Persons and Family Relations, Property and Wills and Succession Questions 2016 Bar Exam (Suggested Answers)
Persons and Family Relations, Property and Wills and Succession Questions 2016 Bar Exam (Suggested Answers)
Persons and Family Relations, Property and Wills and Succession Questions 2016 Bar Exam (Suggested Answers)
Leo married Lina and they begot a son. After the birth of their
child, Lina exhibited unusual behavior and started to neglect her son;
she frequently went out with her friends and gambled in casinos. Lina
later had extra-marital affairs with several men and eventually
abandoned Leo and their son. Leo was able to talk to the psychiatrist of
Lina who told him that Lina suffers from dementia praecox, a form of
psychosis where the afflicted person is prone to commit homicidal
attacks. Leo was once stabbed by Lina but fortunately he only suffered
minor injuries. Will a Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage filed
with the court prosper? Explain. (5%)
No, the petition for declaration of nullity of marriage will not prosper. In
accordance with Art. 36 of the New Civil Code Psychological incapacity is the
downright incapacity or inability to take cognizance of and to assume the basic
marital obligations. The plaintiff must (Failed to) prove that the incapacitated
party, based on his or her actions or behavior, suffers a serious psychological
disorder that completely disables him or her from understanding and discharging
the essential obligations of the marital state. The psychological problem must
be grave, must have existed at the time of marriage, and must be
incurable. (Kalaw vs Fernandez)
Linas act of inflicting bodily injury to leo, while no doubt
reprehensible, cannot automatically be equated with a psychological
disorder, especially when the evidence shows that this is an isolated
incident and not recurring acts.
Pedro bought a parcel of land described as Cadastral Lot No. 123
and the title was issued to his name. Juan also bought a lot in the same
place, which is described as Cadastral Lot No. 124. Pedro hired a
geodetic engineer to determine the actual location of Lot No. 123 but for
some reason, the engineer pointed to Lot No. 124 by mistake. Pedro
hired a contractor to construct his house and the latter put up a sign
stating the name of the owner of the project and the construction permit
number. It took more than a year before the house was constructed.
When Pedro was already residing in his house, Juan told him to remove
his house because it was built on his (Juan's) lot. Juan filed a Complaint
for Recovery of Possession and prayed that the house be removed
because Pedro is a builder in bad faith. Pedro filed his Answer with
Counterclaim that he is entitled to the payment of the value of the house
plus damages because he is a builder in good faith and that Juan is guilty
of estoppel and laches.
[a] If Pedro is a builder in good faith, what are the rights given to
Juan under the law? Explain. (2.5o/o)
Juan can choose between appropriating the building by paying the proper
indemnity or obliging the builder to pay the price of the land , unless its value is
considerably more than that of the structures, in which case the builder in good
faith shall pay reasonable rent. If the parties cannot come to terms over the
compel the builder to buy land w/n the value of land is considerably
more than value of improvement PLUS damages (art. 450 and art.
Benjamin is the owner of a titled lot which is bounded on the north
by the Maragondon River. An alluvial deposit of two (2) hectares was
added to the registered area. Daniel took possession of the portion
formed by accretion and claims that he has been in open, continuous and
undisturbed possession of said portion since 1923 as shown by a tax
declaration. In 1958, Benjamin filed a Complaint for Quieting of Title and
contends that the alluvium belongs to him as the riparian owner and that
since the alluvium is, by law, part and parcel of the registered property,
Brad and Angelina had a secret marriage before a pastor whose
office is located in Arroceros Street, City of Manila. They paid money to
the pastor who took care of all the documentation. When Angelina