Dallas Bar Association Headnotes December 2010
Dallas Bar Association Headnotes December 2010
Dallas Bar Association Headnotes December 2010
December 2010 Volume 35 Number 12
$27,563. Hiring a lawyer is a luxury that DVAPs clients simply cannot afford.
We are truly touched by Lisas generosity, said Ike Vanden Eykel, President of the Dallas Bar Association. Her gift
is an incredible memorial to Judge Hartman who made it his
lifes work to bring justice to the poor. Thousands of poor people have been helped, and thousands of lawyers have heeded
the call. And, now, many more will be served.
Bringing the services to those in need is Ms. Blue Barons
priority. She not only gives money, but she has also given her
time. She is a DVAP volunteer who has used her Spanishspeaking skills to interview clients at the West Dallas Legal
Clinic and to help prove up, or finalize, family law cases for
Spanish-speaking clients who are participating in DVAPs
Spanish Pro Se Program. Over the years, Ms. Blue Baron has
also made CLE presentations to Legal Aid staff attorneys and
launched Baron & Budds pro bono program while she was at
the firm.
Like Ms. Blue Baron, DVAP strives to live up to the
standard set by Judge Hartman by continuing to develop and
improve innovative ways to serve more people with quality
legal help. DVAPs Pro Se Divorce Program, where people
learn how to handle their own simple divorces with the help
of DVAP volunteers and staff, has served as a model for other
similar programs in the State of Texas. DVAPs night court
for pro se litigants and pro bono attorneys is extremely efficient, finalizing dozens of cases in less than two hours and
giving pro bono lawyers and clients the option to finish their
cases after regular business hours. DVAPs outreach to law
firms and corporations helps spread the word to the legal
community about the need for pro bono legal services and
how everyone can help. DVAPs Pro Bono Week, which was
held in October with the DBA Pro Bono Activities Committee, featured CLE programs presented by other Dallas legal aid
agencies and demonstrates DVAPs commitment to support
other groups in their efforts. These are just a few examples of
the programs DVAP has to offer.
Ms. Blue Barons gift will have a tremendous impact on
our pro bono program, said Jerry Alexander, Chair of the
2011 Equal Access to Justice Campaign. Judge Hartman was
a leader and innovator. He has shown so many lawyers how
and why to serve, and Lisa is doing that too. We are so proud
that she is helping to carry on his legacy through Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program.
The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program is a joint program
of the Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of NorthWest
Texas. For more information on the Campaign, please contact
Alicia Hernandez at (214) 220-7499 or ahernandez@dallasbar.org. Recognition levels and donor benefits are available.
In addition, all individual donors at or above the $1,000 level
and all firm and corporate donors at or above the $5,000 level
will be recognized in an ad in the Dallas Morning News during
the week of December 20, 2010.
Alicia Hernandez is the director of the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program and the DBA director of
community services. She can be reached at ahernandez@dallasbar.org.
5 2011 Dallas Bar Officers Elected
7 The Changing World of Music Royalties
9 Sex, Drugs and Wheaties Boxes: Player Endorsements
13 Coming to a Theater Near You: From Script to Screen
2 He a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation
November Events
December 3 Belo
The Intangibles: The Will of A Trial Lawyer, Barry Sorrels, DBA President-Elect. (MCLE 1.00)*
Ethics in E-Discovery, Philip W. Goodin and Ernest Higginbotham. At Two Lincoln Centre. (Ethics
1.00)* RSVP to kzack@dallasbar.org. At Two Lincoln Centre, 5420 Lyndon B. Johnson Frwy.,
Suite 240 Dallas, Texas 75240. Parking is available in the Visitors Lot located in front of the entrance to Two and Three Lincoln Centre. There are several delis within the building. Food is allowed
inside the Conference Center. Thank you to our sponsor, Griffith Nixon Davison, P.C
December 17 - Belo
The Battle of the Active Jurors Whats Really Going On In The Jury Room Chris Ritter. (MCLE 1.00)*
Employee Benefits/Executive
Compensation Section
Say on Pay and Executive Compensation Proxy
Disclosures Post Dodd-Frank, Susan Wetzel.
