Strategic Management Final Notes For Exam

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Q 1. Define the term strategy what is its significance for any business, organization?

Explain 5 Ps for strategy that is strategy as plan, pattern, position, perspective &
as purpose? (2010, 2012)
Ans. Strategy is a fundamental pattern of present and planned objectives, resource
deployment and interactions of an organisation with markets, competitors and
environmental factors.
The first fundamental of business is to survive. It is euphemistic way of saying that
business needs to make profit. Any business not making profits is sure to sink. And in
order to survive, business needs to grow constantly. Gone are the days of static business
where a business could survive without substantial growth. Your neighbourhood
Kiranawala is no more secure in his small shop. He is being threatened by Reliance,
Subhiksha, Bharti-Walmart and the Mega Malls mushrooming like Pan Shops
everywhere. Your decades old family tailors business is being usurped by the mega
branded apparels. Thus, to be able to survive in this globalising market, the business
needs to be able to grow.
In the business environment that is prevailing and forecasted to unfold over the next two
decades, every business, however big or small, is threatened by the competition. Even
Reliance is scared about Wal-Marts entry and is advancing rollout of its retail ventures.
While there is always the first mover's advantage, in the end it will be business strategies
which will differentiate between successful and failed business.

Importance of Strategy to organisation:The strategic management of business will enable an organization in the following ways:

It gives a sense of long-term direction and provides a framework for guidance in

medium-term and short-term planning.

It allows for identification, prioritization, and exploitation of opportunities.

It is a conscious and a rational management exercise, which involves defining and

achieving an organization's objective and implementing its mission.

It is the only means by which the future opportunities and problems can be
anticipated by the management.

It allows more effective allocation of time and resources to identified


I allow fewer resources and less time to be devoted to correcting erroneous or ad

hoc decisions.

It leads to better analysis and diagnosis of the current and likely future
environment, identifying opportunities and threats.

It involves planning, implementation and control of an organization's strategy.

It gives a degree of discipline and formality to the management of a business.

It creates a framework for internal communication among personnel.

It enables the organization to be more aware of its external environment and

enables it to adapt to achieve a better fit with its environment.

It is concerned with implementation of policies that are considered to be


It represents a framework for improved coordination and control of activities.

It is the adoption of a course of action so as to achieve a given objective with the

specified reason.

It provides a cooperative, integrated and enthusiastic approach to tackling

problems and opportunities.

It improves quality of strategic decisions through group interaction.

5 Ps of Strategy:Mintzberg first wrote about the 5 Ps of Strategy in 1987. Each of the 5 Ps is a different
approach to strategy. They are as follows.
1. Plan - Plans evolve from the patterns of the past and are about intended patterns for the
future. Planning is something that many managers are happy with, Default, automatic
approach that organizations adopt. Planning deals with PEST Analysis, SWOT Analysis
and Brainstorming

to help companies think about and identify opportunities. The

problem with planning, however, is that it's not enough on its own. This is where the
other four Ps come into play.
2. Pattern Sometimes, however, strategy emerges from past organizational behavior.
Rather than being an intentional choice, a consistent and successful way of doing

business can develop into a strategy. Patterns are typical progressions of business
environment like market growth, customer behaviour and response, etc. For example, in a
retail outlet, the no. of white & black shirts which are sold is consistent throughout the
3. Positioning - "Position" is another way to define strategy - that is, how companies
decide to position themselves in the marketplace. It helps you develop a sustainable
competitive advantage. For example, your strategy might include developing a niche
product to avoid competition, or choosing to position yourself amongst a variety of
competitors, while looking for ways to differentiate your services. To do this, cos. use
PEST Analysis, and Porter's Five Forces to analyze your environment. These tools will
show where you have a strong position, and where you may have issues.
4. Perspective - Perspective is about an organisation's culture - its way of doing things.
Tata, Infosys and Wipro would prefer to forego some profit in favour of following
business ethics and corporate governance. Some other business house will probably have
no qualms in burying all ethics below their profit motive. Strategy will be drawn
5. Ploy - Mintzberg says that getting the better of competitors, by plotting to disrupt,
dissuade, discourage, or otherwise influence them, can be part of a strategy. Business
tactics are also termed as ploys. Ploy is a specific manoeuvre intended to outwit a
competitor. Its an ambush marketing tactics. For example, a grocery chain might
threaten to expand a store, so that a competitor doesn't move into the same area.

Q 2. Managing change in the hallmark of any successful leader. How do you

handle the process of change management in formulation of strategies for a business
organization? (2011)
Ans. Change management is a great challenge. Successful changes will lead to growth
while failures can be catastrophic. In todays fast changing world, CHANGE is the only
permanent. Change has always been there. But the rate of change that has been seen in
the last two or three decades, has been unprecedented. Many organisations were
overwhelmed by the changing business climate and because of their failure to manage the
change sweeping their sector, they lost out completely. Some have been wiped out of the
corporate scene and many others are barely a shadow of what they were once upon a
time. But there were some dynamic organisations also who took this all pervasive change
as an opportunity and either changed themselves or managed the changing environment
to keep them competitive.

Necessity of change:
(a) Technological upgrades
(b) Competition
(c) Change in Customers tastes and preferences (fashion)
(d) Social Changes
(e) Political Environment

Steps involve in changing process:

The management of strategic change involves serious steps that manger must follows if
the change process is to be successful. The major important steps are listed below.

Determining need for change:- By conducting Swot analysis

Determining the obstacles:- To change, by analysing obstacles related to

corporate, divisional or functional strategies preventing the company from
reaching to ideal future

Implementing change:- Top - Down change or Bottom - Up change

Evaluating change:- Evaluate effect of the change in strategy & structure on

organisation performance

However, changes are not easy and there is always opposition to change.
Reasons for opposition to change:
(a) Fears of
(i) Unknown
(ii) Economic loss
(iii) Perceived inconveniences
(iv) Loss of power/status
(b) Need to learn new skills/knowledge
(c) Insecurity
(d) Social/Peer Pressure
(e) Resistance from groups
(f) Organisational Culture
(g) Lack of incentives

Managing change in organization:

In order to effect the changes without causing any disruptions, a meticulous strategy is
required to be formulated keeping in mind their effect on the affected section of the
people in terms of various factors like economic, social, religious, physiological,
psychological, etc. The strategy for effecting changes lies in Greatest Political Scientist Chanakyas Neeti is now translated into modern management jargon and elaborated as
(a) Education and communication: Resistance can be reducing to communicating with
employee to help them see the logic of change. Communication can reduce resistance on
two levels; first, it fights effects of misinformation & poor communication. If employee
receive the full facts & get any misunderstanding cleared up resistance should subside.
Secondly, communication can help selling the need for change. This however does not
mean that everything should be communicated to all. Advance information regarding
certain matter may do more harm than good. Thus there should be proper judgement &
selectivity with respect to communication in organisation E.g. Glaxo
(b) Pace to change: The pace change targets who will be central to change programme &
factors i.e. the specific change targets to be address at different types should be clearly

(c) Participation: Its difficult to individual to resist a change decision in which they have
participated. Prior to making a change those oppose can be brought into decision process.
(d) Building support & commitment: Change agent can offer range of supportive activity
to reduce resistance. When employees fear & anxiety are high employee counselling,
new skill training or short paid leave may facilitated adjustment.
(e) Selecting people who accept change: Research suggest that, to ability to easily accept
or adopt to change is related to personality. Some people simply have more positive
attitude about change than others. These people are open to experience, take positive
attitude towards change, willing to take risk & flexible in their behaviour.
(f) Manipulation Co-option: It refers to covert influence attempt. Twisting & distorting
facts to make them appear more attractive with holding undesirable information &
creativity false rumours to get employee to accept a change are example of manipulation
E.g. If corporate management threaten to close down particular manufacturing plant. If
that plant employees fails to accept & across the put cut & threat is actually untrue, then
management using manipulation. Co-option on other hand is form of both manipulation
& participation. It seeks to buy off the leaders of a resistance group by giving them key
role in decision change.
(g) Coercion: It is direct application of direct threat or force on resistance E.g. threats of
transfer, loss of performance, negative performance evaluation, poor later of
Use of single method is often unlikely to yield good results. A mixed strategy is more
successful. What we have discussed above is from the individual perspective. But these
individuals become managers and then either lend their personality to the organisation or
borrow a personality from the organisation depending upon their level in the organisation
and structure of the organisation.
Depending upon the top management, an organisation can be a static organisation where
little ever changes or a dynamic organisation where change is continuous. HMT, who till
1990, boasted as the time keepers of the nation, are nowhere now. They failed to catch
the wind of change sweeping the country and were swept aside by Titan. Similarly, Bata
and Corona, the two Czars of footwear, have lost relevance. Bata is surviving on the
fringes while Corona is completely wiped out.

Q 3. Define terms i) Mission ii) Vision iii) Objective of business organization write
the mission, vision & objective statement for a B school. How do these statements
help in strategy formulation highlighting corporate philosophy & corporate
governance? (2010, 2011)
Ans. Vision:A Vision is a guide to implement strategy, it keeps the organization moving. Vision is
the motivator in an organization vision is about feelings, belief emotions and pictures.
The process and outcome of vision is to develop an effective basis for business
strategies. Kottler (1990) defines it as a description of something in the future. EINamaki (1992) considers it as a mental perception of the kind of environment an
individual, or an organization, aspires to crate within a broad time horizon and the
underlying conditions for the actualization of this perception. Miller and Des (1996)
view it simply as the category of intention that are broad, all inclusive and forward
The Benefits of Having a vision Good visions are inspiring and exhilarating
Visions represent a discontinuity, a step function and a jump ahead so that the
company knows what it is to be
Good visions help in the creation of a common identity and a shared sense of
Good visions are competitive, original and unique. They make sense in the
marketplace as they are practical.
Good visions foster risk-taking and experimentation
Good visions foster long term thinking
Good visions represent integrity; they are truly genuine and can be used for the
benefit or people.
As well conceived vision consists of two major components: core ideology and
envisioned future. The core ideology defines the enduring character of an organization
that remains unchangeable as it passes through the vicissitudes of vectors, such as,
technology, competition, or management fads. The core ideology rests on the core values
and core purposes.

