Chemistry of Cannabis
Chemistry of Cannabis
Chemistry of Cannabis
24 Chemistry of Cannabis
Arno Hazekamp, Justin T. Fischedick, Monica Llano Dez, Andrea Lubbe, and Renee L. Ruhaak,
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Biosynthesis of flavonoids in Cannabis
Biological effects of flavonoids
Therapeutic potential
Hemp Oil
Composition of hemp oil
Therapeutic potential
Cannabinoid contamination of hemp oil products
Other Components Found in Cannabis
Alkaloids and nitrogenous compounds
Noncannabinoid phenols
Lignanamides and phenolic amides
Cannabis as a Medicine
Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoids
Current Status of Cannabinoid Medicines
Approaches for Further Development
Improving the biological availability of cannabinoids
Selective activation of cannabinoid receptors
Modulating the endocannabinoid system
Interaction with other neurotransmitter pathways
Practical Aspects of Cannabis Research
Legal Aspects
Availability of Plant Materials and Reference Standards
Social Aspects
Chemistry of Cannabis
Together with coffee and tobacco, Cannabis is the most commonly used psychoactive drug worldwide, and it is
the single most popular illegal drug. Worldwide over 160 million people are using Cannabis regularly and these
numbers are still rising.1 With such high popular demand, it is not surprising that Cannabis and its products are
known under a large variety of names. Some of the most widely used ones are defined here.
The commonly used term marijuana or marihuana traditionally describes the Cannabis plant when used as
a recreational drug, and is frequently associated with the negative effects or social impact of the drug. Weed is
another name for Cannabis when used as a recreational drug. In contrast, when the term hemp is used, it
usually refers to the use of Cannabis as a source of fiber, making the term fiber-hemp therefore somewhat
superfluous. Because of the inexact and unscientific nature of these terms, they will not be used in this chapter.
Instead, the proper scientific name Cannabis will be consistently used to describe the plant C. sativa L. in all its
When discussing about Cannabis for recreational, medicinal, or scientific use, what is usually referred to are
the female flowers (also known under the Latin name flos), being the most potent part of the plant. The dried
resin obtained from these flowers is generally known as hash, or hashish, although a large variety of names
exist throughout the world. This resin is the source of the most important bioactive components of the Cannabis
plant, the cannabinoids, which will be the main focus throughout this chapter.
Finally, dronabinol is another name for the naturally occurring ()-trans-isomer of THC, often used in a
medical context in the scientific and political literature, and adopted by the World Health Organization.
The basic material of all Cannabis products is the plant C. sativa L. (Figure 1). It is an annual, usually dioecious,
more rarely monoecious, wind-pollinated herb, with male and female flowers developing on separate plants.
It propagates from seed, grows vigorously in open sunny environments with well-drained soils, and has an
abundant need for nutrients and water. It can reach up to 5 m (16 ft) in height in a 46-month growing season.
However, in modern breeding and cultivation of recreational Cannabis, the preferred way to propagate the
plants is by cloning, using cuttings of the so-called mother plant. As this term indicates, female plants are
used for this purpose, as they produce significantly higher amounts of psychoactive compounds than
the male plants.
The sexes of Cannabis are anatomically indistinguishable before they start flowering, but after that, the
development of male and female plants varies greatly. Shorter days, or more accurately longer nights, induce
the plant to start flowering.2 The female plant then produces several crowded clusters of individual flowers
(flower tops); a large one at the top of the stem and several smaller ones on each branch, whereas the male
Figure 1 Cannabis sativa. A female plant in full bloom. Photo courtesy by Bedrocan BV, The Netherlands.
flowers hang in loose clusters along a relatively leafless upright branch. The male plants finish shedding their
pollen and die before the seeds in the female plants ripen, that is 48 weeks after being fertilized. A large female
can produce over 1 kg of seed. If the seed survives, it may germinate the next spring.
According to current botanical classification, Cannabis belongs, only with Humulus (hops), to the small family
of Cannabinaceae (also Cannabaceae or Cannabidaceae).35 Despite this close relationship, cannabinoids
(see Section can only be found in C. sativa. In the genus Humulus, even in grafting experiments between
Cannabis and Humulus, no cannabinoids have been found,6,7 but instead a variety of the so-called bitter acids,
such as humulone, adhumulone, and cohumulone are produced. The close relationship between both plant
species is clearly shown by the fact that both compounds (cannabinoids and bitter acids, respectively) are
derived from similar biosynthetic pathways (see Section Furthermore, both are excreted as a resinous
mixture by glandular hairs, mainly found on female flowers.
The current systematic classification of Cannabis is:8
Division Angiosperms
Class Dicotyledon
Subclass Archichlamydeae
Order Urticales
Family Cannabinaceae
Genus Cannabis
Species sativa L.
Because of centuries of breeding and selection, a large variation of cultivated varieties (or cultivars) has been
developed. Already, more than 700 different cultivars have been described9 and many more are thought to exist.
As a result, there has been extensive discussion about further botanical and chemotaxonomic classification. So
Chemistry of Cannabis
far, several classifications of Cannabis have been proposed. Originally, this was a classification into C. sativa L.,
Cannabis indica Lam., and Cannabis ruderalis Janisch1012 or C. sativa L. subsp. sativa and C. sativa subsp. indica.1315
However, it is becoming commonly accepted that Cannabis is monotypic and consists only of a single species
C. sativa, as described by Leonard Fuchs in the sixteenth century.1619
To solve the controversy in a biochemical way, a first chemical classification was done by Grlic,20 who
recognized different ripening stages. Fetterman et al.21 described different phenotypes based on quantitative
differences in the content of main cannabinoids and he was the first to distinguish the drug and fiber types.
Further extension and perfection of this approach was subsequently done by Small and Beckstead,22 Turner
et al.,23 and Brenneisen and Kessler.24 However, it was found that a single plant could be classified into different
phenotypes, depending on its age. Although these chemotaxonomic classifications do not strictly define the
contents of the main cannabinoids for each chemotype, it does provide a practical tool for classification. A final
validation of Cannabis classification awaits further chemotaxonomic and genetic research.
For forensic and legislative purposes, the most important classification of Cannabis types is that into the fiber
type and the drug type. The main difference between these two is found in the content of the psychotropically
active component THC, and its acidic precursor tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA, see Section
a high content of THC THCA classifies as drug-type Cannabis, whereas a low THC THCA content
(below 0.20.3% of dry weight) is found in fiber-type Cannabis. All Cannabis varieties presently used for
medicinal purposes belong to the drug type, because of their high content of the biologically active THC. But
although fiber-type Cannabis is currently not used for medicinal or recreational purpose, it does contain
components that have been found to be biologically active, most notably the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD).
This indicates that the distinction between the two types may have limited relevance for medicinal research
into Cannabis.
Cannabis most likely originates from Central Asia, as archeological evidence indicates that it was already
cultivated in China for food and fiber 10 000 years ago. Even in ancient Egyptian mummies, clues have been
found for the use of Cannabis as food or medicine.25 In fact, Cannabis is one of the oldest known medicinal
plants and is described in almost every ancient handbook on plant medicine, most commonly in the form of a
tincture or a tea.26,27 Some religions were closely related with the properties of the Cannabis plant. For
example, in Hindu legend, Cannabis is believed to be the favorite food of the god Shiva, because of its
energizing properties. As Cannabis spread from Asia toward the West, almost every culture came into contact
with this miracle plant. Nowadays, varieties of Cannabis can be found in all temperate and tropical zones,
except in humid, tropical rain forests.28
Despite the fact that Cannabis was grown on a large scale in many countries, the abuse as a narcotic
remained uncommon in Western countries until relatively recently. People were largely unaware of the
psychoactive properties of Cannabis and it is unlikely that early cultivars, selected mainly for their seed or
fiber qualities, contained significant amounts of the psychoactive THC. The medicinal use of Cannabis was
introduced in Europe only around 1840, by a young Irish doctor, William OShaughnessy, who served for the
East India Trading Company in India, where the medicinal use of Cannabis was widespread. Unlike the
European fiber Cannabis, these Indian varieties did contain a reasonable amount of bioactive cannabinoids. In
the following decades, the medicinal use of Cannabis saw a short period of popularity both in Europe and in the
United States. At the top of its popularity, more than 28 different medicinal preparations were available with
Cannabis as active ingredient, which were recommended for indications as various as menstrual cramps,
asthma, cough, insomnia, support of birth labor, migraine, throat infection, and withdrawal from opium use.27
However, because no tools existed for quality control, it was impossible to prepare a standardized medicine,
so patients often received a dose that was either too low, having no effect, or too high, resulting in serious side
effects. Moreover, Cannabis extract was not water-soluble and therefore could not be injected (in contrast to,
e.g., the opiates), whereas oral administration was found to be unreliable because of its slow and erratic
absorption. Because of such drawbacks, the medicinal use of Cannabis increasingly disappeared in the beginning of the twentieth century, and in 1937 Cannabis was removed from the US pharmacopoeia, a move that was
followed by most other Western countries.27 Isolation and structure elucidation of the first pure active
substances from Cannabis was not achieved until the 1960s.29
Only since the flower-power-time of the 1960s, the smoking of Cannabis as a recreational drug has become a
widely known phenomenon in the Western world. From then on, import of stronger varieties from the tropics,
combined with a growing expertise in breeding and cultivation, led to a steady increase in psychoactive
potency. Contemporary recreational Cannabis has increasingly become a high-tech crop, grown indoors under
completely artificial conditions.
An extensive review on the history of Cannabis and its uses by humans has recently been published.30
With currently 538 known constituents, Cannabis is one of the chemically best-studied plants.31 But because
most of these constituents have not yet been properly characterized for biological activity, the Cannabis plant
could be called a neglected pharmacological treasure trove.32 Extensive reviews of Cannabis constituents are
available in the literature.4,27,33 The most important classes are listed in Table 1. The most interesting among
these constituents are those found in the secretions of the head cells of glandular hairs (trichomes) distributed
across the surface of the Cannabis plant. Although trichomes can be found all over the male and female plants,
they are particularly concentrated on the bracts that support the female inflorescence. Solitary resin glands,
consisting of one or two dozen cells, most often form at the tips of slender trichome stalks that form as
extensions of the plant surface, as shown in Figure 2. The resin excreted by the glands contains a variety of
constituents, any of which might play a role in the biological activities of the Cannabis plant. Among these are
terpenoids, flavonoids, and cannabinoids. Resin collects under a thin waxy membrane surrounding the
secretory head cells. In these extracellular resin pockets, the secreted compounds are segregated from the
secretory cells, protecting it from both oxidative degradation and enzymatic change. A layer of abscission cells
at the base of each secretory head allows the gland to be easily removed.34
The adaptational significance of the resin glands remains speculative. Although the resin gives a certain
defense against insect and fungal attack, Cannabis crops are still vulnerable to attack by a wide variety of pests,
particularly under greenhouse conditions. Certainly, the intoxicating effects of Cannabis resin have increased
Cannabis predation by humans, as well as encouraged its domestication, thus dramatically widening its
distribution. It has been shown that the cannabinoids, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and THCA, induce cell
Table 1 An overview of compounds identified in Cannabis
Compound class
Compounds identified
Sugars and related compounds
Nitrogenous compounds
Noncannabinoid phenols
Fatty acids
Simple acids
Amino acids
Simple ketones
Simple esters and lactones
Simple aldehydes
Proteins, glycoproteins, and enzymes
Simple alcohols
1 (vitamin K)
Chemistry of Cannabis
Waxy layer
Secretory cavity
Gland cells
Stalk cells
Figure 2 Microscope photograph and drawing of a Cannabis resin gland, with secretory head cells visible underneath
the transparent cannabinoid- and terpenoid-rich resin. Photo courtesy by Hashish and R. Clarke, Los Angeles: Red Eye
Press, 1998. Reprinted with permission. Drawing from HASHISH!, by R. Clarke.
death through apoptosis in some plant cells as well as insect cells.35 Furthermore, formation of THCA was
found to be linked to hydrogen peroxide formation, which may contribute to the self-defense of the Cannabis
plant. These results strongly suggest that cannabinoids act as plant defense compounds, which is a common
function of plant secondary metabolites.36
The compounds described in Table 1 have all been identified as a constituent of some preparation of
Cannabis: herbal plant material, whole extracts, and chromatographic fractions, or illicit material such as
hashish. In many cases, the material used has been obtained from an uncontrolled source (e.g., materials
confiscated by authorities) and its quality cannot be guaranteed. It is therefore not certain how many
compounds, identified from such materials, should be considered as artifacts, resulting from oxidation, and
enzymatic, thermal, or other degradation. In fact, even THC itself is not produced by the metabolism of the
Cannabis plant but rather is formed by thermal decarboxylation (loss of CO2) of THCA. Further degradation of
THC results in the formation of cannabinol (CBN) or delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8-THC). Also,
many terpenoids are known to be susceptible to degradation upon storage or extraction. As such, the chemical
composition of any given Cannabis preparation depends not only on its biosynthetic composition, but also on
factors such as age, conditions of storage, and method of extraction. Any biological activity claimed for such
preparations should therefore be considered with some care.
