Chapter One 1.0 Background of Study: 1.1 Statement of The Problem

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1.0 Background of study
Student evaluation of teaching is an important part of the institutions, it constitute to the
continuous improvement and support for good teaching learning process. Result on
teaching can be collected using a clock technique i.e. attendance and also the institution
approved student evaluation surveys and other supplementary methods of evaluation such
as focus groups, peer review and moderation of student learning outcomes with lecturers.
In relation to the evaluation of teaching, the commencement time of lecture and the
number of student in attendance will be taken at every teaching period to evaluate the
punctuality of the student and the effectiveness of lecturers and their standard of teaching.
Student can also be invited to evaluate their units, collecting evidence from various
stakeholders for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of the teaching-learning
A successful evaluation generates outcomes that are valid, reliable and indicate directions
and action for improvement.
Intelligent rating systems are a class of computerized information system that supports
decision making activities. Data are automatically provide at the point of clock in and
clock out process, provides an easy-to-use interface and also allows for the decision
maker's own insights.

Statement of the problem

The falling standard of education in Nigeria is an issue that is requiring attention, this
necessitate the development of a system for evaluating standard of teaching and
punctuality such as the Intelligent Rating System.


This project work will provide support that can be used to evaluate teaching standard as
well as the punctuality of every student, which will enhance existing techniques by
providing the time of delivery at every lecture as well the number of student in attendance
and timely access to information.


Aim of the project

The aim of this study is to design a teaching evaluating system using interactive software
that supports decision making activity.



Objectives of the project

To design a system that will be used to monitor attendance of students

To design a system that will check if a student can partake in an examinatiom.

To design a system that will be used to rate a student

Data pertaining to the following will be gathered and evaluated:
i The quality of the educational provision (the product) - which could be the whole
programme, a course (module), a class (lecture)

ii The performance of the provider(s) - the academic staff, tutors, supports staff, involved
in the delivery of this programme/course/class.
iii The experience of the students as partners in the process - their experience of what is
provided, and of the providers their motivation and approach to learning.
A combination of these things - provided that the various purposes are made absolutely
clear to make the evaluation.
These will be used to develop a system for teaching evaluation and will be implemented
using interactive software to developed using Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft access



Review of related works

The Decision Support System (DSS) evolved early in the era of distributed computing.
The history begins in about 1965 and it is important to start formalizing a record of the
ideas, people, systems and technologies involved in this important area of applied

information technology. The concept of decision support system has evolved from two
main areas of research: the theoretical studies of organizational decision making done at
the Carnegie Institute of Technology during the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the
technical work on interactive computer systems, mainly carried out at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in the 1960s.
It is considered that the concept of DSS became an area of research of its own in the
middle of the 1970s, before gaining in intensity during the 1980s. In the middle and late
1980s, executive information systems (EIS), group decision support systems (GDSS), and
organizational decision support systems (ODSS) evolved from the single user and modeloriented DSS. Beginning in about 2012, data warehousing and on-line analytical
processing (OLAP) began broadening the realm of DSS. As the turn of the millennium
approached, new Web-based analytical applications were introduced.

Evaluating Teaching
Evaluation of teaching and learning will base on attendance which involves clock-in and
clock-out process done by the student as well as lecturer to measure the punctuality at
every lecture. A successful evaluation generates outcomes that are valid, reliable and
indicate directions and action for improvement.


Purpose of evaluation
the quality of the educational provision (the product) - which could be the whole
programme. The performance of the provider(s) - the academic staff, tutors, support staff,
involved in the delivery of this programme/course/class.
The experience of the students as partners in the process - their experience of what is
provided, and of the providers their motivation and approach to learning
It is important that everyone involved knows the purpose, or purposes, of the evaluation.


Focus of the evaluation

For example, you might want to know about

The appropriateness of the methods of assessment


The appropriateness of the style of teaching, and the performance of teacher


The quality of feedback to the student on the performance of the student


The attitudes of the student




The workload, how reasonable, how realistic


The effort made by the student, and the take-up of support


The overall experience of the student of the teaching and support for learning

Those who will be evaluated

The software that will be produced in this project will serve as a tool to evaluate the
teaching learning process, the evaluation involved the lecturers and the student and shall
be operated using the clock technique.


