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RE-ORDER paragraphs..

Guys try this and after u answer i will post the correct
answer:A There you will see how women are consistently potrayed as weak and in need of
male protection.
B This acceptance that men were the superior gender had not developed by chance.
C It had been the view that had been socialized into them from the moment of their
D This will become clear if you look at any girl's magazine or popular film of the
E In the 1960's, the greatest obstacle for those who wanted to organize women was
said to be women's conviction that they were actually inferior to men.

Re-arrange the following paragraphs in the correct order:

I. Process indicators define the indicators for a process or an activity like number of women
participating in the training on gender development and Results Indicators refer to the
indicators that indicate the result achieved from the implementing the activity like number of
women aware about gender rights.
II. A Performance Indicator is a measure of the result. It gives a sense of what has been or what
is to be achieved.
III. There are two types of indicators, namely, Process Indicators and Results Indicators.
IV.For example, the number of households keeps their surroundings clean and hygienic or the
number of women participating in training programs.


1) A consequence of a settled existence is that it permits one to store food surpluses, since
storage would be pointless if one dont remain nearby to guard the stored food
2) 2)Hence nomadic hunter gatherer societies have few or no such full-time specialists,
who instead first appear in sedentary societies.
3) 3)But stored food is essential for feeding non-food producing specialists and certainly for
supporting whole towns for them
4) 4)SO, while some nomadic hunter-gatherers may occasionally acquire more food than
they can consume, such a bonanza is of little use to them because they cannot protect it.
Please arrange in correct order and provide your reasons also

1. The Mean of communicating in society today has changed

markedly over the ten year .
In your response what is the positive and negative effects of the
2. Television serve many useful function in society it help us to
relax, we learn
from it and it is companion for the today. To what extent do you
think that this
Statement is true?

3. In some companies , Employers envolve there workers in

decision making about
the products and services . What are the advantages and
disadvantages of such a policy.
4. There are many important inventions in the mordern world
including antibiotic ,airplanes,
computers. What do you believe is the most important invention
of the past 100 years?
5. In many towns and cities large shopping malls are replacing
small local shopes. To what extent
do you believe that is a positive development? Support your
point of view with the reasons and
where possible include example from your response.
6. It is often to said that people's that lives are defined by the
place they grew up. Choose a succesful
person and discuss how that person accomplishment were and
were not influnced by the place where
they were young.
7. Imagine that you have been assigned to works on the study of
climate change .which area of study would you choose to focus
on and why?. Give Example using your choosen area of study
8. Our technological world is constantly evolving with new
inventions appearing on daily basis.
Describe a recent invention and explain the impact either
benefical or detrimental that you feel
it has had on society.
9. Global Climate Change is now recognised as a serious
threat.Who has the main responsibilty for taking action to solve

the problem :govenments, large companies or individuals ? Why

do you think this?
10. Many education System around the world attempt to assess a
student learning using formal written examinations. Do you
think these kind of exams are valid way to assess student
learning? Support your answer with the eveidence from your
own experince and knowledge.
11. Many people find that the time they devote to their job
leaves very little time for a personal and private life. how
widespread do you think this problem is? what problems might
this shortage of time causes?
12. Should marketing in companies that produce consumer
goods, like food and clothing, place emphasis on the reputation
of the company or on short term strategies like discount and
special offers why?
13. Should parents be held legally responsible for the action of
their children? Support your position with reasoning and
examples from your study , experience and observations.
14. Some people believe that human behaviour can be changed
by laws .other argues that law have very little effect .what is
your opinion on this statement?
15. The information revolution brought about by modern mass
communications has both positive and negative consequences
for individulas and for society'.To what extent do you agree with
this statement ? Discuss, Supporting your argument with reasons
and examples from your own experience.
16. The world's governments and international organizations
confront of global problems. What do you believe is the most

pressing problem facing in the inhabitants of our plants and what

solution would you offer?
17. The value of travel is highly overrated . One can be a brillant
scholar without ever leaving one's house base . Discuses what
extent is travelling is or is not component for best quality
education .
18. For less developed country , the disadvantage of tourism can
bes as greater as advantages. Discusse the statement ,giving
reasons and examples to support your ideas.
19. Some people believe that with increasing globalisation
english will lose its dominance at the internatinal language
.where other feel that it will adapt and maintain its importance .
Discuses these views and give your response.
20 The illiterate of the future will not be a person who cannot
read"it will be the person who does know how to learn"allivin
tofferler explain what is meant by quotation say if you agree or
disagree with the idea it put forward.support your point of view
with reasons and example from your own experiences.
21. Many people engage in dangerous activities such as sky
diving , extreme skiing ,motercycle jumping ,white water rafting
.As you favour in such activites or not? why?.
22. 'The Ability to communicate in more then one language will
be less important in the future then it is now' Do you Agree or
disagree with this statement? Provide Support for your opnion.

1) SAQ (Short answer question) one can say one word

or couple of words ( not exact number) it depends on
the question. For instance they asked in the question
it self the answer , Which is the best time for jogging
morning or afternoon ? You need to say "Morning".
Another question, which transport commuters
generally use in Sydney. You can say Public transport
or Metro rail or Buses. Often single question consists
of multiple answers, you need to answer
spontaneously at times. Short answer question:- Try
to avoid repeating the same word in your answer. Do
not repeat the answers. For instance, what is the
month which comes between October and December
- Only once you need to tell like November. Do not
repeat like November ... November
2) 2. Summarize item (written) , one can write the word
count between 5 to 70 words( as per given criteria).
However, for better marking write 30 to 40 words. Do
not use period full stop more than once. Take 2 to 3
ideas/key points and make a link with the connecting /
transition words such as however, regardless,

moreover, besides, and but, not only, but also to name

but just a few.