(MCLE 1.00)*
Solo and Small Firm Section
Sanctions and Misbehavior in Federal Court:
Bad Faith, Meritless Filings and Reckless
Disregard, Timothy G. Ackermann. (Ethics 1.00)*
Legal Ethics Committee
An Update on the Proposed Revisions to the
Texas Conflict of Interest Rules, Including the
No Sex With Clients Provision. Frederick C. Moss,
John H. Carney and Carol Payne. (Ethics 1.00)*
5 p.m.
11 a.m.
Tax Section
After the ElectionsWhats Next?A Preview of
Tax Legislative Issues in the Next Congress.
Jeffrey McMillen. (MCLE 1.00)*
4 p.m.
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
7:45 a.m. Dallas Area Real Estate Lawyers
Discussion Group
CLE Committee
11:30 a.m. DAYL Barristers for Babies
Library Committee
Publications Committee
6 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
6 p.m.
11:30 a.m. DAYL Foundation Fellows Luncheon
No DBA Meetings Scheduled
No DBA Meetings Scheduled
No DBA Meetings Scheduled
No DBA Meetings Scheduled
No DBA Meetings Scheduled
Tax Section
Topic Not Yet Available
6 p.m.
De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
4 He a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation
President's Column
Published by:
Quite a Year
by ike vanden eykel
It has been almost one year since I had the honor of assuming the position as the 101st President of the Dallas Bar
Association. The year 2010 has almost come and gone and it is
hard to believe this is my last column as head of this wonderful
organization. It has been a privilege to serve our bar association
and all of our members this year. With the backing of a tremendous staff and the support of our Board of Directors, Team DBA
has been able to handle what has confronted us, and hopefully
we will leave the place a little better than we found it in January
of this year, which was one of my goals for the year.
The start of our great year saw the Dallas Bar Inaugural held
at our own Pavilion and the event was by all accounts a stunning success. Our partner Culinaire rose to the occasion and
presented our home in a fashion that took your breath away.
The Master of Ceremonies for the 2010 Inaugural was our 100th
President Christina Melton Crain and she was without question both gracious and inspiring.
I would be remiss in not thanking our
Executive Director, Cathy Maher, and her
talented staff for their unwavering support
and guidance throughout this year. We are
truly fortunate as an association to have this
team in place and to be able to rely on them
as we move into the second decade of the 21st
Century. I have been blessed to have them on
my side throughout my presidency.
One of the most important undertakings of
our organization each year is the Campaign for
Equal Access to Justice. This effort has been
led for 2010 by Chair Jerry Alexander and
Co Vice-Chairs Brad Weber and Rob Crain.
They have led another all-star group in the
effort to raise money for the Dallas Volunteer
Attorney Program, which is the vehicle through which the
Dallas Bar is able to extend help in the form of legal representation to the less fortunate of Dallas. DVAP is one of the crown
jewels of the DBA and this years campaign is something that all
of us can be proud of and point to as a stellar example of what
the Dallas Bar Association and its members feel is important
and valuable.
Another project for 2010 that I feel has been embraced by
many in the DBA has been Vision 2020. This commission has
also been led by Chair Jerry Alexander with tremendous help
from Co Vice-Chairs Kim Askew and Rob Crain. The charge
to this commission was to look at the needs of the profession
and our association currently and 10 years from now to see what
will be needed to keep the Dallas Bar Association in a position
to lead in the year 2020 and be able to service the needs of our
members, as well as the City of Dallas. This has been a very
large responsibility and we are all benefitting from the hard
work of this group.
Our profession has continued to experience one of the most
tumultuous periods in many decades. There have been a lot of
displaced attorneys as a result of the economic downturn and
the DBA has tried to be of service to those who have been hit
the hardest by the economic difficulties that have hit our country and the world. We have tried to reach out to those in need
and provide the type of services they need in order to retool
and move forward in their careers. This is another example of
something we can be proud of as a bar association.
The year 2010 saw a continuation of the highly successful
Transition to Law Practice Program, which is designed to provide mentors for new attorneys so that they can benefit from the
experiences and advice of older attorneys and learn to practice
law ethically and successfully. The program was the brainchild
of our own Justice Douglas Lang and this year it has been
chaired by Laura Benitez Geisler. The program is expanding
to other areas of our state and its success is a testament to the
vision of Justice Lang.
