The State of Man Roosh V

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The State of Man

New York City - July 18, 2015

Roosh V 2015

Audience reaction is shown in italicized parentheses.

Raise your hand if you like sex. Now raise your hand if you think youre putting in too much
work for the sex that you are getting, if youre working really hard out there. Guys, I am working
extremely hard.
Right now we live in a time where sex is the easiest and hardest to get at the same time. How can
that be? Well, it is the easiest because women are encouraged to sleep with whoever they want
without any shame or guilt. There is nothing right now stopping a woman from going outside
and finding a sexy, random man and taking him home. Nothing at all.
But at the same time, its hard because shes been encouraged to select the most high status man
that she can get, and they are now experts at evaluating men and swiping through them with
dating apps. Evaluating a man takes ten seconds. Is he worthy for me to go out with?
In the past, if you were a six out of ten man (and Im talking not just how you look but your
resources and your charm), you would have also matched up with a woman who was a six out of
ten as well. You would have matched up with someone who shares your same socioeconomic
status. But now, a girl who is a six out of ten, does she want a man who is a six out of ten? No,
she wants a man who is an eight, a nine, a man with six pack abs. And she is willing to put ten to
fifteen years of work in order to find that man. You can go outside and see women who are thirty
and still hopeful that god will give them that sexy man. (Laughter.)
If you are a six out of ten man right now, I have some good news. You can get a woman who is a
two very easily. (Laughter.) If you want to date a woman who is a two or a three, you dont need

game at all. You dont have to put in any work. But who here wants a girl who is a two? (Man
raises hand.) There is always one. (Laughter.).
So now we have to find out why is this. What is going on? Now, I want to ask you guys, do you
think were living in a normal time? A sane time? (No.) I believe we are living in a weird time.
There are eleven things wrong, and I want to go down the list and tell you what is wrong.
The first thing: women and gays are now seen as superior to straight men. They are being given
the benefits in the universities and in the media before everyone here. Their voice is amplified
while ours is muted. Three weeks ago, I had a lecture in Berlin. There was a man over here who
was there. I had to hide where the venue was like I did here. I couldnt say where the event was
taking place until about twelve hours before. At the same time we held the event, outside on the
streets in full view, guess what was going on? A gay pride parade.
Hundreds of people, gay men with their shirts off, humping each other. The music was going.
Alcohol was going. And to top it off, there was a midget gimp on a leash. (Laughter.) I got a
witness, he was there. The gimp was in a leather mask like a slave midget, being led around, and
we have to hide. This is what happens. (Laughter.) There are kids outside: Mommy, whats that
little man in the leather? But, we cantI cant say where Im going to hold this event. And
many of you here right now are scared to death that someone is going to take your photo.
(Laughter.) One thing is you cant lift up a group without pushing down someone else, and we
are the ones getting pushed down.
Number two. Everyone in this room was born to rape. Everyone here is a rapist, and you need to
be taught by a feminist who is very fat how not to rape. All of you need to be taught. (Laughter.)
You are savages. All of you are savages, and so am I. And if there is a girl that you like, a good
looking girl and you want to talk to her, who do you think you are, creep? You are harassing her.
And soon there will be laws to make sure you know your role. You cant just go up to girls and
harass them.
Number three. The very idea of legal due process is changing so that every man in this room is
on the hook for rape for sex that is not rape. Have you guys heard of these new laws being rolled

out in the colleges here called Yes Means Yes? (Yes.) And what is this law doing? This is a
beta test to roll out for everyone to change the meaning of consent. Consent is now whatever the
woman says it is. The Yes Means Yes laws state that during sex, a woman must affirmatively
consent, say yes I want to continue having sex with you, and you better get it on tape. Thats
what they are doing. So what you see with the laws coming out is they want to see how the
masses are going to respond.
Number four. All of us here in public have to put on a mask and speak through a filter. You
cannot state what you really think out there. Inside here, you can say whatever you want, but if
you say the wrong thing in your job, what is going to happen? (You get fired.) So, they can say
whatever they want, but we cant.
Number five. The very idea of beauty and aesthetics is being destroyed. Now, women and some
men are being encouraged to look like fat, outer space cyborgs. Freaks! And even worse, they
are becoming vulgar. Women curse in public, they burp, and here in the US, they like to fight.
They like to fight! If you say the wrong thing in a bar and shes had a few drinks, her hand is
coming up and shes going to try to threaten you. And what are you going to do? Hit her back?
And what is going to happen to you? You go to jail.
Number six. Cheap entertainment and internet is turning everyone into a zombie who cant think
for themselves. Even when you go out with a group of friends, count how many times they need
to pull their phone out to check something. Im sure you guys have been on dates with a girl
where every three minutes shes wondering how many men clicked like on that selfie that she
uploaded on Instagram because your conversation is not as good as she wanted. And when a
piece of news happens, the first thing people do is go on the internet to see what their friends are
saying, to see what Gawker and BuzzFeed says. People are no longer able to think for
themselves. They are no longer able to socialize in a normal way.
Number seven. Men are no longer being trained how to be men. Women are no longer being
trained how to be women. Why? Because the culture is now trying to achieve an androgynous
ideal where you meet someone and is this a he, she, or it? (A shit, laughter.) And if you say the

