).
Photo courtesy Jean Huon
23. Left and right side views of the .22 Hornet caliber ArmaLite AR-5 survival
rifle, called by the Air Force the MA-1. The tip of the stainless steel barrel liner
is just visible at the muzzle of the aluminum barrel jacket. With the exception
of the bright bolt handle and steel (M4) magazine, the metal parts on this
particular AR-5 are red anodized aluminum.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
The magazine was the only "regular" steel part in the AR-5,
however. The receiver and barrel were aluminum alloy, the
latter fitted with a stainless steel liner. The entire rifle, which
weighed only 2 lb. 6 oz., was designed to be disassembled without tools and stowed in hollow compartments inside its own
rather outsized fiberglass-and-foam-plastic stock, which also
held some ammunition and a small basic survival kit comprising
a compass, matches, needles, fish line and hooks. Snapping
the butt cap back in place over the stowed parts turned the
AR-5 into a compact package only 14" long, an easy fit in
the standard Air Force bailout pack. The AR-5 would float
in water, even when assembled. The Air Force purchased 12
AR-5s for evaluation at Stead Air Force Base in Nevada in
the fall of 1955, and after some minor modifications, adopted
it in 1956 as the rifle, survival, MA-1.
24. The ArmaLite AR-17 2-shot, 12-gauge shotgun. Known as the "golden
gun", all visible metal parts except the triggerguard, bolt and steel barrel
25. Closeup of the receiver of the ArmaLite AR-17 "golden gun" showing
the rotary lugs on the bolt, which lock into the steel extension/liner of the
barrel. The AR-17 Junctions on the short-recoil principle.
The Great Johnson/Garand Controversy of 1940
Bitter controversy, denigrations and accusations; investigations
and whiffs of scandal: all these and more have attended the
manufacture and issuance of a number of US Army shoulder
rifles since at least the first Allin conversion of the Springfield
rifled musket in 1865. The whole process seemed about to
begin again when the US adopted the world's first generalissue semi-automatic rifle, the .30-06 (7.62x63mm) M1 Garand:
many minds, military and otherwise, were far from convinced
that the Army had made the right move.
The Ml was adopted in January, 1936. The following month,
the original toolroom model of a new .30-06 short-recoil rifle
mechanism was test fired for the first time. It was the brainchild
of Melvin M. Johnson, Jr., a young man described in a later
American Rifleman article as "a well-heeled Boston lawyer
whose passion was the design of advanced rifles and machine
guns". Johnson, also an officer in the Marine Corps Reserve,
pursued the refinement and contract manufacture of several
prototypes of his rifle with all of the considerable private
resources he could muster. Nor was he hesitant about calling
for help from his fellow officers: in March of 1938 he was
allowed to conduct a week-long field demonstration before the
Infantry Board at Fort Benning, with his rifle "serial no. 1".
For his pains he received the following reminder that the US
already had a rifle:
..until the [Johnson] rifle can be subjected to intensive
test firing, such as has been done with the US Rifle, Ml,
no sound conclusions can be made concerning the ability
of the rifle or its parts to stand up.
26. John Cantius Garand and the M1 rifle, in a National Rifle Association
photo taken at Springfield Armory shortly before his death in 1974. The M1
was the world's first general-issue semi-automatic rifle, and many felt that
it was an impossible design to mass-produce. Mr. Garand here holds "U.S.
Semi-automatic Rifle Caliber .30 M1" serial no. 1, the first of more than six
million which were eventually made.
27. Melvin M. Johnson Jr.'s first working model of his short recoil action,
hand-built in a shop in Boston in 1936.
Photo courtesy Bob Miller
28. Figs. 7and 8 from US Patent no. 2,094,156 entitled "Firearm" granted to
Melvin M. Johnson Jr. on September 28, 1937. The action is described as
follows: "When the bolt is in the locked position (fig. .8) the locking lugs 19
are in front of the locking abutments 17..and the cam lug 21 is in the recess 23
in the side of the receiver groove... When the cartridge is fired the barrel and
bolt recoil together and..the bolt is rotated to unlocked position by interengagement between the surfaces 24 and 25 of the receiver recess..and the
cam lug 21 on the bolt. By this time the projectile has left the barrel and the
breech pressure has dropped to a value which is little more than sufficient
to retract the bolt to the rearward end of the receiver.. .As the bolt returns to
its forward position it picks up a cartridge from the magazine..and when it
reaches the forward position the pusher 7 cams the bolt into locking position.."
US Patent Office
29. The rotary bolt lugs are clearly shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 of Melvin Johnson's
second patent, no. 2,146,743, granted on February 14, 1939. Problems with
friction and "initial extraction" necessitated the extractor "kicker" (part
no. 10) and rollers on the bolt and carrier (nos. 20 and 21) to ride in the
receiver recesses. Note the pivoted ejector (no. 7).
US Patent Office
31. The first prototype of the 14.5-lb. Johnson .30-06 Light Machine Gun,
offered for military sale in 1938-39. Note the 20-round BAR magazine.
32. From the first edition of the Instruction Manual for the Johnson Light
Machine Gun comes this picture of the Johnson Automatics Manufacturing
Company plant in Cranston, Rhode Island, the "Home of Johnson SemiAutomatic Rifles and Machine Guns".
Photo courtesy Bob Miller
appear until two years later in the May-June 1957 issue, coinciding almost to the day with the announcement of the adoption
of the M14 rifle. The similarity of the situation to the beginning
of Johnson's own uphill, ultimately fruitless struggle twenty
years earlier against the Ml could hardly have escaped him).
For over the past twenty years, with few exceptions, there
has been little inventive activity in arms by American industry.
Army Ordnance arsenals have had to carry the brunt of
creation and conception. Industry has performed chiefly
advanced engineering and production.
34. Figs. 1 through 5 from Eugene M. Stoner 's celebrated US Patent no.
2,951,424, entitled "Gas Operated Bolt and Carrier System". Gas, tapped
at the gas port 41 travels through the "slideably engaged" gas tubes 43 and 42
(thus allowing for expansion as the barrel heated during firing), flows through
the receiver port 39 and connecting port 38 in bolt carrier 36, and enters
the "annular chamber" 37. The bolt carrier is thus pushed rearward, rotating
and unlocking the bolt 25 by action of its projecting lug 34 in the bolt carrier's
helical slot 35.
US Patent Office
chamber formed between the tail of the bolt and the surrounding bolt carrier. This forced the bolt carrier back. After about
1/8" of movement, the port in the carrier no longer lined up
with the port in the receiver, and the further flow of gas was
cut off. The momentum already imparted was sufficient to
keep the bolt carrier moving, which unlocked the bolt by
rotating it, due to a connecting cam pin, thus beginning the
rearward cycle of operation. With the gas cylinder at maximum
size and the bullet long since out of the muzzle, what little
pressure remained was exhausted as a weak " p u f f through
slots in the right side of the bolt carrier. The AR-10, like the
Johnson before it, made no provision for initial extraction,
the bolt not moving back at all until the instant of complete
35. ArmaLite's chief small-arms engineer Gene Stoner stands proudly beside
the four evolutionary prototype models of the AR-10. From top: no. 1, in caliber
.30-06, with BAR magazine and Johnson rear sight; no. 2, in caliber 7.62/.308
with telescopic sight; no. 3, the "AR-10A" (fig. 36); and no. 4 the definitive
American AR-10.
Photo credit: Guns Magazine, March 1957 issue
This offer was refused by the elated directors of the firm, who
were quick to announce expansive plans of their own for the
future of the AR-10.
In a desperate rush to keep up with Fairchild's enthusiastic
press releases, ArmaLite was busy with a small-scale production
run based on a fourth Stoner prototype. For maximum lightness, although apparently against Stoner's advice, the fourth
prototype featured a composite barrel made of a steel barrel
extension threaded to a rifled, high-tensile steel liner, the latter
swaged inside an aluminum casing. This rifle was the forerunner of the definitive American-made AR-10, of which less
than 50 were ever made.
37. Left and right side views of ArmaLite "AR-10B" serial no. 1004, one of
two early prototypes featured in the Springfield Armory trial late in 1956.
Springfield Armory photo, dated December 4, 1956
3& AR-10 serial no. 1004 action closeup, right side view. Note the winter
triggerguard and early spring-clip dust cover latch.
39. AR-10 serial no. 1004 right side view, stock and receiver group disassembled. Note the absence of the bolt carrier key: compare with fig. 53.
40. Left side view of AR-10 no. 1004 upper receiver and barrel group, disassembled. Note the gas tube, mounted along the left side of the fluted aluminum
barrel jacket.
42. Exploded view of the trigger group from AR-10 no. 1004. Part of the documentation of Springfield's 1956-57 AR-10 trial.
43. Exploded view of the bolt group from AR-10 no. 1004.
Springfield Armory photo dated December 4, 1956
44. A still from an early Fairchild documentary promotional film about the
AR-10. Note the selector lever position SAFE is straight up.
45. Pleased with their progress, Charles Dorchester and Gene Stoner examine
AR-10 serial no. 1005 after a successful firing demonstration, while an unidentified admirer scrutinizes the bolt group.
47. A page from the first ArmaLite AR-10 brochure illustrating ArmaLite's
much-stressed concept of "Four Combat Functions in One Basic Weapon".
One need look no further for the genesis of the multi-versioned Stoner 62/63
and Colt CAR-15 weapons systems (chapter 11). Compare with fig. 50.
48. The gospel according to ArmaLite: how the AR-10 "stacked up" against
its contemporaries.
49. While AR-10 no. 1004 was having its "pictures taken, no. 1002 was
undergoing "durability" testing. This Springfield photo shows the disastrous barrel failure suffered by AR-10 no. 1002 during the trial. The
long splits in both the steel barrel and its aluminum jacket are clearly
visible. Note the second type (titanium) muzzle brake, as noted in Lt. Col.
Rayle's report.
design was safe to fire, and the testing was resumed. This
time the testing was completed without further serious incidents, but a number of malfunctions were recorded. We were
being urged by the Pentagon to complete our report and
send it in, so by the end of February [1957] the report was
finished. The ArmaLite engineers freely expressed their feeling
that they had been rushed into this test prior to a chance
that the Dutch Army would adopt the AR-10 made in their
Artillerie-Inrichtingen invested two and a half million
dollars in the production line for the AR-10 rifle. The installation boasted the first vertical cold forging machine developed
in Austria for the production of rifle barrels..
50. A dramatically staged "beachhead" photo from the first (and only?) A-I
brochure, showing the AR-10 as manufactured under license by ArtillerieInrichtingen of Hembrug-Zaandam in the Netherlands. Again stressing the
multi-purpose nature of the AR-10, "the modern lightweight combat rifle, .for
today..and tomorrow", is described as "The only weapon in the world to fulfil
all small arms requirements". All four different combat modes of the A-I AR-10
are illustrated: 1. the basic selective-fire infantry rifle; 2. a scope-mounted
sniper rifle; 3. an assault weapon light enough to replace the submachine gun;
4. a grenade launcher. In a dig at the M14's needed gas spindle valve, the
A-I literature proclaimed the AR-10 the only weapon capable of launching
grenades "without the necessity of gas adjustment, thus permitting the use
of ball ammunition immediately.."
can" muzzle brake and flash hider, hitherto part and parcel
of the AR-10's ability to deliver controllable automatic fire from
a truly lightweight NATO-caliber, rifle.
51. Photo from a September, 1958 trial of A-I AR-10 serial no. 000030,
the first and so-called "Cuba" or "Sudan" model, by the 507th Ordnance
Detachment (Technical Intelligence), located at Detroit Arsenal in Center
Line, Michigan. Note SAFE is still straight up. This model weighed 8 lbs.
6 oz- with full (20 round) magazine.
Detroit Arsenal photo, dated August 11, 1958
52. Another Detroit Arsenal "Tech n' Tell" photo, showing an exploded view
of the early A-I AR-10 "Sudan" model, right side. Note the fluted steel barrel.
53. AR-10 "Sudan" model serial no. 000030, showing the gas system. Note
the gas tube is now positioned on top of the barrel, and the bolt carrier is
fitted with a mating "key" . The spring-clip dust cover latch has given way
to a plunger type. Compare with figs. 39 and 40.
54. Left and right side views of the Dutch second, or "transitional" model
AR-10, serial no. 003837. Note the redesigned grenade-launcher/barrel and
composite wood-and-stamped-metal forend. The "transitional" model was
fitted with a non-fluted barrel, an improved trigger group with an additional
trigger spring, a reworked selector lever with SAFE now forward, and a re-
designed buffer. Weight: 10.11 pounds fully loaded. In a November, 1960 rain
test at Aberdeen Proving Ground, three rifles of this type, serial nos. 004219,
004412 and 004534 firing "Lot FA-14 of Cartridge, Ball, Caliber. 30 T104E1",
suffered three cartridge case "casualties" wherein portions of the rims were
blown o f f , damaging the extractors and firing pins of two rifles.
55. Right side view of a Dutch "transitional" model AR-10, modified for attachment of a battery-powered infra-red (active) night sight. Note the two-piece
pistol grip, held together by two screws, with small front button built in for
third-finger activation of the infra-red beam.
In comparison with his own FG42, Cummings was impressed with the prototype US-built AR-10: he felt it was the
most advanced weapon of its kind he had ever seen. Accordingly, Interarms contracted for and received the AR-10 sales
rights to all of South America, all of Africa south of the
Sahara, and the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden
and Finland.
Exclusive rights to the newly independent countries of excolonial Southeast Asia, each with its own quickly awakening
postwar defense needs, were reserved for the Baltimore-based
agency of Cooper-Macdonald Inc., a name which will figure
largely in the story to come.
60. Gene Stoner firing an early bipod-mounted, belt feed prototype, built from
a Dutch "Sudan" AR-10. Note the non-disintegrating German MG42 belt
in its "beltway", cut through the right side of the receiver below the ejection
port. The articulated ammunition chute feeds the belt from a modified ammunition can.
From the 1957 Fairchild promo film "The ArmaLite AR-10"
61. A serious approach to sustained fire capability was taken in this Dutch belt
feed AR-10, featuring quick-detachable light and heavy barrels, and feeding from
a disintegrating-link belt. Note the perforated, half-round upper "handguard",
firmly attached to the barrel nut, extending from the receiver. This carries
and protects the gas tube, and supports the bipod. A ribbed carrying handle
can be seen folded down on the right side of the barrel.
The AR-10's Short, Heady Life
66. The final model of the Artillerie-Inrichtingen AR-10, produced for the South
African NATO-caliber rifle trials in 1960 and later adopted by Portugal. Serial
006038. The "NATO" or Portuguese model AR-10 features the "transitional"
wood half-handguard with its stamped-metal liner protruding up to the gas
67. The final, Dutch-made "NATO" model AR-10, right side view with open
bipod. After serial production of less than 6,000 rifles, Artillerie-Inrichtingen
abandoned the AR-10 program in 1961 when the Dutch Army adopted the
FN FAL rifle.
Photo credit: Masami Tokoi
Est. Qty
Sales Agency
These rifles were adopted and
ordered, but never delivered. The
contract was cancelled when a
prototype test rifle blew up
during an endurance test.
Nat'l Guard
Chapter Three
68. Some of the multiple-bullet rounds tested during Project SALVO. From
left (actual size): 1. Long-necked .30M2 Triplex (from the July, 1956
SALVO I trials) with three 66-grain bullets, headstamped WRA 56:2. Shortnecked .30M2 (red-tipped) Triplex from SALVO II, headstamped WCC 57:
3. Long-necked .22/.30M2 Triplex, headstamped WRA 57: 4. Long-necked
.22/.30 Light Rifle Triplex, headstamped WCC 54: 5. Green-tipped FAT 127
Duplex, the 2.080" (52mm) long-case version of Dr. Garten's short-lived
6.35mm (.258 caliber) concept, headstamped FA 59: 6. Green-tipped FAT115
Duplex, the 1.880" (48mm) short-case version, headstamped WCC 59.
Editor's collection
71. Front view of the gas block of the Winchester ".22 T65 Duplex" SALVO
rifle, showing the ingenious method of activating the single gas piston from
either barrel.
73. Fig. 105 from US Rifle M14, showing the old Ml, right, and the new
7.62mm NATO M14, officially adopted on May 1, 1957.
US Army photo
AR-10. For one thing, all the parameters did not fit the same
"scale". A scale based solely on comparative weights and
sizes of the two cartridges, for example, would indicate a rifle
dramatically lighter and smaller than its NATO forebear.
Other factors were comparatively much nearer being equal,
with the chamber pressure of the finalized M193 5.56mm
cartridge actually 2,000 psi higher than the (50,000 psi) average
for M80 ball.
When the new rifle was tested with commercial .222 Remington ammunition, the in-line stock and heavier recoiling parts
of the new rifle, plus a somewhat lower rate of fire, kept it
so impressively "on target" that Stoner's subsequent short
demonstration before General Wyman led to a business
arrangement being made virtually on the spot. C O N A R C ' s
request to the Army Adjutant General for ten of these new
ArmaLite rifles for Infantry Board trial was dated May 6th,
five days after the announcement of the adoption of the M14.
74. A very early appearance of one of the first 17 ArmaLite AR-15s. The
caption reads: "On the rifle range, Maj. Eugene M. Lynch instructs Lt.
Col. Robert Vallendorf on how to fire the new ArmaLite AR-10 [!] rifle
now being developed by the Combat Developments Experimentation
Center". Note the plain muzzle and absence of a bayonet lug; the one-piece,
cylindrical fiberglass handguard; the AR-10-style cocking handle and 25-round
US Army photo dated March 31, 1958, courtesy Daniel D. Musgrave
Engineers Fremont and Sullivan made some further modifications before ArmaLite produced these first AR-15s. Taking
advantage of the flat-shooting .222 cartridge, a less expensive
two-position " L " peep sight was fitted into the rear of the
carrying handle portion of the aluminum upper receiver, still
adjustable for windage but without the click-adjust elevation
wheel of the AR-10. Elevation adjustment on the AR-15 was
to be accomplished by means of a threaded front post. The
rifle itself was 37 1/2" overall, with a 20" steel barrel fluted
under the handguard, weighing exactly 6 lbs. with 20 rounds of
ammunition (6.12 lbs. with a full load of 25 rounds). Abandoning once and for all the original Sullivan/Michault trademark
of filling the furniture with plastic foam, the straight stock and
one-piece, cylindrical handguard were simply hollow, fiberglassreinforced plastic shells, the latter lined with a thin aluminum
heat reflector.
75. Left and right side views of ArmaLite AR-15 serial no. 000012, one of the few
of the first series of 17 rifles to remain unmodified. As above, note the plain
muzzle, one-piece cylindrical handguard, and AR-10-style cocking handle.
SAFE is again straight up, as on the early US and Dutch AR-10s.
76. Box and sample cartridge of Remington's ".222 Special", loaded under
contract for Armalite. Note the Remington 55-grain bullet (fig. 141, no. 2).
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
The last change made was of much more import. Due to the
surprise increase in the Infantry Board's specified penetration
and trajectory requirements from 300 to 500 yards, ArmaLite
Gene Stoner is, in the opinion of many, the most gifted firearms designer since John M. Browning. However, in 1958 he
was not, nor indeed has he ever claimed to be, an expert in
ammunition design or ballistics. In designing his bullet, therefore, he quite rightly took full advantage of the work already
done at Aberdeen. On the original ArmaLite drawing of the
"Stoner" bullet, the 7-caliber ogive and 9-degree boattail are
identical to the earlier D&PS 68-grain M1 "homologue". The
only changes made by Stoner were a shortening of the boattail
and the cylindrical bearing length of the bullet to reduce its
weight in conformance with the 55-grain specification; itself
the last legacy of the informal Aberdeen S C H V program
which Dr. Carten had scotched.
77. Unmachined examples of the earliest production run of AR-15 receiver forgings. The note underneath, from AR-15 designer L. James Sullivan to collector
Bob Miller, reads as follows: "..The enclosed upper and lower receiver forgings
are the first type from a run of 40 sets, ordered in 1959from the Harvey Aluminum Company of Torrance, Ca." Note the die mark and serial number "HA
7075" on the lower receiver tang. Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
78. The wood-stocked, 5-lb. Winchester caliber .224 Light Weight Military
Rifle serial no. 2, designed by Ralph Clarkson and first presented in 1957.
Photo: Winchester/Western Research Department, New Haven, Connecticut
79. Winchester Light Weight Military Rifle serial no. 2, disassembled. The
resemblance to the M2 Carbine, especially in the bolt, operating slide and
short-stroke gas piston, is unmistakeable.
80 Above: action closeup of the World War II Winchester Automatic Rifle (WAR),
designed by Marshall "Carbine" Williams. Caliber .30-06, serial no. 8.
Springfield Armory NHS
Below: action closeup of Winchester .224 Light Weight Military Rifle, serial
no. 2. Note the similarities in safety catch and change lever design, both of
which vary from the pattern of the M2 Carbine.
to serve as a basis for development of the Winchester Lightweight Rifle. Thus the locking system..is essentially the
same as that of the .30 caliber Winchester WAR Automatic
Rifle which has successfully passed extensive field tests
carried out by the Army and the Marine Corps. The short
stroke gas system is derived from a type successfully used
on several proven guns, while the trigger mechanism again
is based on the WAR. .which also had successfully passed
military tests. The bolt design is based on the WAR and
G30R rifles.
81. Top, side, rear and bottom views of the magazine from Winchester's .224
caliber Light Weight Military Rifle, serial no. 12.
83. Factory drawing of the maximum cartridge and minimum chamber for
the Winchester/Western .224E2.
85. The (actual size) SCHV rounds in contention with Gene Stoner's ".222
Special" (figs. 76 and 141). From left: 1. Earle Harvey's short-lived, unheadstamped ".224 Springfield" round, loaded by Remington and later commercially
marketed as the ". 222 Remington Magnum" ;2. the Winchester/Western ballpowder-loaded .224E1, unheadstamped; 3. the longer-necked IMR-loaded
Winchester .224E2, headstamped WCC 58; and two unheadstamped examples
of Winchester's later SCHV experiments: 4. the rare .224E5 (fig. 86); 5. the
.224E4. Note the larger case size and rebated rim of the .224E5.
Editor's collection
84. Twenty-round box label for the Winchester .224E2 cartridge, as supplied
for Infantry Board trial in 1958.
Courtesy James Alley
86 A drawing dated April 25, 1963 by Olin engineer D. Whitten, ofthe "Maximum
Cartridge, Winchester .224E5". Independent proof of Frankford Arsenal's
warning that the case volume of the. 223 Remington (or the. 224E2 Winchester)
was "insufficient to accommodate the necessary charge" to consistently meet
the OSD's ballistic criteria with IMR powder (chapter 8). Interestingly, in 1955
Frankford had recommended the .25 Remington cartridge case as the basis
of a successful SCHV round. "About .045" larger" than the .222 Remington
family, the .25 Remington is virtually identical in case diameter to the Winchester
.224E5 shown here.
chamber in the Winchester rifle, but it was .090" longer overall, and would not feed up through the magazine well. Hence,
as Stoner recorded, in order that ArmaLite's results could be
compared to later tests with the Winchester rifle, the AR-15
initially had to fire the common but ballistically inferior
.224E2 round:
the .224E2 was loaded with the bullet deep in the neck
of the cartridge. This was done to keep the overall length
down to fit their existing gun design...The final results
were that the AR-15 would fire either round, but the
Winchester could only fire the .224 round in the Army test
After the program was under way I was notified by Winchester that they would have to make some changes in their
round. This change was brought about by the fact that the
ball powder they used would develop too high breech pressures
in a hot chamber. They were forced to switch to an IMR
type powder, and needed more case volume.
Winchester and Armalite agreed on a common cartridge size so that either the Remington loaded [.222 Special]
round or theirs would function in the Armalite rifles. One
problem did exist, however; the Winchester round now called
This made almost all the test results poorer than would
have been..[with] the .222 Special round. ArmaLite's tests
showed that the better bullet design in the .222 Special had
much better penetration at long ranges. Another fact became
apparent later on when it was noted that the Winchester
rounds would lose a considerable number of primer cups in
various adverse tests. In a rain test [of the AR-15] at Aberdeen
the Winchester rounds used had 50% of their primers loosened
in 600 rounds. This test was repeated with the Remington
loaded .222 Special with no cartridge case casualties.
87. Left side views of the earliest ArmaLite AR-15s in existence, serial nos.
000002 (above) and 000003 (below). (By all reports, serial no. 000001 was
destroyed in testing).
Courtesy Sidem International. Photo credit: Vic Tuff
88. A closeup view of the receivers, left side, of the earliest ArmaLite
AR-15s. Although serially numbered earlier than no. 000012 (fig. 75),
various modifications, such as those recommended after the initial Infantry
Board trial in March, 1958 have been made to both weapons. Rifle no.
