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PostgreSQL Proficiency For Python People

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PostgreSQL Proficiency

for Python People

Christophe Pettus
PostgreSQL Experts, Inc.



Christophe Pettus
Consultant with PostgreSQL Experts, Inc.
Based in sunny San Francisco, California.
Technical blog: thebuild.com
Twitter: @xof

My background.

PostgreSQL person since 1998.

Came to databases as an application
developer and architect.

Python/Django person since 2008.

What is this?

Just enough PostgreSQL for a Python


PostgreSQL is a rich environment.

Far too much to learn in a single tutorial.
But enough to be dangerous!

The DevOps World

Integration between development and


Cross-functional skill sharing.

Maximum automation of development and
deployment processes.

Were way too cheap to hire real

operations staff. Anyway: Cloud!

This means

No experienced DBA on staff.

Have you seen how much those people
cost, anyway?

Development staff pressed into duty as

database administrators.

But its OK its PostgreSQL!

Everyone Loves PostgreSQL!

Fully ACID-compliant relational database

management system.

Richest set of features of any modern

production RDMS.

Relentless focus on quality, security, and

spec compliance.

Capable of very high performance.

PostgreSQL Can Do It.

Tens of thousands of transactions per


Enormous databases (into the petabyte


Support by all Python ORMs and web



Operates natively on all modern operating


Plus Windows.

Scales from development laptops to huge

enterprise clusters.


If you have packages

use them!
Provides platform-specific scripting, etc.
RedHat-flavor and Debian-flavor have their
own repositories.

Other OSes have a variety of packaging


Or you can build from source.

Works on any platform.

Maximum control.
Requires development tools.
Does not come with platform-specific
utility scripts (/etc/init.d, etc.).

Other OSes.

Windows: One-click installer available.

OS X: One-click installer, MacPorts, Fink
and Postgres.app from Heroku.

For other OSes, check postgresql.org.

Creating a database cluster.

A single PostgreSQL server can manage

multiple databases.

The whole group on a single server is

called a cluster.

This is very confusing, yes. Well use the

term server here.


The command to create a new database is

called initdb.

It creates the files that will hold the


It doesnt automatically start the server.

Many packaging systems automatically
create and start the server for you.

Note on Debian

Debian-style packaging has a sophisticated

cluster management system.

Use it! It will make your life much easier.

pg_createcluster instead of initdb

Just Do This.

Always create databases as UTF-8.

Once created, cannot be changed.
Converting from SQL ASCII to a real
encoding is a total nightmare.

Use your favorite locale, but not C locale.

UTF-8 and system locale are the defaults.


Built-in command to start and stop


Frequently called by init.d, upstart or other


-m fast is the way to go.

Use the package-provided scripts if they
exist; the do the right thing.


Command-line interface to PostgreSQL.

Run queries, examine the schema, look at
PostgreSQLs various views.

Get friendly with it! Its very useful for

doing quick checks.

PostgreSQL directories

All of the data lives under a top-level


Lets call it $PGDATA.

Find it on your system, and do a ls.
The data lives in base.
The transaction logs live in pg_xlog.

Configuration files.

On most installations, the configuration

files live in $PGDATA.

On Debian-derived systems, they live in


Find them.You should see:



Configuration files.

Only two really matter:

postgresql.conf most server settings.
pg_hba.conf who gets to log in to
what databases?


Holds all of the configuration parameters

for the server.

Find it and open it up on your system.

Were All Going To Die.

It Can Be Like This.

Important parameters.

Youre done.
No, really, youre done!


Be generous with logging; its very lowimpact on the system.

Its your best source of information for

finding performance problems.

Where to log?

syslog If you have a syslog infrastructure

you like already.

standard format to files If you are using

tools that need standard format.

Otherwise, CSV format to files.

What to log?

log_destination = 'csvlog'
log_directory = 'pg_log'
logging_collector = on
log_filename = 'postgres-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S'
log_rotation_age = 1d
log_rotation_size = 1GB
log_min_duration_statement = 250ms
log_checkpoints = on
log_connections = on
log_disconnections = on
log_lock_waits = on
log_temp_files = 0

Memory configuration



Below 2GB (?), set to 20% of total system


Below 32GB, set to 25% of total system


Above 32GB (lucky you!), set to 8GB.



