Nitomortar MH

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Nitomortar MH*

constructive solutions

Solvent free epoxy lining and benching mortar

A trowelable epoxy mortar with maximum chemical and
abrasion resistance for the protection of concrete and similar
substrates. It is ideally suited for the rehabilitation of
! Pre-weighed quality controlled materials ensure
consistency and reduce risk of site errors.
! Unaffected by a wide range of acids, alkalis and industrial
! 2 to 3 times stronger than typical concrete. Excellent
resistance to abrasion and impact.
! Will cure under damp conditions. Cured surface is
impermeable to water.
! Superior chemical and physical bond to virtually all
substrates, dry or damp.
! Early strength development minimises maintenance
! No harmful vapours present. Particularly suitable for
enclosed environments.
! Designed for easy laying to a fair finish.

Nitomortar MH blend of siliceous aggregates is blended

together with epoxy resins specifically developed for use in
aggresive conditions.
Nitomortar MH is simple and cost effective for vertical and
horizontal patching and for resurfacing to both dry and damp
surfaces. The low odour, non-sag and chemically resistant
properties of Nitomortar MH make it the ideal material for
long lasting manhole rehabilitation and for use in similarly
enclosed structures.
Nitomortar MH can be used in brick, block and all concrete
manholes, including precast, and provides an impermeable
high strength, monolithic lining to the interior of manhole walls.

Nitomortar MH*

Nitomortar MH is supplied as a 3 pack material in pre-weighed

quantities ready for on-site mixing and use.

Test method
Compressive strength
(ASTM C579)
Flexural strength
(ASTM C580)
Tensile strength
(ASTM C307)
Water absorption
Initial hardness

Typical results
84 N/mm2

26 N/mm2

13 N/mm2


24 hours @ 25C
16 hours @ 35C
7 days
@ 25C
4 days
@ 35C
2 Hours
@ 25C
1 Hr 20 mins. @ 35C

Full cure

Pot Life

Chemical resistance
Nitomortar MH has been independently tested to ASTM C267
and found to be resistant to 10% sulphuric acid at 50C.
Nitomortar MH is also resistant to a wide range of industrial
chemicals. Contact the Fosroc technical department for further
Design criteria
Nitomortar MH is designed for application to brick, block or
concrete particularly in enclosed environments. It is highly
suited for use in the rehabilitation of manholes. Nitomortar
MH can be applied to a depth of 12mm in one application,
subsequent applications to increase thickness can be made
the following day.
Technical support
Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance,
high quality repair, maintenance and construction products.
In addition, Fosroc offers a technical support package to
specifiers, end-users and contractors, as well as on-site
technical assistance in locations all over the world.

Nitomortar MH*
Instructions for use


Surface preparation

The Nitomortar MH components are supplied in pre-weighed

quantities. Under no circumstances must part packs be used.
Mechanical mixing is necessary to produce a fully
homogeneous mortar.

Surfaces must be clean and structurally sound. Any loose or

unsound brick or concrete should be removed. Surfaces must
be entirely free of oil, grease, paint, detergents, rust or other
surface contaminants.
Surfaces should preferably be prepared by high pressure water
jetting or light grit blasting, followed by thorough washing to
remove dust and remaining particles. Diesel and oil
contaminants should be removed with detergent and rinsed
thoroughly with water.
Prior to applying Nitomortar MH, all active hydrostatic leaks
must be stopped by the use of Renderoc Plug*, a hydrostatic
cement specially formulated to stop the ingress of water.
Substrate Priming
Substrates should be primed using Nitocote Primer Sealer.
The primer should be mixed in the proportions supplied, adding
the entire contents of the hardener tin to the base tin. The
two components should be thoroughly mixed together for three
The mixed primer should be scrubbed well into the prepared
substrate, taking care that all imperfections in the surface are
properly coated and avoiding ponding in depressions. If the
primer is absorbed within 30 minutes, a second coat should
be applied before continuing.
Nitomortar MH can be applied as soon as the primer has
started to gel but still has surface tack. This is normally
between 30 minutes and 4 hours dependent on the ambient
and substrate temperatures.
If the primer cures hard, a second application must be made
before the application of Nitomortar MH. The usuable life of the
mixed primer is approximately 60 minutes at 20C or 30
minutes at 35C.