wrong thing, if you call it an it when its a she, and then that it is going to get mad and call you
transphobic. You must lose your job because of that.
And who watched, I think it was the other day, the ESPY Awards, that rolled out the red carpet
for this freak of nature [Bruce Jenner]. She was so beautiful and thin. (She was.) Doesnt it seem
kind of weird that all of a sudden these ideas and topics are being pushed onto the news?
Interview here, interview there, favorable coverage. Is this an accident? (No.)
Number eight. Men are no longer valued for being men. We are no longer valued for being
builders of cities, fathers, and conquerors. We are instead a problem that needs to be solved. Do
you think one day its going to happen that we put young boys in these type of schools where
theyre being taught by feminist women, and if they act out, theyre given a drug to control
them? Do you think this will ever happen? When was the last time you heard of a girl in school
being given a drug because shes acting out? I havent heard of this.
Number nine. It now takes hundreds of hours of game work and self-improvement work to enter
a sexual relationship with a girl who is good looking. Did your dad have to put in a hundred
hours to meet your mom? My dad had to take a shower every day. (Laughter and clapping.) Is
that enough now? (No.) A shower every day come on.
Number ten. Every man who gets married in the West, thanks to marriage laws and divorce laws,
is now a hostage in his own home. When the woman gets tired and boredoh she hasnt traveled
to Europe when she was youngmaybe now is a good time after the second kid comes out. She
can leave, take the kids, half his cash, the house, the car, and if he doesnt continue making
payments every month, he goes straight to jail. Or she can just call the cops and say he hit her.
Automatically, he has to be put into a cell. Do you think its a good deal now for men to get
married in the USA?
And lastly, number eleven. Our cities and societies are turning into an open air candy shop for
women to have fun with no responsibilities. They are encouraged from a young age to do what
they want, to chase their idea of what makes them feel good and happy, to sleep with as many

men as they want. And if you are looking for something serious, I have good news. When she is
done having her fun and she is twenty-eight or twenty-nine, she will marry you. (Laughter.)
So we havent hit the bottom yet. We still, I believe, are ten years out from when all these issues
and problems work its way through the system. And one of the reasons why is because all these
ideas are built into the entertainment and devices everyone uses every day. Maybe you guys can
help me outwhat do you call this thing? (A smartphone.) Nope. Its a Trojan horse.
This is a Trojan horse where all the ideas that I just talked about are being fed to everyone, every
day, twenty-four hours a day. It used to be that I would have to meet a girl in Europe who lived
in the USA for six months to have toxic ideas going through her mind, but now the USA, thanks
to the culture in New York and Hollywood, comes directly to her wherever she is in the world.
If you give a village girl a new iPhone, and it has a front camera, back camera, internet,
Instagram, and Facebook, how long is it going to take her to become an annoying selfie whore
who expects to meet her dream man sitting on the toilet, swiping through Tinder?
(Laughterclappingyes.) Six months, eight months? (Two hourslaughtertwelve
But the good news is that this cant go on and the reason is because for countries that adopt these
ideas, what happens is the reproductive rate dips below the death rate. In other words, the
country dies out. Unless you go to Mexico, Central America, Africa, and Asia, and say bring
anyone here, anyone, because our women are too busy having a corporate life, a sex in the city
life. We need you to bring your masses who want to experience the first world lifestyle.
But then, what kind of system do you need in place if you are going to bring millions of people
with a different ideology, belief system, religion, way of life, and ideas on democracy? You need
a system to keep that lid on top of this pot. What is it called? It starts with an M. (Military,
multiculturalism.) Military, you will need that soon, but yes, multiculturalism. Thats what you
need. And guess who is at the bottom of the multiculturalist system? Everyone here. Straight
men are at the bottom.