Cannabinoids, terpenoids, flavonoids, and fatty acids (hemp oil) comprise the most interesting classes of
biologically active compounds from Cannabis. They will be discussed in detail in Sections 3.24.2 and 3.24.5, and
constituents in these classes that deserve more scientific attention will be highlighted. Several less significant
classes of secondary metabolites found in Cannabis will be discussed shortly in Section
3.24.2 Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are considered to be the main biologically active constituents of the Cannabis plant, and they can
be found nowhere else in nature (for an exception, see Section The majority of biological activities
attributed to Cannabis have so far been linked to cannabinoids, and more specifically to THC. The naturally
occurring cannabinoids form a complex group of closely related compounds of which currently 70 are known
and well described.4,33,31 New cannabinoids, although present in very minor quantities, have been discovered
very recently. These include 11 new cannabinoid esters and a number of other cannabinoid structures.37,38
There are trace compounds that might have a limited occurrence in certain varieties, but they may add to our
increasing understanding of the complexity of cannabinoid biosynthesis.
Cannabinoids can be divided into 10 main structural types (Figure 3). All other compounds that do not
fit into the main types are grouped as miscellaneous.
Cannabinoids Defined
Until the 1980s, the term cannabinoids represented by definition the group of typical terpenophenolic C21
compounds present in C. sativa, their carboxylic acids, analogues, and transformation products. But from this
rather restricted pharmacognostic definition, considerable expansion is now required. A modern definition will
put more emphasis on synthetic chemistry and on pharmacology, and would also include related structures or
compounds that affect cannabinoid receptors. This, however, creates several chemical subcategories of cannabinoids. The term cannabinoids now represents the whole set of endogenous, natural, and synthetic ligands of
the cannabinoid receptors, belonging to a wide variety of chemical families. The plant-derived cannabinoids
are now often termed phytocannabinoids. When the word cannabinoids is used in this chapter, the naturally
occurring phytocannabinoids are meant, unless indicated otherwise. It should be emphasized that not all
phytocannabinoids bind to the cannabinoid receptors.
The first cannabinoid was isolated in 1940.39 Chemical analysis indicated it to be an alcohol, so it obtained
the rather straightforward name CBN (C21H26O2). It was, however, found to be inactive as a psychoactive
compound. Chemically, the cannabinoids belong to the terpenophenols, which are common in nature.
Cannabinoids are accumulated in the glandular hairs (see Section, where they typically make up
more than 80% of the subcuticular secretion. In general, all plant parts can contain cannabinoids, except for the
seeds. The traces of cannabinoids found in seeds are most likely a result of contamination with Cannabis resin
Chemistry of Cannabis
from the flowers.17,40 Essentially, there are no qualitative differences in cannabinoid spectrum between plant
parts, only quantitative differences.21,41 The highest cannabinoid concentrations (in percentage of dry weight
plant material) can be found in parts of the flowers and fruits. In the foliage leaves the content is lower, and in
the stems and, even more so, the roots the content is very low.42 Cannabis grown outdoors generally has lower
levels of cannabinoids when compared to indoor grown plants. When grown under artificial, high-yielding
conditions, Cannabis flowering parts can be obtained with a resin content of up to 2530%, mainly consisting of
THCA, the acidic precursor of THC (see Section
The cannabinoids most commonly detected in herbal Cannabis materials are shown in Figure 4. For the
chemical numbering of cannabinoids, five different nomenclature systems have been used so far,43 but the most
commonly used system nowadays is the dibenzopyran numbering, which is also adopted by Chemical Abstracts.
In Europe, the monoterpenoid system based on p-cymene has also been widely used. As a result, the major
cannabinoid delta-9-THC is sometimes described as delta-1-THC in older manuscripts. In this chapter, the
dibenzopyran numbering is consistently used, therefore THC is fully described as ()-trans-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Figure 5).
It is commonly thought that cannabinoids are unique compounds only found in Cannabis. However, some
exceptions exist in the plant kingdom: In Helichrysum umbraculigerum Less., a species from the family
Compositae, the presence of CBGA, cannabigerol (CBG), and analogues to CBG was reported.44 Moreover,
in liverworts from Radula species the isolation of geranylated bibenzyls analogous to CBG was reported,45
suggesting the homology of genes from the cannabinoid pathway in at least some other species.
Figure 4 Structures of the cannabinoids most commonly found in Cannabis plant materials. All cannabinoids have the
(6aR,10aR)-orientation, according to the chemical numbering shown in Figure 5.
confirming the presence of the central precursor CBGA, as well as THC synthase activity in the secretory
cavity, it was suggested that this is not only the site of cannabinoid accumulation, but also the site of
cannabinoid biosynthesis.35
Chemistry of Cannabis
Figure 5 Two most commonly used numbering systems for the cannabinoids. The dibenzopyran system is used in this
Cannabinoids are produced by the metabolism of the plant in the form of carboxylic acids as discussed in
Section However, a range of other types of cannabinoids have been detected in Cannabis. For a clear
phytochemical discussion of the cannabinoids, they can most conveniently be divided into three groups: acidic
cannabinoids; neutral cannabinoids; and artifacts. This practical classification of the cannabinoids is shown in
Figure 7.
An important distinction that can be made within the group of cannabinoids is between the so-called acidic
and neutral cannabinoids. Consequently, in fresh plant material almost no neutral cannabinoids can be found,
but theoretically all cannabinoids are present in this acidic form. These can be converted into their decarboxylated analogues under the influence of light, heat, or prolonged storage, by losing the relatively unstable
carboxylic group in the form of carbon dioxide.63 For the purpose of this chapter, the original plant-derived
carboxylic acids will be indicated as acidic cannabinoids, whereas their decarboxylated counterparts are
indicated as neutral cannabinoids, even though the presence of the phenolic moiety in the neutral cannabinoids may of course classify them as acids as well.
The group of the acidic cannabinoids includes a large number of structures. The most common types of
acidic cannabinoids found in a typical drug-type Cannabis plant are THCA, CBDA, CBGA, and CBCA. These
acids can be converted to their neutral counterparts by decarboxylation to form THC, CBD, CBG, and
cannabichromene (CBC), respectively. An example of this conversion is shown in Figure 8.
The group of cannabinoids that occur as a result of degradative conditions deserve some special attention,
because their presence is largely the result of variable and unpredictable conditions during all the stages of
growing, harvesting, processing, storage, and use. As a result, a well-defined Cannabis preparation may change
rapidly into a product with significantly different biological effects. Degradation of THC results in the
formation of CBN and delta-8-THC, whereas THCA can further degrade into CBNA.4 Particularly, in
samples that have been stored for an extended period, CBN can be found in relatively large amounts. The
isomerization of delta-9-THC to delta-8-THC is well documented and occurs particularly at elevated
temperature, where the equilibrium is toward the delta-8 isomer.49,50,64 The cannabinoids cannabicyclol
Figure 6 General overview of the biosynthesis of cannabinoids and putative routes. Reproduced with permission from I. J. Flores-Sanchez; R. Verpoorte, Phytochem. Rev.
2008, 7, 615639.
Chemistry of Cannabis
Figure 7 A practical way to categorize the relationships between the major cannabinoids found in herbal Cannabis.
Three different groups may be distinguished: (1) cannabinoids produced by biosynthesis of the plant; (2) cannabinoids
resulting from natural decarboxylation of acidic cannabinoids; and (3) degradation products resulting from various influences,
such as UV-light, oxidation, or isomerization. Arrows indicate the routes of conversion.
(CBL) and cannabicyclolic acid (CBLA) arise by the exposure of CBC and CBCA, respectively, to UV
radiation, leading to cross-linking of two double bonds in the molecule.65
Although a large variety of cannabinoids is known, this does not mean that all cannabinoids are detectable
in all Cannabis products. They were identified over several decades of Cannabis research, studying many
different Cannabis products and different and sometimes rare types of Cannabis plants from a variety of
origins and qualities. There can be an enormous variation in their quantitative ratios. The different chemical
types of cannabinoids have been well described.4,66 Understanding how the cannabinoids are (chemically)
related to each other is important when studying Cannabis samples, as degradation and changes in the
cannabinoid profile might occur as a result of storage or breeding conditions, variations in preparation of
medicines, heating, and so on.
For the analysis of highly pure, single cannabinoid preparations, specific analytical procedures can be easily
developed. However, most phytochemical and pharmacological studies are far more complex than that. For
example, studies on cannabinoid biosynthesis and localization in Cannabis require accurate identification of the
whole cannabinoid profile in fresh plant tissues. Also, the identification, classification (e.g., fiber type vs drug
type), and individualization (e.g., source tracing) of Cannabis plants and products do not often rely on the
analysis of only a single cannabinoid. Furthermore, increasingly in vitro and in vivo studies are being conducted
with whole Cannabis preparations, either as raw plant materials (e.g., powdered flower tops) or as extracts.6770
The bioactivities found for such preparations are possibly the result of the acidic cannabinoids,71 and
consequently a method must be available to identify and quantify neutral as well as acidic cannabinoids present
in the plant materials used.
For the chemical analysis of cannabinoids, the analytical methods that are available have been extensively
reviewed by Raharjo and Verpoorte.72 Because of the complex chemistry of Cannabis, advanced separation
techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC), often
coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) detection, are often necessary for the acquisition of the typical chemical
profiles of Cannabis constituents. However, especially for screening purposes and on-site field testing,
noninstrumental techniques like thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and color reactions may be helpful, too.
Owing to the thermal lability of the acidic cannabinoids, indirect methods have been widely used for their
determination. These indirect methods are based on the decarboxylation of the acids and subsequent HPLC
determination of the neutral cannabinoids formed. But although decarboxylation occurs naturally over time,
during storage of cannabinoids, it is difficult to perform a quantitative decarboxylation under experimental
conditions. When performing the thermal decarboxylation of cannabinoid acids in either the presence or
absence of organic solvents in an open reactor, an optimum temperature at which the velocity of the
decarboxylation would be high enough and simultaneous evaporation of neutral cannabinoids would not
occur could not be found.63 Consequently, it is not possible in this manner to obtain an amount of neutral
cannabinoids equivalent to that of the cannabinoid acids from which they were decarboxylated. During the
decarboxylation on different sorbent surfaces, the evaporation of cannabinoids was hindered by sorptive effects,
but simultaneous side-reactions occurred, causing chemical changes of the neutral cannabinoids.63
Identifying a plant sample as C. sativa L. may be done simply by using macroscopic and microscopic evaluation
of the intact plant material. The botanical identification of plant specimens consists of physical examination of
the intact plant morphology and habit (leaf shape, male and female inflorescences, etc.) followed by the
microscopical examination of leaves for the presence of cystolith hairs (as shown in Figure 2). The very
abundant trichomes, which are present on the surface of the fruiting and flowering tops of Cannabis, are the
most characteristic features to be found in the microscopic examination of herbal Cannabis products.62
Color reactions
The most common color spot tests include those developed by Duquenois and its modifications. A study of 270
different plant species and 200 organic compounds has shown that the DuquenoisLevine modification is most
specific.73 The fast blue B salt test is the most common color reaction for the visualization of TLC patterns (see
below) but may also be used as spot test on a filter paper.74
It must be stressed that positive reactions to color tests are only presumptive indications of the possible
presence of Cannabis products or materials containing Cannabis products. A few other materials, often harmless
and uncontrolled by national legislation or international treaties, may react with similar colors to the test
Thin-layer chromatography
One- and two-dimensional TLC is suited for the acquisition of qualitative cannabinoid profiles from plant
material. Both normal-phase and reversed-phase TLC methods have been described.75 For selective visualization of cannabinoids, the TLC plate can be sprayed with 0.5% fast blue B salt (o-dianisidine-bis-(diazotized)zinc double salt) in water, followed by 0.1 mol l1 NaOH.74 For quantitation, instrumental TLC coupled to
densitometry is necessary. High-pressure TLC and overpressured layer chromatography have been developed
for the reproducible and fast determination and isolation of neutral and acidic cannabinoids.7678
Gas chromatography
The use of GC, commonly coupled to flame ionization detection (FID) or MS detection, permits the analysis of
a large variety of cannabinoids with very high resolution. However, derivatization is necessary (e.g., silylation
and methylation) when information about cannabinoid acids, the dominating cannabinoids in the plant, is
required.62 Because it is hard to perform a quantitative derivatization for all components in a complex mixture,
GC analysis may have only limited value when studying the authentic composition of Cannabis products.
Chemistry of Cannabis
GC/MS is the method of choice for creating Cannabis profiles and signatures (chemical fingerprints), a tool
for attributing the country of origin, the conditions of cultivation (indoor, outdoor), and so on. A representative
GC-FID chromatogram is shown in Figure 9(a).
