User Guide of Webadi: Basic Setups and Basic User Interface
User Guide of Webadi: Basic Setups and Basic User Interface
User Guide of Webadi: Basic Setups and Basic User Interface
Introduction to WebAdi
2. Security Settings
3. Create a Document
4. Define Layout
5. Define Style Sheet
6. Define Mapping
Introduction To Web-ADI
ADI stands for Applications Desktop Integrator, and is an Excel based interface through which
users can upload and view data in the Oracle system.
Web ADI:
Web ADI is a Browser based application, which enables users to log in to the Oracle Database, and
upload ADI spreadsheets, without having to have the ADI application loaded locally on the users
machine, or having it set up on a central server and users accessing it through Citrix. For Web ADI
to work, interfaces are set up. These interfaces are Macro driven spreadsheets, in which specific
cells are linked to database table columns, and match to fields in the Standard Oracle Forms.
Through them data is fed into the database, which can subsequently be viewed in the Core Oracle
Key Features:
Works Via Internet:
Web ADI uses Internet computing architecture to lower the total cost of ownership by having the
product centrally installed and maintained. No installation is required on client machines; you need
only a Web browser and Microsoft Excel
Data in a Spreadsheet Interface:
Spreadsheets provide a familiar interface that is common in the business environment. You can use
familiar editing capabilities such as copying and pasting data, and moving ranges of cells to create
or edit large amounts of data. Recurring data entry is possible by saving a spreadsheet, and then
uploading it at needed intervals, such as every month or every quarter. Spreadsheets offer additional
flexibility in the way work is done; they can be sent to others for approval or review, and they can
be edited when disconnected from a network.
Validates Data:
All data in the spreadsheet can be validated against Oracle E-Business Suite business rules before it
is uploaded. This includes validation against key and descriptive flexfields. Data is validated against
accounts, segment security rules, and cross validation rules. If any errors are found, messages are
returned directly to the spreadsheet, enabling you to correct the errors and successfully upload the
Enables Customizations:
You can use the layout functionality to determine what fields appear in your spreadsheet, where
they appear, and if they contain default values. These definitions can be saved, reused, and modified
as needed.
Automatically Imports Data:
Wed ADI automatically imports data into your Web ADI spreadsheets whenever you create them.
This information can come from the Oracle E-Business Suite or from a text file. Imported
information can be quickly modified in Excel, validated, and uploaded to the Oracle E-Business
Suite. This feature can be useful when migrating data from a legacy system to the Oracle EBusiness Suite.
As per Oracle documentation, initially webadi are limited to 18 products as listed below:
Financial Intelligence
General Ledger
Human Resources
Incentive Compensation
Internal Controls Manager
Public Sector Budgeting
Public Sector Financials International
Public Sector HR
Public Sector Payroll
Sales Offline
Student Systems
Trade Management
Training Administrator
Advanced Product Catalog (Also Known as PIM- Product Information Management )
Web Applications Desktop Integrator
R12 few more products are using along with the above lists(Adopted Oracle Documentation)
Advanced Benefits
Application Report Generator
Financial Consolidation Hub
Financials Common Modules
Information Technology Audit
Learning Management
Operations Intelligence
Payroll & Sales
Supply Chain Intelligence
Transfer Pricing
Some of existing ADI template
Journal Wizard - Journal entries which are uploaded and imported ready for posting.
Budget Wizard - download Budget data, adjust the values and then upload and import
back to general ledger.
Report Wizard - Create and maintain FSG reports in a spreadsheet interface
Analysis Wizard - FSG report published to a spreadsheet, drill down on a value of
interest to find the transactions that made up this value.
Create Assets
- Create Assets and upload them to Fixed Assets.
Record Physical
speed up your inventory process, by entering or importing
text files for an inventory check into a spreadsheet, load and then
initiate the concurrent programs to compare with the actual assets and
generate a comparison report.
Security Settings
Security settings must be adjusted in MS-Excel and Internet Explorer for Webadi to Work.
MS- Excel:
Open Excel and Follow the Navigation (For Excel 2010)
Creating a Document
The Create Document workflow guides you through steps that allow you to create your spreadsheet.
This section only applies to those products that instruct users to create documents through a form
function that calls the Web ADI Create Document page flow.