Vision Statement of Britannia: Mr. Sunil Alag when he was CEO of Britannia decides
to come up with one line vision for the company Every third Indian must be a Britannia
consumer by 2004.
Vision Statement of ITC: Y. C. Dereshwar Chairman of ITC had a vision of ITC,
reminiscent (Remembering) of Jack velch he said that in a matured economy, with
developed market institution ITC was unlikely to be successful unless it was focuses on
a one theme vision Either we become world class or we leave the business.
Vision Statement of Hindustan Level Ltd.: Hindustan level Ltd. Our vision to meet
the everyday needs of people everywhere

Mission:Mission is a statement which defines the role that an organization plays in a society. It
refers to the particular needs of that society for instance, its information needs.
Thompson (1977) defines mission as the essential purpose of the organization,
concerning particularly why it is in existence, the nature of the business it is in and the
customers it seeks to serve and satisfy. Hunger and Wheelen (1999) say that mission is
the purpose or reason for the organizations existence.
Usually, entrepreneurs lay down the corporate philosophy which an organization follows
in its strategic and operational activities. Such a philosophy may not be consciously and
formally stated but may gradually evolve due to the entrepreneurs actions. Generally an
entrepreneur has a perception of the type of organization that he wants his company to
be. Mission statements could be formulated on the basis of the vision that an
entrepreneur decides on in the initial stages of an organizations growth.
Major strategists could also contribute to the development of a mission statement. They
do this informally by lending a hand in the creation of a particular corporate identity or
formally through discussions and the writing down of a mission statement. Chief
executives plan a major role in formulating a mission statement both formally and
informally. They may set up executive committees to formally discuss and decide on a
mission statement or enunciate a corporate philosophy to be followed for strategic
In order to be effective, a mission statement should possess the following seven


It should be feasible. A mission should always aim high but it should not be an

impossible statement. It should be realistic and achievable-its followers must find it to

be credible.
2. It should be precise. A mission statement should not be so narrow as to restrict the
organizations activities nor should it be too broad to make itself meaningless.
3. It should be clear. A mission should be clear enough to lead to action. It should not
be a high-sounding set of platitudes meant for publicity purposes. Many organizations
do adopt such statements but probably they dos so for emphasizing their identity and
4. It should be motivation. A mission statement should be motivation for members of
the organization and of society and they should feel it worthwhile working for such an
organization or being its customers.
5. It should be distinctive. A mission statement which is indiscriminate is likely to have
little impact. If all scooter manufactures defined their mission in a similar fashion, there
would not be much of a difference among them.
6. It should indicate major components of strategy. A mission statement, along with the
organizational purpose should indicate the major components for the strategy to adopted.
7. It should indicate how objectives are to be accomplished. Besides indicating the
broad strategies to be adopted a mission statement should also provide clues regarding
the manner in which the objectives are to be accomplished.
The first task of strategic management is formulating the organization vision, mission
and value statement. They have the greatest impact on the identity and the future of the
organization and reflect the strategic intent of the organization.
Mission statement of Ranbaxy Laboratory Ltd: Mission Statement: Our mission is
to become a research based international pharmaceutical company
Mission statement of McDonalds: To offer the fast foods, customers food prepared in
the same high quality worldwide tasty and during reasonable period, delivered in a
consistent low key dcor and friendly manner.

Objective:Objectives may be defined as these ends which the organization seeks to achieve by its
existence and operations. Objective defines the enterprise it covers long range company

aims most specific companys departmental goals and even individual assignments,
therefore, objectives may pertain to a wide or narrow parts of an enterprise that may be
either long term or short term objectives may be tangible or intangible. Tangible
objectives may include achievement of any materially quantifiable targets or goals. E.g.
selling of 1000 cars in a year or 10,000 T.V in a year. Intangible objectives include
factors like brand or companies image or employee morale. Objectives should not be
statics. They should by dynamic. As Philip kotller remarks objectives can draw
obsolete because of the continuous changes occurring in the companys marketing
Importance of objectives
1. It justifies the organization
2. It provides direction
3. It is based for management by objectives (MBO)
4. It helps strategic management.
5. It helps co-ordination
6. Provide standards for assessment and control
7. It helps decentralization.
An Organization having hierarchy of objectives at different levels, Objectives can be
classified into two categories:
1) Economic objectives related to
a. Survivals
b. Growth
c. Return on Investments
d. Innovation in market share
2) Social Objectives
a. Social objectives are related to protecting the interest of consumers
b. of the employer
c. of Society
Nikes Strategic objectives:
1) Protect Nikes position as the No.1 the brand America
2) Build a strong momentum on growing fitness market
3) Intensify the companys efforts to develop products that women need and want

4) Explore the markets for the products specially design for the requirements of
5) Direct and manage companys international business as it continue to develop
6) Continue the desire for increasing margin through proper inventory management
and better products.
Organizational Values and their impact on strategy:
The value statements give a common cause and common sense of purpose, wherein the
organization just like the mission statement; it provides the direction to the strategy of
the organization. E.g. The value of Wipro Technologies with utmost respect to human
values we promise to serve our customers with integrity through innovative value for
money solutions by applying thought day by day.


Q 4. Explain the concept of diversification. Does it dilute the business risks

resulting in pathways for success? Give illustration? (20008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
Diversification is inevitable to remain in business. Companies have adopted
different forms of diversification to achieve their objectives. What parameters can
be used to judge the quality of diversification?
Ans. Diversification is a much used and much-talked about set of strategies. These
strategies involve all the dimensions of strategies alternatives. Diversification may
involve internal or external, related or unrelated, horizontal or vertical and active or
passive dimensions-either singly or collectively. Essentially, diversification involves a
substantial change in the business definition single or jointly-in terms of customer
functions, customer groups, or alternative technologies or one or more of a firms
business. Diversification strategies being one of the most important type of strategies for
expansion will be discussed in detail in this section. Basic diversification strategies are:
Concentric Diversification:When an organization takes up an activity in such a manner that it is related to the
existing business definition of one or more of a firms businesses, either in terms of
customer groups, customers functions alternative technologies, it is called concentric
diversification. Concentric diversification may be of three types:
1. Marketing: Related concentric diversification: When a similar type of product is
offered with the help of unrelated technology for example a company in the sewing
machine business diversifies into kitchenware and household appliances, which are sold
to housewives through a chain of retail stores.
2. Technology-related concentric diversification: When a new type of product or
service is provided with the help of related technology, for example, a leasing firm
offering hire-purchase services to institutional customers also starts consumer financing
for the purchase of durables to individual customers.
3. Marketing-and technology-related concentric diversification: When a similar type
of product (or service) is provided with the help of related technology, for example, a
raincoat manufacturer makes other rubber based items, such as, waterproof shoes and
rubber gloves, sold through the same retail outlets.

Conglomerate diversification:When an organization adopts a strategy which requires taking up those activities which
are unrelated to the existing business definition of one or more of its business, either in
terms f their respective customer groups, customer function or alternative technologies,
it is called conglomerate diversification. ITC a cigarette company diversifying into a
hotel industry. Some other examples are those of the Essar Group (shipping, marine
construction, oil support services and iron and steel) Shriram Fibers Ltd. (nylon
industrial yarn, synthetic industrial fabrics, nylon tiers cords, fluoro-chemicals,
fluorocarbon refrigerant gases ball and needle bearings, auto-electrical, hire-purchase
and leasing and financial services.

Why is diversification strategies adopted:The three basic and important reasons are:
1. Diversification strategies are adopted to minimize risk by spreading it over several
2. Diversification may be used to capitalize on organizational strengths or minimize
3. Diversification may be the only way out if growth in existing businesses is blocked
due to environmental and regulatory factors.
Diversification strategies have their own advantages and disadvantages and
disadvantage. Concentric diversification enables a firm to attain synergy by exchange of
resources and skills and to avail economies of scale and tax benefits. On the other hand,
the disadvantage of concentric diversification lies in the increase in risk and
commitment, and a reduction in flexibility.
Conglomerate diversification offers the advantage of better management and allocation
of cash flows, realizing a higher return on investments, and the reduction of risk by
spreading investment in different businesses industry.

It has the disadvantages of

diversion of resources and attention to other areas leading to a lack of concentration and
facing the risks of managing entirely new businesses.
Pattern of diversification It is widely accepted that the post-1984 and particularly the
post-1991 period has seen a gradual liberalization of the Indian economy. The relaxation
of controls has generally made a positive impact on the business policies of firms. Many

companies have taken the various and advantages offered by the liberalization measures
and diversified into related and unrelated areas.
The ideas whether diversification is an effective strategy has assumed significance in
view of the fact that ideas of core competence and focus have gained greater
acceptability among companies, investors, consultants and academicians in the
developed countries. Diversifications, specially unrelated ones, seem to be out of favor.
But there is a divergent and interesting view of which strategies could be better for
companies in developing countries like India. The fact is that several Indian business
groups have been attempting concentration in lien with the thinking on core competence.
But this is being done in a unique Indian way of adopting a middle path.
Diversification strategies offer high rewards if steps are taken for their proper
implementation. We will refer to this issue later when we deal with strategy


Q 5. Explain the strategic management process in any organization? (2008, 2009,

2010, 2011)
Ans. Glueck (1984) defines strategic management as a stream of decisions and actions
which leads to the development of an effective strategy or strategies to help achieve
corporate objectives.
Sharplin (1985) defines strategies management as the formulation and implementation
of plans and carrying out of activities relating to the matters which are of vital, pervasive
or continuing importance to the total organization. This is an all-encompassing view of
strategic management and considers all plans and activities which are important for an
Harrison and St. John (1988) defines strategic management as the process through
which organizations analyze and learn from their internal and external environments,
establish strategic direction, create strategies that are intended to help achieve
established goals and execute these strategies, all in an effort to satisfy key
organizational stakeholders.
Strategic management is considered as either decision making and planning, or a set of
activities related to the formulation and implementation of strategies to achieve
organizational objectivities, in strategic management the emphasis is on those general
management responsibilities which are essential to relate the organization to the
environment in such a way that its objectives may be achieved.
There are four essential phases in the strategic management process, though they may
differ with regard to its sequence, emphasis or nomenclature. These four phases could
be encapsulated as follows:
1. Establishing the hierarchy of strategic intent.
2. Formulation of strategies
3. Implementation of strategies and
4. Performing strategic evaluation and control
These four phases are considered as sequentially linked to each other and each
successive phase provides a feedback to the previous phases.