Who will be asked to make the evaluation?

An evaluation of teaching will normally be designed to evaluate the students and their
lecturers through the cause of lecture delivery using the technique of attendance to
measure their punctuality.
The responses of the different participants in the process - students and staff - permit a
correlation that adds greatly to the reliability and validity of the outcomes of the
evaluation. Such correlation provides insight into the level of harmony, or disharmony, of
perceptions between the partners in the teaching-learning process.


Outcomes of the evaluation

Before designing an evaluation it is necessary to define

how, and by whom, the raw data will be processed to generate outcome.


to whom the outcomes will be reported, and in what details.


who bears responsibility for taking action in the light of the outcome.

After the collection of data through the clock-in and clock-out process, the lecturer will
have access to the outcomes of the evaluation. There are many people responsible for the
management of the quality of the educational provision, such as a Head of Department,
programme leader (or equivalent) or chair of a departmental teaching committee.
Good practice: make clear, from the outset, to all involved in the evaluation process who
will have sight of the outcomes, and who will be responsible for taking action, and
monitoring the effectiveness of action.(Note: there is little point, and potential harm, in

seeking evaluation of matters where there is no realistic prospect of any action following
the outcomes of evaluation.)


Methods of evaluation
Only when the purpose of evaluation, its focus, reporting and responsibility for
action been determined can the method of evaluation properly be addressed. There
is always advantage to be gained by using several methods of evaluation and
correlating their outcomes.
a. Clock-in Process
This is a process that define the commencement of a lecture as well as the
punctuality of the available student base on the attendance and it also count for the
number of student whose clock-in for that lecture.
b. Clock-out Process
This process come at end of a lecture, it determined the time spent for a particular
lecture, it provide means for the next lecture to hold it also shows the data collected
before sending into the database.
c. Student-staff liaison committee
Every academic department has a staff-student liaison committee. While this is
neither the right venue, nor necessarily the right group, to conduct evaluation, it is
an opportunity for students and staff as partners in the teaching/learning process to:

Identify priorities for scheduling evaluations

Propose particular purposes and foci of evaluation


Comment on the outcomes of evaluations, their validity and reliability

It is good practice for every meeting of a liaison committee to include a default agenda
item on evaluation of teaching, so that it is a legitimate topic to raise at any meeting.
Points raised at student-staff liaison committees can provide useful correlation with
outcomes of evaluations made by other methods.


Student Assessment

The academic success of students is generally measured in terms of the grade point
average (GPA) and the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) points they have
earned at the end of each semester and at graduation respectively. In cases where a
fixed number of credits have been set as program completion requirements, the
expected duration of normal graduation is known in advance. In such cases,
Performances can be compared not only by their CGPA points but in addition by
using the time that was taken to graduate. We have called this the ACT/TIP ratio,
where the ACT is the academic term and the TIU is the time in polytechnic (i.e. the
time spent in the polytechnic) in terms of the number of semesters registered in a
given program. This value is indicated for each registered or graduated student.

Course Assessment
In assessing a course we need to ask the following questions:


Is the course achieving its aims in passing on the desired concepts in the course
material to the students in such a way that students can follow the next related
course without any problems?


Are the prerequisite courses specified for this course adequate for the students in
understanding all the concepts in this course?


Are the evaluation techniques used for this course adequate to measure how much
of the key concepts have been learnt by students.


Is the course balanced out well in studying the course material? This may be
considered in terms of the time spent on different topics and concepts or in terms of
the theoretical and laboratory work, the number and types of homework, termprojects etc.


How difficult is this course found, as indicated by: - The mean grade point
obtained by students in a given semester, The distribution of grade points obtained
by students in a given semester


The mean repetition rate of the course.


How does this course compare with other courses in the curriculum in terms of its
perceived difficulty by students?


