Hamraki Rag July 2010 Issue

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The region’s favourite community rag since 1990 July 2010

Practical Local Action (2):

No Car but A Cargo Bike

by Alison MacTavish
It has been six months now since we especially with a full load on, or against
decided to see whether life without a car our fickle winds or rain. At our age, the
was feasible for us. During this process joints creak and groan and you arrive
we’ve discovered quite a lot of things sweaty and a funny pink colour. So to
about how we operate. We’ve discovered, make this local travel a bit easier we have
for example, that we’re a lot more careful bought an electric-assisted cargo bike.
about bringing “stuff ” in, because the It’s a big shiny blue machine, and I
effort to bring it in is later equalled by confess to having felt a bit intimidated by
the effort required to take waste out. And its bulk and weight at first. From front
that the bus timetables don’t cater very to back it’s over two metres long, and it’s
well for night-time events, but we still heavier than one of those old-fashioned
want to go to them. Also that we have bone-shakers. Furthermore, it has a
wonderfully generous and supportive carrier with sidebars which will carry
friends who’ve given us rides or even lent up to 200 kgs. To help move this load
us their cars when there was no other there is a standard 6-gear control on the
option. We’ve discovered that the interest left handle and a little magic on the right
of the challenge outweighs the occasional handle – a throttle connected to a motor
frustrations. On balance, we think we feel on the front wheel powered by a 48v 10
better, with a healthier, simpler lifestyle amp hour lithium ion polymer battery
that more honestly reflects our beliefs. mounted on the frame – said to be good
St i l l, t here is for 3,000 recharges.
no doubt that we It’s n e w a n d
impulsively “pop we’re still learning
i n” f r o m o u r about it. But so far
home in Moeraki it’s been great fun,
to Hampden a lot the best vehicular
less. In spite of toy I’ve ever owned.
greater fitness, a It’s wonderful to
trip in to Hampden feel that helping
by bike has meant
real physical effort, continues on page 15
July 2010 Hamraki Rag 1
waihemo bulletin board
by Rod Philip, Chairman, Waihemo Community Board

• Nominations are now open for the Council engineers are working
Trustpower Volunteer Awards, and with the water scheme committees
the Waitaki Citizens Awards. (See and the community board on this
related story on page 6.) project.
• Community Board members • The Board has approved funds to go
are working with NZTA on future towards some playground equipment
management of the rest areas along for Centennial park in Moeraki.
Katiki beach . This equipment is currently being
• At a recent meeting the Board agreed manufactured. There is an opportunity
to replace the failed “designer pave” for businesses or community groups
in Palmerston and also approved a to fund additional items of play
concept landscape plan. equipment.
• The recent flood in May saw the • After an approach from the ratepayers
Civil Defence teams in Palmerston group in Moeraki a walkway is to be
and Hampden in action. Thank you constructed along Haven St from
to those volunteers who gave up the motel to the public toilets. A new
their time to be part of this important street light will be installed near the
organisation. We would welcome any toilets.
positive feedback on how we can • Council have approved funding for
improve our response to any crisis. a siren at Shag Point. This will be
• T h e D u n b a c k , P a l m e r s t o n , used to alert residents of an event,
Goodwood and Hampden/Moeraki such as a fire, where they may need
water schemes are all to have their to evacuate. Evacuation information
water treatment systems upgraded to sheets will be distributed to residents
meet the Drinking Water Standards. soon.
hamraki rag
The Hamraki Rag is a community paper published on the first Wednesday of every month
by the Hamraki Media for the area between Shag Point to Herbert including Hampden and
Moeraki, Middle Islandi of New Zealand. 415 copies are home delivered in the area while
extra copies are available from the library, Hampden Motors, Hilltop store, Toby’s Fresh Fish
in Hampden, Moeraki Tavern, Herbert Service Station, and Oamaru public library.
The Rag welcomes submissions. Write to us at 70 Norwich St, Hampden, 9410. Electronic
copy can be forwarded to hamrakirag@gmail.com. We reserve the right to edit the submission
for clarity and for style. Please keep the format of your submission as plain as possible. The
cut off date is the 20th of each month.
All the pictures are taken by our staff photographer, Bent Jansen, unless otherwise stated.

Hamraki Rag is published and printed by Hamraki Rag, Hampden.