Directions: Read the text and answer the multiple-choice

question by selecting the correct response. Only one response is
The coastal wetlands have environmental and economic
importance. Wetlands provide natural wealth. They have
important filtering capabilities. As the run off water passes, they
retain excess nutrients and some pollutants. They maintain water
flow during dry periods. Thousands of people depend on
groundwater for drinking. They act as natural spongesof flood
waters and contain soil erosion. They control floods and save the
buildings from collapsing during heavy rains. The hardwoodriparian wetlands along the Mississippi River can store sixty
days of floodwater.
Which of the following could be a suitable heading for the
The Filtering Mechanism of Wetlands
Riparian Wetlands along the Mississippi
Wetlands- A Great Source of Water During the Dry Summer

The Ecological Functions and Economic Values of Coastal


For speaking take care of these:
1. Get to the test center early (if possible be the first
person) and ask the administrator to give you a corner
seat, so youll have only one neighbor and hence is
relatively more peaceful.
2. Sit upright and take a deep breath before you start, that
will help. Speak clearly and loudly (dont shout though ).
And dont think you are disturbing other test takers by
speaking loudly, that should be the last thing on your mind.
One way to check your decibel levels is to observe the
decibel meter while taking the practice tests. Try to hit the
high greens and low reds.
3. Mind the read aloud items, you can maximize your
speaking score by reading word by word, pronouncing
each one clearly however if you dont take care of word
stress and rising and falling intonation patterns your
reading score will suffer.
4. For describe image and re-tell lecture it is absolutely
important to speak the full 40 secs. Its okay, for a couple of

items, to not finish your sentence completely before the

recording stops, but you should always speak for the full
allotted time. Fluency over content, avoid aah and
hmm, you can say let me see, let me refer my notes
5. For describe image, have strategies for different types of
images. What is your strategy for a bar graph, a line graph,
a pie chart and a table? Once you decide strategy for each
type, use google images to practice that strategy.
6. Answer short questions is the easiest of the lot, just
mind the pronunciation.
7. Repeat sentence was the most difficult for me. But
with a right strategy you can ace it. For example if you
have to repeat The directors office has moved to the
second floor of the administration building, while listening
to the audio you can quickly jot down the first letter of each
word. In this case that would be T D O H M T T S F O T A
B. You may not be able to finish it by the time the audio
clip ends but you can take an extra second to complete it,
remember you have 3 seconds before which you have
start your response. You need some practice to ace this
strategy so dont try it directly in the exam. Practice it a lot
and get comfortable with the strategy before the test.

PTE speaking guidelines

For Jumbled /Reorder paragraph:

Follow the following rule.
Try to identify the topic paragraph.Paragraphs starting with
this, however, unless, on the other hand, etc can never
be the first para.
While sorting, the last sentence of the paragraph1 and the
first sentence of the paragraph2 two will have something
common and will try to maintain the flow.
Since this is academic reading, most of the times, it
follows an order or sequence. First some idea, then
experiments, then results.
Choose single/multiple answer:
Skimming might work well for IELTS general, but not for
PTE reading choose the best answer. Understanding
clearly and reading it once saves us more time than
skimming for two to three times. Also, there is little
likelihood that we might find our answer within few

Like all tests, PTE Academic consists of all different difficulty

levels of questions (easy,medium and difficult). However, the
weight-age varies from easy to difficult levels . Here in PTE A ,
difficulty items carries more marks/weight-age, despite IELTS
carries 1 mark for 1 question whether it might be easy or
Hence, don't bother much bother about difficulty levels , if you
answers difficulty one, chances to get the best scores.
In Reading section time is constrain. Be prepared the questions,
it doesn't follow order it may come in different sequence. Need
to attempt all items, if not it reflect badly on your final scores.
1. Don't spend much time on reorder paragraphs, you'll get
marks at least you arrange more than 2 or 3 in a right sequence.
2. In MC - CMA (Multiple choices choose multiple answers)
having negative marking system. Only answers if you quite sure.
Do not go for guessing answers, it may nullify your correct
In remaining item types MC -CSA , Fill in the blanks reading ,
Fill in the blanks Reading and Writing ,do enough preparation.

Strategy for Fill in the blanks: (From Drop-down option or

Drag and drop)

Yet another easy section, I would say. Strategy should be,

NOT to see the drop down options. Read the para and
understand the purpose and meaning it is trying to convey.
Post-which you will know what word to fill-in even without
seeing the drop-down options. Now, if you check on the
available options, it will make life easier.
Manage your time carefully for reading sections

Summarize spoke text:
Listen attentively to what the lecture is trying to convey.
Strict to the word limits. Use synonyms and more effective
words to convey the message. Then comes identify the
missing word replaced by BEEP, select the correct
summary for the lecture from the given options, multiple
choice single answer, for all these sections listen carefully
and take notes, you will be able to identify the answer
quite easily. Highlight incorrect word:
Skim through the text before the audio starts and identify
key words as sign posts. Move the cursor as the audio
begins and identify the wrong words. If you miss the audio

the sign post words which you have identified earlier will
help you regain your attention and will bring you back on
track. Write from dictation:
The sentences are 8-10 words in-length, write in the
provided notebook because I am sure it will be difficult for
some people to type in system as the audio plays. Its more
like a media persons taking notes during a press
conference. You should be FINE!!!

For writing, here is the secret..