Phases in the Strategic Management Process:-

Establishment of
strategic intent

Formulation of

of strategies


Strategic control

Each phase of the strategic management process consists of a number of elements which
are discrete and identifiable activities performed in logical and sequential steps.
(1) Establishing the hierarchy of strategic intent:
a) Creating and communicating a vision
b) Designing a mission statement
c) Defining the business
d) Setting objectives.
(2) Formulation of Strategies:
e) Performing environmental appraisal
f) Doing organizational appraisal.
g) Considering corporate level strategies
h) Considering business-level strategies
i) Undertaking strategic analysis.
j) Exercising strategic choice
k) Formulating strategies
i) Preparing a strategic plan.

(3) Implementation of strategies:

m) Activating strategies
n) Designing structures and systems.
o) Managing behavioral implementation

p) Managing functional implementation

q) Operational sing strategies

(4) Performing strategic evaluation and control:

r) Performing strategic evaluation
s) Exercising strategic control and
t) Reformulating strategies.

1. Hierarchy of strategic intent lays the foundation for the strategic management of any
organization. In this hierarchy, the vision, mission, business definition and objectives
are established. The strategic intent makes clear what an organization stands for. The
element of vision in the hierarchy of strategic intent serves the purpose of stating what
an organization wishes to achieve in the long run. The mission relates an organization of
society. The business definition explains the businesses of an organization in terms of
customer needs, customer groups and alternative technologies. The objectives of an
organization state what is to be achieved in a given time period. These objectives then
serve as yardsticks and benchmarks for measuring organizational performance.

Comprehensive Model of Strategic Management Process:


Working Model of Strategic Management Process:




and Choice


2. Environmental and organizational appraisal helps to find out the opportunities and
threats operating in the environment and the strengths and weaknesses of an organization
in order to create a match between them. In such a manner, opportunities could be
availed of and the impact of threats neutralized in order to capitalize on the
organizational strengths and minimize the weaknesses.
3. Strategic alternatives and choice are required for evolving alternative strategies out of
the many possible options and choosing the most appropriate strategy or strategies in the
light to environmental opportunities and threats and corporate strengths and weakness.
Strategies are chosen at the corporate level and the business-level. The process used for
choosing strategies involves strategic analysis and choice. The end result of this set of
elements is a strategic plan which can be implemented.
4. For the implementation of a strategy, the strategic plan is put into action through six
sub processes: project implementation procedural implementation, resource allocation,
structural implementation, behavioral implementation and functional and operational

Project implementation deals with setting up the organization.

Procedural implementation deals with different aspects of the regulatory framework

within which Indian organizations have to operate. Resource allocation relates to the
procurement and commitment of resources for implementation. The structural aspects of
implementation deal with the designing of appropriate organizational structures and
systems and reorganizing to match the structure to the needs of the strategy. The
behavioral aspects consider the leadership styles for implementing strategies and other
issues like corporate culture, corporate politics and use of power, personal values and
business ethics and social responsibility. The functional aspects relate to the policies to
be formulated in different functional areas. The operational implementation deals with
the productivity, processes, people and pace of implementing the strategies. The


emphasis in the implementation phase of strategic management is on action.

5. The last phase of strategic evaluation appraises the implementation of strategies and
measures organizational performance. The feedback from strategic evaluation is meant
to exercise strategic control over the strategic management process. Strategic may be
reformulated, if necessary.


Q 6. Discuss the different levels and types of strategies and task in strategic
Ans. 1) Corporate Level Strategy: It is formulated by top management to decide the
actions that the total organization is taking and attempts to determine the roll of each
business activities in playing or should play in the organization corporate level strategy
defines the long term objectives such as plan about market, products, profitability, return
on investment technological leadership. E.g. Amul Butter
2) Business unit strategy: It formulate the comprehensive general program the budget
and the policy through which a business unit is intense to achieve its long term objective
i.e. corporate level strategy in an over changing. Environment is called the business unit
level strategy. The major activities in business unit level strategy involves product
development, market development, innovation and diversification, e.g. different products
of Amul Butter, Amul Bite
3) Functional Level Strategies: It creates the frame work for the management of
functions such as finance, research and development, production material, personnel and
marketing. These strategies confirm to the business unit level strategies.

Corporate level Strategy

Strategy Business Unit

Multi Business Organization

Strategy Business Unit

Strategy Business Unit

Functional Level strategies

Research & Development





Q 7. Explain the concept of business objective & what are the main ingredients of
the same? (2008)
Ans. Objectives play an important role in strategic management. We could identify the
various facets of such a role as shown below:

Objectives define the organizations relationship with its environment. By stating

its objectives, an organization commits itself to what it has to achieve for its
employees, customers and society at large.

Objectives help an organization to pursue its vision and mission. By defining the
long-term position that an organization wishes to attain and the short-term targets
to be achieved objectives help an organization in pursing its vision and mission.

Objectives provide the basis for strategic decision making. By directing the
attention of strategists to those areas where strategic decisions need to be taken,
objectives lead to desirable standards of behavior and in this manner, help to
objectives lead to desirable standards of behavior and in this manner, help to
coordinate strategic decision making.

Objectives provide the standards for performance appraisal. By stating the targets
to be achieved in a given time period, and the measures to be adopted to achieve
them, objectives lay down the standards against which organizational as well as
individual performance could be judged. In the absence of objectives, an
organization would have no clear and definite basis for evaluating its

Characteristic of Objectives:
Objectives, as measures of organizational behavior and performance, should possess
certain desirable characteristics in order to be effective. Given below are seven such
1. Objectives should be understandable. Because objectives play an important role in
strategic management and are put to use in a variety of ways, they should be
understandable to those who have to achieve them. A Chief executive who says that
something ought to be done to set things right is not likely to be understood by his
managers. Subsequently, no action will be taken, or even a wrong action might be taken.

2. Objectives should be concrete and specific. To say that our company plans to achieve
a 12 percent increase its sales is certainly better than stating that our company seeks to
increase its sales. The first statement implies a concrete and specific objective and is
more likely to lead and motivate the managers.
3. Objectives should be related to a time frame. If the first statement given above is
restated as our company plans to increase its sales by 12 percent by the end of two
years. It enhances the specificity of the objective. If objectives are related to a time
frame, then managers know the duration within which they have to be achieved.
4. Objectives should be measurable and controllable. Many organizations perceive
themselves as companies which are attractive to wok for. If measures like the number
and quality of job applications received, average emoluments offered, or staff turnover
per year could be devised, it would be possible to measure and control the achievement
of this objective with respect to comparable companies in a particular industry and in
5. Objectives should be challenging. Objectives that are too high or too low are both Demotivating and therefore, should be set a challenging but not unrealistic levels. To set a
high sales target in a declining market does not lead to success. Conversely a low sales
target in a burgeoning market is easily achievable and therefore leads to a suboptimal
6. Different objectives should correlate with each other.

Organizations set many

objectives in different areas. If objectives are set in one area disregarding the other areas
such an action is likely to lead to problems. A classic dilemma in organizations and a
source of interdepartmental conflicts, is setting sales and production objectives..
Marketing departments typically insist on a wider variety of products to cater to a variety
of market segments while production departments generally prefer to have greater
product uniformity in order to have economies of scale. Obviously, trade-offs are
required to be made so that different objectives correlate with each other, are mutually
supportive and result in synergistic advantages. This is especially true for organizations
which are organized on a profit centre basis.
7. Objectives should be set without constraints. There are many constraints-internal as
well as external which have to be considered in objective setting. For example, resource

availability is an internal constraint which affects objective setting. Different objectives

compete for scarce resources and trade offs are necessary for optimum resource

Organizations face many external constraints like legal requirements,

consumer activism and environmental protection. All these limit the organizations
ability to set and achieve objectives.
1. Specificity, Objectives may be stated at different levels of specificity.

