Kenexis Effigy Technical Data 10JAN2015

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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software

The Kenexis Effigy fire and gas mapping software is the most technically sophisticated
and accurate application available. The fire and gas engineering and risk analysis
experts at Kenexis have engineered this software tool to provide the flexibility to model
virtually any facility with unparalleled accuracy and ease of use.
Server Hardware Specifications
Effigy is built on cloud based architecture to create a multi-site multi-user global
enterprise software experience. The core of the application framework are Kenexis
powerful server computers that run the application code and store data.
Server Operating System:
Database Engine:
Web Server Engine:
Server Hardware:
Data Storage:
Data Backup:

Windows Server - 2013

Microsoft SQL Server Latest Version
Microsoft Internet Information Services Latest Version
Multi-Core Multi-threaded High Performance Processor Array
RAID Multi-Drive
>99% Guaranteed
Daily Offsite; 30 days of backup available; Offsite Annual backup
maintained for 5 years

Client Requirements
Users of Effigy access Kenexis powerful server architecture through their own client
devices through a simple web browser. Effigy can be access by almost any computer, in
almost any location worldwide, at any time. This allows diverse work teams across the
globe to seamlessly work together regardless of time zone or computer system.
Client Device Types:
Supported Operating Systems:
Supported Web Browsers1:

Computers (and laptops), Tablet Computers, Smart Phones

Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone
Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firebox, Safari
Any variety of internet connectivity

Client Accounts
Kenexis is robust enterprise software, but is has the flexibility to allow organizations and
individual users to set up accounts to meet their own needs.

Some more advanced features, such as 3D model graphic manipulation, are only supported by the most
recent version of a browser. Otherwise, Kenexis supports the past three versions of each browser listed.
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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software
Account Types:

Professional Named User This account is accessed from the

Kenexis Public Server (shared application code and database). Only
the single named user associated with the account is licensed to
access the software and associated data. Professional Accounts are
available in Annual or Project (60 day) durations.
Professional Simultaneous User - This account is accessed from the
Kenexis Public Server (shared application code and database).
Unlimited users from a single organization are licensed to access the
software and associated data, but only the specified number
(minimum of two) can access the application simultaneously.
Professional Accounts are available in Annual or Project (60 day)

Private Node:

Private Server:

Operating Enterprise This account can be accessed from the Kenexis

Public Server (shared application code and database), but a dedicated
server or dedicated node is recommended. Unlimited users from a
single organization are licensed to access the software and associated
data with no limit on the number of simultaneous users. Operating
Enterprise Accounts are available in and annual duration and licensing
is based on the number of tags in the database.
As an option, any user or group of users, can obtain a private node.
The private node is operating by the same powerful Kenexis server
system that operates the public server, but in a private node the group
maintains a separate set of application code and a separate database
for results storage. Private nodes can also be customized with custom
graphics and custom URL for access.
As an option, any user or group of users, can obtain a private server.
The private server allows for complete physical and functional
separation from any other users of the Kenexis instrumented
safeguard suite. This option provides for a completely separate and
dedicated computer system for the user group.

Handling Multiple Project

Effigy, through the KISS project manager, allows for the creation, manipulation, and
management of an unlimited number of project.
Project Types:

Effigy Fire and Gas Mapping

Vertigo Safety Integrity Level Verification and SRS (Sold Separately)
Strata PHA/Layer of Protection Analysis (Sold Separately)
Audit Audit and Assessment Database (Sold Separately)
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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software
Tracked Project Data:
Project Actions:

Study Name, Study Type, Study Facility, Study Owner (User Name and
Full Name), Date Modified, Current Revision
Load Study, Copy Study, Delete Study, Baseline Study (Set Revision),
Import Study2

Data Libraries
Effigy contains data libraries that allow for fast and accurate modeling of specific fire
and gas sensors. Kenexis has compiled data for most fire and gas detection equipment
Available Libraries:
Fire Detector Attributes:

Fire Detector Data Source:

Fire Detector Vendors Included:

Gas Detector Attributes:

Fire Detector Vendors Included:

Fire Detectors, Gas Detectors

Detector Make, Detector Model, Detected Chemical, Sensitivity
Setting, Curve Characterization Parameters, Design Basis Detection
FM 3260 Reports Vendor Literature
Chubb, Detronics, Drager, General Monitors, Honeywell, Micropack,
MSA, Net Safety (Emerson), Sierra Monitors, Spectrex, Tyco Multiple
Models available, each with different sensitivity settings, and
measured chemicals. Other vendors and makes can be added within
minutes upon submittal of FM 3260 certification report style testing
Detector Make, Detector Model, Detected Chemical, Sensitivity
Detronics, Drager, General Monitors, Honeywell, Net Safety
(Emerson), Sieger, Spectrex Multiple Models available, each with
different sensitivity settings, and measured chemicals. Other vendors
and makes can be added within minutes

General Study Data Inputs

Effigy defines the process facility study area, or zone, using a variety of attributes.
These attributes include the physical description of the facility along with the conditions
that affect the fire and gas mapping study, such as weather.
Facility Tracking Information:
Facility Dimension Information:

Name, Asset Owner, Facility Description, Project Number

x dimension, y dimension, z dimension, true north angle, project north

Importing of complete studies can be performed from an export file generated by Effigy or other KISS
applications. The import file will be a .zip file containing an .xlsx file with database data, and any number
of associated graphic files. Export/Import files allow transfer of data amount multiple different servers.
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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software
Analysis Elevation:

Detector Voting:
Overlay Image:
Supported Image Formats:
Graded Area Definitions:
Wind Direction Data:

In accordance with ISA TR 84.00.07 coverage results are presented as

areas of an elevation of interest. This elevation of interest is user
defined, and can be changed, or calculated multiple times for different
elevations, as required.
1ooN or NooN for gas selectable, 1ooN or NooN for fire selectable
An overlay image is a graphic file that is overlaid on mapping results to
provide context.
Define graded area names, primary inclusion distance, secondary
inclusion distance, secondary grade
Wind direction data is critical for distributing release scenario
locations depending on wind. Effigy allows input for up to 16 wind
direction, and defines the fraction of time the wind is coming from
each direction in a non-dimensional format.

Fire Detector Input Data and Results

Users define fire detectors in Effigy. Multiple data options are available to define fire
detectors, and multiple calculated results are available on a per fire detector basis.
Detector Information:

Detector Location/Orientation:
Design Basis Fire Size:


Per Detector Results:

Detector Tag Name, Detector Make (Vendor), Detector Model,

Detector Hazard of Concern (Chemical Combusted), Detector
Sensitivity Setting
x dimension, y dimension, z dimension, declination angle, rotation
Input of design basis fire size in terms of Radiant Heat Output in
kilowatts. Effigy automatically scales the cone of vision dimensions
based on the design basis fire size.
Each detector can be individually enabled or disabled from the study
to allow calculation of the results without the benefit of the detector
allowing quick and easy sensitivity analysis.
Geographic Coverage for the Detector, Geographic Coverage without
the Detector, 3D view from the face of the detector, Scenario
Coverage of the Detector, Scenario Coverage without the Detector

Gas Detector Input Data and Results

Users define gas detectors in Effigy. Multiple data options are available to define gas
detectors, and multiple calculated results are available on a per gas detector basis.
Detector Information:
Detector Location/Orientation:

Detector Tag Name, Detector Make and Model, Detector Hazard of

Concern (Chemical Combusted), Detector Set Point
x, y, and z dimensions of the detector (for open path options x,y,z
coordinates of the emitter and received
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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software
Critical Cloud Diameter:

Detectable Concentration:
Per Detector Results:

Input of critical cloud diameter Radiant Heat Output in multiple

different distance units. Critical cloud size determined separately
based on release parameters or fire and gas system philosophy.
Set point of detector, and parameter for determining exceedance of
set point for open path gas detection equipment.
Geographic Coverage for the Detector, Geographic Coverage without
the Detector, Scenario Coverage of the Detector, Scenario Coverage
without the Detector

Equipment Item Input Data

Users define the physical attributes of the facility by creating or importing one or more
equipment items. These equipment items are physical pieces of equipment that can
serve as obstructions to detector view, gradable leak sources that require FGS coverage,
and sources of gas leak scenarios and fire scenarios.
Equipment Item Information:
Equipment Item Attributes:

Equipment Tag Name and Service Description

Each equipment item can be defined to be any combination of the
following: an obstruction, graded area, fire scenario, or gas scenario,
but checking the appropriate checkbox in the equipment item
Equipment Location/Orientation: X, Y, and Z coordinates of 3D solid, or imported STL file center,
Rotation Angle, Inclination Angle
Type (3D Solid):
If the equipment item is defined as a 3D solid, the type of solid
cuboid, sphere, cylinder, pressure vessel (cylinder with spherical ends)
Equipment Dimensions:
length, height, width, radius, as required for the 3D solid (Not
applicable to imported STL file)
Imported3 3D CAD File4:
Filename of imported 3D CAD file. Binary stereo lithograph (.stl) file
format (< 10 MB). Binary STL format is supported by all major 3D CAD
software vendors Aveva PDMS5, AutoCAD, Bently Microstation

Imported STL files are currently done through Kenexis support ( An STL file is
submitted to Kenexis support along with user account and study name. The file will be inserted into the
study within 48 hours. Direct user import will be available in the next major software revision.
Facility data in Effigy can be built or directly imported. Allowing Effigy much more flexibility than any
other FGS mapping application. Equipment items can be built from individual 3D solids for individual
equipment items. In this case, Effigy will convert the 3D solid into a stereolithograph (STL) file for use in
the calculation engine. Effigy can also use imported STL files. This STL file can be limited to a single piece
of equipment or it can comprise an entire facility. Effigys flexibility in input of plant data allows individual
equipment items to be added or deleted from a study where other software applications would require
that the entire study be recreated if the underlying CAD drawing were to become outdated.
AVEVA PDMS exports to STEP file format, which can be converted to STL through third party converters
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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software
Graded Areas:

Fire Scenarios:

Gas Scenarios:

Graded areas are defined by selecting location (automatically

associated with equipment location), and one or more set-off
distances away from the equipment items to define the covered
volumes. Each graded area can select from multiple different defined
Fire scenarios are definitions of the sizes of fires that can occur as the
result of a release from a piece of process equipment. An unlimited
amount of scenarios can be defined for each equipment item. Each
fire scenario includes a location (x, y, z), fire dimensions (length,
width), fire frequency (per year), and offset from the release location.
Also, each scenario can be individually enabled and disabled.
Gas scenarios are definitions of the sizes of gas clouds that can occur
as the result of a release from a piece of process equipment. An
unlimited amount of scenarios can be defined for each equipment
item. Each gas release scenario includes a location (x, y, z), gas cloud
dimensions (length, width), concentration related to the release
dimensions, release frequency (per year), and offset from the release
location. Also, each scenario can be individually enabled and disabled.

Detector Layout Drawing

Effigy allows users to view the facility definition in terms of equipment items and
detectors (both fire and gas) in a plan view format on the detector layout page.
Facility Overlay:
Detector Locations:

Equipment Item Location:

Location Tool Tip:

All equipment items and detectors are drawn on top of the facility
overlay graphic to provide context.
Fire detectors and gas detectors are down on the overlay in red. Gas
detectors show location. For open path gas detector emitter and
receiver locations are shown with a linkage between the two. For fire
detectors orientation is also shown.
Equipment item location is drawn on the overlay. Extents of
equipment items are shown in dashed lines. Intersection with the
elevation of interest is shown in gray.
At all times, a tool tip attached to the mouse presents to location of
the mouse on the overlay in engineering units.

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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software

Geographic Coverage Results

Effigy provides geographic coverage results of the FGS mapping activity. Geographic
coverage is defined in ISA TR 84.00.07 as the fraction of area of an elevation of interest
where if a fire are gas cloud were to exist, would be detected by the FGS detector array.
Separate results are prepared for gas detection and for fire detection.
Geographic Coverage Map:
Grade Display Selector:
Tabular Results:


A colorized map is provided that shows the areas that are uncovered,
covered by only one detector, and covered by two or more detectors.
The colorized coverage map can either be displayed for the zone as
whole or individually for each graded area (e.g., A, B, or C)
Tabular results are also calculated. The tabular results are presented
as a percentage coverage and are presented for the zone as a whole
and each individual grade of the zone.
Analysis certification (both of the analyst and the zone) are presented

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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software

Scenario Coverage Results

Effigy provides scenario coverage results of the FGS mapping activity. Scenario coverage
is defined in ISA TR 84.00.07 as the fraction of release scenarios at an elevation of
interest where if a fire are gas cloud were to exist, would be detected by the FGS
detector array. Separate results are prepared for gas detection and for fire detection.
Geographic Risk Map:

Tabular Results:


Since scenario coverage cannot be visualized directly, a geographic

RISK map is used to visualize risk and coverage. A colorized map is
provided that, by way of color, the frequency at which a gas cloud or a
fire will exist in a given location. These maps can be generated in
unmitigated and mitigated versions. The unmitigated simply shows all
of the releases, whereas the mitigated map removes the detected
scenarios, only showing the frequency of scenarios that are not
Tabular results are also calculated. The tabular include the total
release frequency, the total frequency of detected scenarios, the total
frequency of undetected scenarios (residual), and the calculated
scenario coverage as a percentage.
Analysis certification (both of the analyst and the zone) are presented

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3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software

3D Viewer
While the ISA 84.00.07 technical report defines coverage in terms of area of an
elevation of interest, there is a great deal of value provided by view and manipulating a
process facility (and the associated mapping) fully in three dimensions. Effigy provide a
three dimensional viewer for this purpose.
3D View Controls:

Predefined Views:
Equipment List:

Detector List:

Viewing in 3D is done by mouse actions depending on the view control

mode. The view control modes are Pan, Zoon, and Orbit.
The overlay graphic and the elevation of interest mapping results can
be displayed in the 3D graphic. The specific set of results to be
presented is user selectable.
Several pre-defined views can be selected, including the 4 compass
points, Top, Bottom, and the view of each optical fire detector.
Each equipment item is shown and listed. Each item can also be
selected and removed from the view. When a specific item is
selected, all other items are shown in wireframe.
A three dimensional representation of the field of view or field of
coverage for all detectors is presented. Each of these views can be
selectively removed or added one at a time.

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Technical Data

3D Fire & Gas Mapping Software

Effigy has been extensively validated to demonstrate that the results presented are
accurate. The validation include checks for faithful reproduction of vendor cone-ofvision data in multiple different angles and a multiple different sensitivity and fire size
RHO settings, checks for faithful determination of obstruction shadow creation for
multiple obstruction geometries, and checks for faithful scenario development and

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Effigy Technical Data 24FEB2014

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