Your writing should be coherent and cohesive with minimal
spelling and grammar mistakes.. So how to achieve
cohesion? Use words like moreover, furthermore, also, first
and foremost, first of all, finally, on the other hand, not only
but also, firstly, secondly , for example, to illustrate, etc.
Also make sure you have an intro part, two to three body
and a conclusion...
Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence at the
start in simple tense. This will give more info about the
following ideas in the paragraph...
Avoid proverbs and idioms. Also Avoid any famous quotes.

Some more collocations which i have collected Entirely

=different, separate, dependant
Wildly =inaccurate, exaggerated, inappropriate, unrealistic
Downright= wrong, dishonest, hostile, rude, disgrace,
Mildly= surprised, amused, irritated, offensive
loosely= based, structured, connected, related
Vaguely= familiar, aware, remember, worded, threatening
do well/badly
do someone a favour
do some shopping
do up (undo)
do homework, housework, office work, work
do a task
make a phone call
make a success of
make progress
make a noise/sound
make a mistake
make pizza
make dinner
make promises, offers, suggestions

make a speech
make s.o do something
make a paper plane
have something in common with...
have breakfast
have a snack
have a coffee
have a rest / a sleep / a nap
have a chat
have a meeting
have a party
have s.t done
have an injection
have an operation
go cycling/swimming
go for a walk
go by car
go abroad
go to work/school
go home
go to bed
keep a promise
keep your cash in a safe

keep doing something...

keep kit
keep in touch
keep a promise

Some more Tips for Test Takers :

1) You need to be familiar with the PTE exam pattern.
2) PTE is a time-intensive test, so if you do not take time to
handle your time very well, you will land in big trouble.
3) The Paid Pearson practice exam is tougher than the
actual exam and would give you a good idea where you
can improve.
4) Check spellings in what you write, else, it would really
reflect pretty poorly on your overall score.
5) Don't worry too much about " Describe image" as
regardless of how you assess yourself, the computer
always scores you better.
7) Try not to use the same words repetitively.

8)Be careful with re-ordering Paragraphs and make sure u

take 10 minutes time at a max for this item

ADVERB COLLOCATIONS: Absurdly - low, high, easy,

Widely - believed, spoken, used, distributed, known,
Thoroughly - convinced, enjoyable, agree, satisfying
Fully - understand, comprehend, informed, automated,
Totally and Completely - unaware, unprepared,
unexpected, out of control, wrong
Patently - true, false, obvious, clear

For re-telling Lecture:

No need to memorize whole lecture,
You are not required to re-tell the whole lecture as it is:
MUST TAKE Notes, of only Key Words/points
Again 2 steps:

1. Give overall idea of lecture: e.g. the lecturer is telling

about a spaceship.
2. Speak only the Key point/s in your own words.
You are not required to use the same words as used by
the lecturer.


probable, (un)likely, successful, competitive,
recommended, effective, controversial
Utterly/Absolutely = ridiculous, impossible, wrong,
disgusting, devastating, pointless, appalled, worthless,
senseless, hopeless
unbelievably / ridiculously / incredibly = cheap, expensive,
big, small, long, short, early, late
bitterly =disappointed, resent, regret, complain, cry, weep
deeply = ashamed, concerned, moved, shocked, touched,
affected, hurt, regret
strongly =oppose, influence, believe, deny, recommend,
condemn, argue, object, support, suggest, correlate

On the Test day:It is better to reach 1 hour before the exam time. After
checking the documents and biometrics, u will be allowed
to enter the test hall. Then there is the equipment test. The
microphone, headset, mouse, keyboard can be checked.
They provided a erasable notepad and a marker pen. They
are more than sufficient to take notes.In PTE exams pens
are marker type, so keep the lid closed, otherwise it would
be dried and would not respond at the time of need.keep
yourself cool before starting the test. During the first part
(Speaking), be confident and if some1 has given the paid
test of Pearson( 35$) u will feel the test is similar to
practice test A and even more easier.
Keep track of time: During Reading part,Please dont forget
to keep track of the time. Believe me u will run out of time
if u dont manage time properly.

We humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core

body temperatures pretty constant regardless ---- the physical
conditions in the world ---- us..
A) to / through B) with / for C) about / inside D) on / over E) of /

The teacher ---- very angry, because ---- students cheated

in the exam yesterday.
A) was / a little
B) is / a few
C) was / a few
D) has been / every
E) was / each

The Cirrus SR20 was an attractive plane ---people

interested in learning to fly, and it could also serve
effectively as an air taxi ---- short-haul routes..
A) between / over B) to / at C) towards / in D) among /
under E) for/on


EXAM FOR 1st TIME-- 1.)Some candidates are worried
about speaking section, whether other candidate's voice
would disturb them ? In some test centers there is a single
room where 5- 6 students will be taking up the exam and
the gap between each student will be very less..So
Increase the volume of the headphone to 70-80% that
would be the optimal level to negate other voices at the
same time not hurting your ears. REMEMBER that
Speaking section(Read Aloud) starts at a same time for
everyone.So Try to concentrate on your test and dont
listen to what others are saying as u may get distracted.
2)Check whether the given pen (Marker) is writing
properly. One of my student had to face problem in test
centre because his pen stopped writing during listening
section as he had kept the cap of the pen open and the
pen dried up and he could not make notes.If possible try to
get from the assigned person a spare pen. 3) In the real
exam there is a possibility that by mistake u double click
on next that would lead to skip a question.It has happened

with many of my students..Please make sure u dont

double click it as it will reduce your siored

Read Aloud:
Read aloud with breaks at the punctuations and some
intonations. Dont rush, maintain constant speed pace and
make sure you read and not just swallow words. Never, reread a word that you have read wrongly. Because, the
number of words we read is compared with the number of
words in the passage while scoring, and remember this is
just one out of many criteria while scoring and there are
other scales as well.
Before the recording begins, you will have 40 sec. That
time the mic will not be open. Use this time to read as you
are going to do when the mic opens. This way, you will be
able to identity some difficult words and learn its

Listening and Writing sections are pretty straight forward.