At one

extreme, they might be very broadly stated as goals while at the other they might be
specifically stated as targets. Many organizations state corporate as well as general,
specific, functional and operational objectives. Note that specificity is related to the
organizational levels for which a set of objectives has been stated. Indian Airlines stated
corporate general, as well as particular objectives. One of its corporate objectives was to
meet the demand for reliable, economic and efficient air transport through high standards
of service. One of the general objectives, in the financial area, was to generate a specific
amount of resources every year not only for meeting existing requirements but also to
provide for growth. The issue of specificity is resolved through stating objectives at
different levels, and prefixing terms such as corporate, general and particular so that they
serve the needs for performance and its evaluation.
2. Multiplicity. Since objectives deal with a number of performance areas, a variety of
them have to be formulated to cover all aspects of the functioning of an organization.
No organization operates on the basis of a single or a few objectives. The issue of
multiplicity deals with different types of objectives with respect to organizational levels
(e.g. higher or lower levels) importance (e.g. primary or secondary), ends (e.g. survival
or growth), functions (e.g. marketing or finance) and nature (e.g. organizational or
personal) another issue related to multiplicity, is the number and types of objectives to se
set. Too few or too many objectives are both unrealistic. Organizations need to set
adequate and appropriate objectives so as to cover all the major performance areas.
3. Periodicity. Objectives are formulated for different time periods. It is possible to set
long-term, medium-term and short term objectives. Generally organizations determine
objectives for the long and short-term whenever this is done objectives for different time
periods have to be integrated with each other. Long-term objectives are, by nature, less
certain and are therefore stated in general terms. Short term objectives, on the other hand
are relatively mort certain, specific and comprehensive. One long-term objective may

result in several short-term objectives, on the other hand, are relatively more certain,
specific and comprehensive. One long-term objective may result in several short-term
objectives, many short-term objectives coverage to form a long term objective. For
example, a long term objective may be continual profitability. Short term objective
which support continual profitability may be the return on investment, profit margin,
return on net worth, and so on, computed on a yearly basis.
4. Verifiability. Each objective has to be tested on the basis of its verifiability. In other
words, it should be possible for a manager to state the basis on which to decide whether
an objective has been met or not. Only verifiable objectives can be meaningfully used in
strategic management. Related to verifiability is the question of quantification. A
definite way to measure any objective is to quantify it. But is may be neither possible nor
desirable to quantify each and every objective. In such cases, qualitative objectives have
to be set. These objectives could also be verified but not to the degree of accuracy
possible for quantitative objectives. For example, a qualitative objective may be state as
to create a congenial working environment within the factory. In order to make such an
objective verifiable, the value judgment of informed experts-both insiders and outsiders
could be used. A few quantitative measures could also be devised which can serve as
indicators of a congenial working environment. Some of these could be staff turnover,
absenteeism, accident rates, productivity figures and so forth. In sum, it can be said that
the issue of verifiability could be resolved through a judicious use of a combination of
quantitative and qualitative objectives.
5. Reality. It is common observation that organizations tend to have two sets of
objectives-official and operative.

Official objectives are those which organizations

profess to attain while operative objectives are those which the seek to attain in reality.
Probably no one would be in a better position to appreciate the difference between these
two objectives than a harried client of a public sector bank who, on being maltreated by
an arrogant bank employee, looks up to find a poster of a smiling and beautiful girl with
folded hands looking down at him. The poster carries the caption: Customer service
with a smile! May organizations state one of their official objectives as the development
of human resource. But whether it is also an operative objective depends on the amount
of resources allocated to human resource development.
6. Quality, Objectives may be both good and bad. The quality of an objective can be

judged on the basis of its capability to provide a specific direction and a tangible basis
for evaluating performance. An example of a bad objective is : to be the market leader
in out industry, It is insufficient with respect to its measurability. To restate the same
objective as : To increase market share to a minimum of 40 percent of the total with
respect to Product A over the period of the next two years and to maintain it thereafter
turns it into a good objective since it is specific, relates to performance, is measurable
and provides a definite direction.

What objectives are set?

Objectives have to be set in all those performance areas which are of strategic
importance to an organization. In general, according to Druckere, objectives needs to be
set in the eight vital areas of market standing, innovation, productivity, physical and
financial resources, profitability, manager performance and development, worker
performance and attitude and public responsibility. A prescriptive approach, such as the
one suggested by Drucker, is based on those strategic factors which are supposedly vital
for all types of organizations. But in practice organization differ widely with regard to
the objectives that they choose to set.

How are Objectives Formulated?

Organizations need to set objective at different levels, of various types and for different
time periods, and that such objectives should possess certain desirable characteristics
and should resolve certain issues before being used.
Glueck identifies four factors that should be considered for objective setting. These
factors are the forces in the environment, realities of an enterprises resource an internal
power relationships, the value systems of top executives and awareness by management
of the past objectives of the firm. Here is a description of each of these factors.
1. The forces in the environment. These take into account all the interests some time
coinciding but often conflicting of the different stakeholder in an organization. Each
group of stakeholders whether they are company employees, customers or the
government put forward a set of claims or have expectations that have to be considered
in setting objectives. It is important to note that the interests of various stakeholders
may change from time to time, necessitating a corresponding shift in the importance

attached to different objectives.

2. Realities of enterprises resources and internal power relationships. This means that
objectives are dependent on the resourced capability of a company as well as the relative
decisional power that different groups of strategists wield with respect to each other in
sharing those resources. Resource both material and human, place restrictions on the
objective-achieving capability of the organization and these have to be considered in
order to set realistic objectives.

Internal power relationships have an impact on

objectives in different ways. A dominant group of strategists, such as, the board of
directors, or an individual strategist, such as a chief executive, may wield considerable
power to set objectives in consonance with their respective views. Again, since poor
configurations within a firm are continually changing, the relative importance attached
to different objectives may also vary over a period of time.
3. The value of system of the top executive, this has an impact on the corporate
philosophy that organizations adopt with regard to strategic management in general and
objectives in particular. Values, as an enduring set of beliefs, shape perceptions about
what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable. This applies to the choice of objectives
too. For example, entrepreneurial values may result in prominence being given to profit
objectives while a philanthropic attitude and values of social responsibility may lead to
the setting of socially oriented objectives.
4. Awareness by management. Awareness of the past objectives and development of a
firm leads to a choice of objectives that had been emphasized in the past due to different
reasons. For instance, a dominant chief executive lays down a set of objectives and the
organization continues to follow it, or deviates marginally from it in the future.


happens because organizations do not depart radically from the paths that they had been
following in the recent past. Whatever changes occur in their choice of objectives take
place incrementally in an adaptive manner.


Q 8. Explain rational of company to take over another company? (2008)

Ans. Rationale for Restructuring:
The rationale for restructuring is at two levels. The first is a deeper level reasoning
relating to the fundamental ways in which organizations work. The second is a more
practical reasoning that attempts to analyses the changes in the environment and the
organization and relate such changes to strategic actions that organizations need to take.
Peter Drucker states that organizations have implicit or explicit theories for their
business, incorporating assumptions about:
a. The environment, specifically markets, customers and important technologies
b. The mission or purpose
c. Core (content) competencies required to fulfill the mission
Drucket further state that these assumption must be realistic, congruent, communicated
and understood. These assumptions need to be evaluated regularly and rigorously so
that they prove to correct.
Environmental changes, such as the one we are witnessing around the world and in
India, are causing organizations to revise their assumptions and mental models. It is for
this reason that restructuring is being done at various levels so that organizations and the
strategies they employ are aligned with the environmental realities.
The second way to understand the rationale for restructuring is to note that, in the past,
diversification had been the preferred route for growth and expansion for companies
around the world.


Q 9. What could be the probable contents of a competitor profile? Take any

company of your choice and identify its main competitor and compare the
strengths and weakness of this company with that of its competitor.
Competitors are important participants of any business & as such they must be
considered in formulating the organization strategies. Prepare a competitor profile for
any business organization of your choice? (2008, 2011)

Ans: While industry analysis and strategies group analysis focus on the industry as a
whole or on subsets of firms within an industry, competitor analysis focuses on each
company with which a firm competes directly. Competitor analysis, therefore, deals with
the actions and reactions of find individual firms within an industry or strategic group. It
becomes specially important in the case of oligopolistic industries where there are a few
powerful competitors and each needs to keep track of the strategic moves of the others.
According to Porter, the purpose of conducing a competitor analysis is to:
Determine each competitors probable reaction to the industry and environmental
Anticipate the response of each competitor to the likely strategic moves by the
other firm, and develop a profile of the nature and success of the possible
strategic changes each competitor might undertake.

Components of competitor analysis:

A competitor response profile can be built on the basis of the four components of
competitor analysis. There four components are future goals of competitor, its current
strategy, the key assumptions that the competitor makes about itself and about the
industry and its capabilities in terms of strengths and weaknesses.
Future goals of competitor deals with questions such as these: how do our goals compare
to our competitors goals? Where will emphasis be placed in the future? What is the
attitude toward risk?
Current strategy of competitor deals with questions such as these: How are we currently
competing? Does this strategy support changes in the competition structure?
Key assumption made by the competitor deal with questions such as these: Do we
assume that the future will be volatile? Are we operating under a status quo? What

assumption do our competitors hold about the industry and about themselves?
Capabilities of competitor deal with questions such as these: What are our strengths and
weaknesses? How do we rate compared to our competitors?
Based on a thorough analysis of these components, a response profile can be prepared
for each competitor that can help predict their likely strategic moves which can be either
of an offensive or defensive type. The response profile could be based on a firm posing
questions such as these to itself: What will our competitors do in the future? Where do
we hold an advantage over our competitors? And, how will this change our relationship
with our relationship with our competitors? The information collected in the response
profile is a vital input for the purpose of business strategy formulation by any
The FMCG industry in general, where competitiveness in several subsectors such as
soaps and detergents, cosmetics, bakery and confectionery products and others, has
increased by leaps and bounds. It is in such a scenario that competitor analysis becomes
Looking to the moves and countermoves of the top two companies it is observed that
Asian Paints dominated the decorative paints segment of the paints industry in India with
a market hare of 40 percent. Good lass Nerolac was the market leader in the industrial
paints segment with a 45 per cent market share. Generally the companies in the Indian
paints industry were attempting to crate a balance among the two segments so that they
did not face the extreme demand fluctuations of either of the two segments. Good lass
Nerolacs changes of business strategy by refocusing on the decorative paints segment in
order to take advantage of its brand value can be seen in this context. This move
constituted a competitive threat to others, specially Asian Paints. Among the two, Asian
Paints was stronger in terms of cost reduction, marketing and distribution infrastructure
and global reach.
There is very less information available regarding the means adopted by companies to
keep track of their competitors. But many executives and industrialists admit that they
do rely on their marketing intelligence systems to collect information regarding the
probable strategic moves of their competitors. Besides this, companies tap various
format as well as informal sources for the purpose.

Competitor analysis is important because competitive forces shape the strategies adopted
by rivals and because these strategies of rival firms, in turn, shape the competitive
forces. It is useful for a firm if it takes the results of competitor analysis into account
while exercising a strategic choice.