000002 (above) has an experimental grooved slip ring and hence a two-
piece, demountable forend (mod. no. 3); the new serrated "triangle" charging
handle (mod. no. 6); and altered "type 2" selector markings (SAFE now
forward; mod. no. 5). Rifle no. 000003 (below) has a knurled slip ring
and type 2 selector markings, but retains its original AR-10-style charging
89. Closeup of the two receivers, right side view. No. 000002 (above)
with modified charging handle. Both weapons feature woven fiberglass
buttstocks, pistol-grip sling swivel, and the original 25-round magazine.
90. The two charging handles (no. 000003, above; note detent at rear) and
the original chromed bolt assembly.
the ways of politics and procurement in Washington, however, Dr. Carten apparently decided that this truthful and
sound logistic argument would not be sufficiently persuasive
in the Congress to prevent the immediate scuttling of the M14
procurement program, if it were acknowledged that still
91. Handguards, serial no. 000003. The heat reflector is made of metal foil
epoxied to the inside of the handguard halves.
ArmaLite the implacable disfavor of the entire camp of "fullpower" advocates. As if this wasn't enough, Fairchild found that
by engaging the services of the outspoken Mel Johnson they
had unwittingly compounded their problems, for Johnson's
battle to unseat the Ml with his own rifle, while twenty years
old by this time, had waxed very bitter indeed. The Army
remembered. So did Johnson, who, as noted, had lost no time
in "freely expressing" his suspicions that the ArmaLite rifles
were being given every opportunity to fail.
In any case, Bill Davis describes some interesting preliminary footwork on the part of both the O C O and Fairchild:
formed the prescribed engineering and accuracy tests with meticulous care on a vast number of US and foreign small arms.
A strong characteristic of most of his reports was the outspoken, not to say fearless, evaluation of a weapon as one with
which America might have to go to war. In this he felt, and
many would agree, that no trial he could devise would approach
the reality of combat: better a fault or inherent weakness should
be discovered sooner rather than later. As can be imagined,
however, when these critical recommendations and conclusions
extended to the basic design as well as the performance of
Ordnance-sponsored weapons, which they very often did,
Moore's uncompromising attitude was not so well appreciated
in the Pentagon offices of the Ordnance Corps.
..the testing done., in 1958 turned out very well for the
AR-15, especially considering its early stage of development.
The results were given in the D&PS report [but] the conclusions and recommendations, which were normally included
in our engineering-test reports, were conspicuously absent...
They were in fact given directly to Dr. Carten's office, but
were omitted from the published report by his direction. Our
conclusion was, in substance, that the AR-15 was an exceptionally promising design, and we found no significant faults
that could not be corrected in the normal course of development...Our recommendation was that development of the
AR-15 proceed, under Army sponsorship.
United States Continental Army Command
Fort Monroe, Virginia
September 19, 1958
The AR-15 and Winchester rifles were tested with the Winchester .224 round. Remington caliber .222 [Special] was
also fired from the AR-15 in penetration tests.
92. Bipod mount, affixed to front sight block and not barrel. Note the stud
on top of the ring, intended as a bipod stop.
Below: serial no. 000003, caliber .222 Remington. Plain barrel, marked with
factory "U" and ". 222" and the Belgian C-in-circle surmounted-by-flaming
bomb (also on chromed bolt carrier), denoting arms proofed in Belgium but
not of Belgian manufacture. Rifling twist: 1 turn in 14".
94. Muzzle ends of the two early barrels. Serial no. 000002 (above) with
experimental flash hider; no. 000003 (below) with improved version flash
hider/grenade launcher.
William A. Keil
Major, AGC
Asst Adjutant General
dollars away from better uses. The .258 cartridge project lasted
about two years before finally revealing itself to be an expensive
evolutionary dead end. Contracts were promised to ArmaLite
for the development of .258 caliber rifles, but never materialized.
95. Brown molded rubber buttplate (mod. no. 8), the same on both weapons.
No drainage hole in screw.
Powell asked about the Arctic tests. I told him we had some
minor problems, but that they were taken care of.
..months later I found out that the Arctic test report was
read to the Powell Board and [testing] was in fact concluded
97. The short-lived "Caliber .224 Springfield Infantry Rifle" serial no. 1,
top and right side views. Designed by A. J. Lizza.
Springfield Armory photo dated December 18, 1958
Of further interest is the fact that the .224 Springfield cartridge did not die out with the rifle. Remington, noting that
no further activity was forthcoming from the Armory on the
.224 project, approached Harvey and asked whether he thought
the Army would have any objection to their loading the round
commercially. The Army could hardly protest after having disowned the program, and Harvey's .224 Springfield cartridge
was produced and marketed successfully for many years as
the ".222 Remington Magnum".
98. The .224 Springfield Infantry Rifle disassembled. From the front, note
the M14-type gas cutoff and expansion system, the T25-style operating rod
handle with two bolt carrier contact points (for reduced jarring and vibration),
and Mr. Uzza's "stock and action clamp" trigger guard, the subject of US
Patent no. 2,912,781, described as "a jaw member pivotally mounted to the
trigger housing [and] a trigger guard pivotally mounted to said jaw member
for movement between a closed position encircling the trigger and an open
winter trigger position".
99. Bolt group closeup, from the Springfield Armory .224 caliber Infantry
Rifle. The long, flat action pin is smoothly actuated from both sides by the
double-ended operating rod (fig. 98).
weapon system" in 1963, no significant engineering development work had been done since 1958. The program's subsequent
litany of ills begins with this one simple fact. Secondly, even
in 1958 it was demonstrably untrue that the AR-15 was devoid
of technical merit, and in so stating Dr. Carten had disregarded
the conclusions and recommendations of his own experts. This
undermined the credibility of the Army's technical services,
polarizing and demoralizing the Ordnance technical community. In the process, ironically, Dr. Carten's own authority was
weakened, thereby contributing to the demise of the Office
Chief of Ordnance itself in 1962.
100. Bobby Macdonald's "old number 4", which he and Gene Stoner took
around the world in the spring of1959. Macdonald later described this ArmaLite rifle to the Ichord subcommittee as "..the finest, most foolproof weapon
I have ever seen in my life". Note the muzzle brake (like no. 000002, fig. 94) ;
the different slip ring arrangement; the type 2 selector lever markings (SAFE
forward), and the bipod.
US Army Infantry Board photo
dated May 27, 1958, courtesy Lee Rutledge
Chapter Four
was interested, but like most of the other traditional New England
gunmakers, Colt's was facing ever-heavier financial losses in
the dried-up civilian and military markets of the post-Korean
war period. An initial, 20-year "letter of understanding"
between Colt's and Cooper-Macdonald was put on paper as
early as September 22, 1958 regarding "the ArmaLite matter",
but it was some months before any actual money could be
put together.
As Fairchild's need to salvage some of its ArmaLite investment grew keener, Colt's veered ever closer to actual bankruptcy.
The sobering fact was that the manufacturing plant had not
been updated in virtually a century. The firm was at length
purchased by a New York financier for merely the value of
the inventory of firearms already manufactured but still
Ironically, the fined signing of the arrangement between
Colt's new directors and the newly-formed Fairchild Stratos
Corporation coincided almost to the day with General Taylor's
formal veto of further .22 caliber rifle purchases by the Army.
Interestingly, Colt's paid Fairchild Stratos a lump sum of only
$75,000 plus a royalty of 4 1/2% on all future production for
the rights to the AR-15, while for its good offices in putting
the deal together Colt's paid Cooper-Macdonald $250,000 plus
a royalty of 1% on future production. Salient portions of the
Colt/Cooper-Macdonald arrangement, as later read into the
record of the Ichord subcommittee hearings, are as follows:
elaborated by US Patent no. 2,951,424, issued on
September 6, 1960, entitled "Gas-Operated Bolt and
Carrier System".
Colt authorized Cooper-Macdonald to promote the use of
the foregoing weapon as standard equipment for the US
Armed Forces and also to promote [its] sale to foreign
governments and other users, both public and private, within
and without the continental limits of the United States.
The letter which accompanied Colt's first $5,000 "advance"
to Cooper-Macdonald, dated February 19, 1959, ended:
"..Receipt of this check will permit you to immediately take
off for the Far East to start securing the necessary orders to
permit our starting production."
Catch .22
days felt about the rifle. The fact of the matter was that having
both calibers, I ended up by giving away 6,000 rounds of
7.62 in the Philippines, because nobody wanted to shoot
[AR-10]. Everybody wanted to shoot the AR-15. So I didn't see
any point in carrying [the 7.62mm ammunition] any further.
But to my knowledge, we fired around 8,000 rounds through
that one rifle in the course of getting to India, and that means
all the Malayans, everybody had a shot with it under all
sorts of conditions. And as I recall, we had exactly one
malfunction, and that was easily traceable to a lip on the
magazine which somebody had bent.
But it was the finest, most foolproof weapon I have ever
seen in my life.
. .Well, when I got back to Singapore I cabled Colt who
had already spent $100,000 tooling up for the AR-10. I cabled
them to stop it and go to full out on the AR-15, because it
was obvious that what everybody else had always thought
about this [7.62mm] NATO round - it was not as good; it
just proved itself with these little people. [Colt's] followed
that advice.
101. Left side view of Colt's .223 caliber "ArmaLite AR-15 Model 01" (Colt
internal model no. 601, the first of the multivarious "600" series), serial
no. 000112. Note the mottled brown "fibrite" furniture and the early steel
"waffle" 20-round magazine (appendix).
Bob Miller collection
photo by Roy Arnold
that were ever sold were sold to Malaya, 25 rifles, and they were
shipped under State Department export license 3404 dated
September 30, 1959. The second [23 rifles] went to India under
export license 5893, dated December 15, 1959."
Catch .22
102. Front three-quarter view of an early Colt model 01 serial no. 000145,
showing early prototype bayonet (appendix), bipod, and clip-on grenade
launching sight.
INSET: closeup of the Colt-ArmaLite clip-on grenade launching sight, Colt
part no. 62214.
103. Skeleton drawings of the AR-15 model 01, from the original Colt manual
entitled "Instructions for the Operation of the Colt ArmaLite AR-15 Automatic
Rifle, Caliber . 223". Courtesy Robert E. Roy
104. List of Parts, Accessories and Armorer's inspection and repair kit, from
the first Colt manual. The Army soon found that Colt's considered all of these
to be proprietary items which had to be purchased from Colt's.
105. A diagram of the AR-15, loaded and ready to fire with selector lever set
to SEMI. Hammer notch engaged with trigger sear.
106. As the trigger is pulled, the hammer is released and rotates forward,
striking the firing pin and firing the chambered cartridge. As the bullet passes
the gas port, gas is routed through the gas tube ana bolt carrier Key, and
into the cylinder formed between the bolt and bolt carrier.
107. Gas pressure in the cylinder drives the bolt carrier to the rear. As this
happens, the bolt cam pin rotates the bolt and disengages the bolt lugs from
the lugs in the barrel extension. The hammer is returned to the cocked position,
and the action spring is compressed. As the bolt and carrier move rearward,
the extractor withdraws the spent cartridge case from the chamber, and the
ejector throws it out the ejection port.
108. The rearward motion of the bolt carrier is arrested by the buffer assembly
in the action spring guide. The compressed action spring then forces the bolt
carrier forward. The face of the bolt picks up the top cartridge from the
magazine, and thrusts it into the chamber.
110. Rotating the change lever to AUTO changes the Junction of two key parts.
On the forward or counter-recoil stroke, the automatic sear engages the top
outside hammer notch, holding the hammer in a cocked position. The bolt
carrier, in closing, strikes the upper edge of the automatic sear, rotating it
and releasing the hammer to fire the next round. This cycle will repeat until
the trigger is released or the magazine is empty.
111. From Colt's first run of AR-15s: pointing out the "recoil spring guide
on Model 01 serial no. 000300.
112. Retracting the bolt on Colt's AR-15 serial no. 000300. Note the "R" and
clockwise arrow markings on the early Colt rear sight elevation knob.
1960 SEP 12
114. Colt model 01 AR-15 barrel, gas tube and handguard assemblies.
As noted in chapter 3, the final versions of two other Aberdeen engineering test reports by Larry Moore, one being No.
DPS 101 A Test of Rifle, AR-10 of November 1960 and the other
as discussed below, contain no recommendations or conclusions.
Certainly from Dr. Carten's viewpoint, none were required,
in the absence of any formal Army interest in either arm: he
was simply giving Cooper-Macdonald and the Colt/ArmaLite
The AR-15 rifle was previously tested at this station
between 20 March and 21 November 1958. The results of
that test are contained in [the fifty-seventh report on
Ordnance Project TS2-2015; chapter 3]. The rifle tested
115. Closeup of receiver markings of Colt AR-15 serial no. 000614, used in
the Aberdeen "Test of Rifle, Caliber .223, AR-15" September, 1960.
Photo credit: Eric Long, Smithsonian Institution
Three rifles were subjected to the light automatic rifle test
and two rifles were subjected to additional accuracy tests.
A total of 24,443 rounds were fired. The AR-15 rifle, which
has a weight of 6.92 pounds when fully loaded and an overall
length of 38.8 inches, fires Cartridge, caliber .223. The average
velocity of the 55-grain bullet at 78 feet was 3,104 fps. In
the 100-yard bench-rest accuracy test the average mean
radius for 10-round targets was 1.5 inches. The average
number of rounds fired semi-automatically in one minute
in the rate-of-aimed-fire test was 84.2 and the average number
of hits obtained on the "E" target at a range of 100 yards
was 77.8 During automatic firing in this test, the average
number of rounds fired was 128 7, and the average number
of hits was 41.3. The average malfunction rate with the rifle
Even in the absence of conclusions and recommendations
it appears from the above that the performance of the 1960
Colt AR-15s, especially in the scoped-accuracy and adverse
condition tests, was little short of phenomenal. Indeed, a
perusal of other standard light rifle tests, such as are to be
found in previous Collector Grade books, will show the above
held normally was 0.25 per hundred rounds. Only ten parts
were broken in firing 18,000 rounds in the endurance test.
One of these parts, an extractor spring, was broken during
disassembly of the extractor. The AR-15 rifle gave nearnormal performance in the unlubricated, dust, extreme-cold
and rain tests, and it completed the mud test. [A modified
rain test was also conducted, wherein the bolt was retracted
slightly with the muzzle held down to facilitate drainage,
before firing]. A cook-off occurred after firing 140 rounds
in 54 seconds, but no cook-off occurred in firing 120 rounds
in 39 seconds. When fired with a telescopic sight from a
bench rest at 100 yards two rifles gave an average mean
radius of 1.1 inches for four 10-shot groups from each rifle
with each of two lots of ammunition.
results superior to most if not all the developmental weapons
of the period, including the Ml and T44E4 "control" rifles.
However, even though Dr. Carten's report to the Chief of R&D
grudgingly summed up the AR-15 as only "reasonably satisfactory", the AR-15 was approved for Air Force trial as
116. Fig. 9 from Aberdeen's 1960 trial: disassembled view of Colt AR-15 serial
no. 000614.
Aberdeen Proving Ground photo, courtesy James Alley
99 First Blood
Chapter Five
When President Kennedy turned down the Air Force's
second AR-15 request in December 1959, the people at Colt's,
by then part of the Fairbanks Whitney conglomerate, were in
dire straits indeed. They had gambled virtually everything on
the AR-15 and, with seemingly every avenue to mass-market
sales at home or abroad effectively blocked, the Firearms
Division was just barely hanging on by the fingernails.
Doing everything possible to expose the Ordnance clampdown on the AR-15, Bobby Macdonald kept up a flurry of
letters to well-placed Congressmen and even the Secretary of
Defense himself. By this time, however, the trouble was that
any official cognizance of the AR-15 would automatically beg
First Blood
118. Left side view of two Delft Optics AR-10-type 3x25-power telescopes (fig.
58) adapted as the "TTL-80" the first AR-15 scope sight. Note the different
types of finish; serial no. 312 (above, dull); and serial no. 141 (below, bright
anodized) in early Colt-made mount (part no. 62215).
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
119. Fig. 2-5 from the first USAF manual for the AR-15 rifle, illustrating the
inverted-post reticle of the Dutch TTL-80 scope.
First Blood
720. Illustrating the controllability of the AR-15 rifle. The bolt is just extracting
round no. 4 of a full-auto burst, yet the muzzle appears steady and in full focus.
AR-15 Rifles
7th Infantry Division
50,000 rounds
50,000 rounds
Airborne Brigade
195,000 rounds
VN Marines
50,000 rounds
VN Special Forces
50,000 rounds
Special Battalions
120,000 rounds
25,000 rounds
Father Hoa
10,000 rounds
550,000 rounds
Summary of Tests
To accomplish the stated purpose of this test, it was divided
into two parts. One part was a combat evaluation of the AR-15
in which the weapons were issued to specially selected ARVN
units for use in their operations against the Viet Cong. Along
with the rifles and ammunition, Vietnamese Unit Commanders and US Military Advisors were given weapon preference
and operational questionnaires and requested to complete
and return them after training and combat use of the AR-15...
The other part of the test consisted of a comparison
between the AR-15 rifle and the M2 Carbine. Areas in which
3. It is easy to maintain.
4. It is more rugged and durable than present weapons.
5. It imposes the least logistical burden.
6.It is the best weapon for all-around tactical employment.
First Blood
Test Results]
The ARVN soldier's ability to deliver accurate semiautomatic fire. .using the AR-15 and the M2 Carbine is comparable. . .the. .ability to deliver accurate automatic fire.. is
greater with the AR-15 than with the M2 Carbine.
121. A model 01 Colt AR-15 from circa the ARPA order, serial no. 001627.
Photo credit: Eric Long, Smithsonian Institution
9 First Blood
It is concluded that:
1. The AR-15 rifle is more compatible with the light weight
and small stature of the Vietnamese soldier than the M1
rifle, the Browning Automatic Rifle, and the Thompson SubMachine Gun.
2. The AR-15 is superior to the M2 Carbine.
It is recommended that:
1. The AR-15 be considered for adoption as the basic
weapon for all RNVAF with a view toward improving effectiveness and simplifying training and weapons/logistics systems.
2. Priority for adoption of the AR-15 be given to those
units which frequently operate in jungle environment for
..Unit Commanders' and Advisors' remarks concerning the value of the AR-15 in Vietnamese units and its
worth as a combat weapon in the war in South Vietnam
as opposed to existing weapons were also requested.
Number of VC killed: 5
Number of AR-15 s employed: 5
Type of engagement: 30-100 meters
Type of wounds:
122. The cover of the first Air Force manual for the AR-15, picturing a Col
model 01.
123. Specifications for the AR-15 rifle from USAF manual 50-12. The .223
cartridge is listed as "previously identified as 5.64mm (.223)".
Weight (pounds)
Rifle without accessories
Empty magazine
Cleaning equipment
Length (inches)
Rifle with flash suppressor
Rifle with bayonet
Barrel with flash suppressor
Type of mechanism
Rotating b
Method of
Magazine20 rds. ca
52,000 psi max avera
5.56 mm (.22
Ball and Trac
Muzzle velocity
( approx. )
3250 ft. per s
Muzzle energy
1328 foot lb
Cyclic rate of fire 7 0 0 / 8 0 0 rds. per m
Maximum rate of fire
4 5 / 6 5 rds. per m
Automatic (using 20-round
1 5 0 / 2 0 0 rds. per m
Sustained rate of fire 1 2 / 1 5 rds. per m
Maximum effective rate of fire
3 0 / 4 0 rds. per m
5 0 / 7 0 rds. per m
Maximum range
2833 y
Maximum effective range
500 y
Chapter Six
and even the AK-47 were all superior to the M14. Significandy, the Hitch report strongly implied that the "cheaper"
.223 caliber AR-15 was a fully developed weapon system.
McNamara requested the opinion of his Secretary of the Army,
124. A Colt AR-15 model 01, pictured during the Tactical phase of the Army's
"Worldwide" trials, late in 1962.
lighter grain bullet, you do not see this effect in the target
area. This is a factor... It smacks, I think, on whether. .a man
would have confidence in his weapon.
7 November, 1962
and Measurements
a0.0248 b0.0541
125. Fig. 129 from US Rifle M14 showing the M14 rifle and its range of
accessories as produced at Springfield Armory. The Army took the issue of
M14 rifle maintenance seriously: note the cutaway buttstock (right center)
the distance. .on the M14 rifle. ..It was also observed that the
cylindrical front sight of the AR-15 gave a poorer definition
Automatic Accuracy
Mean for
Shots Fired
Automatically (a)
30-shot Target
Mean from
Center of Target
a the first shot in each burst is excluded since these are considered
semi-automatically fired shots.
.. The test data show that the AR-15 and M14 rifles have a
low level of effectiveness when fired automatically. The first
shot in each burst is fired in the same manner as a semiautomatically-fired shot. In most bursts the first shot was
the only shot to hit the 5 ring of the "A" target (12 inches
In conclusion, Aberdeen pointed out that direct comparisons between the AR-15 and M14 rifle systems were difficult
to make, due to the very different characteristics of the two
cartridges used. For example, the weight of the caliber .223
ball round was calculated to be only 46% that of the M80 ball
round. Thus, while an empty AR-15 weighed 68% as much
as an empty M14, with 120 rounds loaded in magazines it
weighed only 58% as much.
Aberdeen did report that the AR-15 rifle had a slightly lower
sound pressure level than the M14, both at the firing position
and downrange. In addition they commented on the flatter
trajectory of the .223 bullet over the M80 ball out to 500 yards.
Notwithstanding the fact that 500 yards was the maximum
combat range for which the .223 had been designed, the report
concluded significantly, "Thereafter the M80 ball bullet has
a flatter trajectory."
which he supplied for the CDC tactical trial in late 1962 were
plagued with a malfunction rate eight times that of the M14
control rifles.
To be fair, it appeared that much of the problem lay with
the ammuniton. Remington had certified to the Commanding
Officer of the Boston Ordnance District that the 428,000
rounds of "Cartridge, Ball, Caliber .223-55 gr M.C." they
had supplied for the trials as lot no. RA-5018 complied with
a stringent series of specifications and tests. Despite this, there
were numerous reports of primers and/or bullets falling out
of cartridges during the tests, either leaving the popped primer
stuck in one of the locking recesses of the barrel extension to
jam the returning bolt, or worse, leaving a spent bullet stuck
in the bore. In the rain test at Aberdeen, for example, the test
officers reported as follows:
no. 8002
no. 8114
no. 8683
Chapter Seven
126. In a desperate attempt to salvage what they might from the abruptly
cancelled M14 program, TRW attempted this conversion of an M14 to .223
Neal Smith collection
127. Top view of the TRW .223 caliber M14, showing attachment of filler block
and modified magazine follower.
12& Closeup of the action, right side, of the TRW .223 M14 conversion. Note the
filler block and modified magazine catch, behind the (painted) AR-15 magazine.
129. "For immediate release": a proud publicity photo from Colt's parent
firm, Fairbanks Whitney Corporation, labelled "Colt's Oldest - and Newest
- US Combat Rifles "heralds the Army's announcement of the "one-time buy"
of AR-15 rifles.
130. A rare, early Colt model 01 instructional cutaway AR-15. This arm features
the Colt "green stock", which was simply the old brown stock painted green.
Lt. Col. Yount certainly came to his new powers with a clean
slate, admitting as he later did before the Ichord subcommittee
that he had never set eyes upon an AR-15 prior to being selected
as that program's Project Manager in March of 1963.
The Formation
of The Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC)
The following excerpts from the first few AR-15 Project
Manager's Weekly Reports allow us to pick up the initial threads
and USAMUCOM [the Army Munitions Command at Frankford Arsenal], [we] visited the Colt Patent Fire Arms Mfg.
Co., Hartford, Conn. Colt's engineering staff is currently
working in several design areas of the rifle. The Colt firm
has furnished engineering design data for the rifle to
[MUCOM]. Engineering design data for ammunition has
also been furnished by Remington Arms Co...The above
engineering data is necessary to study and resolve the
present design dimensional incompatibility of the ammogun system.
Chapter Eight
. .while McNamara had charged the TCC with the responsibility for making the technical decisions concerning
the AR-15/M16, he stipulated that the authority to veto those
decisions was reserved to OSD...it was made quite clear
to the Project Manager that OSD had final authority over
Bill Davis' "comfortably detached" position as Superintendent of the NATO North American Regional Test Center
was soon just a memory:
As an example of the scope and value of these Frankford reports, Mr. Davis' Second Memo Report on the AR-15
Rifle/Ammunition System of 17 June 1963 entitled Investigation of Test-Weapon Chamber Configuration, analyzed the
design data which the manufacturers had furnished. This
report confirmed discrepancies between some of Colt's
tolerances for the rifle's chamber, and Remington's specifications for the ammunition. Modifications to correct these
"design dimensional incompatabilities" were taken under
consideration by the TCC, as were a number of other minor
improvements suggested for heat treatment or finish on various parts of the rifle.