However, in "summarize spoken text" under listening

section and "write essay" under writing section, allot at

least 5 mintues only to review what you just wrote. Do not
spend too much time thinking what to write or how to
arrange your sentences and paragraphs. Believe me, you
will run out of time! Take just a minute or two to think and
then start writing whatever comes to your head. In the last
6-7 minutes, arrange/correct your sentences, form
paragraphs, review your answer for spelling, grammer and

For Listening section in PTEIt is easy to get points in this section and u dont need to
make any special strategy for it . However, Highlight
Correct Summary, Highlight incorrect words, write from
dictation secure more marks and ensure spelling marks in
write from dictation section.

Writing a Good Summary:

Summary writing is the process of reading a text,
identifying the main ideas and then writing the important

ideas in many fewer words. A summary should be brief

and include only important ideas or information from the
text. Summaries should not include examples or
repetitions. Summarizing helps you understand and
remember information you read. Below are some basic
guidelines to follow when writing a good summary.
Guidelines for Writing a Summary
Use these strategies when summarizing a text. For long
texts apply the steps for each section.
Find the most important information that tells what the
paragraph or group of paragraphs is about.
Use this information to write a topic sentence.
Find 2 - 3 main ideas and important details that support
your topic sentence and show how they are related.
Keep the ideas and facts in a logical order that expands
on your topic sentence.
Combine several main ideas into a single sentence.
Substitute a general term for lists of items or events.
Do not include unimportant or minor details.
Do not repeat information.

Write the summary in your own words -- do not copy

information directly from the text.

REPOSTING= For short Answer questions in speaking:There is no point in saying more than you need to say.
Marks are awarded for a short, accurate answer. There are
no extra marks for additional words. For example, for this
question: What type of periodical is published on a daily
basis?, both these answers would score the same marks:
newspapers Its newspapers that are published every day.

For Guys facing difficulty in RE-ORDER Paragraph:Strategy would be to identify the topic sentence and they
just follow the flow of the message this para is trying to
convey. You can get a max of three questions in this
section. Couple of questions with four sentences need to
be placed in order or sometimes just three sentence to Reorder. Pretty straight forward, if you identify the topic
sentence. OK, what is a TOPIC sentence? Sentence
which can stand alone and looks like a statement then

having some kind of reference or relation to other

sentence in the given list. Sometimes a concluding
sentence would also sound similar; however, major
difference b/w topic and concluding sentence is that
conclusion sentence try to recommend or predict or draws
a conclusion.

Do you know your Score of Writing Skill of PTE does not

depend on Writing Section only? Please note that your
writing score depends on the following item typesWriting Section: Summarizing written text
Writing Section: Write Essay
Reading Section: Reading & writing: Fill in the blanks
Listening Section: Summarize spoken text
Listening Section: Fill in the blanks
Listening Section: Write from dictation
If you want good marks in writing skill of your PTE test,
you have to ace in all of these sections.

My advice to all test takers. I am sharing few tips which

would help u during exam.
1. Concentrate very hard because u will be distracted by
others in the exam room during speaking session.
Everybody speaks hard and loud... U can't control dat.
Press headphones hard to ur ears when listening and
2. Don't underestimate writing essays. U will hardly have
time to plan and type 200-300 words in 20 minutes. My
advice...After reading the question, start typing
immediately and hav an eye on timer.
3. Reading part is another deceiving session. U will run
out of time before u realise. So practice hard.
4. Stay confident and crack the exam. Gud luck....

My advice to all test takers: 1. Concentrate very hard

because u will be distracted by others in the exam room
during speaking session. Everybody speaks hard and
loud... U can't control dat. Press headphones hard to ur
ear when listening and concentrate.
2. Don't underestimate writing essays. U will hardly have

time to plan and type 200-300 words in 20 minutes. My

advice...After reading the question, start typing
immediately and hav an eye on timer.
3. Reading part is another deceiving session. U will run
out of time before u realise. So practice hard.
4. Stay confident and crack the exam. Gud luck....

1. When my father went to school, the boys and girls were

taught in __________ classes.
a) seperate b) separate c) separete d) seperete
2. What are the ____________qualifications for the job?
a) necesary b) neccesary c) neccessary d) necessary
3. Most students choose to live in student _____________
in the first year of their studies as it is convenient and
a) accommodation b) acomodation c) accomodation d)
4. Bad news Im afraid there has been a ____________
drop in sales since the same period last year.
a) definate b) definite c) definete d) defenite

5. Which of the following words is spelt correctly? (look at

the use of e.)
a) changeable b) hopeing c) argueable d) haveing
6. Its important that students studying at university learn
to work _____________.
a) independantly b) independintly c) independently d)

For guys who are finding hard time in fill in the

blanks..Here are Some more COLLOCATIONS which i
have collected for you.
Claim to, fun of, put forward, population growth, crucial to,
runs in families, brain function, significant number, fact of
life, distinct types, strictly speaking, considerable skill, the
essentials of life, in harmony with, admit to + -ing, there's
no getting away from, serve the purpose, regarded as,
public performance, covered with, mistaken for, described
as, respond to, known as

In Retell lectures - U dont need to provide much of the

unnecessary or even necessary details, but do remember
you need to strictly follow the orders of how the lecture's
recordings do it. Computer says 123 is awesome you can't
say 321 is awesome even it's logically correct.
Describe images - just be fluent, don't correct yourself,
don't stop, just be fluent and provide anything related to
the graph.
Hope it helps Remember, the computer algorithms are testing you - not
humans - forget about impressing anyone, focusing on the
fluency and vocabulary.

