Toward Compelling Customer Touchpoint Architecture PDF
Toward Compelling Customer Touchpoint Architecture PDF
Toward Compelling Customer Touchpoint Architecture PDF
Anirudh Dhebar
Professor of Marketing
Marketing Division
Malloy 219, Babson College
Babson Park, MA 02457
Telephone: +1 781 239 5597
Fax: +1 781 239 5020
Electronic copy available at:
While the human interface is an obvious touchpoint, so, too, are product, service, and
space. Of these, space, with its profound connotation of experience and given the
emphasis here on architecture, is worthy of special attention. While in hindsight it is
obvious, I first became interested in the link between place, space, and experience
now almost two decades ago when reading the book The Experience of Place (Hiss,
Given the relentless push for an interconnected online world, the proliferation of
mobile devices, new media, and digital and social marketing, electronic exchanges
between an enterprise and its customers are increasingly important touchpoints.
and electronic touchpoint modes over many years As I reflect on my experience, I cannot
but reach one conclusion: While my experience at any one touchpoint at any specific period
of time may have been no more than mildly irritating, my overall experience can be
summarized in one word: horrendous. Seen holistically, I would judge my mobile operators
customer touchpoint architecture and its rendition and execution in terms of my experience
anything but compelling.
Two factors contributed to my anything-but-compelling holistic assessment:
1. Drip, drip, drip, Chinese water torture style, my overall experience over the course of the
entire experience cycle to date is qualitatively more irritating than the quantitative sum of
the individual irritating parts. Put differently, my customer-touchpoint-architecture
assessment tool did not just keep an additive tally of individual touchpoint experience
trespasses. Much to my mobile operators disfavor, it nonlinearly and multidimensionally upped the experiential impact.
2. Even more damaging was the role of inter-touchpoint-mode (intermodal) and intertouchpoint-occurrence (intertemporal) interdependencies. These are interdependencies
in terms of
telecommunications needs).
When it came to my overall experience, everything was connected to and with everything
else, and the whole was the result of the interdependence among the parts.
The above two factors profoundly impact the design of customer touchpoints.
Without a sense of the whole being more than the sum of its parts and the explicit recognition
of interdependencies, an enterprises touchpoint architecture will very much resemble
buildings whose floors, rooms, and architectural elements are incrementally added. Each
addition may make parochial sense and be locally optimal, but, overall, for residents, visitors,
and at-a-distance viewers alike, the experience would not be compelling. For customers, so
too will be an enterprise without a holistic approach to the design, implementation, and
management of customer touchpoint architecture.
services, industries, and market structures the actual number of stages may be different than
nine. The exact nature of the stages, too, may be different.
The customer experience cycle is one part of the customer touchpoint blueprint
exercise; the other part is the determination of the desired touchpoint configuration. This
configuration and understanding the relevant interdependencies can be arrived at through a
3-step process.
2. Given the customers preferred touchpoint configuration, what is the enterprises desired
functionality in terms of customer relationship, information, completed transaction,
electronic connection, and so on at each customer touchpoint?
3. Given the customers preferred touchpoint configuration, what are the operational and
functional interdependencies that the enterprise will have to manage? What are the
implications for the configuration of the enterprises competencies, assets, processes,
systems, and organization structure? Note: Similar to customers, the enterprise, too, will
have to manage operational and functional interdependencies across different customer
touchpoints at different stages in the customer experience cycle. In addition, there may
also be expectational interdependencies but, for a truly customer-centric enterprise,
enterprise expectations should be aligned with customer expectations.
4. Finally, what are the resource implications of delivering the customers and the
enterprises desired functionalities for the customers desired configuration of
touchpoints across the customer experience cycle.
design exercise. Furthermore, to ensure the centrality of the customer in the compromise
process, it would be best to test what emerges with some sample customer groups. At the
very least, those working on customer touchpoint architecture should simulate the customer
experience with the help of a walkthrough of the blueprint with different people taking turns
playing the role of the customer.
The result (see Figure 1) will be a final customer touchpoint blueprint with
information on
locus of interaction and desired functionality for both the customer and the supplying
it is not uncommon to end up with not one but multiple blueprints, one for each customer
segment served by the enterprise. Case in point: the blueprint would be different for a
business-to-business customer segment supported by dedicated account managers than for a
business-to-consumer segment supported via a retail distribution channel.
their own, some other high-technology player, and a consumer products marketer. Having
started the inquiry, the participants were urged to push their query as far as they could to a
possible point of purchase. (The choice to stop before the point of purchase was determined
by the pre-purchase brief for the exercise.) I requested the participants to come to the
workshop with details of their experiences, noting what they especially liked or disliked
about the different touchpoints encountered in each case. The ensuing conversation was
enlightening. What emerged was a set of requirements for compelling customer touchpoint
design of products to multiple pioneering product paradigms (the Macintosh computer, the
iPod music player, the iTunes business, the iPhone, the App store, and the iPad) to the oh-sochic retail stores, think different is evident everywhere. Steve Jobs made sure Apple knows
its value promise for its target consumers and the enterprises activities across all touchpoints
are executed consistent with this value promise. (By coincidence, I was reading Walter
Isaacsons biography of Steve Jobs while working on this manuscript and was struck by how
the seeds of Apples value promise were planted early in the enterprises history. To a large
extent, these seeds owed their origin to Steve Jobss fanatic dedication to a unique alchemy
of Buddhist and Zen sensibilities, the aesthetics of calligraphy, the precepts of Bauhaus
constructs and architecture, and the flair of Italian design.)
