Title 11 Case Digest
Title 11 Case Digest
Title 11 Case Digest
Respondents. Promulgated:
July 29, 2005
The offended party Cristina Elitiong was a 16-year old high school
student who with her brothers were employed by the accused, 64year old Isidro Olivarez, in the making of sampaguita garlands. For
one year she had been reporting for work during weekends at the
residence of the accused. Within the compound and at about three
armslength from the main door of the house was her workplace.At
about 11:30 oclock in the morning of July 20, 1997, Cristina, her
two brothers Macoy and Dodong, and one named Liezel were at
their work when the accused who was near the main door called for
her. She dutifully approached him. The accused asked her if she
had told her mother that he gave her money, and when she said
that she did not, he embraced her and held her breast. The workers
were facing the street so that the two were not seen. He pulled her
to the kitchen and, closing the kitchen door, kissed her on the lips.
She pushed him away and went back to her station. Her brother
Macoy saw her crying when she came out of the house. She did not
say a word, but went to the faucet and washed her face.
The offended party continued to finish the garlands she was
working on, and waited until the afternoon for her wages. When she
arrived at her home, she first told her mother that she no longer
wished to go back. When pressed for a reason, she said basta po
mama ayaw ko ng magtuhog. Finally, she told her mother what
happened.Aurora Elitiong, the mother, accompanied the offended
party to the San Vicente Barangay Hall on July 26 to report the
incident and give a statement. Days later, Cristina gave another
statement to the local police.In the defense version, the offended
party and her brothers had slept overnight in the house of the
accused. When Isidro woke up in the early morning to relieve
himself, he saw the girl sleeping on the sofa. He admonished her to
join her brothers in the basement. He went back to his room and
slept until 8 A.M. Two hours later, at 10 A.M., he left for the Caltex
Service Station which was only a five minute ride from his home by
tricycle. His daughter Analee Olivarez was staying in another house
in the compound and attended a morning mass. When she returned
at 10:30 A.M., she no longer saw her father. Maritess Buen, the
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WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The decision of the Court of
Appeals dated January 9, 2004 in CA-G.R. CR No. 22860 and its
MODIFICATION. In addition to the award of P15,000.00 as moral
damages, petitioner Isidro Olivarez is also ordered to pay a fine in
the amount of P15,000.00.
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But, firstly, the RTC which saw and heard Rustan and his wife give
their testimonies was not impressed with their claim that it was
Irish who sent the obscene pictures of herself (Exhibits 2-7). It is
doubtful if the woman in the picture was Irish since her face did not
clearly show on them.
Michelle, Rustans wife, claimed that she deleted several other
pictures that Irish sent, except Exhibits 2 to 7. But her testimony
did not make sense. She said that she did not know that Exhibits 2
to 7 had remained saved after she deleted the pictures. Later,
however, she said that she did not have time to delete them. 11 And,
if she thought that she had deleted all the pictures from the
memory card, then she had no reason at all to keep and hide such
memory card. There would have been nothing to hide. Finally, if she
knew that some pictures remained in the card, there was no reason
for her to keep it for several years, given that as she said she was
too jealous to want to see anything connected to Irish. Thus, the
RTC was correct in not giving credence to her testimony.1avvphi1
Secondly, the Court cannot measure the trauma that Irish
experienced based on Rustans low regard for the alleged moral
sensibilities of todays youth. What is obscene and injurious to an
offended woman can of course only be determined based on the
circumstances of each case. Here, the naked woman on the picture,
her legs spread open and bearing Irishs head and face, was clearly
an obscene picture and, to Irish a revolting and offensive one.
Surely, any woman like Irish, who is not in the pornography trade,
would be scandalized and pained if she sees herself in such a
picture. What makes it further terrifying is that, as Irish testified,
Rustan sent the picture with a threat to post it in the internet for all
to see. That must have given her a nightmare.
Three. Rustan argues that, since he was arrested and certain items
were seized from him without any warrant, the evidence presented
against him should be deemed inadmissible. But the fact is that the
prosecution did not present in evidence either the cellphone or the
SIM cards that the police officers seized from him at the time of his
arrest. The prosecution did not need such items to prove its case.
Exhibit C for the prosecution was but a photograph depicting the
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In conclusion, this Court finds that the prosecution has proved each
and every element of the crime charged beyond reasonable doubt.
WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition and AFFIRMS the
decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR 30567 dated January
31, 2008 and its resolution dated April 25, 2008.
