Mediation, Conciliation & Arbitration
Mediation, Conciliation & Arbitration
Mediation, Conciliation & Arbitration
& Arbitration
Comparison of National and International Practices
Group Members:
Zain Ijaz
Fahad Haseeb
M. Hasan Khan Niazi
Opposing parties freely participate
Both parties make the final decisions (without interference)
Mediator is appointed, who acts as an assistance for the
parties (understanding dispute, reaching an agreement)
Similar to Mediation
Conciliator guides the parties to reach an agreement
Parties decide whether to be bound to the Conciliators
decision or not
Rules of Conciliation
Rules Of Conciliation:
Disclosure of Information :
When the conciliator receives factual information concerning the dispute
from a party, he discloses the substance of that information to the other
However, when a party gives any information to the conciliator subject to a
specific condition that it be kept confidential, the conciliator does not
disclose that information to the other party
Co-operation of Parties with Conciliator :
The parties will in good faith co-operate with the conciliator and, in
particular, will Endeavour to comply with requests by the conciliator to
submit written materials, provide evidence and attend meetings.
Suggestions by Parties for Settlement of Dispute :
Each party may, on his own initiative or at the invitation of the conciliator,
submit to the conciliator suggestions for the settlement of the dispute
Settlement Agreement :
The conciliator formulates the terms of a possible settlement which would
be acceptable to the parties and submits to the parties for their
If the parties reach agreement on a settlement of the dispute, they draw up
and sign a written settlement agreement
Confidentiality :
The conciliator and the parties must keep confidential all matters relating to the
conciliation proceedings.
Confidentiality extends also to the settlement agreement, except where its
disclosure is necessary for purposes of implementation and enforcement
Termination of Conciliation Proceedings :
By the signing of the settlement agreement by the parties, on the date of the
By a written declaration of a party to the other party and the conciliator, if
appointed, to the effect that the conciliation proceedings are terminated, on the
date of the declaration
Resort to Arbitral or Judicial Proceedings :
The parties undertake not to initiate, during the conciliation proceedings, any
arbitral or judicial proceedings in respect of a dispute that is the subject of the
conciliation proceedings.
Costs :
Upon termination of the conciliation proceedings, the conciliator fixes the costs
of the conciliation and gives written notice thereof to the parties.
The term "costs" includes:
The fee of the conciliator which shall be reasonable in amount.
The cost of any expert advice requested by the conciliator with the consent
of the parties
Deposits :
The conciliator, upon his appointment, may request each party to deposit an
equal amount as an advance for the costs.
During the course of the conciliation proceedings the conciliator may request
supplementary deposits in an equal amount from each party
Role of Conciliator in other Proceedings :
The parties and the conciliator undertake that the conciliator will not act as
an arbitrator or as a representative or counsel of a party in any arbitral or
judicial proceedings in respect of a dispute that is the subject of the
conciliation proceedings.
Admissibility of Evidence in other Proceedings :
The parties undertake not to rely on or introduce as evidence in arbitral or
judicial proceedings.
Views expressed or suggestions made by the other party in respect of a
possible settlement of the dispute.
Admissions made by the other party in the course of the conciliation
Time Period for Conciliation :
The whole proceedings and agreement thereof shall have to be completed
within 90 days.
