Edu 2016 03 P Syllabus PDF
Edu 2016 03 P Syllabus PDF
Edu 2016 03 P Syllabus PDF
Candidates should be able to use and apply the following concepts in a risk management context:
1. General Probability (10-20%)
Suggested Texts
There is no single required text for this exam. The texts listed below may be considered as
representative of the many texts available to cover material on which the candidate may be
examined. Texts are added and deleted as part of a regular process to keep the list up-to-date.
The addition or deletion of a textbook does not change the bank of questions available for
examinations. There is no advantage to selecting a text recently added or not using a text
recently removed.
Not all the topics may be covered adequately by just one text. Candidates may wish to use more
than one of the following or other texts of their choosing in their preparation. Earlier or later
editions may also be adequate for review.
A First Course in Probability (Ninth Edition), 2012, by Ross, S.M., Pearson/Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 978-0321794772, Chapters 18
Mathematical Statistics with Applications (Seventh Edition), 2008, by Wackerly, D.,
Mendenhall III, W., Scheaffer, R., Thomson Brooks/Cole ISBN: 978-0495110811, Chapters
Probability for Risk Management, (Second Edition), 2006, by Hassett, M. and Stewart, D.,
ACTEX, ISBN: 978-156698-2, Chapters 111.
Probability and Statistical Inference (Ninth Edition), 2014, by Hogg, R.V., Tanis, E.A., and
D. Zimmerman, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 978-0321923271, Chapters 15.
Probability and Statistics with Applications: A Problem Solving Text, (Second Edition)
2015, by Asimow, L. and Maxwell, M., ACTEX, ISBN: 978-1-62542-472-3, Chapters 18
(excluding section 8.5)
Other Resources
The candidate is expected to be familiar with the concepts introduced in Risk and Insurance.
Tables for Exam P/1
Exam P/1 Sample Questions and Solutions
Online Sample Exam P
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) is interested in supporting candidates as they prepare for the
preliminary exams. To that end the SOA has launched an online sample exam for Exam P
(Probability). Available at no cost the sample exam selects questions and solutions in an online
exam experience that resembles the computer-based testing employed for most of the SOAs
preliminary exams. Questions have been coded to meet the Exam P learning objectives and
ensure candidates receive a balanced yet randomized set of questions each time they repeat the
sample exam. The current set of questions is drawn from the existing set of sample questions.