2 Hamraki Rag July 2010
Mayoral Musings
by Alex Familton
The recent rains have been devastating to Each of us every day in our own way
roads and hillsides. We can see the advantage makes a contribution to society as a whole.
that some areas have gained through tree The diverse and valuable activity of so many
planting where a healthy environment has local people does make a difference. For ideas
absorbed the downpour and released it in a and input per capita, Waihemo can be proud
more gentle manner. The 1.5 million bill will of its contribution to our whole district. The
play havoc with our budget. We will have to work of the councillors and Community
work on savings in other areas. Board is positive and vital.
The attention of government departments Robyn Couper is now in Haiti with the
and locals on water and its use has never medical team. They have completed hundreds
been more focused. It has brought our area of operations to people in dire need. Our
a base of prosperity and it has emphasised community has now raised over $120,000
that we must cherish water resources, share to support this project which will alleviate
them and ensure sustainability. A lot of my some of the trauma of Haitians. What a
time and officer time has been spent recently great effort to raise that amount in such a
negotiating for better water systems and for short time! There is a great depth of support
point of usage treatment where appropriate. in our area.
Last week local government personnel Noel Sheat, after a lifetime’s contribution
from the South Island met to discuss various to ploughing competitions throughout the
topics and plan for the future. Two Ministers, world, chaired the New Zealand World
Dr N Smith and Mr R Hyde were present with Ploughing Organising Committee for the
input and comment. Water was discussed World Championships at Methven in April.
and future possibilities examined. Everybody This was the biggest ever South Island
agreed that streams and rivers must be kept agricultural event with more than 30,000
healthy but treatment systems are a bone of visitors.
contention. General treatment at points of We salute all those who give their time
supply can be costly – are they necessary? and effort for our district and those in need. It
The Ministry of Health believes so – but many is obvious in each of the examples above that
people are understandably concerned that we the commitment and benefits from personal
treat water and put it through dirty pipes! commitment flow far beyond our district
Both Ministers were happy to receive boundaries.
representations on local matters and both are We have a raft of people through church,
keen to see progress on the management of citizenship and community enterprise who
water/rivers. This was a real opportunity to stand firmly beside those listed above.
keep local challenges to the fore and to make It is a privilege to be part of this team, for
a contribution to the wider picture. all of us to help in our own way where we
We all await the recommendations of the can. God Bless.
land and water forum, that has been convened
by the government. These recommendations
Want to ask questions of
will finalise a template for the future of water Alex and other mayoral
sustainability. hopefuls? See page 14.
July 2010 Hamraki Rag 3
overseas need.
A bit on the wild side For those who were not able to be at our
by Lyn Clearwater dinner here is the menu you missed:
The Rag asked me to write about our “A Bit on Starter: Rhubarb Champagne for
the Wild Side’’ dinner held in the Hampden “drinkies’’ on arrival.
Hall on Saturday evening June 12. Soup: A delicious creamy swede and
Yes, I agree with many that it was a good bacon soup to warm the palate and prepare
night. Different, but, as said by many who the stomach for what was to follow.
were there, a great night. It gave folk the Main:
opportunity to taste and experience meats • Wild pork roast with apple sauce
and flavours that normally are not to be found • Venison casserole with prunes, cranberries,
in one’s own pantry or in one’s freezer. and water chestnuts.
Our night was made possible only because • Wild duck in red wine
of family, who went for walks with gun in • Wild duck with savoury stuffing and with
hand, and kind hunting friends who searched orange sauce if one desired.
within their own freezers for the meats so • Rabbit stew (the way that Nana prepared it
willingly given for our dinner. And of course many years ago, with carrots and peas)
the 40 plus people who attended our evening • Sweet and sour blue cod (from our own
and made it all come together. coastal waters made into a fine fish pie)
The idea for a wild food meal was • Salmon mouse (oops I mean mousse)
thought up at a meeting of our Association • Tahr (wild mountain goat) meatballs
of Presbyterian Women (APW) some time prepared by Lindsay Clearwater using a
last year. We are always looking for ideas to secret tomato and spice sauce (which, may
raise a few dollars to boost our funds. Most of I add, got top comments of the evening.)
the money we raise eventually goes to needy Everything was served with a variety of
causes such as the Australian bushfires, the vegetables that were familiar to us all.
Haiti earthquake, and over the past few years,
World Vision, the Pacific Leprosy Foundation, Dessert:
East Otago Health, Hospital Chaplaincy, Apple and gooseberries graced the table
Tsunami and others. As well as these, every along with jellied penguins! What?! Jellied
year the APW of New Zealand have their penguins? We hasten to reassure all readers
own projects. This year we are contributing that no penguins were injured in any way
to “Supporting New or form during the
Z e a l a n d Yo u t h making of this “fun
(because they are filled’’ jellied dish.
w o r t h i t ) ’’ a n d We’ve already
CEPAD, a program been asked when the
that will help build a next wild dinner is.
better future for the Well sadly, not in the
children and young immediate future.
people of Nicaragua. But who knows what
Ever y year APW our small group of
special projects ladies may think up
support a domestic next. Keep watching
need as well as an this space.
4 Hamraki Rag July 2010
community info
Hampden Library Hampden Super Store
Hours: 2 to 4pm (Thursdays)
2 to 4pm (Fridays)
second-hand shop
H o u r s : 12.30pm to 5pm ( Most
10am to12 noon (Saturdays)
10.30am to 5pm (Satur day and
Landfill Transfer Station Sunday)
Hours: 8.30am to 12.30pm Phone: 4394 802
(Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays)
Lockies Takeaways
Medical Services Hours: 11am to 7pm (Monday
to Thursday, maybe closed
(Dr. McKirdy) between 2 and 4pm)
Thursday between 2.30pm 11am to 7.30pm (Friday to Sunday)
and 4.30pm at the hall Phone: 4394 744
Phone: 4394 625 (for appointment)
Emergency and after
hours: 4651 444 Hampden Mechanical
Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm (except
on Wednesdays and Sundays)
Hampden Motors Closed for lunch between
Hours: 7.30am to 5.30pm weekdays noon and 1pm
8am to 12 (Saturdays) Phone: 4394 646
Closed on Sundays
Phone: 4394 086

