Pharmacognostical Studies On Leaves: Dodonaea Viscosa

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African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol .2(4). pp.

083-088, June, 2008

Available online
ISSN 1996-0816 2008 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Pharmacognostical studies on Dodonaea viscosa

Sama Venkatesh*, Y. S. R Reddy, M. Ramesh1, M. M. Swamy2, N. Mahadevan2 and B. Suresh2

University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, Warangal - 506 009 India.
JSS College of Pharmacy, Rocklands, Ooty 643 001, India
Accepted 5 May, 2008

Dodonaea viscosa Jacq is a popular medicinal plant. Its leaves are used as anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer,
anti-bacterial and antifungal agents and in the treatment of fractures. In view of its medicinal importance
and taxonomic confusion, pharmacognostic studies, microscopical structure, morphological characters,
chemical analysis and numerical values in epidermal study were carried out. These studies provided
referential information for identification of this crude drug.
Key words: Dodonaea viscosa, macroscopy, anatomy, ash values, extractive values, leaf constants,
microscopy, phytochemical.
Standardization of natural products is a complex task due
to their heterogeneous composition, which is in the form
of whole plant, plant parts or extracts obtained thereof.
To ensure reproducible quality of herbal products, proper
control of starting material is utmost essential. The first
step towards ensuring quality of starting material is
authentication. Thus, in recent years there has been a
rapid increase in the standardization of selected medicinal plants of potential therapeutic significance (Reddy et
al., 1999; Venkatesh et al., 2004). Despite the modern
techniques, identification of plant drugs by pharmacognostic studies is more reliable. According to the World
Health Organization (WHO, 1998), the macroscopic and
microscopic description of a medicinal plant is the first
step towards establishing the identity and the degree of
purity of such materials and should be carried out before
any tests are undertaken.
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq., a member of the family
Sapindaceae which is popularly known as aliar and
Vilayati mehandi in India. It is an evergreen shrub or
small tree abundantly available in Western Ghats of
Tamilnadu and distributed throughout India. The reported
medicinal uses of D. viscosa species by indigenous peo-

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Fax: 91-40-23515513

ple in different parts of the world show considerable

similarities. In broad sense, preparations were employed
largely as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, spasmolytic, laxative, antimicrobial and hypotensive agents
(Ghisalberti, 1998). In India, the infusion of leaves were
used to treat rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids, fractures
and snake bites (Kirtikar and Basu, 1995; Nadkarni and
Nadkarni, 1982) .The leaves were reported to possess
local anesthetic, smooth muscle relaxant (Rojas et al,
1996), antibacterial (Ogunlana and Ramstad, 1975;
Rojas et al., 1992) antifungal (Al-Yahya et al., 1983;
Naovi et al., 1991) anti-inflammatory (Mahadevan et al.,
1998; Getie et al., 2003) and anti-ulcerogenic activity
(Veerapur et al., 2004). Sukkawala and Desai (1962)
have reported that 95% ethanol extract of D. viscosa
leaves has shown anti-ascariasis, anthelmintic, cardiac
depressant, hypotensive, uterine relaxation and vasoconstrictor activity in different experimental models. Aliarin,
dodonic acid, viscosol (Sachdev and Kulshreshtha, 1986)
stigmosterol, isorhamnetin (Rao, 1962; Ramachandra et
al., 1975) penduletin, quercetin, doviscogenin (Khan et
al., 1988) dodonosides A and B (Wagner et al., 1987)
have been isolated D. viscosa. In spite of its abundant
uses, the pharmacopoeial standards of D. viscosa leaves
have not been reported.
A perusal of existing reports reveals that the morphological and taxonomic confusion was reported among D.
Viscosa Jacq, Dodonaea thunbergiana var. Linearis E. et.


Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.

