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kri Hebrew


KEYED to the MISHKAN PATTERN (Tabernacle)
Encoded "Until the Time" ... "AYIN-DALET / AYIN-TAV" tu\du
SEPHER Daniel 12: 4
Deciphering the mysterious "Catch-22" here in 2012 CE
At the end of the "2730 Year Curse"
Imposed upon the "TzADI-PEI-NOON" (TzEPHAN) npx Kingdom of the TEN
TRIBES of YSRAL... Commenced in 721 BCE, and
Completing the full sentence of Seven times 390 Years as of 2010 CE
(reference Leviticus 26 and Ezekiel 4 ... Jeremiah 3 and Ezekiel 36)
TzADI-PEI-NOON npx means "Northern" or "Hidden" or "Treasured".
It means to decode or decipher that which has been concealed as valuable.
"ERIKTOLOGY" Is a play on words and as such, typifies the nature of this
study of PALEO HEBREW.

Page 1

1) In English, Eric Bissell is the Investigator of this Orthography and Scientific
Study of the Philosophical Essence of each Letter in it's Ancient Form of
Font... specifically as keyed to the pattern mutually referenced by the Seven
Days of Creation of Genesis 1, The Seven MOEDIM of Leviticus 23, and the
Tabernacle of Exodus 25.
2) The Word spelled "ERIK" is a transcription of the phonetic sound of Five
different Hebrew words, all of which are pertinent.
3) The primary word AYIN-RESH-KAF kru is the English letter equivalent of
ORK, sounds like "ERIK", but is pronounced as GH-R-K.
AYIN-RESH-KAF kru means "set in order, arrange, edited, prepared,
assess, estimate, to value, compared, appreciated, organize, and attach
importance to"
It is to put in such a format as to enable the giving of regard to the Archaic.
ALEF-RESH-KAF kra means long and drawn out, enduring, old fashioned,
chief, primitive, original, first principle, dominion, beginning. It is where
English gets these words : Archive, Architect, Archaeology, Archetype
ALEF-RESH-CxET jra is travel, journey, way-of-life, accommodations on
the way, the manner of... ALEF-RESH-QOOF qra is grounded to the earth,
Arctic of the North... ("North" is also TzADI-PEI-NOON npx which is also
AYIN -RESH-QOOF qru to flee or escape (as has the "truth" these any
AYIN-RESH ru is to lay bare, uncover... To Discover...
RESH-KAF kr is softness, tenderness, a delicacy... thin, fragile, gentle,
"OLOGY" is a branch of the Scientific Study of Knowledge
Page 2

Put all that together, and you get that "ERIKTOLOGY" is:
Organizing the original language of the Earth in such a way as to be able to
see that it is not of Human Origin, but is a communication dispatched from
the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, which He encrypted before the
creation event. This study is the uncovering, the discovery, the emancipation
of WORDS which the ALMIGHTY Himself sequestered with a SEAL which
would keep the value obscured and unrecognized until He determined to
open their regard to full appreciation: an exquisite, delectable Treasure...
Which is... The HEBREW ALEF-BEIT...
Orchestrating the plan for mapping Creation's narrative, this Chronological
Sequence of events is the Original "To Do List". The first Idea.
Perceiving the ALEF-BEIT is the ultimate Archeological Find.
Constructed at the whim of the "Creator" before the Stars were ever placed.
ALEF-BEIT is the Identity of the TRUE MASHIACx... The "ALEF-TAV" ta
ALEF-BEIT is the Covenant, the "BRIT", the "KETUBA", Between
YOD-HEI-UAW-HEI hwhy and YSRAL , His AYIN-MEM mu: their contractual
terms of relationship, "Pre-nuptial Agreement" a perpetual statute...
The Basis and Reference of all Communication and Intimacy, and Grudge.
ALEF-BEIT is the framework by which Human Psychology finds Bearing.
ALEF-BEIT is the Foundation of accurate Eschatology.
ALEF-BEIT is the KEY to open the Storehouse of the KINGDOM.
Is anybody interested yet?
Page 3

Has everyone left the room to go find a stone ? No Throwing.
ALEF-BEIT-NOON : nba Stone. ba plus nb... Father and son... Daniel 2: 35
The ALEF-BEIT engaged as functional, activated, being regarded: NOON n
In Daniel Chapter 10, a matter was revealed by the "visitation" of one who, it
is supposed, is "GABRIEL" of reference in Chapter 9: 21 who had given
understanding in a previous encounter.
Daniel 12 is the conclusion of the conversation:
"At that time, Michael will stand, the great prince who stands in support of
the members of your people, and there will be a time of trouble such as
there had never been since there was a nation until that time.
But at that time your people will escape everything that is written in this
book... Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken, these
for everlasting life, and these for everlasting shame, for everlasting
abhorrence... The wise will shine like the radiance of the firmament, and
those who teach righteousness to the multitudes, like the stars forever and
As for you Daniel,
For many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase..."
Are these the "LAST DAYS???
In Hebrew it is spelled QOOF-TZADI. xq "The END" ...
It is time to know.
Page 4

"Until" Means now they should no longer be kept secret from us
IF ... If, of course, this is indeed "The TIME".
QOOF-TzADI: xq end of what?
End of the World?
End of the Mayan Calendar?
End of the Oil Reserves ? of the Pork Chops?
End of the ALMIGHTY's Patience?
End of the cache of Souls yet to be born?
or maybe, What if.... The End of the 2730 Year "CURSE"
QOOF-TzADI xq pictographically a looks like an opened shackle... released.
"Until the Time" is spelled AYIN-DALET / AYIN-TAV tu\du
(which in Hebrew letters would read from right to left, opposite of Greek
and English.)
Until what time?
When is the "UNTIL" of that time?
What are the conditions of that occasion?
How would we know if it was?
Is it a calendar event? or a set of circumstances?
Is it a timed-gate which opens? or which closes?

Is it a gate which responds to another's action? or is it automatic when the

time comes? Do we sit and wait? Or do we get up and turn the handle...
"pull the trigger"... Do we watch it happen? or cause it to occur?
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And then what?
What's supposed to happen then?
At least.... The Words ought to be Un- Hidden and the Book Un-Sealed.
At least that...
...If they were only to be "hidden and sealed until... "
but then what?
Is what happens next dependent on what we do with the words which are
un-hidden and un-sealed? Or do we just sit and watch and wait .... As an
audience in a theater...

"Many shall run to and fro"

"And knowledge shall increase"

Is that the Time?

