Standard Technical Features of BTG System For Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

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Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


For air motors it shall not exceed 95 dBA.


For pressure regulation valves & steam generator water drain

control valve it shall not exceed 90 dBA.

Corrections for background noise shall be considered in line with the

applicable standards.
5.4.23 Condensate polishing plant

Effluent quality at outlet of each vessel at its rated design flow and
design service length between two regenerations.


Pressure drop across the polisher service vessel, as specified, in clean

and dirty condition of resin at rated design flow.

5.4.24 Control & Instrumentation system requirements

Performance guarantee tests for closed loop control systems shall be carried
out at site to verify the integrated performance of the C&I system and to verify
as to whether all the important parameters remain within stipulated
permissible limits under all the operating conditions. In case during these tests
or otherwise it is observed that the behavior/ response of individual system
(drives actuators/ valves etc.) is not satisfactory/ acts as a limitation/ restriction
in achieving the permissible limits, all required modifications, rectification etc.
shall be made in the C&I system so that the permissible limits can be
5.4.25 EOT crane
After assembly and erection of crane at site, the crane shall be subjected to
deflection test, overload test, brake test and other tests as per IS 3177.
5.4.26 Elevators
After installation at site, the elevators shall be subjected to the following tests:



Overload test.


Travel speed and hoist speed checks.


Drop test.


Checks for interlocks & safety systems.


Checks for operation from inside the cage.

Test Codes, Test Conditions etc.

5.5.1 Steam generator efficiency


The steam generator efficiency shall be determined as per the

requirements of ASME PTC- 4 (by energy balance method) and other
stipulations brought out hereunder.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

a) Test loads
b) Test conditions





100% TMCR and 80% TMCR.

Boiler operating at rated steam parameter, excess
air, coal fineness and firing design coal.
27oC dry bulb temperature and 60% relative
humidity. The reference air temperature for the
efficiency guarantee/ testing shall be taken as
27oC at APH inlet (without consideration of heat
No. of readings Two sets of consistent readings for each of test
loads. Average of the test efficiencies based on
above two readings for each load shall be
considered for evaluation.
APH leakages to Guaranteed or actual whichever is higher.
be considered
Test duration
Four hours. No soot blowing shall be allowed
during the test period or during stabilization
period of four hours prior to commencement of
the test.
Heat credits
No heat credits allowed. The guaranteed steam
generator efficiency shall be without any heat

The guaranteed efficiency shall comply with following limiting

parameters with design coal firing:
a) Excess air at economizer outlet at 20% (minimum).
100% TMCR load
b) Corrected flue gas temperature
125 C or as predicted by the
(at 100% TMCR load)
supplier at air preheater outlet
whichever is higher.
c) Boiler efficiency loss to be
Minimum 1%.
considered due to unburnt carbon


The following correction curves shall be applicable for performance test

of the steam generator:
a) Ambient air temperature.
b) Relative humidity of ambient air.
c) Hydrogen in coal.
d) Moisture in coal.
e) Gross calorific value of coal.

Feed water temperature at economiser inlet.

5.5.2 Performance test of ESP


The performance/ acceptance tests shall be carried out in accordance

with method-17 of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency of USA)

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


The following correction curves shall be applicable for performance test

of the ESP:
a) Inlet flue gas flow.
b) Inlet flue gas temperature.
c) Inlet dust loading.

Sulphur content of coal.

5.5.3 Auxiliary power consumption

The unit auxiliary power consumption shall be calculated using the following
= Pu + TL

= Guaranteed Auxiliary Power Consumption.


= Power consumed by the auxiliaries of the unit under the test.


= Losses of the transformers based on works test reports.

While guaranteeing the auxiliary power consumption, all continuously

operating unit auxiliaries shall be included and number of coal mills to be
considered in operation shall be as per requirement of design coal.
5.5.4 Performance/ acceptance test for turbine generator

Performance test for the turbine generator set will be conducted in

accordance with the latest edition of ASME PTC-6.


Power consumed by the integral auxiliaries mentioned which is to be

deducted from electrical power generated, shall be measured during the
performance/ Acceptance Test. Wherever the measurement is not
possible, design values of power consumption by an auxiliary shall be


Corrections to the test results for steam turbine shall be applied as per
the correction curves provided. When the system is properly isolated for
a performance test, the unaccounted for leakages should not be
more than 0.1% of the design throttle flow at full load. However, during
the test, if it is found that the unaccounted for leakage is more than 0.1%
of design throttle flow at full load, then heat rate will be increased by an
amount equal to half the difference between actual unaccounted for
leakage expressed as percentage of design throttle flow at full load and
0.1% (allowed by the code). In case excessive leakage is visible in the
plant area, the source of leakage shall be identified and attended before
commencement of the test.


