Chain Spelling (Shiri-Tori) Level: Easy To Medium
Chain Spelling (Shiri-Tori) Level: Easy To Medium
Chain Spelling (Shiri-Tori) Level: Easy To Medium
One person "writes" letters, words, numbers, shapes etc: in the air and others guess
what it is. Can be done in pairs, as a group, along a chain.
Can also be played as back-write, that is, writing the letter/word/... on the back of
another and they guess what it is.
Lost in a Jungle
Level: Medium to Difficult
This is a game suitable for a class of pre-intermediate and up. The game can be done
in groups of three to six students. It keeps everyone involved even the quietest
The Teacher prepares a list of say 20 items and writes the list on the board or gives
copies to groups. This is a list of things that people may need if they're lost in the
jungle and things that they may not need.
For example:
A pack of canned food
50 meters nylon rope
Cellular phone
6 gallons of water
Then, the students in groups decide on 5 itmes on the list which seem essential to all
of them.
This usually takes a whole session since they all come up with different ideas.
Sometimes a creative student chooses an item apparently irrelevant, but when he/she
explains how to use it, everyone agrees!
Intonation Fun
Level: Medium
Use this activity to underline the importance of intonation when your students, as they
often do, talk like robots. Basically, get them to say the words in quotation marks in
the contexts that follow.
to a friend
to a friend you haven't seen for 3 years
to a neighbour that you don't like
to a 6 month old baby
to someone you have just found doing something they shouldn't
to someone on the phone when you're not sure if they are still on the other end
to a member of your family as they are going through the boarding gate at the airport
to someone who has been annoying you
to a child starting his very first day at school
'How are you?'
to someone you haven't seen for 20 years
to someone who has recently lost a member of the family
to someone who didn't sleep in their own bed last night
'I never go to pubs'
by a person that totally disapproves of drinking alcohol to someone who often goes to
Level: Medium
Write a difficult word on the board for example
Then clap your hands while saying the word. Repeat as necessary.
Then ask them to count the claps in ACCOMMODATION. There are 5 handclaps. Get
students to clap and say ACCOMMODATION.
Tell students these handclaps are called SYLLABLES and that every word breaks
Level: Difficult
-for larger classes
Preparation: choose songs that are easy to understand and somewhat enjoyable.
The point of this activity is to make difficult questions involving choosing a course of
action in extreme situations.Usually This situations will involve feelings, prejudices,
Examples 1:
You are on a deserted island. There is a motor boat and you are the only one who
knows how to drive it. It is up to you to decide which people of the following people
you are going to take with you in the boat. There is space for only you and 3 more
Here they are:
a prostitute
a drug addict
a dying old man
a doctor convicted of malpractice
a child pornographer
a convicted criminal
(Note: You should adjust the list to suit the students in your class. Delete some
if you find them offensive. Add others that you think would generate good
Example 2:
You find a wallet with $50,000 and the ID of its owner. That money is exactly the
amount of money you need to cover the expenses of a delicate operation for your
daughter. She needs that operation to survive. What would you do with the money?
And you can create new extreme questions to challenge students to speak.
Spot the Difference
an the counter-picture to his/her partner. Make the students sit far from his/her partner
in order to describe the picture without looking at the counterpicture. The point of the
game is to detect the differences without using body language or looking at the
partner's counter-picture. The team that finds all the differences first is the winner.
This activity is specially good for those students who are reluctant to speak.
Traffic Light Questions
Level: Medium
This activity will make students rewiew spelling in a funny way. You can create
similar spellings as the following ones:
I.1.2.C.U = I want to see you
R.U.O.K? = Are you O.k?
Is T = Iced tea
I.C.Q = I seek you
I.O.U. = I owe you
E.Z. = Easy
B.Z. = Busy
I.1.T = I want tea
I.8 = I ate
U.2 = You two/ you too.
Y? = Why?
C.U.$$$.9 = See you at nine
2E.Z.4U = Too easy for you
R.U.D.Z? = Are you dizzy?
------ = I understand
Pronunciation Bingo
Level: Medium
I discovered this game while watching T.V. With some modifications the idea of the
game is the same:
1.-Place a buzz or bell inside a waste basket(a clean one, of course).
2.-Get a light ball that fits into the basket.
3.-The student will make a shot with the ball.If the student scores the bell will
ring(saved by the bell) , if the student fails a indiscreet question will have to be
answered by him/her.
4.-In advance, prepare as many cards with indiscreet questions as possible. For
Have you ever cheated in a final test? Have you ever stolen something? Have you
ever had two or more boy/girlfriends at the same time?Have you ever gotten a ticket?
If so why?Have you ever had a nickname? If so, which one? etc,etc.
The point of this game is to practise asking and answering in a fun way. However, you
have to be very careful with the questions you write on the cards!(some questions may
be very offensive if you are not careful).
The Game of Truth
In five minutes the plays will be presented and some vocabulary can be marked, if you
feel like it. The kids love making plays and they are pretty good in improvising
incredible plays even in few minutes.
Active Brainstorming
The only materials required are a rather large board and as many different color
markers or pieces of chalk as there are teams.
Bingo - A Variation
Level: Any Level
Instead of making the cards yourself, have your students make them.
1. Get a set of review quesitons from your classes text book or trivia type stuff
that they should know. Make sure the questions cover a variety of grammar
points that you have studied.
2. Give each student a blank bingo grid.
3. Get the students to fill in the bingo grid with the proper answers to the
4. Go over the answers just to make sure every one has got it right etc...
5. Now start the bingo game, except instead of reading off the answers, read the
questions. this gets them thinking listening and writting/reading (three out of
the 4 ain't all bad eh?)
Making Words from Letters in a Long Word
unit union unite tier tie tin tint tone toe brute burn brunt butt butter riot tot tenet tenure
terrier retro bone boot born bout totter tote tour bore
Then you can ask them to learn these words.
Betting / Auction
Level: Any Level
Prepare a worksheet with 20 or so sentences using grammar points you have
recently taught. 2/3 of the sentences should include a grammatical mistake.
Make fake money, it is more realistic if you use the currency of whichever
country they are living in.
Divide the students into teams of 5 or so.
The students then have 10 minutes to study the worksheet and decide and mark
which sentences are correct (0) or incorrect (X).
Each team receives a set amount of money.
The instructor(s) reads one sentence (select sentences from the list in random
The instructor begins to auction off the sentence. The students should try to buy
only the correct sentences. The students bid and the instructor sells to the
highest bidder. (This is really fun!)
The instructor tells whether or not the sentence is correct.
IF the sentence is correct the team wins the amount which they bought if for. If
it is incorrect the team looses the amount which they bought it for. ANY team
may win the lost money buy stating the incorrect sentence correctly. (YOU
IF the sentence is CORRECT and NO ONE bids on it, ALL TEAMS must pay
a fine.
After all the sentences have been read the team with the most money wins!
The students seem to really enjoy this game!