Toby’s Fish
Hours: 11am-6pm,
Wednesday through Monday
(closed on Tuesdays)

Thought about advertising locally?

85 Musselburgh Rise, Dunedin.
Please contact us to book advertising Eight minutes drive from the Octagon.
space in the Rag. Our rates are: Studio, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom
units from $95/night.
• $20 A5 page Self contained apartment unit
• $10 1/2 A5 or business card available for long term rental.
Group bookings for sports
clubs & fans (sleeps up to nine
Discount or waiver of the above people) with discount rates.
fees may be available for non- Handy to Dunedin, Edgar Centre,
Carisbrook and Forbury Park.
commercial community events.
All classified ads are free. Website: http://www.dunedinmotel.co.nz/
Email: arcadian@ihug.co.nz
Deadline: 20th of the month. Freephone: 0508 272 234
Phone: 03 455 0922
FAX: 03 455 0237
hamrakirag@gmail.com or 4394 511
July 2010 Hamraki Rag 5
Nominate Worthy Volunteers
by Melanie Tavendale
(TrustPower Community Relations Representative)
Waihemo residents now have the opportunity The awards cover five categories; Heritage
to recognise the dedication of their local and Environment, Health and Wellbeing,
voluntary groups - by nominating them for the Arts and Culture, Sport and Leisure, and
TrustPower Waihemo Community Awards. Educational and Child/Youth Development.
Nominations for the TrustPower Waihemo Category winners receive $500, runners-up
Community Awards open on June 2. The receive $250 and the Supreme Winner will
Awards, which are run in conjunction with take home $1,500 and an all-expenses paid
the Waitaki District Council, are open to all trip to the TrustPower National Community
voluntary groups and organisations working Awards. Regional Supreme Winners will also
to make Waihemo a better place to live. be filmed by a TVNZ 6 crew to feature in a
S i n c e t h e Tr u s t Pow e r Wai h e m o new series called Volunteer Power.
Community Awards began in 2003, more Nomination Forms for the TrustPower
than $35,000 has been given away to deserving Community Awards are available from the
voluntary groups and organisations. This year Council offices or service centre. It can be
a further $5,250 is up for grabs. downloaded online from www.trustpower.
Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton believes co.nz/communityawards. Nomination forms
the Trustpower Awards provide significant can also be received by texting the word
recognition of the volunteers in our ‘trust’ to 244, or you can call TrustPower
community and throughout New Zealand. Community Relations on 0800 87 11 11.
“We know how important volunteers are to T VNZ 6 has par tnered with the
every community and we are particularly TrustPower Community Awards in 2010
proud of the strong base of support given to bring remarkable stories of volunteers all
by volunteers in Waitaki,” said Mayor over the country. Regional Winners at each
Familton. TrustPower Community Awards throughout
“These awards are a brilliant constructive New Zealand will be filmed by the TVNZ
partnership between Trustpower and 6 crew and shown on TVNZ 6. Volunteer
communities,” he said. Power, presented by Julia Wright and Jim
This is the perfect opportunity to thank Mora will tell the stories of visionary and
those that give so much of their time to this award-winning projects. Nominations close
community.Volunteers are the backbone of on Friday 6 August.
this community, and we need to make sure
they know their efforts are appreciated. It only (None of us at the Rag are photogenic
takes a moment to nominate these groups. enough to be on TV or for that matter,
Anyone can nominate a voluntary group articulate enough to be quizzed by Julia or Jim
for the Awards – groups can even nominate but, remember, the Rag is a local volunteer
themselves. Last year 21 nominations were group serving the community. If you think
received for the TrustPower Waihemo our efforts are worthwhile, go ahead, feel free
Community Awards. There’s bound to be to nominate us, along with all other worthy
many more voluntary groups out there who people.)
deserve recognition.