The tests shall be arranged in a manner that the normal unit operation is
not disrupted. Duplicate test runs shall be performed at 100% TMCR
and 80 % TMCR loads. The results of corrected heat rate shall agree
within 0.25% and average of two shall be considered heat rate achieved.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

If they differ by more than 0.25%, additional test run(s) shall be made at
the same point until corrected heat rates of atleast two test runs agree
within 0.25% and achieved heat rate shall be calculated as average of
test run points satisfying the above criterion.

The performance guarantee test shall be carried out after successful

completion of trial operation. Ageing allowance shall be applicable
during evaluation of PG test results in line with ASME-PTC-6 report
1985 (reaffirmed 1991). Period of ageing shall be considered from the
date of successful completion of trial operation to the date of
conductance of PG test. In calculating the above factor, any period(s)
during which the turbine has not been in operation at a stretch for more
than one week shall not be considered.


The following correction curves shall be applicable for performance test

of the turbine generator:
a) Main steam temperature.
b) Main steam pressure.
c) Reheat steam temperature.
d) Condenser back pressure.
e) Superheater desuperheating spray.

Generator power factor.

g) Generator hydrogen pressure.

The extent of correction admissible for superheater desuperheating spray
shall be with reference to the design value considered in the guaranteed
heat rate HBD.
5.5.5 Performance test for the condensers

Performance test for design condenser pressure shall be conducted in

accordance with latest edition of ASME PTC- 12.2.


Condenser pressure shall be measured at 300 mm above top row of

tubes under VWO conditions, 1% make-up and design C.W. flow &
design temperature. The condenser pressure shall be measured with a
vacuum grid utilizing ASME basket tips. The grid shall be fitted at 300
mm above top row of condenser tubes.


Tube plug margin of 5%, as per design condition, shall be considered for
condenser performance calculation at design condition.


The tube side fouling resistance for design condition shall be calculated
as per specified cleanliness factor. The tube side fouling resistance for
actual test condition shall be measured as per methodology given in
ASME PTC 12.2. Alternately, the same shall be calculated using
expected actual cleanliness factor appropriately assessed considering the
aspect of actual tube cleaning prior to conducting the test.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units




The Steam Generator shall be of single pass (Tower type) or two pass type
using either spiral wall (inclined) or vertical plain/ rifled type waterwall


The Steam Generator shall be direct pulverized coal fired, top supported,
single reheat, radiant, dry bottom, with balance draft furnace and shall be
suitable for outdoor installation. The evaporator of Steam Generator shall be
suitable for variable pressure operation from sub-critical to supercritical
pressure range.


The plants based on indigenous coal may be required to use some proportion
of imported coal also. As such, steam generator shall be appropriately
designed so that it is suitable for indigenous coal and blended coal with
imported coal upto 30% on weight basis.


Rating of Steam Generator

The Steam Generator shall be designed to cater to duty requirements/rating as
specified below:


Steam flow at superheater

outlet at boiler maximum
Steam temperature:
a) At superheater outlet

b) At reheater outlet


superheater outlet

1.02 times the steam flow at turbine

VWO condition plus continuous auxiliary
steam requirement of unit at TMCR,
rounded to next integer divisible by 5.

To correspond to HP turbine inlet

[indicative value: minimum 568 C].
To correspond to IP turbine inlet
[indicative value: minimum 596 C].
at To correspond to turbine throttle steam
pressure of minimum 247 kg/cm2 (abs)
[indicative value: minimum 256 kg/cm2 (abs)].