You need to give. You need to give to women, minorities, new immigrants, and gays. Now I
know theres a lot of people here who are like me. There are the son of an immigrant mother and
father. But when my mom and dad came here, they didnt try to impose their will and culture
upon the country, and so we have to understand that whether you are white or black or Indian or
Asian, if you come up against someone who is gay or transsexual, you will lose. Everyone here
is now at the bottom. Every day, you will be asked to give without getting anything in return.
Wow, so thats a lot of doom and gloom right? (Yeah.) And Im sure some of you here are
saying, I dont want my Saturday afternoon ruined with Rooshs doom and gloom. What is he
doing? But you must understand how the world is and you must know where the world can hurt
you to navigate through it to accomplish the goals you want. You must know not to sleep with a
blue haired girl. You must know what not to say in the office. You must know what may get a
mob after you. And in this way, you will be allowed to stay safe.
So some doom and gloom is good, but doom and gloom doesnt help you receive anything in
life. Only work and effort from using your mind does. Now for me, the story is all over. I cant
get a job here anymore. I cant even be a server in Starbucks, I am done. (Clapping.) Because I
started to write before I knew how the world really was. I didnt keep myself safe. So I have no
option but to stand here, but you guys do. You can pick now, because you have me now telling
you what not to actually do (sacrificial lamb.). Exactly, Im your shield, guys. (Thanks.) Sure.
Now we dont have issues that men of the past had. Lets look at hunter-gatherer tribes. There
are still actually some hunter-gatherer tribes that exist. Guess what their number one concern
was? Their number one concern in life was food. They were always on the brink of starvation.
They didnt know where their next meal was going to come from. They were constantly worried
about it, talking about it. But I have a feeling that no one here has to worry about where their
next meal will come from.
Now lets fast forward to Rome and 100 A.D., the age of filth. You lived in a dense city where
sewage was dumped onto the streets. People didnt take a bath every day. Mouthwash didnt
exist. I dont think youd want to live in a place where hygiene was that bad.

Then we can fast forward to London in the 18th Century. Maybe that was a good time? Sure, if
you like working in coal mines. Fifteen hours a day, shoveling coal. Or you worked in a steel
mill, cotton mill. Back breaking labor. And you make low wages and then you have to pay high
costs for shoddy housing like you do here, where you live in a box without any sunlight.
If you look at modern times, its not that bad. We have refrigerators, central heating, air
conditioning, internet. You have the freedom to work for whoever you want, and there are laws
that say you dont have to work more than eight hours every day. Im sure theres no one here
works more than eight hours every day [sarcasm]. You have access to basic medical care. And
the most important thing is you have leisure time. You now can go from sitting in your office all
day to sitting here and listening to me talk. Maybe in the past on a Saturday afternoon you
couldnt do that
So everything is awesome except the women. And the odds that you men here are going to fall
in love with a woman you care about, and youre going to have a lot of kids with her and grow
old with her and then when its time for you to pass into the next life, you will die in their loving
arms the odds of that happening is almost zero. But there is a consolation prize. If a woman
likes you, you are getting her into bed within ten hours.
Think of the last time you made love to a girl? How many hours of face-to-face time did you put
in with her? (Two.) Two hours? In the past, there is just no way you could have done that and I
bet that at least half of the men here have a notch count that is greater than their father and
grandfathers combined. (Yep.) Every time period has a sacrifice, and the sacrifice that we have
to make is not food, is not work, is not living in filth, but its quality relationships with women.
Are you guys here ready to put the work it takes to get better women in your life? (Yes.) What
sacrifices are you willing to make? (Time, money.) Time is a good start. You need to first put
the time to meet women. Money comes up after that. You need to go on dates, and in New York,
it looks like its not a cheap thing here.

Are you guys willing to sacrifice your personality? Who you are may not be attracting the
women that you want. Are you willing to make changes to your authentic self? To learn
optimum game practices, to be aloof, to be a clown that entertains women?
Are you willing to move to a new city? The city you live inactually this city is not as bad as
others Ive been in, but maybe for whatever reason, you cant make it work here. Are you willing
to get up and move somewhere else? (Absolutely.) Okay, are you willing to sacrifice learning a
new language? (Yes.) Everyones ready to sacrifice! So youre willing to study a language for
one thousand hours because thats what its going to take.
Next up, are you willing to sacrifice your job? You may have gone to school for years for a
specific type of job. Now if you go live somewhere else, you need to learn a new line of work.
Are you willing to sacrifice your friends and family? I know everyone here wants to see mom
and dad every day but if you move, you cannot.
And lastly, are you willing to sacrifice the comfort of how nice and easy it is to live in a city such
as this where the smells are nice? (Laughter.) Where you go may not have the things you want
and may be less safe than here, actually. Because it turns out that the cities with the best women,
are usually absolute shitholes. So, are you ready to move to a shithole?
The more sacrifice you are willing to make on this list, the better women you will get, but the
less sacrifice you are willing to make, the less you will get. I made every sacrifice on that list.
And unfortunately, I am not done yet. I have to move to a new country and learn a new language,
so it doesnt end.
Now earlier I said that one thing about living in modern times is you have a lot of leisure time,
but now game is a part time job, so you have got to give that time right back up. You have to put
the time to meet women, time that your dad didnt have to put in to meet your mom. The one
good thing about living the modern life is that we dont have to worry about a lot of things, but
most of us are missing a good woman from our lives, so we have to labor furiously in order to
get that.