Or is that what happens next?
Or is that what we need to do to trigger the event?
Or is that even translated accurately enough for anyone to regard...
If it is hidden and sealed, how can we cipher what it means, or even do what
it says? How can we fulfill the conditions required in order to "cause" it to
happen? Does it all occur by accident? by happenstance?

Another translation reads: "Let many Muse and Let knowledge increase"
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Is the concept of "TO LET"
The same thing as saying, "people on earth will be engaged in this sort of
activity at the time that the end of the world is upon them"?
Is "TO MUSE" equivalent to "running to and fro"?
or does someone have a different interpretation of the activity?
Does it matter?
Who knows?
Who cares?
So what.

"SO WHAT"...
Is the Title of the presentation of "eriktology" given in Bend, Oregon @
Heritage House Ministries in 2006. It is available in an 8 hour DVD, unedited.
Telephone number in Oregon, USA 503-631-7873 for details.

"What exactly did Daniel DO"?
He was specifically told: "Hide the words and Seal the book."
Why? Where? How? What did he do then? Is it determinable?
Does it matter?
Ahhhhhh... so what.

Page 7

"Modern Hebrew Orthography"
Ortho Graph Comes from Greek and Latin... style, shape, form of the letters,
a specific way to draw, a shape with intentional meaning and purpose.

CHALDEANS: the "Wise men", Magi, astrologers, sorcerers, magicians,

literate mystics of the Assyrians Babylonians, Parthians.
Daniel 6: 4 says he was overseer of Vizier and Satraps.
"... Because of the extraordinary spirit in him, and the king thought to
appoint him over the whole kingdom..."
Daniel 6: 29 "this Daniel met with success in the reign of Darius (the Mede)
and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian."

Daniel 9: 2. Daniel contemplated the calculations, the number of years about

which the word of YHUH had come to Jeremiah to complete the 70 years
since the ruin of Jerusalem... I set my face to "EL- Adoni- HaElohim" to quest
with prayer and beg for mercy with fasting and sack-cloth and ashes.

Daniel 9: 13. "Just as it is written in the TORAH of MOSHE: all this calamity
has come upon us...
Yet we have not entreated the face of YHUH ELHEINU wnhwla hwhy to
repent from our iniquities and to comprehend Your Truth."

Daniel 9: 21. Gabriel was sent to teach him understanding...

Page 8

Why is the "QADOSH SCRIPT"... The "HOLY WRIT" ...
Referred to as "Chaldean" ? or "Flame Letters" ?
Mystical, Magical, Enchanting... All of which is abomination according to
Deuteronomy 18: 9-14.
Daniel was "Chief Chaldean". About 500 BCE
Every ancient artifact of script before 500 BCE that has been found, was
written in some style of CUNIFORM, HIEROGLYPH, or PALEO- HEBREW
PICTOGRAPH Modern Chaldean Flame Letter Writing appears in TORAH
Scrolls only since the days of Ezra the Scribe, after the king of Media-Persia
granted release and emigration back to the land of Judea to the dispersed of
YAHUDAH, the Southern Kingdom.
"this Ezra ascended from Babylon, he was a brilliant scholar of the TORAH
of MOSHE which YHUH, ELOHIM of YSRAL had given. The king granted him
his every request, according to the command of YHUH his ELOHIM to him..."

If the original "EDENIC SCRIPT" , the words written in the "Finger of Elohim"
Exodus 31: 18, around 1500 BCE , at the time of Moses, were etched in
Flame Letters, why are they referred to as "Chaldean"? Why the disparity
between title and the nature of the text itself which is "QADOSH": Pure,
clean, undefiled, set-apart, sacred, and sanctified.
Why would all writings from the era of 1000 BCE (David and Solomon's time)
be in the PALEO- style? Who would have altered the original flame style on
the Tablets of Ten Commandments into the PALEO- Canaanite-Phoenician
style used 500 years later, if indeed the original letter type was the Modern
Chaldean Flame Letters?
Page 9

However... If the PALEO- style were actually what ELOHIM etched into the
Tablets by His Own Finger...
Who would presume to have the Authority or to have the Audacity to
change the Script into the Chaldean Flame Letters -- which Ezra used?
DANIEL, at the command of GABRIEL" - Messenger of YHUH around 500 BCE
in Babylon, where and when both Daniel and Ezra lived.
SAMECx-TAV-MEM. mts Ha DEBARIM. "Hide the words"
CxET-TAV-MEM. mtj Ha SEPHER. "Seal the book"
EDIT. QTz. xq (as in "Cuts"). "Until the time of the end"
SAMECx-TAV-MEM: mts stop up, close, vaguely, indefinite expression,
obscure, to obfuscate, in general, anonymous opinion, "unknown".
CxET-TAV-MEM: mtj to seal, set a seal, signature, signet ring, an
underwriter of signed documents, subscription to a periodical for a specific
period of time, "only to be opened by authorization of the seal- bearer",
CxET-TAV: tj shattered, dismayed, fear, terrorizing
CxET-TAV-KAF: ktj to cut, decided, pronounced, articulated, determined
SAMECx-TAV-RESH: rts hide, veiled, concealed carefully, (contra- diction)
refute, disarrange, upset, neutralize, neuter, secret, protected, undone.
KAF-TAV-BEIT: btk to write, graph, scribe, document, correspondence
SAMECx-PEI-RESH: rps to cut, count, number, recount, tell, narrate, book,
border, frontier, fence- post line, giving shape to the unformed, connecting
the - dots (the way constellations are pictured) ... SEPHER, CIPHER, SFR...
super, soprano, uber, supra-, "over and above all else."
SAMECx-UAW-PEI-RESH: rpws scribe, scholar, teacher, author

SAMECx-YOD-PEI: pys Swordsman, fencer, destroyer, make an end
YOD-PEI-HEI :hpy beauty
PEI-RESH :RP bull, the fruitful, the defender, the one who gores,
SAMECx-YOD-PEI-UAW-RESH-TAV : trwpys destroy the beauty of truth by
slicing word pictures apart and presenting a "Fictional Story", BULL.
DALET-BEIT-RESH-YOD-MEM : myrbd the matters, the words, the
agreement, the leading, that which drives, to follow behind, a trailer or
barge towed with baggage, subdued, overwhelmed, plague, destruction,
pasture, rational and theoretical words, eloquence, pertaining to pestilence,
cause, reason, manner.
So briefly,
The ancestors of YSRAL ( YOD-SHIN-RESH-ALEF-LAMED... larcy Yisrael),
swore an agreement with YHUH : Imitate the CxET-QOOF qj (decree,
statute, law, prescribed portion due) and get super- blessed beyond
measure... or, ignore or betray the TORAH instructions and get cursed:
scorned and torn by their enemies, of which YHUH ...Himself, would be the
For a specific, limited amount of time.
The time would be determined by the duration and extent of their own
treachery. Their betrayal of the terms of covenant. Their marriage vows.
The Northern Ten Tribes Kingdom was divorced and ejected out of the land
into exile, banished in 721 BCE when Samaria fell to Assyria after a 13 year
invasion siege of the whole country.
2730 Years. "Seven times like your sins, being then seven times 390
according to Ezekiel Chapter 4.