Feed water temperature at 287.52.5oC [or as per optimisation by

economizer inlet
TG supplier].
Steam generator control 50% TMCR to 100% BMCR.
a) Pressure drop in reheat steam circuit (cold reheat, hot reheat line &
reheater) should not exceed 10% of HP turbine exhaust pressure under
all operating conditions including 100% BMCR condition.

b) The steam temperatures at superheater and reheater outlet(s) shall be

guaranteed to be maintained at +50C of the rated value under all
operating conditions within the control range.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units



6.3.1 Coal

The primary fuel for the Steam Generator(s) shall be coal (coal
characteristics of design coal, worst coal, best coal and range of coal for
the project to be considered for boiler design).

ii) The Steam Generator shall be designed to give the guaranteed efficiency
when firing the coal having the characteristics for design coal.
iii) The Steam Generator and its auxiliaries shall also be capable of obtaining
the boiler maximum continuous rating (BMCR) when firing the coal
having the characteristics for worst coal. The Steam Generator and its
auxiliaries shall be designed for efficient and trouble free operation when
firing the design, worst and best coals and any of the coals characteristics
in between these for complete load range. The Steam Generator and its
auxiliaries shall also be capable of giving BMCR rating and meet other
operating capabilities, without any trouble and limitations, when firing the
coals having the specified range of characteristics.
iv) Steam Generator and its auxiliaries shall also be capable of obtaining
maximum continuous rating when firing with any of the coal within the
specified range of coal. System redundancies/ margins on equipment/
auxiliary sizing need not be available under such fuel firing condition
unless specifically mentioned otherwise. However, equipments/ systems
shall not exceed their safety limits under such firing, and shall not
transgress into factors of safety as per specification/ codes.
6.3.2 Fuel oil
The fuel oil (HPS/LSHS/HFO) shall be used for start-up, coal flame
stabilization and low load operation of the Steam Generator(s). In addition,
the light diesel oil (LDO) firing facilities shall also be provided for cold start
up of the steam generator(s). Alternatively, only LDO can be used for startup, coal flame stabilization and low load operation including cold start-up.

Salient Design Features and Capabilities

6.4.1 Limiting parameters for steam generator design

The Steam Generator design shall comply with the following limiting
parameters with 'design coal' firing, under stipulated ambient air condition i.e.
270 C temperature and 60 % relative humidity:
i) Excess air at economizer outlet 20% (minimum).
at 100% TMCR load
ii) Corrected flue gas temperature 125oC or as predicted by the supplier at
(at 100% TMCR load)
air preheater outlet (also considering
acid dew point) whichever is higher.


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

6.4.2 Minimum load without oil support for flame stabilization

The design of Steam Generator shall be such that it does not call for any oil
support for flame stabilization beyond 40% BMCR load when firing any coal
from the range specified, with any combination of mills/ adjacent mills in
6.4.3 Loading/unloading pattern and adaptability for sudden load changes/
load throw off

To match the desired plant operating capabilities, the Steam Generator

shall be designed for cyclic/two shift operation. Expected numbers of
Steam Generator startups during design life of minimum 25 years are as
a) Cold Start (after shut down period exceeding 72
b) Warm Start (after shut down period between 10 hours
and 72 hours)
c) Hot Start (after shut down period less than 10 hours)



Under the above conditions, no portion of the Steam Generator and the
associated systems shall be stressed beyond acceptable safe stress and
fatigue levels and the design of Steam Generator and its pressure parts
shall take care of above without affecting the life of equipment and
pressure parts adversely.

iii) Steam generator shall also be capable of satisfactory, stable and safe
operation in case of rapid load changes in downward direction due to
external disturbances or equipment malfunction. Under such conditions
the system shall stabilize itself through proven concepts and controls and
within the recommendations of National Fire Protection Association,
iv) In case of sudden load throw-off, in worst case from 100% BMCR, the
Steam Generator shall be capable of automatically bringing down the
steam generating capacity to match with HP-LP bypass capacity.
Minimum load of Steam Generator to which it can be brought down under
such condition, during short turbine outages or export load rejection, with
a view to save fuel and reduce heat losses shall be indicated. The boiler
design shall ensure balanced draft condition, avoid overheating of reheater
tubes and such other conditions that jeopardize the safety and life of
6.4.4 Operation without high pressure (HP) heaters in service
Steam generator shall be capable of sustained operation with all HP heaters
out of operationwith generation of at least rated power output by the unit.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

6.4.5 Operation with HP and LP turbine bypass system


With HP-LP bypass system in operation, the unit shall be capable of

smooth start-up, fast loading & house load operation.

ii) Steam Turbine trip will call for boiler operation in HP/LP bypass mode.
Under this condition, the boiler shall be capable of operating with SH
flow corresponding to capacity of HP bypass system and feed water
temperature of approximately 140C at economiser inlet.
6.4.6 Mode of steam generator operation and rate of loading