The entire contents of the hardener tin should be emptied into

the base tin and the two components mixed thoroughly for 35 minutes. The mixed resins should then be emptied into a
suitably sized mixing drum or bucket.
The supplied aggregate should then be added slowly while
the product is being continuously mixed by suitable
mechanical means, e.g. a heavy duty, slow speed drill (350500 rpm) and approved mixing paddle.
Larger quantities of Nitomortar MH can be mixed in a heavy
duty paddle-mixer, however, no more than can be reasonably
used within the pot life of the product, should be prepared at
any one time.
The mixed material should be used at once. It should be
applied to the prepared surfaces with a spatula or steel trowel,
pressing the mortar firmly on to all surfaces to ensure positive
adhesion. To avoid sagging on vertical and overhead surfaces,
do not apply in thicknesses greater than 12mm per layer.
Where additional applications are required, do not tightly close
the surface of the first layer. Subsequent applications should
be made the following day. To close the surface and to create
a smooth, impermeable finish, lubricate the trowel with clean
water. This may give a slight whitening of the surface but does
not affect performance.
Important Note: Do not use solvents to thin components or to
lubricate the trowel as this will prevent proper cure.
Clean tools and equipment with water or Fosroc Solvent 102
immediately after use.

Nitomortar MH - Page 2 of 4

Nitomortar MH*


Nitomortar MH
Nitocote Primer Sealer

Health and safety


14 litre packs
1 and 4 litre packs

Nitomortar MH
Nitocote Primer Sealer


2.8 m2 @ 5 mm thickness
4 - 5 m2/litre

Shelf life
All products have a shelf life of 12 months at 30C if stored in
a dry shaded place in the original, unopened bags.

Some people are sensitive to epoxy resins and skin contact

should be avoided. Gloves and barrier creams such as
Kerodex 71 or Rozalex 9 should be used when handling these
products. If contact with the resin occurs, it must be removed
before it hardens with a resin removing cream such as
Kerocleanse 22 or Rozalex 42 followed by washing with soap
and water.
Solvents should not be used for cleaning hands. Contact with
eyes must be avoided and accidental contamination should
be washed thoroughly with plenty of clean water and medical
treatment sought immediately. The use of goggles is
Fosroc Solvent 102 is flammable. Ensure adequate
ventilation. Do not use near a naked flame or smoke during
Flash points
Fosroc Solvent 102

: 33C

For further information, refer to the Product Material Safety

Data Sheet.

Nitomortar MH - Page 3 of 4

Nitomortar MH*
Additional Information
Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary
products which include :
! waterproofing membranes & waterstops
! joint sealants & filler boards
! cementitious & epoxy grouts
! specialised flooring materials
Fosroc additionally offers a comprehensive package of
products specifically designed for the repair and
refurbishment of damaged concrete. Fosrocs Systematic
Approach to concrete repair features the following :
! hand-placed repair mortars
! spray grade repair mortars
! fluid micro-concretes
! chemically resistant epoxy mortars
! anti-carbonation/anti-chloride protective coatings
! chemical and abrasion resistant coatings
For further information on any of the above, please consult
your local Fosroc office - as below.

* Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited

See separate data sheet

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard
Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the users
responsibility to obtain the recent version. Refer to

Al Gurg Fosroc
Post Box 657, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699

fax: (+9714) 2859649


Regional offices
Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc

telephone: 673 1779

fax: 673 1449


Bahrain, YBA Kanoo

Kuwait, Boodai

telephone: 17735454
telephone: 4817618

fax: 17732828
fax: 4832124


Oman, Al Amana
Qatar, Tadmur

telephone: 24815080
telephone: 4500607

fax: 24817554
fax: 4500543



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