This McNamara memorandum also confirmed that all proposed modifications to the unified rifle were to be first agreed
upon by all four services, then submitted for OSD approval
before formal announcement by the TCC.
.. The overall result of such high level continuous interest is that the technicians spend more time on the
quality of their presentations and briefings than they
do on technical matters and projects suffer accordingly.
This unprecedented OSD involvement in a rifle procurement program, hitherto the prerogative of the Army itself, was
for many an unwelcome affront, and did little within that
community to enhance the popularity of the AR-15. On the
other hand, the Air Force, Navy and Marines, whose opinions
had seldom been sought when Army Ordnance officials had
been in charge of all small arms testing and procurement, were
now able and determined to present their own views.
One such was a lengthy dispute over rifling twist. The crux
of this debate concerned the alleged enhancement of bullet
lethality imparted by the "marginal gyroscopic stability"
inherent in the AR-15's original rifling specification of one turn
in 14 inches. Bill Davis, by this time as noted the AR-15 Project
Manager for .223 ammunition at Frankford Arsenal and one
of America's foremost ballistic engineers, fills in some interesting
background to the barrel twist debate:
..I must hasten to add that these specific claims have not
been by Stoner himself, so far as I know, but were made
by his enthusiastic disciples in OSD, and were popularly
accepted by the media and by many self-styled experts who
have written about this matter.
..As for the 14-inch twist, one theory holds that it was carefully chosen, so as to impart to the carefully designed bullet,
exactly the correct degree of gyroscopic stability to maximize
its lethality. On the other hand, it was hardly without precedent.
Rifles being built by Remington for the .222 Remington commercial cartridge had 14-inch twist of rifling, as indeed did
criticisms of the FN FAL back in the fifties was that it had no such
provision. In any case, the Army would not back down on the
need for a manual bolt closure on the AR-15, and stated its case
with eloquence and determination in this official "position paper":
The ability to close the bolt manually on any semiautomatic rifle is considered necessary as an emergency
measure. Neither the Ml or the M14 Field Manual recommends forcible closure of the bolt under normal conditions.
However, FM 23-5 (US Rifle Caliber .30 M1) states..that
in loading a full clip, "you may strike forward on the
operating handle with the heel of the right hand when
necessary to fully close and lock the bolt."
131. Closeup of a "green stock" Colt model 01, serial no. 011476, featuring
one of two Springfield Armory versions of a bolt closure device. To close the
bolt, the user pushed in the rear projection with the heel of his hand.
132. "Bolt Closure Device #1 with Dual Latches" - exploded and isometric views. A slot in the top of the receiver was fitted with an angled
cam block (fig. 131) which pushed the flat spring (above) down into contact
with the (modified) bolt carrier. This was the device, if any, that Gene
Stoner recommended.
Springfield Armory photo dated October 14, 1963
133. Another "green stock" Colt AR-15 model 01, serial no. 011767, experimentally fitted with a left-handed version of Colt's second bolt closure design.
The Air Force objected strongly to the whole idea of a bolt closure device,
while the Army just as adamantly insisted on it.
134. AR-15 model 01, serial no. 013168, with "in-the-white" experimental model
of Colt's right-handed thumb-closer idea.
Rock Island Arsenal collection, photo by Richard S. Smith
Unhappily, the spirit of harmony which had seen all the services
concur on the Air Force's 1-in-12 barrel twist did not extend
to the Army's case for the bolt closure device. In fact the Air
Force, the only service to have already adopted the AR-15,
was understandably dead against the idea, stating in part in
cost and complexity" of the device, the action of which is briefly described
from the four-page, 15-claim patent as follows: "The mechanism 98 is slideably
received within the generally cylindrical side passage 100 of the receiver 12... As
best seen in figs. 3 and 4, the plunger 116 is generally cylindrical and possesses
a longitudinal recess 118 along one side...Pawl 128 comprises a generally
rectangular pawl body portion 132 possessing at its rearward extremity a
slightly tapering rear surface 134 and a transverse aperture 136 through which
extends the pivot pin 130...On the forward end of body portion 132 is a ratchet
contacting and actuating foot 138 which cooperates with the longitudinally
spaced ratchet teeth 140 located on the side of the bolt carrier 52 so as to
136. Two bolt assemblies showing carriers with ratchet teeth on both sides
for bolt closure devices mounted on right side (top; fig. 134) and left side
(bottom; fig. 133).
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
move the bolt assembly 48 into the battery position. The teeth 140 extend
along the length of carrier 52 a sufficient amount so that they are presented
to the passage 100 regardless of the position of the carrier 52.."
its position paper that during more than three years of testing
and operation of the AR-15 rifle under all types of conditions,
the Air Force "has no record of malfunctions that could have
been corrected by the use of a manual bolt closing device".
The Air Force went on to list some other objections, pointing
out that the modification would add to each rifle's weight, cost,
and complexity, and could itself possibly induce other malfunctions. Not to be outdone, the Navy and the Marines also
prepared formal position papers on the bolt closure issue. In
a single paragraph the Navy explained that the device might be
desirable in the event of certain "minor difficulties", but was
not considered essential. In a similar short statement the Marines
found it "non-essential", although if one were developed and
proven to work well, the Marines were willing to consider it,
provided it did not degrade basic rifle performance.
As regards the actual hardware, the addition of such a device
where none had been intended was proving a difficult task
in itself. By the summer of 1963 both Colt's and Springfield
Armory had submitted designs, although initially none seemed
completely satisfactory. Colt's first proposal had been a handle,
attached directly to the bolt carrier, like the prototype AR-10A
(fig. 36). This simply stuck out through a long slot milled in
the upper receiver and reciprocated with the bolt carrier, thus
allowing more dirt than ever to enter the action. Colt's second
design eventually became the now-familiar ratchet-style "button"
working through a modified upper receiver.
As Gene Stoner noted, Springfield had studied the problem
from the standpoint of the least possible modification, and
hence cost. They too had proposed two concepts, the first being
to modify the upper receiver, charging handle and bolt carrier
key, adding only a small spring and plunger to the total number
of existing parts. A second Armory model was also in the
design stage at this time.
Meanwhile, quite aside from the developmental hardware
problems, the debate over the necessity for a bolt closure capability grew hotter. Secretary McNamara's original ground rules
for the TCC had specified four-service agreement on all modifications before they could be adopted, but a resolution to the
bolt closure issue seemed farther away than ever. In September,
the Army's Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development
(ACSFOR) informed McNamara that the AR-15 rifle was "an
unsatisfactory weapon for Army procurement and use, based
on a reaffirmation of the essentiality of a manual bolt-closure
capability and in consideration of the inherent risk of inadvertent
fire." The Air Force, for its part, had run its own tests on the
latest bolt closure designs from Colt's and Springfield, concluding that both were "unsatisfactory and unacceptable...it
is recommended that the [TCC] drop further consideration of
On October 12, Secretary Vance reported to McNamara
that the Army still insisted the bolt closure was "mandatory",
while for the Air Force it was "neither necessary nor desirable".
As discussed below, other pressing problems soon overshadowed
the pros and cons of the bolt closure issue, thus forcing a compromise on Secretary McNamara'a original plan of "one rifle"
for all.
.. When I arrived, I did not recognize any of my acquaintances in the small arms technical community, except a topmanagement official from Remington. This did not greatly
surprise me, as I had been told that "Ordnance people"
were excluded, insofar as possible, from all deliberations
involving the AR-15 and its ammunition. I introduced myself
to the group, and conveyed the assurances of my commanding
officer that the technical resources of Frankford Arsenal
would be at their disposal, and we stood ready to cooperate
in their effort in arty way possible. This opening remark was
met with stony silence, and the meeting got under way.
137. An early Colt model (6)02 (XM16E1) showing the bolt closure and modified
charging handle contour, but still fitted with the early chromed bolt and original
"heavy" firing pin.
Once the "high primer" idea had been officially ruled out,
there seemed at first glance to be two possible solutions to the
"slamfire" problem: either modify the rifle's firing pin, or the
cartridge primer. (At length, the solution was found in a
contentious combination of both). Right away, however, Colt's,
Frankford Arsenal
First Memo Report on AR-15 Rifle/Ammunition System
and Results
. .To determine the energy of the [AR-15 's] firing pin blow
which results accidently from [ten trials of] the inertia of
the pin upon bolt closure..
Rifle No.
Rifle No.
Rifle No.
Rifle No.
138. With special primer development holding up the solution to the "slamfire"
problem, Colt's and Springfield Armory undertook an examination of how
to lighten or somehow restrain the AR-15's firing pin. Colt's "No. 2 Design"
was at length chosen as the best approach.
Springfield Armory photo dated December 3, 1963
initially worth $13.5 million, while AWC Deputy Commander Brigadier General
Roland T. Anderson looks on.
US Army photo dated November 4, 1963
140. Closeup of the receiver markings on a Colt AR-15 model (6)02, the
precursor to the XM16E1, serial no. 021304. Black-impregnated furniture,
redesigned charging handle, 1-in-12 rifling, modified bolt release and "type 2"
flash suppressor.
Photo credit: Eric Long, Smithsonian Institution
1. Black-impregnated furniture
As originally marketed by Colt, the AR-15's "fibrite" furniture was a mottled brown color, wherein the composition of
compressed fibers was clearly visible. Later, these had been
painted green, a rather unsatisfactory process which scratched
or wore off after relatively little use. The one-time buy contract
because the powder capacity of the cartridge is simply insufficient to accommodate the necessary charge, of an IMR
propellant of suitable relative quickness, to meet those ballistic
requirements. Gustafson and I had examined the question
of the powder capacity required to produce precisely those
ballistics, when we proposed the development of such a
cartridge at Aberdeen in 1955 [chapter 3]. It was our intention to base the experimental cartridge on the commercial
.25 Remington cartridge case, which is larger by about
.045" in body and head diameter than the .222 Remington
family, in order to obtain the necessary powder capacity for
141. Evolution of the .223 cartridge. From left: 1. Gene Stoner's original unheadstamped "stretched" .222 Remington, loaded with his 55-grain bullet,
identified as "Type B" in Frankford Arsenal's Investigation of Bullet
Configuration report of June, 1963; 2. The .222 Remington Special, loaded
with Remington's 55-grain 5.5-caliber tangent ogive bullet (the inferior "Type
A" in the Frankford report), headstamped REM - UMC 222 SPL (fig. 76);
3. A typical M193 5.56mm round, (actually an inert, nickel-cased "Display"
version of Fabrique Nationale's M193 counterpart) headstamped FN 75;
4. An interesting experimental "tapered case" .223 round by Fabrique Nationale,
headstamped FN 68.
Editor's collection
. .The .223 round is still being loaded to the original specifications I gave them in 1957. I have had several conferences
with Remington in the past years on improving this round,
but they seem to be reluctant to change anything. I believe
that a great deal could be done to this round to improve
its military characteristics. It is inconceivable to me that
This gives rise to the extremely interesting topic of optim u m bullet configuration. In the course of AR-15 testing
at Frankford it was noted that commercial .223 cartridges
had over the years been procured and issued with at least
Frankford Arsenal
Third Report on AR-15 Rifle/Ammunition System
of Bullet
18 June 1963
It appears that bullets of several different shapes have been
made by various manufacturers at various times, and used
to some extent in ammunition for the AR-15 rifle...
The two types of bullets which were available for testing
142. A drawing from Frankford's Investigation of Bullet Configuration
report. Stoner's original "Type B" (below and fig. 141 no. 1) features
the same ogive and boattail as the 1954 Frankford Arsenal 68-grain, . 22
caliber Ml ball homologue (fig. 72). Tests showed the easier-to-make
Remington "Type A" (above) to have "a less favorable aerodynamic
differs from these other bullets only in that the overall length is
reduced somewhat to achieve the desired weight of 55 grains.
As might be expected from their differences in shape, the
Type B bullets had very significantly higher ballistic coefficients (less drag) than did the Type A...The accuracy..was
nearly the same when both were fired from barrels having
a 12-inch twist, .and was in both cases very satisfactory by
applied to
exceed 2.0
The following tabular data.. illustrates the foregoing considerations, and gives additional data at other ranges.
500 yds
Type A
Type B
Type A
Type B
Type A
Type B
The muzzle velocities of bullets are frequently discussed as if they represented the principal index of relative
terminal effectiveness, and great importance is sometimes
attached to these numbers per se...Less commonly
appreciated is the fact that impact velocities, and not
muzzle velocities, are the more significant as regards
terminal effect...In the case of .223 ammunition, the
retardation near the muzzle is nearly 4 feet per second in
each yard of range. It is obvious, therefore, that a change
of 50 fps in muzzle velocity..is equivalent to a difference
The Type B bullets evaluated..have significantly better
exterior-ballistic properties than have the Type A bullets,
with which latter type the system evaluation has largely been
conducted to date.
The use of bullets having a more favorable aero-
..It was clearly a necessary measure, given the fundamental problem of marginal stability inherent in Stoner's
choice of the 14" twist with his chosen bullet configuration.
[As noted above] the changes had the concomitant effect
of increasing aerodynamic drag, however... Furthermore, the
improvement in gyroscopic stability was not enough, as [the
subsequent change to 1-in-12] made clear.
Over the new year, with deliveries of the first M16 and
XM16E1 rifles just a few months away, the FY64 ammunition requirement rose to 132 million rounds. The stalemate
persisted, with all three approved commercial manufacturers, Remington, Olin Mathieson (Winchester/Western)
..As a result of review of [specifications] for procurement of M193 Ball Ammunition, commercial. .producers
advised that certain prescribed requirements. .could not
be met.
Thus the "solution" was temporary at best, amounting merely to a waiver on the first million rounds, but leaving
the actual specified pressure limits for future production
untouched. Significantly, upon completion of their 500,000round portion of the Specification Verification Quantity,
Remington withdrew I M R 4475 from use as a propellant
for 5.56mm ammunition.
A series of fruitless meetings, held throughout the early
part of January 1964, failed to solve the impasse created by
the OSD's adamant restrictions on allowable average chamber
pressure. Remington and Olin had finally agreed to split
the one-million-round Specification Verification Quantity
Olin Bows In
Curiously, the TCC balked at even allowing Olin's doublebase ball powder into the trials. Instead the issue was referred to
AMC's Director of Research and Engineering, with the recom-
143. Above: the green-tipped 7.62x51mm M198 Duplex round, adopted on May 7,
1964, shown loaded with Olin's WC846 ball powder. Note the dispersioninducing 9 cant on the base of the lower bullet.
Below: the M80 lead-core ball version of the 7.62 NATO, loaded with DuPont 's
American Ordnance Association
didn't accept their offer in the first place. In any event, permission was swiftly granted for Olin to participate in the upcoming
cartridge/propellant examinations.
In order to insure as much basic uniformity as possible, the
powder manufacturers agreed to ship their propellants in bulk to
Remington, where all three of the 25,000-round test lots were
loaded: one with DuPont's newly recommended CR8136; the
second with Olin's WC846 ball powder; and the third with
Hercules' HPC-10. The loaded cartridges were then shipped to
Frankford Arsenal for the comparative study, where a control
lot loaded with DuPont's original IMR4475 had meanwhile
been procured.
The commercial caliber .223 ball ammunition..[made]
before commencement of military participation in
the. .program was either entirely, or at least preponderantly,
loaded with IMR4475 propellant. The stated ballistics of the
commercial ball cartridge included a nominal mean velocity
of 3,250+/-30 fps and a mean chamber pressure not to exceed
52,000 psi. Examination of the manufacturer's test reports,
and the ballistic testing of some samples.. led to the observation [that] "while these ballistics are attainable, the.. required
velocity has. .allowed a very small margin below the maximum
permissible chamber pressure for most lots of ammunition.
For large-scale production of military ammunition.. a somewhat more conservative margin should be maintained between
the typical chamber pressure of production lots and the
maximum level permitted." It was recommended..that
consideration be given to a reduction in muzzle velocity
(which would permit lower chamber pressure) and concomitant adoption of an alternate bullet having improved
aerodynamic design. ..This recommendation was not approved
Subsequent development confirmed..that, whereas the
stated commercial ballistic requirements frequently were
met by individual lots. .occasionally the requirements were
not met [with IMR4475]. It appeared that consistent compliance . .would demand very close control of lot-to-lot
variables, especially. .the velocity/pressure relationship of
the propellant.
. .The samples of propellant were confirmed to be of types
which have shown satisfactory storage-stability in previous
experience, which was a condition for their inclusion, inasmuch as urgency precluded conducting long-term storage
tests within this program...A general description of the
propellants..is as follows:
of Material
a. IMR4475:
T =
144. Typical pressure-time curves, chamber and gas port, for the 5.56mm
M193 Ball cartridge.
Above: Lot TW-18205, loaded with Dupont 's third try at an acceptable 5.56mm
IMR propellant, 8208M (chapter 11).
Below: Lot LC-SP-556, loaded with WC846 ball powder.
Frankford Arsenal, redrawn by Thomas B. Dugelby
b. CR8136:
.. recommended by. .DuPont. .[this] is a single-base, tubulargrain propellant, differing fundamentally from IMR types
in that the deterrent coating is methyl-centralite instead of
dinitrotoluene...The improved coating..reduces the flame
temperature (and thus the barrel erosion), and affords somewhat better control of burning rate (and thus better control
over velocity/pressure ratios)..
c. WC846:
This..was recommended by..Olin Mathieson...It is a
(nitrocellulose/nitroglycerine) propellant,
commonly called "ball powder" (produced by spherical
graining and subsequent rolling for adjustment of web), with
a deterrent coating of dibutylphthalate. The preponderance
of 7.62mm NATO ammunition of US Ball and Tracer types
have been loaded with WC846...In cartridges of comparatively small capacity, the high density of ball propellant
permits the accommodation of comparatively heavy charge
weights, thus allowing rather wide latitude for adjustment of
burning rate, and consequently for improvement of velocity/
pressure ratio..
. .All of the test samples were superior to the control sample
as regards pressure/velocity relationship at normal ambient
temperature, although it would appear (from previous ex-
The cartridge samples representing CR8136 and WC846
propellant indicate that propellants of these types are satisfactory for use in 5.56mm M193 ball ammunition, and can
afford substantial advantage over IMR4475 as regards
velocity/pressure relationship.
It is recommended that propellant types CR8136 and
WC846 be approved for use as permissible alternates to
IMR4475 in the loading of 5.56mm M193 ball ammunition.
Other portions of Frankford's 5.56mm alternate powder
tests concerned such parameters as flash, erosion and fouling.
No significant problems were revealed, at least as far as these
..There are as yet no very soundly established portpressure criteria for the AR-15 (M16) rifle...It might be
expected, however, that the slower-burning propellants (such
as CR8136 and WC846), which are required to improve the
powder report still two months away and IMR4475 still the
only powder officially approved for Army 5.56mm cartridge
loading, all three cartridge manufacturers had placed tentative
bids on a total of 150 million rounds of M193 ball, which, as
noted in a Feb. 4 memorandum for record from the Project
. .Of the 150 million total, 131 million rounds, .are for the
Army, and 19 million rounds, .are for the Air Force.. .Quick
analysis shows that none of the bidders bid on the full Army
FY64 requirement, and that even the total of all three bids
does not meet the Army requirement. Without having full
of two sources of propellant meant that for the first time the
program was in conformance with the Army's stated policy
of always having more than one powder approved for a given
cartridge, in the event of a military emergency or hitch in
145. The Army's first XM16E1s, being inspected at Colt's before being delivered
in March of 1964.
The first true M16, meaning the first rifle procured for
the Air Force under the combined four-Service "one-time
b u y " (contract "508"), was presented by Colt's to USAF
Major General E. J. Gibson at a ceremony at the historic
Hartford plant on March 30. The next day the Air Force took
delivery, on schedule, of their first lot of 300 rifles and concurrent spare parts. By early May, the P M R was able to report
that "..cumulative acceptances are now 1,800 rifles with applicable spare parts, which equals contract schedule through
As for the XM16E1, the significant action report for the week
of 25-29 May 1964 recorded:
146. Top and bottom views of some of the Springfield Armory experimental
muzzle brake/compensators being tested by TECOM in early 1964, in conjunction with the newly-arrived
Springfield Armory NHS
147. Top and bottom views of yet another Springfield Armory experimental
muzzle brake/compensator.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
By the end of May the Army had accepted the first 200
XM16Els, and deliveries of new rifles to both the Army
(XM16Els, with bolt closers) and the Air Force (M16s) was
on schedule in accordance with the contract.
be foreseen, because there was, quite astonishingly, no information whatsoever available on the limits of port pressure
at which the AR-15 was designed to operate. [We] found,
to our great surprise, that neither Stoner, nor ArmaLite,
nor Colt's, nor Remington, nor ARPA, nor anyone else had
ever measured the port pressure of .223 ammunition, or
given any consideration of its effect on cyclic rate..
not apply so much to the Air Force, who had already set the
M16's acceptable upper cyclic rate limit at 900 rpm.) The TCC
doled out the waiver on a month-to-month basis throughout
the summer of 1964, thereby buying themselves some time
to assess the powder-related cyclic rate phenomenon.
company report entitled Chamber and Gas Port Pressures Ball Powder vs. IMR Powder, wherein were recorded the
results, by the prestigious H. P. White Laboratories, of an
examination of the first shipment Colt's had received of
cartridges containing WC846 powder. T h e study found that
the ball powder produced gas port pressures in the neighborhood of 500 psi higher than the original IMR4475, and
Frankford Arsenal
Eleventh Memo Report on AR-15 Rifle/Ammunition System
of Port-Pressure Limits
12 June 1964
..It was pointed out [in the fourth memo report "Investigation of Gas-Port Pressures in .223 Ammunition" dated
19 June 1963] that gas-port pressure is undoubtedly an
important parameter of ammunition design for the AR-15
(M16-type) rifle, and ought to be controlled. As the lots
[of commercial .223 ammunition, loaded with IMR4475]
tested had reportedly been satisfactory, .and their port
pressures were observed to be typically near 15,000 psi,
limits were recommended tentatively and somewhat arbi-
..cyclic rate depends heavily upon port pressure at very
low.. levels, but the degree of dependency diminishes with
increasing level of port pressure. ..At levels above the present
minimum.. (13,000 psi), the cyclic rate does not change very
drastically, and it appears that the change is not significant
above 14,000 or 15,000 psi.
..the maximum port pressure attainable with a casecapacity charge [of WC846] was about 16,200 psi... This test
gives no indication that port pressures up to 17,000 psi
would impair the reliability of weapon functioning. Any
disadvantage. .would seem to depend on whether the endurance of the weapon is significantly impaired in consequence
of greater energy of recoiling parts. Kinematic records of
the bolt in recoil would yield some useful data. .as would
also of course the results of extended endurance testing.
However, such tests of the weapon are beyond the scope
of this effort and of this report.
Arsenal staff had already discovered that the Air Force's plate
penetration requirement was apparently more traditional than
Thus the sad fact was that the TCC was forced to wear
blinkers, not to say blindfolds, and became increasingly
enmeshed in the "crisis management" of problems which
could not possibly be foreseen or heralded, but which simply
erupted with no warning.
Further Adventures
Chapter Ten
149. A proud Special Forces trooper in the spring of 1964, displaying his brandnew XM16E1.
set their upper limit at 900 rpm and to date were reporting
no problems, the T C C had refused to grant Colt's request
for a standing cyclic rate waiver on the Army's XM16Els. The
main duty of the Project Manager Rifles, the expedited supply
of XM16E1 rifles to the field, was thus on shaky ground indeed.
The concept of waivers of knowingly degrading some
parameter of a system in order to proceed with production
is utilized literally hundreds of times over the full course
of a typical military procurement program. In order to ensure
Further Adventures
when Colt's again advised that they were nearing the end of
production on the FY64 contract, the T C C saved the day by
invoking the contract option clause for the seventeenth time,
adding "33,500 M16 rifles for the Air Force, 240 M16 rifles
for the Navy and 82 M16 rifles for the Coast Guard, and
$517,000 worth of spare parts." This hiked the original $13.5
million contract with Colt's to $17,994,694.23.
The Patsy
and the initial issue of "Rod, Cleaning, M11" was immediately singled out as being too flimsy and easily broken, even
in normal use. Other than that, on the whole the new rifles
appeared to have been very favorably received. One Special
The Patsy
151. The 23.9-Ib. Harrington & Richardson SPIW, designed to fire three
with each shot from the Dardick "5.6x57mm triple-bore Tround". Aside from
152 The Olin (Winchester) SPIW, chambered for the XM144 flechette cartridge
(fig. 153). Note the three-shot, "blow-forward" grenade launcher, later
adapted to the second-generation Springfield SPIW (fig. 217). WinchesterWestern Research Department photo
The Patsy
155. The AAI Corporation's first-generation SPIW, chambered for the 5.6x53mm
AAI XM110 flechette round (muzzle velocity 4,820 fps; chamber pressure
59,000 psi). This early 5-lb. (point-target version only) AAI SPIW fired 2,400
rpm three-round bursts from a 60-round drum magazine.
ser. no.