We have been able to honor several of our members in
2010 with awards and recognition that were well deserved. Kim
Askew received the Martin Luther King, Jr. Justice Award at
the annual MLK Luncheon this year. Kim has been
active in all aspects of the Dallas Bar Association for years, as well as being a major player in
both the State Bar of Texas and the American
Bar Association. We owe a lot of gratitude to
Kim Askew for her continued support of the
Dallas Bar and our community.
The recipient of the Morris Harrell Professionalism Award at the DBA Annual Meeting this year was Mike Baggett, who served
as President of the Dallas Bar Association in
2000. Mike has been a tremendous asset to
the Dallas Bar for many years and his leadership qualities are legendary around the Belo
Mansion. He was instrumental in the success
of the campaign to fund the construction of
the Pavilion, of which we are all so proud. Mike
is the textbook example of professionalism and he is a great
example for generations of new attorneys in the Dallas Bar.
The Dallas Bar was fortunate to have many gifted and inspiring speakers and events at our own Belo Mansion and Pavilion
in 2010. One of the highlights of this year was the address by
the Honorable Barbara M.G. Lynn at the annual Law Day luncheon. Judge Lynn was both entertaining, as well as inspiring in
her presentation, and we appreciate her being available to our
membership at this event.
The Dallas Bar and its guests within the media were richly
entertained by the presentation of Kenneth Starr, who was the
keynote speaker at the 27th annual Philbin Awards Luncheon.
Mr. Starr is former U. S. Solicitor General and current President of Baylor University and he packed the house at this years
It has been my honor and privilege to serve the Dallas
Bar Association as President in 2010. I have had the opportunity to connect with many of our members during the year
and I will always cherish my memories of this year. Thank
you for your support and for giving me the opportunity to
serve the Dallas Bar Association.
De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
At the DBA Annual Meeting Nov. 5, members elected Barry Sorrels (seated) as the 2011 President.
Other members of the executive committee include (left to right) Sean Hamada, Secretary-Treasurer; Scott McElhaney, Second Vice President; Paul Stafford, President-Elect; Sally Crawford, First
Vice President; Ike Vanden Eykel, Immediate Past President; and Brad Weber, current Vice Chair.
6 H e a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation
The week of October 25-29 was National Pro Bono Week. To celebrate,
the DBA and DVAP hosted daily CLEs, two legal clinics and hosted the
Pro Bono Awards on October 28 to recognize those who go above and
beyond in their pro bono service. The 2010 Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year
went to Sean Whtye of Jones Day and the Pro Bono Firm of the Year
was Haynes and Boone, LLP. Congrats to all of the award recipients and
thank you for your service!
~In Memoriam~
D e c e mb e r 2 0 10
A century ago, piano rolls were the largest source of revenue in popular music. Today,
the music industry generates over $160 billion in worldwide revenue, less than 10 percent of which is from the sale of recorded
music. As the industry evolves, new revenue
sources continue to be created.
The pecuniary value of music lies in two
distinct copyrights: one for the song, and one
for each recorded version of that song. The
song is initially owned by the songwriter(s),
who may then transfer the copyright to a
music publisher for licensing and the collection of royalties. A recording is originally
owned by all the musicians, engineers and
producers who contribute to its creation, but
copyright ownership is usually consolidated
in a record company by a series of written
The song and the recording generate separate revenues. A song generates mechanical
royalties, print royalties, performance royalties, home recording royalties and synchronization royalties. In contrast, recording artists
received only royalties from the record companys sales, until the digital age brought about
statutory performance and home recording
royalties. Artists also share master use license
fees with the record company. Understanding
each revenue stream is essential to properly
advising a client involved in the creation of
A mechanical royalty is paid for the
right to record a song. Once a song has been
recorded and released, federal law grants a
compulsory mechanical license for all subsequent cover recordings produced and sold
domestically, at a rate determined by three
Copyright Royalty Judges (CRJ). This rate is
currently 9.1 cents per copy for songs under
five minutes. Record companies typically
negotiate a lower rate rather than rely on the
Nearly 300 DBA members filled the Pavilion at the 27th annual Philbin Awards Luncheon to
recognize excellence in legal reporting. Attendees included (left to right) Leon Carter, keynote
speaker Kenneth Starr, and DBA President Ike Vanden Eykel.
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8 He a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation
law matters.