Start low: 32-64MB.

Look for temporary file lines in logs.
Set to 2-3x the largest temp file you see.
Can cause a huge speed-up if set properly!
But be careful: It can use that amount of
memory per planner node.


10% of system memory, up to1GB.

Maybe even higher if you are having
VACUUM problems.

(Well talk about VACUUM later.)


Set to the amount of file system cache


If you dont know, set it to 50% of total

system memory.

And youre done with memory settings.


A complete flush of dirty buffers to disk.

Potentially a lot of I/O.
Done when the first of two thresholds are

A particular number of WAL segments

have been written.

A timeout occurs.

Checkpoint settings.

wal_buffers = 16MB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
checkpoint_timeout = 10m-30m # Depends on restart time
checkpoint_segments = 32 # To start.

Checkpoint settings, 2.

Look for checkpoint entries in the logs.

Happening more often than

Adjust checkpoint_segments so that

checkpoints happen due to timeouts

rather filling segments.

And youre done with checkpoint settings.

Checkpoint settings notes.

The WAL can take up to 3 x 16MB x

checkpoint_segments on disk.

Restarting PostgreSQL from a crash can

take up to checkpoint_timeout (but usually


Planner settings.

effective_io_concurrency Set to the

number of I/O channels; otherwise, ignore


random_page_cost 3.0 for a typical

RAID10 array, 2.0 for a SAN, 1.1 for
Amazon EBS.

And youre done with planner settings.

Do not touch.

fsync = on
Never change this.
synchronous_commit = on
Change this, but only if you understand
the data loss potential.

Changing settings.

Most settings just require a server reload

to take effect.

Some require a full server restart (such as


Many can be set on a per-session basis!


Users and roles.

A role is a database object that can own

other objects (tables, etc.), and that has
privileges (able to write to a table).

A user is just a role that can log into the

system; otherwise, theyre synonyms.

PostgreSQLs security system is based

around users.

Basic user management.

Dont use the postgres superuser for

anything application-related.

Sadly, you probably will have to grant

schema-modifications privileges to your

application user, if you use migrations.

If you dont have to, dont.

User security.

By default, database traffic is not encrypted.

Turn on ssl if you are running in a cloud

Have you responded to the Heartbleed

OpenSSL bug, btw?

The WAL.

Why are we talking about this now?

The Write-Ahead Log is key to many

PostgreSQL operations.

Replication, crash recovery, etc., etc.

Dont worry (too much!) about the

The Basics.

When each transaction is committed, it is

logged to the write-ahead log.

The changes in that transaction are flushed

to disk.

If the system crashes, the WAL is replayed

to bring the database to a consistent state.

A continuous record of changes.

The WAL is a continuous record of changes

since the last checkpoint.

Thus, if you have the disk image of the

database, and every WAL record since that

was created

you can recreate the database to the

end of the WAL.


The WAL is stored in 16MB segments in

the pg_xlog directory.

Dont mess with it! Never delete anything

out of it!

Records are automatically recycled when

they are no longer required.

WAL archiving.

Runs a command each time a WAL
segment is complete.

This command can do whatever you want.

What you want is to move the WAL
segment to someplace safe

on a different system.

On a crash

When PostgreSQL restarts, it replays the

WAL log to bring itself back to a consistent


The WAL segments are essential to proper

crash recovery.

The longer since the last checkpoint, the

more WAL it has to process.


When on, COMMIT does not return until

the WAL flush is done.

When off, COMMIT returns when the

WAL flush is queued.

Thus, you might lose transactions on a


No danger of database corruption.

Backup and


Built-in dump/restore tool.

Takes a logical snapshot of the database.
Does not lock the database or prevent
writes to disk.

Low (but not zero) load on the database.


Restores database from a pg_dump.

Is not a fast operation.
Great for simple backups, not suitable for
fast recovery from major failures.

pg_dump / pg_restore advice

Back up globals with pg_dumpall --globalsonly.

Back up each database with pg_dump using


This allows for a parallel restore using



Restore using --jobs=<# of cores + 1>.

Most of the time in a restore is spent

rebuilding indexes; this will parallelize that


Restores are not fast.

PITR backup / recovery

Remember the WAL?