6 Hamraki Rag July 2010

July 2010 Hamraki Rag 7
From the Library Shelves The Way
By the time you get this Rag there will We Were(6):
be 200 new books from the Oamaru
1870s and80s
Library on our bookshelves for the
In association with the Hampden Historic
next three or four months. Come and
Society, the Hamraki Rag is publishing the
check them out.
Hamraki timeline, originally compiled in
If you wish to nominate any local 2005 by the late Diane Garbutt. In part six
voluntary organisation for a Trustpower below, we list the significant events which
Award, there are nomination forms on took place here during the 1870s and 80s.
the library table. If you see any notable omissions or errors,
Two of our readers recommend please notify the Rag or members of the
a couple of lesser known books HHS. Next month we will look at the 1850s
this month. Judith Tromp couldn’t and 1860s.
put down Moving target, by Kiwi 1871
writer Jack McClenaghan. It’s a • Population of Hampden 170
gripping yarn told from the point of
view of a man on the run up in the 1872
mountains he knows like the back • Church of Christ opened January
of his hand. Kirsten Dixon enjoyed 7 at the cost of £200.
Animal, vegetable, miracle by award-
winning writer Barbara Kingsolver,
which is a commentary about her
• C onstruction of Oamaru to
family’s attempt to eat locally-sourced
food. Moeraki railway line begins.

Preschool Group 1874

Anyone? • Bridges on Waianakarua river
(north branch) opened.
The Board of Trustees (BOT)
at Hampden school have 1876
decided to investigate at its • Oamaru to Moeraki railway line
June meeting whether there is opens on November 4.
enough interest in setting up a
preschool group based at school. 1878
Parents with preschoolers are • Population 290
encouraged to register their interest • The first light is lit at Moeraki
by contacting BOT member lighthouse on April 22.
Liz Stevenson on 4394646 or • Ha m p d e n R a i l w a y S t a t i o n
Hampden School on 4394603. completed in June.
8 Hamraki Rag July 2010
• Coach overturns on Horse Range 1881
Road killing two and injuring 20 • Population of Hampden 326,
(on the day of the inauguration of increase of 36.
the first passenger rail service). • Police operations shifted to old
• First southbound train from Telegraph Building in the Square,
Christchurch to Dunedin stopped second Police Station.
for water at Hampden on September • St Stephens Anglican Church
6. All subsequent through trains opened on December 20.
did this thereafter. • Rabbits become recognised as a
• Postal services transferred to pest.
Railway Station. Stationmaster
became Postmaster. 1882
• Hampden Roads Board merges
1879 with Waitaki County Council.
• Hampden proclaimed as a borough
on September 8 occupying one 1883
square mile, with the third smallest • Waianakarua School opened.
population as a borough in the Arthur Tyndall teacher.
• W. Murcott elected first mayor.
• Borough councillors elected were • Commonage exchanged for 150
acres of bush.
A.C. Weir, J. Douglas, T.E. Watkins,
J. Doreen, H.T. Murcott, John 1886
Parker, N. Campbell, W. Familton • Population 332
and D. Peach.
• F l ou r m i l l at Wai an a k ar u a 1890
opened. • Creamery opened, first owned by
• Railway to Moeraki closed. John Duncan Junior.
• Port Moeraki public school
• Depression - gold searched for on
Kitchener’s, Culling’s and Size’s hampden history
properties. If you have not yet given your family
• Slaughterhouse licences granted story to Ken Bridge or Ken Miller,
we would like you to do so. We
to H.T. Murcott and Thomas H. would like to have as many family
Watkins. stories as possible in the book.
In fifty years time, they will be of
interest. It needs only be short.
July 2010 Hamraki Rag 9
Moeraki Bayview Ltd
Accredited supplier and installer of

