Photo Album
Photo Album
Photo Album
The project entitled Photo Album is a Windows based Application used for making
photo collage. This system is made automatic. The collage is made automatically once the photos
are imported into the system. The system accepts the images. Collage is been with adjustable
images. Firstly, the size of the image is been selected form the system and next the images have
to be imported. Accordingly the next screen with the size mentioned gets opened and all images
gets placed neatly.
The current system, which is available, is a normal editor where we have to place the
images one by one. Correct positioning of images must be done.
Individual Image Upload
o The image has to be fetched one by one.
Time Consumption
o Time is consumed more due to manual entry of images.
Resizing of the images
o The images have to be resized every time.
Photo album application makes it easier for building up the collage. A rich user friendly
interface is been provided in this system.
Involves faster processing of images
o The images are processed at the earliest.
More Flexible
o The images gets attached perfectly
Faster preparing of collage
o The collage is made done accurate.
Reduces the time consumption
o It reduces time tremendously.
2.4.1 VB.NET
VB.NET is virtually a new programming language, based around new core technologythe .NET. The technical changes are so extensive that the developers will be able to compute
with C#, C++ and Java developers. It is full object oriented language including the features like
inheritance, parameterized constructors and overloading.
Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, high level programming language,
implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft launched VB.NET in 2002 as the successor to
its original Visual Basic language. Although the ".NET" portion was dropped in 2005, this article
uses "Visual Basic .NET" to refer to all Visual Basic languages releases since 2002, in order to
distinguish between them and the classic Visual Basic. Along with Visual C#, it is one of the two
main languages targeting the .NET framework.
Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) for developing in Visual Basic
.NET language is Visual Studio. Most of Visual Studio editions are commercial; the only
exceptions are Visual Studio Express and Visual Studio Community which arefreeware. In
addition, .NET
SDK includes
Simplified deployment.
VB.NET is the new version of Visual Basic. There is Visual Studio.NET, an Integrated
Development Environment that hosts VB.NET, C#, and C++.NET. Underlying all this is the
.NET Framework and its core execution engine, the Common Language Runtime. In the .NET
model, you write applications that target the .NET Framework. This gives them automatic access
to such benefits as garbage collection (which destroys objects and reclaims memory for you),
debugging, security services, inheritance, and more. When you compile the code from any
language that supports the .NET Framework, it compiles into something called MSIL, or
Microsoft Intermediate Language.
This MSIL file is binary, but it is not machine code; instead, it is a format that is platform
independent and can be placed on any machine running the .NET Framework. Within the .NET
Framework is a compiler called the Just-In-Time, or JIT, compiler. It compiles the MSIL down to
machine code specific to that hardware and operating system.
One of the major components of the .NET Framework is the Common Language
Runtime, or CLR. The CLR provides a number of benefits to the developer, such as exception
handling, security, debugging, and versioning and these benefits are available to any language
built for the CLR.
This means that the CLR can host a variety of languages, and can offer a common set of
tools across those languages. Microsoft has made VB, C++, and C# premier languages for the
CLR, which means that these three languages fully support the CLR. In addition, other vendors
have signed up to provide implementations of other languages, such as Perl, Python, and even
When a compiler compiles for the CLR, this code is said to be managed code. Managed
code is simply code that takes advantage of the services offered by the CLR. For the runtime to
work with managed code, that code must contain metadata. This metadata is created during the
compilation process by compilers targeting the CLR. The metadata is stored with the compiled
code and contains information about the types, members, and references in the code. Among
other things, the CLR uses this metadata to perform the following:
Locate classes
Load classes
Provide security