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We encourage you to watch this video with your children. Please

use this guide to talk about the lessons of unity and understanding.
For more information, visit

The Salvation Poem

Jesus, You died upon a cross

And rose again to save the lost
Forgive me now of all my sin
Come be my Savior, Lord, and Friend
Change my life and make it new
And help me, Lord, to live for You
2004 Matt & Sherry McPherson. All rights reserved.

For More Adventures:

Be sure to check out Its a safe, fun place to play online.
This kid-friendly website is packed with exciting games, contests, puzzles, and
great music. You can create your own personal character and hang out with
other kids who love to learn Bible lessons and spiritual truths.

A Safe Place for Kids

Para espaol, visite:

2015 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. Superbook and the Superbook logo are
registered trademarks of The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. All rights reserved.
977 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23463

Superbook inquiries: 855-332-0032


A message from
Superbooks Executive Producer

Tower of Babel
and the Day of Pentecost

Dear Friend,


The Bible is coming to life for children

worldwide through the amazing animation
of CBNs Superbook series. Join the
adventure, with exciting episodes from Genesis to Revelation.
Superbook: Tower of Babel and the Day of Pentecost
shows how language and customs may divide us, but Gods
power and love can overcome all obstacles. Use this Family
Discussion Guide to talk with your children about how to
apply the scriptural lessons to everyday life.
For other resourcesincluding family-friendly games and a
free Bible appvisit And be sure to
check out Superbook: Church Editiona creative Sunday
school curriculum that uses these thrilling videos to share the
truth of Gods Word with the next generation. God bless you!

Why couldnt Chris understand his new friend? Have you ever
tried to talk to someone who cant speak our language? What
happened, and how did you feel?
In the Bible story, why did the people want to build such a tall
tower? Read Genesis 11:4.
What did God think about their idea? Read Isaiah 42:8.
How did God stop them from finishing the tower? Read
Genesis 11:5-7.
What happened after everyone began speaking other
languages? Read Genesis 11:8-9.
Have you ever done something good just so people would
notice and give you credit? Read Matthew 6:1-4.
PRAY Heavenly Father, remind us not to bring glory to
ourselvesbut to do everything for Your glory. In Jesus
name we pray. Amen.

Gordon Robertson
Chief Executive Officer, CBN

Superbook Radio and

Superbook Kids Bible Apps

If you were one of Jesus disciples and had seen Him die on
the cross, how would you feel to see Him alive again? Read
Acts 1:3.
The disciples must have been so excited to have Jesus with
them on earth for a few weeks. How do you think they felt when
He went up to heaven? Read Acts 1:9-10.
What did the angels promise the disciples after Jesus went to



Tower of Babel
and the Day of Pentecost
heaven? Read Acts 1:11.
Can we know exactly when Jesus will return? Read Matthew
24:42, 44.
What has Jesus promised to do for us? Read John 14:1-3.
PRAY Dear Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross to
pay for our sins, rising again to bring us eternal life, and
promising to come again and take us to heaven! Amen.

Before Jesus went to heaven, what gift did He promise the
disciples? Read Acts 1:4-5.
Why did Jesus want people to receive the Holy Spirit? Read
Acts 1:8.
Jewish people had celebrated the festival of Pentecost for
hundreds of years before Jesus was born. What happened as
the disciples prayed in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost?
Read Acts 2:1-3.
Why were the crowds so amazed by what happened? Read
Acts 2:5-12.
The night before Jesus died, Peter was so afraid that he denied
the Lord three times. How did Peter suddenly get the courage to
preach so boldly? Read Acts 2:14-18.
PRAY Dear God, we praise You for sending Your Holy Spirit
to live in our hearts, giving us Your power to share the Good
News of Jesus across our neighborhood and around the
world. Amen.

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