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reason in check. Plato also takes a step further and compare poets with those of the
mad men and says that themadness of these mad men is contagious. But what is
ironical is that Plato himself is not able to go beyond the use ofpoetical power. Plato
believed that the world is made up of different layers, and the topmost layer is that
of the idea, the real ideaof The Good. The layer beneath is the imitation of the top
layer and the layer which comes after that is the imitation ofthe previous one.
Therefore as we go down the layers we are getting away from the reality and
getting closer to theevil. For Plato evil was something which originates when
someone mistakes something for reality, which is not real, oras Plato puts it as
accident for essence.Q. 2. Examine Wollstonecrafts-An Introduction as constrained
by being the product of its day and age.Ans. Wollstonecrafts work in many ways is
limited by being a product of its days and age. Her work is a responseto many
contemporary writers who wrote against womens education. She held the view that
it is the lack of educationwhich results in the enslavement and suppression of
women. In An Introduction Kamala Das also talks in the samevein and points these
issues.Wollstonecraft was a moral and political theorist whose analysis of the
condition of women in modern societyretains much of its original radicalism. One of
the reasons her pronouncements on the subject remain challenging is thather
reflections on the status of the female sex were part of an attempt to come to a
comprehensive understanding ofhuman relations within a civilization increasingly
governed by acquisitiveness. Her first publication was on the educationof
daughters, but she went on to write about politics, history and various aspects of
philosophy in a number of differentgenres that included critical reviews,
translations, pamphlets, and novels. Best known for her Vindication of the Rightsof
Woman (1792), her influence went beyond the substantial contribution to feminism
she is mostly remembered forand extended to shaping the art of travel writing as a
literary genre and, through her account of her journey throughScandinavia, she had
an impact on the Romantic movement.Apart from Mary, a Fiction and The Cave of
Fancy Wollstonecrafts early writings were of a pedagogical nature.These reveal the
profound influence John Locke had on Wollstonecrafts thought, and several of the
arguments of hisSome Thoughts Concerning Education (1693) are echoed in
Wollstonecrafts conception of morality and the bestmanner to inculcate it in
individuals at the earliest possible age. The opening paragraph of her Thoughts on
theEducation of Daughters speaks of the duty parents have to ensure that reason
should cultivate and govern thoseinstincts which are implanted in us to render the
path of duty pleasantfor if they are not governed they will run wild;and strengthen
the passions which are ever endeavouring to obtain dominion. Similarly, the
beginning of her Originalthat reason must rule supreme is a running theme of
Wollstonecrafts works written prior to her sojourn in RevolutionaryFrance and, all
the more, prior to her travels through Scandinavia. It is stressed in her Vindication
of the Rights ofWoman (1792). Other continuities between her Thoughts on the
Education of Daughters and the Vindication includeher preference for an education
conducted at home, and her insistence that girls and young women be made to
the true poetic stamp of diction and movement befound wanting in its style and
manner. Hence the two, the nobility of subject-matter, and the superiority of style
andmanner, are proportional and cannot occur independently.Arnold took up
Aristotles view, asserting that true greatness in poetry is given by the truth and
seriousness of itssubject-matter, and by the high diction and movement in its style
and manner, and although indebted to JoshuaReynolds for the expression grand
style, Arnold gave it a new meaning when he used it in his lecture On
TranslatingHomer (1861):I think it will be found that that the grand style arises in
poetry when a noble nature, poetically gifted, treats withsimplicity or with a severity
a serious subject.According to Arnold, Homer is the best model of a simple grand
style, while Milton is the best model of severegrand style. Dante, however, is an
example of both.Even Chaucer, in Arnolds view, in spite of his virtues such as
benignity, largeness, and spontaneity, lacks seriousness.Burns too lacks sufficient
seriousness, because he was hypocritical in that while he adopted a moral stance in
some of
his poems, in his private life he flouted morality.He says that even the imitation of
Shakespeare is risky for a young writer, who should imitate only his excellence,and
avoid his attractive accessories, tricks of style, such as quibble, conceit,
circumlocution and allusiveness, whichwill lead him astray.Arnold commends
Shakespeares use of great plots from the past. He had what Goethe called the
architectonicquality that is his expression was matched to the action (or the
subject). But at the same time Arnold quotes Hallam toshow that Shakespeares
style was complex even where the press of action demanded simplicity and
directness, andhence his style could not be taken as a model by young writers.
Elsewhere he says that Shakespeares expressiontends to become a little sensuous
and simple, too much intellec-tualized.Shakespeares excellences are: (1) The
architectonic quality of his style; the harmony between action and expression.(2)
His reliance on the ancients for his themes. (3) Accurate construction of action. (4)
His strong conception of actionand accurate portrayal of his subject-matter. (5) His
intense feeling for the subjects he dramatizes.His attractive accessories (or tricks of
style) which a young writer should handle carefully are (1) His fondness forquibble,
fancy, conceit. (2) His excessive use of imagery. (3) Circumlocution, even where the
press of action demandsdirectness. (4) His lack of simplicity (according to Hallam
and Guizot). (5) His allusiveness.Arnold also wants the modern writer to take models
from the past because they depict human actions which touchon the great primary
human affections: to those elementary feelings which subsist permanently in the
race, and whichare independent of time. Characters such as Agamemnon, Dido,
Aeneas, Orestes, Merope, Alcmeon, and Clytemnestra
leave a permanent impression on our minds. Compare The Iliad or The Aeneid
with The Childe Harold or TheExcursion and you see the difference.A modern
writer might complain that ancient subjects pose problems with regard to ancient
culture, customs,manners, dress and so on which are not familiar to contemporary
readers. But Arnold is of the view that a writer shouldnot concern himself with the
externals, but with the inward man. The inward man is the same irrespective of
clime ortime.It is in his The Function of Criticism at the Present Time (1864) that
Arnold says that criticism should be adissemination of ideas, a disinterested
endeavour to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in theworld.