Total number of
rounds fired
Interestingly, no XM16Els were featured, possibly
because at the time of these tests there was no Army Technical manual in existence for the XM16E1. The D&PS test
Further Adventures
Proof Services
Report No
The purpose of this test was to determine if productionline samples of M16 rifles would comply with performance
specifications; to detect any design, manufacturing, or
inspection deficiencies; and to determine the accuracy
and the ability of the rifle to function when subjected to
automatic-fire roles and under various adverse conditions.
It was found that:
In the machine-rest accuracy test [three 10-shot groups
from each of five rifles at 91.4 meters], the average extreme
spread of the groups ranged from 2.6 to 3.6 inches.
The average extreme spread of groups fired from benchrest
at 100 meters was 3.6 inches compared to 3.5 inches when
fired from a machine rest at 100 yards using the same rifles.
In.. 3-round-burst automatic accuracy at 25 meters from
the standing position, the average extreme spread for all
shots was 117.2 inches. The average extreme spread for the
first shot in each group (aimed shots) was 2.4 inches.
In. .5-round-burst automatic accuracy at 25 meters from
the standing position, 9% of all shots missed the 20-foothigh by 12-foot-wide target.
In.. 3- and 5-round burst automatic accuracy at 50 meters
from the prone position, without the use of artificial support,
the average extreme spread was 89.6 and 101.9 inches
In firing 3- and 5-round burst. .from the hip at 25 meters at
an E target, 90 rounds were fired, in 3-round bursts, resulting
in 19 hits. A total of 150 rounds was fired in 5-round bursts
and 32 hits were obtained.
In the combat accuracy test [100 yards] the average extreme
spread was 4.0 inches [from three 10-shot groups from a
benchrest and two 10-shot groups prone with sling].
After being subjected to +125 F and 90% relative humidity for approximately 18 hours, the cam pin rusted and
caused extreme difficulty in opening the bolt..
It is concluded that:
With the exception of one rifle which failed to meet
performance specifications because of excessive failures
to fire semiautomatically, all of the rifles tested met those
performance requirements outlined in SAPD-253..
It is recommended that:
Chapter Eleven
156. The NATO-caliber AR-16, designed for ArmaLite by Gene Stoner. Hinged
for quick takedown like the FN FAL (and the AR-15), the short-lived AR-16
was capable of launching rifle grenades as shown "without modification or
attachments" and was fitted with click-adjustable night sights. The AR-16
with its folding stock was first introduced to the Ordnance Tank Automotive
Command as a candidate rifle for the Tank Corps. In a letter to the unit's
15 7. ArmaLite AR-16 right side view, stock folded for overall length of only 27".
The 7.62mm AR-16 weighed 8.75 lbs. and had a 15" barrel. Introduced (in
June of 1961) when the M14 was still the "rifle to beat", ArmaLite estimated
that AR-16 tooling would cost 20% of that needed for the M14, and that AR-16s
costing $50 each could be in production "at a rate of 10,000 per month"
within a year.
Gene Stoner had meanwhile not been idle. Indeed, innovative designs of his were the source of some fairly constant
competition to the M16 over the whole course of the program.
Significantly, Stoner's originals were all in 7.62 NATO caliber:
the AR-10; the AR-16, which he designed in the mid-fifties
in cooperation with ArmaLite project engineer Arthur Miller;
and the Stoner 62.
Interestingly, each of these was the source of an important
5.56mm "spinoff" wherein the original was scaled down by
other engineers, generally with only a modicum of involvement
by Stoner himself. First, as we have seen, the AR-10 became,
at Fairchild's behest, the AR-15. Then, after Stoner's departure
from ArmaLite, Arthur Miller became chief engineer there
on a project to scale down the stamped-metal AR-16 into the
5.56mm AR-18. Finally the Stoner 62, which utilized lessons
learned in all Stoner's earlier designs, was "projectized" by
the Cadillac Gage Co. of Warren, Michigan, and redesigned by
the erstwhile ArmaLite engineering team of L. James Sullivan
and Robert Fremont into the 5.56mm Stoner 63 and 63A
systems, expressly for the Marine Corps.
All these weapons were built around the multilugged Johnson/
Stoner bolt, but with Stoner's patented gas system assigned
to Colt's, the latter designs were perforce fitted with conventional piston-operated gas impingement systems.
158. Despite problems with their bulky M14s and the hype from ArmaLite,
the Tank Command remained, officially, Not Interested in the AR-16. It appears
that only three AR-16s were ever made.
159. The ArmaLite .223 caliber AR-18, right side view with stock folded.
Designed by Arthur Miller after Stoner's departure from Armalite. Compare
with fig. 157.
160. A 1964 USAF cold-weather trial of ArmaLite AR-18 serial no. 002. At
this and other trials the AR-18 was judged "in an unfinished state of design".
Photo credit: Larry Stevens
161. Gene Stoner's first design for Cadillac Gage Company, called the Stoner 62,
pictured here in the "Standard Auto Rifle" mode. Caliber 7.62mm NATO.
163. On a mission against the Viet Cong: an American advisor armed with
an M16 rifle (note the early steel magazine) and his small-statured ARVN
The Colt
"CAR-15 and CMG-1 5.56mm Military Weapons System"
Colt's realized that, just as the AR-15 had so audaciously
challenged the M14, other competitive weapons would threaten
the M16/XM16El's relatively vulnerable "toehold" of limited
adoption. An extensive Colt research and development (R&D)
program was therefore undertaken to diversify the basic AR-15
(M16), with a view to offering the military as many interesting
and practical M16-type weapons as possible.
After trials with a few one-off "what-if?" models, Colt's
focussed on seven basic versions of the M16: the standard M16
rifle, both as issued and also fitted with a Colt-developed 40mm
grenade launcher attachment; a carbine with a 15" barrel;
two heavy-barrel, bipod-supported "M-1" (clip fed) and " M - 2 "
(belt fed) heavy assault rifles; a submachine gun with a 10"
164. First and second edition catalogs describing Colt's "CAR-15 and CMG-1,
5.56mm Military Weapons System" .The lower "Second Edition" from May,
1965 was later described by a Colt designer as "very optimistic".
( M-16 )
Lower Receiver
Bolt Carrier
Receiver Extension
U p p e r Receiver
Part N a m e
Front Sight
Rear Sight
Gas T u b e
Automatic Sear
Hand Guard
Pistol Grip
Trigger G u a r d
Bolt Stop
Magazine Catch
( M-16 )
Action Spring
Part N a m e
Butt Stock
Charging Handle
Part N a m e
Feed Cover
Back Plate
Feed Tray
Butt Stock
X **
Action Spring
Bolt Carrier
Charging Handle
Colt's Common Components Chart for the CAR-15 and CMG-1 systems.
AUTO and SEMI have been milled out, and now read AUTO up, SEMI rear,
and "2 Shot" burst, down.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
(.110"); and this lightened "Bolt Carrier for Short Version" was produced
and tested, both in "shorties" and heavy-barrel machine guns. Compare
with fig. 182.
US Army Weapons Command photo dated August 6, 1964
168. Left and right side views of the official 15 "barreled CAR-15 Carbine,
the Colt model (6)05B (Burst). As on the prototype (fig. 166) the change
lever positions are reoriented (AUTO up and SEMI rear), but with down
now marked BURST. The 34 1/4", 5.8-lb. Carbine was offered without
169. Cover of Colt's instruction manual for its two- and three-shot burst devices,
available on all models of the CAR-15 system.
171. Closeup of three burst device hammer cams. From top: experimental
"once-around" 6-shot; 3-shot; 2-shot.
Bob Miller collection
172. The Colt CAR-15 HBAR "Heavy Assault Rifle M1". Weighing over a pound
more than the 6.5-lb. M16/XM16E1, the M1 was variously fitted with a regular
Colt "clothespin" bipod, a modified BAR bipod as shown here, or adapted for
the M2 rifle bipod (fig. 173). This example, serial no. 039950, bears "AR-15 /
Cal. 223" export markings.
173. Colt's model 606B (Burst) HBAR M1, fitted at the muzzle with an adapter
for the M2 rifle bipod. The Army originally bought less than 200 HBAR M1s,
mainly for use during the SAWS trials, although improved, open-bolt M16
HBARs are alive and well today (chapter 23).
Rock Island Arsenal collection, photo by Richard S. Smith
175. Colt designer Rob Roy firing the original, regular-barreled belt-feed rifle
shown in fig. 174. Note the three circled empties, and the links of the disintegrating belt exiting through the link ejection port.
177. Colt belt-feed M2 HBAR, left side view with smaller (50-round) ammunition box.
178. Right side view of Colt's "CAR-15 Heavy Assault Rifle M2", officially
listed as weighing 83 lbs. (without bipod or 120-round ammunition box, shown
here). Note the "link chute", which channeled the spent links into a compartment in the right-hand side of the ammunition box. The Project Manager
noted that a belt feed AR-15 was sent to Springfield Armory on November 10, 1964,
to be evaluated as helicopter door armament. Less than 20 were ever made.
179. Three-quarter rear closeup view of another belt-feed HBAR M2, fitted
with Colt's first offering of round (interchangeable) handguards (fig. 207)
and the 50-round ammunition box.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
180. Further receiver closeup of fig. 179. Note the rounded slot cut in the
center portion of each Colt link, designed to mate with the link guide (fig. 176)
and keep the links from twisting and jamming the action.
181.Closeup of an experimental,
"handleless" upper receiver designed for
belt feed. Note the vertical slot and guideway (right) through which the sliding
feed actuator is cammed up and down by the long slot in the bolt carrier
(fig. 182).
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
Two one-off, prototype CAR-15 submachine guns from the Colt model
both with 10 "barrels and ' 'bobbed" bayonet lugs and pistol grips.
Above: early Colt (model 01) AR-15 featuring (from front) early standard flash
suppressor; handmade front handguard retainer holding standard handguard
shortened from front; early charging handle; handmade prototype extendable
buttstock (fig. 184).
Below: later M16 with handmade rear handguard retainer and handguard
shortened from rear. Note "production" model of extendable buttstock.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
184. Figs. 1, 2 and 3 from US Patent no. 3,267,601, granted to Robert E. Roy
and assigned to Colt's, entitled "Adjustable Length Buttstock". Not completely
satisfactory, as it required the addition of a guide rod (22) and in any case
the stock, operated by the lever (18), only changed the rifle's length by 2.7".
Further development of the CAR-15 SMG is discussed in chapter 15.
185. Another one-off, toolroom model of the CAR-15 submachine gun, made from
AR-15 serial no. 014864, featuring the plain (model 02) flash suppressor on a
10" barrel. No bayonet lug; export markings; early steel " w a f f l e " magazine;
standard pistol grip and extendable buttstock.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
186. Right side view of two CAR-15 survival rifles (Colt model 608).
Above: note the unique funnel-type flash hider and distinctive round handguard,
the "bobbed" pistol grip and non-adjustable metal stock.
187. The Colt CAR-15 survival rifle as disassembled for stowage, along with
80 rounds of ammunition in 4 magazines, in the standard aviator's seat pack.
10" barrel, 29" overall length. Weight: 4.75 lbs. without magazine. Not adopted:
estimates at Colt's are that less than 10 Survival Rifles were ever made.
Below: a later model featuring the first type of Colt's "noise and flash suppressor" (chapter 15), slightly longer pistol grip, and plastic-coated buttstock.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
188. The short-lived Colt CMG-1, in the 12.5-lb. 15.67kg "Tripod Mounted
Medium Machine Gun" version. Made extensively from sheet metal stampings,
the CMG-1 was designed to feed belted 5.56mm ammunition from either side of
189. The other three proposed versions of the CMG-1 machine gun, as featured
in the second edition of Colt's "CAR-15 and CMG-1'' catalog (fig. 164). The
designer noted that these seemingly ready-to-shoot CMG-1s "existed only
in the minds of the advertisers".
Above: the 11.5-lb. /5.22 kg "Bipod Mounted Light Machine Gun", " s p e c i f i cally intended for use by assault troops".
Center: the buttless "Vehicle Mounted" version, " f o r use on wheeled or
tracked vehicles as a defensive weapon or in support of infantry units".
Below: the "Solenoid Operated Fixed Machine Gun" produced " f o r use in
helicopters and fixed wing aircraft".
the receiver, and fire from an open bolt. Bate of fire: 650 rpm. Only two or three
CMG-1s were ever built. The first prototype featured an M16 bolt and gas tube,
while the others were each built on different experimental gas (piston) systems.
13 The Stoner 63
190. Comparison drawing and list of specifications for the Stoner 62 and 63
weapons systems.
Cadillac Gage Company
The Stoner 63
191. Gene Stoner in late 1963, demonstrating the rifle version of an early woodstocked prototype of the .223 caliber Stoner 63 at Camp Grayling, Michigan.
US Army Detroit Arsenal photo
The Stoner 63
plus the M16 rifle) CAR-15 series, but these were seen as
"dedicated" individual configurations. The Marines apparently
had in mind a more versatile system based on common, interchangeable sub-assemblies.
193. The complete 5.56mm Stoner 63 system, as favored for adoption by the
US Marine Corps, and tested in the SAWS study. The Stoner system boasted
over 80% parts commonality among all its versions.
The Stoner 63
The Stoner 63
On the other hand, the M16 rifles coming into the system
were almost exclusively for the use of the Air Force and other
special airmobile units. For the Army, the XM16E1 was by
definition just a stopgap until the SPIW became ready for
issue, an event that had already begun to recede into the evermore-distant future. The basic weapons available for
general issue to the Army and the Marine Corps still comprised the NATO-caliber M14 rifle and M60 machine gun.
With some decision obviously necessary in the dispute between the Army and the Marines over the Stoner system,
it seemed as good a time as any to examine future small arms
options in general.
Over the next fifteen months, six major series of SAWS tests
were performed in the US, the Arctic, Europe and the Caribbean on a number of weapons including the M14, light- and
194. The rifle version of the improved, 5.56mm Stoner 63A1 system. By
1970 the Stoner system as used in the SAW trials had been narrowed down
to three improved versions: the XM22E1 Rifle (above): the XM23 Carbine:
and the XM207 Belt Fed Machine Gun. A further improvement to this
G3 rifle was the result. With the burgeoning popularity of the .223 cartridge,
it wasn't long before H&K introduced a 5.56mm version of its roller-locked
" f a m i l y " called the HK33.
Pictured above are left and right views of a "laundered" HK33 called
the "T223", sponsored by Harrington & Richardson and entered in the
196. Receiver closeup of the 5.56mm caliber HK33, disguised as the " H & R
T223" for the SAWS trials. Note the selector markings: "Safe: S.A; F.A".
3 December 1964
..Specific plans for Project Office termination have not
been developed. A number of decisions must be made pertaining to the Army Rifle Program before definite plans..
could be prepared.
To develop specific plans, the Army Rifle Program should
be considered from four alternatives.
Escalation in Vietnam
In March of 1965, exactly a year after Colt's had begun
initial deliveries, XM16E1 rifles were deployed with the 173rd
Airborne Division, officially the first US combat troops deployed
in Vietnam.
Emergency orders for small quantities of rifles had meanwhile been keeping Lt. Col. Yount busy juggling his monthly
delivery schedules. A sampling from the PMR's weekly significant action reports for the period leading up to the first
"official" deployment reads as follows:
Rifles [week of] 14-18 December 1964
Rifles [week of] 22-26 February 1965
Rifles [week of] 28-31 December 1964
Rifles [week of] 18-22 January 1965
A priority 04 MIPR was received from Navy for 50 additional M16 rifles..
. .An additional [Air Force] priority requirement for shipment of 6,463 M16 rifles has been received.. .Whereas Army
production could defer to the Air Force higher priority
requirement, receivers for the Army rifles are different, and
the availability of receivers for Air Force rifles is the limiting
factor on production.
1,000 caliber .30, M2 Carbines which cannot be made available to fill the Navy's requisition..
In April 1964, a similar program.. resulted in recommending for approval propellant types DuPont CR8136
and Olin WC846. Production experience.. later indicated
the need for evaluating new propellants which might
offer a more favorable pressure-velocity relationship..
Test Material
The test material consisted of three samples of approximately 20,000 cartridges each containing respectively
DuPont EX8028, Hercules HPC-11 and Olin WC846..
HPC-11..has a double base grain composition (tubularextruded) and uses ethyl centralite as the deterrent coating
. ..The sample lot. .was assembled by the Federal Cartridge
HPC-11 WC846
EX8208: No stoppages attributable to visible fouling...
Only a moderate amount of fouling appeared on the bolt
assembly area after the initial 1,500-round firing and after
each subsequent 1,000-round cycle during the 6,000 round
erosion test.
HPC-11: . .without any stoppages attributable to visible
Rifle No.
Internal dia.,
New Rifles
at 1,500 rounds
at 2,500 rounds
at 4,500 rounds
at 5,500 rounds
at 6,000 rounds
Cyclic rate
Engineering tests designed to evaluate commercial product
types, such as this..program, can evaluate such types only
to the degree that the..samples used actually represented
the respective types.. .It is essential that propellant producers
control the raw materials and processes.. so that subsequent
lots are not significantly degraded from the sample found
The control propellant (WC846) gave the greatest
amount of visible accumulation of residue in the bolt
assembly area.. .Though WC846 meets current acceptance criteria for fouling, it appears to be marginal in this
regard after between 1,000 and 1,500 rounds without
cleaning; WC846 loaded cartridges will cause stoppages attributable to excessive fouling in the bolt
None of the [acceptable] test propellants appears capable
of consistently meeting the current XM16E1 rifle cyclic rate
requirement of 750+/-100 [rpm]..
..EX8208 propellant. .is suitable for use in 5.56mm Ball
M193 and Tracer M196 ammunition and affords a substantial
advantage over the currently approved CR8136.
The control propellant, WC846 though otherwise satisfactory, does produce quantities of fouling.. sufficient to affect
weapon function if the weapon is not cleaned after firing
a maximum of 1,000 cartridges.
That..EX8208 be approved for use in..Ball M193 and
Tracer M196 ammunition.
That current approval for use of CR8136 in the same type
ammunition be withdrawn.
That current approval of IMR4475 propellant for use in
the 5.56mm Tracer M196 cartridge be withdrawn.
Chapter Twelve
great relief, therefore, that in April 1965 AMC could in all good
conscience pass on word of the first month's "almost unanimously favorable" combat reports from these special units.
The relief was short-lived, however. For one thing, as the
Project Manager reported, the TCC's M16 Introductory plan
was soon going slightly awry:
It is evident that General Besson truly believed the selectivefire M16 to be the best available US weapon for jungle and ricepaddy warfare, so much so that in his April report he warned
the Vice Chief of Staff of what he saw as a "potential flare-up"
from regular soldiers armed with semi-auto M14s who had a
chance to become acquainted with the merits of the XM16E1.
However, as glimpsed above in the PMR's Four Alternatives, the Army had no intention of replacing its .30 caliber
inventory at this time. The duration of the American presence
in Vietnam was as yet uncertain, and moreover the SAWS
trials were still running their course: until their conclusion,
still over a year away, everyone had more or less agreed on
maintaining the small-arms status quo.
As early as the first month of deployment, however, as was
pointed out over the signature of the PMR's Washington-based
Staff Officer (PMSO) Lt. Col. Robert C. Engle, there were
some loose ends:
spend more money for any new weapons but to use the
current supply of M14s.
The M14 was a very inadequate weapon for use in jungle
fighting since it was incapable of getting off a three-round
burst without losing the last round... The AR-15 was a perfect
application for this purpose and was recognized by Westmoreland and all his staff..
By refusing to allow Colt's to ship rifles anywhere throughout the world, although they had outstanding contracts with
letters of credit. .McNamara was able to tell the American
public that every rifle coming off the Colt line was going
to the soldiers in Vietnam. Colt at that time was working
on a one-shift basis. It was an extremely political situation.
Members of the Congress became actively involved. The
Army Staff was trying to get the 100,000 rifles that Westmoreland had requested in September. .which General Besson..
supported but couldn't get approval from the Chief of Staff
or the Secretary of Defense. After many discussions with
The prescribed cyclic rate of fire for the XM16E1 rifle is
650 to 850 rds/min, based on the average rate measured
during a 20-round continuous burst. The parameters affecting
rate of fire have been adjusted, in design of the rifle, so
as to give a typical rate of 750 rds/min..
change from ammunition employing tubular-grain propellant to ammunition employing spherical grain (ball)
The purpose of this first report is to present.. the
results of a typical experiment. .to ascertain the magnitude of the.. effect in a random sample of 52 production
following the first. In half of the rifles, Lot RA5060 was
fired first, and in the remaining rifles this firing order
was reversed... because it has been observed that, if two
bursts are fired in rapid succession, the cyclic rate of the
second burst is characteristically somewhat higher... This
..change, which occurs irrespectively of the ammunition
variables, could thus be separated from the. .comparison
to be made.
The 52 rifles were chosen at random from regular production. Two lots of M193 ball ammunition were used:
Lot RA5060 containing [CR8136] propellant, and Lot
RA5135 containing [WC846] ball propellant.
..Each rifle was fired in two 20-round bursts. One
type of ammunition was fired in the first burst, and the
other type was fired in the second burst, immediately
Rifles 1 - 26
(Lot 5060 fired first)
Average rate, rds/min
Fraction exceeding
850 rds/min
Rifles 27 - 52
(Lot 5135 fired first)
Average rate, rds/min
Fraction exceeding
850 rds/min
. .Using [CR8136], both the mean cyclic rate and the standard deviation among rifles are. .within the permissible limits
of 650-850 rds/min.. .the statistical probability of exceeding
these limits..is acceptably small.
In the case of [WC846].. both the mean cyclic rate and
the standard deviation..are significantly increased..
Aside from the consideration of rejecting rifles, .on grounds
of cyclic rate...it is a matter of common experience that
There is a clearly significant change in typical cyclic-rate
performance of XM16E1 rifles, associated with a change
in ammunition.. [where] different types of propellant were
Weapons which readily meet the present cyclic-rate
requirement when using [CR8136J will frequently fail. .when
using [WC846]...For weapons such as those used in this
experiment, none are likely to fail with [CR8136], whereas
more than half are likely to fail with [WC846].
The difference in cyclic rate produced by ammunition differences is such that no controls which might be
Thus the "bottom line" of Colt's Ammunition Variables
report was that the cyclic rate of virtually all new XM16Els
was acceptable when tested with IMR-type powder, but that
over half of these same rifles would exceed the limit and therefore be rejected if tested with ball propellant.
Other data was soon presented to support this conclusion.
Ongoing SAWS reliability testing that same month had revealed
"an unusually high number" of malfunctions. The P M O
could pinpoint no known cause, although investigations were
ordered. This general attitude of not looking for trouble, adopted
by the Project Manager in order to safeguard the scheduled
exercised over manufacture of XM16E1 rifles could guarantee compliance.. the upper limit must be extended.. to 1,000
rds/min to accommodate ammunition of both types.
The increase in cyclic rate..can be expected to reduce
the endurance of certain parts (notably the bolt), and to
increase the frequency of certain malfunctions (notably the
failure of the bolt to latch rearward when magazine is
empty)... a quantitative assessment of these effects is not
yet available, because many thousands of rounds are necessary for rendering a statistically sound judgement on parts
life and malfunction rate..
1. A difference in characteristics, .can be observed. A significantly higher cyclic rate is obtained with ball propellant.
(75 -130 rpm).
The timing of the carrier rebound, under certain conditions of weapon support, was such that it coincided
with the falling of the hammer, and the bolt carrier
was thus somewhat out-of-battery when the hammer
struck. In that event, if the carrier was out of battery
by more than about .020", the energy of the hammer
was dissipated in driving the carrier forward, and was
then insufficient to fire the primer.
200. The components of the original AR-15 buffer, showing the "Edgewater
ring springs" which were supposed to "give" on compression as described
in the text.
Drawing by Thomas B. Dugelby
201. Fig. 3 from US Patent no. 3,977,296, Stanley D. Silsby's "Hydraulic Buffer
Assembly for Automatic.. Firearm" one of several attempts to solve the "light
strike" problem. In this design, the hydraulic damping action is briefly described
as follows: "When the piston 74 is moved inwardly toward the depressed position
..hydraulic fluid flows from chamber 92 to chamber 90 via the orifice 94...
Releasing the inward force on the piston 74, results the seal pushing hydraulic
fluid (under the urging of spring 84) through the orifice 94 from the chamber
90 to the chamber 92.." Not adopted.