Assets Integrator (Mass Additions):
Select Layout
Click on Next
After Sometime the process will be completed and File Will be Created.
Click on Close
Enter Location
All Rows:
It will upload each entry in the data base entered in excel file.
Flagged Rows:
It will only upload flagged rows, displayed in first column with heading Upl as flagged.
Validate Before Upload:
It will validate before uploading data into database.
Create Asset:
It will create assets or can say post the assets in to the data base. It will generate concurrent request
in the system. (Note: to choose this option the Queue name must be Post.)
Upload Conformation Will Come OR if Any Error will be Generated then it will appear in
Messages Column the last column.
The Assets is added and can be posted from post mass additions similarly multiple rows can
be added easily.
Defining Layot
Layouts enable you to customize the user interface presented in your spreadsheet. Use the layout
functionality to determine the fields in a spreadsheet, set their positions, and specify default values
for the fields. With Define Layout option one can do the following :
Click on Create
Name the Layout
Select Number of Headers to place across the top of the document
Click on Next
Default Value
Default Type.
Feild Name:
The Default Headings Available in Oracle Apps to Enter Data,
Defines the location of the field on the spreadsheet. Choices are Context, Header, and Line.
The Above Image Displays the Context , Header and Line Area.
Through Layout Window one can Define the Values as in which
section does it want to appear.
Default Value:
Some fields will have defaults predefined. Details are Given in Module Specific Documents. e.g.
Journal Wizard Gl User Guide, Mass Additions Integarator User Guide Assets. Etc.
Default Type:
Used when the text entered in the Default Value field is used as the default
value in the spreadsheet.
Environment -
Runs SQL statement to determine the default for the field and automatically
populates the spreadsheet with the results. The SQL statement for the Default
Value field:
Displays the profile
Displays user ID.
Displays application ID
Displays responsibility ID
Displays session language
You can enter Excel-compatible formulas as default values for fields. Follow
the Excel formula syntax and enclose field names in brackets. For example:
[credit]+[debit] Note that referencing the field names rather than the cell
names prevents your formulas from being corrupted if the order of the fields
is changed in the layout.
Create Layout:
Protect Sheet:
Select Yes or No to set the state of the document when downloaded. A protected sheet will allow
you to update the data fields but will not allow you to insert rows. It will also disable formating of
the sheet. It can also be unorotected from Escel Options.
Select a stylesheet to apply to the document. Style sheet can also be Created, Modified, Deleted and
Duplicated. It manages the font, font type, font size, color. These can also be manged after
unprotection of file through excel otions.
Apply Filters:
Select Yes to enable Microsoft Excel filters for the lines region when the document is downloaded.
The user can change this setting in Excel by selecting Filters from the Oracle menu.
(1 Span = 1 Column Cell 1 Column Cell = Width of Line Specified)
(The First Column is predefined for all Sheets i.e. Upl.)
Prompt Span - Enter the number of columns that the field prompt will span.
Hint Span
- Enter the number of columns for the field hint to span. The hint for a field can
include the following:
* - indicates the field is required.
List - indicates that the field provides a list of values. Double-click the field to invoke the list.
Data type - the data type for each field is always displayed. For example, Text or Number.
Data Span - Enter the number of columns for the data to span.
- The field will be hidden on the spreadsheet.
Read Only
All Other options in Header are similar to Context only, enter them as required.
Scroll Down
Data Entry Rows
- Enter the number of blank rows to display when the document is generated.
The user can add more rows once the document is downloaded to Excel.
-Enter width of columns of excel sheet, this width will also effect the span of
context and header. Can be seen in the below images.
Frozen Panes
-Used to set the fields that you want to remain visible while you scroll
horizontally across the spreadsheet.
Tick mark Read only as required. Use Moveup & Down to manage the sequence of Feilds
Click on Apply
Create a file again to view changes with newly created layout.
The below images explains the layout inputs.
Line With Diffrent Layout Settings i.e Width and no of line. And similar Span
The Style Sheet enables you to define the colors and fonts to apply to the sheet, the prompts, the
hints, and the data fields of your document.
Swich to Deskto Integration Responsibility:
Click on Apply
Create a Document To view the Diffrence.