Other techniques
Occasionally, new methods are explored for the analysis of cannabinoids. The applicability of capillary
electrochromatography with photodiode array UV detection for the analysis of cannabinoids has been demonstrated.81 Also, supercritical fluid chromatography has been studied,82 but with limited success. Supercritical
fluid chromatography is characterized by shorter analysis times than GC or HPLC and does not require
UV absorbance 228 nm
Retention time (min)
Figure 9b A typical HPLC chromatogram (228 nm) obtained according to Hazekamp et al.115 Column: Waters XTerra MS
C18 (2.1 150 mm, 3.5 mm); eluent: methanol/water gradient with linear increase of methanol from 65 to 100% over 25 min;
flow rate: 1.5 ml min1; detection wavelength: UV at 228 nm. The baseline was not corrected for the influence of the methanol
a b
f gh
6.00 7.00
Time (min)
Figure 9c A typical UPLC chromatogram obtained using the following method: Column: Waters C18 analytical column
(1.7 mm, 2.1 150 mm); eluent: acetonitrile/water/0.1% formic acid; 06 min isocratic 70% acetonitrile, 610.5 min gradient to
100% acetonitrile, 10.511 min hold at 100% acetonitrile; flow rate: 0.3 ml min1; detection wavelength: UV at 228 nm.
a, CBDA; b, CBGA; c, CBG; d, CBD; e, CBN; f, THC; g, delta-8-THC; h, CBNA; k, CBC; l, THCA; m, CBCA.
Chemistry of Cannabis
Spectroscopic analyses performed were UV-absorbance, infra-red spectral analysis, (GC) mass spectrometry,
and spectrophotometric analysis. Also, the fluorescent properties of the cannabinoids were presented.
Chromatographic data includes relative retention times in HLPC, GC, and TLC. In a similar standardized
fashion, the complete 1H- and 13C-NMR assignments of several major cannabinoids have been summarized.83
The cannabinoid receptors are a class of receptors under the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily. Their
ligands are known as cannabinoids or endocannabinoids depending on whether they come from external or
internal (endogenous) sources. Cannabinoid receptors have a protein structure defined by an array of seven
transmembrane-spanning helices with intervening intracellular loops and a C-terminal domain that can
associate with G proteins of the Gi/o family.86
Until the discovery of specific Cannabis receptors, the biochemical mode of action of cannabinoids was
much debated. Because of their lipophilic character, cannabinoids can penetrate cellular membranes by simple
diffusion. Therefore, possible explanations for cannabinoid activity initially included unspecific membrane
binding resulting in fluidity and permeability changes of neural membranes, the inhibition of acetylcholine
synthesis, an increase in the synthesis of catecholamines, and an interaction with the synaptosomal uptake of
serotonin.87,88 However, it was established in the mid-1980s that cannabinoid activity is highly stereoselective,89 indicating the existence of a receptor-mediated mechanism.
The first reliable indications that cannabinoids act through receptors came when it was shown that
cannabinoids can act as inhibitors of the adenylate cyclase second messenger pathway in brain tissue and
neuroblastoma cell lines. This activity was dose-dependent, stereospecific, and could be modulated by pertussis
toxin.9094 Finally, a stereospecific G-protein-coupled cannabinoid receptor was found and cloned.95 It was
named cannabinoid-binding receptor type 1 or CB1. The CB1 receptor is most clearly localized in the central
nervous system (CNS), therefore it is often called the central receptor, but it is also found in certain peripheral
organs and tissues, such as lungs, liver, and kidneys.96 CB1 receptors are thought to be the most widely
expressed G-protein-coupled receptors in the brain. Activation leads to the inhibition of adenylate cyclase
activity.97 The CB1 receptor also modulates ion channels, inducing, for example, the inhibition of N- and P/Qtype voltage-sensitive Ca2 channels and the activation of G-protein inwardly rectifying K channels. Besides
these well-established cannabinoid receptor-coupled events, cannabinoid receptors have also been shown to
modulate several signaling pathways that are more directly involved in the control of cell proliferation and
survival, including extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt, focal adhesion kinase
(FAK), and the ceramide pathway.98
Subsequently, a second cannabinoid receptor (CB2) was found with a possible role in immunological
processes.99 The CB2 receptor was first described as a peripheral G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), mainly
localized in the immune system, therefore it is often called the peripheral receptor. However, nowadays it
appears that the situation is more complex, as CB2 expression was also reported to be present in neurons of the
brain.100 It is primarily expressed by immune tissues such as leukocytes, spleen, and tonsils, and it shows a
different selectivity than the centrally acting CB1. So far, the physiological roles of CB2 receptors are proving
more difficult to establish, but at least one seems to be the modulation of cytokine release.101 Recently, it has
been recognized that CB2 may play a functionally relevant role in the CNS, mediated through microglial
The cannabinoid signaling system is teleologically millions of years old, as it has been found in mammals,
fish, and invertebrates down to very primitive organisms such as the hydra.103 Surprisingly, the protein
sequences of CB1 and CB2 show only about 45% homology. There are indications that CB receptors are
evolutionary related to the vanilloid receptors.104 The transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor
1 (TRVR1) can be activated by the fatty acid amide compound capsaicin. Based on the chemical similarities
between capsaicin and endocannabinoids (see Section, it was hypothesized that TRVR1 and proteins
of the endocannabinoid system share common ligands. This was confirmed when it was demonstrated that the
endocannabinoid anandamide activates TRVR1 receptors.105 Also, it was found in isolated blood vessel
preparations that some endocannabinoids can activate vanilloid receptors on sensory neurons,106 which raises
the possibility that endocannabinoids are endogenous agonists for vanilloid receptors.107 These receptors might
therefore be putatively regarded as CB3 receptors.
There is mounting evidence of novel receptors expressed in endothelial cells and in the CNS that have
cannabimimetic and therapeutic effects independent of the mechanisms described above.108 In 2007, the
binding of several cannabinoids to a GPCR (GPR55) in the brain was described.109 These receptors are
more likely to be functionally related than structurally, as there is currently no evidence for additional
cannabinoid receptors in the human genome. However, not all of the effects of cannabinoids can be explained
by receptor-mediated effects, and it is believed that at least some effects are nonspecific and caused through
membrane perturbation.110,111
Based on the observation that all natural cannabinoids are highly lipid-soluble, an attempt was made to isolate
endogenous ligands for the cannabinoid receptors from fatty tissues of animals. Finally, a single compound
could be isolated from the brain tissue of pigs, with a high affinity for the CB1 receptor. It was chemically
identified as arachidonic acid ethanolamide, and named anandamide, from the Sanskrit word for eternal
bliss.112 A few years later, a related compound was isolated from canine gut with an affinity for both
cannabinoid receptors: 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG).113 Structures of these two compounds are shown in
Figure 10. In recent years, a variety of compounds with endocannabinoid activity have been isolated or
Chemistry of Cannabis
synthesized,114,115 interestingly, all having an eicosanoid-related structure. Cannabinoid receptors and their
endogenous ligands together constitute what is referred to as the endogenous cannabinoid, or endocannabinoid,
The endocannabinoid system is now known to be a ubiquitous neuromodulatory system with wide-ranging
actions. It consists of cannabinoid receptors, endogenous cannabinoids, and enzymes responsible for their production, transport, and degradation. The endocannabinoid system can be found even in very primitive organisms,
indicating it has a fundamental role in basic physiology. There are currently two main families of endocannabinoids
that have been extensively characterized. The first are amides of arachidonic acid and ethanolamide; the typical
example of this family is anandamide. The second family includes glycerol esters related to 2-AG. The biosynthetic
pathways for both families of endocannabinoids are complex, but well reviewed.116,117
There are several pathways known for the synthesis and degradation of endocannabinoids, so there appears
to be a high redundancy. Basically, endocannabinoids exist intracellularly as precursors in the plasma membrane of neurons as part of certain phospholipids. They are produced on demand by distinct biochemical
pathways involving phospholipases C and D, as well as other enzymes. These events are triggered by the
enhancement of intracellular calcium concentrations that follow cell depolarization or the mobilization of
intracellular calcium stores subsequent to the stimulation of protein-coupled receptors from the Gq/G11 family.
Accordingly, the enzymes catalyzing anandamide and 2-AG are calcium-sensitive. After formation, endocannabinoids are transported across the cell membrane for interaction with their extracellular binding sites on
cannabinoid receptors.116,117
Endocannabinoids serve as extracellular retrograde messengers, with characteristics very different from
other neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine,
-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and dopamine. Endocannabinoids
are described as retrograde transmitters because they most commonly travel backward against the usual
synaptic transmitter flow: they are released from the postsynaptic cell and act on the presynaptic cell, where
the target receptors are densely concentrated. Like the endorphins, endocannabinoids exert a homeostatic
function. But because of their chemical (nonwater-soluble) nature, they cannot travel unaided for long distances
in the aqueous medium surrounding the cells from which they are released. Therefore, endocannabinoids do
not typically function like hormones, which can affect cells throughout the body, but instead they act as local
(autocrine or paracrine) mediators. Activation of the cannabinoid receptors temporarily reduces the amount of
conventional neurotransmitter released, thereby controlling the incoming synaptic signal. The ultimate effect
of this process depends on the nature of the transmitter that is controlled, which itself depends on the function
of the tissue where the cannabinoid receptors are expressed. Simply said, endocannabinoids produced by a
certain neuron are modulators of the flow of other neurotransmitters produced by that same neuron.
Degradation is an important mechanism to regulate endocannabinoid activity, as the duration of endocannabinoid effect is dependent on the localization of the degrading enzymes.117 The degradation system involves
reuptake into the presynaptic cell, followed by rapid hydrolysis of the amide or ester bonds. How endocannabinoids move from the extracellular space to the interior of a cell for degradation remains unclear, but there is
indirect evidence for specific proteins facilitating the membrane transport.118 2-AG exhibits higher selectivity
and efficacy for CB1 and CB2 receptors than anandamide, which also interacts with noncannabinoid receptor
targets. Therefore, it is not surprising that the levels of the two compounds are regulated in different ways.
However, the main enzyme that inactivates both anandamide and 2-AG (and others) by hydrolysis is fatty acid
amide hydrolase (FAAH). It was isolated after the synthesis of inhibitors of endocannabinoid degradation,
which were then used for affinity chromatography purification of the degrading enzyme.119 2-AG is also
inactivated by monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL).
Interestingly, in Arabidopsis thaliana, a functional homologue of the mammalian FAAH has been cloned,120
and fatty acid ethanolamines with high homology to anandamide have been discovered in several plant
species.121 These findings provide support at the molecular level for a conserved mechanism between plants
and animals for the metabolism of N-acylethanolamines.
Cannabinoid pharmacokinetic research has been especially challenging because of low analyte concentrations
in serum, rapid and extensive metabolism, and physicochemical characteristics that hinder the separation of
drugs of interest from biological matrices, and from each other. Although many other administration forms have
been developed (see Section on administration forms), oral administration, often in the form of
synthetic THC (Marinol), has been most extensively studied.
Although the metabolic fate of THC is well known,27 not much has been reported on the other cannabinoids.
After oral administration, THC is almost completely absorbed (9095%); however, because of the first-pass
metabolism by the liver and high lipid solubility, 90% or more of orally administered THC never reaches the
sites of activity in the body in its native form.122,123 THC and its metabolites are extensively protein bound in
the blood (97%) and rapidly distributed to highly vascularized tissues and the brain. Serum concentrations
peak at approximately 0.54 h after oral dosing, and decline over several days. After oral administration, THC
has an onset of action of approximately 12 h and duration of psychoactive effects is 46 h after administration.
In humans, plasma THC concentration profiles are similar after smoking or intravenous administration, with
prompt onset and steady decline. Metabolism occurs mainly in the liver by microsomal hydroxylation, and
oxidation catalyzed by enzymes of the P-450 complex. Nearly 100 metabolites have been identified for THC
alone. Besides the liver, other tissues like the heart and lungs are also able to metabolize cannabinoids, albeit to a
lesser degree. The two major metabolites of THC are 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC) and 11-nor-9carboxy-THC (11-COOH-THC). 11-OH-THC is the most important psychotropic metabolite, being about
twice as psychoactive as THC, and it has a similar kinetic profile as the parent molecule.124 In contrast,
11-COOH-THC has no psychotropic activity. Most of the 11-COOH-THC is finally converted into its
glucuronide form, with a glucuronic acid moiety linked to the carboxylic group. This is the major form of
THC excreted into urine. When THC is inhaled through smoking or vaporizing, it avoids first-pass metabolism, and conversion into 11-OH-THC and further metabolites takes place much slower.124
Metabolism is the major route for the elimination of THC from the body. The elimination is biphasic; there
is a rapid distribution phase (initial half-life about 4 h), believed to be due to the highly lipophilic nature of the
drug and redistribution into lipid-rich tissues, and a terminal half-life of around 2530 h for THC and 11-OHTHC. Plasma half-life for 11-COOH-THC may be even as long as 2575 h.125,126
Only negligible amounts of THC are excreted in unchanged form; less than 5% of an oral dose is recovered
unchanged in the feces. Most of the absorbed dose (6580%) is excreted as metabolites in the feces and a lesser
amount in the urine (2035%). Among the metabolites, 11-COOH-THC is a major one identified in both urine
and feces, both in its native form and in the form of its glucuronide. Because of its large volume of distribution
(10 l kg1), THC and its metabolites may be excreted at low levels for prolonged periods of time. Following
single-dose administration, low levels of THC metabolites have been detected for more than 5 weeks in the
urine and feces.126
For the other cannabinoids, only the metabolism of CBD and CBN has been described to some extent.127 An
important aspect of CBD is that it inactivates certain types of cytochromes, which may be important because
serious drugdrug interactions may occur in the case that CBD is coadministered with drugs that are
metabolized mainly by the enzyme system containing these P-450 isozymes.128
So far, virtually nothing was reported on absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of the
major cannabinoid THCA. In a case study (unpublished data by the author), it was found that the oral
consumption of 30 mg pure THCA did not lead to psychotropic effects and no THC metabolites could be
detected in urine by a standardized GCMS detection method for THC. So, despite their structural similarity,
the metabolism of THCA seems to be quite distinct from THC.