The word Seven is SHIN-BEIT-AYIN ubc and also means " to be bound by
oath" or "vow" , to be full, satiated, satisfied, plenty, abundance, excess,
overflowing. It also means to do something seven times, or to be bound by
Seven Things... Like the Oath of the Seventh Day... or perhaps...
The Sacred Oath of the Seven Appointed Gathering Times in Leviticus 23
By custom, a Jewish bride circles around her husband Seven Times as a vow
of fidelity. Each week and each year, Fidelity is affirmed in walking out the
commandment to HALAKA the DEREK as pre-scribed.
Who's the Bride?
Read Daniel 9: 4-20
For 2730 years, YHUH Himself, took away all understanding of the facts, so
that His people could not find the door- such as the men of Sodom could not
find it (Genesis 19: 11) . YOD-HEI-UAW-SHIN-AYIN ucwhy came to reveal
the door, Himself, the TORAH , "incarnate", the Word made Flesh, the
"DABIR" -- yet was rendered as "CxALAL" : CxET-LAMED-LAMED llj as in
Ezekiel 36: 23. : pierced, wounded, slain, common, vile, desecrated, vulgar,
profaned, hollowed out, emptied, punched holes into like a flute, ripped
apart, a person deprived of the priesthood, a priest of questionable
parentage... To begin something new--On account of being "word made flesh", when YAHUSHA was shredded and
perforated unto death, it was actually the DABIR of ELOHIM so desecrated by
its very own would- be adherents. On account of not acknowledging YAH'S
SHUA to be the ECxAD dja expression of ABBA YHUH, as is TORAH as is
the RUACx QODESH, and then when the "law" of the Covenant Statutes is
defamed and vilified. It is actually the DABIR of ELOHIM so desecrated,
done so in His Own Name.
Imagine... In order to honor Jesus Christ... the TORAH, which is the very
essence of the Father's Heart, is profaned, vulgarized, hollowed out,
punched holes into, deprived of its nature to model truth, is denied its place
in the historical record, and is rejoiced in only for being "EMPTY". VOID.

(Priest: KOHEN: KAF-HEI-NOON: nhk to officiate, to make truth objectified,
seeable, touchable, pertinent, the pedestal of possibility), TORAH as "Law" is
heralded as having been "nailed to the cross and now is dead". The Word
made flesh is the TORAH, the Blood in His veins is the Life of the TORAH,
TORAH is the Way of His Delight, and TORAH is Truth. Any regard of the
Father's Heart, as personally expressed by Himself (TORAH), is slandered as
being "jewdizing", and considered as being blasphemy against the very
"blood of the savior"... actually, it IS His Blood.
CxET-QOOF qj was indeed nailed to the execution stake, but resurrected
in full form after three days and three nights as was the sign of the prophet
Yonah, just as He said. The perpetual statutes live on!
YSRAL has not reverenced the Instructions of Life, hardly, since the days of
DAVID. It's been nearly three thousand years of trouble for nothing, yet
YHUH has never eliminated their regard, nor have the consequences of nonregard ever been invalidated, nor deemed inoperative by YHUH. The terms
of our contract were that the entire penalty would be paid (sevened), and
then the remnant survivors would get the chance to readdress the matter
for themselves. We can expect that here and now we are being presented
the opportunity to SHEMA and SHOMER and OSHAH the requirements to
attain the blessing that been held in abeyance all these pitiful many years.
Ezekiel 36: 33-38
"eriktology" is the study of all these things,
these questions- and these considerations.
The fundamental process of this study begins with the hypothesis that a
word's meaning can be understood by understanding what each letter
means that spells that particular word... Which means one must start by
having a true basis for identifying what each letter "means.
How is such a thing possible? This is a foreign language. No Linguistic
Scientist has ever found the answer. The trail goes back to at least 2000 BCE
without a trace to determine accuracy.

I'm glad you think so too.
This script of PALEO HEBREW is also known as Phoenician or Canaanite. This
unique "eriktology" font was compiled by assimilating various examples of
the letter forms found in ancient artifacts, and then choosing the
orthographic shape most Elegant for each letter. Simplest. Clearest.
Unadorned. Unencumbered with frills. Elegant.
According to Frank Seekins' "Hebrew Word Pictures" book, some of these
forms were not found to be used together in the same era according to the
archaeological record. "eriktology" uses letter shapes which embody the
meaning of the letterthe shape in the most limited sense (as Occam's
Razor) regardless of who used them in the Paleolithic chronology. This letter
set has been adapted for ease of viewing, writing, and understanding... ***
*** It makes no claim to be the genuine- actual letter shape that the "finger
of Elohim" inscribed on the Tablets of stone... Though it is "assumed" to be
very similar.
Jeff Benner's "Ancient Hebrew" font is different but claims to be found in
artifacts as drawn, from a particular era of antiquity.
Ecclesiastes 12: 9-10. "And besides being wise, QoHeLeT also imparted
knowledge to the people. He listened and sought out and arranged many
proverbs. QHLT sought to find words of delight and words of truth, recorded
Deuteronomy 27: 8. You shall inscribe on the stones all the words of this
TORAH, "well clarified".
It is presumed that the occurrence of numerous styles of orthography was
due to the individual prerogative of each scribe, drawing letters to fit each

one's personal feel for the meaning of it, or his favorite shape as a beautiful
image, or simply for the sake of expedience. As example, the letter KAF k is
best drawn as the letter "K" when carving in wood, but is actually the open
palm of a hand with five fingers which works better on paper than wood.
It is presumed that Solomon (QHLT) would have standardized the script for
the sake of literacy in the Unified Kingdom of the Twelve Tribes, inherited
from his father David. This may be why the oldest records of Paleo type
Hebrew go back to about 1000 BCE which is the era of their dominion. David
wrote most of the collection of Psalms as did Solomon the Proverbs.
"Until the Time". AYIN-DALET / AYIN-TAV tu\du
How can anyone really know what time that is?
Does anyone even care?
So what.
eriktology is the consideration that the spelling of the words
AYIN-DALET/ AYIN TAV tu\du actually tells us when that time is !
eriktology proposes that when Daniel was told to make unclear the words
and to
encapsulate the cipherability of the matters, it was the DEBARIM of the
Covenant, the BRIT, that it was in reference to.
eriktology postulates that Daniel himself changed the Script from Paleo to
"Chaldean Flame" letters and so demolished their comprehension.
*** Thus, to transcribe the Modern Hebrew Letters back into PALEO is to
open the Seal. Of course this could not happen without decree by YHUH.
This is now a matter of "right- brain / left- brain" hemispheric dominance.
Artistic / Analytical. Functionally, this is using both by considering both
aspects. Independently, Simultaneously, Synergistically. A whole new view.