US Patent Office
202. Another Colt model shop experiment: a solid nylon buffer, drilled out
and fitted with a spring-loaded metal weight. As with the Silsby hydraulic
buffer, this design was not entirely successful in damping bolt carrier "bounce"
and thus solving the HBAR "light strike" problem.
Bob Miller collection
Sturtevant's buffer (fig. 204) was adopted and installed in all new rifles
beginning in December, 1966. The Army later reported that a retrofit program had replaced all the old "action spring guides" in service by the late
fall of 1967.
204. Above: the original AR-15 "action spring guide", cutaway to show the
internal "Edgewater ring springs".
Below: Colt's new buffer, which happily solved both the HBAR "light strike"
problem and the ball-powder-induced cyclic rate problem. Introduced in
December, 1966.
In the rifle, the new buffer did and did not do several things.
First, because of the random position assumed at the end of
each shot by the loosely-fitting internal weights and discs which
comprised a large portion of the buffer's mass, the effect of the
buffer's added weight on the rifle's "dwell time" or bolt-opening
cycle was negligible.
Finally, the polyurethane bumper introduced a new phenomenon all its own: during burst fire, due to its low "coefficient
of restitution", it retained some compression for the duration
of the cycle, tending to become more resilient and thus cause
the cyclic rate to progressively speed up: the longer the burst,
the faster its cyclic rate.
As a happy aside, however, it was noted that in curing the
HBAR light strike problem the heavier buffer also reduced
the overall cyclic rate to the point of acceptability even when
firing cartridges loaded with ball powder. At the January 1966
meeting Colt's introduced the new buffer to the TCC, proposing
it as an across-the-board replacement for the old "recoil spring
guide". The TCC welcomed the idea with enthusiasm, and
ordered twelve new buffers made up for trial.
Foul Ball
With ball powder's characteristically heavier chamber fouling
well documented but as yet unlinked to any major problems,
the Project Manager reasoned that as soon as the new buffers
were approved and introduced, the high cyclic rate problem
would disappear, in effect leaving ball powder with a clean
slate. Therefore, as later recorded in the February 1968 Appraisal
of the M16 Rifle Program by the Director of Defense Research
and Engineering (DDR&E), in order to ensure continued rifle
acceptance and delivery, Lt. Col. Yount took it upon himself
to pronounce the ball powder issue quietly closed:
..The Project Manager was responsible for furnishing
Colt's with test ammunition. The cyclic rate phenomenon
having been identified as a rifle-ammunition problem, which
Colt's and the Committee expected to solve with a new buffer,
the Project Manager decided to forego the use of WC846
for acceptance testing. He located all remaining lots of IMR
[CR]8136-loaded ammunition and had them shipped to
Colt's for use in future [XM16E1] testing. The effect was a
de facto waiver of the Army's upper cyclic rate limit. The
Air Force waiver to 900 rpm was still in effect. From March
1965 through September 1966 some 99 million rounds of
M16 ammunition were consumed in Vietnam, 89 million of
which were loaded with WC846, the balance with IMR
Once again the P M R did not immediately inform General
Besson of his actions. This fact was made obvious by the latter's
comments pencilled on his copy of the significant action report
for the week of 11-15 April 1966. Beside the announcement
that the qualification of EX8208-4 (DuPont's third try at an
acceptable 5.56mm propellant) would soon result in "competitive
205. From US Patent no. 3,564,950, granted to John K. Jorczak and David
A. Behrendt and assigned to Colt's, entitled "Cartridge Case Extractor Tool".
Note the proposed pistol grip trap, below, for stowage.
US Patent Office
206. Signing the historic second contract ("0018") in June of 1966 Left, seated:
Colt's vice-president of marketing, William Goldbach. Center, signing: fire-
arms Division president Paul Benke. Far right, standing: military sales manager
James B. Hall.
Contract "0018" was duly signed in June 1966. It was historymaking for several reasons, one being that its very existence
meant the end of the blinkered "one-time buy" mentality
regarding the M16. Also, it was with the September 1966 issue of
new XM16E1s made under contract "0018" to regular US Army
units in Vietnam that the real troubles began, as we shall see.
XM16E1 rifles with seven (7) twenty round aluminum magazine assemblies and bipod.
..Modifications to the contract increased the contract
price by $46,646,752.35 to a total of $91,682,159.88 while
increasing the quantity of rifles from 403,905 to 836,810..
formed Federation of Malaysia in mid-1965, the prosperous citystate of Singapore subsequently instituted its own defense policies.
Representatives of the Singapore Armed Forces had then come
calling at Colt's for some of the rifles which were well remembered from the days of Bobby Macdonald's world tour.
The Defense Department had long held the view diat "openended" foreign sales of the AR-15 were "not in the best interest
of the United States". (At Colt's, this position was viewed as
an unfair and unnatural stranglehold on their proprietary
product. Indeed, as Colt executive James B. Hall noted above
in his remarks about General Westmoreland's 100,000 rifles,
it was "an extremely political situation"). Ignoring the Defense
Department's objections, the Office of Munitions Control in
the State Department decided that in this case "the purchase
fulfilled a normal requirement for the Republic of Singapore
and was in our national interest". They accordingly approved
the export license without bothering to inform the Army.
At this time Colt's was producing XM16E1 rifles in response
to contract "0018", which called for them to reach a rate of
25,000 units per month by December 1966. Colt's proposed
to increase this quota to 27,500 rifles per month, thereby
spreading the $3,415,333.18 Singapore order over an 18-month
period from March 1967 to September 1968 without any disruption of regular Army delivery schedules. Although Defense
officials later closed ranks around the position that they were
then accepting all the rifles the system could absorb, the Army
was as we shall see already examining detailed plans to secure
the manufacturing rights to the design of the rifle and establish
a second source of supply, all with a determined view to yet
another massive increase in production.
Chapter Thirteen
Following Col. Yount's return to Rock Island on 29 November, there was a significant addition to his usual "There are
no continuing problems to report". Henceforth certain of the
PMR's weekly significant action reports carried the following
No secondary distribution will be made at the project
manager level or in-house AMC activities. The report must
not be reproduced, filed, or referenced in any official correspondence. Only the originating PM and the SA-PM, HQ
USAMC may retain file copies of the report. All other copies
will be destroyed within 10 days of receipt.
210. The final step: a good going-over with some LSA and that non-standard
shaving brush, useless as regards the critical chamber/barrel extension area.
Black Star photo by James Pickerell
209. With his helmet as a catchall, a GI cleans his XM16E1 as best he can.
Note the shaving brush next to the oil can on the driver's seat.
Black Star photo by James Pickerell
One of Colt's three experts in the P M O team sent to Vietnam was Kanemitsu " K o n i " Ito, a decorated veteran of the
Korean war who before joining Colt's had been a US Army
test officer for twelve years, mostly with the Arctic Test Board
in Alaska. As such he had been familiar with the AR-15 since
Gene Stoner's first presentation at Fort Greely back in 1956.
how. Many of them said they were never taught the maintenance of this rifle, or had not seen this rifle until they
had arrived in Vietnam.
I said, "No, I mean what did you do to clean the rifle ?"
He said, "Nothing".
211. Left: closeup of the barrel extension and chamber from a "problematic"
XM16E1 returned from Vietnam for study. Note the dark, corroded chamber wall.
Right: a new XM16E1 following a 10,000-round WECOM endurance trial in
October, 1966. Note that although the receiver, barrel extension and handguard
slip ring are all caked liberally with powder residues, the chamber walls appear
comparatively clean and shiny.
of 70,000 psi, issue proof rounds are loaded with a hefty charge
of Unique pistol powder.) Conversely, a round without much
or any powder charge could lodge its bullet as an obstruction
which might well cause a blowup on firing the next round,
but in the unexplained overpressure incidents there is generally
no evidence of rings or bulges in the barrel!
212. Three key tools in the fight to keep the XM16E1s functioning in the field.
Above: the long-awaited Chamber Brush, first shipped to Vietnam in late 1966
with monthly production accelerating to 120,000/month. However, as noted by
Col. Crossman, this "critical" item was still in short supply in June of1967.
Center: the improved .22 caliber Bore Brush. Production accelerated to
280,000/month in April, 1967.
Below: the Swab Holder (all fit the new, 4-section M11E3 Cleaning Rod.
Onward, Yountless
And so, in spite of repeated urgings from General Besson
and from the field, and a full year after setting out to arm
all US maneuver units in Vietnam with XM16E1/M16A1
rifles, the maintenance situation was by all accounts still
woefully inadequate. Particularly sad was the shortage of
5.56mm cleaning rods and the fact that chamber brushes had
only appeared as an item of issue the previous March and
were still in short supply. In addition, some of the changes
214. To bring the absolute necessity of proper rifle maintenance home to the
troops, the famous comic artist Will Eisner, of Mad Magazine fame, was
pressed into service to illustrate several editions of this down-home style M16A1
Operation and Preventive Maintenance booklet (DA Pam 750-30). On page 1,
("how to STRIP your baby"), the M16A1 is described as "your dearest next
o'skin - bar none!"
Mr. Bray: What would that do, if you tried to open it with
pressure too quick?
Mr. Stoner: Well, the cartridge tends to stick - under high
residual pressure in the barrel, and of course with this toosoon action you also have a higher bolt velocity. In other
However, Stoner's clear inference was accepted by the subcommittee and the extraction failures in Vietnam were also
popularly ascribed to the higher cyclic rates produced by the
Army's perfidious introduction of ball powder. This unfortunately succeeded in diverting suspicion away from a much
more plausible cause of the malfunctions, which was lax casehardness specifications compounded by chamber corrosion.
Chrome-plating of the bore and chamber in all new US
military small arms had been a specifically stated requirement
of the Ordnance Corps since about 1957 (discussed in US Rifle
M14). This policy had been set forth in OTCMs (Minutes of the
Ordnance Technical Committee) in consequence of experiences
with rusty chambers and bores in the South Pacific during
World War II. Unfortunately, however, at the outset of the
M16 program the technology to produce chromed .22 caliber
barrels simply did not exist. Early in the program Springfield
Armory had recommended to the TCC that efforts begin forthwith to develop processes for chrome-plating the bores and
chambers of M16 barrels. Reportedly acting on the advice of
Gene Stoner, who claimed that the AR-15 bore and chamber
needed no further improvement, OSD vetoed the Springfield
recommendation. Had this proposal not succumbed to yet
another Department of Defense "direction", the most serious
problems experienced with the M16 rifles in Southeast Asia
might well have been avoided, and it would not have been
necessary to retrofit so many rifles a few years later with
chrome-chambered (and still later fully-chromed) barrels.
The closest thing to an admission of any mishandling in
the ball powder issue came in an official statement which the
Army presented to the subcommittee on July 27 1967:
215. Featuring cheap paper and abysmally cloudy illustrations, the first
Vietnamese-language edition of US FM 23-9 (January 1965) on the XM16E1
rifle was issued to ARVN forces under the date October 25, 1966.
Chapter Fourteen
On November 17 the P M O replied with a special memorandum, which General Besson proceeded to scribble all over:
What. .BRL does not consider (and this is the point Colt's
is trying to make) is the greater difficulty they encountered
when mass producing 1:14 twist barrels. [General Besson's
"Why?" went unanswered.] These barrels, when tested
against 1:12 twist, did not prove to be superior as far as
accuracy is concerned. [G.B. : "Never will be..You have to
relax cold weather accuracies if you go to 1:14 - and all
other accuracies as well."]
At the time of its adoption in 1963, the AR-15 (XM16E1)
was scheduled for use by Strategic and Special Forces,
in particular, who might be required to fight anywhere
in the world, without regard for climate. If [the XM16E1]
is made STD-A, as recently directed by the Chief of Staff,
Army, the worldwide performance criteria become all the
more important.
but Colt's was on strike for some time during that period,
which also saw Col. Yount relieved of his duties as Project
Weekly significant action reports on the rifle project subsequently appeared over the signature of Lt. Col. Robert C.
Engle, formerly the Washington-based PMSO, who had been
appointed Acting P M R the previous month:
216. The AAI "SPIW Weapons Family" circa early 1966. From left: prototype belt fed LMG (note early square-section muzzle brake); prototype
"bullpup" SPIW Carbine; second-generation SPIW rifle, caliber 5.6mm
217. A wood-stocked prototype of the short-lived, second-generation Springfield Armory SPIW, caliber 5.6mm XM216 (fig. 218 no. 4) fitted with a
later version of the Winchester "blow-forward" grenade launcher (fig. 152).
219. A size comparison. From left: the 5.56x45mm M193 ball; the 5.6x57mm
XM645 saboted single flechette; and the 7.62x51mm NATO M80 ball.
220. M16A1: a late lower receiver group, partially stripped. Note the postproduction changes from top left: the lightened firing pin, parkerized bolt-
and-carrier and new firing pin retaining pin (compare with fig. 137); and
new buffer.
the effects of, in Col. Yount's words, its "slamming into the
lower receiver". (Colt's later reported that in April 1966 they
had also increased the load on the bolt catch spring, in order
to overcome bolt catch-related malfunctions which "had not
been noticed as a problem prior to the introduction of ball
6. disconnector redesigned, again to better accommodate
the added shock resulting from higher cyclic rates.
7. a protective boss added to the lower receiver, around the
magazine catch. This was in response to complaints of the
catch sometimes being pressed in by heavy brush, and the
magazine dropping out.
8. the new buffer, introduced in December 1966 as a replacement for the temperamental "action spring guide assembly",
designed to dampen bolt carrier bounce and prevent misfires
due to light strikes. At the same time, it slowed down the high
ball-powder cyclic rates.
3. bolt carrier key finish altered from electrolyzed to chromeplated interior/parkerized exterior.
4. firing pin retaining pin - changed from a machining to
"a less expensive and more durable" cotter pin.
5. bolt catch redesigned; a "field fix" for bolt catch problems
engendered by the higher cyclic rates brought about by ball
powder. The catch body was made wider in order to reduce
9. a new flash suppressor, the third basic type since the days
of the Colt model 01, approved in September 1966. Known as
the "birdcage" model, its ringed muzzle end did away with the
problem of catching the old design's prongs in vines, tall grasses
and brush. In addition, the "birdcage" suppressor channeled
less rainwater into the bore than had the open-ended prongs.
This item was built into all new production beginning in
January, 1967.
10.Significantly, another modification to the bolt, wherein
it was shot-peened to increase its fatigue life and thereby its
service life.
Unfortunately, the chrome-plated chamber had not even
been approved until 26 May 1967, and thus did not figure
in the list of changes to contract "508" or indeed its successor, "0018".
bolt carrier, which although useless per se in the M16 did have
the decided advantage of eliminating plain, un-serrated carriers
as an item of manufacture and issue. Thus was solved the
problem of plain carriers inadvertently turning up in M16A1s.
222. The barrel, swivels and front sight block of this dummy training rifle
(clearly marked "M16A1 serial 604005") are the only metal parts: the rest
is molded, one-piece plastic.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
Chapter Fifteen
Below: the final model, marked "XM177E2" (Colt model 629). Longer (second
type) Colt noise and flash suppressor (fig. 230) on 11 1/2" barrel, round
handguards, canted slip ring, and plastic-coated, telescoping buttstock.
Rock Island Arsenal collection, photo by Richard S. Smith
225. The cover of the early Rock Island Arsenal POMM for the "Submachine
Gun, 5.56mm, CAR-15", dated September, 1966. The manual lists the muzzle
velocity from the CAR-15's 10" barrel as 2,650 fps.
226. The second official name for the "CAR-15": the "Commando"
(Colt model 609), with the longer noise and flash suppressor (fig. 230)
mounted on a 10" barrel. This weapon has an (added) Colt burst control
227 Fig. 1 from US Patent no. 3,348,328, entitled "Adjustable Buttstock", Rob
Roy's second such (fig. 184). Much simpler in concept and execution, the stock
telescopes around the recoil spring tube and its added lower rail, shortening the
overall length with stock extended (31.25") to 28".
US Patent Office
CAR-15 submachine gun: The Type Designator SUBMACHINE GUN, 5.56mm. XM177 (Air Force Version) and
228. Left side view of two rare toolroom "shorties" from Colt's.
Above: Colt model 610B (Burst) fitted with the late type noise and flash suppressor on a standard 10" barrel. Note the unusual ribbed handguard slip ring.
The early telescoping buttstock is not plastic coated.
Below: non-U.S. Property-marked Colt "Commando" with experimental
finned 10" barrel.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
229. Right side view of two more experimentals from the Colt model shop.
Above: an M16A1 fitted with an unusual 11" heavy barrel.
Below: final 11 1/2" barrel configuration as used on the XM177E2.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
230. Cutaway view of Colt's longer, second-type noise and flash suppressor,
which featured a larger exit hole and an added flash suppressor. When new, this
device reduced the muzzle blast and report from the XM177E2's short barrel to
roughly that of a standard rifle. Accumulated bullet particles and other debris
would clog the suppressor, raising noise levels.
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
232. Right side view of two typical Army XM177E2s, with stock extended (above)
and telescoped (below). Note the Ordnance acceptance mark, stamped in paint
on the receiver, and the late-style M16A1 protective boss around the magazine
catch, modification no. 7 of the Ten Post-Production Changes (chapter 14).
233. Left side view of an XM177E2, modified by members of the Royal Australian
Regiment (wood handguard) for use in Vietnam.
Photo courtesy Ian Skennerton
a true silencer under the law. This, coupled with a Carteradministration decision prohibiting export sales of silencers
was the last straw, as it meant that Colt's could not sell the
XM177E2 abroad.
After the war, as part of the recommencement of production
of civilian semi-auto AR-15s, the XM177E2 was transmogrified
into several special, suppressor-less full-auto "CAR-15" models
with 11 1/2, 14 1/2 and 16" barrels for law enforcement sale
only, as well as a legal 16"barreled semi-auto model featuring
the XM177E2's telescoping buttstock called the "Colt Sporter
Carbine", for civilian sale.
Militarily, after successful trials during the early eighties, Army
and Marine Corps acceptance of Colt's new "shorty" version,
called the XM4, appears imminent at the time of this writing
(February 1987).
235. Right side view of a Colt model 616, the CAR-15 "Heavy Assault Rifle M1"
circa July 1966, with regular M2 rifle bipod mounted on adapter (fig. 173).
Note the early 30-round, fully curved magazine (fig. 406 type 4).
cially the
236. XM16E1 shown ready to fire an Energa-type rifle grenade. At Staff level, this
concept of launching bulky grenades by means of dedicated grenade-blank cart-
materialize, the point-and-area-fire idea itself still offered tremendous increases in "man-weapon effectiveness". Early in the
rifle program the concept was accordingly grafted onto the AR-15
as "a low-risk, high-payoff" bequest from the failing SPIW:
252 Rob Roy's first model of an admirably simple, single-shot 40mm grenade
launcher attachment for the AR-15. It was not adopted.
Above: left side view; sliding barrel and breech cover closed.
Below: right side view; sliding barrel forward for loading.
239. Fig. 1 from US Patent no. 3,279,114, entitled "Grenade Launcher", granted
to K. R. Lewis and Robert E. Roy and assigned to Colt's for the CGL-4. To cock:
"the button 194 is pulled rearwardly causing firing pin 164 to move rearwardly
. .[causing] the sear [to] drop onto ramp 182..the. .button may be released
with the firing pin 164 remaining cocked." To fire: ". .push against the outer
ledge 232 of the safety hinge 219. The hinge will resistingly move out of the
way.. thus exposing the button 218 for actuation of the sear 200 to effect release
of firing pin 164".
US Patent Office
The Aircraft Armaments, Inc. (AAI) SPIW launcher mentioned above was designed around AAI's revolutionary
DBCATA (Disposable Barrel and Cartridge Area Target
Ammunition), which is discussed at length in The SPIW. While
it is true the DBCATA was not compatible with standard
M79-type 40x46mm SR grenades, each DBCATA round had
the distinct advantage of being, in effect, its own launcher,
doing away with most of the bulk and weight of a separate
launcher altogether. Only a simple base-plate was required,
onto which each thick-walled, internally-rifled DBCATA cartridge was clipped prior to firing.
240. Right side view of M16A1 serial no. 886104, fitted with a cutaway
version of Colt's later, "improved" model of the CGL-4, which was assigned
the military designation XM148. Note the vented handguard. The 3-lb.
C 241. Details of the complex sighting, safety and trigger systems of the XM148,
from an early combined services tech manual (TM 9-1005-249-14; T.O.
11W3-5-5-1; NAVWEP O. P. 3333) dated June 15, 1964. Over 34,000 XM148
attachment should look like and do, Lt. Col. Yount put together
some numbers on "a firm operational requirement" for the
XM148. The US Air Force, eager to field the new launchers,
submitted an interdepartmental request (MIPR) in midDecember for 7,000 XM148s.
A cartridge 40mm shot XM576 (shotgun type) is currently being developed.. .Delivery of a safety certified
interim round with an effective range of 35 meters is
The DX rated Fuze Body for the M904 Fuze, 7501b. Bomb
and the barrel forging for the XM148 Grenade Launcher
are competing for the insufficient production capacity of the
Kaiser Aluminum Company. Since the. .fuze takes precedence
over the. .launcher, the production of barrel forgings had
to give way for two months. Available forgings will permit
assembly of the first 1,500 launchers.
.. The first 25.. launchers accepted in July have failed the IPT
(Initial Production Test) due to failure of the sight to hold
position. Corrective measures are being investigated with
Colt's. However, this will delay acceptances and may become
a controlling factor, outweighing the forging shortage. A solution to this problem is not currently available. ..schedules have
been adjusted to show completion of the current order for
19,236 units by June instead of February, 1967.
ments implied in the ACTIV report". But Colt's had lost the
initiative, and meanwhile the grenade launcher project had
become a lull-fledged program: the Army had formally let it be
known that they were "in the market" for a new launcher design:
have formally indicated their interest. These were AAI Corporation, Harvey Aluminum, Aero Jet General, Aeronutronic
Division - Ford Motor Company, United Aircraft, Chrysler
Corporation, and Colt's..
243. The AAI DBCATA round, sectioned. As discussed in The SPIW, the
DBCATA concept did away with most of the weight and bulk of a standard
launcher attachment. The thick, rifled walls of each round were sufficient
to contain the forces of firing the (standard M406 HE) 40mm projectile.
Left: before firing. Note the folded cup seal.
Right: after firing. Note the rifled walls and the expanded cup seal, which
contained the propellant gases and gave the DBCATA the added advantage of
being smokeless and flashless. Note also the piston primer, protruding from the
(rimless) base of the thick-walled DBCATA case. Muzzle velocity: 245 fps.
Maximum range: 400 meters.
244. The AAI DBCATA, while not adopted for reasons of cost and noninterchangeability with the M79, was certainly one of the best of the many
incredibly ingenious ideas put forth during the two decades of the SPIW
program. In this diagrammatic view of the semiautomatic DBCATA system
as featured on an early AAI SPIW, note the (rimless) rounds held by the simple
coiling band of the follower spring. With the proper selector lever position
engaged, pulling the SPIW's regular trigger (another SPIW specification)
moved a linkage which forced the DBCATA trigger rod against the primary sear,
releasing the firing pin and firing the round. The cup seal (fig. 243) expanded
to contain the (smokeless and flashless) explosion, while the piston primer
propelled the firing pin strongly rearward. The teeth on the firing pin passed
over the teeth on the (spring-loaded) ejector catch on this rearward stroke,
but as the firing pin spring reasserted itself, the teeth made contact and the
final forward movement of the firing pin (before being caught in the cocked
position by the sear) propelled the ejector forward, ejecting the spent DBCATA
case straight ahead. The ejector spring then took over, returning the ejector
to its resting position, while the ejector cam cleverly avoided any further contact
between the two sets of teeth.
Courtesy AAI Corporation
The ACTIV (Army Concept Team in Vietnam] evaluation and subsequent ACSFOR concurrence has stated
the XM148 ..was unsatisfactory for combat deployment
in Vietnam. An ACSFOR message to USARV requested
information concerning employment of the XM148 in
245. Right side view of an M16A1 rifle equipped for single shot launch of AAI's
revolutionary Disposable Barrel and Cartridge Area Target Ammunition
Above: DBCATA launcher assembled to rifle.
Below: DBCATA grenade clipped onto launcher plate.
Courtesy AAI Corporation
246. AAI (single shot) DBCATA launcher attachment for M16/M16A1 rifle,
the combination of point- and area-fire capability in the same weapon was,
from the human engineering standpoint, "the poorest thing imaginable". It
seemed the M16A1 was faring little better, at least at the hands of Aero-Jet
248. Left and right side views of the equally short-lived "pivot action" grenade
launcher attachment (GLAD) for the M16A1, developed and submitted by the
249. Colt's last-minute CGL-5, which they hoped would save the day after the
acute embarrassment of the failed XM148. US Patent no. 3,507,067 was granted
to Colt engineer Henry A. Into for the CGL-5, described as a "Grenade launcher
Having a Rotatable Forwardly Sliding Barrel and Removable Firing Mechanism"
in the end it was decided that the CGL-5 did not offer the
potential which had already been displayed by other
launchers in the program. With " n o particular advantages
and with proprietary rights to consider", Colt's offer was
29.75". Note the early, fully curved 30-round rifle magazine (fig. 406
no. 4).