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Wiring, new work, alterations and repairs

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Electrical work at competitive prices

Obligation free quotes carried out by a
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Contact Peter
021 20 69 053
03 439 4550

We have one Fujitsu Hi Wall 8.5 kw heat pump

left in stock to clear. For a great deal on the sup-
ply and installation of this unit contact us now.
10 Hamraki Rag July 2010
A Tribute to a Couple of New Kiwis
by Ken Bridge
John Dimelow and Corrine Martin from diesel. When Ian Sutherland recently
the Hilltop Store became New Zealand organised the Skyline bike ride to raise
citizens at a ceremony at the Oamaru funds for the school, John and Corrine
Opera House on May 31st. again offered sponsorship. When the
England’s loss is our gain. highway was closed in the recent flood,
In the time they have been in Hampden, the hall committee decided to open the
John and Corrine have proven to be hall and serve tea, coffee and biscuits to
super duper shopkeepers and have been about 200 people who were stranded.
very supportive of the community. To John and Corrine donated a dozen
my personal knowledge they have been packets of biscuits. When I said we might
regular supporters of the Waianakarua be able to pay for them, they said, “no,
Lions fishing competitions, through that is our donation”.
both advertising and sponsorship. When I know they have supported many other
we celebrated our 130th anniversary local organisations and individuals.
last year, they were supportive from the We are fortunate to have two such
start and they gave us advertising and hard working, successful and community
sponsorship of prizes. On the Sunday minded people in Hampden and New
when we didn’t have a generator to run Zealand is fortunate that they have
the caravan, John lent us his, brought it decided to take citizenship.
down, got it running, came and collected I wish them well in their new venture
it, and never even charged us for the and for the future.

Small Bytes Computing

Software and hardware including computers,
printers and faxes for sale at competitive prices.

Service and repair by experienced local

and mobile expert serviceman.

3 Otepopo St, Herbert

ph: 03 4395197/ 0274358983
email: jwing@sbytes.co.nz

July 2010 Hamraki Rag 11

Redesign the hall
by Trevor Norton
Ever fancied yourself as a bit of an architect? floor plan. The idea is to try to look well
Now's your opportunity show it. into the future and imagine what might
Last year, the community were make the hall even more of a hub for the
canvassed for ideas on adding facilities community than it is now. A large print
or activities to the Hampden hall. of the floor plan is on display at the hall
Subsequently, a working group was and you can pick up an A3 copy from the
formed to examine those ideas and bring library on which to put down your ideas.
some options back to the community. There is also a summary of the survey
Bruce Parker, of Parker Design, has ideas and a plan of the property.
kindly agreed to help the community Please could you return your ideas to
assess those options. In order to start the library or directly to Trevor Norton,
work on those ideas, his recommendation 16 Lancaster St, phone 439 4887, by
was to first prepare a scaled floor plan of Saturday July 17.
the building as it is now, which he has The best idea proposed in the form
done. of a drawing will receive a really good
Bruce will look at the results of the prize - and Bruce Parker will judge which
original survey, but before coming back one that is.
with preliminary suggestions, he is Get those ideas down now.
happy to receive additional ideas on the