If you take a snapshot of the data

it wont be consistent, but if we add the

WAL records

we can bring it back to consistency.

Getting started with PITR.

Decide where the WAL segments and the

backups will live.

Configure archive_command properly to

do the copying.

Creating a PITR backup.

SELECT pg_start_backup(...);
Copy the disk image and any WAL files that
are created.

SELECT pg_stop_backup();
Make sure you have all the WAL segments.
The disk image + WAL segments are your


Provides a full set of appropriate scripting.
Automates create PITR backups into AWS

Highly recommended!

PITR Restore

Copy the disk image back to where you

need it.

Set up recovery.conf to point to where the

WAL files are.

Start up PostgreSQL, and let it recover.

How long will this take?

The more WAL files, the longer it will take.

Generally takes 10-20% of the time it took
to create the WAL files in the first place.

More frequent snapshots = faster recovery



Point-in-time recovery.
You dont have to replay the entire WAL

It can be stopped at a particular

timestamp, or transaction ID.

Very handy for application-level problems!


Hey, what if we sent the WAL directly to

another server?

We could have that server keep up to date

with the primary server!

And thats how PostgreSQL replication


WAL Archiving.

Each 16MB segment is sent to the

secondary when complete.

The secondary reads it, and applies it to its


Make sure the WAL file copied


Use rsync, WAL-E, etc., not scp.

Hmm but what if we

transmitted the WAL changes directly to

the secondary without having to ship the

Great idea!
Such a great idea, PostgreSQL implements

Thats what Streaming Replication is.

Streaming Replication Basics.

The secondary connects via a standard

PostgreSQL connection to the primary.

As changes happen on the primary, they are

sent down to the secondary.

The secondary applies them to its local

copy of the database.


All replication is orchestrated through the

recovery.conf file.

Always lives in your $PGDATA directory.

Controls how to connect to the primary,
how far to recover (for PITR), etc., etc.

Also used if you are bringing the server up

as a PITR recovery instead of replication.

Disaster recovery.

Always have a disaster recovery strategy.

What if you data center / AWS region goes

Have a plan for recovery from a remote


WAL archiving is a great way to handle this.


Utility for doing a snapshot of a running


Easiest way to take a snapshot to start a

new secondary.

Can also be used as an archival backup.

Lets see!


Replication, the good.

Easy to set up.

Schema changs are automatically replicated.
Secondary can be used to handle read-only
queries for load balancing.

Very few gotchas; it either works or it

doesnt, and it is vocal about not working.

Replication, the bad.

Entire database or none of it.

No writes of any kind to the secondary.
This includes temporary tables.
Some things arent replicated.
Temporary tables, unlogged tables.


Start with WAL-E.

The README tells you everything you
need to know.

Handles a very large number of complex

replication problems easily.

As you scale out of it, youll have the

relevant experience.

Trigger-based replication

Installs triggers on tables on master.

A daemon process picks up the changes
and applies them to the secondaries.

Third-party add-ons to PostgreSQL.

Trigger-based rep: Good.

Highly configurable.
Can push part or all of the tables; dont
have to replicate everything.

Multi-master setups possible (Bucardo).

Trigger-based rep: The bad.

Fiddly and complex to set up.

Schema changes must be pushed out

Imposes overhead on the master.

MVCC and


A unit of which which must be:

Applied atomically to the database.
Invisible to other database clients until it
is committed.

The Classic Example.

INSERT INTO transactions(account_id, value, offset_id)
VALUES (11, 120.00, 14);
INSERT INTO transactions(account_id, value, offset_id)
VALUES (14, -120.00, 11);

Transaction Properties.

Once the COMMIT completes, the data has

been written to permanent storage.

If a database crash occurs, any transactions

will be COMMITed or not; no half-done

No transaction can (directly) see another

transaction in progress.

In PostgreSQL

Everything runs inside of a transaction.

If no explicit transaction, each statement is
wrapped in one for you.

This has certain consequences for

database-modifying functions.

Everything that modifies the database is

transactional, even schema changes.

A brief warning

Many resources are held until the end of a


Temporary tables, working memory,

locks, etc.

Keep transactions brief and to the point.


Transaction would be easy

if databases were single user.