Directions: Read the passage below and summarize it

using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the
bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this
task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your
writing and on how well your response presents the key
points in the passage.
Are the forebodings about the impending global warming
really producing the intended policy responses from the
governments of various countries? Not so would be the
answer, judging from the fate of the recent global
conferences. On the agenda before the conference are
three crucial issues relating to stemming of the
greenhouse effect or the global build up of carbon dioxide.
First, there is the question of the industrial countries
agreeing upon freezing CO2 emission. Second, there is
the proposal to concert a worldwide afforestation
program covering 12 million hectares per year as a
method of combating the decreased carbon fixation
caused by the unstoppable deforestation all over the third
world. Third, there is the need to obtain a mandate for a
preparatory draft for a global convention on climate.
None of these aims in fact, has materialized. The
industrialized countries, without exception have repeatedly
turned down the proposition that makes it compulsory for
them to adopt a time bound containment of CO2 emission

through appropriate changes in the industrial systems and

in the energy mix. Although the resistance to any such
commitment by countries such as the United States and
Britain is not difficult to understand in view of the paucity of
empirical information as what the costs of industrial
restructuring would be, there can hardly be any doubt that
these countries are yet to overcome their allergic attitude
to the very concept of moving away from the dominating
fossil fuel energy deployment.
Write your answer in the box below (5-75 words):
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REPOSTING it For Candidates who are facing hard time in

repeat sentence. TIPS for repeat sentence and write from
Try to write first letter of every word in Caps. For eg. if the
sentence is - " Library will be closed on next Tuesday." then
write L W B C O N T this will save your time and you can easily
remember the sentence. In the beginning you may find it
difficult but after some practice you will be able to remember
the whole sentence and each word carries one mark.

Some of the collocations that I have consolidated are here

for your use. Hope this might be helpful.
Grains - of
purpose of
Fact - of
thought of
mistake of
courses of action
cause of
Includes - in
involved in
trained in
wrapped in
"vitally important" and distinct types is a collocation
Strictly speaking is a collocation Considerable skill is a
There's no getting away from is an idiom
Serve the purpose is a collocation.
Means of exchange is a collocation.

Public performance is a collocation.

Blend in with is a collocation
Make a mistake is a collocation.
something is off the mark
Rate of change is a collocation
Military system is a collocation
Establish the cause of is a collocation
Medical Knowledge is a collocation
Make/Made a comeback is an idiom
late in the day is an expression
bring to fame is a collocation
By accident is an idiom
make something public is an idiom
The essentials of life
served as
described as
regarded as
known as
gestured as
decisions made
react with

associate with
covered with
responsible for
mistaken for
notable for
Reason for
on the mark
bring to
brought to
pointed to
admit (This collocates with to + -ing.)
appear to
grasp concept
known as/ called
consisted of
mash up
models of
development of

controlled by

Repeat Sentence:
Practice makes us perfect. Try to understand the meaning
than the words. No harm if we use one or two different
words than what we hear. In that case, we lose only in
listening. It will not affect speaking score. Listening score
lost here can be gained in the listening section which is
much easier.
Describe image:
Please understand that we are not expected to explain the
whole graph in 40 secs. It is highly impossible. They check
whether our speech is naturally flowing and are we able to
convey the information effectively. Here slow and steady
wins the race. We should be clearly speaking with optimal
pace. Never rush to tell all the information. This might
penalize you on pronunciation, meaning computer might
not be able to correctly capture all your words. I had some
pre-defined phrases depending upon the image. If you

lack points to speak, speaking something like, It is really

interesting to know this information or something of this

Frequently Misspelled Words:-Absence ,address, advice , all, right , arctic ,beginning,

believe , bicycle, broccoli ,bureau calendar ,
camaraderie ,ceiling, cemetery, changeable, conscientious
, conscious decease , deceive ,definite, descent ,
desperate ,device , disastrous, ecstasy , embarrass,
exercise , fascinate , February, fiery ,fluorescent, foreign,
government , grateful , guarantee, harass, height,
humorous ,independent, jealous ,jewelry ,judgment
ketchup ,knowledge, leisure ,library, license, maintenance,
mathematics, mediocre millennium, miniature,
miscellaneous, mischievous, misspell, mysterious,
necessary neighbor, nuclear ,occasion ,occurrence,
odyssey, piece ,pigeon ,playwright, precede prejudice,
privilege ,pumpkin, raspberry, receive, rhythm,

sacrilegious, science ,scissors separate, sincerely ,special,

thorough ,through ,truly ,until ,Wednesday , weird

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Read aloud:
Use the given 30-40 seconds to read through the text and
identify the difficult words were you might struggle. Pay
attention to flow of the sentences such as full stop,

commas. Try to read the sentence like a news reader with

some intonation and purpose. Quite straight forward. We
get around 7-8 questions in this section.
Repeat Sentence:
Initially, while u r preparing for PTE-A exams this section
will seem overwhelming. However, in the actual exams
expect something like 8-10 words. Not very difficult. Just
concentrate on the sentence and try to repeat as many
words in-order as possible without any major pauses. We
get around 8-10 questions in this section.
Describe image:
This section is tricky and challenging as we have too much
information to comprehend in a short span of time (35-40
sec) before you start speaking. Try to speak about most of
the information from the image in an organized manner
than sharing (all/most of) the information in an
unorganized manner. We get maps, graphs (bar graphs;
pie-chart; trend graphs.Maps,images etc). We get around
6-8 questions in this section.
Re-tell Lecture:

Yet another demanding section. Luckily we get around 2-3

questions in this section. The image gives a bit of idea
about the narration. Try to note the key points and dont
waste time on examples too much. Understand the theme
of the lecture and try to start with that. Something like
Topic sentence, references or examples if any and
conclusion in 40 secs.
Answer a short questions in one ore few words:
There are close to 10 questions. Few questions are
straight forward. Like if time period before noon is called
ante meridian, what is the time after noon called?