Figure 1. Transverse section of Dodonaea viscosa leaf (X 50)

S and Dodonaea attenuata Cunn var.linearis Benth

(Ghisalberti, 1998). Hence, it is felt desirable to pursue a
study on pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical studies of Dodonaea viscosa leaves to supplement
useful data in regard to its correct identity of this plant
and, as this plant is broadly used in indigenous system of
Plant material
Fresh aerial parts of Dodonaea viscosa were collected in Nilgiri
hills, Tamilnadu, India and authenticated by Dr. Vijayan, Taxonomist, Botanical Survey of India (Southern Circle), Coimbatore,
India. A voucher specimen (SV/106/1995) is maintained in J.S.S.
College of Pharmacy, Ooty, India. The fresh leaves were separated
and used for the study of macroscopic and microscopical characters, whereas dried leaf powder material was used for the determination of ash values, extractive values, and phytochemical constituents. All the reagents used were of analytical grade obtained
from Sigma Chemical Co, St. Louis, USA or Fine Chemicals Ltd.,
Mumbai, India.


Macroscopical characters
Color - Upper surface dark green and lower surface pale
Size - 3.8 to 10 cm (l) and 0.6 to 3.9 cm (w)
Form - Simple, lanceolate, acute at both ends and narrowed to distinct petiole, stipulate, symmetrical base, mid
rib prominent with closely arranged lateral nerves;
Venation pinnately parallel; margin entire Odor
Odorless. Taste Sour to bitter.
Upper surface is shining, more or less viscid with a

yellowish resinous exudation

Transverse section of leaf (Figure 1)
The thin transverse sections of leaf were treated with
appropriate reagents and mounted on a glass slide.
Transverse section of a leaflet shows a dorsiventral
structure. Following are the important tissues in the lamina and the midrib region.
Upper epidermis is single layered with more or less rectangular cells covered with a thick cuticle. Stomata are
seen at regular intervals.
Mesophyll is differentiated into upper palisade and
lower spongy parenchyma. Palisade parenchyma is two
layered in thickness and made up of compactly arranged
columnar cells and extended up to the midrib region.
Spongy parenchyma many layered, oval, loosely arranged. Palisade and spongy parenchyma are provided with
chloroplasts. Lower epidermis is very similar to upper
A large conspicuous, concentric vascular bundle is present at the midrib region. Xylem and phloem are arranged in ring. Xylem ring present towards the center and is
surrounded by phloem ring. Around the vascular tissues
sclerenchymatous tissue occurs as bundle sheath. A strip
of collenchyma appears below the upper epidermis and a
patch of chlorenchyma appears above the lower epider

Venkatesh et al.







Figure 2. Power analysis of Dodonaea viscosa Leaf (X 50).

Table 1. Quantitative microscopy of D. viscosa leaf

Leaf constants
Palisade ratio
Stomatal index
Vein-islet number
Vein termination number


mis. Surface preparation of leaf shows Ranunculaceous

(anomocytic) stomata.
Powder analysis (Figure 2)

islet, vein termination number, palisade ratio and stomatal index were carried out according to the standard
method (Wallis, 1985) and the results were shown in
Histochemical color reactions
Histochemical color reactions were carried out on the leaf
transverse sections by the reported methods (Kokate,
1994; Trease and Evans, 1983) and results were given in
Table 2.
Behavior of powder with chemical reagents
Behavior of leaf powder with different chemical reagents
was studied to detect the presence of phytoconstituents
with color changes under daylight by reported method
(Pratt and Chase, 1949) and the results were shown in
Table 3.

i). Fibers are few, lignified well developed sclerenchymatous fibers from the vascular bundle region, thin, and
isolated fibers measure 200 - 600 microns in length and
10 - 20 microns in breadth.
ii). Numerous anomocytic or ranunculaceous stomata
meaning thereby that the cells surrounding the stomatal
pores are irregularly arranged and cannot be differentiated from other epidermal cells.
iii). Fragments of mesophyll tissue containing vascular
strands are seen good many in number.
iv). Fragments of leaf showing dorsiventral structure.