Is there any way of determining the reasons of the perceived difficulty level of
the course.


Is there a consistent distribution of marks in the evaluation of students?


The first two questions raised above relate to good curriculum design. The third relates to
good evaluation techniques appropriate for the course material, and the correct evaluation
of the learning of key concepts. The fourth point raised relates to the delivery techniques
of the material. These questions are not readily amenable to assessment using performance
statistics. However, questions 5-8 may be answered using performance statistics of

Department Assessment
In departments where only one program is available these are synonymous. However, if
multiple programs are run, then each program can be evaluated in a similar manner.
Departmental assessment can be carried out using several major performance statistics:

Department mean and standard deviation of the CGPA value at graduation averaged over
all graduates

Departmental mean and standard deviation of time needed by all students to graduate.
Distribution of CGPA values at graduation.


About the case study

The shared values of the Polytechnic are professionalism and excellence, commitment,
dedication and loyalty, integrity and accountability, knowledge sharing respect for the rule
of law, effective communication, fairness and equity: The nature of training received from
LASPOTECH is geared towards equipping the products with readily employable skills so
that they can fit into industry and commerce easily, and also that they too can create
employment for others.


Student's Population
The Polytechnic commenced academic activities in 1978 with the admission of 287

Over the years, the students population had increased astronomically to

30,000. The breakdown of the Polytechnic students population for four academic session
is as show below:

Staff Development

Within the first and second quarters of 2000, a total number of 2006 staff members were
granted study leave with pay sponsored to attend workshops, seminars and conferences.
This is in line with the Polytechnic managements' policy of promoting staff development

The Polytechnic has an External Relations Committee which explores available
opportunities locally, nationally and internationally to the advantages of the Institution. It
also liaises with corporate bodies and organizations with a view to establishing mutually
benefiting relationships especially in the areas of Research and exchange collaborations.
The Polytechnic has special links with a number of International bodies and countries,
including the State of Israel. Members of Staff through the Israel Embassy had embarked
on training programmes, Research and workshop programmes in the state of Israel in the
years past. The Polytechnic enjoys a cordial relationship with the European Economic
Community (EEC). The relationship had in the past led to the actualization of various
EEC/ATIP assisted projects in LASPOTECH.
These included the Construction of two number boreholes and the training of over eight
staff members of the Polytechnic in Netherlands.
The Polytechnic is also a member of the Commonwealth Association of Polytechnic in
Africa (CAPA) and a member of the African Network of Scientific and Technological
Institutions (ANSTI). Other areas of linkages are being strengthened especially with the
French Government.





The major objective of designing a system is to produce an output that has a value to its
user. Generally, the decision support system for student and lecturers evaluation provides
an avenue for the management to evaluate the punctuality of student, lecturer and effective
lecture taken by the student.

Input analysis.
At the input level of the application, a form is displayed which consist of the required data
to make the evaluation in which those data are supplied upon registration and the clock-in
and clock-out process.
The content on the for includes the following
a) Registration detail of a student i.e. student name, sex and matriculation number).
b) The clock-in and the clock-out process.
The structure for the registration and their respective fields datatypes are display below:
Student Registration Table













Clock-In Table Lecturer











Process analysis



The computational of the input is based on set codes to carryout the evaluation. This
proposed project is develop using visual basic 6.0 programming language and the codes
are embedded in the code window which make the design of the project to function. The
output of the project is explained below in the output analysis.

Output analysis
These are the expected result after all the clock-in and out process, the evaluation and
computation has taken place. These output relies a lot on the required input to make a
successful evaluation and then result to output called report.
The graphical display of the output level are given below
Student Course Registration Table


Student attendance monitoring system

This proposed system gathering the required resource through the clock-in and clock-out
process. Data are manipulated and automatic process to yield result i.e. report. The
implementation of these system will be achieved using interactive software (i.e. VISUAL
BASIC version 6.0).


Performance rating
Rating is based on punctualityi.e. attendance and shall be recorded in such a way the
student and lecturers are evaluated.