The Apple example suggests three conditions that must be met for the customers
experience to be consistent with the enterprises value promise: (1) The enterprise must have
an intentional as opposed to marketplace determined, de facto, value promise. (2) The
intentionality must be accompanied by enterprise-wide awareness: all in the enterprise must
know and act in accordance with the value promise. (3) The intentionality must be
practiced through the disciplined execution and management of everything the enterprise
does and the way it does everything. Of the three conditions, the second and third are a high
order and are often unmet. The result: customer touchpoint architecture that often is
unsatisfyingly soggy and not at all compelling.
Los Angeles and to a nearby hill may be part of the charm of the Getty Center, the question
of ease of access nevertheless is worth asking.
The same question should be asked of an enterprises touchpoint architecture: From
the customers point of view, across all touchpoints, is the enterprise in the center of things
and easily accessible, or is it remote and off on a hill somewhere? Does the enterprise bring
itself to the customer, or must the customer bring himself/herself/itself to the enterprise?
Ease of access is one requirement for making a customer feel welcome; a second
requirement is that the customer must feel genuinely invited. One way or the other, when
visiting a building, place, or space, we can sense whether we are really welcome or whether
we are unwanted guests. This is true as well for customers interacting with enterprises.
True, but often lost sight of as enterprises fret over quarterly results, organization
units squabble over resources, alienated employees go through the motion of doing their jobs,
and customers are left to fend for themselves via outsourced call centers. No good host would
treat guests that way and no enterprise should treat customers. Compelling customer
touchpoint architecture requires the enterprise and its employees consider customers as
guests and themselves as hosts offering a gracious welcome and sincere hospitality.
difficulty or inconvenience (Treacy & Wiersema, 1993, p. 84). Focusing on the phrase
minimal difficulty or inconvenience, I suggest enterprises assess whether customers find
the touchpoint experience to be operationally excellent using the following test: Does the
customers experience touching the enterprise at every stage in the experience cycle feel as
smooth as the finest silk and are the experiences at different touchpoints consistent and
reinforcing? Or does the experience at each stage feel as rough as the coarsest gravel and are
the experiences at different touchpoints dissonant and inconsistent?
Adherence to a few elementary principles can go a long way to achieving this goal:
1. Customers interacting with touchpoints must have the following three navigational
a map showing customers the touchpoint landscape,
a compass identifying some well known magnetic north and the direction in
which customers are headed, and
markers telling customers where they are, what they are doing, and the
progress they are making.
2. Whether on their own or helped or guided by the supplying enterprise, customers
must feel they are in control.
3. Customers must find the structure and operation of each touchpoint as well as the
collection of touchpoints clear, simple, and transparent.
4. Customers must find touchpoint interaction appropriately responsive.
5. The world being what it is, customers must find the touchpoint architecture adaptive
to their changing needs.
Distribution focuses on taking care of the channel partners interest than taking care of the
customers pain. And communications becomes a game of fonts, colors, graphics, and
PowerPoint presentations as opposed to a real and comprehensible conversation with
customers. This is hardly a recipe for proposing and delivering compelling customer value,
and hardly the building blocks of compelling customer touchpoint architecture.
In the above paragraphs, I alluded to the enterprises strategic differentiation from its
rivals. There is a second dimension to strategic differentiation, and it is the differentiation
achieved by the customer from the customers rivals because of the compelling value and
experience realized from the customers interactions with the enterprise. Customer
touchpoint architecture is truly compelling when both the enterprise and the benefiting
customer are strategically differentiated from their respective rivals.
A great architect comes up with compelling architecture by taking a holistic
perspective, sweating over architectural plans and elevations and models, and with
inspiration and innovation delivering on five requirements:
1. consistency with the value promise,
2. ease of access and a genuinely inviting presence,
3. an operationally excellent navigational experience,
4. compelling value delivery, and
5. strategic differentiation.
Enterprise leaders, too, must be great architects. They must make sure the enterprises
customer touchpoint architecture is designed, implemented, and managed so that the
customers experience is truly compelling at every touchpoint over the course of the entire
experience cycle. Undoubtedly, this is hard to put in place, but then so, too, are truly
exceptional places and spaces that take the visitors breath away. Hard to put in place, but in
what it achieves in terms of customer experience, absolutely worth it.
Hiss, T. (1990). The Experience of Place. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Isaacson, W. (2011). Steve Jobs. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Kim, W.C., & Mauborgne, R.A. (2000). Knowing a Winning Business Idea When You See
One. Harvard Business Review, 78(5), 129-137.
Porter, M. (1996). What Is Strategy?, Harvard Business Review, 74(6), 61-78.
Treacy, M., & Wiersema, F. (1993). Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines.
Harvard Business Review, 71(1), 84-93.