The top 1% of men will not have to work. There is a man in this room who on Instagram has ten
million followers. And people are looking around, Who is this guy? (Laughter.) Now, is he
going to have to go to the club and approach eight girls a night? Is he going to have to get flaked
on again and again to go on a date? And when hes going on a date, he doesnt have to give his
A game. He can say bad jokes and shes going to laugh anyway. You know, its like when the
airplane lands and theres that guy who guides it in, and thats what shes going to do to him all
night long, just guiding it in. (Laughter.) Shes going to ignore all the bad things.
But are you [points to audience member] willing to put three hours on this night to go to the bar
to talk to ten women? That looks like a no. Are you willing to put two hours tomorrow afternoon
to approach women out on the street? Are you willing to spend eight hours to read a game book
that teaches you how to meet women by asking them where the pet shop is? (Laughter.) And are
you willing to put five hours to go on a date with a girl you dont even like that much? Thats the
minimum, guys! Thats the minimum amount of time that guys who are not at the top 1% have to
put in.
The bad news is that you have to at least put the time, the money, and make changes to yourself,
how you look and how you act. And that takes at least three or four years. Thats the minimum.
And lets say you do this minimum amount of work, but you still dont get what you want.
Theres a danger that you will drop out, that you will enter a basement somewhere and only
come out to buy hot dogs and Coca Cola. And thats why god invented Thailand! (Laughing and
Raise your hand if youve been to Southeast Asia. Oh wow, so a lot of guys here know how it is.
But even if you go to Thailand, and you stay there for a month or longer, and you get lost in a sea
of women, thats still a sacrifice that you have to make.
We have to accept that we live in a bad time, but succeed anyway and find a way to make it
work. So what we need to do is construct a lifestyle where even if we lose, even if we do not
meet the dream woman, we still come out a better man on the other side.

Raise your hand if you lift weights. Now when I am at the gym and doing a warm-up deadlift of
six hundred pounds... (laughing). That wasnt a joke guys. (Laughing.) And there is a stinky guy
over here making a lot of noise, the music sucks, I cant say Im having a good time. But when I
look in the mirror and I see how jacked I am, how Im bigger than every man here, I am happy. I
am happy that I spent the time to look good.
I advise men to lift weights because it makes you more of a confident man and an attractive man,
but even if you go to the gym for one year and double your size, to be larger than me (laughter)
and you do this and you still dont meet the girls you want, guess what? You keep your muscles.
You still can look in the mirror every day and see how good you look.
Lets imagine a guy takes my advice and he goes on that tough journey of game. In five years, he
decides to approach one thousand girls. He moves to South America. He learns Spanish. He
meets new friends that he can talk to without a filter. He starts a side business where hes making
a thousand dollars a month, which for South America is good. He goes to the gym fifteen times a
month. He does all this, but after five years he only sleeps with five girls, one girl a year, though
two of those girls he dated for a while.
Now after five years, hes single and bummed out because there is nothing he can really hold on
to. Did he fail? (No.) Because lets see what hes achieved in the five years. Hes healthier. His
body is stronger. He learned social skills that he can use on anyone. He learned salesmanship. He
knows how to strike when the iron is hot, how to get what he wants. He learned a new language.
He learned new business skills where he is more mobile and independent. He had experiences
that his ancestors could only dream of. He made new friends. And the most important thing: he
learned how to deal with his anxiety and fear. Because maybe this has stopped you, but when
you take the game journey and you have to approach women you dont know, this starts to solve
the fear problem that you do have.
So if this guy failed, well, I think most men out there would diewould killto fail like he did.
Game is now so attached and intertwined to male self-improvement that you cannot fail as long
as you do the work. I have been in the game now for, oh boy, fourteen and a half years, and its
not the actual sex act that made me a stronger man, of sleeping with girls in a bed. Thats not

what did it. Its everything that I did outside of that. I wouldnt be here right now if I didnt take
a journey of game.
In a weird way, in 2015, game is the path to self-actualization, to enlightenment, to the truth, in a
way that it wasnt for our fathers. Maybe for your dad, he just had to go to church every Sunday
and have a good job, but for you, if you only do that, you probably wont get the good in life that
he actually had, which is why its so common for our dads to not understand what we go
through. Im sure many of your fathers have said, Come on, why dont you just find a nice girl.
Dad, you dont understand. (Laughter.) Game allows you to be the best version of yourself.
I have seven game tips because I know a lot of you guys come here because youre still out there,
grinding it out every day.
Tip number one. You have to keep in mind that game is a numbers game. You have to put
yourself in front of women day and night. How many girls have you guys approached in the last
year? Take the number of girls you approached in a typical week and multiply that by fifty. How
many do you think it is? Someone, toss out a number. (Silence.) Zero? (Laughter, thousand,
two hundred, two hundred fifty.)
In London, we had a guy approach two thousand. The minimum you guys have to do is five
every week just to keep your game sharp, so thats two hundred fifty every year. Thats the
minimum. For some of you, you need to do a lot more than that depending on your level.
Can you use internet game? Does internet game work? Yes, but let me ask you this: when you
message a girl on the internet, are you nervous? But if I tell you theres a Russian model in front
of this building and I want you to go up to her right now without a line in your mind, would you
be nervous then? Any time you need to overcome your fear or anxiety, you level up as a man.
Just keep that in mind when youre swiping on these gay apps for an hour. (Laughter, clapping.)
I refuse. I dont care, guys, if you say No Roosh, Tinder in this city is great! I refuse, because
Im not going inflate the egos of woman and make the existing problem even worse.