Courtesy Lt. Col. Frank Conway
252. Right side view of the M16A1/M203 combination, showing the barrel
forward and a grenade being inserted. Extraction takes place on the forward
253. Cutaway demonstration model of the AAI M203 grenade launcher attachment (GLAD).
Courtesy AAI Corporation
254. Cover of M203 Operator's Manual from Colt Industries. Colt's has
produced over 250,000 M203s.
Snipers in Vietnam
As discussed in US Rifle M14, a semi-official program to equip
and train Snipers was hastily put in place during the period
1966 to the end of US involvement in the war. Beginning with
M14 rifles fitted at Rock Island Arsenal with World War IIvintage M84 scope sights, the Army's sniper rifle evolved into
the Marksmanship Training Unit's glass-bedded and accurized
version of the National Match M14, called first the "M14
(MTU-NM)". The M T U further improved the system with
the newly-developed Leatherwood/Redfield 3-9x Adjustable
Ranging Telescope (AR TEL) and, where possible, one of the
noise and flash suppressors discussed below. This unorthodox
but highly effective M14 "package" was officially designated
the M21 in 1972.
In some cases it made sense to adapt the ideas coming out
of the various units' in-country Sniper-Instructor programs
to the M16A1. As with the development of the M21, the largely
"ad hoc" unofficial M16A1 enhancement projects waxed and
waned, reflecting first the buildup and then the de-escalation
of the war:
rifles [week of] 28 June - 2 July 1965
Infra-red weapons sight: Units equipped with the XM16E1
rifle are presently unable to mount the standard infra-red
weapons sight on the.. rifle. Until such time as a mounting
bracket is available, these units have retained M14 rifles for
use with the infra-red weapons sight. On 25 June the Project
Manager Rifles [Lt. Col. Yount] and the Project Manager
Night Vision mutually agreed that the development and procurement for a mounting bracket would be handled by the
256. Colt's model 655 "High Profile" Sniper version of the M16A1 with a
later Leatherwood/Realist 3-9x ranging telescope mounted on the carrying
handle, and fitted with a Sionics noise and flash suppressor (discussed below).
Courtesy the late John (Jack) Fernlund
257. Left and right side views of Colt's model 656 Sniper Rifle, with Leatherwood/
Realist telescope sight mounted on a special, handleless upper receiver. Lower
receiver appears unmodified (serial no. 575527). Note the Sionics suppressor,
the heavy barrel, and the modified (hooded) front sight and gas block.
Colt photo by Ed Guinan
Engineering Laboratories
The M4 suppressor is a device designed to deceive persons
forward of the firer as to the true location of the firer.
No components of the M4 suppressor assembly or
modified parts of the M16A1 rifle are available through
normal supply channels and none are intended to be
supplied as spare parts in the field. Initially a number of
additional gas deflectors have been furnished to using units.
261. Fig. 3 from the HEL manual on the M4 suppressor, captioned "Actual
Photograph of Rifle Firing"
Causes of Noise
When the M16A1 rifle is fired, the noise which can be
heard actually comes from two distinct sources. Both occur
so close together in time that the resulting sounds are often
heard together as one noise. The two sources may be called
muzzle noise and ballistic crack..
Muzzle noise is heard when the gases, produced by the
burning of the propellant, reach the end of the muzzle. These
Effects of Firing
..Muzzle velocity and cyclic rate are approximately the
same, although recoil is much less with the M4 suppressor.
262. Fig. 4 from the HEL manual: "People Tend to Locate a Sound Source
Perpendicular to the Sound Wave They Hear".
the Modifications
Modified Bolt C a r r i e r
265. Standard (above) and modified (below) M16A1 rifle bolt assemblies, showing
necessary "gas pressure relief port" in the bolt carrier used with HEL M4
suppressor, in order to "handle the higher gas pressures within the weapon."
The HEL manual states that the dedicated bolt "is intended only for use with
the M4...If the modified bolt is assembled into a standard M16A1 rifle, the
weapon will not function automatically".
264. The HEL M4 gas deflector, necessary "To deflect escaping gases from
the firer's eye".
Above: method of clip-mounting the gas deflector onto the charging handle.
Below: the gas deflector installed.
Suppressor Requirement
(ENSURE #77)
to the rifle, other than the usual removal of the rifle's flash suppressor before installation. The Sionics MAW-A1 and its design
philosophy were described in the following unsolicited proposal:
265. Right side view of a Colt M16 rifle fitted with the MAW-A1, the 5.56mm
version of the Sionics noise and flash suppressor, and the Colt/Realist 3x
telescope sight. Note the remains of the milled-off bolt closure device housing
on the rifle's receiver. This rifle was probably made during the "standoff"
over the ball powder/cyclic rate problem (chapter 12), wherein the Army refused
to accept XM16E1s averaging over 850 rpm on a 20-round burst. Until the
issue was resolved, Colt's produced only M16s, which the Air Force would
accept up to 900 rpm.
QAD (Ord) Pattern Room
Intensive research and development on the M16A1 suppressor began in early 1967. Subsequently approximately
75 experimental models were fabricated and tested..
The firing portion of the Infantry Board trial with the HEL
M4 and Sionics MAW-A1 suppressors took place at Fort Benning in August, under the expert guidance of then-Major
The test items have been undergoing extensive heat and
reliability tests by the Infantry Board. Items were submitted
of Materiel
Conduct of Test
The two rifles which showed the best accuracy at 100m were
fired at 300 meters range with noise suppressor and with normal flash suppressor.. .Two each ten shot groups were fired...
Three members of the Marksmanship Unit did the firing..
All groups were fired from the bench rest, rifle hand held on
sand bags. Three each ten shot groups were fired from each of
the six rifles with noise suppressor attached and then repeated
with the normal flash suppressor, at 100 meters range.
Rifle no. 1090045 was withdrawn from the test. This rifle
could not be zeroed to remain on paper (24 inch square)
at 100m with noise suppressor or flash suppressor.
Rifle no. 1091260 was the only rifle submitted for test that
would fire less than a 4 inch extreme spread at 100m with
the normal flash suppressor.
Rifle no. 822778 with [HEL M4] device and rifle no. 1094114
with [Sionics MAW-A1] showed a decided improvement of
accuracy at 100m over that shown with flash suppressor.
The heat and reliability testing has caused excessive carbon buildup on the barrel and muzzle to the point
where some suppressors are not aligned with the axis of
the bore.
The inner tubes of the test devices are limited for bullet
clearance due to carbon buildup..
Following the tests, with Sionics busily making more improvements to their MAW-A1, Col. Isaacs' office had gone
to pin-point a firer from the front; and significant reduction of muzzle flash . Disadvantages include: Suppressor
causes weapon to heat up rapidly under full-automatic
fire; additional weight of suppressor is a handicap when
moving through swamp or heavy jungle; excess carbon
use of 20 Sionics MAW-A1s on loan for extensive trial in Vietnam. In May of that year, Sionics' president Fred Brown explained
some final improvements which had been made to the design:
Chapter Sixteen
was just barely being introduced at the time the Ichord report
was written. Ironically, by the time new barrels were ready
for issue, weapon maintenance had long since been accorded
a high priority, and the extraction problems in Vietnam had
virtually ceased). The third modification, the one-in-twelve
rifling pitch, "decreased [the rifle's] performance characteristics". In general, "corrective action on deficiencies
reported and product improvement of the weapon have been
unnecessarily delayed".
To the members of the subcommittee, the most damning
evidence of all concerned the use of IMR-loaded test ammunition while the preponderance of the cartridges in Vietnam were
loaded with ball propellant:
The Aftermath
Over the 1968 new year period, ironically just as the field
malfunction problems finally started to fade away, the Army
faced the full force of adverse popular opinion resulting from
the un-pulled punches of the Ichord report. While the Army
The Aftermath
into the picture, the Project Manager recognized the need for
controls, and in September 1966 Frankford began an intensive
study to develop the required data. Held complaints on case
extraction difficulties resulted in a firm decision to establish
case hardness controls in August 1967with the manufacturers
268. The Colt CMG-2, partially stripped. Note the detachable barrel and
the Johnson/Stoner bolt, mounted in a sturdy BAR-like gas piston which rides
on an AR-18-type double guide rod/operating spring assembly. The CMG-2
had no cocking handle per se; the operator simply unlatched the pistol grip
("fire control group") by means of its latch lever and thrust it first forward,
(latching the sear into the rear of the gas piston/bolt carrier assembly) and
then back, repositioning the pistol grip for firing and leaving the bolt assembly
cocked on the sear.
269. Front view of the Colt "Light Machine Gun 5.56mm CMG-2" circa 1967,
fitted with 150-round drum-type ammunition box and standard M2 rifle bipod.
The interesting CMG-2 is described in the text.
Courtesy Robert E. Roy, Colt Firearms Division
Butt Stock
Hydraulic Fluid
Buffer Housing
Buffer Plunger
R e a r Sight Base
L a t e r a l Adjustment Knob
R e a r Sight Leaf
R e a r Sight A p e r a t u r e
Elevation Adjustment Knob
Feed T r a y Cover Latch
Feed T r a y Cover
C a r r y i n g Handle
B a r r e l Latch
Front Sight
Gas Expansion C h a m b e r
Gas P o r t
Gas Exhaust P o r t
Gas Cylinder
Gas Piston
Grip Plunger
Bolt C a r r i e r
B a r r e l Socket
Feed T r a y
C a r t r i d g e Guide
Guide Rod (2 req'd)
Bolt Assembly
F i r i n g Pin
Cam Follower Pin
Cam Follower
Main Assembly Latch
T r i g g e r Mechanism Latch
Driving Spring (2 req'd)
270. A Colt factory cutaway drawing of the CMG-2, with parts list. Note the
double-ended firing pin. The CMG-2 was demonstrated (to little avail) in the
SAW trials and in Asia, around the time of the emergence of the Ultimax 100
(chapter 21).
271. Right side view of one of the very few prototypes ever built of a shortbarreled "Assault Machine Gun" CMG-2, serial no. 003. Used in the US Navy
SEAL team trials in the late 1960s which resulted in the adoption of the Stoner
"MG MK23 MOD 0". Note the absence of a cocking handle slot in either
side of the CMG-2's receiver (fig. 268).
272. Fig. 5 from Frankford Arsenal's Ten Special Tests (chapter 19), a comparison between types of ammunition (ball; tracer; ball-and-IMR propellant) and
rates of fire. Each of 12 rifles, all with chrome chambers, fired 600 rounds
per day (six firing M193 ball and six firing M196 tracer) for 10 days under
all test conditions.
Above, left to right: ball; tracer; ball-and-tracer. All cartridges loaded with
WC846 (ball) propellant.
Below, left to right: ball; tracer; ball-and-tracer. All cartridges loaded with
IMR 8208M propellant.
cartridge and the M16, given the peculiar and special problems posed by the M16's novel gas system..
rifles [week of] 4-8 December 1967
Cartridge Tracer M196, 5.56mm: Propellant WC846 is
no longer authorized for loading cartridge tracer M196. .and
is being deleted from the TDP. [Frankford] has requested
APSA to discontinue loading of any tracer rounds at [Lake
City and Twin Cities]. Shipments of M196 tracer in support of
SEA are restricted to those lots which contain IMR propellant.
273. Fig. 1 from Frankford's Ten Tests report, showing total defective flight
vs. temperature for different (ball and IMR propellant) loadings of the M196
tracer cartridge. In the trial, 5 lots of WC846 and one lot of IMR 8208M,
were fired from six new M16A1s which had been heat-conditioned for six hours
at 155F, at paper targets at 25 meters range.
develop a new gas system for the M16. Olin's contract was
to modify and test 25 new M16A1s with their design of topmounted, standard-type gas impingement system.
274. The first prototype of Colt's gas piston-operated "model 703", built from
a new upper receiver and gas piston system on a standard M16A1 lower receiver.
Shown ready to fire in the sling-mounted, waist-level position. Note the fullcurved 30-round magazine. (Compare with fig. 275: visible changes in the
later model center on the front sight/gas block). Colt's originally introduced
this version to the Army as the "M16A2", a term which, along with the Coltdesignated "700 series" model nos., was later reserved for a more auspicious
purpose (chapter 23).
Colt photo by Ed Guinan
275. Left and right side views of a later prototype Colt model 703. Note (above)
the adjustable, three-position gas regulator, much like that of the Stoner XM22E1
(fig. 194); the redesigned handguards; the 4-position burst selector; and the
through-the-butt sling slot.
Colt photo by Ed Guinan
276. The Colt model 703, partially stripped. Note the (quick-detachable) snapclips on the upper handguard; the gas piston, particularly its interface with
the bolt carrier (the vertical projection extends upward to contact the charging
handle); and the butt trap in the stock for stowage of cleaning equipment.
The final report of the Panama trials, WSEG Report 124 dated
February 1968, concluded that the M16A1 with ball propellant
was more reliable than the same weapon firing I M R powder.
The M16Als "approached but did not equal" the reliability
of the M14 control rifles. The M16Als equipped with chrome
chambers gave, as expected, fewer failures to extract.
WSEG's Panama trials proved beyond a doubt that reliability
problems in new-buffered M16A1 rifles could not be ascribed
to the use of ball propellant. This outcome had evidently not
been foreseen by Defense officials, with the result that while
the M16A1 was declared acceptable for combat, the test report
itself was promptly classified and exempted by OSD ruling
from the normal provisions for automatic downgrading of
classification. It is ironic that the most significant investigation
of the "ball powder problem", itself perhaps the only really
constructive result of the Ichord hearings, has never been made
With the results kept secret, the only real measurable upshot
of the Panama trials was that the Army was once again in a
sole-source position on propellant, ironically not with one but
two sole sources: one for M193 ball, and one for M196 tracer.
By this time the situation was stabilizing under fresh leadership in the Project Manager's Office. With the establishment
of full-time P M R liason offices in Vietnam and at Frankford
Arsenal, introduction of the new buffer and better cleaning
equipment and instructions, and the introduction of the chrome
chamber and more uniform cartridge case hardness specifications, rifle maintenance problems in Vietnam ceased to be
an issue. In sum, it appears that the "no-holds-barred" Ichord
investigation yielded little other than some biased, not to say
rabid, anti-Army publicity and its consequent effects upon the
respective professional careers of some of the protagonists.
Vietnam in Retrospect
Who better, perhaps, to place the XM16El's record in Vietnam in a proper perspective than retired Brigadier General
S. L. A. Marshall, whose hard-hitting "combat critiques" on
the Korean war were, as we have seen, a foundation-stone of
Vietnam in Retrospect
Colt's Story
Colt's had already released "selected" drawings and specifications to the Army. However, they had invested a great deal
of the firm's own money in their "gamble" on the AR-15,
sources of production and providing manufacturing knowhow to them." Meanwhile, he wrote, "Colt's does not intend
or propose as a part of or in conjunction with the present
procurement of 104,000 rifles to sell or license all or
any portion of its proprietary rights to the United States
-there is a clear need for reprocurement of the item, components or process to which the technical data pertains;
As noted, contract " 5 0 8 " had been duly put in place over
the 1964 New Year. Under its original terms, Colt's supplied
the rifle, bipod and case, bayonet, and 20-round magazine,
Prior to the inquiry.. requesting release of a set of "sanitized" drawings...we..anticipated that Colt's might deny [it].
This plan has now been altered to having a single contractor prepare a set of drawings of the rifle magazine
well and feed control dimensions derived from a physical
inspection of a sample of 50 to 100 rifles provided the
Incidentally, Colt's refusal to furnish the necessary drawings was not motivated solely by a desire to further entrench
its sole-source position on this rifle. [Colt 's] is of the opinion
that furnishing even "sanitized" drawings of the type we
requested would constitute a sub-license under the terms
of its license from Fairchild.
The issue of such sub-licenses was indeed one of Colt's continuing worries for, under the terms of the initial Colt/Fairchild
agreement, Colt's was liable for royalty payments to Fairchild
on all production, regardless of who did the manufacturing.
277. Left and right side views of a (Colt model 639) submachine gun (the
export model of the XM177E2), serial no. 9560079. Fitted with an 11.5" barrel
and (third type) "birdcage" flash suppressor. Stock extended (above) and
retracted (below).
278. Left side view of a late Colt model 653 M16A1 Carbine (14.5" barrel)
serial no. 9279755, partially stripped. Overall length (stock retracted): 29.8"
(76cm). Weight, with loaded 30-round magazine: 6.9 lbs. Note the compact
"shortie" buffer.
279. Truly United? A scene at the US Army exhibit at the New York World's
Fair, showing Colt Firearms Division president Paul Benke testing his skill
with one of two modified, light-beam-emitting M16Als, set up to illuminate
the target when a bull's eye was scored. Looking on is the Army's head of
exhibit operations, Col. Lloyd S. Sullivan.
Agreement at Last?
Letter contracts for the manufacturing rights and the T D P
of both the M16/XM16E1 rifle and the XM177/XM177E1 submachine gun were signed on June 30, 1967, thus finally providing
the government with the documentation necessary to open the
bidding for a second source of supply. Ironically, the terms
finally agreed upon were much the same as had been contained
in Colt's first verbal proposal back in October 1964, except
now the $4,500,000 cash payment was no longer subject to any
per-rifle rebate, and the royalty was increased to 5 1/2% on
all future weapons and repair parts purchased by the govern-
Wartime Production
Chapter Eighteen
recommended. .that the Department of the Army seek a TaftHartley injunction based on the critical need for barrel
assemblies and an anticipated shortage of M16A1 rifles after
15 August 1967. Colt's barrel production at 4,000 per month
has become insufficient to meet demands. Projected demands
are estimated to reach 11,800 barrels per month..
General Electric (Springfield Division)
Philco-Ford Corporation
Z-D Products
made that all contractors who submitted an acceptable technical proposal will be invited to begin intensive negotiations
leading to the selection of two sources to reach a multi-shift
rate of 25,000 per month each as fast as possible..
Wartime Production
The Cannon subcommittee released its final report in September, summarizing the Army's second source awards as a
"most inept performance". On a visit to the Hydramatic plant,
for example, the subcommittee discovered that the Advisory
Council had approved G M ' s proposal to construct the requisite
test range facility in the rafters above the manufacturing floor
itself, notwithstanding such serious drawbacks as noise, possible
danger from ricochets, and the hazards of eventual lead
poisoning in the plant below due to the inevitable sifting down
of highly toxic powder and primer gases and residues. Senator
Cannon, with a twist of irony, was prompted to opine that
such a range "promises to be a unique facility indeed".
rifles [week of] 14-18 October 1968
M16 Production Team: ..Progress at GMC continues
at a rapid pace. No problem is anticipated in meeting the
in-house schedule. H&R will require continued close watching
and the addition of four (4) Walter Kidde experts, a more
positive approach is already evident. Inspection and engineering assistance has been provided by the government to
ensure H&R progress..
The following week, Col. Isaacs recorded that the Assistant
Secretary of Defense (I&L), the Assistant Secretary of the
Army (I&L), the Commanding General of AWC, Roland B.
Anderson "and other senior officials" had visited the three
M16A1 contractors, and described the results of the trip as
Colt's is on schedule for their buildup to 50,000 rifles
per month..
izing Hydramatic to contract with Tri-Ordinate for final assembly and shipment of machines from subcontractor plants..
Failures at H&R
By the time of contract definitization in December, GM had
offered 100 rifles to the government for acceptance, two weeks
rifles [week of] 9-13 December 1968
Weapon Tests Failure, H & R :
Two (2) weapons have failed the 6,000 round endurance
requirements. The first failure was attributed to a fractured
bolt assembly. An investigation to determine the exact cause
is being conducted by the contractor, with assistance provided
by WECOM and MUCOM personnel. The contractor's preliminary determination indicates dimensional error introduced
during the chrome plating of the chamber. Correction of
this action is being developed.
The second weapon exceeded the allowable malfunctions
for "Failure to Chamber". The contractor is presently
investigating to determine the causes.
283. Figs. 1 to 4 from US Patent no. 3,618,248, granted to Henry A. Into and
John Jorczak, entitled "Buttstock Assembly with a Latchable Door for a Compartment Formed Therein". Finally, cleaning materials for the M16A1 had
a home right inside the rifle.
US Patent Office
284. Late-style sectioned M16A1 barrel circa 1971-72, showing the chromeplated bore and chamber. Identified by stamped letter "B" about 1 7/8"
from muzzle face, or marked "Chrome Bore".
285. The new buttstock trap, showing the late M11E3 (4-section) cleaning rod,
chamber and bore brushes, and 2-oz. plastic bottle of LSA.
Further Examination
Chapter Nineteen
Competitive procurement of the M16/M16A1 rifle and its
ball, blank and tracer cartridges comprised by this time a vast
Colts' Contribution
Colt's too had reason to lament the lack of a standard
Ordnance-sponsored engineering development program. They
had uncovered the "tip of the iceberg" during the 30-round
magazine project, wherein was confirmed the limited degree
of interchangeability which existed in the rifle/magazine interface of many (nobody could really tell how many) rifles, already
government-inspected and in the field. As witness their reluctance
of 5.56mm Ammunition
February 1968
An M16A1 Rifle System Test Coordinating Team was established at Frankford Arsenal by the direction of the Commanding
General, US Army Munitions Command. .to. .Frankford Arsenal, 15 November 1967.. to conduct special tests as assigned.
These special tests are. .designed to provide the Project
Manager with operational data of the M16/M16A1 Rifle
Systems under a variety of conditions and with emphasis on
comparison of performance between the two current types
of propellants loaded into 5.56mm ammunition.
Further Examination
Percent out
of tolerance
Specified dimension
0.045 - 0.007
1.500 - 0.006
0.3325- 0.007
0.008 - 0.008
2.260 - 0.025
0.378 - 0.007
Bolt key
289. Gas tube and bolt carrier key, showing location of dimensions measured.
290. Bolt rotation variations measured during Frankford's "Ten Tests" showing
bolt travel for both locking (above) and unlocking (below).
291. Chart from Frankford's "Ten Tests" showing bolt carrier cavity peak
pressure histograms.
Above: ammunition lot TW-18205 (IMR 8208M).
Below: ammunition lot TW-18224 (WC846 ball propellant).
Further Examination
Determination of Extent and Effects of Residue in the Gas Transmission Tube of the M16A1 Rifle
..The producer of the M16A1 rifle reported the following
to the Project Manager.. :
292. X-ray photograph of M16A1 test rifle gas tubes, showing fouling buildup
after 2,000 rounds of M193 ball ammunition. Note that fouling produced by
ball powder (WC846) is most noticeable and is concentrated near gas tube
inlet (above 3 examples) while buildup from IMR 8208M propellant is less
noticeable and occurs farther down the tubes, closer to the tube bend (below
3 examples).
Rifle serial
and status
lot no.
858816 (new)
850119 (new)
850965 (new)
848235 (new)
872132 (failed
at Colt's)
..There were no differences in results of sufficient significance to indicate that any one of the propellant lots
might be more likely to induce weapon fouling than any
other lot..
C a m p McCoy
Gen E l e c t r i c
Sa co
Air 96.2%
GOV 3.8%
Camp Edwards
Gen Electric
G O V 100%
the relative proximity of the Armory ("The Hub of Weapons Technology") to the
main industrial contractors and military test facilities of the day. It was ignored.
Further Examination
294. Above: the AAIXM19 serial flechette rifle (SFR), with new 50-round
box magazine. Caliber 5.6x5 7mm XM645 (fig. 218 no. 3). This 1969 contract
was the first award of an official "XM" number to a SPIW candidate.
Below: M16A1 rifle with 20-round magazine. By this time the M16A1 was
Standard 'A' for US troops everywhere in the world except the European theater.
Courtesy AAI Corporation
Whatever other problems attended the SPIW it was a fact of physics that firing
a 10-grain flechette, instead of a heavier bullet, produced far less recoil impulse
and hence less dispersion in the critical mean spread of a 3-round burst.
Investigations into rifle design parameters by the Human Engineering Labs
(HEL) yielded the following interesting comparison of the typical recoil impulse
of several standard weapons:
Chapter Twenty
295. Join If You Can't Beat 'Em Department: an interesting, 10-year "M16/
flechette" feasibility study for Frankford Arsenal by Colt's Technik Incorporated
research division of Jericho, New York revealed that saboted flechettes, developed
for smoothbore barrels, actually gave less dispersion from the M193 case
(fig. 218 no. 6) when fired through regular rifled M16 barrels. As part of their
February, 1971 report entitled "Flechettes Fired Through Rifled Barrels",
Technik submitted a drawing of an improved sabot design (above, with standardized AAI design below) which gave even more impressive results.