Chemistry of Cannabis
There is a central problem in the discussion about making Cannabis or THC medicinally available: the curative
properties of Cannabis/THC are mediated mainly by the same receptors that cause its unwanted psychoactive
side effects. So, just as for other psychoactive drugs (e.g., morphine, benzodiazepines), the accepted medicinal
applications are limited. As a result, a major goal of cannabinoid research nowadays is to separate beneficial
from unwanted effects by means of medicinal chemistry, studying structureactivity relationships (SARs). The
same approach is also used to develop agonists or antagonists with a high selectivity for only one of the
cannabinoid receptors.
The absolute configuration of naturally occurring THC is trans-(6aR,10aR), resulting in a negative specific
rotation. The preparation of the cis-()-enantiomer of THC, and subsequent pharmacological comparison to
its natural counterpart, gave a decisive argument for the stereospecificity of the binding, and thereby reinforcing the cannabinoidreceptor interaction hypothesis. Since this discovery, cannabinoids have been extensively
studied to understand the relationships between their structure and affinity for the Cannabis receptors. For this
purpose, a very large number of synthetic cannabinomimetics have been made and systematically tested for
receptor binding on CB1 and CB2.
Large numbers of compounds have been studied for the SAR of both known CB receptors. But in addition to
CB1 and CB2 receptors, pharmacological studies have strongly suggested the existence of other cannabinoid
receptor subtypes,129 the most likely candidate being the vanilloid TRVR1 receptor (see Section This
essentially means that all available cannabinoids produced for SAR studies could be tested again for binding
affinity to this receptor. This may lead to new clues about the mechanism of action for certain bioactivities of
Classical cannabinoids and endocannabinoids are both agonists of the CB receptors, but because of the
different structural features of CB1 and CB2, their SAR is not entirely similar. The CB1 receptor has been
proposed to exists in two different conformational states; one where it is bound to the secondary system (by
G-proteins) and one in which it is uncoupled.130 Agonists of the CB1 receptor bind to the precoupled stage
activating the receptor, whereas antagonists bind to the receptor without activating it. Because antagonists
prevent endogenous cannabinoids from binding, activation is interrupted. Inverse agonists bind to the
uncoupled receptor, blocking it and avoiding precoupling of the receptor.
The SAR of classical cannabinoids and endocannabinoids has been studied intensively, and several reviews
have been published.131136 The major cannabinoids THC113 and delta-8-THC137 bind to the CB1 receptor
with moderate affinity and do not show specificity for either. CBN, however, does show a slight specificity for
the CB2 receptor.138 It should be noted that values published for CB-receptor affinity may be strongly
dependent on the type of tissue and animal species used in the study. Although rat CB1 is 97% homologous
with human CB1, critical differences do exist.139 Also, the type of agonist to be displaced has an influence on the
value of Ki reported. As a result, binding efficiencies reported in the literature often show a range of values. An
overview is presented by Pertwee,140 and a summary is presented in Table 2.
By introducing a large variety of chemical modifications, four pharmacophores have so far been identified
for the classical cannabinoids prototype. They are listed below. For chemical numbering of carbon positions,
see Figure 5.
435027 542
Administration Forms
Studies with Cannabis or Cannabis-based preparations have been performed with a large variety of administration forms, ranging from pulmonary (smoking and vaporizing), to sublingual, topical, and oral preparations
Chemistry of Cannabis
(tea, milk decoctions, and baked products). A common factor of all administration forms of (herbal) Cannabis is
a heating step, which is essential for the conversion of the acidic cannabinoids into their pharmacologically
more active neutral counterparts. Based on the administration form, many changes to the original profile of
compounds may occur by, for example, the extent of heating (decarboxylation of acidic cannabinoids), the type
of storage (e.g., tea is stored differently from Cannabis cigarettes), degradation, loss by evaporation (e.g.,
terpenoids), and metabolism. As a result, a different spectrum of compounds is finally entering the bloodstream,
and consequently a different type and duration of effects may be observed.
Smoking and oral administration are the two most commonly studied administration forms in clinical trials.
The few studies that have directly compared the two forms of THC delivery show smoking to be more effective
than oral administration.151153 Inhalation of THC avoids the first-pass effect but causes a rapid peak in blood
levels accompanied by a spike in psychoactivity. A dose of 25 mg of THC consumed through smoking reliably
produces blood concentrations above the effective level within a few minutes.154,155 As a result, Cannabis
smoking is a convenient method of administration, allowing self-titration of the desired effects. However,
inhalation of toxic compounds during Cannabis smoking poses a serious hazard. This risk is not thought to be
due to cannabinoids, but rather due to noxious pyrolytic by-products.156,157 Consequently, the shortcomings of
smoked Cannabis have been widely viewed as a major obstacle for the approval of crude (herbal) Cannabis as a
medicine by public health authorities.158 Nevertheless, inhaling is about equal to intravenous injection in
efficiency, while considerably more practical.159,160 Smoking Cannabis in the presence of tobacco can almost
double the release of THC into the smoke, compared to smoking pure Cannabis. The mechanism for this is
however still unclear.161
Cannabis vaporization or volatilization is a technique aimed at suppressing irritating respiratory toxins by
heating Cannabis to a temperature where active cannabinoid vapors are formed, but below the point of
combustion where pyrolytic toxic compounds are released. Vaporization offers patients who use medicinal
Cannabis the advantages of the pulmonary route of administration, that is, rapid delivery into the bloodstream,
ease of self-titration, and concomitant minimizing the risk of over- and underdosing, while avoiding the
respiratory disadvantages of smoking. A few studies have been performed in recent years showing that
vaporizing can be considered an efficient way of administration of Cannabis as well as pure cannabinoids,162
resulting in bioavailability of THC comparable to smoking.163
In contrast, despite its convenient use, oral THC is notoriously unreliable in its effects.164 Drawbacks of this
administration route include its large variability in bioavailability, and extensive first-pass metabolism. The
onset of effects is slow, precluding effective individual titration. In a study performed with orally administered
THC, 2 h after oral administration of 1015 mg, 84% of the subjects had no measurable level of THC in their
blood. After 6 h, 57% still had none.165
When Cannabis is consumed in the form of a decoction, it is often referred to as tea. Although Cannabis tea
is a relatively popular administration form for self-medication among medicinal users, virtually no standardized
studies have been performed with it. However, a recent study166 showed Cannabis tea to be a robust and
reproducible administration form for cannabinoids, with relatively high levels of acidic cannabinoids present.
As a result of the factors described above, the choice of administration form can have a major influence on
the observed biological effects. For example, early studies indicated that oral doses of THC were no more
effective for pain than codeine, and produced a significant amount of dysphoric effects.167,168 Thus, it was
believed that THC could only produce analgesia at doses that were high enough to cause behavioral side
effects, and therefore was dropped as potential analgesic.169 However, when using the parenteral or systemic
route, THC and a range of cannabinomimetics have demonstrated potent analgesic effects up to 10 times that of
morphine in animal models of acute and neuropathic pain.170173
discussed in more detail in Section However, it is now becoming increasingly clear that the acidic
cannabinoids may have biological activities of their own, and should not be merely considered as precursors of
the active, neutral cannabinoids.
It would be impossible here to give a comprehensive overview of all described bioactivities of the
cannabinoids, in particular for THC. However, they have been well reviewed in a number of papers and
books.27,174,175 Only the most important or remarkable biological activities will be discussed here, whereas their
clinical implications will be described in more detail in Section of this chapter.
THC is the pharmacologically and toxicologically most relevant constituent found in the Cannabis plant,
producing a myriad of effects in animals and humans. A frequently used way to review the biological effects of
THC is by distinguishing central from peripheral effects, reflecting the classical physiological distribution of
the cannabinoid-binding receptors CB1 (the central receptor) and CB2 (the peripheral receptor), as discussed
in Section However, the exact mechanism of action of cannabinoids is not exactly clear, as CB1
receptors are increasingly found outside the CNS,96 whereas CB2 receptors are now known to be present in the
nervous system, for example, in rat microglial cells and other brain-associated cells during inflammation.176
In a toxicological sense, the CB1-mediated central effects of THC are most important, because they are
directly related to the psychological effects of Cannabis use. The most conspicuous psychological effects of
THC in humans have been divided into four groups:177 affective, sensory, somatic, and cognitive. In fact, most
documented cannabinoid effects are mediated by the central cannabinoid receptor, and the behavioral effects
caused by Cannabis or THC are generally consistent with the anatomical distribution of the cannabinoid
receptors, in particular CB1 in the brain. However, neuroprotective properties in ischemia and hypoxia are
examples of some known receptor-independent actions of THC and other cannabinoids. Furthermore, both
THC (CB1- and CB2-binding) and CBD (nonbinding) potentiate the extinction of conditioned incentive
learning, indicating that screening of receptor binding does not necessarily show the potential of
The best-established palliative effect of THC is the inhibition of chemotherapy-induced nausea and
vomiting, mainly in cancer patients. Today, oral capsules containing dronabinol (Marinol) or its synthetic
analogue nabilone (Cesamet) are approved for this purpose (see Section Also, herbal Cannabis has
been shown to reduce nausea in the majority of users, when ingested or inhaled. The effect of THC on nausea
and vomiting has been confirmed in clinical trials.179,180 It is however unclear how Cannabis or THC compares
to the more recently developed, and very efficient serotonin (5HT3) receptor antagonists for the treatment of
nausea. Other potential palliative effects of THC in cancer patients include appetite stimulation and pain
THC increases the metabolic rate in the brains of animals and humans,181 and it decreases body temperature, but only at high doses. The increase in heart rate observed after THC administration is clearly dosedependent and closely associated with THC plasma concentrations. As a result, cardiovascular problems are
generally considered a contraindication for the medicinal use of Cannabis or THC. The results of a welldesigned clinical trial using inhaled THC suggest that the increase in heart rate is not mediated by brainstem
centers but is established by a direct effect of THC on the heart.124 In the same study a wide array of CNS and
non-CNS parameters were monitored after administration. THC had clear dose-dependent effects on postural
stability, and body sway was found to be a very reliable indicator of THC blood levels. The high densities of
CB1 receptors found in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, amygdala, and forebrain may explain these observations.
In particular in inexperienced users, THC can induce unpleasant effects including anxiety, panic, and
paranoia. There are suggestions that in a small number of cases THC is capable of precipitating psychosis,
involving delusions and hallucination.182 If these disorders exist they seem to be rare, because they most likely
require very high doses of THC, the prolonged use of highly potent forms of Cannabis, or a preexisting genetic
vulnerability.183 The causal link between Cannabis use and the development of psychosis has not been
definitely proven, because of the large amount of parameters to be considered. However, there is enough
reason to be precautious and communicate these suspicions in a fair and balanced way. Although the
Chemistry of Cannabis
psychological effects caused by THC or Cannabis are a major drawback in their medical applications, many
physical effects are already achieved below the threshold of psychological effects.
The effect that THC decreases intraocular pressure and improves blood circulation in the eye was found
serendipitously as part of a study that tried to find easy physiological markers to screen drivers for driving
under the influence of drugs. As a result, a variety of studies have targeted THC and other cannabinoids as
potential new drugs in the treatment of glaucoma, the leading cause of irreversible blindness. The neuroprotective properties of THC may also be useful in this respect, leading to a dual effect in the protection of the
retina and optic nerve.184
Anticonvulsant effects have been described for psychotropic as well as nonpsychotropic cannabinoids,
including THC, CBD, CBN, 11-OH-THC, and delta-8-THC. THC relaxes muscles and has hypokinetic
and anticonvulsant effects. This is one of the major reasons why THC is studied as a treatment for multiple
sclerosis, and it may also have significance in epilepsy.