The "MISHKAN PATTERN" is the code mapped to the layout of the
Tabernacle of Moses... actually of YHUH shown to MOSHE to copy.
The "RED DICTIONARY" is by Earnest Klein:
Published by CARTA, Jerusalem. ISBN 965-220-093-x
Reading the dictionary meaning of every two- letter pair in a word, is the
interesting benefit of that book besides the definitions themselves. It also
wonderfully facilitates seeing how the change of one letter might affect the
meaning of the root word, and how a prefix letter or suffix may change the
idea embedded in a word. It also shows how the vowel points alter the
meaning of words which are otherwise spelled the same.
**** eriktology intentionally disregards the vowel points. No linguistic,
Scientist or Historian can validate the phonetic usage. Vowels were added in
the Middle Ages. No record exists as to the viability of the modern
distinctions, other than by privilege to declare it so. Scribes, Sages and
Rabbis have inherited the Oral Tradition, which may or may not be accurate
compared to the articulations of 1500 BCE.
"eriktology" intentionally regards every definition of a word as being
significant in the rendering of a given word's "meaning" , regardless of the
vowels attributed to it in a particular reference of text.
That means that there are many ways to read: a letter, or a pair of letters, or
a three letter root word. Each letter's meaning can be read perhaps 30 or 40
different ways, though never contradicting the essence of the letter. Each
word might be considered as a sort of logarithm of letter meaning
combination possibilities.
That's not even to mention about "gematria" which is the numerical
relationships that words and letters have! Dave Matthews goes there...


AYIN-RESH also means to be awake, or enemy. To be awake watching for an
enemy perhaps. The suffix letter KAF makes it "your" or "you".
Eriktology could be read as : "you being alert, incited to activity learning the
contractual aspects of the Covenant with YHUH, in Hebrew, the language of
the Court of Heaven, in order to legally contest the present circumstances
having exposed with diligent watchfulness the shrewdly devised shameful
state of uncoverdness we find ourselves in for having forsaken the TORAH,
having bought in to a bundle of mixed distortions which left us vulnerable to
every assailant, which is what the terms of contract said would be the case."
Isaiah 29: 9.
"Ponder it and be astonished- they have been utterly blinded! They were
drunk, but not from wine, they staggered but not from liquor... For YHUH has
poured upon you a spirit of deep sleep. He has closed our eyes. He has
covered the prophets and your chiefs, the seers... To you all the prophecy is
like the words of a sealed document which one gives to a literate person
saying "read this, please" , and he says "I cannot for it is sealed"... Then the
document is given to an illiterate person saying "read this, please", and he
says "I am not literate". Nor, "I have not known books"."
What he says is actually: "LO YDATY SEFER".
You can't read it if you are illiterate... _______________________________
But you can read it if you are illiterate...
If you are not reading it grammatically, scholastically, accurate linguistically,
or translationally, If you are simplistic enough to look at the pictures... To
read it as an illiterate... Literally, read it by stringing together the letters as
pictures into word bunches, like bananas, and then group the bunches
together as a sentence, sort of like a sack of bunches of bananas. The order
of subject, object, predicate, verb, adjective... does not necessarily match
the English model which is why there are so many different translations. This
is all up for grabs. It can be quite disturbing when you see how it is.

Imagine going on vacation and getting a souvenir "charm" of each site to put
on a bracelet. A collection of them is like a word- a collection of letters in
sequence. A sentence is the collection of words, a fractal image of the same
system order. Each souvenir is a token of a much bigger story- a visit to
another place, an experience, its own insights and spectacle of beauty- a
memory, a portal invoked to be opened by simply gazing at that charm.
Each letter is as a charm... each word is a charm- bracelet.
For example:

l LAMED: shepherd's staff, teach and learn: authority to guide:


a ALEF: strongly keeping on track as an ox plows- having been prodded on

course by the LAMED l

y YOD: hand's on, working, creator, artist, making it happen

d DALET: door, hand on door, door handle opening mechanism
u AYIN: eye, sees, understands, accurate, allows the correct measurement
as scales, weighing, evaluating

t TAV: end, sign of agreement, contract, covenant, terms of stipulation: law

y YOD: my hand, I agree, my possession, "This is mine"
s SAMECx: engineered support structure, lattice work, trellis, arranged to
bear a load, as a vine supports and feeds it's branches to bear fruit, Light of
the lamp stand, prop- propeller- motoring around and around: ripples, doing
something in cycles of repetition, seasonally

p PEI: mouth that which opens, as a door, as the eye, explains

r RESH: exalted man, honored, adored- preferred and esteemed one, the
anointed, distinctive, beyond others... Chiefest, whose responsibility it is to
provide and care for the less. MASHIACx

LAMED-ALEF: al "No." The Authority of the Author, Father, Initiator to
decide "yes or no". The only one who can say "no" is the One who owns the
YOD-DALET-AYIN-TAV-YOD: ytudy "Know." My hand is on the door to
open understanding of my Covenant.
SAMECx-PEI-RESH: rps "Cipher." Book, count, number, border, frontier, to
cut, fence- post line, narrative of a story, barber, shape.
YOD-DALET: dy Hand, part, portion, strength
DALET-AYIN: ud Knowledge, understanding, insight
AYIN-TAV: tu Time
TAV-YOD: yt My sign, my mark, my signature
SAMECx-PEI: ps Collection, gathered together, determined limit, threshold,
sucked up, absorbed, hidden, indeterminable
PEI-RESH: rp Bull, fruitful, multiplier, defender, destroyer, savage, fertilizer
So what did the Illiterate one say when asked to please read the sealed
1-- Regarding The governing authority of the Creator's "Plan" , which He
determined by His Own Honor, to establish at the first and set into motion
by His Own Decree to be "What It Is".
(Thus, He is the one to say "what it's not" )
2-- Teaching and learning His Agenda is what then yields or establishes the
basis of having authority as per His Instructions... on earth as it is in heaven.
You having no regard of His Voice = Him having no regard of Your Voice.