TIPS for repeat sentence and write from dictation:

Try to write first letter of every word in Caps. For eg. if the
sentence is - " Library will be closed on next Tuesday."
then write L W B C O N T this will save your time and you
can easily remember the sentence. In the beginning you
may find it difficult but after some practice you will be able

to remember the whole sentence and each word carries

one mark.

Some More Vocabulary for Describing graphs=

Going Up==== rose ,increased ,went up, grew
Going Down==decreased,fell,dropped,declined
No Change==stayed the same,remained constant,levelled
Up and Down==fluctuated,zig-zagged,fluttered,undulated
Small Changes - Adjectives /
Big Changes =Adverbs

a lot
Low Points==bottomed out, reached a low

Premium Speaking Rules For ESL Students

* Don't study grammar too much
This rule might sound strange to many ESL students, but it
is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass
examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to
become fluent in English, then you should try to learn
English without studying the grammar.
Studying grammar will only slow you down and confuse
you. You will think about the rules when creating
sentences instead of naturally saying a sentence like a
native. Remember that only a small fraction of English
speakers know more than 20% of all the grammar rules.
Many ESL students know more grammar than native
speakers. I can confidently say this with experience. I am a
native English speaker, majored in English Literature, and
have been teaching English for more than 10 years.
However, many of my students know more details about
English grammar than I do. I can easily look up the

definition and apply it, but I don't know it off the top of my
I often ask my native English friends some grammar
questions, and only a few of them know the correct
answer. However, they are fluent in English and can read,
speak, listen, and communicate effectively.
Do you want to be able to recite the definition of a
causative verb, or do you want to be able to speak English
* Learn and study phrases
Many students learn vocabulary and try to put many words
together to create a proper sentence. It amazes me how
many words some of my students know, but they cannot
create a proper sentence. The reason is because they
didn't study phrases. When children learn a language, they
learn both words and phrases together. Likewise, you
need to study and learn phrases.
If you know 1000 words, you might not be able to say one
correct sentence. But if you know 1 phrase, you can make

hundreds of correct sentences. If you know 100 phrases,

you will be surprised at how many correct sentences you
will be able to say. Finally, when you know only a 1000
phrases, you will be almost a fluent English speaker.
*Avoid Translators
When you want to create an English sentence, do not
translate the words from your Mother tongue. The order of
words is probably completely different and you will be both
slow and incorrect by doing this. Instead, learn phrases
and sentences so you don't have to think about the words
you are saying. It should be automatic.
Another problem with translating is that you will be trying
to incorporate grammar rules that you have learned.
Translating and thinking about the grammar to create
English sentences is incorrect and should be avoided.
* Reading and Listening is NOT enough. Practice
Speaking what you hear!
Reading, listening, and speaking are the most important
aspects of any language. The same is true for English.

However, speaking is the only requirement to be fluent. It

is normal for babies and children to learn speaking first,
become fluent, then start reading, then writing. So the
natural order is listening, speaking, reading, then writing.
First Problem
Isn't it strange that schools across the world teach reading
first, then writing, then listening, and finally speaking?
Although it is different, the main reason is because when
you learn a second language, you need to read material to
understand and learn it. So even though the natural order
is listening, speaking, reading, then writing, the order for
ESL students is reading, listening, speaking, then writing.
Second Problem
The reason many people can read and listen is because
that's all they practice. But in order to speak English
fluently, you need to practice speaking. Don't stop at the
listening portion, and when you study, don't just listen.
Speak out loud the material you are listening to and
practice what you hear. Practice speaking out loud until
your mouth and brain can do it without any effort. By doing
so, you will be able to speak English fluently.

Think in English
This is a great way to improve your spoken English, and
you can do it anywhere, anytime. At home, you can talk to
yourself while doing everyday tasks like preparing a meal.
If you are on the train or bus, then describe the people
around you (in your head, not aloud!), and when you go to
sleep, go over the days events in English.
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####### Some Importan and useful Listening tips

You might have a good vocabulary & good grammar. So
why are you still daunted when you hear a native English
speaker on the television, radio or in a conversation?
There is no doubt that listening to and understanding a
native speaker can be an unsettling experience for
students of English. Dont worry. There are simple things
you can do to feel more at ease in the situation. Few tips
that can help make the listening experience not only
productive but enjoyable.
1. Listen for keywords
Remember that its not necessary to understand every
word. The important thing is to pay attention to keywords
so that you can get the gist, or general idea, of what is
being said. For example, if you can catch words like an
economy, England, crisis, in a news report you already
have the basic idea of what is going on. Keywords might

be repeated or said in a different voice. If it is possible,

write then down if this will help you further.
2. Pay attention to context
Common sense is very useful when trying to understand
another language. It is important to always bear in mind
the context of what is being said. For example, in a news
report about farming, if you are unsure, it is more likely that
the word herd is being used in reference to a group cattle
(cows) rather than the verb heard.
3. Work constantly on your vocabulary
Keeping a notebook or a folder on your computer with
English vocabulary (and constantly updating this list) will
be a big help when it comes to understanding native
speakers when they speak.
4. Turn off the subtitles
You will pay better attention to what is being said if you
turn off the subtitles in your native language when
watching movies or series. Subtitles can be great to help
us understand difficult vocabulary and even slang.
However, it is important not to over-rely on them and to get
used to watching television in English without them.