THC exerts an atropine-like effect on salivary secretion resulting in dry mouth. It also causes bronchodilation, comparable to the standard drug salbutamol.185 This indicates that there is a potential for THC-like
substances to treat asthma. However, no recent studies have been performed in this field.
Receptors of the CB2 type are present on white blood cells and affect the immune system, which may be a
reason why Cannabis is often used as self-medication by immunocompromised individuals. THC is now
considered an immunomodulator, capable of either enhancing or suppressing the function of a range of immune
cells. These effects may be modulated by other constituents present in Cannabis.186 Many described antiinflammatory effects of THC and other cannabinoids are probably mediated by complex interactions with the
immune system.
In early studies, THC was suggested to be mutagenic or carcinogenic. But in fact, an increasing number of
studies are showing its anticancer properties.187 Currently, there is convincing evidence that THC may play a
role in the treatment of several types of cancer. In addition to apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation, THC
might exert its antitumor effects by inhibiting tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. However, there is some
controversy here: although THC has antiproliferative effect in tumors expressing cannabinoid receptors, those
with low or no expression suffer increased growth and metastasis due to THC-induced suppression of the
antitumor immune response.188 More research is needed to clearly identify the therapeutic role of THC in
cancer treatment.
A promising recent discovery is that THC relaxes the colon and reduces the colonic motility and tone after a
meal.189 This points out the potential for CB receptors to modulate colonic motor function in intestinal disease
such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohns disease.
An important aspect of the evaluation of THC effects is that it may have a biphasic effect, causing opposite
effects at high versus low concentrations. For example, in hefty doses, THC may protect the brain against
various types of damage, whereas in tiny doses, potentially adverse effects would come through.190 The
potentially adverse doses would be much lower than those normally obtained from smoking a joint.
However, a large dose inevitably becomes a small one as the body slowly clears it out. This may explain the
many conflicting results obtained in clinical studies on THC and Cannabis: many studies use low concentrations of THC to prevent possible psychological effects in test subjects. Inadvertently, these low doses may cause
exactly those adverse effects the study tries to prevent.190
CBD is, together with CBG, the major nonpsychotropic cannabinoid found in Cannabis. It is the principal
cannabinoid present in fiber-type Cannabis (in the form of its carboxylic acid CBDA), a plant that is easily
available to researchers, in contrast to the strictly controlled drug-type Cannabis varieties. Second to THC, the
pharmacological effects of CBD have been best studied of all cannabinoids. It has powerful antioxidant
properties, more potent than ascorbate and -tocopherol. Also, it has notable anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.191 Furthermore, sedating, hypnotic, antiepileptic, and antidystonic effects have been
described. Also, CBD is a modulator of some types of opioid receptors,192 and can modulate sleep in rats.193
CBD was found to have antianxiety effects.194 In a clinical trial, oral administration of 400 mg of CBD
resulted in decreased anxiety and increased mental sedation in test subjects.195 It was concluded that CBD
possesses anxiolytic properties, possibly mediated by an action on limbic and paralimbic brain areas, where it
reduced regional cerebral blood flow. These anxiolytic properties might prove useful in psychiatry. Possibly
the most significant conclusion of this study is that a dose as high as 400 mg of CBD had no adverse effects. CBD
was furthermore found to have antipsychotic benefits.196
A prominent effect of CBD was found in a variety of cancer studies. In a mouse model of metastatic breast
cancer, CBD reduced the aggressiveness of breast cancer cells, by inhibiting a crucial protein for cancer
development.197 The study concluded that CBD represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can
significantly inhibit metastatic breast cancer cells leading to the downregulation of tumor aggressiveness.
Currently, there is a limited range of options in treating certain aggressive forms of cancer. CBD offers the
hope of a nontoxic therapy that could achieve significant results without any of the painful side effects
associated with standard therapy. Both in vitro and in vivo CBD were able to produce a significant antitumor
activity on glioma cells. This antiproliferative effect of CBD was shown to be correlated to induction of
apoptosis, which suggests a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent. Effects were partially
prevented by a (nonpsychoactive) CB2 receptor antagonist, suggesting a role for CB2 in cancer treatment.198
In another study performed on a panel of tumor cell lines with a variety of plant-derived cannabinoids, CBD
was the most potent inhibitor of cancer cell growth, with significantly lower potency in noncancer cells. A
CBD-rich Cannabis extract was equipotent to CBD, whereas CBG and CBC followed in the rank of potency.199
It was suggested that the observed effect was due to the capability of CBD to induce apoptosis through
cannabinoid receptors, or cannabinoid/vanilloid receptor-independent elevation of intracellular Ca2 and
reactive oxygen species. These data support the further testing of CBD and CBD-rich extracts for the potential
treatment of cancer.
In many Cannabis varieties CBD is present in significant amounts.200 However, only since a few years there
is serious attention for THCCBD interaction and this is mostly in studies on multiple sclerosis. Earlier studies
focusing on the effect of THC alone have generally shown the use of Cannabis to be ineffective in many disease
models, and such negative results unfortunately helped to shape the controversy in the discussion on the moral
and ethical sides of Cannabis use in multiple sclerosis and other diseases.201 It is known that CBD inhibits the
metabolism of THC, by blocking its conversion to the more psychoactive 11-OH-THC by cytochrome P-450
(CYP) 3A11.202 Possibly this is the reason why CBD is known to antagonize the psychotropic effects of THC.203
Even though higher doses of THC are capable of inducing psychotic problems in some users, CBD seems to
have an antipsychotic effect, its presence balancing the negative impact of THC consumption.26 This property
of CBD is exploited in the Cannabis-based medicine Sativex (discussed in Section
Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol(Delta-8-THC) is a positional isomer of delta-9-THC with a similar pharmacological profile and slightly lower psychoactive potency. Even though delta-8-THC has been very important for
SAR studies on the classical cannabinoids, not many bioactivity studies have been done with the pure compound.
It is probably not produced by plant metabolism, but rather it is an artifact caused by the degradation of THC
(Section In very low concentrations (0.001 mg kg1 in mice, intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection), it increased
food consumption, more than THC, whereas performance and activity of the animals were similar.204 This low dose
is equivalent to about 0.1 mg for an average human, an amount that could easily be formed by degradation of THC
during the smoking of Cannabis (or be already present in aged plant material). Consequently, it could, at least
partially, be responsible for the munchies, a popular name for Cannabis-induced increase in appetite.
In a rat study, it was found that behavioral suppression by delta-8-THC was mediated by activation of the
arachidonic acid cascade through the CB1 receptor.205 This may be a useful model to study the amotivational
syndrome in humans.
CBG is one of the major cannabinoids found in most Cannabis varieties. It has shown relevant antibiotic
effects,206 and could decrease intraocular pressure.207 CBG has been called inactive when compared to THC,
but it has slight affinity for CB1 receptors, approximately equal to that of CBD.90 Like CBD, it has analgesic and
Chemistry of Cannabis
anti-inflammatory properties, indicating that there is scope for developing cannabinoid drugs that do not have
the psychoactive properties of THC.208 In one study,209 CBG was evaluated for antitumor efficacy against
mouse skin melanoma cells and showed a significant in vivo activity using an methylthiazoltetrazolium
(MTT)-based cell viability assay.
Of several cannabinoids tested, CBG had the strongest potency to inhibit platelet aggregation.210 However,
in recent years no further studies have been reported on the biological activities of CBG.
In 1940, CBN was the first cannabinoid to be isolated and purified from Cannabis. Although CBN is not
produced by the metabolism of the plant, it is easily formed from THC by degradation during drying, storing,
and consumption (heating) of Cannabis products. As a result, it may play a significant role in several effects
attributed to Cannabis consumption. It is a very weakly psychotropic cannabinoid, whose effect is only
measurable after intravenous administration. CBN has significant anticonvulsant, sedative, and other pharmacological activities likely to interact with the effects of THC.211 It was shown to decrease heart rate without
affecting coronary blood flow,212 to decrease intestinal motility,213 and to inhibit platelet aggregation.204
Furthermore, CBN is a downregulator of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells
(NF-B), thereby counteracting the effects of THC, which increases NF-B.214
This cannabinoid has hardly been studied at all. However, in most Cannabis varieties analyzed, CBC (in the
form of CBCA) can be detected in significant amounts. CBC was shown to have sedative effects. By itself it has
only a low analgesic effect in mice, but it increased the analgesic action of THC when administered together.215
A Cannabis extract rich in CBC altered behavioral despair on the mouse tail suspension test of depression.216
Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is structurally similar to THC, except for a shortened side chain; it has a
propyl (C3) side chain instead of a pentyl (C5), and for a long time it was thought to be a slightly less potent
little brother of THC, exhibiting similar properties. However, quite unexpectedly, there is evidence that
THCV is a CB1 and CB2 receptor antagonist.144 Although the mechanism of action is not yet fully understood,
a very recent study suggest that THCV, alongside standard CB1 receptor antagonists, has therapeutic potential
to combat diseases involving cerebellar dysfunction and hyperexcitability, such as epilepsy.217
Isolated in 1955, CBDA was the first discovered cannabinoid acid, whereas CBCA was isolated from Cannabis in
1968.218 Up to date, only sporadic reports have been made on CBCA or CBDA, and rarely have the pure compounds
been used for the evaluation of biological activity. As an exception to this rule, pure CBDA was found to display a
potent antimicrobial effect.219 In a study examining the composition of hemp seed oil and its potential as an important
source of nutrition, it was observed that extracts containing higher concentrations of CBDA displayed more
pronounced antimicrobial activity.220 Because it is now known that seeds do not produce cannabinoids, the observed
levels of CBDA must have resulted from external contamination of seeds by the hemp flowers surrounding it.
Not much is known about the biological effects or human metabolism of the acidic cannabinoids, but older
studies at least indicate that the most common acidic cannabinoid, THCA, is not psychoactive in monkeys.221
CB-receptor-binding assays indicate that the acidic cannabinoids, as well as their esters, are not binding. In the
more potent varieties of Cannabis, THCA may be present in levels up to more than 20% of dry weight.
However, a quantified, highly pure standard of THCA, as needed for analytical research as well as studies on
biological effects, has not been available until recent years.222 As a result, the potential value of THCA as an
immunomodulating agent has only been discovered very recently.71 Further studies on the biological activities
of THCA, and on clinical formulation of this compound, are currently under way.
The acidic cannabinoids are biosynthesized by specialized trichomes, and stored extracellularly, which may
indicate that they are cytotoxic. Therefore, the toxicity of CBGA and THCA, in suspension-cultured Cannabis
cells and tobacco BY-2 cells, was compared with that of OA, the phenolic moiety in cannabinoids.35 In 10-dayold suspension-cultured cells of C. sativa, 24-h treatment with CBGA and THCA at 50 mmol l1 caused 100%
cell death as demonstrated by trypan blue staining, whereas OA did not have any effect on the cells. The same
study also showed that both CBGA and THCA induced apoptosis not only in plant cells but also in insect
(Spodoptera frugiperda, Sf9) cells, suggesting that cannabinoids may act as plant defense compounds. Since
cannabinoid-producing glandular trichomes are distributed in physically fragile young tissues of the
Cannabis plant, THCA and CBGA, and possibly other acidic cannabinoids, would protect these tissues from
predators such as insects. This was the first report suggesting the physiological importance of THCA and
CBGA as apoptosis-inducing defense compounds.
In a later study, it was observed that besides THCA, CBCA also has the ability to induce necrotic cell death
through mitochondrial dysfunction in the leaf cells of the Cannabis plant itself.223
Terpenoids make up a large percentage of the essential oil of C. sativa L. To date, more than 120 terpenoids
have been found in Cannabis, including 58 monoterpenoids, 38 sesquiterpenoids, 1 diterpenoid, 2 triterpenoids,
and 4 other terpenoids. Two excellent reviews have been published summarizing these compounds and how
they were identified.4,33 Terpenoids display a wide range of biological activities and hence may play a role in
some of the pharmacological effects of various Cannabis preparations.