Theyre not.
Thank goodness.
So, how do we handle concurrency control
when two sessions are trying to use the
same data?

The Problem.

Process 1 begins a transaction.

Process 2 begins a transaction.
Process 1 updates a tuple.
Process 2 reads that tuple.
What happens?

Bad Things.

Process 2 cant get the new version of the

tuple (ACID [generally] prohibits dirty

But where does it get the old version of

the tuple from?

Memory? Disk? Special roll-back area?

What if we touch 250,000,000 rows?

Some Approaches.

Lock the whole database.

Lock the whole table.
Lock that particular tuple.
Reconstruct the old state from a rollback

None of these are particularly satisfactory.

Multi-Version Concurrency Control.

Create multiple versions of the database.

Each transaction sees its own version.
We call these snapshots in PostgreSQL.
Each snapshot is a first-class member of the

There is no privileged real snapshot.

The Implications.

Readers do not block readers.

Readers do not block writers.
Writers do not block readers.
Writers only block writers to the same


Each transaction maintains its own

snapshot of the database.

This snapshot is created when a statement

or transaction starts (depending on the
transaction isolation mode).

The client only sees the changes in its own


Nothings Perfect.

PostgreSQL will not allow two snapshots

to fork the database.

If this happens, it resolves the conflict with

locking or with an error, depending on the
isolation mode.

Example: Two separate clients attempt to

update the same tuple.

Isolation Modes.

PostgreSQL supports:
It does not support:

What is a snapshot?

Logically, it is the set of all transactions that

have committed at a particular point in

You can even manipulate snapshots (save

them, load them).

Snapshots are integral to how MVCC

works in PostgreSQL.

When does a snapshot begin?

In READ COMMITTED, each statement

starts its own snapshot.

Thus, it sees anything that has committed

since the last statement.

If it attempts to update a tuple another

transaction has touched, it blocks until that

transaction commits.

Higher isolation modes.


take the snapshot when the transaction

Snapshot lasts until the end.

An attempt to modify a tuple another
transaction has changed blocks

and returns an error if that

transaction commits.

Wait, what?

PostgreSQL attempts to maintain an

illusion of a perfect snapshot.

But if it cant, it throws an error.

The application then can retry the

transaction against the new, updated



Not every conflict can be detected at the

single tuple-level.

INSERTing calculated values.

SERIALIZABLE detects these using

predicate locking.

Requires some extra overhead, but

remarkably efficient.

MVCC consequences.

Deleted tuples are not (usually)

immediately freed.

Tuples on disk might not be available to

be readily checked.

This results in dead tuples in the database.

Which means:VACUUM!


VACUUMs primary job is to scavenge

tuples that are no longer visible to any


They are returned to the free space for


autovacuum generally handles this problem

for you without intervention.


The planner requires statistics on each

table to make good guesses for how to

execute queries.

ANALYZE collects these statistics.

Done as part of VACUUM.
Always do it after major database changes
especially a restore from a backup.

Vacuums not working.

It probably is.
The database generally stabilize at 20% to
50% bloat. Thats acceptable.

If you see autovacuum workers running,

thats generally not a problem.

No, really, VACUUMs not working!

Long-running transactions, or idle-intransaction sessions?

Manual table locking?

Very high write-rate tables?
Many, many tables (10,000+)?

Unclogging the VACUUM.

Reduce the autovacuum sleep time.

Increase the number of autovacuum

Do low period manual VACUUMs.

Fix IIT sessions, long transactions, manual

Schema Design.

Whats Normal?

Normalization is important.
But dont obsess.
It flows naturally from proper separation of

Pick Entities.

An entity is the top-level logical object in

your data model.

Customer, Order, InventoryItem.

Flow down from there to subsidiary items.
Make sure that no entity-level information
gets pushed into the subsidiary items.

Pick a naming scheme and stick with it.

Are tables plural or singular?

DB people tend to like plural, ORMs tend
to like singular.

Are field names CamelCase, lower_case, or


Dont Repeat Yourself.

Denormalization generally means

including data that could be derived from

other sources.


Calculated denormalization can sometimes

be useful; copied almost never.

Joins are Good.

PostgreSQL executes joins very efficiently.

Dont be afraid of them.
Especially dont worry about large tables
joining small tables.