His Voice is TORAH. TORAH is represented by the letter KAF, k the letter
before the LAMED, l which is what the LAMED is in reference to when it
indicates to regard the authority of the instructions of the Shepherd's staff.
Though KAF does not appear in these words, knowing the chronological
sequence of the letters and what they "mean, gives one insight as to what
the letters used are themselves in reference to as per the "self- referential"
nature of the ALEF-BEIT, as a whole and complete communique in and of
itself... which is interpreted "by definition" as being the
3-- His hand (He, the Creator) is on the Door- which opens to allow
understanding of His Covenant. By it... by someone doing so... the act, the
work of teaching and learning about (LAMEDing) His Plan (the ALEF)... a this
action of study is what will open the door of understanding and yield
Authority when understood to be the "Sworn Oath of the Covenant". Sworn
by Seven. The Blood Oath. As per TORAH
The Blessing and the Curse... at that Time... It will be allowed to Open...
understand? The shackle of bondage being released?
4-- Illumination of fruitfulness at His Mouth- the Blessing at His Decree...
Siege Engine of Destruction- the Curse... for not regarding the carefully
arranged words He offered us.
5-- MASHIACx's Story is the Key to decryption... deciphering... "SFR" the Key
to the Door of Understanding the Covenant given to our forefathers,
So... Those five statements are what he said, translated eriktologically.
Reading what the illiterate man said as an illiterate man...
Informs us of exactly what the Sealed SEPHER actually said.
How so ?

"...on that day the deaf will hear the words of a book and from darkness and
blackness the eyes of a blind people will see...
The meek will increase their joy in YHUH and the poor among the people will
rejoice in the QADOSH One of YSRAL...
23: ... When he sees his children, My Handiwork, in their midst- who will
make QADOSH My SHEM- they will (cause to be regarded as QADOSH) the
QADOSH One of YACOV, and revere the ELOHIM of YSRAL...
Those of misguided spirit will attain understanding (AYIN u concept) and
complainers will learn instruction (LAMED l of KAF k concept)"

The entire TORAH and TANAK is all about this very matter, repeatedly
redundant about it: AYIN-UAW-DALET: dwu emphatically, forcefullyagain and again...
AYIN-DALET: du the Family's jewels : being the TORAH- the RUACx
Both which Testify of ABBA's SHEM. Both the same.
(the HEI of YOD the HEI of UAW). hvhy The same voice.
...are that which He caused to be lost, robbed, plundered by Pirates:
PIRITZIM : PEI-RESH-YOD-TzADI-YOD-MEM... myxyrp Ezekiel 7: 22
... "Where He has hidden Himself" ... He is "hidden" ?
TzADI-PEI-NOON: npx north, hidden, secret, conceal, encoded,
"and they will make it CxALAL". CxET-LAMED-LAMED llj . Profane, defile
As in Ezekiel 36. As in verse 20 and 21 and 22 and 23... Polluted, violated
"...until we..." verse 32... Then Chapter 37 verse 4.

The word for embarrassed, ashamed, "abashed", bashful, dry... "dry bones"
BEIT-SHIN-UAW-TAV. twcb (embarrassment is KAF-LAMED-MEM mlk
like as in "calm" or "calamity", or as in : no longer pumped up and kicking
and mouthing off... because of all the calamity which has happened because
of all the noise of rebellion.)
Ezekiel 7: 20. "The beauty of His Ornament (AYIN-DALET-YOD-UAW),
wydu He had set for Majesty. Yet they made their abominable and
detestable images within it. "
-- Consider His seven "Witnesses of His Identity" ... His Way ... His SHEM. the
AYIN-DALETs du of His MOEDIM mydivm :
Leviticus 23: the "Festivals of YHUH".
"YHUH" as in "YOD-HEI-UAW-HEI" hwhy
-- Now look at Christmas... Easter... Halloween... Sunday observance law...
"read 'em and weep" ...
Go on; investigate where the celebration stems from. It's easy... many books
are available, and it's all over the Internet. There's a plethora of facts and
information for anyone who wants to know.
If you don't like the sound of all this... Don't blame me (or anyone else
declaring these matters) for observing scripture. I do indeed regard the
prerogative of anyone choosing to be apathetic and ignorant. Don't listen.
Every single one of us is free to believe whatever we want to,
That doesn't make what you choose to believe "true",
Even if you believe it with all your heart,
And, even if you love what you believe with all your heart, soul, and

That doesn't make it true.
Ezekiel 7: 24. "So I will bring the wickedest nations- and they will inherit their
houses, and I will put an end to the pride of the mighty (YSRAL), and their
"holy places" will be profaned."
--the QADOSH of YHUH is made CxALAL (slain) by YSRAL, so YHUH will make
CxALAL (hollow, empty) the QADOSH of YSRAL in mirror form...
That's how it works... That is the terms of this Covenant.
But it works visa-versa also...
Ezekiel 7: 27. I will act with them according to their ways and by the
judgments they deserve I will judge them and they will know (comprehend,
perceive, "get it" what it means when I say) that
"I AM YHUH". ALEF-NOON-YOD YOD-HEI-UAW-HEI hwhy yna --over eighty times He says this phrase in the Book, the SEPHER of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 8: 10. "So I also, (as they do) my eye will not spare, nor will I have
compassion. I have placed their way upon their head."
Ezekiel 11: 16. "Though I have removed them far away among the nations,
and though I have scattered them among the lands, yet I have been for them
a "small sanctuary" in the lands where they arrived." (a fraction of the ideal)
"Of a Truth- Decrees To Be So- and So It Is Established As Decreed:
At The Determination of YOD-HEI-UAW-HEI: hwhy
I will assemble you from the nations
and gather you in from the lands where you have been scattered
and my gift to you is : the Land of YSRAL
They will come there and remove all its detestations and all its abominations
from it.

My Gift to them: an Undivided Heart.
And, I will place a New Spirit within them.
I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh, and give them a heart of
20: So that: they may walk in my Decrees ( CxET-QOOF) qj
and observe my Laws (MEM-SHIN-PEI-TET) tpcm
and fulfill them (SHIN-MEM-RESH rmc and AYIN-SHIN-HEI hcu them)
They will be a people unto Me
And I will be ELOHIM for them".