When youre ready to meet a new girl, ready to make love with a new girl, you have to be ready
in your mindmentally prepared in your mindto approach one hundred girls. This is what it
takes because half the girls wont like how you look, wont like your beard, your vibe, your
game. Were all salesmen now, whether you like it or not. If you want to meet girls through cold
approaching, you have to adopt the mentality of a salesman.
Tip number two. Focus on warmer approaches. Now is it possible to get a number from a woman
running a marathon? (Laughter.) She has the race sticker, and shes running, and she has her
Nike app telling her what her heart rate is in case she is going to die. Is it possible for you in your
normal street clothes to somehow get her number? (Yes.) Im sure there is a way Im sure
there is a way.
And if you told me to go to a marathon every week, I would find that way and write a book about
it. (Laughter.) But would I advise you to do it? That seems like a low return on investment,
yeah? Approaching girls who you know are jogging Im sure theres going to be some idiot on
YouTube who does an infield where he shows thisIm the biggest pimp.
What I would say is dont approach women who are walking really fast and their head is down
and they look angry and they just are putting out a signal that they dont want to meet anyone.
Instead, focus on the girls who are walking slow, who are looking around, who are looking at
store fronts, and babies, and taking photos, and making eye contact. She wants the universe to
give her something. Focus on that girl first.
One thing you have to keep in mind is game is not about what a lot of guys think, about
convincing a girl to like you. Its not. Its about (1) finding a girl who is open, who wants to meet
a man, (2) being her general physical type, and to improve those odds you optimize yourself as
much as you can, and then (3) serving up a game that takes a general interest into a sexual
interest. Guys, if a girl doesnt like a hairy guy, Im not going to have a shot. We have to look at
a guy here who doesnt have any hair then Im going to tell him to go up there. But thats why
we have to approach one hundred girls, when were ready to only meet one.


Tip number three. Lose your unattractive traits first. If you have a friend of yours who is five
hundred pounds and he comes up to you and says, Teach me the magic pick up line so I can get
laid right now. You look at him and what do you say to him? Lose the weight man, lose the
weight first. Dont worry about that yet.
What you need to do is not worry about perfectly funny and cocky game and doing all the
comebacks that are so great. Instead just focus on losing your bad haircut, your bad style,
growing a beard like I have, losing the weight. Im sure over the years, girls and others have told
you something about you that maybe you can actually fix. So focus on that. And, very important,
dont be needy. In an age where girls have so many options, the needy man will lose first.
What is the mindset that you can have? You look at a girl and say, I want to have sex with her,
yes I do, but I dont care if I dont. I want to have sex with her but I dont care if I dont. The
second she is abusive, she is flaking on you, move on.
Tip number four is how to make love on the first date. We are going to use the three venue move.
When you meet a girl, the first venue is going to be a casual type of spot, a caf, a bar. Youre
going to stay there a short time and have one drink, and there youre going to initiate short
touches on her arm and shoulder. Now I had a guy in a previous lecture say, Roosh, how do you
touch a girl? You know, maybe your dad or your friends didnt teach you how.
Touch a girl when you are talking. It is weird if you touch her when she is talking. Its kind of,
What is he doing?! 911 please. (Laughter.) So when youre saying something interesting,
when trying to stress how you killed a bear or you cried when you watched a movie, something
like this, then you give a touch.
In the first venue I also want you to ask her something. I want you to ask her what her favorite
music is. Shes going to tell you some stupid band, and then shes going to ask you what your
favorite is, hopefully. You can say any band you want, but one band has to be really weird that
she has never heard of, and youre going to say how great this band is, and I will tell you why


After that youre going to move her to a second venue, and now in this venue, youre going to sit
down a bit longer, have a couple of drinks, and the touches get longer. Theyre more lingering,
and youre going to find an excuse to touch her hand. Now, theres two ways of doing that. One
is to look at the jewelry that she has on and say, Ooooh where did you get that from? Did you
get that from Africa? I have always wanted to go to Africa. (Laughter.)
The second way is what I do: I like to do a fake palm reading. Your love line says that you will
meet a hairy BEAST of a man. You have to point too a hairy BEAST. Thats me. (Laughter.)
So its going well there now, things are loosening up cause the alcohol is absorbing. And then
you walk from the second venue to the third and on the way over, you hook your arm out and
you look at her and say, I dont want you to fall down. This is where she hooks your arm,
hopefully. If not then things could be going bad.
Then you get to the third venue. What you do there is you get in really close to her. The first time
that you get your faces kind of close, shes going to be, Ahhhh what is he doing. But if you did
everything right, by the second or third time she should kind of hold it there. And if she holds it
when your face is that far away [6 inches], just go in and give her a kiss that is short. A short
kiss, always short. You want her to think, Why isnt he slobbering over me like all the other
guys? Always leave a girl wanting more. Save it for the main event.
If a girl is able to be moved to three venues, there is over a fifty percent chance that she is ready
to make love to you that same night. Fifty percent chance. This is why a lot of guys say, Roosh,
I dont know when to go for it. If shes going to three venues, this is good, because a lot of girls
in the second venue are going to say, Oh I have to get up early. Oh I have to do homework (if
shes younger). But if shes willing to go to three venues then you have to try. And how do you
do that?
Well if you live with your father in a Maryland suburb, you have to go to her place. What youre
going to do is escort her there. Escort her to her front door and what do you say when you get to
her front door? (Can I use your bathroom?) Can I use your bathroom? I have to go, oh I wish