elegant clutter for your home

Main Road Herbert
Sunday 10am- 4.30pm or by arrangement
Margaret: 4395197/Marise: 4395654
12 Hamraki Rag July 2010
puaka matariki barbecue
by Koa Whitau
On the 5th of June Moeraki Marae were given as prizes ensured a fun
hosted the cribbies and the local night for all. Almost one hundred and
community to a barbecue to thirty people welcomed our cribbie
celebrate Matariki Maori New Year. "Prince" and our local "Princess of
The occasion was also to Moeraki", Sarah McLellan, whose
welcome, meet and greet residents, sister Amy was runner up. We thank
and to enhance and develop positive our local businesses for their support
ongoing relationships. It also provided and koha, Ngai Tahu Tourism and our
an opportunity to meet our chairman, members for their help in ensuring
P a t r i c k Ti p a , t h e the young people had
executive and whanau a memorable time.
members who belong The evening was so
to Moeraki. Together successful that many
we shared histories want this to become an
and memories while the annual event.
children participated in (Photo supplied by the
quizzes, lucky dips and author.)
art work competitions.
The two hampers which

July 2010 Hamraki Rag 13

rural women in action
JACQUI DEAN by Leona Trimble
MP for Waitaki Over the past months some of the
Hampden members of Rural Women
were very involved with the organising
and planning of the National Rural
Women Conference which was held
in Oamaru in late May.
The floods added to the programme
and showed how the Rural Women
can adapt to any situation, including
the Opera House having no heating
due to the boiler room flooding.
The theme of Diversity in Action
– Resilient Rural Communities was
Please phone or e-mail my office for an more than appropriate.
appointment with me or talk to my staff. The members who were able to
42 Thames St, Oamaru.
get to the venue listened to many
Phone 03 434 7325 or 0800 6792 48254.
E-mail: waitaki.mp@parliament.govt.nz, interesting and thought provoking
www.jacquidean.co.nz speakers including Judy Bailey,
Theresa Gattung (Chair of Wool
what do you want to Partners International), and Her
ask them? Excellency, Lady Satyanard.
We are going to elect a new mayor on October The new National President, Liz
9. The incumbent mayor Alex Familton has Evans, was announced at the close.
announced already that he is going to stand Hampden Rural Women are
again, and other candidates have also come planning a celebration as we continue
forward. into 80 years of service. Many thanks
Mainstream media will quiz those to all the people who supported the
candidates about where they stand on the grocery raffle held to fund raise for this
economy, tourism, roading, Laura Norder event. Mr Jack Scott was the winner.
and all the other usual questions. The Rag
Details will follow of this celebration.
wants to ask them what you, the local voters,
really want to know. It could be education, The Hampden group was
childcare, bikeways, public transport, climate represented at the Region One
change and peak oil, how keen they are to Experience three day meeting in
support the skate park, or anything. Dunedin in June.
Write to us, send us emails, send us your We are always looking for new
pigeons, and let us know what you really want ideas, events to hold, and new
to ask those mayoral hopefuls. We will put the members. Please contact Leona on
questions to them on your behalf. 4394988 for more information.
14 Hamraki Rag July 2010
Eco Houses Visit
Life with a Cargo Bike
from page 1
by Hampden Community Energy
hand push you effortlessly up hills, and
Interested in a jaunt to see some money satisfying to see the battery re-generating
saving ideas? You may be wondering as you swoop down. Being a cautious
what effect an increase in GST and the rider, I only average about 25-30 kph on
introduction of the Emissions Trading it, but that means I get in to Hampden in
Scheme (ETS) will have on your living an easy 10 minutes, whatever the wind,
costs. whatever the load. At the end of the trip
How about a chance to glean ideas (the battery has an as yet untested range
from a couple of homes which are very
of about 40 kms/charge but will depend
self-reliant and have all sorts of energy and
cost-saving features built into them?
on how much you pedal) we plug it into
Andy and Sue Barratt and Murray and an ordinary electric socket to recharge
Jennie Grimmwood, both with properties from flat in about three hours. Doing
just south of Waikouaiti, have agreed the maths, 3,000 charges x 40 km =
to host a group visit. Things of interest 120,000km. The battery cost $1,000, plus
include a pelton wheel, photovoltaic solar charging at, let's say, 20cents (1kwHr), so
panel (50 watts drives the house outside/ 3,000 charges @ 20c = $600.00. So $1,600
inside fridge), passive solar design home, is the cost of the battery and electricity
vents and solar column, bypass/nightstore for 120,000km of commuting, or 1.3c per
cylinder, house run entirely on LED light,