In the late 1990s, Judge Frizell got
her first taste of the bench when she
became an associate municipal court
judge for the City of Dallas. This role
permitted Judge Frizell to continue her
private practice part-time, which was
an advantagebecause [I] got to see
the perspective of the judge. It gave
you a different perspective when you
were trying the case.
Judge Frizell was elected to preside
over County Criminal Court #11 in
November 2006. She ran a grass-roots
campaign that included knocking on
doors to discuss issues with voters. This
gave Judge Frizell an inside point of view
on what the voters wanted in a misdemeanor court judge. A lot of people
by the defendants.
When she is not on the bench,
Judge Frizell spends as much time as
she can with her family, including her
2 childrena 10-year-old daughter and
a 7-year-old son. Judge Frizells children share her active lifestyle, which
includes skiing, running and tennis. I
love to ski anytime I have the chance.
Her children are also budding skiers
and snowboarders, and recently used
one of her old campaign signs as a sled
when heavy snow hit Dallas earlier this
After three years on the bench,
Judge Frizell is very pleased to preside
over Dallas County Criminal Court
#11. When asked her opinion of the
past three years, she says: This is the
best job Ive ever had. I love this job.
Ill be here as long as the people allow
me to be.
Andy Ryan is a senior litigation associate at Diamond McCarthy LLP and a member of the DBAs Publications Committee. He can be reached at ARyan@diamondmccarthy.com.
DVAPs Finest
Star Carter
A joint legal aid program of the Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
(formerly Legal Services of North Texas).
De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
10 H e a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation
De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
Most lawyers lead hectic lives. During the holidays, our stress levels may
rise even more as we try to balance work,
family and the many social commitments
attendant with the season. For lawyers
struggling with depression, anxiety, addiction or financial problems, these day-today pressures can seem overwhelming or
insurmountable. To help our colleagues
who are struggling with these issues, we
have developed a three-pronged wellness initiative, chaired by Berry Crowley,
which focuses on practical solutions to
help reduce stress and anxiety.
First, the State Bar has created a video
to increase awareness about the strategies
available for dealing with anxiety, addiction and depression. Practicing Law and
Wellness: Modern Strategies for Lawyers
Dealing with Anxiety, Addiction and
Depression is now available on DVD from
the Texas Lawyers Assistance Program.
The video serves as a companion to Prac-
Referendum on the
Disciplinary Rules
Ted M. Akin
4,000+ cases mediated
Full-Time Mediator since 1989
90%+ settlement rate
35 years of judicial experience
Justice retired 5th Court of Appeals
Chair - The Civil Collaborative Group
Member - The Association of
12 H e a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation
147,000 out-of-state travelers are scheduled to visit North Texas for the Super
Among those visitors, 62 percent
of Super Bowl attendees are corporate
decision-makers, and 70 percent of those
decision-makers would consider holding future meetings or conferences in the
Super Bowl host city because of the positive experience associated with the game
and city. Most surprising, of the 70 percent of decision-makers attending the
game, 29 percent would consider establishing future business operations in the
host city area. An additional 20 corporations will hold business meetings in North
Texas before the game simply because it is
the new Super Bowl site.
With respect to the creation of jobs,
the Super Bowl may directly be responsible for adding as many as 2,000 new jobs to
the North Texas area. North Texas attorneys will have the opportunity to develop
relationships with business, entertain-
De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
Continued from Page 1
14 H e a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation
In the News
Christopher J. Simmons has joined Gruber Hurst Johansen & Hail, LLP, as an
Christopher J. Moser and Gregory K. Winslett have been named Partners of the firm
of Quilling, Selander, Lownds, Winslett &
Moser, P.C., formerly Quilling, Selander,
Cummiskey & Lownds, P.C.
Click on Daily Case Alert to see
the most recent case law
or click on Appellate Court Opinions
to search by practice area.
DA Candidate
De c e mb e r 2 0 1 0
Seven offices available for rent in our historic West End building. Five upstairs offices rent at $750 each and two downstairs
offices are $650 per month each. All offices can rent individually or as a package.
Contact Craig Miley at (214)692-8800 or
Northpark/Central ExpwyLaw firm has
turnkey office for sublease in Class A
building for $1200. Includes use of office
furniture (if needed), telephone, high-speed
DSL, fax line, parking, and large conference room and kitchen. Great location
with downtown and Park Cities views, excellent finish out with hardwoods in lobby,
elevator exposure, and easy access to/from
Central Expwy. Call (214) 292-4202.