5. Start easy
Dont be afraid to start with easy options such as songs
that repeat the same words or programs that are aimed
towards children. Once you feel comfortable with this level,
you can then proceed to more complex English. It will you
repeat sentence in PTE
6. Practice
As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. The best way
to improve your listening skills is to practice them regularly.
Even finding videos on the internet, playing them a few
times, pausing when necessary to consult a dictionary is a
great idea to improve your comprehension and to make
you feel more relaxed about understanding English spoken
my native speakers.
7. Put English on your iPod or any plugged device
Why not download a novel on your iPod? You can improve
your English while you run or take the train to work. If you
are listening to something you enjoy you will learn a lot
8. Get you English speaking friends to speak to you in
If you are uneasy when hearing native English, a great
way to overcome this is to practice with native English

speaking friends. Most will be more than happy to speak to

you in their own language and even explain difficult words
should you have problems.
9. Take it Easy!
The worst thing you can do in a listening situation
becomes stressed. You might lose your focus and miss
keywords that otherwise you would have heard. Take deep
breaths if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed and
remember to keep listening! Watch the song below as a
reminder of this.
All tips are helpful in PTE Academic test of English Please
follow and do regular practice Don't rush to register your
dates quickly for the exam

Will I get a higher score using idioms or speech marks or

quotes in PTE Academic Essay?
The answer is clear no Idioms, Such as it cost an arm and
a leg are informal which means they are not suitable for
PTE academic essay. However, idioms are only type of

idiomatic language. There are other forms more suitable to

PTE writing, For example the key to this issue means the
solution not a key you can buy in a shop or use in a door.
That is an acceptable type of idiomatic language for high
score in PTE.
Regarding quotes, the examiner will give you a score
based on your own level of English language, not the
words you remember from other person. While quotes are
suitable for academic essays at university, they will not
help your band score for PTE. Instead, use the idea from
the quote and write it in your own language.
And what do you think about proverbs in writing?
I would also recommend avoiding proverbs as well. Most
proverbs are not appropriate for academic writing. Heres
an example of an inappropriate proverb in writing all that
glitters is not gold. While the meaning might be perfect for
your essay, it would be better to write people should not
be deceived by appearances because they can be
deceptive The latter sentence has a much better variety of
appropriate vocabulary for a high score.

Re order Paragraphs..
Let's see who is more prepared.. Share your answer and I
will inbox you the right one..
1.Conventional power stations impose hidden costs on
society, such as the control of air pollution, the
management of nuclear waste and global warming.
2.There are potential problems ranging from interference
with telecommunications to impact wildlife and natural
3.Like other ways of generating electricity, wind and power
does not leave the environment entirely unharmed.
4.As wind power has been ignored in the U.S. over the
past few years, expertise and commercial exploitation in
the field have shifted to Europe.
5.But these effects must be balanced against those
associated with other forms of electricity generated.


The 5 golden rules to success in the reading section are:

1. In every question, look for the keywords. Based on the
keywords, start looking for answers to the question.
Method of elimination holds good for answering multiple
choice questions.
2. Learn skimming the entire given passage. The
advantage of this technique, with respect to this exam is,
that the passages are small and we need to answer in a
time frame.
3. Remember to trust your instincts. If you feel a word fits a
blank over the other choices, then go with it. Start fine
tuning your instincts.
4. Start scouting for repeated words in a passage. This will
be handy especially when solving the fill in the blank

Points to avoid in academic writing

This is a short form guide to some of the donts in
academic writing.
1. Short forms of verbs
We dont use short forms of verbs (dont/cant etc) when
we write more academically. So this example doesnt work:
I dont think its very important for small kids to learn
2. Imprecise language
When we write academically, we tend to use more precise
language. So these examples dont work:
I dont think its very important for small kids to learn
This is the best thing to do.
3. Use idiomatic language
This is not a rule there are sometimes when you will find
idiomatic language in academic writing. However, there
are idioms and idioms and idioms. The more colourful
the idiom, the less likely you are to use it in academic

writing. So, this idiom is inappropriate:

If we do that, then we might throw the baby out with the
while this idiom is much weaker and acceptable
On balance, this would seem to be the most appropriate
course of action.
4. Start sentences with and and but
A difficult one. If you read almost any language course
book, you are almost certain to find sentences that begin
with and and but in the reading texts. Language
changes and it is becoming more and more acceptable to
do this. However, in academic writing for second language
speakers, this should be avoided. So this is unacceptable
for most teachers:
But the most important thing is that the government find
outs what the real needs are.
And needs to be transformed into:
The immediate priority, however, is for the government to
conduct a needs analysis.
5. Phrasal verbs (2/3 word verbs)
Phrasal verbs (a species of idiom) are an important part of

the language, but we tend to avoid them where we can in

academic writing and choose a different verb. So
But the most important thing is that the government find
outs what the real needs are.
needs to be transformed into
The immediate priority, however, is for the government to
conduct a needs analysis.
6. Personal pronouns
A big area. Academic writing tends to be relatively
impersonal and so we try to avoid over-using personal
pronouns. This does not mean that you cant use them,
you just need to be careful how you do it. If it is important
to show that something is your personal opinion, then I or
my can be acceptable. The one pronoun to avoid is the
informal you.
Sangeeta Gupta Deep Gagan Deep Singh Baljinder
Singh Preeti Singh Sanu Manu Harvinder Brar
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Phrases to Avoid in your PTE Essay Writing