km. All theory at this stage - we will see
wood burner stove, orchard, woodlots for
copicing, bath garden etc. Because they
when the Meridian bill arrives!
are "doing it", both hosts have a wealth of
knowledge and practical experience and Meat Raffles Raised $2400
will be happy to answer your questions. The meat tray raffles organised by the
Date: Saturday August 14 (departing Hampden school PTA at the Hampden
9.15am and returning about 4.30pm) Tavern on Saturday 5 June were very
Cost: Likely to be about $15 (people successful. It would appear that about
bring own lunch) $2400 was raised in just two hours.
Bus: Bill Hare's 18 seater Hampden school would like to thank the
Reserve your place early with the
following for sponsorship of prizes; Ian
Nortons (4394887) or the MacTavishes
and Jan Carter, Shane and Leona Trimble,
(439 4824) to avoid missing out.
Mark and Janene Thomson, David and
Tracey Middlemiss, Campbells Butchers,
A sincere thank you to everyone John and Toni Laing. Thank you to
who helped Scott wish his mum a Jen and Trev Lockerbie at Lockies for
preparing the prizes and the Hampden
happy 75th Birthday.
Tavern for a great crowd.
She was tickled pink.
July 2010 Hamraki Rag 15
another debate on school report
economic growth Hampden school had a public speaking
by Elizabeth Norton, Hampden competition. What an entertaining
Community Energy morning we had listening to the poems,
readings and speeches. All the children
The Government is again challenged to defend its
policy at another Hampden Union Debate. spoke well and with confidence.
In May the Hon. Bill English stated “Budget Winners on the day were Ben Hooper
2010 is about positioning New Zealand for faster, (Y1 and Y2 poem), Omni Koehler (Y3
sustainable economic growth. Only through and Y4 reading), Kate Trimble (Y5 and
lifting long-run economic growth can we create Y6 speech) and Nikita Price (Y7 and Y8
jobs, raise incomes, close the gap with our trading speech).
partners and improve the living standards of New
Zealand families".
At the same time, Professor Tim Jackson, in
the introduction to "Prosperity without Growth,
the Transition to a Sustainable Economy" states
“Every society clings to the myth by which it
lives. Ours is the myth of economic growth…
questioning growth is deemed to be the act of
lunatics, idealists and revolutions. But question
it we must.”
It is the clear contradiction between these two
points of view that underlaid the invitation from
Hampden Community Energy last year to Mr Key
and his senior ministers to participate in a debate Ben, Omni, Kate and Nikita now have
on the subject of whether promoting economic
the opportunity to represent Hampden
growth per se is indeed a sound national strategy.
While one or two ministers expressed regret (Bill school at the rural schools competition
English for one), unfortunately, no National Party at St Kevins College.
government ministers accepted our invitation due
to prior arrangements. The Hampden school Patriots miniball
Given, in a world of finite resources, the team are unbeaten so far this season with
huge and all-pervasive implications of endlessly seven wins from seven games. They
pursuing growth for all of us, including climate are leading their grade with double the
change and further biodiversity decline, we competition points of the team in second
cannot think of a more important subject to place. The Patriots have a record of 185
explore together. So we have again asked Mr Key
points for with 84 against.
to bring a team to defend their policy on growth
in a debate. We proposed February or March 2011 (Photo supplied by the author.)
but have suggested they nominate a date of their
We are really hopeful that they will take up the
challenge this time and will keep you posted.
16 Hamraki Rag July 2010
M i ni b a l e s of hay lag e
Meadow grass wrapped in convenient 30-
40kg bales.
Ideal for lifestyle farmer.
Horses, cattle, sheep and alpacas love it.
Quality guaranteed.
Available from Hampden Motors and CRT
Ring 4395211 for further information.

July 2010 Hamraki Rag 17

Yo u r l o c a l F r e e v i e w S a t e l l i t e T V I n s t a l l e r

Full Freeview satellite TV installation: $475

Freeview Television offers you the chance to see more of what television has to offer.
SBS One from Australia has all the FIFA football matches on live and SBS Two is
showing replays during the day. Their coverage is better than TVNZ’s or Sky’s.
Prime TV showing replays of the All Blacks’ games as well as other interesting programmes.
Available channels on Freeview TV are TV One, TV2, TV3, C4 (music plus more), Maori
TV, TVNZ-6 for kids’ programmes during the day and adult content at night, TVNZ-7
for in depth news and special reports, Prime TV, Cue (from Invercargill with local
news, farming, sports events), Stratos (overseas news, some sports events) SBS 1
and SBS 2 Australia, TV3Plus (TV3 delayed one hour), C42 - the latest alternative
music channel, Te Reo, Parliament, and Shine TV to add a little religion to your life.