Q 10. Generic strategy is combination of competitive strategy and competitive

scope in Broad and Narrow segments. Explain the salient features of the same.
When should a company employ STUCK IN THE MIDDLE strategy? (2009)
In Business level strategies, Porters genetic theory is very important discuss the
difference in strategic approach in cost leadership, differentiation & focus strategy.
How does hybrid strategy fit into this structure & can it be successful? (2010, 2011,
Explain term: I. Cost Based strategy
II. Niche Based strategy (2011)
Ans . We could classify business strategies into the following three types:
1. Cost leadership (lower cost/broad target)
2. Differentiation (differentiation /broad target)
3. Focus (lower cost or differentiation /narrow target)

Cost Leadership Business Strategy:When the competitive advantage of a firm lies in a lower cost of products or services
relative to what the competitors have to offer, it is termed as cost leadership. The firm
outperforms its competitors by offering products or services at a lower cost then they
can. Customers prefer a lower cost product particularly if it offers the same utility to

them as the comparable products available in the market have to offer. When all firms
offer products at a comparable price, then the cost leader firm earns higher profit owing
to the low cost of its products. Cost leadership offers a margin of flexibility to the firm
to lower price if the competition becomes stiff and yet earn more or less the same level
of profit.

Achieving cost leadership: Several actions could be taken for achieving cost leadership.
An illustrative list of such actions is as below:
1. Accurate demand forecasting and high capacity utilization is essential to realize cost
2. Attaining economies of scale leads to lower per unit cost of product/ service.
3. Aiming at the average customer makes it possible to offer a generalized set of utilities
in a product/service to cover a greater number of customers.
4. Investments in cost saving technologies can help a firm to squeeze every extra paisa
out of the cost making the product service competitive in the market.
5. Withholding differentiation till it becomes absolutely necessary is another way to
realize cost-based competitiveness.

Condition under which cost leadership use:


The markets for the products/service operate in such a way that price based

competition is vigorous making costs an important factor.

2. The product/service is standardized and its consumption takes place in such a manner
that differentiation is superfluous.
3. The buyers may be numerous and possess a significant bargaining power to negotiate
a price reduction from the supplying firm.
4. There is lesser customer loyalty and the cost of switching from one seller to another is
low. This is often seen in the case of commodities or products that are highly

Benefits of cost leadership business strategy:

1. Cost advantage is possibly the best insurance against industry competition.
2. Powerful suppliers possess a higher bargaining power to negotiate price increase for

3. Powerful buyers posses cost advantage can offer price reduction to some extent in
such as case.
4. The threat of cheaper substitutes can be offset to some extent by lowering prices.
5. Cost advantage acts as an effective entry barrier for potential entrants who cannot
offer the product/service at a lower price

Limitations of cost leadership business strategy:

1. Cost advantage is ephemeral. The duplication of cost reduction techniques makes the
position or the cost leader vulnerable from competitive threats.
2. Cost leadership is obviously not a market friendly approach. Often server cost
reduction can dilute customer focus and limit experimentation with product attributes.
3. Depending on the industry structure, sometime less efficient producers may not
choose to remain in the market owing to the competitive dominance of the cost leader.
In such a situation the scope for product/service may get reduced, affecting even the cost
leader adversely.
4. Technological shifts are great threat to cost leader as these may change the ground
rules on which an industry operates. The older players in the industry may left with a
obsolete technology that now proves to be costlier.

Differentiation Business Strategy:A differentiated product/service stands apart in the market and is distinguishable by the
customers for its special features and attributes. A differentiation firm can charge a
premium price for its products/service, gain additional customers who value the
differentiation and command customer loyalty. Profits for the differentiator firm come
from the difference in the premium price charged and the additional cost incurred in
providing the differentiation. To the extent the firm is able to offer differentiation by
maintaining a balance between its price and costs, it succeeds. But it may fail if the
customers are not longer interested in the differentiated features, or are not willing to pay
extra for such features.


Achieving differentiation: The key to achieving differentiation is to create value for the
customer that is unmatched by the competitors at the price at which the differentiator
firm offers its products/services This is done through incorporating features and
attributes in the products/service valued by the customers. These features and attributes
could be created at any point on the value chain. For instance, a firm could use high
quality raw material inputs, superior process technology, speedy and reliable distribution
or better after sale support. I may offer the backing of the solid reputation of the
producer or the strength of a brand name.
Conditions under which differentiation is used: A differentiation business strategy is
suitable for special conditions, primarily related to the markets and customers. The
major conditions under which differentiation business strategies could be employed are
given below:
1. The market is too large to be catered to by a few firms offering a standardized

The customer needs and preferences are too diversified to be satisfied by a

standardized product/service.
3. It is possible for the firm to charge a premium price for differentiation that is valued
by the customer.
4. The nature of the product/service is such that brand loyalty is possible to generate and
5. There is ample scope for increasing sales for the product/service on the basis of
differentiated features and premium pricing.

Benefits of differentiation business strategy:

1. Firms distinguish themselves successfully on the basis of differentiation thereby
lessening competitive rivalry. Customer brand loyalty too acts as safeguard against
competitors. Brand loyal customers are also generally less price sensitive.
2. Differentiation is an expensive proposition. Newer entrants are not normally in a
position to offer similar differentiation at a comparable price.

In this manner,

differentiation acts are a formidable entry barrier to new entrants.

3. For similar reasons as in the case of never entrants, substitute product/service supplies
too pose a negligible threat to established differentiator firms.

Focus Business Strategy:Focus business strategies essentially rely on either cost leadership or differentiation but
cater to a narrow segment of the total maker. In terms of the market, therefore focus
strategies are niche strategies.

Achieving Focus: Focus is essentially concerned with identifying a narrow target in

term of markets and customers. An illustrative list of measures that a focused firm can
adopt is as below:
1. Choosing specific niches by identifying gaps not covered by cost leaders and
2. Creating superior skills for catering to such niche markets.
3. Creating superior efficiency for serving such niche markets.
4. Achieving lower cost/differentiation as compared to the competitors while serving
such niche markets.
5. Developing innovative ways to manage the value chain which are different form the
ways prevalent in an industry.

Conditions under which focus strategy is use:

1. There is some type of uniqueness in the segment, which could either be geographical,
demographic, or based on lifestyle. Only specialized attributes and features could satisfy
the requirements of such a segment.
2. There are specialized requirements for using the products or services that the common
customers cannot be expected to fulfill.
3. The major players in the industry are not interested in the niche as it may not be
crucial to their own success.
4. The focusing firms have the necessary skill and expertise to serve the niche segment.

Benefits of focus business strategy:

1. A focused firm is protected from competition to the extent that the other firms which
have a broader target do not possess the competitive ability to cater to the niche markets.
2. Focused firms buy in small quantities, so powerful suppliers may not evince much

3. Powerful buyers are less likely to shift loyalties as they might not find others willing
to cater to the niche markets as the focused firm do.
4. The specialization that focuses firms are able to achieve in serving a niche market acts
as a powerful barrier to substitute products/services that might be available in the

Limitation of focus business strategy:

1. Serving niche markets requires the development of distinctive competencies to serve
those markets.
2. Being focused means commitment to a narrow market segment.
3. A major risk for the focused firm lies in the cost configuration.
4. Niches are often transient. Sometimes the rising costs of niche products may cause the
customers to move to the lower priced products of cost leaders.
5. Niches may sometimes become attractive enough for the bigger players to shift
attention to them.

Combination / Hybrid / Stuck in Middle business Strategy:These generic strategies are necessary compatible with one another. If a firm attempts to
achieve an advantage on all the front, in this attempt it may achieve no advantage at all.
For example, if a firm differentiates it by supplying very quality product, it may risks
underdetermine quality. If it seeks to become a cost leader, even if quality didnt suffer
the firm will risk projecting confusing image.
For this reason Michael Porter argued that to be successful over a long term, firm must
select only one of these three strategies. Otherwise with more than one single generic
strategy the firm will be Stuck in Middle & will not achieve competitive advantage.
An organization pursuing differentiation strategy seeks competitive advantage by
offering product or services that are unique or rivals, either through design, brand image,
technology, and customer service.
Alternatively an organization pursuing a low cost leadership strategy attempts to gain
competitive advantage, base on being the overall low cost producer of product or
service. However there exists a viewpoint that a single generic strategy is not always

best because within same product customer often seek, multidimensional satisfaction
such as combination of quality, style & price.
E.g.1: Researcher suggests that in same case it possible to be a cost leader while
maintaining differentiated product. South west airline has combine cost cutting measures
with differentiation. The company has been able to reduce cost by not assigning sitting,
by eliminating meals in its plane. It has been able to promote in its advertising that, One
does not get tasteless airline food on its flight. Its fare has been low enough to attract
significant number of passenger, allowing airline to success.
E.g.2: During year 1991 Nike achieve the turnaround by cutting cost & developing new
& distinctive product. Nike reduces the cost by cutting some of its endorsement. Also
the company eliminated endorsement cost on Italian soccer team thus saving 100mn$.
Firing 7% of its 22,000 employee allowed company to reduce cost by another 200mn$.
While cutting cost firm also introduce new product, design to differentiate Nike product
from those of competitor.


Q 11. Explain how in value chain analysis, which is an internal analysis useful in
identification of distinctive competencies in a business origination in formula sing
various business strategies? (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
In todays competitive world the survival as well as will to excel depends upon
effective combination of supply chain management, value chain concept, strategic
cost management & CRM?
Explain all four strategies through value chain & PLC concept? (2009)
Ans. According to porter, the business of a firm can best be described as value chain, in
which total revenue minus total costs of all activities undertaken to develop & market a
product or services yields value. All firms in a given industry have a similar value
chain, which includes activities such as obtaining raw materials, designing products,
building manufacturing facilities, developing cooperative agreement & providing
customer service. A firm will profit as long as total revenues exceed the total costs
incurred in creating & delivering the product or service firms should strive to understand
not only their own value chain, operations, but also their competitors, suppliers &
distributors value chains.
Value chain analysis (VCA) refers to the process whereby a firm determines the costs
associated with organizational activities from purchasing raw material to manufacturing
products to marketing those products. VCA aims to identify where low-cost advantages
or disadvantages exist anywhere along the value chain from raw material to customer
service activities.