Although cannabinoids are odorless, the volatile monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids are the compounds
that give Cannabis its distinct smell. The sesquiterpenoid -caryophyllene-epoxide (Figure 11), for example, is
the main compound that search dogs are trained to recognize.229 Only one unusual terpenoid can be found in
Chemistry of Cannabis
Cannabis: the monoterpenoid m-mentha-1,8(9)-dien-5-ol. All others can be found ubiquitously in nature. For
this reason the terpenoids of Cannabis did not receive much scientific interest, until it was found that the
terpenoid profile of Cannabis products can help in determining the origin of Cannabis in custom seizures.230
Known properties
have significant sedative effects, as indicated by decreased activity in a mice motility model after the inhalation
of these compounds.234 Limonene is a common component of Cannabis essential oil,231 and it was shown to
have a strong antidepressant effect by inhibiting the secretion of hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal (HPA) stress
hormones and normalization of CD4:CD8 ratios.235 Limonene is also under investigation as an antimutagenic
compound because of its multiple anticarcinogensis mechanisms. These effects may reduce some of carcinogenic effects of compounds present in Cannabis smoke.224
Cannabis and Cannabis extracts are used in pain relief.175 Although many of the pain-relieving properties of
Cannabis have been attributed to cannabinoids, terpenoids present in Cannabis may also exhibit pain-relieving
effects. One of the most abundant terpenoids in Cannabis is -myrcene,231 which exhibits a potent analgesic
effect as well as anti-inflammatory effect.236,237 Other terpenoids present in Cannabis, such as carvacrol, exhibit
a potent anti-inflammatory effect, even greater than that of THC.238
Cannabis extracts are known to effect bloodbrain barrier (BBB) permeability,239 thereby potentially
altering the pharmacokinetics of THC and other cannabinoids. Since terpenoids are well known to interact
with lipid membranes, they may be responsible for this observed activity. Terpenoids have also been shown to
increase cerebral blood flow,240 which may enhance cognitive brain functions in a way similar to ginkgolides in
Ginkgo biloba.224
Terpenoids known to be present in Cannabis have a variety of effects, including antibacterial, antifungal,
antiviral, and antimalarial activity. Besides the general health-promoting effect of these antimicrobial activities,
they may also be important in reducing the dangers of recreational smoking of herbal Cannabis contaminated
with microbial organisms.224 A number of studies have investigated the antimicrobial effects of Cannabis
essential oil.241 One conclusion was that terpenoids from hash oil (obtained from drug cultivars of Cannabis,
high in THC content) displayed an antimicrobial effect that was greater than essential oil derived from fiber
Finally, terpenoids present in Cannabis may play an important role in the chemical ecology of the plant. For
example, they have been shown to be involved in the pesticidal properties of the Cannabis plant.224 Terpenoids
have been detected in the pollen of male Cannabis plants, which may play an important role in either attracting
organisms involved in pollination or in repelling harmful organisms.243
In total, 23 flavonoids have been reported from Cannabis.31 Some bioactivity studies have been performed on
flavonoids from Cannabis, although not nearly as much as on the cannabinoids or terpenoids. Much has been
speculated about the role of these compounds in the therapeutic effect of Cannabis. They are often believed to
synergistically enhance some beneficial effects, or reduce unwanted side effects of cannabinoids when Cannabis
is taken in a crude form. Much remains to be learnt about these flavonoids, related to their effect not only on
consumers of Cannabis but also on their role in the plant, and how various factors affect their biosynthesis and
distribution in the plant.
Chemistry of Cannabis
Flavonoids have been extracted from the leaves,244,245 flowers,83 pollen,246 and stems247 of the plant. The
aglycones or conjugated O-glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin, apigenin, and luteolin have been found, as well
as the C-glycosides of vitexin, isovitexin, orientin, and their O-glycosides.4,62 Two flavonoids are so far unique
to the Cannabis plant; these are the prenylated flavonoids called cannflavin A and cannflavin B, as shown in
Figure 12.244,248
In older studies, flavonoid glycosides were hydrolyzed with acid to yield aglycones, before identification.
These were characterized with UV spectral properties and behavior in various chromatographic systems.247,249
The result is that for the glycosides, the exact number and linkage positions of the sugar moieties are mostly not
known.4 In a few later studies, additional spectroscopic techniques were used to determine the structures of
these flavonoids more precisely.246,250
lens aldose reductase enzyme assay, and found to have inhibitory properties against this enzyme, that is
implicated in the pathogenesis of cataracts in humans with diabetes and galactosemia.
In a recent review of the chemistry and pharmacology of marijuana smoke,264 no mention is made of
flavonoids in Cannabis smoke. Nevertheless, it is likely that some flavonoids are present in Cannabis smoke.
Most authors cite the work of Sauer et al.265 who assumed that the estrogenic effect of marijuana smoke
condensate was due to the presence of apigenin. Lee et al.266 also tested marijuana smoke condensate for
estrogenic effects, and went further by fractionating it to find out which components were responsible for the
observed effect. They identified phenol and one phenolic derivative in the active fraction, but no flavonoids
were found.
Therapeutic potential
Flavonoids may be important for the overall therapeutic effect of THC and the other cannabinoids by either
synergistically enhancing them or reducing their side effects.224 Flavonoids may counteract some unwanted
effects caused by THC, such as the upregulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-).267 Flavonoids are
particularly adept at inhibiting CYP monooxygenase enzymes, thereby potentially altering the pharmacokinetics of THC, which is converted into 11-OH-THC by the same enzymes. Such CYP-suppressing flavonoids
may therefore act as chemoprotective agents by blocking the conversion of procarcinogens such as benzo[]pyrene and aflatoxin B1, two harmful agents potentially found in Cannabis smoke, as a result of
contamination of herbal Cannabis with molds.
Some flavonoids isolated from Cannabis have been tested for pharmacological effects. Cannflavins A and B
were found to inhibit prostaglandin E2 in human rheumatoid synovial cells. Cannflavin A did so with 30 times
more potency than aspirin.244 Cannflavin A inhibited cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase enzymes and
thus had anti-inflammatory properties.268 It is perhaps not surprising that these compounds show strong
biological activities, because substitution with a prenyl group increases lipophilicity of flavonoids and give
the molecules strong affinity for biological membranes.269 Prenylated flavonoids are attracting increasing
attention from the scientific community because of their potent antioxidant and anticancer effects, and their
potential for treating menopausal problems.270 Therefore, it is possible that the cannflavins will be shown to
possess more biological properties in the future.
Clinical studies on flavonoids have shown that often very little unchanged aglycone is present in human
plasma, but that conjugated metabolites such as glucuronic acid conjugates are present at high concentrations.271 The bioactive forms in vivo may thus not be the naturally occurring phytochemical forms but rather
their metabolites derived from them after absorption in the body.272 The uptake of flavonoids and their in vivo
metabolites are also different for different cell types. Consequently, the concept of oral bioavailability and
activity of dietary flavonoids is clearly a complex topic. Nonetheless, it is possible that flavonoids in Cannabis
taken orally have potential beneficial effects.
Hemp Oil
When Cannabis is cultivated for the production of fiber or seeds, only specially selected varieties with a very
low THC content are legally allowed to be used. In that case, it is usual to use the term hemp instead of
Cannabis (see Section In recent years, scientific knowledge on the composition and benefits of hemp
oil has increased significantly. The oil of Cannabis seeds has been promoted as a good source of the healthy
polyunsaturated fatty acids, and may be considered a sustainable alternative to fish oil. It is widely used in body
care products, lubricants, paints, and for other industrial uses, while its antimicrobial properties and emollient
effect make it a useful ingredient for soaps, shampoos, and detergents.
Hemp oil is obtained from mature hemp seeds, grown outdoors.273 After harvest, the seed is dried to reduce
its moisture content, which also prevents sprouting during storage. Hemp seed contains about 3035% oil by
weight.273,274 Because hemp oil is considered to be a relatively unstable product, it is not extracted by means of
steam or organic solvents, but mainly by cold-pressing methods. Cold-pressed, unrefined hemp oil is light
green, with a nutty, grassy flavor, whereas refined hemp oil is clear with little flavor. Chlorophyll and the
carotenoid pigments found in mature seeds provide the natural dark green color to the oil.
Chemistry of Cannabis
Therapeutic potential
Many edible oils (e.g., hemp, sunflower, soybean, pumpkin, and canola) contain significant amounts of the
health-promoting omega-6 fatty acid LA. However, only some of these oils simultaneously provide significant
amounts of the omega-3 ALA (Figure 13). It is important to notice that only hemp oil provides a ratio of LA
to ALA close to 3:1, which is suggested as optimal for human nutrition.273,280,281 Furthermore, hemp oil
contains GLA and SDA. No other edible plant oil has these nutritional advantages.
Figure 13 Typical fatty acid composition of vegetable oils. Reproduced with permission from G. Leson; P. Pless; J. Roulac,
Hemp Foods and Oils for Health; Hemptech: Sebastopol, CA, 1999.
The unbalanced intake of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is associated with many chronic diseases such as
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and
depression.282 The average Western diet provides a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 of about 15:1. An increased
intake of omega-3 fatty acids, through their eicosanoid metabolites, has been shown to result in lower blood
pressure and blood cholesterol levels, playing an important role in the prevention and treatment of coronary
artery disease, cancer, and hypertension. Moreover, it helps normalize fat metabolism and decreases insulin
dependence in diabetics. Omega-3 fatty acids also increase overall metabolic rate and membrane fluidity, and
exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, specifically with regard to relieving arthritis.281,283
Nutritionists suggest that daily requirements should range from 9 to 18 g of LA and 6 to 7 g of ALA, which
would be equivalent to the consumption of three to five tablespoons of hemp oil. However, individuals who
consume a diet high in saturated fatty acids or trans-fatty acids will require more, as well as people who are
overweight or under great stress.220,281
Besides the major classes of compounds described above, some other classes are worth mentioning as well. They
will be described shortly in the following sections. An excellent review of the functions, occurrence, and
biosynthetic pathways for the production of these minor components of C. sativa has been given by FloresSanchez and Verpoorte.60
Chemistry of Cannabis
Some studies suggest pharmacological activities of smoke condensate and aqueous or crude extracts containing
Cannabis alkaloids.289,290
Noncannabinoid phenols
Twenty-five noncannabinoid (and nonflavonoid) phenols were identified in Cannabis. These include simple
phenols such as eugenol and related phenols, dihydrostilbenes or bibenzyl compounds (e.g., canniprene), and
dihydrophenanthrenes and spiro-indans (e.g., Cannabispiran, Cannabispirenone). The dihydrostilbenes and
spiroindans are closely related, and they possibly have the same biosynthetic origin. Several spiroindans have
only been found in Cannabis.291
Only recently, the phenanthraquinone denbinobin (Figure 15) was identified in Cannabis extracts. First
isolated from Ephemerantha lonchophylla, this compound inhibits NF-B and causes apoptosis in human leukemic
cells through reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, in a concentration-dependent manner, it induces apoptosis
in human leukemic cells through Akt inactivation, Bad activation, and mitochondrial dysfunction.292
Nineteen stilbenoids have been identified in Cannabis.4,33 They have been isolated from stem, leaves, and
resin.60 Studies have reported antibacterial activity for certain Cannabis stilbenoids.293 It has been suggested
that their biosynthesis could have a common origin, with dihydroresveratrol as a central intermediate.60
However, no comprehensive reports about the biosynthesis of spirans or about the regulation of the stilbenoid
pathway in Cannabis currently exist.
The structures of the lignanamides and phenolic amides from Cannabis suggest condensation and polymerization reactions in their biosynthesis starting from the precursors tyramine and CoA-esters of coumaric,
caffeic, and coniferic acids. However, it has also been suggested that these lignanamides could be isolation
artifacts.295,296 Further biosynthesis studies are necessary to elucidate their origin.
The therapeutic potential of cannabinoids can be clarified by pointing out the central physiological importance
of the endocannabinoid system, as described in Section 3.24.3. The cannabinoid system is involved in a wide
range of physiological functions and might be related to a general stressrecovery system. One yet unproven
but intriguing idea is that endocannabinoids may set the analgesic tone of the body, with the level of their
production acting as a kind of pain thermostat.305 It is likely that such a system relies on the combined activities
of a range of compounds. Strategies to modulate endocannabinoid activity include inhibition of reuptake into
Chemistry of Cannabis
cells and inhibition of their degradation to increase concentration and duration of action. The effect of
cannabinoids or synthetic cannabinomimetics interacting with such an endocannabinoid system could be on
multiple levels, other than receptor binding alone. Some of such interactions have already been described.305
Cannabinoids make up a significant group of compounds with diverse properties, and even based on the
limited data available it may be expected that at least several of them have therapeutic potential. Most known
cannabinoids have been tested to describe their relative (psychoactive) potency in comparison to THC, either
in receptor-binding assays or in THC-specific assays. However, testing non-THC cannabinoids as serious
candidates for new leads can sometimes lead to completely counterintuitive results, as shown in the case of
THCV; although its psychoactive potency is roughly similar to THC (about 75%)4,306, later in vivo testing
surprisingly showed that THCV should rather be considered an antagonist of THC activity.144
An exciting notion is that cannabinoids, and possibly also noncannabinoids present in the plant, may exert
their effect independent of cannabinoid receptors altogether. In this respect, most studies are focused on the
interaction between the cannabinoid and the opioid system. It is becoming increasingly clear that cross talk
between the cannabinoid and the opioid system exists,85 but our understanding of this field is only just
beginning, as discussed in more detail in Section
An increasing number of pharmaceutical companies start to pick up the idea of cannabinoids or their
antagonists as therapeutic drugs. At present a number of preparations based on the biological activities of the
cannabinoids are available, but not all of these have been fully registered as drugs. Most preparations are pure
compounds based on the pharmacological actions of THC. The major ones are shown in Figure 16.