High-rise views at low-rise rates. Panoramic
views from 63rd floor. Class-A downtown
space close to courthouse, AV-rated law
firm. Access to large conference room,
library, kitchen. Secretarial, clerical, reception available. Offices available with very
nice secretarial stations. Negotiable. Call
Kay (214) 761-6463.
Offices and Cubicle Available. Law firm
has 3 offices and cubicle for sublease in
Class A Turtle Creek Office Building. One
office is a double office with hardwoods
and panoramic view of downtown. Amenities include high speed Internet, fax, postage, and shared common areas - lobby, large
conference room, copy room, and kitchen.
Parking garage is attached. Please send inquiries to jfineberg@fineberglaw.com.
Sublease. Huge, beautiful offices in law
office in Richardson at Central/Campbell.
Two large window offices - $1000/mo./each;
one large interior office - $800/mo.; and one
legal assistant area -$600/mo. available. Office environment is quiet and friendly with
new furnishings and updated technology. Receptionist, telephone system, Internet, three
conference rooms, two kitchens, free parking
with 24-hour access to building. Please e-mail
Jennifer Som at Jennifer@baalegal.com or
call (214) 570-0700.
North Dallas/Farmers Branch Law Firm
has space for one or two more. $400/month,
2nd office discounted. Includes use of furniture, Internet, fax, parking, conference rooms
and kitchen. Convenient location. No Lease
required. Contact info: (972) 243-5297 or
No Rent Until Next Year! Preston Tower
3 offices with shared amenities, as low
as $595/mo. (kitchen, conference room,
reception area, bathroom). Convenient and
accessible. 10 minutes from courthouse. Call
(214) 369-1171 or email herbhooks@aol.com.
Office space available within small real estate
law firm located at 4054 McKinney Avenue.
Shared conference and break room, furniture, copier, DSL & phone equipment are
available if needed. No long term commitment and a total monthly rate of $550.00.
For inquiry, please call (214) 520-0600.
Attorney sublease in downtown Dallas
business law firm. Easy freeway access, great
views and free parking. $16.75 sq ft (tracks
primary lease). Inquiries to: Dallas Bar Association, Box 10-10A, 2101 Ross Avenue,
Dallas, TX 75201.
Mexican Law Expert Attorney, law professor testifying since 1997 in U.S. lawsuits involving Mexican law issues - forum non conveniens, Mexican claims/defenses, personal
injury, moral damages, Mexican contract
law. Co-author, leading treatise in field. J.D.,
Harvard Law. David Lopez (210) 222-9494 /
Bookkeeping Exclusive To Your Firm. Dallas, TX Can work with you 2-4 hours a week
or once or twice a month, keeping up with
your accounting, payroll and general firm
bookkeeping. First-rate references from other
local firms, excellent history with banking,
payroll, general accounting with Quickbooks.
Email jajacobs3@verizon.net.
Free Credit Hour MCLE (includes 0.5 hours
Ethics) The Strategies and Ethics of Medicaid Estate Planning and Asset Protection.
Thursday, December 2, 2010. Noon 1:00
PM. Haynes & Boone Hall. Registration 11:30
11:55 AM. Contact information: David Yates
Place Your Ad Here! For affordable classified advertising rates call Judi Smalling at
(214) 220-7452.
We need your
tax-deductible donations!
The DBA will hold its 2nd Annual Wine Cork Pull at the
Inaugural Dinner-Dance honoring incoming
President Barry Sorrels and we need your donations.
Whats needed? A selection of all types and values of
wine (750ml bottles)
When do you need it? By Friday, Dec. 3
Effective January 1, 2011, member parking at Belo will be $4.00. However, members
may purchase a coupon book of 10 coupons for $30. Coupons are good through December 31, 2011, and may be purchased through the garage parking attendant or the Belo
Mansion cashier on the first floor. Coupons must be used to exit the garage at the $3
rate, otherwise members must pay the $4 rate.
The Dallas Bar Association Construction Law Section will host a holiday reception
on Thursday, December 9, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Belo.
16 H e a d n o t e s l D a l l a s B a r A s s o ciation