Full Freeview satellite TV installation: $475

With an added PVR hard drive recorder, total package: $650

Moeraki Services Limited

Phone Dave on 4394259
18 Hamraki Rag July 2010
Hamraki Tr a d i n g post
Aluminium windows In “Rivergum” housebus craft Locally crafted
colour with 32mm wood grain surround gifts for all occasions including wooden
in very good order. Rebated for gib toys, native timber pens, stained glass
board, two to choose from. 1210mm suncatchers, saffron and lavender herbal
deep by 1880mm wide with openings creams, herb and lavender plants. See
and 1050mm by 630mm bathroom us at the Hampden market or call 021
window with obscure glass and opening. 702916 to visit us at home.
Gentle Annie Washing machine,
LEARN to play piano Experienced older model, needs repair as it has
teacher. Reasonable rates, all levels, stopped working. 4394259
any age, but must be keen learners.
439 4599 Colour Tvs for sale Sony
TV 24in. Trinitron, cabinet mounted,
Firewood for sale Well seasoned Mitsubishi VCR, DSE DVD player, Sanyo
dry pine, $50 cu metre or $140 trailer TV 20in. 21FST. Reasonable offers.
load. Free pick up or deliver in Hampden, Phone Annette or Howard 4394160
Moeraki, Shag Point or Herbert area. Call
Daryl or Kate 439 4868 or 021 447391 glass jars wanted Jam jars,
especially Rose’s marmalade jars and
YOUR AD HERE FOR FREE other wide mouthed jars, and bigger
glass jars. Don’t give them away to China
Contact us for free ‘Classifieds’ in
or Dunedin. Reusing them here is a real
this page and Hamrakitrading. local solution. Please ring 4394599.
Project band saw I have a motor
Contact us for free ‘Classifieds’ in
and an old base for a band saw but no
band saw band. Suit cutting thinner this page and Hamrakitrading.
timber, ie for toys. 4394259 blogspot.com.

FUJITSU HEAT PUMP Hi Wall 8.5 Cold fish smoker, Can hold up
kw. For a great deal on the supply and to 30 fillets. Fan drying motor fitted to dry
installation of this unit call 021 20 69 053 the fish before lighting up the smoking
or 439 4550. fire. 4394259

WoRK WaNTED for qualified gardener/ DoMESTIC CLEANING work

horticulturist. Available for pruning, wanted. Phone 027 241 2012
general gardening and home handywork.
Ph: 439 5750

July 2010 Hamraki Rag 19

community calendar for July
Monthly FAG gathering Red Hatters
What: Easy Rider When: July 9 at noon
When: Thursday July 1 at 7.30pm Contact: 4394410 or 4395197
Contact: 4394 887
Indoor Bowling
Gathering at St Stephens When: Every Monday evening at
When: Every Sunday at 4pm 7pm
Where: St Stephens on Ipswich Where: the Hall
Contact: 4394160
Sunday Services at St Johns
When: Every Sunday at 10am Taichi Classes
Where: St John’s at Herbert What: Exercise for mind and body
When: July 19 and 26 at 11.30am
Patchwork group Where: the Hall
When: July 5 and 19, 10am-3pm Cost: $30 for the term or $5 casual
Where: A member’s home on 5th and
Waihemo Tavern on 19th Waianakarua Women’s
Contact: 4394 616 or 4394625 Institute
When: July 20 at 10.30am
Social Soup Where: Waianakarua Memorial Hall
When: July 9 at 6pm Contact: Joy Larkins on 4394 377
Where: the Hall, souper room
Contact: 4394160 or 4394 887 Hampden Market
When: July 24, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Where: the Hall

Hampden Market
Local stall holders have a great array of goods, and
you will see your friends and neighbours while looking
out for that interesting, just what you wanted bargain.
The market is on July 24 from 9.30 am to 12.30pm.
Plan to be there for a cuppa, with the funds
going to local community groups. See you there.

20 Hamraki Rag July 2010

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