VCA enable a firm to better identify its own strengths and

weaknesses, especially as compared to competitors value chains analyses & their own
data examined over time.
Substantial judgment may be required in performing a VCA because different items
along the value chain may impact other items positively or negatively, so their exist
complex relationships. E.g exceptional customer service may be especially expensive ye
may reduce the cost of returns & increase revenues. Cost and price difference among
rival firms can have their origins in activities performed by suppliers, distributors,
creditors or even shareholders, Despite the complicity of VCA, the initial step in

implementing this procedure is to divide a firms operations into specific activities on

business process. The analyst attempts to attach a cost to each discrete activity& the
costs could be in terms of both times money. Finally, the analyst converts the cost data
into information by looking for competitive cost strength & s weaknesses that may yield
competitive advantage or disadvantage. Conducting VCA is supportive of the RBVs
examination of firms assets and capabilities as sources of distinctive competence.
When a major competitor or new market entrant offers products or service at very low
prices, this may be because that firm has substantially lower value chain costs or perhaps
the rival firm is just waging a desperate attempt to gain sales or market share. Thus VCA
can be critically important for a fireman monitoring whether its prices and costs are
competitive (e.g. is given on the next page)
Value chain differs immensely across industries and firms. Whereas a paper products
company, such as stone container, would include on its value chains timber farming,
logging, pulp mills and papermaking, a computer company such as Hewlett- Packard
would include programming, peripherals, software, hardware and laptops. A motel
would include food, housekeeping chin-in & check-out operations, website, reservations
systems etc.

Illustration :-A value chain for a Typical Manufacturing Company

Supplier Costs
Raw material
Truck Drivers
Truck Maintenance
Components Parts

Production Costs
Plant Layout
Plant Location
Cost Accounting

Distribution Costs

Sales & Marketing

Sales Persons
Food & Lodging

Customer Service Cost



Management Costs
Employees benefits
Labour Relations
Finance Legal

All firms should use value-chain systems (VCA) to develop & nurture core competence
& convert this competence into a distinctive competence. A core competence evolves
into a major
activity in
its VC

& Capabilities
emerge in
certain imp
V.C. activities

Co. proficiency
in performing &
2 VC activities
raises to the
level of a core

Proficiency in
performing a
contd. To
build & evolve
a distinctive

Co-gains for

Translating Company performance of VC activities into competitive advantage:More and more companies are using VCA to gain and sustain competitive advantage by
being specially efficient and effective along various parts of the value chain e.g. WalMart has built powerful value advantages by focusing on exceptionally tight inventory
control volume purchasing of products & offering exemplary customer service.


Q 12. What is PESTLE Analysis?

Ans. PESTLE (Analysis) is an acronym for


Like SWOT analysis the PESTLE analysis


is simple, quick and use 4 key perspectives

Social Cultural




The advantage of this tool is that it encourages management into proactive structured
thinking in its decision making. PESTLE analysis involves identifying the political
economic, socio-cultural and technological influences on an organization and providing
a way of auditing the environmental influences that have impacted on an organization or
policy in the past and how they might do so in future.
Increasingly when carrying out analysis of environmental or external influences, legal
factors have been separated out from political factors. The increasing acknowledgement
of the significance of environmental factors has also led to environment becoming a
further general category, hence PESTLE analysis becoming an increasingly used an
recognized term, replacing the traditional PEST analysis.

The PESTLE Matrix

The first step is to identify the issue remember focus is very important. Make up your
own PESTLE questions and prompts to suit the issue being analyzed and the situation.
Shortlist those are important

Making it more scientific

The PESTLE analysis can be converted into a more specific instrument by giving a
weight age & a score to the items in each of the sections for each of the identified
options that the firm has to consider. For each of the item in each segment of the
PESTLE chart, we can give a score on a scale of 1 to 100. Some factors will be more
important than the others. Make sure the total weights add up to 100. In case we are
looking at options, the next step is to list all the options that we are considering. Give

marks to each specific option.



Ecological/environmental issues

Economy situation trends

Future laws

Taxation specific to products

Current laws

Market & trade cycles

Govt polities

Customer end user drivers

Regulatory bodies

Interest & Exchange rates

Trading policies



Life style trends

Replacement technology or solution


Maturity of technology

Consumer attitudes & opinion

Innovation potential

Brand & cos technology

Technology access licensing,

Consumer buying pattern

Ethnic religious factors




International Law

Environmental Impact

Employment law

Environmental legislation

Competition law

Energy consumption

Health safety law

Waste disposal

Regional legislation


Multiple the marks with the weight age factor and then add the total score for each
option. The higher the score is more attractive the option. The PESTLE analysis is a
useful business measurement tool for understanding the competitive environment of the
firm, on completion of PESTEL analysis, the short listed options can be examined using
a SWOT analysis. PESTLE is useful before SWOT not generally the other way

Q 13. Define Mergers & Acquisition. Why it is done? What are the benefits /
limitations? Is any strategy required for Merger & Acquisition?
Why is a SWOT analysis a prerequisite before the merger & acquisition process
starts? What are the several benefits derived by this analysis & when do merger
fail? (2009, 2011-SN, 2012)
Ans. Merger and Acquisition are two commonly used ways to pursue strategies. A
merger occurs when two organization of about equal size unite to form one enterprise.
An acquisition occurs when a large organization purchases (acquires) a smaller or viceversa. When a merger or acquisition is not desired by both parties, it can be called a
takeover or hostile takeover.
Mergers and acquisitions are also methods of diversification. Takeovers and mergers
sometimes been a dominate means of implementing strategies; there can be real
advantages, particularly if there is a good fit between the organizations. Synergy can
occur although less often the expected. The disadvantages of mergers are that they can
result in operational & psychological issues which can distract the people. Who have ti
make them work?
In 1998 merger of ICICI and ICICI BANK was one that is reshaping the definition of
lending institutions in India. Another example of a merger is the case of Lockheed and
martin-Marietta corp. They merged to form Lockheed-Martin.
In recent years we have seen many hostile acquisitions in which the organization buying
acquired did not want to be bought. These are referred to as takeovers. It is natural for
the target organizations management to try to resist the takeover.

Takeover or

acquisition is popular strategic alternative. Ispat International N.V. is a company that

started as small wire rod manufacture in Indonesia & has grown into the worlds largest
steel maker through an acquisition strategy. Where it focused on acquiring companies
that use DRI process in the manufacture of steel. Many Indian companies have adopted
this route to grow e.g. the R. P. Goenka group of companies has used this as a high
growth strategy. Their net worth of has gone upon from 70 Cr in 1979 to Rs.5500 Cr. In
1994. In short period of 15 years, he acquired CESC, Harrisons Malayalam, Wiltech, &

Nicholas Piramal was formed when the Piramal group acquired Nicholas laboratories, a
small formulations Co. in 1988 from Sara Lee. Since then it followed a strategy of
planned acquisitions to develop & consolidate its strength in marketing to therapeutic
niches. Ajay Piramal built Nicholas Piramal unto one of the fastest growing companies
in India through a string of acquisitions that include Roche, Bochringer, Hochests R &
D facility, Lacto Calamines OTC products & bulk drugs of Sumitra Pharmaceuticals &
Chemicals. Nicholas Piramals consolidated net sales turnover have gone upto Rs.19 Cr
in 1988 & Rs.1418 Cr In 2004. While profits have grown from 80Lacs to 200 Cr,
increasing about 220 times in a period of 16 years.
Acquisitions can either be for value creation. Many of the acquisitions that took place in
the 70s & 80s were based on the concept of value capture. The Chhabrias e.g. were
attracted to acquisitions because either they were buying cheap or they were getting tax
incentives or credits from the Govt. or that they could sell the assets. On the other hand
the sale of TOMCO to Hindustan lever was based on a value creation concept to support
&Strengthen its core detergent business. The larger challenge of the acquisition lay in
integrating the operations of the 2 companies for synergy.
Why do Mergers and Acquisitions Happen?
M & A are fast becoming one of the key drivers of growth in Indian Industry. The year
2004-2005 Saw M & A deals to the value of over Rs.2000 Cr (20 bn) an increase in
activity from the previous years. Since M & A are voluntary decisions by management,
one would expect them to represent positive net present value (NPV) strategies towards
the goal of maximizing shareholders wealth. Several principles form the basis for the
value addition absorbed in M & A activity in some cases the underlying cause in clear,
in other it may be impossible to distinguish between 2 or more possible sources.
Trutwien summarizes the theories of merger motives into 5 major theories.
1. Efficiency Theory: With the merger of 2 companies there is a possibility of
lower unit costs, stronger, purchasing power or gaining of management
efficiencies. The differential efficiency theory argues that there are differences
in the efficiencies of management between companies. Hence when firms merge
the less efficient firm will be brought to the level of the more efficient firm.
Efficiency theories also provide the rationale for synergy in mergers.

2. Monopoly or Market Power Theory: A significant motive for M & A as is

that it helps to increase the firms market power through increase in size (market
share) increase in market shares leads to an increase in industry concentration,
which provides firms with greater growth opportunities through access to better
technology, control over demand & supply of intermediating products &
services, or the power to set prices, establish industry norms (dominant designs)
in technology or (best practices) customer service. The acquiring firm can gain
market power through collusive synergy or through competitor interrelationship.
3. Raider Theory: Focus or how an acquirer with no strategic intent popularly
known as private equity funds (whose motive is to earn financial returns from
investments) acquires a concealing stake in a Target firm to transfer wealth from
the target company stockholders to the acquirer stockholders. The primary value
that raiders add would be to acquire distressed firms with inappropriate capital
structures & restructure them to make them more efficient.
4. Information or Valuation Theory: Since there is an information asymmetry
between financial statements and the public information incorporated in the stock
price new information may be disclosed during a merger deal. Information
theories refer to the revaluation of the firm through disclosure of new
information during the merger negotiations, the tender offer process, or planning
for strategic alliance /joint venture.
5. Empire Building or Agency Theory: Jerrsons Mackling formulated the
implications of agency problem, Agency problem occur when the separation of
ownership & management leads the management to work towards their personal
benefit rather than the benefit of owners. Agency problem also give rise to
merger motives of the empire building theory.