PostgreSQL will almost always do the

right thing.

Use the Typing System.

PostgreSQL has a very rich set of types.

Use them!
If somethings a numeric, dont store it as a

Use domains to create custom types.

No Polymorphic Fields.

Avoid fields whose interpretation is

dependent on another field.

Avoid fields which use strings to store

multiple types.

Keep each field well-defined as to what

data goes into it.


Use them. Theyre cheap and fast.

Constraints on single columns.
Constraints on multiple columns.
Exclusion constraints for constraints across
multiple rows.

Pick a naming scheme and stick with it.

Are tables plural or singular?

DB people tend to like plural, ORMs tend
to like singular.

Are field names CamelCase, lower_case, or


Avoid Entity-Attribute-Value Schemas.

Each field should mean one thing, and one

thing only.

EAV schemas are nightmares to join and

report on.

They can also result in enormous database


Key Selection.

SERIAL is convenient and straight-forward,


What if you have to merge two tables?

Use natural keys in preference to synthetic

keys if you possibly can.

Consider UUIDs instead of serials as

synthetic keys.

Dont Have Thing Tables.

OO programmers sometimes like to have

table hierarchies.

These tend to result in big base tables that

have common attributes factored out.

It looks normalized
but its really a pain in the neck.

Fast / Slow

If a table has a frequently-updated section

and a slowly-updated section, consider
splitting the table.

Do a 1:1 relationship between the two.

Keeps foreign key locking under control.


First-class type in PostgreSQL.

Can be searched, indexed, etc.
Often a good substitute to a subsidiary

Often a great substitute to a big many-tomany table.


Much, much better than an EAV schema.

Great for optional, variable attributes.
Can be indexed, searched, etc.
But dont use it as a replacement for
schema modification!


First-class, in-core type.

Not quite as many search / indexing
operator as hstore

But its getting there.

Coming in 9.4: jsonb!

Indexing on Big Types.

PostgreSQL makes it work.

But it can be very inefficient.
Consider indexing on an expression of the

Like the first 32 / last 16 characters of a

text string.


NULL is a total pain in the neck.

Sometimes, you have to deal with NULL,

Only use it to mean missing value.

Never, ever have it as a meaningful value in
a key field.


Very Large Objects

Lets say 1MB or more.

Store them in files, store metadata in the

The database API is not designed for

passing large objects around.

Many-to-Many Tables

These can get extremely large.

Consider replacing with array fields.
Either one way, or both directions.
Can use a trigger to maintain integrity.
Much smaller and more efficient.
Depends, of course, on usage model.

Character Encoding.

Use UTF-8.
Just. Do. It.
There is no compelling reason to use any
other character encoding.

One edge case: the bottleneck is sorting

text strings. This is very, very rare.

Time Representation.


TIMESTAMP is a bad idea.
TIMESTAMPTZ is timestamp, converted to

TIMESTAMP is timestamp, at some time

zone but we dont know which one, hope

you do.


Test your database

What does the SQL standard require for indexes?

Trick Question!

It doesnt.

The database should work identically

whether or not you have indexes.

Of course, identically in this case does

not mean just as fast.

No real-life database can work properly

without indexes.

PostgreSQL Index Types.


B-Tree Indexes.

The standard PostgreSQL index is a B-tree.

Provides O(log N) access to leaf notes.
Provides total ordering.
Operates on scalar values that implement
standard comparison operators.

B-Tree Index Types.

Single column.
Multiple column (composite).
Expression (functional) indexes.

Single Column B-Trees

The simplest index type.

Can be used to optimize searches on <,
<=, =, >=, >.

Can be used to retrieve rows in sorted

order on that column.

When to create?

If a query uses that column, and

uses one of the comparison

and selects <10-15% of the rows.

and is run frequently.

the index will likely be helpful.

Indexes and JOINs

Indexes can accelerate JOINs considerably.

But the usual rules apply.
Generally, they help the most when
indexing the key on the larger table and

that results in high selectivity against the

smaller table.

Indexes and Aggregates.

Some GROUP BY and related operations

can benefit from an index.

Often only in the presence of a HAVING

clause, though.

If it has to scan the whole index, it might as

well scan the whole table.

Mandatory indexes.

Constraints must have indexes to enforce


Just accept those.