G.R. No. 155831
Sexual harassment is an imposition of misplaced superiority
which is enough to dampen an employees spirit and her capacity
for advancement. It affects her sense of judgment; it changes her
The law penalizing sexual harassment in our jurisdiction is RA 7877.
Section 3 thereof defines work-related sexual harassment in this
Harassment Defined. Work, education or training-related sexual
harassment is committed by an employer, manager, supervisor,
agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor,
or any other person who, having authority, influence or moral
ascendancy over another in a work or training or education
environment, demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual
favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request or
requirement for submission is accepted by the object of said Act.
(a) In a work-related or employment environment, sexual
harassment is committed when:
1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the
employment, re-employment or continued employment of said
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This case presents an opportunity for the Court not only to once
again dispense due requital for the sufferings of a child who has
been defiled by her own father, but also to effectuate the provisions
of Republic Act No. 7610 (RA 7610), otherwise known as the Special
Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and
Discrimination Act, and its implementing rules, RA 9262, otherwise
known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act
of 2004, and its implementing rules, and our own Rule on Violence
Against Women and their Children.
ABC testified that she is the common-law wife of Cabalquinto and
that they have four children, namely: BBB, CCC, the child-victim
AAA, and DDD. At around 8:45 p.m. of November 13, 1998, she was
on her way home. Since there is a half-inch gap between the door
and the wall, she peeped through the gap and saw Cabalquinto
lying face down making pumping motions on their daughter, AAA,
who was lying underneath him with her panties pulled down. When
she heard Cabalquinto tell AAA to open her legs (ibukamo), she
kicked and pounded the door. Cabalquinto immediately lay down.
AAA then stood up and opened the door. ABC entered the room and
confronted Cabalquinto who only denied her accusation. ABC
further testified that during the police investigation on November
14, 1998, AAA revealed to the police that a similar incident
1. Whether Cabalquinto is guilty of the crime rape - Yes
2. Whether the identity of the aggrieved party should not be
disclosed in line with the right to privacy for rape cases Yes
1. Carnal knowledge of a woman under 12 years of age is rape
as defined under Art. 335 of the Revised Penal Code, and is
qualified when the offender is a parent of the victim, in
which case, the death penalty shall be imposed as provided
under the Death Penalty Law.39 In this case, the qualifying
circumstances of the victim's minority and her relationship
with the accused as the latter's daughter were properly
alleged in the Informations, proven during trial and not
refuted by Cabalquinto. However, in view of Republic Act No.
9346 which prohibits the imposition of the death penalty,
the penalty of reclusion perpetuawithout eligibility for parole
should instead be imposed.
2. The position of the OSG in its Comment is noteworthy. The
OSG submits that the posting of the full text of
decisions in cases involving child abuse on the
Supreme Court Web Page violates the right to privacy
of the aggrieved parties. In order to determine whether
the subject matter upon which the right to privacy being
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Nature of Case:
Administrative Case
Atty. Susan M. Aquino, Chief of the Legal and Technical Staff of the
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), charged Judge Ernesto Acosta, Presiding
Judge of the same court, with sexual harassment under R.A. 7877
and violation of the Canons of Judicial Ethics and Code of
Professional Responsibility.
On November 21, 2000, she reported for work after her vacation in
the U.S., bringing gifts for the three judges of the CTA, including
respondent. In the afternoon of the same day, he entered her room
and greeted her by shaking her hand. Suddenly, he pulled her
On December 28, 2000, while respondent was on official leave, he
called complainant by phone, saying he will get something in her
office. Shortly thereafter, he entered her room, shook her hand and
greeted her, "Merry Christmas." Thereupon, he embraced her and
kissed her. She was able to free herself by slightly pushing him
On the first working day in January, 2001, respondent phoned
complainant, asking if she could see him in his chambers in order
to discuss some matters. When complainant arrived there,
respondent tried to kiss her but she was able to evade his sexual
Weeks later, after the Senate approved the proposed bill expanding
the jurisdiction of the CTA, while complainant and her companions
were congratulating and kissing each other, respondent suddenly
placed his arms around her shoulders and kissed her.
In the morning of February 14, 2001, respondent called
complainant, requesting her to go to his office. She then asked
Ruby Lanuza, a clerk in the Records Section, to accompany her.
Fortunately, when they reached his chambers, respondent had left.
The last incident happened the next day. At around 8:30 a.m.,
respondent called complainant and asked her to see him in his
office to discuss the Senate bill on the CTA. She again requested
Ruby to accompany her. The latter agreed but suggested that they
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Whether Imbo is liable for the crime of acts of lasciviousness.
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