907 S065
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907 S065
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 (464) 647 9940 2354; email: gonzaleza@ugto.mx
Manuscript submitted October 5, 2015; accepted December 13, 2015.
doi: 10.17706/ijcee.2015.7.6.417-423
Abstract: One of the most common types of failures in induction motors with squirrel cage rotor is
examined in this paper. Generally, such failure is characterized by: broken rotor bars and short circuit in the
inter-turn winding. The broken rotor bars failure was simulated with two consecutive broken bars in order
to see how the magnetic flux density within be affected. The inter-turn short circuit was simulated with
40% reduction of winding coil in an inter-turn short circuit for one of the phases. In both cases the
simulation was performed with the finite element software FEMM , which helped in obtaining the
waveform of the flux density in the motor airgap and the magnetic core. The result obtained allows clear
identification of the type of failures that occurs depending of type that will present in the simulation.
Key words: Computation modeling, emerging faults, electrical machines, failure detection.
1. Introduction
Motors are commonly used in a variety of industrial applications, and some induction motors are key
devices in assuring the continuity of processes and the production chains of many industries. However, the
failure in electrical motors may be attributed to three main reasons, which cause the most common failures.
Studies carried out by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the General Electric has shown
the causes of failures in induction motors [1]. The most common failures in AC motors were found to be
related to the bearing (41%): this kind of failures are easily identifiable due to an overwhelming fingerprint:
the noise when these failures occur. The second most common failure (37%) in motors occurs in the stator,
this failure is quite more difficult to identify because it takes place inside the winding. Finally, the third most
common failure in AC motors (10%) is the breakage of the rotor bars. This kind of failure is quite difficult to
identify in comparison to stator failure, not only because special detection equipment is required but
because the motor has to be switched out of line so that the corresponding tests can be performed.
All these failures have been widely studied and several methods have been developed in order to improve
detection techniques [2], [3]. In this work we propose a hybrid technique of using finite element simulation
and computational algorithms to model, process, and analyze electrical signals related to failures of
intern-turn short circuit in the winding and the rotor broken bars. The obtained results form a set of
characteristics that later allow performing reliable detection, diagnosis, and discrimination between these
two kind of failures.
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Stator Winding Failure
If a short circuit occurs in the turns of the winding a new path for current circulation is formed. This new
path causes a decrease in the coil impedance of the winding due to the reduction of the coil turns (i.e. turns
that were in series are now connected in parallel). The main consequence of this kind of failure is the
increment of the total current flowing through the shorted circuit winding. This additional current causes a
temperature increase and then progressive failure of machine insulation.
Many works that can be found in the literature approach the problem in terms of analysis of airgap and
axial flux signals in order to detect shorted turns in the winding: the mathematical formulations can be
found in references [4], [5]. Previous works have demonstrated that the following equation gives the
components in the air gap flux waveform as a function of shorted inter-turns.
fst = fsf[n/p (1-s)k]
where fst is the spectral component indicating turn-to-turn faults, fsf is the supply frequency, n = 1, 2, 3, ..., k =
1, 3, 5,..., p is the number of pole pairs and s is the slip. Due to the presence of voltage unbalances and other
asymmetries, only frequencies corresponding to specific combinations of k and n in (1) can be used for
short-circuit-fault diagnosis, where the standard method is to perform frequency analysis using Fourier
Inter-turn short circuits have a cumulative effect in decreasing MMF in the vicinity of short-circuited
turns. First, when a short circuit occurs, the damage phase winding as less turns and therefore less MMF.
Secondly, the short-circuited turns create their own MMF but in opposition of phase with that of the injured
phase [6].
where FBB is the slip frequency sideband with respect to the rotor, f1 is the supply frequency (Hz), s is per
unit slip and k = 1, 3, 5. This is referred to as a twice slip frequency sideband due to the broken rotor bars.
Therefore, a cyclic variation of the current causes a torque pulsation at twice the slip frequency (2sf1) and
the corresponding speed oscillation that is also a function of the drive inertia. This speed oscillation can
reduce the magnitude of the f1(1-2s) sideband but an upper sideband current component at f1(1+2s) is
induced in the stator winding due to rotor oscillation [9]. This upper sideband is also enhanced by the third
harmonic flux.