Ascending vs Descending?

By default, B-trees index in ascending order.

Descending indexes are much faster in
retrieving tuples in descending order.

So, if the primary function is descending

sortation, use that.

Otherwise, just use ascending order.

Composite Indexes.

A single index can have multiple columns.

The columns must be used left-to-right.
An index on (A, B, C) does not help a
query on just C.

But it does on (A, B).

Expression Indexes.

Indexes on an expression.
PostgreSQL can recognize when you are
querying on that expression and use the

Can be expensive to create, but very fast to


Make sure PostgreSQL is really using it!

Partial Indexes.

An index does not have to contain all of

the rows of the table.

The WHEN clauses boolean predicate

limits the size of the index.

This can be a huge performance

improvement for queries that match the

predicate, all or in part.

Indexes and MVCC

The full key value is copied into the index.

Every version of the tuple on the disk
appears in the index.

Thus, PostgreSQL needs to check whether

a retrieved tuple is live.

This means indexes can bloat as dead

tuples pile up.

GiST Indexes.

GiST is not a single index type, but an index


It can be used to create B-tree-style


It can also be used to create other index

types, like bounding-box and geometric

GiST Index Usage.

Non-total-ordered types generally require

a GIST index.

Each types index implementation decides

what operators to support.

Inclusion, membership, intersection

Some GiST indexes do provide ordering.

KNN indexes, for example.


Generalized Inverted Index.

Maps index items (words, dict keys) to
rows whose field contains those.

Core PostgreSQL use: Full text search


Maps tokenized words to the rows

containing those words.

GIN implementation

A B-tree of B-trees.
Tokens organized into B-trees.
Row pointers also organized into B-trees.
On-disk footprint can be quite large.

Why isnt it using my indexes?

The most common complaint.

First, get the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output of
the query.

Sometimes, it is using the index, and its just

slow anyway!

Bad Selectivity.

If PostgreSQL thinks that the index scan

will return a large percentage of the table, it

will do a seq scan instead.

Generally, its right to think this.

If its wrong, and the query is very

selective, try re-running ANALYZE.

ANALYZE didnt help.

Try running the query with:

SET enable_seqscan = off;
See how long it takes to use the index

PostgreSQL might be right.

Hey, it didnt use the index even then!

Index Prohibitorum

This means PostgreSQL thinks that index

doesnt apply to this query.

Query mis-written? Index invalid?

Confusing expression index?

Try doing a very simple query on just that

field, and build up.

PostgreSQL is right, but wrong.

In fact, using the index is faster even though

PostgreSQL thinks it is not.

Try lowering random_page_cost.

Consider changing the default statistics
target for that field.

PostgreSQL, Your Query Plan Sucks.

Bitmap Heap Scan on mytable (cost=12.04..1632.35 rows=425

Recheck Cond: (p_id = 543094)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_mytable_p_id
(cost=0.00..11.93 rows=425 width=0)
Index Cond: (p_id = 543094)

What does this mean?

First, PostgreSQL scans the index and

builds a bitmap of pages (not tuples!) that

contain candidate results.

Then, it scans the heap (the actual

database), retrieving those pages.

And then rechecks the condition against

the tuples on that page.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

PostgreSQL does this when the number of

tuples to be retrieved is large.

It can avoid doing lots of random access to

the disk.

Pure Index Scan.

Index Scan using testi on test

Index Cond: (whatever = 5)
(2 rows)

(cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1

Index Creation.

Two ways of creating an index:



Does a single scan of the table, building the


Uses maintenance_work_mem to do the


Keeps an exclusive lock on the table while

the index build is going on.


Does two passes over the table:

Builds the index.
Validates the index.
If the validation fails, the index is marked as
invalid and wont be used.

Drop it, run again.


Rebuilds an existing index from scratch.

Takes an exclusive lock on the table.
Generally no need to do this unless an
index has gotten badly bloated.

Index Bloat.

Over time, B-tree indexes can become


Sparse deletions from within the index

range are the usual cause.


Generally, dont worry about it.

Index Usage.

Reports the number of times an index is

If non-constraint indexes are not being

used, drop them.

Indexes are very expensive to maintain.


This query is slow.