Recommendation is as a result of evaluation and shall be categories as follows

a) Excellent (You are qualify to write this semester exam)


b) Good

(You are qualify to write this semester exam)

c) Fear

(You can be pardon to write this semester exam)

d) Poor

(You are not qualify for this semester exam)

Assessment is carried out based on punctuality at every lecture time through which both
the lecturer and the student are permitted to clock-in their codes (course code by lecturer
and matric number by the student) for attendance purposes.


The knowledge based system

The knowledge base uses attendance of each lecturers and student obtained by the mode of
clock-in, process and generate a report based on fact.
This is another important aspect of this project work. System design is the most creative
and most challenging aspect of any system. It is the technical specification that allowsthe
program to be coded in such a way that it follows the mode of operation of thedesigned
system. The purpose of systems design is to document exactly how a newsystem should
work. In essence, this means preparing a detailed set of specificationsfor the new system.
The design must address the following aspect of the proposed system, usually in this order:
output requirement, input requirements, file and storagerequirements, processing
requirements, control and backup requirements.
The output of the system must be designed before any other part of the system; the exact
output that must be produced has to be specified. The output is what mainly interest users
and administrator, and it dictate to a large extent how the input, processing and storage are
to be handled.
After the output have been fully specified, the set of data that are required by the system in
order to give the desired output, and how the input are formatted and entered, how often
they should be entered into the system, and what media on which they will be presented
must all be determined at this time.



The system development stage is the stage where the design is coded using programming
language. The system is coded using visual basic programming language and Microsoft
access database for data management.


System description
The system consists of the menu items, which comprises of tools and options for the
clock-in and clock-out processes and being able to generate a report that will be used to
make decision.



Input section
This is the section that allows the clock-in and clock-out process to be done by the student
as well as the lecturer based on attendance. At this stage, lecturer will first clock-in to
register his/her lecture for the day follow by the student to register his/her matric number
under the lecture rendered by the lecturer. Time of lecture and number of student in
attendance with their individual matric number will be recorded. All data such as time of


clock-in and clock-out will be processed automatically and stored in the in the database for
reference or query purposes.



Fig 7

Output section
This section allows the user to view the records in the system, here the records could be
sent to printer for printing if the user desires.


The hardware requirements of the new student performance evaluation system:
The software can be installed on a minimum of Windows xp operating system computer,
with hard disk capacity of 500MB, RAM capacity of 32MB.




The following will be achieved if students are allowed to evaluate their lecturers based on
the courses they are taught. The clarity of the stated educational aims and learning
outcomes, the realism of stated pre-requisites/prior knowledge, Curriculum and content perceptions of relevance/usefulness, the way in which the curriculum was presented or
delivered , the development of subject-specific skills, the development of non-subject
specific (personal and/or transferable) skills, the appropriateness of the methods of
assessment, the appropriateness of the style of teaching, and the performance of teacher,
the quality of feedback on students performance.


The motivation/attitudes of the student, the educational challenge presented to the

students, the workload, how reasonable, how realistic, the support available to
students/course books/resources for independent learning, the effort made by the student,
and the take-up of support/guidance and the overall experience of the student of the
teaching and support for learning


Owing to the advantages that will be derived from this system, it is therefore
recommended that the polytechnic should implement the system immediately.

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Dim DBB As Database
Dim rss As Recordset
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set DBB = OpenDatabase("C:\performance\rating.mdb")
Set rss = DBB.OpenRecordset("rating")
With rss
sno = 1: rno = 1

Flex.Row = rno
Flex.Col = 0: Flex.Text = rno
Flex.Col = 1: Flex.Text = Trim(!code)
Flex.Col = 2: Flex.Text = Trim(UCase(!Name))
Flex.Col = 3: Flex.Text = Trim(!datee)
Flex.Col = 4: Flex.Text = Trim(!score)
sno = sno + 1: rno = rno + 1
If Not .EOF Then
End If
Loop While Not .EOF
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Unload Me
Load Form2
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
With Flex
Flex.ColWidth(0) = 1000
Flex.ColWidth(1) = 2000
Flex.ColWidth(2) = 4000
Flex.ColWidth(3) = 3000
Flex.ColWidth(4) = 3000
.Col = 0: .Row = 0: .Text = "S/NO"
.Col = 1: .Row = 0: .Text = "COURSE CODE"
.Col = 2: .Row = 0: .Text = "COURSE TITLE"
.Col = 3: .Row = 0: .Text = "DATE"
.Col = 4: .Row = 0: .Text = "LECTURES RATING %"