( ) =
where A(Wb/m) is the magnetic vector potential, J(A/m2) is the total current density vector, (H/m) is the
magnetic permeability and (S/m) is the electric conductivity.
The numerical simulations of the induction motor were performed by finite elements in order to obtain
graphical representations of the magnetic and electric fields distributions. This kind of simulations also
allows in knowing the electric and magnetic field values precisely in each section of the motor so that
qualitative and quantitative comparisons between failure and non-failure conditions can be carried out. The
electrical machine analyzed is an induction motor with squirrel cage rotor whose characteristics are shown
in Table 1.
Table 1. Induction Motor Characteristics
Motor Characteristics:
Magnetic core length:
Magnetic core diameter:
Magnetic core inner diameter:
Magnetic core outer diameter:
7.5 HP
220 V Double star
2 1/2
In order to simulate the windings section, 3 electric circuits were created; each circuit corresponds to a
phase of the motor supply. In each of these circuits a current (i.e. 1.5 A.) and phases (i.e. 0, 120, -120) of
corresponding current of an electric system in a polar configuration were implemented. In the simulation,
the motor winding was connected in double star in order to obtain a connection to 220V. A general drawing
of the motor was done taking into consideration a general winding distribution and the real dimensions of
the rotor bars.
Comparative results of motor performance three representative simulations were performed. The first
one refers to a motor without failure; the second one represents a motor with broken rotor bars; and the
third simulation represents a motor with 40% short circuit inter-turn in one phase one of the winding.
Fig. 1. Magnetic field distribution of a motor without failure, (a) Simulation of Magnetic flux distribution, (b)
Magnetic field distribution in the airgap.
purposes. The materials and motor specifications were the same as those mentioned above. The results
obtained are shown in Fig. 3, the location where the failure is being induced has been marked with the
circle (see Fig. 3(a)). The lines of magnetic field distribution in the airgap present a distortion due to the
broken bars and leads to an increase in magnetic flux within the failure zone; this distortion was highlighted
in Fig. 3(b).
Fig. 2. Simulation and magnetic flux distribution of the inter-turn failure on the winding. (a) FEM solution
for 40% reduction, (b) Magnetic field performance in the airgap.
Fig. 3. Magnetic field distribution in an induction motor with two broken bars. (a). Two broken bars and its
Magnetic flux distribution, (b) Magnetic field performance in the airgap.
In order to verify of the simulations results, test of electric motors with failures caused intentionally in
the stator and rotor were made, comparing the results with an electric motor in good condition.
Fig. 4. Comparative analysis frequency of the circulating current of a motor in good condition and failure. (a)
Motor in good condition, (b) Motor with inter-turn failure.
The circulating current was measured in the motor in good condition and failure, performing a frequency
analysis with FFT finding variations on the 3rd, 5th and 7th harmonic. The Fig. 4 shows the results obtained
for a) Motor in good condition and b) motor whit inter-turn failure on the winding. Similar performance
was obtained for a motor with broken bars.
4. Conclusion
There have been simulating the most common types of failures that occur in the induction motors and
clearly identified the occurrence of distortions in the measured flow in the air gap, this can be used to
simulate the behavior of the electrical motors in performance test and failure analysis.
The distortion introduced in the air gap magnetic flux can be detected analyzing on frequency the motor
current, where they will have variations in the harmonic distortion of the current flowing through the stator.
This can be implemented by a data acquisition system in real time being able to anticipate catastrophic
machine failure.
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Adrin Gonzlez-Parada obtained electrical engineering degree from the Queretaro
Technological Institute, a master degree in electrical engineering specializing in high
voltage from DICIS, University of Guanajuato, Mexico and a PhD degree in electrical
engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. He is a
research-professor in the DICIS of the University of Guanajuato and responsible of the
applied superconductivity and special electrical machines. Dr. Gonzlez-Paradas areas of
interest are applied superconductivity in electrical equipment, efficient use of energy in electrical power
systems and electrical equipment reliability in the electrical grid.
Hctor J. Estrada-Garca received his Ph.D. degree from CICESE, Mexico in 2008. His
principal areas of interest are nonlinear control, smart grids, electrical systems and time delay systems. Currently he is the Electrical Engineering Department head at DICIS,
University of Guanajuato, Mexico.