(Has this happened yet... ever?)

21: But... Those whose heart follows the heart of their detestations and
My Gift to them:
Their way upon their head



ynda man

"NAM ADONI YHUH". "I who determined this to be will make it so"
(Thats what He says when He really means it. Like a stamp seal of the King)
What exactly are the "detestations and abominations"?
Do a study from Strong's Concordance. It's easy.


idols, forbidden incestual sex, witchcraft, sorcery, dishonest weights and
measures, deviating from His ways with obstinate intent, a heart which is
crooked- twisted- perverse- stubborn, wicked, cruel, evil, iniquity, "law-less",
non-observant of TORAH, the prayer of one who "turns his ear from SHEMA
of TORAH" , one who is not ashamed of his defilement, homosexuality,
adultery with your neighbor's wife,
HEI!!! What's this in Isaiah 66:17?
Does this actually say that YHUH has furious wrath and will kill: "those who
eat the flesh of swine, the abomination, and the mouse; they will all be
consumed together.???
Does this mean if I have bacon on a rat burger I'm going to Hell?
Hey, I thought Jesus made "all food cleans".
What's going on here?
Of course that is "Old Testament"... He probably just changed His mind... Or
maybe just changed the rules... At any rate, buzzard compote on a bacon-rat
sandwich with infestation-sauce is perfectly organic and acceptable here in
the "New". It may even be on the menu at the "Feast of the Wedding of the
Lamb" in Heaven one day...
Yes, intentionally disgusting and offensive.
What Do These Words Mean???
Why is space wasted in this BIBLE telling us things of no regard ---?
--- as if they were?
Is this all some kind of "sick cosmic joke", or are we supposed to listen?
How do I tell the difference if my preacher is lying to me or not?


Isaiah 56: 1.
Thus says YHUH: Observe Justice and Perform Righteousness for My
Salvation is soon to come and My Righteousness to be revealed...
Praiseworthy is the man who does this and the person who grasps it tightly,
who guards the SHABBAT against desecrating it and guards his hand against
doing any evil... Observe my Sabbaths and choose what I desire and grasp
My Covenant tightly...

Jeremiah 30: 22
You will be a people unto Me and I will be ELOHIM for you. Behold the Storm
of YHUH: a Rage shall go forth- a Tempest shall seek to sink its claws into the
head of the wicked. YHUH's burning Wrath will not recede until He has
accomplished it, until He has upheld the Plans of His Heart: in the "end of
days" you will be able to understand it.
At that time, NAM / YHUH, I will be ELOHIM for all the families of YSRAL, and
they will be, a people for Me.

The constant theme throughout the "TANAK" (TNK)

(TORAH / NEVAIM / KETUVIM) (Instructions / Prophets / Writings), is the
Restoration of the Blessing to the Two Houses / 12 Tribes / Unified Kingdom
Return to the Land in peace and security... SHALOM. Just as He said,
Rejoicing as they walk in the way of YHUH's TORAH.
The "Tribulation" is YHUH returning the way of the wicked upon their own


As a contrast, typical "eschatology" speaks of the "believers" being
overwhelmed and prevailed upon by the evil beast and anti-christ figure. The
tribulation is upon those "left behind" having missed out on the "rapture"
which is the great escape event up into heaven before all hell breaks loose
on earth. There are many versions, timelines, and disagreements regarding
these events, as outlaid in the book of "Revelation".
***** On the Internet these days, there are many voices which deny
everything written here, just so's you know. It is hereby acknowledged and
received for value, disagreed with, and returned as "hog wash".
I do not believe that had YSRAL known how to properly cook pork, or had
they had proper sanitary facilities for food preparation, that the Instructions
of TORAH would have been different... Praying over a Pig doesn't make it
QADOSH nor does it make it suddenly clean food. YHUH said it isn't food.
How many have heard the saying "God said it, I believe it, that settles it.


"eriktology" is a method of translating the Hebrew text into pictorial

concepts word by word, letter by letter.
After reading this way, over hundreds of verses, thousands of words, I
personally can only find the version of tribulation being YHUH's wrath on the
wicked... and His redemption, salvation, deliverance, (SHIN-AYIN ness) uc
being on His people: whom He classifies as those keeping the
Commandments of the Covenant and the Testimony (AYIN-DALET) du of
His Salvation (YOD-HEI-UAW-SHIN-AYIN). ucwhy And that Testimony is:
that He promised to protect them - regard with favor, prosper His Own
without fail... Their unbelief which was criticized in the books of Joshua and
Judges was the people's doubt of YHUH's ability or willingness to be with


them and help them as He had promised. They did not believe His Words. It
was never about whether they believed He existed or loved them.
Could it now be that He will restore the MALKUT, the Royalty, to YSRAL?
Why should He?
Acts 1: 6
MEM-LAMED-KAF-UAW-TAV: twklm could be translated as meaning:
The place regarding like the covenant delineated to us...
That which was given to you...
The place of "going" for you... I Promise.
That which was taken away from you... As you were warned about.
The place you were given counsel about...
You... the whole group of your herd- your "ilk...
"The Kingdom"
Ha MALKUT... The place of the King... Where the King is "At"
The place where...
"Thy Kingdom come, Thy "Will" be done, on earth as it is in Heaven..."
Revelation 2: 14.
"...but I hold a few matters against you:
Because you have there, those who adhere to the teaching of "Balaam": who
taught "Balak" to put a stumbling block before the children of YSRAL to eat
what is offered to idols and to commit whoring.
So you also have those who adhere to the teaching of the "Nikolaitans"
which teaching I hate.


Repent or else I shall come to you speedily and fight against them with the
Sword of My Mouth..."
-- the teaching of Balaam was to get the people to ruin themselves... because
he understood that no one else can call down a curse upon those who are
"Blessed by YHUH". Get them to sabotage their own standing...
Trick them into forsaking their protection, their strength... Like Samson
giving up the secret and getting his hair cut, becoming as weak as any man.
Coerce them to throw away their secret weapon... Just convince them that:
It's useless
It no longer works
It was all a big misunderstanding
Not important
It was only given to you to prove it was impossible to do as instructed
You were never meant to have to do it
It was just a symbolic picture which you've been blinded to understand
Torah?! LAW?! We don't need no stinking Law!
There is No Law.
We are Free from the Law! We party on the grave of the Law, thank you,
Could it be so easy?
Convince the undefeatable people to forsake their means of invulnerability...
...then walk in and rob them, kill them, terrorize them, burn their churches
down and chop their arms off like in Nigeria... threaten their children.