As mentioned above, the Steam Generators shall be designed for variable

pressure operation. Thermal design of Steam Generator and the selection
of materials of pressure parts shall be suitable for variable pressure
operational modes.

ii) The Steam Generators shall be designed for minimum rate of loading/
unloading mentioned below without compromising on design life of
pressure parts:
a) Step load change : Minimum 10%
b) Ramp rate

: Minimum 3% per minute above 30% load

iii) The maximum rates of loading/ unloading achievable with Steam

Generator offered and the corresponding limiting variations (%) of boiler
parameters such as oxygen in flue gas, SH/RH steam temperature, furnace
draft, etc. shall be indicated.
6.4.7 Steam generator control range
The automatic outlet steam temperature control range of Steam Generator
shall be from 50% TMCR to 100% BMCR for superheater as well as reheater.
Under the above control range, the steam temperatures at SH & RH outlets
shall be maintained at their rated values within allowable +/- 5C temperature
6.4.8 Provision for future installation of FGD system
A flue gas desulphurization (FGD) system may be installed in future to meet
the requirements of pollution control. Following provisions need to be kept for
this purpose:

Suitability of duct between ID fan and chimney for future interconnection

of FGD system with minimum modification.


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

ii) The ducting and supporting structure to be designed to take care of future
Guillotine damper to be installed between the two tap offs before
6.4.9 Limits of NOx emission

The guaranteed maximum NOx emission (thermal as well as fuel) from

the Steam Generator unit shall not exceed 260 grams of NOx per Giga
Joule (GJ) of heat input to the boiler at 6% O2 level for the range of coals
specified or as per MOEFs requirement in this regard (if applicable)
whichever is more stringent.

ii) The above value of NOx shall not be exceeded during the entire operating
range of Steam Generator for the whole range of specified coals.
6.4.10 Capital overhaul of steam generator
The design and materials for various equipments/auxiliaries etc. shall be
selected keeping in view capital overhaul of units once in two (2) years, such
that no major repairs/replacements, requiring shutdown of the unit, are needed
in between the capital overhauls.
6.4.11 Noise level
The equivalent weighted average of sound level for continuously operating
equipment measured at a distance of 1.5 m above floor level in each elevation
and one meter horizontally from the base of any equipments furnished,
expressed in decibel to a reference of 0.0002 microbar, shall not exceed 85
6.4.12 Operational requirement
The Steam Generator(s) shall be designed for the following minimum
operational requirements at all loads and for the specified range of coal(s).




Soot blowing frequency

characteristics of the coal
being fired
Preferred mill combination
Any combination of mills
(without any restriction)
Max. coal flow unbalances in coal pipes 5.0%
from same mill, from the average
Slagging :
a) Burner
b) In furnace/ash hopper/ water wall areas Nil
Maximum permissible reheat spray water 3% of steam flow at
flow with rated steam temperature at reheater outlet
reheater outlet
Maximum gas temperature variation 300C
across furnace width and depth

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

Maximum steam side temperature 100C

imbalance in the LHS & RHS at boiler
outlet (from the average)
viii) Minimum load with separator running dry 30-40 % TMCR (As per
ix) Header pressure unbalance (steam side)
Air ingress from furnace bottom Hopper
As per manufacturer's


6.4.13 Safety and relief valves

Boiler Safety valves and relief valves shall have minimum discharge
capacities as under:


Spring loaded safety valves at:
a) Separator & superheater
b) Reheater system
Electromatic relief valves at:
a) Superheater outlet
b) Reheater outlet

Minimum discharging capacities

Combined capacity 100% BMCR
Combined capacity 105% of
reheater flow at BMCR
10% BMCR
15% BMCR

6.4.14 Steam purity parameters

Steam purity parameters at outlet of the steam generator shall meet
requirement of turbine manufacturer and shall generally not be inferior to
those indicated below:




: < 3 ppb



: < 3 ppb



: < 10 ppb



: < 10 ppb


Cation conductivity

: < 0.2 S/cm

Specifications of Equipment and Systems

The specified requirements shall be complied for the most stringent conditions
resulting either from the range of coals (design/ worst/ best) or from the range
of operating conditions specified (like 100% BMCR or HP Heaters out of
operation etc.), or from both occurring simultaneously, unless specifically
mentioned otherwise.

6.5.1 Steam generator enclosure


Steam Generator enclosure shall form air/gas tight envelope from

secondary air and primary air inlet points to chimney inlet.

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