I went at the bar, oh Im just so stupid sometimes. You use the bathroom and hopefully one
thing leads to another.
Now lets say you want to invite her to your place, because your place actually happens to be
closewhat a coincidenceto all the bars. So then you say, You know, its not that late, how
about we go to my place for a drink, and listen to that band I told you about. Ah the BAND!
The band what was that band again? Now shes not going to say, Okay lets go. Girls never
say yes the first time. (Laughing and clapping).
Almost always , the girls say, Oh I cant, I wish I could. Now, the game just starts. The game
is just starting. So then you say, You know what, I cant stay up late either. I have to run a
marathon tomorrow so we only have half an hour. And then still shes like, I cant. I cant go.
But the band, I really want you to listen to this band. When I first heard them, they changed my
life, and I cant let you go home without hearing this band as well. Then shes going to say,
Maybe some other time. Then youre thinking, oh boy.
You know, I actually bought a bottle of Italian wine that I read on the internet is the best wine
in Southern Italy for 2012, and I dont want to open this bottle of wine alone. Can you have a
glass of wine with me? Even though this is the sale wine that you bought at the store, hype it
up! (Laughter.) Still, shes saying, Maybe some other time? Then, you got to pull out the big
guns! (Laughter and clapping.)
Then you say this: You know, theres a problem with my apartment. The style of my apartment
is straight out of the Soviet Union. I dont know if I want to live there anymore. Can I get a
female opinion? What do you think? Is this a Soviet Union apartment or not? And THIS GOT
ME LAID! This was the one she said yes to, she came. (Laughter.) She walked in and said, This
isnt the Soviet Union.
Ahhhh, I thought it was, would you like a glass of this Italian wine? (Laughter and clapping.)
Thats what it takes! What you have to do is go for five nos. At five, then you can stop.
Sometimes I like to keep on going, because with experience you can feel it. You can feel it, does

she want me or not? But if a girl is cold, says, No Im gonna go, and shes already turning her
back towards you to go on the bus or whatever then its done. But I cannot go to bed at night
unless I tried five times.
That leads to the next tip which is not really a tip but a reminder that girls want sex. They are
dying to have sex now. The message in the culture is that they will become more empowered just
by sleeping with a random man.
It used to be that sex was a physical need, where you needed it. While its something that we
men feel every day, I think a woman can go without sex for a year and nothing bad is going to
happen to them, but if we go without sex for a month, our hand is shaking and we cant think,
right? And sex used to be an emotional need. I want to connect with someone. I want to feel
chemistry with someone.
Now there is a third need. Do you know what that is? Entertainment. Women are now sleeping
with men because their lives are so dull. And if you worked in an officeI dont know if you
guys know the type of jobs that girls have nowbut they are sitting eight hours a day, Facebook,
email, meetings, Facebook. It is dull, and the more dull your job is, the more excitement you will
seek outside of it.
I can tell you how hard you party on Friday and Saturday night by you telling me what your job
is. You know if you have a hard job, theres a chance that on Friday and Saturday all you want to
do is sit down and read a book, have a good scotch. But if youve been sitting in an office all
week, when Friday comes around, youre going to be out there. Girls want to work in the air
conditioned offices and whats happening a lot of you are using the bathroom. You see, I
should not have put all that coffee here.
One thing is that, I believe, a woman sleeps with a man not because she wants to, but because
she wants a story to tell to her friend the next day. Im sure a lot of you have slept with a girl,
and as youre having sex with her, you think, I cant wait to tell my friend about this.
(Laughing and clapping.) I am going to tell him about this. And girls do the same thing.