Rules of Arbitration
1. Introductory Rules
Scope of Application
Conflicts/Disputes in relation to the contract
Settlement of disputes in accordance with these rules
Conflict with the provision of law
Notices, Calculation of Time Period
Details about the delivery of notices and the address details
of the receiver
Certain conditions and criteria for the beginning of time
period and its calculation
Request and Notices of Arbitration
Request for arbitration to PEC (Required Details)
Claimant and Respondent
Representation and Assistance
Parties may choose their own representation/assistance
Specify appointment purpose, representation or assistance
Number of Arbitrators
Parties agreement on the number of Arbitrators
Appointment of Arbitrators
Appointment of a sole arbitrator (By the parties or by PEC)
PEC uses a certain list-procedure for appointing a sole
arbitrator (qualification, experience, nationality etc)
Other possible variations in the process of arbitrator selection
Challenge of Arbitrators
Justifiable doubts on independence and impartiality
Disclose circumstances to PEC
Notice of challenging an arbitrator within specified time period
Different cases of challenges (appointed by, challenged by etc)
Replacement of an Arbitrator and Repetition of Hearings
Substitute arbitrator appointed or chosen
If presiding arbitrator is replaced, the hearings held previously
shall be repeated and if any other arbitrator is replaced the
arbitral tribunal makes the decisions
3. Arbitral Proceedings
General Provisions
Equality, opportunity of presenting his case
Witness and evidence, decision by arbitral tribunal
Place of Arbitration and Language
Place determined by arbitral tribunal having regard to the
circumstances of the arbitration
Agreement of both parties
English language until agreement of parties
Translated documents in the language agreed by parties
Statement of Claim
Personal Details, Statement of supporting facts, Issue, Remedy
Statement of Defence
Must reply to the particulars of the statement of claim
Amendments to the Claim or Defence
Changes are acceptable within a specific time period
The amended claim must not fall outside the scope of
3. Arbitral Proceedings
3. Arbitral Proceedings
Closure of Hearings
No further proof to offer, no witness to be heard or
submissions to make so the arbitral tribunal declare the
hearings closed
The arbitral tribunal may reopen the hearings at any time
before award is made if it considers it necessary owing to
exceptional circumstances
4. The Award
Arbitral tribunal must notify the parties about hearing
Arbitral tribunal to render its award within the specified time
If more than 1 arbitrator, then decision is made by a majority of
arbitrators in the arbitral tribunal
Form and Effect of Award
The award made in writing and shall be final and binding
The reasons upon which the award is based is states
Award signed by the arbitrators with date and place mentioned
Copies to be submitted to concerned parties and organizations
Settlements or Other Grounds for Termination
Agreement on settlement of dispute before award is made
Continuation of hearings becomes unnecessary or impossible for
any reason
Copies of termination order of arbitral tribunal to be submitted
to concerned parties and organizations
4. The Award
Fdration Internationale des Ingnieurs-Conseils
International Federation of Consulting Engineers
Introduction to FIDIC
Conditions of Contract for Construction
For building or engineering works designed by the
Employer or by the Engineer
The General Conditions and the Particular Conditions
will together comprise the Conditions of Contract
governing the rights and obligations of the parties
Dispute Adjudication Agreement provides text for the
agreement between the Employer, the Contractor and
the adjudicator
Adjudicator is appointed to act either as sole
adjudicator or as a member of a three-person dispute
adjudication board
Contractors Claims
If the Contractor wants any extension of the Time for
Completion and/or any additional payment, the
Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer, describing the
event or circumstance giving rise to the claim
1st notice within period of 28 days
Fully detailed claim within 42 days after the Contractor
became aware of the issue
this fully detailed claim shall be considered as interim;
the Contractor shall send further interim claims at monthly
intervals, giving the accumulated delay and/or amount claimed, and
such further particulars as the Engineer may reasonably require;
The Contractor shall send a final claim within 28 days after the end
of the effects resulting from the event or circumstance.
Amicable Settlement
Both Parties shall attempt to settle the dispute amicably
before the commencement of arbitration.
However, unless both Parties agree otherwise, arbitration
may be commenced on or after the 56th day after the day
on which notice of dissatisfaction was given
Unless settled amicably, any dispute in respect of which
the DABs decision (if any) has not become final and
binding shall be finally settled by international
arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties:
the dispute shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of
the International Chamber of Commerce,
The dispute shall be settled by three arbitrators appointed in
accordance with these Rules, and
The arbitration shall be conducted in the language for
communications defined in Sub-Clause 1.4 [Law and Language].
General Provisions
General Obligations of the Member
General Obligations of the Employer and the Contractor
Default of the Member
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