Shout To The Lord (Canta Al Señor) - Hillsong Worship

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Darlene Zechech Lead Sheet PraiseCharts Band Series Key: A>B ‘by Dan Galoraits Shout to the Lord a g Med. Ballad 4=76 WORSHIP™ count beats A = SS SS = o _. Ge E Fn e Land some iy la = aus, my Sav - lo, Lord there is none D Fim? = ——— Pitti e bp? z QP Jow-er of ret = ge and strength Let ev= ry bresth all that 1am, ae = Ss Ca) vy Lead Sheet ‘Shoutto the Lord - page 2 Key: A> B o « F & & A Fy —— = —=_ ot = = —< =-5% __ sown ot Yow name | sing tor joy atthe wo stand: Noth - ing com - pares tothe prom - Fispeatt Varee 2 = — name 1 sing for joy at the works of Your hands, for - Ema? ever Ho (ge Noth-ing compares to the prom E e Er 43 _ AF a8 Lasd Sheet Shout to the Lord - page 3 Key: A>B Gin E Fe Gtn = = === = = ¥ Moun-tnine bow down and the seas wil roar at the sound ot Your 1 sing tor joy Ema? atthe wor of Your hands, ever Hi love You, for-ev = er il stan Noth-ing com-pares to the prom — [= Song Enaing (WORSHIP a F Oe a “Te oe 5-3 Fi wet song compuesto pom Noth - ing com- pais

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