Next tip, take breaks. If you want to burn yourself out guys, run game month in month out for
years like I have, look at all the white hair that I have now. Hunters must take breaks or the
animals they hunt lose the mystery, the majesty, especially if you hunt big game. If youre going
after the big girls, you need to take extra time off. (Big girls! Energetic chatter.)
There is at least one guy here and hes putting his face down, who likes the big girls. Hey, I dont
judge. But there is one guy here that sees a big girl and is like Hmmm, I wanna give it to her.
And thats fine. (Laughter.) This man its this guy [points to man]. Hes like, How does he
know me?
The way I know its time to go out there and hunt is when Im sitting at home and Im thinking, I
need a girl. I need it. But if Im at home thinking, Ohhhh I dont want to go out today, Im tired,
the internet is exciting today, maybe I should stay in, then I dont go out. You have to want it.
Because to meet women through cold approaching is a lot of work.
And the last tip: I want you guys to find a social group, join that social group, and be the top guy
in that group. Active game by cold approaching works as long as youre still out there. The leads
come in, but the minute you stop approaching is the minute the leads dry up. You need a passive
game where just by showing up somewhere, you meet a couple girls every year.
So I want you to join a co-ed sport group, a public speaking club, a language club, a book club,
church (laughing), or get a part time job at a caf or a bar where the social club is the staff, and
be the top guy there. Why? Because in any group, women want the top guy. Even the girls at the
bottom of the group are all pining for the top guy. They dont want the guy in the middle, the guy
at the bottom. So you have to think, What group can I join where Im the top guy there? Where
just once a week, you invest a couple hours and women want to talk to you and they will help
solve any dry spell that you may have.
All that said guys, it is getting harder out there. Why? Because the attractiveness of women is
going down while their options are going up. Can you imagine you getting fatter every year and
the fatter you get, the hotter women you can get? (Laughing.) Thats what they are experiencing
right now. The uglier they get and the more attitude they get is still not stopping the options

coming in. And one of the reasons is the internet. The internet allows millions of men in this city
to hit her up, and the men in the next city can hit her up, and Im sure there is at least one guy
here who has one of those robo apps that spam a million girls. Its like (laughing) this guy
here is looking around.
What the internet has done is allow women to reach out and touch more cock than ever before.
(Yeah! laughing, clapping.) And youre thinking well, maybe I can work harder, maybe Ill
approach more and yes, you can. But let me tell you three things that I have learned from running
game for almost fifteen years.
Lesson number one. Cold approaching is a temporary stage of your life. You will not do it at a
high level for more than five, ten, fifteen years. You wont. A lot of you may be thinking, Im
going be fifty years old suited up, going in a club, smoking cigars. A lot of you wont. Why?
Cold approaching tends to coincide with the peak of your horniness and the peak of your energy.
Once those start coming down, the drive for you to go out and talk to two hundred fifty random
women a year is going down.
Guys, I am tired. I dont want to cold approach any more, but Im not that old, so I need to find a
new way to meet the women that I like. Now, game, of course game you will use forever, until
you die, but cold approaching is just a small window of your life.
Second thing I learned, which took a long time as well, is that random sluts dont give you much
outside of sex. They are made to give you orgasm after orgasm and it feels good, but the second
those orgasms are done she doesnt give value to your life. Have you guys heard of how a man is
the five closest men that he hangs out with? So what does that make me if for over ten years Ive
been chasing the most shallow and vapid women in the entire world? (Laughter.) They say that if
you chase monsters, you become one, and I had to kind of slow down.
So what I advise you guys to do is get into medium-term relationships with women who worship
you, who outside of sex adds value to your life. This is getting hard, but I think you should do
that because you need a way to balance out the casualness and shallowness of the type of sex that
this city offers.

The third thing I have learned is that past a certain point, notches dont really do anything. You
dont learn more, you dont achieve a buzz any more. After twenty-five, most men wouldnt
really be served by going out in the club and sleeping with a random girl. Guys ask me, Well,
Roosh, how many notches should I get? The number of notches that give you the confidence
and experience to keep a girl that you do like.
Unfortunately, starting from zero notches, youre just not going to know what it takes to hold
onto a girl. You need to play the field, you need to sow your royal oats. Like I told you, getting
laid now, entering a sexual relationship, is a skill. Its a skill that you must learn, and you must
hang out and pursue women you dont like just to get that type of skill so when you meet the girl
you like, you know what to do.
Its happened that Ive met guys who have a lot of notches. Theyre up in three hundred, four
hundred, five hundred. What effect is this going to have? We dont know. Now, we say a lot
about what happens to women when they sleep with a lot of guys, but is there an effect on men,
too? Keep that in mind.
Now let me give you a story. Last fall, I moved to Poland for the fourth time. I was excited
again. I went to a nightclub, and I met a girl there. Twenty years old, blue hairexcuse me.
(Laughing and clapping.) Blue eyes, blonde hair. She had a curvy body. A lot of Polish girls are
kind of flat, but she had a curvy body. We were talking, I was spitting that game, and she liked
me. So we were talking for a while, the alcohol is flowing, and I take her to my apartment.
It took a while it took six hours, but we made love. And it was great! I was like, Yes! And I
wanted to do it again, but she did not and I dont know why. I think its because Im too large in
bed, Im too big. She wants a smaller man.
Well, thats what you know happens, because Im sure it happened to you too. Life goes on. So I
went to the Starbucks, and lo and behold she worked there. Im thinking, Okay. So I went up
to her and I ordered a coffee, and guess what happened? (Silence.) Exactly, nothing happened.
Nothing happened. She treated me like everyone else there. No one in the line could have been
able to tell that we had a magical night out. Now I cant tell you how weird it is to be inside a girl