Market Entry Strategy:

MNC, use acquisitions of domestic companies as an effective market entry strategy.
Through M & A, MNCs not only get access to the domestic market, they also gain
significant local capabilities to create and deliver their products & services. Commenting
on the Steel deal, B. Muthuraman, M.D. Tata Steel said, The acquisition of the steel
business of NatSteel is an important step in Tata Steels plans to build a global business

NatSteels business provide Tata Steel access to key Asian steel markets including
There are many reasons for M & A including the following:
1. To provide improved capacity utilization
2. To make better use of existing sales force.
3. To reduce Tax obligation
4. To gain new technology
5. To reduce managerial staff
6. To gain access to new suppliers, distributors, customers products & creditors.


Q 14. A turnaround strategy is used for converting a failed company or a sick

company into a successful company? Discuss the action plan of a sick unit.
The world in suffering from recession today said Dr. J G the Turn- around
strategist. Take company of your choice & assume that this company is suffering
from effect of recession. Please explain as to what step this company should take to
ride over this recessionary trend in market? (2008)
Ans. Many companies restructure their operation diverting themselves of their
diversified activities, because they wish to focus more on their core business area. An
integral part of restructuring, therefore is the development of strategy for turning around
the companys core or remaining business areas. Following are the steps taken by
1. Identifying the causes of the failure.
2. Developing strategies for successful turn-around.

1. The cause of the failure can be identified either by evaluation & performance. i.e.
evaluating the process, performance measurement or Auditing the firms objectives,
goals, strategies the cause of failure could be.
a. Poor management : it involves many sins, like, neglect of core businesses, in sufficient
number of good manager, bad leadership.
b. Over Expansion : Rapid expansions or diversification & poor controls on finances.
c. Inadequate financial controls : Employing excess staff, spending beyond requirement.
d. High Costs: Inadequate financial control can lead to high costs. Causes could be low
labour productivity managements failure to introduce labour saving technology. High
salaries of employees, failure to realize economy of scale, low market share.
e. New Competition : Many companies have failure because of unable to face threats of
competitors. Therefore, new competition kills, idle companies in the business word.
f. Unforeseen Demand shifts: Environment threat like marketing, technology, political,
social, legal cultural environment can change open market opportunities for new
products. It consequence is the unforeseen demand shifts from old to new products.
Therefore, customer has preference to buy new product at a low cost. When companies
have failure to fulfillment of the above fact then have a failure in the business world.

g. Organizational Inertia : The emergence of powerful new competition & unforeseen

shifts in demand might not be enough to cause corporate decline. Organization is slow to
respond to environmental changes.

Main Elements of Successful turnaround Strategies:

1. Changing leadership
2 Redefining strategic focus
3. Assets sales & closures.
4. Acquisitions.
5. Improving Probability
Improving probability involves number of steps to improve efficiency, quality,
innovation & customer responsiveness. It involves.
a. Layoffs white & blue collar employee
b. Investment in labour saving equipment
c. Tightening financial control
d. Assessment of profit responsibility to individuals & subunits within the company by a
change of organizational structure of necessary.
e. Cutting back on marginal products.
f. Re-engineering business process to cut costs & boost productivity.
g. Introducing total quality management (TQM).


Q 15. Discuss Porters Model on Strategy development & Competitive Analysis.

Explain how Michal porters five forces model is helpful in fourth coming SWOT
analysis carried out in formulation of business strategy? (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
Ans. Porters five forces model of competitive analysis is a widely used approach for
developing strategies in many industries. The intensity of competition among firms
varies widely across industries. According to porter, the mature of competitiveness in a
given industry can be viewed as a composite of 5 forces.

1. Rivalry Among Competing Firms:(a) Number of Competitors Higher the number of competitors, higher the struggle for
the market share leading to indiscriminate poaching even at otherwise prohibitive costs.
(b) Industry Growth Rate This happens in later stages of product life cycle when
product demand begins to stabilise or even decline after peaking while new entrants
continue to set up additional capacities without observing the life cycle stage of the
product, leading to overcapacity
(c) Intermittent Industry Overcapacity It is again a common phenomenon. This
phenomenon is most prominent in agriculture. One season, there will be scarcity of, say,
pulses and therefore very high prices. Attracted by the good prices, there will be
increased acreage under pulses cultivation. And then due to oversupply of pulses, the
prices will not be adequate even to recover the costs. Having suffered huge losses,
farmers will switch the crop next year and there will be scarcity of pulses once again and
the cycle continues.
(d) Exit Barriers If exist routes are not available, existing players will continue to
attempt to garner larger market share through price cuts or discounts etc.
(e) Diversity of Competitors Rivalry becomes intense with diversity of competitors.
Say, a product is being supplied by manufactures from across the world. Each supplier
has a different cost advantage, different problems, different govt policies, and so on. On
the other hand suppliers have no common forum to meet and plan their strategy against
arbitrary damaging actions by individual player.
(f) Thin Profit Margin Products Rivalry is intense when profit margins are already
thin since only way out to increase profits is by increasing sales.

(g) Lack of Product Differentiation If there is no real avenue for product

differentiation, like in case of soft drinks, rivalry increases.

2. Threat of New Entrants:(a) Existence of Barriers to Entry Any kind of barriers like cartelisation by existing
manufacturers, govt regulations (licences), natural barriers, etc.
(b) Capital Requirement Capital intensive industries have relatively lesser threat of
new entrants since very few people can afford to invest that kind of capital.
(c) Economies of Scale There are some products which afford huge economy of scale.
While the existing players would have slowly grown to build adequate market
share/demand, new entrant would have to start with similar capacity without any
demand/market to be able to produce at competitive cost. Maruti could slowly build a
network of its service stations and spare parts vendors across India. Any new entrant
cannot afford to build that kind of network unless they have that kind of density of
vehicles on roads and therefore are finding it difficult to compete.
(d) Brand Equity If there is a well entrenched product in the market, it hard for any
new product to find a market for itself and therefore discourages new entrants.
(e) Access to Distribution Distribution network is the trump card in the hands of a
company. HLL, with its reach to the remotest corner or the country, enjoys that
advantage and poses a barrier to the new comers. Many companies, including HLL are
known to buy out all the prime shelf and advertising hoarding space ahead of launch of a
competing product to black out them in the market.
(f) Absolute Cost Advantages If a firm is enjoying a cost advantage due to any reason,
may be captive mines, or pit head location or cheap captive power generation in a power
intensive product like metals, it poses hurdle for new entrants.

3. Threat of Substitute Products:(a) Buyer Propensity to Substitute

(b) Relative price Vs performance of substitutes
(c) Buyer switching costs
(d) Perceived level of product differentiation

4. Bargaining Power of Suppliers:(a) Supplier Switching Costs Relative to Firm Switching Costs
(b) Degree of Differentiation of Inputs If a supplier has a well differentiated product,
he can command a premium on price. Customer has little choice but to be a victim of
such a suppliers fancy.
(c) Absence of substitute inputs If a product does not have substitutes and there are
not multiple suppliers with over capacity of that product in sourcing area, such suppliers
will command premium on their product.
(d) Cartelisation by Suppliers OPEC is an example which keeps adjusting production
to keep crude prices artificially high.
(e) Supplier concentration to firm concentration ratio
(f) Threat of forward integration by suppliers relative to the threat of backward
integration by firms
(g) Cost of inputs relative to selling price of the product
(h) Insignificance of volume to supplier

5. Bargaining Power of Costumers:(a) Buyer Concentration to Firm Concentration Ratio In simple terms, this is
demand supply gap. When there is oversupply of product, and many competitors for a
small group of buyers, buyer has option to switch to other supplier and there is tendency
among suppliers to attract the customer through price discounts, gifts etc to garner larger
share of the market.
(b) Bargaining Leverage Many customers have leverage over suppliers due to various
reasons. There could be host of reasons, like political clout, muscle power, status,
location advantage, etc. Sugar mills have this advantage while buying sugarcane from
farmers. Farmers are unable to transport sugarcane to other factories because only one
mill is permitted in specified area.
(c) Volume Buyer Customers who are large buyers are often able to bargain better
prices. Like almost 50% of P&Gs worldwide sales comes from Wal-Mart stores.
Therefore Wal-Mart has huge bargaining power with P&G.
(d) Buyers Switching Costs relative to Firm Switching Costs Sometimes there is
substantial cost involved in switching from one supplier to another supplier. Take the cost

of telephones. The cost and efforts involved in informing all your contacts of change in
your number is huge and is the biggest deterrent in switching your cell number. Thus,
once a mobile phone company is able to retain a customer for about 6 months, he is
adaptive customer thereafter. But once number portability is allowed across telecom
service providers, the churn rate among mobile phone companies will increase
(e) Buyer Information Availability Information is Power. Once the buyer is aware
about inside information of the company, like production cost, customer base, capacity
utilisation, material usage, etc, he will bargain from a position of strength. Similarly, if he
comes to know that your production cost is very low, or you have inventory build up, or
your sales are down, he will bargain hard for higher discounts.
(f) Ability to Integrate Backwards If the customer has capacity and capability to
integrate backward into your business, he will bargain harder with the threat that you will
not only lose your business from him but precipitate another competitor as well.
(g) Availability of Competitive/Substitute Products Anyone who has easy and at par
cost or cheaper access to competitive/substitute product is a tough customer. Take
instance of soft drinks. For coke and Pepsi, besides each other, a host of substitutes are
available starting with water to beer, lassi, Nimbu Pani, Jaljeera, etc. That is why their
advertising spend is among the highest in all sectors.
(h) Undifferentiated Product If a product is undifferentiated, a customer will have no
difficulty in switching over to another supplier.