The output is somewhat cryptic.
Lets look at an example from the bottom


select COUNT(DISTINCT "ecommerce_order"."id") FROM

"ecommerce_order" LEFT OUTER JOIN "ecommerce_solditem" ON
("ecommerce_order"."id" = "ecommerce_solditem"."order_id") WHERE
("ecommerce_order"."subscriber_id" = 396760 AND
("ecommerce_solditem"."status" = 1 AND
("ecommerce_solditem"."user_access_denied" IS NULL OR
"ecommerce_solditem"."user_access_denied" = false ) AND
"ecommerce_order"."status" IN (3,9,12,16,14)));

---------------------------------------------------------------------Aggregate (cost=2550.42..2550.43 rows=1 width=4)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..2550.41 rows=3 width=4)
-> Index Scan using ecommerce_order_subscriber_id
on ecommerce_order (cost=0.00..132.88 rows=16 width=4)
Index Cond: (subscriber_id = 396760)
Filter: (status = ANY ('{3,9,12,16,14}'::integer[]))
-> Index Scan using ecommerce_solditem_order_id
on ecommerce_solditem (cost=0.00..150.86
rows=19 width=4)
Index Cond: (ecommerce_solditem.order_id =
Filter: (((ecommerce_solditem.user_access_denied
(NOT ecommerce_solditem.user_access_denied))
AND (ecommerce_solditem.status = 1))

Query Analysis.

Read the execution plan from the bottom


Look for nodes that are processing a lot of


especially if the data set is being

reduced considerably on the way up.


The planner requires good statistics to

create these plans.

ANALYZE collects them.

If the statistics are bad, the plans will be,

---------------------------------------------------------------------Aggregate (cost=48353.52..48353.53 rows=1 width=4)

-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..48353.52 rows=1 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on ecommerce_solditem
(cost=0.00..38883.38 rows=868 width=4)
Filter: (((user_access_denied IS NULL) OR
(NOT user_access_denied)) AND (status = 1))
-> Index Scan using ecommerce_order_pkey on
ecommerce_order (cost=0.00..10.90 rows=1 width=4)
Index Cond: (id = ecommerce_solditem.order_id)
Filter: ((subscriber_id = 396760) AND
(status = ANY ('{3,9,12,16,14}'::integer[])))

---------------------------------------------------------------------Aggregate (cost=2550.42..2550.43 rows=1 width=4)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..2550.41 rows=3 width=4)
-> Index Scan using ecommerce_order_subscriber_id
on ecommerce_order (cost=0.00..132.88 rows=16 width=4)
Index Cond: (subscriber_id = 396760)
Filter: (status = ANY ('{3,9,12,16,14}'::integer[]))
-> Index Scan using ecommerce_solditem_order_id
on ecommerce_solditem (cost=0.00..150.86
rows=19 width=4)
Index Cond: (ecommerce_solditem.order_id =
Filter: (((ecommerce_solditem.user_access_denied
(NOT ecommerce_solditem.user_access_denied))
AND (ecommerce_solditem.status = 1))

Planner Statistics

Collected as histograms on a per-column


100 buckets by default.

Not restored from backup!
Not automatically updated on major
database updates!


Measured in arbitrary units (traditionally

have been disk fetches).

First number is the startup cost for the

first tuple, second is the total cost.

Comparable with other plans using the

same planner configuration parameters.

Costs are inclusive of subnodes.

Actual Time.

In milliseconds.
Wall-clock time, not only query execution

Also presents startup time, total time.

Also inclusive of subnodes.


Estimated and actual rows emitted by each

planner node.

Not the number processed; that could be

larger, and is reflected in cost.

A large mismatch is one of the first places

to look for query problems.


Number of times a subplan was executed

by its parent.

In this case, actual times are averages, not


Things that are bad.

JOINs between two very large tables.

Very difficult to execute efficiently unless
the sides can be reduced by a predicate.

These can be created by accident!
Sequential scans on large tables.


Always results in a full table scan in


So dont do that.


Everyones favorite way of implementing


OK for low OFFSET values

but comes apart fast for higher ones.
GoogleBot Is Relentless.
Precalculate, use other keys.

The database is slow.

Whats going on?

tail -f the logs.
Too much I/O? iostat 5

The database isnt responding.

Make sure its up!