Total ash, acid-insoluble ash, water-soluble ash, and

sulphated ash values of the leaf powder were done as
per the Indian Pharmacopoeia (Anonymous, 1985) and
the results are tabulated in Table 4.

Quantitative microscopy

Extractive values

The vital quantitative microscopic leaf constants like vein-

Extracts were prepared with various solvents by reported

Ash values


Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.

Table 2. Histochemical color reactions of D. viscosa leaf

Aniline So4 + H2SO4
Phloroglucinol + HCl
Conc. H2SO4
Weak Iodine solution
Millons reagent
Dragendorffs reagent
Caustic alkali + HCl

Ca. Oxalate

Keddy reagent
5% Aq. KOH

Anthraquinone glycosides


Histological zone
Xylem, Sclerenchyma

Degree of intensity

-Reddish pink



+++ High, ++ Moderate, + Slight, Negative

Table 3. Behavior of the D. viscosa leaf powder with different chemical reagents

Picric acid
Conc. H2SO4
Aq. FeCl3
Iodine solution
Ammonia solution
5% Aq. KOH
Mayers reagent
Spot test
Aq. AgNO3
Aq. NaOH
Dragendorffs reagent
Aq. Lead acetate
Liberman Burchard test

No precipitation
Reddish brown
Greenish black
No change
No change
No change
No precipitation
Stain observed
No precipitation
No precipitation
White precipitate
Reddish green

Table 5. Extractive values of D. viscosa leaf.

Table 4. Ash values D. viscosa leaf

Type of the ash value

Total ash
Acid insoluble ash
Water soluble ash
Sulphated ash

Alkaloids absent
Steroids/Triterpenes present
Tannins, Flavonoids present
Starch absent
Anthraquinone glycosides absent
Anthraquinone glycosides absent
Alkaloids absent
Fixed oils present
Proteins absent
Flavonoids present, Coumarins absent
Flavonoids present
Alkaloids absent
Tannins present
Steroids/triterpenoids present

% w/w

Type of solvent
Petroleum ether 60-80
Ethyl acetate
Ethyl alcohol

% w /w

method (Kokashi et al., 1958). Percentages of the extractive values were calculated with reference to air-dried
drug (Table 5). Color and consistency of extracts (Pratt
and Chase, 1949) are given in Table 6.

long UV to detect the fluorescent compounds by the

reported method (Kokashi et al., 1958). The observations
are given in Table 6.

Fluorescence analysis of extracts

Qualitative phytochemical screening

All the leaf extracts are examined in daylight, short and

Freshly prepared leaf organic extracts were tested for the

Venkatesh et al.


Table 6. A consistency, color, and fluorescence character of extracts D. viscosa leaf

Color (day light)
Short UV
Long UV

Pet. ether

Ethyl acetate
Brownish green
Yellowish green
Bluish green


Reddish brown

Ethyl alcohol
Brownish green
Bluish green
Yellowish green

Table 7. Qualitative phytochemical analysis of D. viscosa leaf extracts

Fixed oils
Gums and resins
Proteins and amino acids
Steroids and sterols

Pet. ether


Ethyl acetate


Ethyl alcohol






+ Present, Absent

presence of phytochemical constituents using reported

methods (Farnsworth, 1966) and the results are given in
Table 7.

and also thank Dr. Vijayan, BSI (Southern Circle),

Coimbatore in identification of the plant.

In conclusion, the present study on pharmacognostical
characters of Dodonaea viscosa (L). Jacq leaves will be
providing useful information in regard to its correct
identity and help to differentiate from the closely related
other species of Dodonaea. Around the vascular tissues
sclerenchymatous tissue occurs, as bundle sheath is a
characteristic feature of Dodonaea viscosa. The presence of isolated lignified sclerenchymatous fibers along
with numerous anomocytic stomata is important observation in powder form of leaf. The other parameters
observed may be useful for the future identification of the
The authors wish to acknowledge the management of
J.S.S. College of Pharmacy, Ooty for providing facilities

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