1). (This essay will discuss both sides and give an opinion at the
This sentence is poor because it is used for the thesis statement
but contains no main points. It is a memorised sentence of 15
words. It only repeats the instructions but adds no information to
the essay. Try to avoid using such sentences and just present
your answer clearly.
2). (With the development of science and modern technology)
Many students use this expression to start their essay. It is only
suitable to use if the essay is about science and technology. It is
overused and confusing for the reader if the topic is not science
or technology. You dont need any expression to start your
introduction, Just paragraph the essay question directly.
3). (In the modern era,.../ Since the dawn of time...)
This is overused in introductions. Most essay questions are
about current issues so you dont need to put in a time frame
unless it is about an issue in the past compared to the present.
Since the dawn of time... is not a relevant statement for most
PTE academic issues and should be avoided. Some students also
use Nowadays to start their essay. Again this is overused. Try
to avoid these phrases and just paraphrase the information given
by PTE academic.

4). (In a nutshell)

Many students use this idiom to start their conclusion. It is
informal and not appropriate to use in PTE academic essay
writing. Try using To sum up or other linkers.

Marking in Reading.
Reading Multiple choice, choose multiple answers: To answer
you need to read the text and answer the questions by selecting
all the correct responses. Remember that more than one option is
correct in this type of multiple choice item. You will score marks
for any correct options but you will lose score points for any
incorrect options. These include: options that you have clicked
on as correct but which are wrong and options that are correct
but that you have not clicked on. If you click on all the options,
because you do not know the answer, you will lose score points.
This applies to Multiple choice, choose multiple answers item
types for reading and listening.
Soruce : PTE

Read aloud is a long answer speaking item type. It tests

your ability to read a short text aloud using correct

pronunciation and intonation. It assesses both speaking

and reading skills
Instruction: Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you
must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as
possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.
The lips are of course also important in the act of eating
other foods, and in speech. In linguistics, the lips are two
of many places of articulation, or spots in the mouth and
throat that aid in blockage of air moving out from the lungs.
Bring your two lips together and you can form the sounds
p, b, and m. To make the sounds f or v, bring your lower lip
to your upper teeth. To make a w sound, move the back of
your tongue towards the roof of your mouth while also
moving your lips closer together.
Instruction: Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you
must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as
possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.
If you want to probe some of the great mysteries of the
human mind, all you need is a duster and your feet. Sit
back, take your shoes and socks off, and gently stroke its
feathers against your sole. Now ask a friend, parent or
child to do the same for you. If you are like most people,
you will be left stony-faced by one, but convulsed in a
pleasurable agony by the other. How come?


PTE (Academic) Reorder Paragraph Tips

Skim each of the paragraphs to get a general idea of the topic.
Identify the paragraph that is the topic paragraph or main idea.
This probably goes first.
Note any paragraphs that begin with conjunctions such as
However, Nevertheless, But, Also, Furthermore, and so on. Such
sentences cannot go first.
Paragraphs that contain pronouns such as he, she, it, they, them
are probably referring to something mentioned in an earlier
Look for any obvious clues to the logical order or chronology
of events, for example, sequencing words such as first, second,
lastly, finally, next, then, after, and so on.
Keep track of your time using the on-screen timer.


PTE General is not accepted for visa applications. To
apply for an Australian visa or for most university
applications, please use PTE Academic.

Pearson Test of English General (PTE General) is a sixlevel general English test.
All levels of PTE General are recognised globally and are
accepted by employers and national education authorities
in many countries as evidence of a required level of
English. The six levels of the test are provided in
partnership with Edexcel Limited, the largest UK awarding
body for academic and vocational qualifications.
Pearson Test of English General (PTE General) is
designed to reward positive achievement in English
language learning. PTE General integrates all four skills
(Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing) and focuses on
assessing the ability of communicating in English, rather
than test-taking skills. The tasks in the test are a natural
continuation of what happens in the classroom, giving test
takers the opportunity to perform at their best.
Assessment of communicative ability
PTE General is a scenario-based English language test
designed to allow students the freedom to express
themselves, show what they can do and how well they can
use English.

Realistic and familiar tasks

The test uses real-life material and tasks, such as writing
messages, understanding talks and newspaper articles, or
participating in conversation.
Positive testing experience
Through a variety of tasks that are relevant and authentic
the test will help students identify their strengths and track
improvement and success.
PTE General consists of two parts: a written paper and a
spoken test. The written paper tests listening, reading
comprehension and writing skills and is marked by
external examiners in the UK. The spoken test is assessed
by trained local examiners and is sent to the UK for
moderation. There are six levels which are linked to the
Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEF). All levels in the test are awarded by
Edexcel and accredited by Ofqual in the UK. PTE General
certificates do not expire. English language learners are
encouraged to seek opportunities to practice the language
and confirm their progress regularly.
Source: PearsonPte

Connective words for describe image : You can use these

words in describe image
The graph shows..
The graph represents..
As can be seen from the graph,
As indicated by the graph,
In contrast,
In comparison,
After, before, until
In sum,
To sum up,
In concluding,
In conclusion,

From the graph it can be safely concluded that

We are safe in concluding that

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