296. Not to be outdone, AAI later countered with a 1978 proposal for yet another
"Improved Sabot Flechette Seal Assembly" to be made from injection-molded,
glass-filled nylon, which AAI claimed would do away with the SPIW's problematical sabot "stripper" and provide positive separation by "ram-air
pressure" as air entered the pressure cavity shown. Not adopted.
Courtesy AAI Corporation
of promethium. The second was the reflex sight, a "lightweight, optical sight without magnification (unity power), that
offers an increase in hit probability and a decrease in response
time to engage a target."
The unit-power reflex sight idea was certainly not new: the
bullpup British EM-1 and EM-2 rifles were so fitted back in
the late nineteen forties. The main advantage of such a sighting
system as Frankford saw it was that "..improved performance
is due to simplicity in aiming small arms with a reflex sight.
When the target is viewed through the sight, alignment of the
aiming point [reticle pattern] in the sight and the target is all
that is required".
297. This diagram of the "System Acquisition Cycle" for the Small Caliber
Systems Program was presented to the "DOD Gun Panel" as part of a Frankford
Arsenal briefing on March 5, 1975. showing. The "identification and advancement of new technologies" was to be accomplished under the conceptual (62)
program element, with more advanced concepts moving through the range
of elements to full-scale deployment.
298. One of the sixty-odd sighting systems evaluated in the Frankford Arsenal
sight enhancement project of 1967-75. The British "Singlepoint" sight was
originally developed in 1968 for UK trial on L1A1 rifles. Not a true see-through
sight, the Singlepoint offered improved target acquisition and hit capability
by projecting a bright red aiming dot onto the target, which was viewed with
both eyes open.
300. The Oxford "sight and gyro stabilizer" still another device tested in
the early stages of the Frankford Arsenal sight enhancement program.
299. Another sight system evaluated at Frankford, called the Rickert sight.
Like the civilian Nydar shotgun sight, this presented a reflected reticle on
a ground-glass screen.
301. Designed by Robert E. Snodgrass, who also built and tested the "Product
Improved" M14 prototypes at Rock Island Arsenal (US Rifle M14), these
night sights were fully adjustable for windage and elevation, with a 3/8" rear
aperture and a 3/4" front aiming tube.
303. The final RCS reticle design, which was projected as an illuminated,
inverted yellow "Y" onto the target. Not adopted.
ford and Fort Benning, but to date it appears that the project
has made no further progress.
(fig. 306 no. 2). Note, from the front: the "cylindrical muzzle brake
compensator" (fig. 305); the "bobbed" gas block and carrying handle;
the reflex collimator sight (RCS) attached to the flat top of the receiver.
307. Frankford Arsenal drawing no. FA32712 dated August 18, 1965, entitled
"Rifling for Cal. 17 Weapon". 6-groove rifling, right hand twist; one turn
in 8". This program was plagued with severe barrel erosion and loss of bullet
Redrawn by Thomas B. Dugelby
309. Frankford Arsenal display card from a 1967 project investigating incendiary bullet loads. From left: 1. cal. .30 (9-grain incendiary charge);
2. 5.56mm (3-grain charge); 3. SPIW flechette (1-grain charge); 4.32mm
(1-grain charge).
The AAI XM70 and the Serial Bullet Rifle (SBR) Project
310. The SPIW's "last gasp": the no-frills AAI XM70. Only one prototype
was submitted, in May of 1974. The XM70 fired the XM645 flechette cartridge
from an open bolt position, full auto or 3-round burst fire only. Note the reflex
collimator sight and 30-round box magazine.
In October 1974 the only X M 7 0 ever built was shot, alongside two of the modified 4.32mm XM16Els, in a "Dispersion
Versus Cyclic R a t e " test sponsored by the Army's H u m a n
Engineering Labs (HEL) at Aberdeen. While the XM70 turned
in a respectable impulse level when tested with HEL's special
311. The partially-stripped, 4.32mm prototype of the AAI serial bullet rifle
(SBR), first unveiled at a Fort Benning conference in May of 1977. The
10-lb., clip-fed AAI SBR featured a unique, two-mode firing system (semi
auto and 3-round burst only) wherein the firing pin was hammer-actuated
for semi auto fire and the first round of a burst, but the firing pin was
locked open (fixed firing pin) for rounds two and three of the burst. Note
the reflex collimator sight and sturdy, time-proven gas piston/operating
312. Left and right side views of a Colt model 01 AR-15 rifle, rebarreled at
Enfield Arsenal to caliber 4.85x49mm (fig. 306no. 4) in support of UK ammunition experiments. QAD (Ord) Pattern Room, photo by Thomas B. Dugelby
313. Fig. 1 from a British Army manual dated November 1976, entitled
"Individual Weapon - Sectional Arrangement". Caliber 4.85mm. Both left(XL68E2) and right-hand ejection (XL64E5) models were made. These
UK bullpups were derived from the ArmaLite AR-18, and feature gas im-
pingement operation of an 8-lug bolt-and-carrier system. Note the emergency iron sights (nos. 9 and 13) on top of the excellent Sight Unit Small
Arms Trilux (SUSAT) optic sight (discussed in Modern Military Bullpup
315. Left: the standard 5.56mm M193 round. Total weight: 175 grains.
Right: the proposed 87-grain FABRL "low-impulse" round.
Redrawn by Thomas B. Dugelby
316 A rare photo showing an M16A1 rifle converted to fire 6mm XM732 ammunition (fig. 306 no. 5) in support of the SAW program. Note the flash suppressor
from the Rodman SAW, the XM235 (fig. 317) and the receiver and magazine,
which have been cut in half and extended to accommodate the longer overall
length of the XM732 round.
Rock Island Arsenal photo dated August 27, 1974
launch a major new US investigation called the Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) Program. While easily the subject
of an entire book in itself, the SAW program yielded some
interesting M16 versions worthy of brief notice here. The SAW
program led to the adoption of the FN Minimi as the US
M249 in 1982.
317. The story of the SAW program and its many extremely interesting weapon
designs could fill a book as big as this one. This is a prototype of the
XM235 machine gun, called the Rodman SAW as it was developed by the
General Thomas J. Rodman Laboratory at Rock Island Arsenal. The receiver
is marked "Gun Machine 6mm XM Rodman Labs SN 0005" and is essentially
318. The ammunition box from the Rodman XM235 SAW, showing the belted
XM732 6mm cartridges (fig. 306 no.5).
Rock Island Arsenal photo dated February 26, 1974
320. Right hand view of the prototype of the XM106, showing barrel and upper
receiver groups disassembled. Note the forward-mounted front sight, and the
bipod mounting point above front pistol grip.
Gene Stoner Strikes Again - the ARES Future Assault Rifle Concept (FARC)
321. The ARES 5.56mm FARC-2 assault rifle. Note from front: muzzle brake/
compensator; folded bipod/handguard; automatic, spring-loaded dust cover;
plastic 30-round magazine; reflex collimator sight.
(and their launcher attachments) for the M16A1 and other weapons.
Rock Island Arsenal photo dated June 6, 1974
324. Right side view of modified M16A1 rifle fitted with the HEL 30mm multishot
grenade launcher prototype. Note the modified gas block, and the cross-bolt
selector through the receiver. This allowed GL operation from the rifle's trigger.
Rock Island Arsenal photo dated April 6, 1976
326. Fig. 2 from the Preliminary Operation and Maintenance manual for
the blow-forward 30mm HEL multishot GL, entitled "Field-stripped view
of GL" : Note the turned-down rifle barrel. The manual identifies 22 dedicated
GL components.
Rock Island Arsenal photo dated February 18, 1977
327. Loading the four-shot HEL 30mm GL. Two rounds were first inserted
in the (2-round) forward portion of the magazine, shown. Closing and latching
the magazine automatically pushed one grenade back into the rear (1-round)
magazine. Pushing the charging lever (of the blow-forward launcher) forward
and allowing it to snap back chambered the rear round, and replaced it in
the rear magazine with the round remaining in the forward magazine. The
empty forward magazine was then recharged with two more rounds.
329. Oiling the firing pin and sear of the HEL 30mm GL. Note the rifle
markings "M-16A1".
Below: the same three views of a caseless SPIW cartridge, firing the standard
saboted flechette. Due to the flechette's light weight (8-10 grains) the round
only weighed 40 grains overall. The muzzle velocity is not listed, but if it
were to approximate that of the "standard" XM19 SPIW round, the XM645,
it would be around 4,800 fps.
331. The two types of (interchangeable) caseless ammunition for the AAI ACR,
showing complete and disassembled rounds. As the 4.32mm "sabot-bullet"
leaves the 5.56mm bore, the gas-sealing sabot disintegrates into the four
sections shown on the black card.
332. The AAI ACR, right side view, showing a few of the "heavy-bullet"
5.56mm loads (left) and some 4.32mm "sabot-bullet" rounds (right).
The ACR drew heavily on experience gained during the XM19 and XM70
333. Where Will It All End Department: a Rock Island Arsenal photo dated
September 8, 1971, entitled enigmatically "Rifle, M16".
334. An AAI advertisement for the caseless ACR, which shot both 5.56mm
"heavy-bullet" and 4.32mm "sabot-bullet" cartridges.
AAI Corporation
Offshore Production
The M16 Consolidates its Position
Meanwhile, despite all the brave attempts to unseat the M16
with "future" rifles, by the early seventies the M16A1 had settled
firmly into the role of the world's most reliable and effective
combat tool. As we have seen, the US government had perforce
perfected the M16 in a wartime program of developmental attention and retrofit worth many millions of dollars, the end result
being that by the end of the Vietnam war, the M16A1 was
simply the most tested and most reliable 5.56mm rifle on the
market. More than ever, it seemed, the black rifle had considerable "sex appeal". As summed up at an April 1971 ARPA
Small Arms Conference by Dr. W. C. Pettijohn, author of
numerous studies on the analysis of small arms effectiveness:
Active, direct American military involvement in the Vietnam war ended in 1973. Later Defense Intelligence Agency
estimates were that among much other ordnance, the USsupported Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and
the Cambodian Army had been forced to abandon roughly
946,000 serviceable AR-15, M16, XM16E1 and M16A1 rifles
to the victorious North Vietnamese Army (NVA). In the
mid-1980s, when many of these weapons began to appear on
the international small arms black market, the M16 became
the most widely distributed 5.56mm rifle in the world.
After the Vietnam war was over Colt's had a reliable, battleproven rifle in the M16A1, and they wanted to sell it abroad.
They subsequently found some of their best markets by emulating Belgium's Fabrique Nationale, who for years has offered
expensive, but guaranteed, step-by-step licensed-production
programs. With a proven "winner" in the M16A1, Colt's
found that a number of foreign countries wanted to build their
own versions, under license, in their own factories.
Industries of Singapore Private Limited (CIS) to meet the citystate's own defense needs. In 1970, with major technical assistance from Colt personnel residing in Singapore,
CIS's Small Arms Weapons Group undertook the manufacture and assembly of the M16 under license from Colt's. Over
the ensuing ten years, nearly 200,000 M16-type rifles (without
bolt assist; known at Colt's as the model 614-S) were produced.
At least 30,000 of these were sold, with US State Department
permission, to Thailand.
335. Colt factory drawing, dated July 29, 1969 of the markings authorized
for the 200,000 M16 rifles (Colt model 614-S) manufactured under license
by Chartered Industries of Singapore.
336 An early production model of Chartered Industries' 7 5-lb. (3.4 Kg), 5.56mm
SAR-80, a copy of the ArmaLite AR-18. The SAR-80 is available with fixed
or folding buttstock.
337. Closeup of right side of late model (redesigned pistol grip; ambidextrous
magazine catch) SAR-80, showing receiver markings.
Photo courtesy Peter Kokalis
338. Like the AR-18, the SAR-80 receiver hinges up for disassembling. The
similarity of bolt and operating rod/spring assemblies is obvious here.
Photo courtesy Peter Kokalis
339. The state-of-the-art in 5.56mm light machine guns: the Ultimax 100,
designed (on the revolutionary "constant recoil" principle) for Chartered
Industries by L. James Sullivan in 1979. Note the familiar 8-lugged bolt, ready
to begin a burst of controllable, open-bolt, full-auto-only fire from the 100round drum magazine.
forgings and barrels to springs, pins, castings and plastic furniture. Another division of Colt Industries, the Pratt & Whitney
Small Tools Division, even equipped a companion factory to
make the required cutting tools for the main rifle plant, which
was originally known as Pusan Arsenal.
The Koreans favored the Army M16A1 (Colt model 603) with
the bolt forward assist feature, so the rifle they manufactured
under license from Colt's became known as the model 603-K.
Offshore Production
340. Left and right side views of receiver markings used on licensed production
of the South Korean M16A1 (Colt model 603-K). Note "K" serial no. range.
343. Left and right side views of receiver markings used on licensed production
Phillippine M16A1 rifles and carbines (Colt models 613-P and 653-P). Note
the "RP" serial no. range.
Offshore Production
of Understanding
345. Partially-stripped view of the 5.56mm Taiwanese T65. Note from top:
M16 charging handle, new upper handguard; AR-18-type gas piston assembly
and M16 bolt assembly sans carrier key; M16-type (bolt closerless) receiver
with flip-up rear sight "hump" and no carrying handle; cast-aluminum M16A1type lower receiver with different contour to lower buttstock.
Offshore Production
model M16 "lookalike" except for a standard impingementtype gas piston, and no built-in carrying handle. The Republic
of China's Marines, Special Forces and Military Police have
adopted the T65 to replace their older NATO-caliber Type 57s.
346. Closeup of receiver markings on some typical M14 rifles. From left: 1.
genuine US M14, manufactured as part of Springfield Armory's third order for
70,500 rifles, dated March, 1961 (US Rifle M14); 2. Republic of China Type 57
rifle (fig. 344); 3, 4 and 5: mainland Chinese "M14s" made by North China
Industries (Norinco) of Beijing. Note the 8 (!) digit serials on nos. 3 and 4. Clumsy
woodwork, but with metal generally better finished than the ROC Type 57.
347. The China North Industries' "CQ 5.56mm Automatic Rifle", left side
view. The selective-fire CQ weighs 7.5 lbs. (3.4 kg) fully loaded, and was
designed for M193-type ammunition, with a 1-in-12 rifling twist.
348. A drawing showing official Army "Recommended Battle Sight Zeroing Range
and Projectile Trajectory" for the M16A1 rifle firing M193 ball ammunition,
with an average muzzle velocity of 3,171 ft. (966.5 m) per sec. Note that a
250-meter zero results in a shot 5" high at 150m, and 27" low at 400m.
A series of bench rest firings at 100 and 300 meters corroborated earlier SAWS study results, indicating clearly that
accuracy in the M16, especially past 300 meters, would improve
as a result of the introduction of a stiffer barrel, heavier bullet
and faster rifling twist:
LC 12444
LC 12045
Heavy barrel
wpn. no.
light barrel
wpn. no.
[M14 "MTU-NM"]
wpn. no.
The use of sling tension on the heavy M16 barrel does
not greatly detract from its accuracy and does not affect
point of impact on the target.
The heavy M16 barrel is superior to the light. .barrel for
..The M14 rifle shows a superiority over the M16 for accu-
350. The Rock Island Arsenal version of the M16AI National Match Rifle,
showing rifle assembled (below) and altered components (above).
Rock Island Arsenal photo dated January 1972, courtesy Lou Woll
standard maintenance. Accuracy, particularly at ranges exceeding 300 yards, is not currently competitive with other National
Match rifles. Your Army commanders are going to look to
you to provide the modifications necessary to field the most
accurate M16s possible for the next All Army championships.
You are familiar with the work done on the National Match
rifles in the past [US Rifle M14]. We must now apply our
knowledge and experience to field a National Match M16A1.
The applicable National Match rules and regulations, as
specified in AR 920-30, were next dissected:
. .We can use the M16 or M16A1 as issued or modified.
We can use the AR-15 as sold commercially. Also we may use
combinations of. .components to field a National Match rifle.
In order to allow civilian use on a relatively unrestricted
basis, the AR-15 lower receiver must be used. Specifically,
civilians cannot be issued a weapon which was manufactured
having full automatic capability, regardless of subsequent
modification to remove the full automatic capability.
. .The most desirable approach is the AR-15 lower receiver
...The next best approach is to use a "stop plate" currently
being manufactured by Rock Island Arsenal. The "stop
plate" is economical and easy to install..
As the stock is currently manufactured, it is too short for
a great many shooters in the prone position. The NBPRP
recognizes this fact and lengthening of the stock will be
allowed. Approximately 1 1/2" increase.. gives a comfortable
feel in all positions.
351. RIA modifications to M16A1 NM front sight bracket to accept M14 front
sight, showing metal removal from A to A'.
Inset: closeup of M14 front sight pad, sawn from M14 flash suppressor, dimensioned as shown and silver-soldered to center of prepared surface.
Redrawn by Thomas B. Dugelby
.. M14 front [and rear sights have] provided the best results
to date. A complete description and instructions for installing
the M14 sight[s] are provided... We have obtained a maximum
sight radius of 21 1/4 inches with M14 rear sight [which]
gives 1 inch per click at 100 yards. We have found that the
M14 front sight must be reduced in width by 1/3 to provide
the most desirable sight picture..
The M T U noted a "significant increase" in accuracy provided by the experimental heavy barrel with the one-in-nine
twist, and concluded that, although the M16A1-NM as described and illustrated was "significantly more accurate" than
the standard issue rifle, there was much ground to cover (in
more ways than one) before the M16 could compete against
M21s and National Match M1s in the full course of fire.
354. Left side view of a Match M16A1 rifle built in the US Naval Academy
armory shop at Annapolis, Maryland. Note, from front: redesigned, inthe-white flash suppressor on heavy barrel; Redfield Olympic rear sight
355. Closeup view of the right side of receiver of the US Navy Match M16A1,
showing the "shaved" carrying handle and the method of attaching the Redfield
Olympic rear sight. Note the hole, exposing the trigger bar, for easy adjustment
of trigger stop.
NRA photo courtesy Joseph Roberts, Jr.
356. Closeup of forward section of Navy Match M16A1 (above) compared with
an early model 01 AR-15. The two holes in the standard M16 sight block were
filled with silver solder, the block was slotted front-to-rear, and a new blade sight
was inserted, approximating the shape and width of the M14 NM front sight blade
(.062"). Note the Match rifle's heavy barrel, necessitating the "opened-up"
front sight block.
NRA photo courtesy Joseph Robert, Jr.
357. Further development of the Navy Match rifle, wherein the upper receiver
survived as the basis for this USMC development at Quantico, Virginia.
Ten rifles were built with full, non-tapered 24" Hart heavy barrels (1-in-10
twist) free-floated within a new, one-piece handguard-and-barrel nut assembly,
made from seamless metal tubing silver-soldered to a specially constructed
barrel nut. Installed with a special spanner, the hollow handguard did not
contact the barrel forward of the barrel nut, thus eliminating any downward
force on the barrel caused by tight sling pressure. Note the reworked trigger
and hammer pivot pins, and the lengthened stock.
NRA photo courtesy Joseph Roberts, Jr.
as the pedestal for the Redfield Olympic aperture front sight; the "bobbed"
gas block; the scope blocks added to the tubular metal handguard/barrel nut
assembly; and the Redfield International rear sight mounted on a special rail
affixed to the receiver.
NRA photo courtesy Joseph Roberts Jr.
359. A further (actual size) cartridge compendium of improved, extendedrange 5.56mm ammunition (compare with figs. 85 and 141). From left:
1. 55-grain M193 ball (nickel-cased dummy of the FN version, the SS92)
for comparison, headstamped FN 78; 2. black-tipped, 63-grain tungsten-core
AP from NWM (for Stoner machine gun contract circa the SAWS study)
headstamped NWM 5,56 67; 3. 77-grain IWK heavy ball, headstamped K
5,56x45 Y IWK; 4. (Black-tipped) Colt special heavy-ball loading,
headstamped REM-UMC 223; 5. Colt's 68-grain GX-6235 bullet, headstamped
361. Under date of January 23,1967 IWK announced the results of comparative
tests of M193, 7.62 NATO and the IWK-developed heavy ball bullets (fig. 360).
Included was this chart, entitled "Comparison of velocities for ranges from
0 - 500m". As Bill Davis had argued earlier, concentrating on muzzle velocity
could be misleading!
Courtesy Lt. Col. Frank Conway
360. Dimensioned factory drawing of the 1977 Mauser/IWK 77-grain, steeljacketed lead-core ball round (left) showing comparative length of bullet and
depth of seating with M193 (right).
Courtesy Lt. Col. Frank Conway
362. A picture from an Olin brochure describing the merits of the green-tipped
Winchester "Penetrator" bullet (left). Designed like the SS109 (right) with a steel
noseplug behind a small airspace (fig. 363), the 62-grain (4.02-gram) Winchester
bullet is here shown as giving full penetration of an SAE1010 hot-rolled 10mm
steel plate (from an M16A2 rifle at a range of 240 meters at 0 obliquity),
while the "leading competitor's cartridge" gave only partial penetration.
Colt's Inc.
55-gr. M193
68-gr. EXP
M80 ball
55 gr. M193
While these Colt bullets gave excellent results in 1-in-9twist barrels, they apparently produced very heavy fouling
in 1-in-sevens.
68-gr. EXP
M80 ball
Rifle (IW)
control L M G (7.62mm)
5.56 (M193)
7.62 NATO
7.62 NATO
caseless 4.7x21mm
5.56 (M193)
(Israeli Galil)
United Kingdom
5.56 M193
5.56 XM777/
5.56 XM855
(SS109 equivalent)
United States
As for the ammunition, it was soon clear that the M193 could
be, indeed had been, superseded. Again as part of the legacy
of the American SAWS/SAW trials, the two characteristics which
observers took stock of most were long-range accuracy and penetration. The various types of "improved" 5.56x45mm cartridges
(and others of even smaller bore) were unprecedentedly effective
at ranges far beyond the once-heretical 300 or even 500 meters:
Rifling twist
(1 turn in)
NATO plate
US helmet
(FN 7.62mm)
(US 5.56mm)
(FN 5.56mm)
(US 5.56mm)
..As a result of this..technical and military programme, 5.56mm has been adopted as second standard
NATO calibre for small arms and the Belgian SS109
ammunition has been selected as a basis for standardization of ammunition for the second NATO calibre for small
The M16A1 assault rifle.. is currently the standard service
weapon in use by the US military.. .During its years of service
life, several aspects of the weapon's design and performance
characteristics have come under criticism from users. ..The
shape and individual natures of the left and right handguards
detract from the performance of the rifle during sustained
fire and cause logistical problems when the handguards must
be replaced. In addition, the physical strength of the barrel
and buttstock.. sometimes prove inadequate.. in the field, and
bent barrels and cracked buttstocks result.
365. From the August, 1980 1-in-12 heavy-barrel trials conducted at the
Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren, Virginia. Top two rifles (serial
nos. 4833958 and 4833992) are fitted with heavy barrels (note the difference
..experimental guns..each weigh approximately 1.3
pounds more than a standard weapon. Because this weight
has been added to the barrel, the center of gravity., is
slightly forward.. .This forward shift...positions the c. g.
more nearly equally distant from the right and left hands
when the weapon is held in firing position, and is
responsible for the somewhat improved handling qualities
of the experimental guns..
and Discussion
Long range dispersion [test]:
. .consisted of firing each weapon at a target located 200
yards downrange... Each weapon was mounted in a machine
rest [figure 366] during firing. Two groups of 20 rounds each
were fired from each weapon.. .Each group was measured [by
finding].. x = length in inches of one horizontal side of a
rectangle enclosing 90% of the pattern [and] y = length. .of
one vertical side..
Temperature (F)
Automatic fire
strengthened barrel, av.
standard barrel, av.
Semiautomatic fire
366. One of the heavy-barrel M16A1s "wired" for heat-dissipation trials, during
the US Navy trial of August, 1980.
Photo courtesy Fred Willis
Experimental weapons.. shot smaller patterns at both [70and 200-yard] test ranges.. .the difference in dispersion was
due largely to the stiffer barrels..
The experimental handguards and heat shields.. represent significant improvement..in dissipating heat and
protecting the shooter's hand. The. .full hole patterns in
each half are preferable to the other experimental con-
367. The latest model of Colt's HBAR M16, which fires from an open bolt.
Note, from the front: M60 bipod; lightened gas/front sight block somewhat
reminiscent of the short-lived Colt M703 (fig. 274); new square-section hand-
guard for greater heat dissipation, with front pistol grip and carrying handle;
click-adjustable (windage and elevation) rear sight, mounted in modified upper
receiver; lengthened buttstock.
rifles. Accordingly, the Marines conducted a modified operational test (MOT) from 23 November to 11 December 1981
using 30 of the PIP rifles and 30 standard-issue M16Als, and
employing 20 Marines and 10 soldiers from the 197th Infantry
Brigade at Fort Benning. For identification purposes, the PIP
rifles were designated the "M16A1E1".