The most commonly prescribed cannabinoid-based medicines are Marinol (synthetic THC in sesame oil,
Solvay Pharmaceuticals) and Cesamet (nabilone, Valeant Pharmaceuticals International). They are registered
for the indication of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy. Marinol is also approved for
anorexia and cachexia in HIV/AIDS. The patent on Marinol will expire in 2011, opening the way for the
development of generic preparations of synthetic, as well as naturally derived THC.
Although there are clear indications that some pharmacological effects may vary according to the fact if a
cannabinoid is taken alone, or in combination with other cannabinoids, not much work has been done on the
Figure 16 The structures of several cannabinoid receptor agonists currently in clinical use or under development.
activities of combined cannabinoids. However, there is a major exception: Sativex (GW Pharmaceuticals, UK)
is a sublingual spray based on a mixture of two distinct standardized Cannabis extracts. The final preparation
contains equal amounts of THC and CBD. The presence of CBD is thought to reduce the metabolism of THC
by cytochromes in the liver, thereby increasing the half-life of THC in the blood. Because of the use of whole
extracts, nonstandardized amounts of ballast components are also present, such as minor cannabinoids and
terpenoids.307 Sativex is currently registered only in Canada, but registration is pending in several European
Cannador (European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Germany) is an oral capsule
containing a Cannabis extract, with a ratio of THC:CBD that does not appear to be fully standardized.
Although it has been used in several clinical trials, it has not yet been registered as a drug. It has been clinically
tested for the reduction of tremor in multiple sclerosis,308 and postoperative pain management.70
Rimonabant (Acomplia, by Sanofi-Aventis) was the first selective CB1 receptor blocker to be approved for
use anywhere in the world.309 It is an inverse agonist for the cannabinoid receptor CB1, intended as a new
prescription antiobesity drug. It was released in the form of a tablet under the name Acomplia, but has very
recently been pulled off the market out of concern over its depressive side effects. Many other pharmaceutical
companies were working on similar CB1 agonists (e.g., Taranabant by Merck & Co, and SR141716 by Eli Lilly),
but most have discontinued their work after the withdrawal of Rimonabant.
AJA (also known as CT-3, developed by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA)310 is a synthetic analogue of the human THC metabolite 11-carboxy-THC (see
Section Although the mechanism of AJA action remains largely unknown, it has potent analgesic
and anti-inflammatory activity,311 without the psychotropic action of THC. Psychoactive effects may be
limited as a result of reduced crossing of the BBB, and greater activity at peripheral rather than central
cannabinoid receptors.312 A major advantage of AJA is that, unlike the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), it is not ulcerogenic at therapeutic doses. It has been studied in clinical trials for chronic neuropathic
Dexanabinol (also known as HU-211, developed at The Hebrew University, School of Pharmacy, Jerusalem,
Israel) is a dihydroxylated synthetic cannabinoid resembling THC that is devoid of cannabimimetic effects and
does not bind to cannabinoid receptors.314 The neuroprotective effect of dexanabinol is related to its unique
capacity to act as a noncompetitive antagonist of the NMDA receptor, to block COX-2 enzymes, and to prevent
inflammation by inhibiting secretion of TNF and other inflammatory cytokines in the CNS.315 Dexanabinol
may be useful in the treatment of traumatic brain injury.316
Extensive information about Cannabis as a medicament goes beyond the possibilities of this chapter and the
readers are referred to several comprehensive books27,317 and recent reviews69,131,307 on this subject. However,
some major developments will be briefly discussed here. The following sections discuss some suggested targets
for further development of Cannabis compounds as a drug.
Cannabinoids, as found naturally occurring in the plant, provide the pharmaceutical developer with a
variety of challenges, including low water solubility, variable bioavailability, and psychoactive side effects. As a
result, current research on synthetic cannabinoids focuses mainly on new chemical entities (NCEs) that can
agonize or antagonize one of the CB receptors specifically, or that can affect the endocannabinoid system
otherwise (e.g., FAAH inhibitors). Possible fields of application include obesity, anorexia, and neuroprotection.
Some of these molecules have proven to be powerful agonists. But although they are extremely useful for
nonclinical studies to uncover the functions of the endocannabinoid system, they may be too psychoactive to be
used in human subjects.
Chemistry of Cannabis
binding. Several examples illustrate the difficulties in handling the high lipophilicity of cannabinoids; the
synthetic cannabinoid dexanabinol was evaluated in phase I clinical trial by intravenous (i.v.) infusion in
cremophorethanol vehicle diluted with saline, whereas Sativex is a sublingual spray containing ethanol and
propylene glycol as solubilizers.320 A possible way to handle this obstacle is the creation of water-soluble
prodrugs. Examples are glycinates and salts of amino acid esters containing tertiary and quaternary heterocyclic
N-atoms.321 Also, the use of cyclodextrins as solubilizers seems to be feasible.322
Legal Aspects
Starting from 1954, the World Health Organization (WHO) has claimed that Cannabis and its preparations no
longer serve any useful medical purpose and are therefore essentially obsolete. Up to that moment, Cannabis
legislation had been based on a large number of conventions, causing considerable confusion in the execution of
treaties. Under pressure of increasing reports that Cannabis was a drug dangerous to society, it was proposed to
combine all in single convention, the draft of which was finally accepted by the United Nations in 1961. In the
following years, several complementary treaties were made to strengthen it. Under the Single Convention on
Narcotic Drugs, Cannabis and its products were defined as dangerous narcotics with a high potential for abuse
and no accepted medicinal value. It reflected the belief that Cannabis was a dangerous narcotic with a threat
that was equal to the most dangerous opiates, as it was strongly believed that Cannabis use could serve as
stepping stone to the use of such drugs. Since the Single Convention, the potential danger of Cannabis abuse by
recreational users has been much higher on the political agenda than any of its benefits as a source for fiber,
food, or medicines. The distinction between medicinal and recreational use is thereby made only in a few
It can be observed that new scientific insights on Cannabis are only slowly and reluctantly incorporated into
new legislation. However, in recent years a large variety of scientific and clinical data has become available,
Chemistry of Cannabis
further showing the physiological effects of cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system. And in several
Western countries important obstacles for a real acceptance of medicinal Cannabis have already been
addressed, as serious steps are taken toward decriminalization of Cannabis use or even providing medicinal
Cannabis products to patients. These shifts constitute the first steps away from the dominant drug policy
paradigm advocated by the United States, which is punishment-based prohibition, and it signals that the Single
Convention may start to reach its expiry date. The legislation that follows it will depend for a large part on the
quality of the research available. However, good arguments will finally not be enough; what is most needed is a
change in mentality; in politics, but also in the way research is conducted.
Although a huge number of scientific papers have been published on Cannabis over the past decades, many
aspects still remain unclear. The world today is full of Cannabis myth and mystery. A major reason is the
unavailability of standardized plant materials. As a result of a prohibition on the breeding of the Cannabis plant,
researchers worldwide have virtually no access to fresh plant materials. In fact, most plant material used for
Cannabis research comes from customs seizures or governmental agencies. The type of Cannabis (cultivar), the
breeding and storage conditions, and age of the plant materials are often unknown to the researcher.
Microbiological contamination of such herbal Cannabis has been frequently described. Although it remains a
speculation, the production of toxins by these microbes may play a significant role in at least some of the
observed adverse effects in medical studies.80
For more than half a century, the medicinal research has been driven by the search for the components
responsible for the psychoactive effects of Cannabis. As a result, THC has been in the spotlights for decades, but
other Cannabis constituents were largely neglected. By doing so, it is often forgotten that more than 700
different varieties of Cannabis have been described. In many research papers, it is assumed that differences
between Cannabis cultivars are only defined by the total content of THC (which is defined as THC THCA).
The total fingerprint of other compounds present is usually not reported and very often these compounds were
not even analyzed. As a result, such studies can never be repeated, because the (exact) same type of Cannabis
cannot be obtained by other researchers trying to duplicate the results. It is obvious that there is a serious need
for the availability of standardized herbal Cannabis for research. Such materials are currently only available
from a very limited number of sources. The best example is the Netherlands, where pharmaceutical-grade
Cannabis is produced as part of the medicinal Cannabis program of the Dutch Health Ministry, and this
material can be exported for research worldwide.80
Finally, independent of the method used for cannabinoid analysis, reliable standards are needed for the
compounds to be studied, to allow high-quality, quantitative research on the pharmacological and medicinal
aspects of Cannabis. However, up to very recently, only a few of the major cannabinoids were commercially
available (THC, CBD, CBN, and delta-8-THC). Without a doubt, this lack of reference standards has been a
great obstacle for the detailed study and understanding of Cannabis. In recent years, however, the number of
suppliers of cannabinoid standards has been growing (e.g., Echo Pharmaceuticals, Lipomed, THC Pharm,
Social Aspects
Although the complex chemical nature of the Cannabis plant and its constituents has complicated its study, a
significant role was also played by social and cultural views on Cannabis in recent history. Although Cannabis
has a long history, the twentieth century advent of modern purified pharmaceuticals made Cannabis products
increasingly less popular with physicians. Only after the biochemical basis of Cannabis activity has been
elucidated, which is in fact only in the last 1015 years, scientific interest has been somewhat revived.
A major argument of health authorities against the medicinal use of herbal Cannabis as currently available
has been that it is a highly variable product with respect to composition and (microbiological) contamination.
This may be true when comparing different varieties, but the composition of single well-defined varieties of
Cannabis can be highly standardized. This fact has been clearly shown by the medicinal Cannabis program
currently going on in the Netherlands, where growing under the regime of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP),
in combination with technical and hygienic measures, has shown to produce Cannabis of high, pharmaceutical
quality.80 Furthermore, procedures for standardized prescription botanical products have been formalized by
the FDA, providing a further blueprint for regulatory approval of phytochemicals and botanical medicines.333
Cannabis studies often have to deal with problems that are largely unknown to other fields of research.
These include difficulties to find funding, get results published, or to obtain permission to perform clinical
trials. Also, the restrictions on import/export of Cannabis materials and its extracts or pure components can
postpone studies for long periods of time. Fortunately, in several Western countries such restrictions are slowly
becoming less strict. Still, the continuing fear of potential psychoactive effects of Cannabis frequently interferes
with performing, mostly clinical, studies. In fact, the continuous increase in (psychoactive) potency of modern
Cannabis varieties is boosting political as well as societal fears of addiction and health problems, and this seems
to make the acceptance of Cannabis as a source of potential new medicines even harder.
It is clear that, in time, Cannabis-based medicines should be standardized, efficacious, and safe preparations,
as much as any other approved medicine. Therefore, the main challenges for the near future are standardization
of Cannabis-based medicines, obtaining clinical proof of its claimed activities, and improving the acceptance
among authorities and health professionals. The dominant view is that the proof of the activities of Cannabis
must come from statistically significant randomized clinical trials, acceptable to regulatory bodies in various
countries and adhering to the modern scientific method. However, times are changing, and other plant-based
medicines, such as Chinese traditional medicine, are gaining ground as part of Western medicine. In some cases,
traditional use of such herbal medicine by large groups of patients may be accepted by the authorities as
sufficient proof of safety and efficacy. It remains to be seen whether Cannabis can benefit from such
3.24.8 Conclusion
Perhaps Cannabis is best known for its use as a psychoactive drug. However, it should also be recognized as
provider of the strongest fibers found in the plant kingdom, and source of some of the healthiest and most
nutritious edible oils. In fact, the Cannabis plant can probably meet more of humans needs than any other plant
can. As a medicinally active plant, Cannabis has been used by cultures all over the world for millennia, making
it one of the oldest known medicinal plants.
But despite the great potential of Cannabis, its classification as a narcotic drug and its increasing demonization in most cultures around the world have so far delayed its successful development into modern medicines.
Since the United Nations adopted the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1961, Cannabis and its
products have been politically defined as dangerous narcotics with a high potential for abuse and no accepted
medicinal value. Following that, a huge number of studies have been published on all aspects of Cannabis use,
but there is currently still no scientific consensus on the usefulness of Cannabis as a medicine. New scientific
insights on Cannabis are only slowly and reluctantly incorporated into new legislation. The reasons for this are
diverse, and they have been discussed in more detail in this chapter. As a result, the world today appears to be
full of Cannabis myth and mystery.
At least one bioactivity of Cannabis is undisputed: the psychoactive effect of THC is one of the best-studied
biological activities in the world. As a result, scientific attention has largely shifted from the Cannabis plant as a
whole, to its main psychoactive component(s). Chemically, THC belongs to a group of closely related
compounds known as cannabinoids, and they are commonly considered the main bioactive components of
Cannabis. These terpenophenolic compounds are unique to the Cannabis plant and are found nowhere else in
nature. Up to date, already 70 different cannabinoids have been described, but only a few of the major ones have
been characterized for biological activities, including CBD and CBN. Nevertheless, the activities that have
been discovered so far provide enough reasons to find out what else the Cannabis plant has to offer us.