End With
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Unload Me
Load frmApprisal1
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
Load Form1
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Unload Me
Load frmLogin
End Sub
Public x1, x2, x3, X4 As Long
Dim DBB As Database
Dim rss As Recordset
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set DBB = OpenDatabase("C:\performance\rating.mdb")
Set rss = DBB.OpenRecordset("rating")
With rss
'If Combo1 = "" Then
' MsgBox "Employee Number Must Be Selected", vbInformation, "Necessary Parameter"
' Combo1.SetFocus
' Exit Sub
'End If
x1 = 0

txtX1 = 0
If Check1(100).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(101).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(102).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(103).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(104).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(105).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(200).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(201).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(202).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(203).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(204).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(205).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(300).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(301).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(302).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(303).Value = 1 Then

x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(304).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(305).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(400).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(401).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(402).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(403).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(404).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(405).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(500).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(501).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(502).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(503).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(504).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(505).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(600).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6

ElseIfCheck1(601).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(602).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(603).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(604).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(605).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(700).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(701).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(702).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(703).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(704).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(705).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(800).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(801).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(802).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(803).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(804).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2

ElseIfCheck1(805).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
If Check1(900).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 6
ElseIfCheck1(901).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 5
ElseIfCheck1(902).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 4
ElseIfCheck1(903).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 3
ElseIfCheck1(904).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 2
ElseIfCheck1(905).Value = 1 Then
x1 = Val(x1) + 1
End If
txtX1 = x1
g = Val(x1) * 100 / 54
Text2 = Int(g)
!code = txtcode
!Name = txtName
!datee = Text1
!score = Text2
Check1(100).Value = False
Check1(101).Value = False
Check1(102).Value = False
Check1(103).Value = False
Check1(104).Value = False
Check1(105).Value = False
Check1(200).Value = False
Check1(201).Value = False
Check1(202).Value = False

Check1(203).Value = False
Check1(204).Value = False
Check1(205).Value = False
Check1(300).Value = False
Check1(301).Value = False
Check1(302).Value = False
Check1(303).Value = False
Check1(304).Value = False
Check1(305).Value = False
Check1(400).Value = False
Check1(401).Value = False
Check1(402).Value = False
Check1(403).Value = False
Check1(404).Value = False
Check1(405).Value = False
Check1(500).Value = False
Check1(501).Value = False
Check1(502).Value = False
Check1(503).Value = False
Check1(504).Value = False
Check1(505).Value = False
Check1(600).Value = False
Check1(601).Value = False
Check1(602).Value = False
Check1(603).Value = False
Check1(604).Value = False
Check1(605).Value = False
Check1(700).Value = False
Check1(701).Value = False
Check1(702).Value = False
Check1(703).Value = False
Check1(704).Value = False
Check1(705).Value = False
Check1(800).Value = False

Check1(801).Value = False
Check1(802).Value = False
Check1(803).Value = False
Check1(804).Value = False
Check1(805).Value = False
Check1(900).Value = False
Check1(901).Value = False
Check1(902).Value = False
Check1(903).Value = False
Check1(904).Value = False
Check1(905).Value = False
txtcode = ""
txtName = ""
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
Load Form2
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
frmApprisal1.Text1 = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public LoginSucceededAs Boolean
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
'set the global var to false
'to denote a failed login
LoginSucceeded = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
'check for correct password

If txtPassword = "password" Then

'place code to here to pass the
'success to the calling sub
'setting a global var is the easiest
LoginSucceeded = True
Load Form2
MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login"
SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"
End If
End Sub








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