He says that when evaluating a work the aim is to see the object as in itself it really
is. Psychological,historical and sociological background are irrelevant, and to dwell
on such aspects is mere dilettantism. This stance wasvery influential with later
critics.Arnold also believed that in his quest for the best a critic should not confine
himself to the literature of his owncountry, but should draw substantially on foreign
literature and ideas, because the propagation of ideas should be anobjective
endeavour.For Arnold there is no place for charlatanism in poetry. To him poetry is
the criticism of life, governed by the lawsof poetic truth and poetic beauty. It is in
the criticism of life that the spirit of our race will find its stay and consolation.The
extent to which the spirit of mankind finds its stay and consolation is proportional to
the power of a poemscriticism of life, and the power of the criticism of life is in
direct proportion to the extent to which the poem is genuineand free from
charlatanism.In The Study of Poetry he also cautions the critic that in forming a
genuine and disinterested estimate of the poetunder consideration he should not be
influenced by historical or personal judgements, historical judgements
beingfallacious because we regard ancient poets with excessive veneration, and
personal judgements being fallacious whenwe are biased towards a contemporary
poet. If a poet is a dubious classic, let us sift him; if he is a false classic, let
usexplode him. But if he is a real classic, if his work belongs to the class of the very
best . . . enjoy his work.He also condemns the French critic Vitet, who had eloquent
words of praise for the epic poem Chanson de Rolandby Turoldus, (which was sung
by a jester, Taillefer, in William the Conquerors army), saying that it was superior
toHomers Iliad. Arnolds view is that this poem can never be compared to Homers
work, and that we only have tocompare the description of dying Roland to Helens
words about her wounded brothers Pollux and Castor and itsinferiority will be clearly
revealed.To Arnold a critic is a social benefactor. In his view the creative artist, no
matter how much of a genius, would cuta sorry figure without the critic to come to
his aid. Before Arnold a literary critic cared only for the beauties and defectsof
works of art, but Arnold the critic chose to be the educator and guardian of public
opinion and propagator of the bestideas.Cultural and critical values seem to be
synonymous for Arnold. Scott James, comparing him to Aristotle, says thatwhere
Aristotle analyses the work of art, Arnold analyses the role of the critic. The one
gives us the principles whichgovern the making of a poem, the other the principles
by which the best poems should be selected and made known.Aristotles critic owes
allegiance to the artist, but Arnolds critic has a duty to society.It is in his The
Function of Criticism at the Present Time (1864) that Arnold says that criticism
should be adissemination of ideas, a disinterested endeavour to learn and
propagate the best that is known and thought in theworld. He says that when
evaluating a work the aim is to see the object as in itself it really is.
individual rights.But things went too far. Because modernism defines humanity in
terms of the thinking self, it fails to understandthe non-rational elements of human
nature, including the spiritual. It also utterly fails to comprehend the limits ofreason
and objectivism. In effect, modernism dehumanizes us by convincing us that we are
only a small cog in a greatmechanistic universe. And modernism leads to a
breakdown in human relationships by exalting individualism andanalysis. On the
whole, modernism has kept us from a relational, holistic approach to life.
Postmodernism seeks to correct the imbalances of modernism. It reminds us that we
do not possess an unlimitedpotential to understand and change the world for our
own purposes. Rather, we exist in the world and in relation to it.Postmodernism is a
reaction to modernism. It corrects problems from the past, but also over-reacts to
thoseproblems, leading to an exaggeration. So, the chief strengths of
postmodernism are in what it corrects, and its chiefweaknesses are in what it overcorrects.Lets look at an example. Under modernism, the prevailing theory of truth
was known as the correspondencetheory of truth. That is, something was felt to be
true in so much as it corresponds to objective reality found in theworld. The
correspondence theory of truth caused people to believe that scientific truth equals
absolute truth.Postmodernism corrects this by denying the equivalency between
scientific truth and absolute truth. All scientificconclusions are now understood to be
tentative simply because no one has ever made the infinite number of
observationsrequired to learn if there are any exceptions.So, postmodernism
corrects modernism by helping us to understand the limits of our reasoning ability
and knowledge.But postmodernism then presses things too far.It adheres to a
coherence theory of truth. That is, something is true for us only in so much as it
coheres with ourother perceptions about the world. But this new theory of truth
makes science to be just a collection of independentresearch traditions, each having
its own perspectives and language games. But if taken to the extreme, this can lead
tothe absurd.Modernism began in the 1890s and lasted till about 1945.
Postmodernism began after the Second World War,especially after 1968. Modernism
was based on using rational, logical means to gain knowledge while
postmodernismdenied the application of logical thinking. Rather, the thinking during
the postmodern era was based on unscientific,irrational thought process, as a
reaction to modernism. A hierarchical and organized and determinate nature of
knowledgecharacterized modernism. But postmodernism was based on an
anarchical, non-totalized and indeterminate state ofknowledge. Modernist approach
was objective, theoretical and analytical while the postmodernism approach
wasbased on subjectivity. It lacked the analytical nature and thoughts were
rhetorical and completely based on belief. Thefundamental difference between
modernism and postmodernism is that modernist thinking is about the search of
anabstract truth of life while postmodernist thinkers believe that there is no
universal truth, abstract or otherwise.Modernism attempts to construct a coherent
world-view whereas postmodernism attempts to remove the differencebetween high
and low. Modernist thinking asserts that mankind progresses by using science and
reason whilepostmodernist thinking believes that progress is a only way to justify