Harvard Referencing Guide (Uni Sheffield) - 2010

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Harvard referencing guide

A bibliographical reference should contain sufficient information for someone else or
yourself to trace the item in a library. It is very important to be consistent and
accurate when citing references. The same set of rules should be followed every time
you cite a reference. Citations in the text should give the author's name with the year
of publication and then all references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end
of the paper/dissertation.
This guide aims to outline how to reference using the Harvard method. The Harvard
method is not the only standard of referencing and you should consult with your
lecturers which they recommend. For a more interactive tutorial on how to reference
correctly refer to the Tutorials by department tab on the Information Skills
Resource website.
Harvard method of citation in the text
All statements, opinions, conclusions etc. taken from another writer's work should be
acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. In
the Harvard System cited publications are referred to in one of the forms shown
Single author:In a study by Seedhouse (1997) coping with illness was investigated ....
In a study (Seedhouse,1997) coping with illness was investigated ....
When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year these
are distinguished by adding lower case letters after the year within the brackets.
Burnard (1992a) wrote about communication for health professionals that ....
Two authors :In the book by Basford and Slevin (1995) .....
More than two authors:Benner et al (1996) conclude that ....
If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following
form, by date and then alphabetically:There are indications that passive smoking is potentially threatening to the
health.......... ( Francome and Marks, 1996; Bunton, 1995; Lupton, 1995)

Copyright 2010, The University of Sheffield

Harvard method of quoting in the text

When quoting directly in the text use quotation marks as well as acknowledging the
author's name, year of publication and page number of the quote in brackets.
Short quotations e.g. up to 2 lines can be included in the body of the text:Weir (1995) states that "defining roles and their remits is not simple"(p.10).
Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph:Thomas and Ingham (1995) in discussing staff development state that:
"Development is infectious, and staff who previously have recoiled
from undertaking a degree or conversion course have been
encouraged by the success of others"(p.33).
If part of the quotation is omitted then this can be indicated using three dots:Weir and Kendrick (1995) state that "networking is no longer solely within the
male domain . . ."(p.88).
Secondary referencing
Secondary referencing is when one author is referring to the work of another and the
primary source is not available. You should cite the primary source and the source
you have read e.g. (Fiedler and Chemers, 1974, cited in Douglass, 1996). Secondary
referencing should be avoided if at all possible.
Harvard method of listing references at the end of the text
References should be listed in alphabetical order by author's name and then by date
(earliest first), and then if more than one item has been published during a specific
year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc). Whenever possible details should be taken from the
title page of a publication and not from the front cover, which may be different. Each
reference should include the elements and punctuation given in the examples below.
Authors' forenames can be included if given on the title page but they are not
required to be. The title of the publication should either be in italics or underlined.
The examples given are in italics:
A book by a single author:
Seedhouse, D. (1997) Health promotion: philosophy, prejudice and practice.
Chichester, John Wiley.
A book by two authors:
Burns, Nancy and Grove, Susan K. (1997) The practice of nursing research:
conduct, critique & utilization. 3rd edition. London, Saunders.
A book by more than two authors:
Mares, Penny et al. (1995) Health care in multiracial Britain. Cambridge,
Health Education Council.
A book by a corporate author (e.g. a government department or other
Health Visitors' Association (1992) Principles into practice : an HVA position
statement on health visiting and school nursing. London, Health Visitors'
Copyright 2010, The University of Sheffield

An edited book:
Basford, Lynn and Slevin, Oliver (eds) (1995) Theory and practice of nursing:
an integrated approach to patient care. Edinburgh, Campion.
A chapter in a book:
Weir, Pauline (1995) Clinical practice development role: a personal reflection.
In: K. Kendrick et al. (eds) Innovations in nursing practice. London, Edward
Arnold. p. 5- 22.
An article in a journal:
Allen, A. (1993) Changing theory in nursing practice. Senior Nurse, 13(1), 43-5.
An article in a newspaper:
White, M. (1998) 68m to cut NHS waiting lists. Guardian, Monday May 18
1998, p.8.
If no author name is given then anon should be used instead.
Anon (1998) Schemes to boost dental care. Guardian, Monday May 18 1998,
Government publications
In broad terms White Papers contain statements of Government policy while Green
Papers put forward proposals for consideration and public discussion. They are cited
in the same way.
A White paper:
Department of Health (1996) Choice and opportunity: primary care: the future.
Cm.3390. London, Stationery Office.
A Green paper:
Department of Health (1998) Our Healthier Nation: a contract for health. Cm
3854. London, Stationery Office.
An Act of Parliament:
Great Britain (1990) National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990.
Chapter 19. London, HMSO.
Conference proceedings:
Published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):
Banks, S. et al (1998) Networked Lifelong Learning: innovative approaches to
education and training through the Internet: Proceedings of the 1998
International Conference held at the University of Sheffield. Sheffield,
University of Sheffield.
Paper from published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):
Proctor, P. (1998) The tutorial: combining asynchronous and synchronous
learning. In: Banks, S. et al. Networked Lifelong Learning: innovative
approaches to education and training through the Internet: Proceedings of
the 1998 International Conference held at the University of Sheffield. Sheffield,
University of Sheffield. p.3.1 - 3.7.
If no author or editor is given on the title page the name of the conference is cited
first either in italics or underlined.

Copyright 2010, The University of Sheffield

A thesis or dissertation:
Stones, Marian (1995) Women, nurses, education: an oral history taking
technique. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Sheffield.
A secondary reference:
Fiedler, F. and Chemers, M. (1974) Leadership and effective management.
Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman & Co. Cited in: Douglass, Laura Mae (1996)
The effective nurse: leader and manager. 5th edition. St. Louis, Missouri,
The following documents have been used in the compilation of this guide and further
information can be obtained from them.
Bournemouth University. Academic Services Group. Library and Information Services.
(1996) Harvard System. [online] Bournemouth, Bournemouth University. [Accessed
9th June 1996].
British Standards Institution (1989) BS Recommendations for references to published
materials. BS.1629:1989. London, BSI.
University of Sheffield. Library. (1997) Writing a bibliography. ML-RS11. [online]
http://www.shef.ac.uk/library/libdocs/ml-rs11.pdf [Accessed 9th June 1998].
Citing electronic sources of information
There is a separate guide giving details of how to cite electronic sources of
information: Citing electronic sources of information.
For further information contact the relevant library subject specialist.

Copyright 2010, The University of Sheffield

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