Tell them...
That they shall never pick up that TORAH again or they'll be really sorry. Tell
them that their god never intended them to keep that law...
Tell them the reason their ancestors were vanquished is because they tried
to keep Torah Laws which was an offense to the Law of Grace...
Tell them it was nailed to the cross- done away with...
Tell them they would betray their Dear Savior's trust if they looked back at
that law, kind of like "Lot's wife", He would really hate them doing that...
Tell them they would "blaspheme His Blood" if they returned to His Word...
Tell them the "Holy Spirit" told you it was unnecessary...
Tell them that God is not so petty so as to require conforming to ceremony...
Tell them it just doesn't matter, it doesn't do anything, it just doesn't make
sense today...
And the voice of Balak? King of Moab allied with Median.
"We will kill you
We will plunder you
We will cause your family pain"
"Be very afraid of us."
CxET-MEM-SAMEx: smj CxAMAS: Violence
The voice of Nike- Laity?
"Victory over the illiterate, non-clerical and non-clergy?
Lie to the uninformed? Distort the words of Truth with deceptive traditions?
Invent an Ecclesiastical Hierarchy to ensure the awe and platitude of the
masses beneath them?

It was for the sake of Forsaking TORAH...
That all these voices got Volume.
If only,
If YSRAL had not betrayed with treachery her vows to YHUH...
If YSRAL had not done injustice to each other...
If YSRAL had not casually disregarded the SHABBAT and defiled the MOEDIM
with corruption...
If YSRAL had not polluted the "Salvation of YHUH" with the blending of
"other's elohim"... the infamous "ELOHIM ACxRIM", which He detests...
If YSRAL had not betrayed each other's trust and subverted each other's
If YSRAL had just believed the word of her ELOHIM to be her ELOHIM.
If YSRAL would only have heard, and done as instructed... "SHEMA"...
If YSRAL would have just believed the Beautiful Words were True...
If YSRAL would just be given another chance...
If YSRAL ...
It just seems so easy...
Just keep, guard, watch over, and observe to do, speak of these matters...
Hold tightly onto the Instructions and get "Really Blessed".
Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 7 and 30.
Be Strong and Courageous, No Fear, show No Taretz before them, and do
not be dismayed.
Deuteronomy. DEBARIM. Chapter 31

Hear and Learn and Be Careful to Perform all the words of this TORAH.
"Place the Words in their Mouth"
Deut. 31: 19 ... Exodus 13: 9 ... Isaiah 59: 21 ... Deut. 6:7 ... Psalm 91: 4
The command to speak of these things... How hard is that?
It's really hard if you don't read Hebrew...
It's easy if you talk about the message encrypted in Hebrew...
Which is?
The very matters we were instructed to talk about.
How about that!
....this is the "eriktology" study:
The "meaning of the letters" just happens to be all the stuff we were told to
talk about...
Which if we did...
We would so then be keeping the TORAH Commandment...
Which if we did...
We would get the Blessing back and our enemies would disintegrate.
Daniel Chapter 2, the Statue. Verse 45:
"Just as you saw a stone was hewn from the mountain not by human hands,
and it crumbled the iron, the copper, the earthenware, the silver and the
gold; so the Great God made known to the King what will happen in the
future. The Dream is true and the interpretation is reliable."
Not denying the validity of those words, in that translation from
Stone's TANAK, Artscroll publication...


But those very same words can be read more elaborately, with other
connotations bunched together, and opened up like a rose blossom...
Ezekiel 43: 12. "SAVIV SAVIV QADOSH QADOSHIM. This is the TORAH of the
House...Concerning the Apprehension of Foundational Instruction, by
Definition, as it was intended... "
...around and around... Ripples... Doing the QADOSH and keep doing the
QADOSH as it becomes amplified... Clearer... Around and around...
Read the words around and around... Letters around and around...
Week after week, SHABBAT by SHABBAT, around the cycle of MOEDIM, year
after year... as a rose blossom unfurling... reading around and around...
eriktology translation of Daniel 2: 45 ...
"Everything presented before you seems confusing and confrontational, but
actually is being clear and "up front" about the matter.
Chronological History is a Column segmented into block sections as one
would construct by placing stones. Its dissection is "carved in stone". It is not
sectioned by hand aggression or armed conflict, nor is it held together or
restrained from being sectioned, needing hands to hold it together.
This goes way beyond simply the grasp of the "military- industrial complex".
Occultists do what they do yearning to uncover the secret: open the hidden
mouth, divine the goblet telling the future... Seeking the means of refuge
from economic annihilation: taking hold of the "golden goddess".
The most incredible ultimate of declarations, the announcement of greatest
splendor has been granted to you, O King...
What will be after this...? What happens next...?
This here is absolutely decreed to happen...
Unto them who dream of the Kingdom of YHUH restored to Health in

When the trustworthy turn right... The place of strength... To the place of
faithfulness... Doing reliably the agreement...
Conundrum Solved.

"That's right, all that is verse 45.

To be extraordinary, difficult, to be wonderful, marvelous, cause to be
amazed, distinguished as "special", set apart, miraculous, distinctive...
"deloused", to search for vermin = PEI-LAMED-HEI. hlp
In Greek, Latin, and English it means "Ancient" "of the earliest known Human
NOON-PEI-LAMED-ALEF-UAW-TAV : twalpn wonders, mysteriously
unknown NOON-PEI-LAMED : lpn "Nefal" : to fall, miscarriage, aborted,
overthrown, defeated, resulted, omitted, "it happened", to cause to fall
ALEF-UAW-TAV : twa sign, signal, symbol, token, miracle, to consent,
agree, as an "oath" , a letter of the ALEF-BEIT....
ALEF-YOD-TAV : twa to spell a word
ALEF-YOD-TAV-UAW-NOON : nwtya Entrance, strong, firm, steadfast,
stable, ever flowing. LAMED-ALEF-UAW-TAV : twal to be weary,
exhausted, impatient...
Is it now... You will restore the promised inheritance to your people, ABBA?
Everything you have said, we will hear and we will do... "AW-SHAH" hci
In 2011, eriktology was presented as a class in Salem, Oregon, concerning
the meaning of the Letters of the Hebrew ALEF-BEIT.
22 letters. 28 classes. Almost 60 hours.