Besides cannabinoids, Cannabis contains over 450 other identified components. Much remains to be learnt
about most of these compounds, as the medicinal properties of Cannabis do not seem to be completely
understood based on the cannabinoids alone. What we need to learn about these constituents is related not
only to their effect on consumers of Cannabis, but also to their role in the plant, and how various factors affect
their biosynthesis and distribution in the plant.
Chemistry of Cannabis
Most interesting among the Cannabis constituents are the secretions of the glandular trichomes, found in
high density on the female flowers. Besides cannabinoids, terpenoids are present in high amounts, and more that
100 different types have been identified in Cannabis. Although none of them are unique to Cannabis, many of
them have well-described biological activities. And because they are easily volatilized, they are present in
Cannabis smoke, which is the most commonly used form of Cannabis administration for both recreational and
medicinal users. Although it would be very useful to understand the interaction between the cannabinoids and
terpenoids in a variety of medical or psychological conditions, such studies are yet to be undertaken.
Hemp oil is obtained from the mature seeds of Cannabis, and may be an upcoming superfood. Hemp seed is
very rich in easily digestible protein content, and its oil has one of the healthiest lipid compositions among the
edible plant oils. However, the general confusion between hemp and marijuana still stands in the way of
accepting hemp as a major new food crop in most countries. Nutritional studies focused on the health benefits of
a hemp-oil-enriched diet may help to increase the acceptance of this valuable resource.
Many additional classes of compounds can be found in Cannabis, including flavonoids, alkaloids, and
stilbenoids, and all have been covered in this chapter. But because most of these constituents have not yet
been properly characterized for biological activity, the Cannabis plant could be called a neglected pharmacological treasure trove.32 There is still plenty of work to do for the coming generation of plant researchers, to
make us truly understand the potential of the Cannabis plant.
The pharmacological effects of the Cannabis plant have intrigued scientists for centuries, and after the
elucidation of the structure of THC in 1964, this led to a hunt for specific binding sites. Finally, the discovery of
such sites, the CB1 and CB2 receptors, has provided us with an increasingly clear understanding of the effects of
Cannabis. It is now known that cannabinoid receptors can be found in most parts of the brain, as well as in the
immune system and a variety of other organs. Their distribution seems to explain many of the observed effects
of Cannabis consumption.
Cannabinoid receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system, which is now known to be a ubiquitous
neuromodulatory system with wide-ranging actions. It comprises cannabinoid receptors, endogenous cannabinoids, and enzymes responsible for their production, transport, and degradation. The endocannabinoid
system can be found even in very primitive organisms, indicating that it has a fundamental role in basic
physiology. Its activation seems to represent a crucial and important component for the proper functioning of a
wide range of physiological functions. The discovery of the endocannabinoid system has opened up a whole
new and exciting field of medical and biological research.
The medicinal potential of Cannabis was largely underestimated until the discovery of the human
endocannabinoid system. Now that the significance of this system is becoming increasingly clear, Cannabis
as a subject for scientific study should have a brighter future. It is now understood that many biological activities
of Cannabis are mediated through a real mechanism, involving not only the endocannabinoid system, but
potentially also through cross talk with other systems, including the opioid receptors. And there is increasing
evidence that the vanilloid receptor may have a double function as a putative CB3 receptor. Obviously, the
discovery of new receptors and ligands may only further our interest in this field.
An increasing number of pharmaceutical companies have started to pick up the idea of (synthetic)
cannabinoids and their antagonists as therapeutic drugs. At present a number of preparations based on the
biological activities of the cannabinoids are already available, as mentioned in more detail in this chapter. A
considerable number of cannabinoid-based medicines are expected to enter the market in the coming years,
particularly in the field of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists and antagonists. A future with Cannabisbased medicines therefore seems very likely, and a further understanding of Cannabis as a medicine through
scientific research is warranted.
However, there is a fundamental problem with using the cannabinoid receptor as a drug target: the main
target for most therapeutic activities is CB1 and this is the same receptor that causes most of the (psychoactive)
adverse effects. Furthermore, their pharmacokinetic properties set the cannabinoids apart from almost any
other type of biologically active compounds used in medicine: the cannabinoids are virtually insoluble in water,
causing them to bind to adipose and other tissues, and remain in the body for extended periods of time, up to
several months. A major goal of SAR studies is therefore to create more water-soluble cannabinoids that are
easier to administer and to dose in an effective manner. Other major goals include the development of CB1
agonists that are excluded from the BBB, and specific CB2 agonists that may be used in treating indications
related to the immune system and inflammation.
The Cannabis constituents make up a significant group of compounds with diverse properties, and even
based on the limited data available it may be expected that at least several of them have therapeutic potential.
Unfortunately, much of the evidence for the medicinal use of Cannabis or cannabinoids is anecdotal and it turns
out to be very challenging to confirm these findings by clinical trials. Also, it is often unknown which
constituents are actually responsible for the effects observed after the administration of herbal Cannabis or
extracts. Only a few indications have been more or less confirmed by clinical testing, including multiple
sclerosis, cancer- and AIDS-related nausea and vomiting, chronic pain, and Tourettes syndrome. However,
many more indications are currently under some form of investigation, one of the most exciting recent findings
being that cannabinoids may be very effective in the treatment of some forms of cancer.
But even without considering these pharmaceutical developments, research on the medicinal use of
Cannabis is important simply because Cannabis is already used for self-medication by an huge number of
chronically ill people worldwide, often risking harsh legal punishments by doing so. They use Cannabis
medicinally, with a large array of different administration forms, to ameliorate the symptoms of diseases
varying from cancer and multiple sclerosis, to epilepsy, psychological disorders, and irritable bowl syndrome. It
is interesting to note that Cannabis in such situations often seems to be used for ailments that cannot sufficiently
be treated with conventional medicine, indicating a specific niche for Cannabis medications. The presence of
such a large group of experienced users provides the (medical) researcher with an enormous potential reservoir
of knowledge, comparable to ethnopharmacological field studies performed in remote places like the Amazon
rainforest, or central Africa. It would therefore probably be wise if future studies on the biological activities of
Cannabis would consider including these experiences into a more multidisciplinary approach.
Phytochemical analysis of the Cannabis plant, and in particular its cannabinoids, has been complicated in the
past, because of overlapping spectroscopic and chromatographic properties, combined with a severe lack of
reliable standards. For the analysis of highly pure, single cannabinoid preparations, specific analytical procedures can be easily developed. However, most phytochemical and pharmacological studies are far more
complex than that. Because of the complex chemistry of Cannabis, advanced separation techniques are often
necessary for the acquisition of the typical chemical profiles of Cannabis constituents.
More recently, the increasing availability of quantified standards has led to new impulses for analytical
science to develop reliable, validated methods for the analysis of the many different types of Cannabis
preparations that are available today. Unfortunately, most scientific publications still only mention the THC
content of the Cannabis material used in the study, refraining from analyzing or publishing the content of other
potentially important biologically active ingredients. But it is likely that using only the total THC content to
characterize different Cannabis varieties is not sufficient to understand the complex biological effects of this
plant. Ideally, a comprehensive overview of the cannabinoid content (i.e., the chemical fingerprint) of Cannabis
preparations used in studies should become an integral part of scientific reports on the effects of Cannabis.
It may be concluded that C. sativa as a biologically active plant is currently at an exciting crossroads of
science, politics, and culture. Advanced modern techniques such as NMR spectroscopy, principal component
analysis, high-resolution MS detection, and various chromatographic improvements make it possible to isolate,
identify, and study virtually any constituent that is wished. Currently, there seem to be no more major
analytical obstacles for a full understanding of the composition, effects, and usefulness of the Cannabis plant.
But although numerous laboratories in the world are allowed to work with even the most dangerous and
addictive class/schedule I drugs, many of them do not have permission to work with the relatively mild
Cannabis plant in any way or form. In this respect, Cannabis as a subject for scientific research is clearly in a
league of its own.
So what is needed now is very clear: scientists must be able to take up the challenges that lay ahead, without
the restrictions that are currently holding them back. Traditionally, the function of science is to perform
unbiased, peer-reviewed, and reproducible research that is open to discussion after the results have been
presented. However, in the case of Cannabis-related studies, these basic principles are all too often challenged
by public opinion, political barriers, and legal restrictions, even before the studies can take place.
Clearly, this approach does not stimulate a science-based evolution of our perception of Cannabis as a
dangerous drug without medicinal value. Access to (research-grade) Cannabis materials, reference standards,
Chemistry of Cannabis
and validated analytical methods are among the basic requirements to set up the types of studies that should tell
us if, and when, Cannabis and its biologically active constituents may be useful in modern medicine. Hopefully,
this chapter has been able to inform a new generation of Cannabis researchers about the work to be done, so
they can help to make the best of the Cannabis plant and its preparations.
B. V. Bedrocan (the official grower of medicinal-grade cannabis in the Netherlands) and Ms. Blair van Pelt are
acknowledged for providing the funds to the author to perform field studies on the medicinal properties of
medicinal cannabis, and hemp, respectively.
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Biographical Sketches
Dr. Arno Hazekamp was born on 15 March, 1976 in the Netherlands. He studied at Leiden
University, the Netherlands, where he obtained his Bachelors diploma in the field of
molecular biology from the School of Biology. He continued his studies at the same
university, School of Pharmaceutical Science, where he worked for several years in the
Department of Pharmacognosy, under Professor Rob Verpoorte. In 2000, Arno finished his
M.Sc. research on the ethnopharmacology of a Thai medicinal plant, and graduated with
honors. Subsequently, he was employed as a technician and laboratory manager at Leiden
In November 2001, Arno started as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Rob
Verpoorte. His research project was focused on the medicinal properties of the Cannabis
plant, and on the practical obstacles that stand between this plant and its development into a
modern medicine. Arno worked closely with the official grower of medicinal Cannabis in the
Netherlands, Bedrocan BV, and was involved in numerous projects regarding quality control,
product development, and basic research regarding medicinal Cannabis. Arno was actively
involved in setting up the medicinal Cannabis program of the Dutch Health Ministry, and
was a strong advocate of a more science-based approach on the medicinal use of Cannabis in
the Netherlands and abroad. During his Ph.D., Arno spent several periods at the Institut
Universitaire de Medecine Legale (IUML) in Lausanne, Switzerland, focusing on the
forensic aspects of Cannabis use.
After finishing his Ph.D. in 2007, Arno started a phytochemical contract laboratory, and
was the first to make a wide range of highly pure cannabinoid standards commercially
available. He was also involved in the early phase of Echo Pharmaceuticals, a Dutch
pharmaceutical company, developing a sublingual administration form of THC and other
cannabinoids. Arno is currently working as a phytochemist with a larger consortium of
biotech companies that work together under the name Product Isolation from Nature
(PRISNA), providing phytochemical services and consultancy for the development of
plant-based products.
Arno continues to have a strong interest in the medicinal use of Cannabis, with a specific
focus on controlled growing, quality control, and safe access for medical patients. In 2009,
Arno became a board member of the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine
(IACM). Througout his career, Arno has maintained contact with patients, caretakers, and
patient-organizations. These connections and experiences serve as an inspiration for evolving research projects. He is an active traveller and lecturer, and is considered a
professionally trained medicinal Cannabis advocate. However, most of his time is still
spent in the laboratory.
Andrea Lubbe was born in Belville, South Africa. She completed a B.Sc. degree in Molecular
and Cellular Biology at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, followed by an honours
degree in Plant Physiology at the same university. She obtained an M.Sc. degree in Natural
Products at the University of Leiden in The Netherlands, and is currently at the same
institution pursuing a Ph.D. degree. The focus of her current work is agronomic factors
affecting alkaloid production in Narcissus species.
Justin T. Fischedick was born in the United States in 1984. He is currently a Ph.D. student at
Leiden University studying various aspects of the Cannabis plant. He is specifically interested in the interactions and synergy among the many biologically active components of
Cannabis. Mr. Fischedick earned his Masters degree in Biology at Leiden University in 2008
and his B.Sc. degree from the State University of New York College of Environmental
Science and Forestry in 2006.
Renee Ruhaak was born in Leiden, The Netherlands. She completed a B.Sc. degree in
BioPharmaceutical Sciences at Leiden University, The Netherlands, where she continued
her studies for a Master degree and finished in 2005. Her interests are in methods of
application for Cannabis and cannabinoids, which was the topic of her master thesis.
Currently, she holds a Ph.D. position at the Leiden University Medical Centre on the
topic of glycosylation analysis in the study of healthy ageing.
Monica Llano Dez was born in Oviedo, Spain, and graduated in Biochemistry at the
University of Oviedo, Spain. She did an internship training program in the Department of
Molecular Structural Biology, University of Greifswald, Germany, and participated as
postgraduate student in the project Metabolic profiling of Catharanthus Roseus cells elicited
with Pythium and jasmonic acid using 1H-NMR at the University of Leiden, The
Netherlands. Currently, she is doing her Ph.D. in Neurophysiology at the University of
Uppsala, Sweden.