and then afterwards she treats you like a nobody, but Im sure half of you here has a story like
Do you think its a good idea to give your fate, your well-being, your happiness to a girl who,
when shes received all the benefits and the good feelings that she wants from you, she is willing
to toss you aside like an old piece of junk? Youre better off buying an old dog. With that said,
we cant live without them. The good times they can give us are good indeed, but we must
understand that something has happened.
Fifty years ago, a woman was taught and trained to submit to a man to make him happy. Now, a
woman is taught two things: to work for a corporation and then to buy items from other
corporations, to consume. So she exchanges her labor for cash and gives that cash right back to
Starbucks and Apple and Netflix. What a profitable scam that is if youre at the top, right? But
they are still an important ingredient for us men.
I dont advise you to go without them. This is like a path to suicide, to darkness, to getting a gun
one day and shooting up people, but you must understand what they are able to do and what they
are not. They are not able to do what your mom can do, what your grandmother can do. They can
amplify your life a bit, to brighten it. They can give you sex, and you need sex but, beyond that,
unfortunately, we have to accept there is not much more they can do.
So now we have come full circle. If women cant make us happy then what does? I dont like
that word happiness because happiness is something that you can adapt to. If I gave this man
right here, three supermodels as sex slaves (laughter), in one year hes going to call me and say,
Roosh, Im tired of these sex slaves, do you have anything else? You adapt. So instead of the
word happiness, lets use the phrase enjoy life.
What can allow us to enjoy life? As far as I know, theres only two things. The first is good
work. Do you have a job, an interest, a passion, or hobby that you like doing, that keeps you
busy, that uses your mind to its utmost capability, thats good for your soul, and that allows you
to feel that youre making a difference?


And the second thing is good relationships. Do you have a group of friends that you can call at
any time? Do you have family members that you care about and who care about you too? Do you
have a loyal and honest woman who wants to make your life better the same way you want to
make her life better? This is it. If you want to enjoy life for the long term, these are the two
things that you need. Its hard to have them both. And when you work on one, the other tends to
slip away, but this is it.
Now lets talk more about work, because what men need more than anything is the feeling of
moving forward. We need to feel like our station is improving, and the future is going to be
better than right now. Because this give us hope. This gives us a reason to wake up every day.
And the way that us men can feel this hope is how? To set goals.
You need to set goals and work on them, to have in your mind, If I achieve that goal over there,
I will be happier. But the trick is that it doesnt matter if you achieve it or not; its just giving
you hope every day that youll become a better man, that your life will improve in some way.
One thing that we have to understand is that goals allow us to enjoy the present moment in life.
Its how we create journeys for our soul. So if I see a man thats not doing so well, I ask him
What are your goals? Keep that in mind.
Also we have to understand that life doesnt exist for you and your contentment. Were randomly
put on a rock, spinning around a ball of fire. All that I can guarantee is that you exist, you are,
and youre able to go from point A to point B and learn along that path. Thats it.
So I want to close out this speech by telling you what to think when you feel kind of down, when
things arent going your way, when things arent going well at work, when someone close to you
hurts you. Three things that you can keep in mind.
The first thing is to think of people who have less than you. There are billions of people who
have less food than you, that live in shacks. There are men in Asia who will sleep with one
woman their entire lives. How do they feel about you being upset for the thing that you are upset
about? Maybe it is not as large as you think it is.


Second thing, think of what you do have. Make a list in your mind, a mental list of all the things
that you have. I have food, I have shelter, I can live where I want, I do work that touches
thousands of men. Yes, there are some things I want in life and yes, I have a dry eye condition
(laughter), but dont be ungrateful. Think of what you do have.
And the last thing, the third thing: Give me serenity for that which I cannot control. If
something bad happens to you and there are actionable steps that you can take to solve it, by all
means, do it. But oftentimes, especially as you get older, the universe will come up to you and
slap you across the face and theres nothing you can do. Dont worry about the things that you
cannot change.
Things are not easy for the straight man, and they will get harder as our country descends into a
social hell. I really think the gates of hell are upon us, and itll be extremely tempting to watch
Rome burn down. And some of you here maybe want to do that, but you only get one life, so we
might as well make it the best life we can instead of waiting for the universe to magically give us
the things we want.
I say we put the effort to pursue things that mean something to us, to do the work that we want,
to go after the healthy relationships that are good for us, to set the goals that we want, and to
enjoy life. Its not going to be easy, but I believe we must make the effort, and looking around
this room, I dont see anything that should stop you from being the man that you want, from
getting the good in life that you want, and I wish you all good luck. Thank you.


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