The video was edited by "Pinnacle Cascade". It may be viewed without cost
on You Tube at eriktology as of 2013. There are various lectures which
people have placed at various sites. Please feel at liberty to pass around
well made copies to the KAVOD HaSHEM YAHUAH.
* Introduction: class overview, "A class for those illiterate who can read no
Hebrew at all, but who like looking at the pictures."

a ALEF: Creator's Plan, determined specifically and set into production, ox

b BEIT: Materialized, cosmos, made into form, like a Banyan Tree, house
g GIMMEL: Motion, reciprocation, voyager, trucking, boomerang, camel
d DALET: Earth, transition, phase, portal, decision, door
h HEI: Enlighten, designate, reveal, ventilate, window
w UAW: Attach, connect, bridge, man, nail, hook
z ZAYIN: Cut off, cut open, limit, plowshare, vow, weapon
** First SELAH: Stop and consider, explanation of the Red Dictionary

j CxET: Separated, enclosed, protected, personal, fence

f TET: Branded, owned, identified as a possession, 100%, full circle
y YOD: Maker, worker, possessor, functioning, my grasping hand
k KAF: Lines of instruction, give, receive, you, open palm hand
l LAMED: Governmental jurisdiction, steering control, rudder
m MEM: Womb, nurturing, attitude, incubation, wave form, water
n NOON: Lively, engaged, impartation, birthed, jump out of, sprout, fish
*** Second SELAH: Explanation of the "NOON-SAMECx" sn logo design

s SAMECx: Menorah, trellis, principalities, vine and branches, support


u AYIN: Evaluate, weigh, consider, "see-saw" response, eye
p PEI: Communication, society, explanation, opens, prayer, mouth
**** Third SELAH: PEI-TzADI " xp and He opened His mouth and taught..."

x TzADI: Winged, resurrection, Archetype, regeneration, scepter, flourish

q QOOF: Question / Answer, pillar of Fire / Smoke, ascended / descend
r RESH: Man, king, boss, full face view, nobility, harvester, Messiah,
c SHIN: Consuming, refining, absorbing, disintegrate, teeth, fire
t TAV: End, agreement, finished, encapsulated, done, dead, signed off
***** Conclusion: Who in the world wants this? Anyone can return to it.
****** "Cinderella's Glass Slipper: Which candidate's foot fits the Shoe?
Will the real Avatar please stand up? Of sixteen different would- be "Christ
figures", is it possible to determine exactly who plumb, "on the level"...,
...according to the Creator's original, authentic Plumb-Line?
"ANOKI". ykvna "My plumb line". What is it? What is the "glass slipper?
I Am YHUH ELHEIKA who brought you out of the land of MITZRAIM.
Letters ALEF a through TAV t describe the identifying characteristics of the
"Bona-Fide" MASHIACx. : "Good-Fidelity: "TOV- HA,AMEIN"
It was written in Greek as "Alpha and Omega"
It was written in English as "First and the Last, the Beginning and the End"
The one and only word never translated from
Hebrew is spelled ALEF-TAV


It is found as the fourth word of seven words in the first sentence of the
scripture, Genesis 1: 1. Pronounced as "ET" (yes, as in extraterrestrial).
Sometimes the word is followed by a hyphen in the Hebrew and is
considered to be a grammatical device pointing to the "direct object" of the
sentence. When it is found as a "stand- alone" ALEF-TAV, ta nobody
knows why it is there. It is not translated as a word.
Many people conjecture that when the "Revealed One" in the last book of
the Bible, the "Book of the Revelation", declared Himself to be the Alpha and
Omega... He was actually in reality speaking Hebrew to a Hebrew man
listening and said the words "ALEF-TAV" in Hebrew...
Not Alpha and Omega in Greek.
No difference?
If indeed He claimed to be "ALEF-TAV",
He was identifying Himself to be the One referenced cryptically each and
every time that "stand-alone ALEF-TAV" ta appears in the ancient text ...
in Hebrew.
So each time it appears, and is never translated as a word,
It is some sort of message about Him: THE WORD... Word made human...
The Most insolvable mysterious puzzle in the whole writ, which no one even
knows is there, if you don't read Hebrew... And He answered it right there...
in Hebrew.
Of course this is conjecture, but nothing else comes even close.
One might bear in mind that there might be a distinction between the
"stand-alone" version and the hyphenated use.
That one speaking, regardless of His Name or Reputation, is "obviously" the
"Messiah" or "MASHIACx". By definition of the grand event.
Now the question is, "is that a True account of a real vision event?"

If it's not, we're done here. You might as well go watch cartoons on TV.
If it is, Who is that guy? Are we supposed to recognize Him?
He could be any body, maybe not even a figure ever mentioned before in the
Bible, maybe some being from some other religion's storytelling, invading
this religion to try to clear things up. How are we supposed to know who this
Spectacle is or what He's trying to say? It's all so confusing for supposedly
being a "revelation.
All the letters of the Hebrew ALEF-BEIT : between ALEF a and TAV t
ALEF and TAV like bookends, like book covers...
Like the Engine and the Caboose on a train of 20 other container cars, linked
by coupling devices, "VAVs" or UAWs... w Fasteners, hooked all together...
The meaning of each of those letters is His SHEM: Name, Fame, and Renown
Psalm 138: 2
"... For, the exaltation yoked to all your SHEM is your WORD."
"...the branding, the identifying signature mark of your magnificence is that
your entire reputation is yoked to your Word. (neither is above the other).
The two are yoked inseparable and dependent on each other's viability."
AYIN-LAMED lu means yoke, not just "higher than" or "above.
It means "in reference to the other one", as in "ACxD" ("ECxAD")
The Word of YHUH is His Credibility and Identity and Magnitude.
Every Word He gave us is spelled with letters ALEF through TAV.


The WORD itself Made Flesh is not spelled J-e-s-u-s, it is spelled:

t c r q x p u s n m l k y f j z w h d g b a
One might pronounce that Name above all Names as:
Or you just might pronounce it as:
It infers everything in-between the Book Covers, front and back, beginning
and end.
That's Who that distinguished One is in the Vision.
Sounds to me like he was probably Hebrew, Sounds to me like if we want to
know Him, or know what He really said, we might just want to learn some
Hebrew. At least His Name....
Like how to understand the ALEF-BEIT... which is his SHEM: His name, His
fame, His renown, His designation, the "there" of where He's "at", His
existence, His value, His branding Logo. His "Oneness" is all that stuff.
It's all right there in the Hebrew ALEF-BEIT. $
How easy. How wonderful. How mind- blowing. How PALEO

Paleo kri Hebrew



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