Q 16. Dr. G, the management consultant said that all strategies are evaluated only
on the basis of the following two parameters viz.
A. Sustainable competitive advantage
B. Risk v/s return
As a strategic planner, please explain above evaluation to the group of manger of
your company? (2008)
(A) Sustainable Competitive Advantage:Sustainable growth is the term used to describe a view on growth which advocates that
growth be limited to a relatively slow rate so that growth does not jeopardize the carrying
capacity of the immediate physical environment. Organizations must recognize changes
in the environment that will limit the organizations growth. Specifically, population,
resources, pollution and technology are important environment parameters. For e.g. the
slower population growth in a country will lead to fewer people to consume products and
a smaller workforce and limited growth opportunities for some organizations in such
countries. Another environmental constraint on growth is resources availability.
Technology is another factor in the environment that may limit the growth of some firms.
The control of pollution is another constraint limiting growth prospects of some firms.
Sustainable competitive Advantage
A business strategy is powerful if it is capable of producing sustainable competitive
advantage. Normally, a firm can sustain a competitive advantage for only a certain
period due to rival firms imitating and undermining that advantage. A firm must strive to
achieve sustained competitive advantage by
(a) Continually adapting the changes in external trends and events and internal
capabilities, competencies and resources; and
(b) Effectively formulating, implementing and evaluating strategies that capitalize on
those factors.
The organization has to develop its resources so that they reflect the uniqueness of the
organization and they continue to remain within the organization. For a business units
competitive advantage to be sustainable, its resources must be valuable, scarce and
difficult to imitate or substitute. The advantage that results from generating core
competencies can be sustained due to the lack of substitution and imitation capacities by

the organizations competitors. The generic building blocks of competitive advantage

help the firm in charging premium price thereby it can improve sustainable competitive
advantage. Normally, unbalance between various dimensions of competitive advantage
such as efficiency, quality, innovation and customer responsiveness are to be considered
to be the basic causes for failure of a business firm. The new organizational structure,
appropriate leadership style, proper control systems in response to the changed
environment will help in maintaining competitive advantage.

(B) Risk Vs Return Analysis:The word costing relates to the ascertainment of cost of capital from different sources
like equity capital preference capital debentures, long-term loans etc. The most crucial
decision of any company is involved in the formulation of its appropriate capital
structure. The best design or structure of the capital of a company obviously help the
management to achieve its ultimate objectives of minimizing overall net capital
maximizing profitability and also maximizing the value of the firm. These will in turn
help to maximize the earning per share. It is thus apparent that the design of the capital
structures of a firm has some bearing of the profitability of that company. Capital
structure decisions assume vital role in corporate financial management due to their
influence both on return and risk of the shareholders. The close nexus between optimum
judicious use of debt and the market value of the firm a well recognized in literature.
Whereas an excessive use of debt may endanger the very survival of the corporate firm,
a conservative policy may deprive the corporate firm of its advantages in terms of
the rate of return to its equity owners.
Risk-Return Trade off:
The prime objective of financial management is maximizing the value of the firm, which
is possible only when well balanced financial decisions are taken. The management
should try to maximize the average profit while minimizing the risk. The projects
promising a high average profit are generally accompanied by high risk. Managers
should accept such projects only if they will induce an increase in stock price. It is
known that Bigger the Return other things being equal, Bigger the market value and
vice versa. Hence, it should be kept in view that risk and return go together. The riskreturn trade-off is illustrated in figure below.

Q 17. Strategic implementation in challenging task in business organization dealing

with problem of organizational structure, system, styles, culture, power & authority.
Explain with an appropriate example? (2011)
Ans. Strategy is a blueprint indicating the courses of action to achieve the desired
objectives. The objectives are achieved by proper activation of the strategy. The
activation or implementation step in the strategic management encompasses the
operational details to translate the strategy into effective practice. A good strategy by
itself does not ensure success. The success depends, to a very large extent, on how it is
implemented. Many strategies fail to produce the expected results because of the failure
in properly implementing the strategy. Strategy implementation, often described as the
action phase of the strategic management process, covers strategy activation and
evaluation and control. Some writers break the strategy implementation phase into three
1. Operationalsing the strategy [communicating strategy, setting annual objective
developing divisional strategies and policies, and resource allocation]
2. Institutionalizing the strategy [organizational structuring and leaders implementation]
3. Evaluation and control of the strategy.


Leadership Implementation:
Leadership implementation refers to ensuring the right people in position responsible for
implementation of the strategy. It encompasses the Chief Executive Officer [CEO] and
the key mangers. The ability, integrity and commitment of the CEO and other top
executives are very critical to the successful implementation of the strategy. Because
the very definition enterprise strategy implies new corporate directions, implementing
this strategy required a leader who can drive an organization, energize its operations, and
inspire is people. This kind of leader must personify the organizations purpose- through
sheer person magnetism, vitality and force. There is no substitute for the pronounced
personal strategy and strong interpersonal skills that most effective leaders possess. In
many firms there was a new CEO behind major strategic changes and substantial
increase improvement in the business. This is true of turnaround cases and substantial
growth/improvement of profitable firms. There are many well known such leaders from

Lee Iaccoca (Chrysler Corporation) down to CEOs of national and local firms. Besides
the CEO, other top executives have a critical role in the strategy implementation. It is,
therefore essential to ensure that such key positions are held by the right people.

Communicating the Strategy:

Strategy implementation involves a number of people at different level; many of them
might not have taken part in the strategy formulation. This highlights the importance of
communication the strategy. Even those who are not directly involved in strategy
implementation need to be informed about the strategy because everybody in the
organization should know what are the future plans for the organization, why changes
are affecting the organization, why these changes or strategy. What are the objectives
and implications etc? It is essential to instill a feeling of belongingness to the
organization. Absence of such communication would create a feeling of alienation in
the employees causing morale and motivation to dampen and would also cause
resistance to the strategy. Though the communication process, the CDO interacts with
the various internal and external stakeholders of the corporation - employees,
shareholders, suppliers, customers, legislators, advocates and the public at large. Proper
communication of the strategy is a prerequisite for successful implementation of the
strategy. A clear understanding of the strategy gives purpose to the activities of each
organization member. It allows the individual to link whatever task is at hand to the
overall organizational direction. It does not, however mean that all strategies or all the
details of the strategy should be or can be communicated. For example, it will be
suicidal to allow the competitors to know of certain strategies of the company. A
strategy that will provide or exploit an unpublicized advantage may be kept undisclosed.
If the strategy will divulge proprietary information, it should be shared only a need-toknow basis.

Annual Objectives:
Annual operating objectives designed to contribute to the long-term objectives is a
critical step in strategy implementation. Long-term objectives indicate the planned longterm positioning of the organization. Short-term objectives like annual objective lay
down the specific goals and targets to be achieved within the specific time frame so that

the long-term objectives would be achieved. While long-term objectives are very
broadly stated, annual objectives very specifically lay down the annual goals for the
business, functional areas or subunits.

Functional Strategy:
Functional strategies by clearly specifying the various measures to be taken in different
functional areas in different time horizons help operationalise the grand strategy. In other
words, functional strategies provide the shot-term operational details for accomplishing
the long-term objectives systematically. Functional strategies help in implementation of
grand strategy by organizing and activating specific subunits of the company to pursue
the business strategy in daily activities

Long-Term Objective
Double sales within
3 years

Annual Objective
Increase sales by
Rs.86 crores

Division A
Annual Objective
Increase Sales
By Rs.38 crores

R & D Annual
Develop one new
product Improve
features of
product Y

Division B
Annual Objective
Increase Sales
By Rs.30 crores

Annual Objectives
productivity by
15% Increase
production by 25%

Marketing Annual
Increase no of
dealers by 50
Increase field sales
force by 10

Division C
Annual Objective
Increase Sales
By Rs.18 crores

Personnel Annual
Reduce no of
Employees by 500
Organize two

Fig. Annual & Functional Objective


The annual objective is to increase sales by Rs.86 crore. Strategies for this include,


example, increasing the sale of division A by Rs.38 crore, division B by Rs.30 crore,
division C by Rs.18 crore, developing a new product, intensifying promotion by
increasing the size of the field sales force, increasing the number of dealers etc. The
functional strategy for marketing must cover all the factors of the marketing mix.
Mutually consistent strategies for each of the factors must be developed to help achieve
the annual marketing objective. R & D strategy may involve improving product or
packaging, developing new product etc. Similarly every key functional area must
develop strategies to achieve the annual objectives.

Resource Allocation:
Making sufficient resources available in time is an essential requirement for effective
implementation of the strategy. Top managements commitment to the strategy will be
reflected in the resource allocation. Objectivity is a prerequisite of efficient resources to
SBUs, divisions, functions or executives. It is well known that one of the major reasons
for the failure of implementation of many public sector projects in India is associated
with resource allocation.

Development of Policies:
Effective implementation of strategy requires formulation of policies. A policy is a
broad, general guide to action which constrains or directs goal attainment. Thus, policies
serve to channel and guide the implementation of strategies.

Organizational Implementation:
A strategy cannot be effectively implemented unless there is a suitable organization. It
is therefore, essential to ensure the right organizational structure for the strategy. It is
relevant to recall here the well known conclusion of Alfred Chandler that structure
follows strategy. The role of structure in the effective implementation of the strategy is
clear from the following observation. The experience of Mc Kinsey supports the view
that neither strategy nor structure can be determined independently of the other.
Strategy can rarely succeed without an appropriate structure. In almost every kind of
large scale enterprise, example can be found where well conceived strategic plans were

thwarted by an organization structure that delayed the execution of the plans or gave
priority to the wrong set of considerations. Good structure is inseparably linked to
strategy. Many strategies call for changes in the organizational structure.

Reward System:
Effective implementation of the strategy also depends on the motivation of executives
and other associated with the implementation. It is, therefore, necessary to have systems
to reward superior performance so as to motivate people to perform very well. Reward
system may consist of monetary rewards like pay rises, bonuses, and promotions. Lump
sum payments etc or non monetary rewards like awards, special acknowledgments etc or







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