High Throughput Production of Nanoscale Liposomes Using Extreme Aspect Ratio Hydrodynamic Flow Focusing
High Throughput Production of Nanoscale Liposomes Using Extreme Aspect Ratio Hydrodynamic Flow Focusing
High Throughput Production of Nanoscale Liposomes Using Extreme Aspect Ratio Hydrodynamic Flow Focusing
A robust microfluidic platform which enables high throughput production of low-polydispersity liposomal nanoparticles is described. High aspect ratio microfluidic hydrodynamic focusing (HAR-MHF)
overcomes the limitations of traditional microfluidic nanoparticle synthesis, which is typically performed
in microfluidic devices with limited channel aspect ratios and reduced throughput, by providing extreme
aspect ratio structures for highly uniform flow and improved production rates. Here the HAR-MHF technique is utilized to generate populations of small, nearly-monodisperse liposomal nanoparticles with exceptionally high production rates and excellent sample homogeneity in comparison to established microfluidic techniques.
KEYWORDS: liposomes; nanoparticles; flow focusing
Microfluidic hydrodynamic focusing (MHF) is a powerful technique for nanoparticle synthesis,
offering multiple advantages over bulk-scale methods including excellent size control and sample
uniformity. However, the utility of MHF-directed nanoparticle production is limited by low throughput,
particularly for the preparation of nanomedicine where large quantities of nanoparticles at high
concentrations are necessary for clinical utility [1]. Here we describe a thermoplastic device enabling
robust high throughput synthesis of nanoscale liposomes using high aspect ratio microfluidic
hydrodynamic focusing (HAR-MHF). The HAR-MHF technology employs a bonded multilayer
thermoplastic microfluidic system containing a vertical stack of extreme aspect ratio microchannels. In
conventional MHF for liposome synthesis [2], fabrication constraints typically limit channel aspect ratios
to ~5:1 or lower, resulting in low overall nanoparticle synthesis rates and adverse effects on nanoparticle
homogeneity due to non-uniform flow profiles within the focusing zone. While devices with parallel
focusing zones for increased production rates have been explored [3], parallel synthesis requires careful
tuning of flow rates within these individual zones to maintain low polydispersity. Furthermore, parabolic
flow within low aspect ratio channels imposes significant variations in flow velocity along the channel
cross-section which negatively impact size variance
of the resulting nanoparticles. The HAR-MHF
technique differs from typical MHF in that shallow
and wide microchannels separated by thin polymer
films form the desired flow focusing zone, where
focusing occurs in the vertical direction (Fig. 1).
Because each HAR-MHF device contains only a
single focusing element, the technique is not subject
to flow rate variations between multiple parallel Figure 1. Photograph of a COC HAR-MHF defocusing elements that can degrade homogeneity of vice which possesses a channel height of 50 m
the resulting nanoparticles. Additionally, HAR-MHF and width of 5 mm, yielding an aspect ratio of
is performed within shallow channels which are 100:1 along the focusing axis. The multilayer fabrealized using simple fabrication techniques. Here rication process is highly scalable, enabling miwe exploit the HAR-MHF technique to execute crochannels with extremely high aspect ratios.
rapid, continuous-flow production of high quality
978-0-9798064-7-6/TAS 2014/$2014CBMS-0001
The HAR-MHF technique for nanoparticle synthesis provides an approach
for generating small and highly uniform
populations of liposomes at exceptionally
high production rates. Optimization of
device design, including the use of higher
aspect ratio channels, is expected to enable further increases in production rate
beyond this initial demonstration. Finally,
HAR-MHF technology is amenable to the
synthesis of a wide range of other nanoparticles beyond liposomes, providing a promising route to high
throughput generation of microfluidic-enabled nanoparticles for clinical applications and beyond.
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* D.L. DeVoe; phone: +1-301-405-8125; ddev@umd.edu