The result of these Marine tests was a most favorable assessment of the PIP rifle. The final report listed a number of the
M16A1E1's advantages as follows:
SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) trials, wherein was developed the USMCsponsored, removable-barrel XM106 (fig. 319). Thanks to intensive, parallel
research done in the improved HBAR program (fig. 367), Colt's was ready
when the Marines came calling for product improved (PIP) rifles. The first
M16A1E1 rifles were delivered just 14 days from placement of order.
NRA photo courtesy Joseph Roberts, Jr.
369. Right side view of early M16A1E1 rifle. Not yet fitted with the spent case
deflector "lump" on the receiver (fig. 371).
371. Right side view of early production M16A2 rifle. What appears to be a
massively heavier barrel is controversially heavy in its front section only
(fig. 374). Note the prototype spent case deflector, attached to receiver.
and doesn't kick up a blast of sand when fired from the prone
2. The barrel is heavier and, as noted by the Marines, suitable
for use with the new, heavier-bullet M855 ammunition. The rifling twist has been tightened from the old 1-in-12 to FN's recommended 1 turn in 7 inches, and, in a move perhaps just a little
wiser than many have credited, the extra six ounces of weight
have been put right where the Navy had recommended: "..if
possible, the hottest barrel region..not covered by the handguards". The official reason for retaining the old contour under
the handguards is to allow the continued use, without modification, of the M203 grenade launcher. In addition to contractor's
identification and proof mark, the new barrels are marked "5.56
NATO 1/7" on the top center of the stiffened front portion.
3. The front sight is a square post, adjustable for elevation.
10. The change lever positions now read SAFE, SEMI and
BURST: the Marine recommendation of a three-round burst
375. Closeup views of the M16A2 rear sight, showing early windage knob (above).
Note the 1.75 mm long-range aperture and elevation set for 500 meters (arrow,
below). Sight can be flipped forward to reveal 5mm battle-range aperture.
376. The Colt M16A2 Weapons Family as it originally appeared. From the top:
1. The M16A2 rifle (Colt model 711).
2. The M16A2 Carbine (Colt model 723, with lightweight barrel and injectionmolded plastic buttstock).
3. The M16A2 "Commando" (Colt model 733).
4. The M16A2 HBAR (Colt model 741).
5. DOD was adamant that every M16-type rifle in the inventory should be
capable of accepting the M203 grenade launcher attachment. Thus the uneasy
compromise with the front-heavy barrel (fig. 374).
Courtesy Colt's Firearms Division
377 Closeup views of both sides of the receiver of a later M16A2 "Commando".
Note the selector markings on both sides and the newer, chamfered rear sight
windage knob (fig. 375).
M16A2 " H B A R " : a magazine-fed, heavybarrel squad automatic. Weighs just over
10 pounds.
for Record
.. During the limited research we have conducted in automatic fire - experimenting with burst size, various holding
positions, etc. - we are finding that three-round bursts may
not be the optimum burst size. In the majority of bipodsupported automatic rifle.. positions, firing up to five and
ten round bursts, the third round will many times find the
limit of the group size with subsequent rounds moving back
in toward and around the initial aiming point..
..It also is important to note that the..three-round burst
control on the M16A2 does not recycle, i.e., if one or two
rounds are fired because the trigger is not held long enough,
a magazine change is required, or in the event of a stoppage
for any other reason, the next pull of the trigger will not
result in a three-round burst, but will result in [the remaining]
one or two shots being fired. In other words, even when
the burst control is properly working, it may result in the
firing of one, two, or three shots..
There are two primary arguments for the three-round burst
control - it is more accurate and it conserves ammunition.
The first claim.. is not true. The second.. is not supported
by data.. .the first three rounds of a five-round burst will
strike the same place as the rounds from a three-round burst
.. since the the third round departs the barrel before the fourth
round is fired. As for conserving ammunition, a thirty-round
burst will result in..expenditure..in a little less than 2 1/2
seconds, and ten 3-round bursts can result in. .expenditure..
in five seconds..
- The M16A2 "heavy barrel" is heavy in the wrong place.
The problem with the M16A1 [was] a temporary bending of
the barrel. .from the stress of various firing positions causing
bullet strike to vary, e.g., the difference between a bipod
firing position and a position using a hasty sling will change
the strike of the bullet at 300 meters by three or four feet
or more. The "bending" takes place between the receiver
and the sling swivel/bayonet stud. The M16A2 barrel is
"heavy" only from the sling swivel to the muzzle - where
it can have no effect on the bending problem..
- the new ammunition (XM855) cannot be fired in the
current rifle (M16A1).
M16A2, a compromise which would have improved its performance with the hundreds of millions of rounds of stockpiled
M193 ammunition.
The fast twist was also an instant candidate for two traditional bugbears of such barrels, fouling and erosion. The Marines
had conducted only a limited, 6,000-round endurance and
accuracy trial with their M16A1E1s, and the poor results turned
in by the PIP rifles were largely attributed to "growing pains"
in the fledgling XM855 ammunition production program.
378. It Can Be Done Department: figs. 1 and 4 from US Patent no. 4,004,496
entitled "M16A1 Burst Control", granted in 1977to Robert E. Snodgrass and
Michael N. Tyler. The patent's abstract reads "An automatically recyclable
379. Closeups of a civilian AR-15 (model SP1), fitted with experimental Kodak
3.5x Optical Sight.
Left: late model sight in Colt-adopted ARMS scope base.
Right: earlier model sight fitted with Kodak's 12-oz., slide-on "Night Adapter"
with lithium-powered image intensifier, capable of presenting a 2x2-meter
target area at ranges up to 500 meters. Note the early mount, which gave
way to the ARMS design (above). Kodak has developed a unique insert-molding
technique which imbeds polished but not edge-trued lenses, properly positioned, within the plastic body of the unit itself, thus dramatically reducing
the cost of quality military optics.
380. Three prototypes of the M231. Note different designs of firing port
mounting points.
Above: right side view of "Firing Port Candidate" with 11" barrel and selective
fire from open bolt.
RIA photo dated July 12, 1974.
Center: right side view of "MICV/Firing Port Weapon XM231" with 11" barrel
and selective fire from open bolt.
RIA photo dated October 6, 1975.
Below: left side view of later XM231 built on "M-16A1" serial no. 5048448 Note
selector markings: SAFE and AUTO only.
RIA photo dated April 1, 1976.
381. A later prototype of the XM231 Firing Port weapon. Note the flip-up
front sight; the short handguard; and the telescoping stock: all attempts to
(ARRADCOM) in Dover, New Jersey. This weapon, subsequently christened the XM231, initially featured a short,
heavy (11") barrel and internal changes which allowed
selective fire from the open-bolt position, with a cyclic rate
of 1,050 rpm.
382. Field stripped view of the M231 as initially standardized in 1969. Note,
from front: standard "birdcage" suppressor on 15.6" barrel: finalized IFB
ball-mount "collar, barrel"; short plastic handguard and absence of any
front sight; modified carrier for open-bolt fire; short buffer and 3 nesting
recoil springs; recoil spring guide and telescoping buttstock.
383. A look inside the Bradley IFV, showing an M231 installed in ball-mounted
firing port hole, and another in reserve (above). Photo courtesy Bob Faris
385. Assembling the M231's lower receiver. (Refer to table, inset in fig. 384).
Left: assembling trigger, trigger extension, pivot pin retainer (plate with selector
markings), and change lever.
Right: assembling sear, helical sear spring, and their pins.
Part no.
(fig. 384)
Part no.
(fig. 385)
387. Above: Canadian Arsenals Limited (CAL) 7.62 NATO caliber C1A1 rifle,
left side view. The standard Canadian service rifle from 1955 to 1984.
Editor's collection
Below early selective fire "Rifle Auto 7.62 mm FN C2", the heavy-barrel, selective
fire, light automatic weapon version of the C1. Note the fold-down handguard/
bipod and 30-round magazine. The story of these arms is told in North
American FALs.
C4: the Canadian No.4 Mk.1* .303 bolt-action rifle (LeeEnfield), still used by Ranger and cadet units.
C5: a modified M1919A4 7.62x63mm (.30-06) Browning
machine gun, converted in Canada to fire belted 7.62mm
NATO ammunition.
the existing small arms inventory, described above, and to provide the necessary engineering backup and eventual production
facilities if and when it was decided to replace the existing
weapons with a new family of small arms.
388. First-off C7 rifle, serial no. 85AA00001, from initial run of 21 pre-production
weapons. Presented to Commander Force Mobile Command Lt. Gen. C. H.
Belzile, CMM, CD on November 12, 1985. Type 2 receiver markings (fig. 389).
Courtesy Small Arms Replacement Program (SARP) Ottawa
C7: the Canadian version of the Colt M16A2, but with some
differences, as described below. The government contracted
for 79,935 C7 rifles.
A mutual arrangement exists whereby Diemaco manufactures some return receives some other M249 (Minimi)
components from FN's US operation FN Manufacturing, Inc.
(FNMI) of Columbia, South Carolina.)
389. Three types of receiver markings used so far on the Canadian C7 Rifles
and C8 Carbines.
Type 1: initial style proposed for C7 Rifle and C8 Carbine; not adopted.
Type 2: markings on Colt-made C8 trials receiver (Colt model 725), serial no.
84AB00010. Note standard "Colt's Firearms Division" maker's legend (right).
Type 3: current style; adopted. Note Diemaco logo and selector markings
barrel: the C7 shares the controversial "heavy-in-the-wrongplace" profile of the M16A2; more controversial in Canada
perhaps even than in the US as the Canadians do not use the
M203 grenade launcher, and thus the official US reason for
retaining the M16A1 dimensions under the handguards of the
M16A2 does not apply. In fact, Canada actually proposed a
more conventional heavy barrel profile and applied for a design
concession on the M16A2 barrel contour, which Colt's refused
to grant. The C7's hammer-forged barrel also shares the tight
1-in-7 rifling twist, necessary to stabilize the Canadian version
of the NATO-adopted SS109 bullet, called the C77.
390. Left and right side views of an interesting cutaway instructional C7 rifle
(Colt model 715). Type 2 receiver markings (fig. 389).
392. Canadian Forces 5.56mm C7 rifle and C9 (FN Minimi) light machine gun,
with equipment. Type 3 receiver markings (fig. 389). Note the ammunition supply
packaging: 30-round Canadian-made nylon magazines are charged from
396 A Colt trials model 715 rifle, modified in Canada for low-scope mounting.
Canada initially tested a number of sight-enhancement devices for its new
5.56mm weapons which did not require weapon modification. These included
standard Colt/Realist 3- and 4-power telescopes; a 1-power, battery-powered,
front-sight-mounted holographic dot projector (the "H.R.S.100"); the "Hiteye
1500", a 1.5-power, ring-reticle telescopic sight, also mounted in the carrying
handle; and tritium-filled iron sights. A later Diemaco "enhancement" program
examined a number of sighting systems fitted to this Canadian-designed handleless upper receiver (fig. 397).
397. Above: Diemaco's modified, handleless upper receiver, with a Canadiandesigned scope base bonded on to provide a "universal interface channel",
allowing the use of any telescope by means of a simple adapter plate.
Below: If the universal handleless receiver "flew" (which to date it hasn't),
Diemaco foresaw its manufacture from "scratch" in this proposed machined
Courtesy Diemaco, Inc.
398. A Colt-made M16A1, purchased for Canadian trials before the C7program
began, shown fitted with the "Optical Sight, Small Arms (ELCAN)", a lowmounted, day-night telescope from Ernst Leitz (Canada) Ltd., of Midland,
Ontario. Note rifle test-serial no. "203".
(North American FALs, p. 151). The Elcan weighs 430 grams, is permanently
sealed with dry nitrogen, has a 7 field of view, and is range-adjustable from
0-1000 meters. It has no moving parts and features a built-in tritium light
source, which illuminates the tip of its vertical post reticle.
Courtesy Ernst Leitz (Canada) Ltd.
400. Right side view of a Canadian-trials FN Minimi, fitted with the ELCAN
scope sight on a specially modified base, fitted to the top cover.
404. An IVI 7.62 NATO cartridge box labelled enigmatically "Test lot 6 -Duplex"
contained several cartridges bulleted as shown, with a 5.56-type lead-covered
ball bullet snugly inserted into a hollow-nosed 7.62. (Scale in mm).
Courtesy Capt. William Etter
403. Box labels for Canadian 5.56mm ammunition, manufactured by Les Industries Valcartier Inc. (IVI), of Courcelette, Quebec.
Above: M193 ball, produced by IVI for trial and use in regular M16A1s during
Canada's "switchover" from 7.62mm to 5.56mm.
Below: C83 high-pressure proof (fig. 359 no. 12).
405. The Canadian Forces ' Section Cleaning Kit, issued at Section level in
support of C7 rifles and C9 light machine guns.
Contents, left side: swabs (2 packets of 100); utility brush; pipe cleaners;
4-section cleaning rod; carrier key/gas tube brush; C9 sight adjustment key;
chamber brush; cleaning rod handle.
Right side: bore brushes; C9 front sight "T-tool"; C7 front sight adjustment
tool; plastic bottle of CLP.
Courtesy Small Arms Replacement Program (SARP) Ottawa
406 Above, from left: 1. original ArmaLite 25-round; 2. early Colt steel " w a f f l e "
20-round; 3. Colt aluminum 20-round.
Appendix 378
411. Magazine for instructional cutaway rifle, showing positioning and feeding
of cartridges.
Photo courtesy Steve Kemp
412. 20-round magazine for M200 blank ammunition. A fillet in the from reduces
the internal length, thus accommodating the shorter blank rounds but not
live cartridges.
Bob Miller collection
413. Experimental plastic 20-round magazine, with molded-in steel feed lips
and magazine catch. Not adopted.
Photo courtesy Steve Kemp
415. One of several disposable plastic magazines developed for the M16 (see
fig. 416).
Photo courtesy Steve Kemp
416. Fig. 1 from US Patent no. 3,453,762 granted to Colt engineer Robert D.
Fremont (co-designer of the 5.56mm Stoner 63), entitled "Disposable Magazine
Having a Protective Cover and Follower Retaining Means". Colt's refusal
to provide dimensions for the Army's disposable magazine (chapter 17) spurred
this "in-house" development. Not adopted.
US Patent Office
421. An early GAPCO nylon 30-round magazine. Numerous styles and models
of all-plastic magazines have been developed for the M16, the most successful
being the Canadian pattern (figs. 392 and 422).
422. Three iterations of nylon magazine made to Canadian pattern and leading
to the adoption of "470,570 units" of a finalized and improved version of
no. 1 (left) by the Canadian Forces for the C7/C8/C9 weapons system.
423. Left side view of Colt XM16E1 rifle fitted with Colt's (proprietary) bipod
and first prototype green-plastic-handled military bayonet (fig. 424 no. 3).
Note the metal rivets. Less than 20 of these were made.
Appendix 382
4. the forerunner of the military M7. Same Colt logo as no. 2, above,
but faintly marked around front of muzzle ring "Made in W. Germany".
Made (with and without lower crossguard) by Eickhorn of Solingen for Colt's
in support of the Singapore order (chapter 12).
Bob Miller collection, photo by Roy Arnold
Colt's continued to contract out for "proprietary" bayonets of their design (fig. 424 no. 4) to support overseas
rifles [week of] 24-28 February, 1964
Knife, Bayonet, M7: A contract was awarded to Columbus Milpar and Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio, for Bayonet
Knives on 25 February 1964, with initial delivery scheduled
on or before 9 June 1964.
The majority of M7 bayonets used in Vietnam were produced under a government contract with Bauer Industries of
Ohio, makers of tank armor and gun turrets. The Imperial
Shrade Corp. of Providence, Rhode Island has been the prime
contractor of M7 bayonets since 1970.
426. Four versions of a recent, tenth-anniversary Vietnam War commemorative bayonet, designed by B. J. Weber and manufactured by Imperial Schrade
for the American Historical Foundation of Richmond, Virginia. Limited editions
427. The Vietnam commemorative bayonets are subjected to the same set of
tests each M7 must pass before being accepted by the military. Three of these
are shown here:
Left: hydraulic cylinders apply upward pressure to prove bayonet's secure
attachment to (slave) bayonet stud.
Center: with first 1 1/2" of blade gripped in vice, handle must return to center
after being deflected over a 2 1/2" arc.
Right: steel plate containing maple block is dropped onto blade tip with 28ft-lbs.
of energy. Bayonet must withstand force "without fracture, permanent deformation or loosening of parts".
Courtesy American Historical Foundation
428. Three views of the new "Multi Purpose Bayonet System M9" (MPBS)
designed by Phrobis III Ltd., of Oceanside, California. An initial $15.6M contract
for the manufacture of 315,600 M9s (under license by Buck Knives of El Cajon,
California) was awarded by the Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical
Command (ARMCOM) in October, 1986 The M9 MPBS weighs 1.76 lbs. (with
Zytel scabbard and rear-mounted whetstone) and features a 7" blade made
of glass-bead-blasted 425 stainless steel, a black-oxided crossguard, and a
grooved-and-knurled handle also made of high-impact Zytel.
Courtesy MGySgt James W. Maddock
429. The C7 bayonet, 70,000 of which are being manufactured for the Canadian
Forces under a $1.7M contract by Nella Cutlery Service of Stoney Creek,
Ontario. The C7 is built to the German Eickhorn pattern (under a technologytransfer agreement with Imperial Schrade) and features a sandblasted stainless
steel blade and a velcro-fastened plastic scabbard.
Courtesy Small Arms Replacement Program (SARP) Ottawa
Appendix 386
432. Fig. lfrom US Patent 3,771,415, granted to Henry A. Into and Richard L.
Costello and assigned to Colt's, entitled "Rifle Conversion Assembly".
US Patent Office
434. The choice for adoption as a US military training aid narrows down.
Left: Atchisson conversion unit from Military Armament Corp. (MAC).
Right: prototype of the conversion unit designed by John Foote for US
Armament Corp. which became the M261. Note the machined magazine
Rock Island Arsenal photo dated February 14, 1975
435. The finalized version of the Foote conversion unit (fig. 434) became
the M261 rimfire adapter kit. Saco Defense Systems Division of Maremont
Corporation of Saco, Maine produced over 63,000 M261 kits under a $4.9M
contract. The M261's 10-shot magazine adapter is installed without
Appendix 388
436. In a later approach to short-range training, the Army and Marine Corps
adopted the blowback "M2 Practice Bolt" designed to fire M862 Plastic
Training Ammunition (maximum range: 250 meters). Note the absence of the
bolt carrier key.
437. Due to the straight-blowback method of operation of the M2 Practice
Bolt, the limited-range, blue-plastic-bulleted M862 training ammunition produced considerable breech flash when fired. To prevent shooters from being hit
in the face by ejected cases or burning propellant, rifles used in training were
equipped with a bolt-on cartridge deflector, as shown here.
438. The adoption of the M16A2, with its fast-twist (1-in-7") rifling, meant the
end of any training adaptations using .22LR conversion kits. Canadian experiments proved that soft-lead .22LR bullets were severely deformed (and produced
excessive lead fouling) when fired from fast-twist barrels such as the 1-in-7 C7 rifle.
Left: recovered .22LR bullets, fired from a barrel with a (standard .22LR)
1-in-16" rifling twist.
Right: recovered .22LR bullets, fired from a 1-in-7" twist C7 rifle barrel.
Courtesy Diemaco, Incorporated
440. Markings on the proposed C10 .22LR training rifle from Diemaco, Inc. :
22LR TW 1/16.
439. Left side closeup view of the proposed semi-auto-only C10 training rifle,
developed under Canadian Armed Forces contract by Diemaco, Inc. of Kitchener,
Ontario. Weight: 7.6 lbs. Caliber .22LR, magazine capacity 15 rounds. 20.4"
barrel with 6-groove rifling, right-hand twist, 1 turn in 16". Straight blowback
operation. Sights have been modified for optimum accuracy at 30 and 100meter ranges (front C7post reduced to 0.052" width, rear C7 aperture reduced
to 0.050" diameter). The (dedicated) C10 shares 83% parts commonality with
the selective-fire C7, incorporating 14 new and 7 modified parts.
Courtesy Diemaco, Incorporated
The M16 s Finest Hour
This retrospective is necessarily limited by its publication
date, but, as time will no doubt continue to prove, the M16's
finest hour is NOW. This situation shows every sign of lasting
until the end of the century, despite government-sponsored
Advanced Combat Rifle (and even newer) caseless cartridge
441. Left and right side views of a special Colt M16A2 Carbine made for
Abu Dhabi (Colt model 727), shown fitted (via a modified mount) with an M203
grenade launcher. The model 727 features a 14.5" heavy barrel and both
AUTO and BURST capability. Colt's is quite enthusiastic about the model 727
because, unlike the XM177E2, the user gives up very little indeed in terms of
accuracy and velocity to gain the versatility of this impressive "package".
The 727 is a decided improvement over the light barreled model 723, and
Colt's is moving towards standardizing the new version.
At the time of writing, Colt's has produced between 30 and 40 examples
of a new US military trials version of the Abu Dhabi Carbine, officially called
the XM4.
EM-2 Concept and Design - A Rifle Ahead of its Time by Thomas B. Dugelby. Collector Grade Publications, Toronto, Ont., 1980.
German 7.9mm Military Ammunition, 1888 - 1945 by Daniel W. Kent. Private printing, Ann Arbor, Mi., 1973.
Le M16 by Jean Huon. Editions Crepin-Leblond, Paris, France, 1983.
Modern Military Bullpup Rifles by T. B. Dugelby. Collector Grade Publications, Toronto, Ont., 1984.
North American FALs - NATO's Search for a Standard Rifle by R. Blake Stevens. Collector Grade Publications, Toronto, Ont., 1979.
Small Arms Today by Edward Clinton Ezell. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pa., 1984.
The Great Rifle Controversy by Edward Clinton Ezell. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pa., 1984.
The Metric FAL - The Free World's Right Arm by R. Blake Stevens and Jean E. Van Rutten. Collector Grade Publications,
Toronto, Ont., 1981.
The SPIW - The Deadliest Weapon that Never Was by R. Blake Stevens and Edward C. Ezell. Collector Grade Publications,
Toronto, Ont., 1985.
UK and Commonwealth FALs - Volume Two of the FAL Series by R. Blake Stevens. Collector Grade Publications, Toronto, Ont., 1980.
Revised and reprinted, 1987.
US Rifle M14 - From John Garand to the M21 by R. Blake Stevens. Collector Grade Publications, Toronto, Ont., 1983.
Pertinent Patents are described as fully as space permits in the text. Any further research enquiries should be addressed to:
US Department of Commerce
Patent and Trademark Office
Washington, D. C. 20231
[Effective October 5, 1985] the fee for a US Patent reprint (by number) is US $1.50.
Gun Digest:
"The M16A2: New World Standard for Infantry Rifles" by C. E. Harris. 1986.
Guns Magazine:
"Is This the Next G. I. Rifle?" [AR-10] by Eugene Jaderquist. March, 1957.
Gun World:
"AR-16: A Note to NATO" by Jack Lewis. September, 1962.
"Futuristic Firearms for Tomorrow's Infantry" by Bob Zwirtz. Undated, circa 1969.
"The M16 Rifle - Bad Reputation, Good performance" by Art Osborne. Sept-Oct, 1981.
"The Rifle Squad's Artillery" by Maj. Charles R. Baker. Sept-Oct, 1969.
"Rifle Marksmanship" by Lt. Col. Barney K. Neal, Jr., and Capt. St. Elmo P. Tyner II. Sept-Oct, 1969.
International Defense Review:
"NATO Evaluation of Small Arms - Ammunition and Weapons for the Post-1980 Period" by Edward C. Ezell. August, 1979.
National Defense:
"Army Tests Candidate Sniper Rifles" by L. F. Moore. Nov-Dec, 1979.
"A New Automatic Rifle" [AR-10] by Melvin M. Johnson, Jr. May-June, 1957.
"The Black Rifle" by Col. Rex D. Wing. Mar-Apr, 1971.
The Rifle Magazine:
"A Different History of the .222 Mag." by Edward C. Ezell, Ph.D. Mar-Apr, 1970.
"SPIW: Origin and Development of the Army's Undelivered Super Rifle" by Edward C. Ezell. Mar-Apr, 1969.
"SPIW: A New History" by Irwin R. Barr. 1969.
Shooting Times:
"First Report: The Army's SPIW Ammo" by Frederick Earl Cameron (Robert E. Roy). August, 1969.
Soldier of Fortune:
"Army Wants M16A3" by Peter G. Kokalis. January, 1985.
"Made in Taiwan" [the T65 Rifle] by Peter G. Kokalis. August, 1984.