Can you connect with psql?

Python Particulars

Python 2? psycopg2

Overall, the best library for accessing

PostgreSQL directly from Python.

Hard to justify using anything else.

Very feature-rich, very Pythonic (such as
DB API 2 is Pythonic).

psycopg2 notes.

The result set of a query is loaded into

client memory when the query

regardless of the size of the result set!

If you want to scroll through the results,

used named cursors.


Python 3.x driver.

Pure Python, so can run under interpreters
that require it.

Django Notes.

If you are running on 1.6+, always use the

@atomic decorator.

Cluster write operations into small

transactions, leave read operations outside.

Do all your writes at the very end of the

view function.

Django + Replication

Multi-database works very nicely with hot


Point the writes at the primary, the reads at

the secondary.

Django 1.5 or earlier.

Use the @xact decorator and style.

Sloppy transaction management can cause
the dreaded Django idle-in-transaction

Go South.

Use South in Django for migration


Create manual migrations for schema

changes that Django cant specify.

Specialized constraints, indexes, etc.

Special Situations.

Minor version upgrade.

Do this promptly!
Only requires installing new binaries.
If using packages, often as easy as just an
apt-get / yum upgrade.

Very small amount of downtime.

Major version upgrade.

Requires a bit more planning.

pg_upgrade is now reliable.
Trigger-based replication is another option
for zero downtime.

A full pg_dump / pg_restore is always

safest, if practical.

Always read the release notes!

Dont get caught!

Major versions are EOLd after 5 years.

Always have a plan for how you are going
to move between major versions.

All parts of a replication set must be

upgraded at once (for major versions).

Bulk loading data.


psycopg2 has a very nice COPY interface.
COPY does full integrity checking and
trigger processing.

Do a VACUUM afterwards.

Very high insert rates.

Reduce shared buffers by 25%-75%.

Reduce checkpoint timeouts to 3min or

Make sure to do enough ANALYZEs to

keep the statistics up to date, manual if


Generally, works like any other system.

Remember that instances can disappear and
come back up without instance storage.

Always have a good backup / replication

implementation on AWS!

PIOPS are useful (but pricey) if you are

using EBS.

Larger-Scale AWS Deployments

Script everything: Instance creation,

PostgreSQL setup, etc.

Put everything inside a VPC.

Scale up and down as required to meet

AWS is a very expensive equipment

rental service.

PostgreSQL RDS

Overall, not a bad product.

BIG plus: Automatic failover.
BIG minus: No reading from the secondary.
Other minuses: Expensive, fixed (although
large) set of extensions.

Not a bad place to start with PostgreSQL.


Eventually, you will run out of write

capacity on your master.

Then what?
Community PostgreSQL doesnt have an
integrated multi-master solution.

But there are options!


Open-source fork of PostgreSQL.

Intended for dedicated hardware in a single

Node failure is still a challenge.

Somewhat experimental, but shows great


Has multi-master write capability.

Handles burst-writes effectively.
Not great for sustained writes, since the
writes ultimately have to end up on all

Custom Sharding.

Distribute data across multiple machines in

a way that the application can find it.

Can shard on an arbitrary value (user ID),

or something less abstract (region).

Application is responsible for routing to the

right database node.


Pooling, etc.

Why pooling?

Opening a connection to PostgreSQL is


It can easily be longer than the actual query


Above 200-300 connections, use a pooler.


Developed by Skype.
Easy to install.
Very fast, can handle 1000s of connections.
Does not to failover, load-balancing.
Use HAProxy or similar.

pgPool II

Does query analysis.

Can route queries between master and
secondary in replication pairs.

Can do load balancing, failover, and

secondary promotion.

Higher overhead, more complex to



Monitor, monitor, monitor.

Use Nagios / Ganglia to monitor:

Disk space at minimum.
CPU usage
Memory usage
Replication lag.
check_postgres.pl (bucardo.org)

Graphical clients

pgAdmin III
Comprehensive, open-source.
Commercial product, not PostgreSQLspecific.

Log Analysis

The only choice now for monitoring text

Maintains a buffer of data on statements
executed, within PostgreSQL.

thebuild.com / @xof / pgexperts.com

Thank you!

thebuild.com / @xof / pgexperts.com

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