Hamraki Rag July 2010 Issue
Hamraki Rag July 2010 Issue
Hamraki Rag July 2010 Issue
• Nominations are now open for the Council engineers are working
Trustpower Volunteer Awards, and with the water scheme committees
the Waitaki Citizens Awards. (See and the community board on this
related story on page 6.) project.
• Community Board members • The Board has approved funds to go
are working with NZTA on future towards some playground equipment
management of the rest areas along for Centennial park in Moeraki.
Katiki beach . This equipment is currently being
• At a recent meeting the Board agreed manufactured. There is an opportunity
to replace the failed “designer pave” for businesses or community groups
in Palmerston and also approved a to fund additional items of play
concept landscape plan. equipment.
• The recent flood in May saw the • After an approach from the ratepayers
Civil Defence teams in Palmerston group in Moeraki a walkway is to be
and Hampden in action. Thank you constructed along Haven St from
to those volunteers who gave up the motel to the public toilets. A new
their time to be part of this important street light will be installed near the
organisation. We would welcome any toilets.
positive feedback on how we can • Council have approved funding for
improve our response to any crisis. a siren at Shag Point. This will be
• T h e D u n b a c k , P a l m e r s t o n , used to alert residents of an event,
Goodwood and Hampden/Moeraki such as a fire, where they may need
water schemes are all to have their to evacuate. Evacuation information
water treatment systems upgraded to sheets will be distributed to residents
meet the Drinking Water Standards. soon.
hamraki rag
The Hamraki Rag is a community paper published on the first Wednesday of every month
by the Hamraki Media for the area between Shag Point to Herbert including Hampden and
Moeraki, Middle Islandi of New Zealand. 415 copies are home delivered in the area while
extra copies are available from the library, Hampden Motors, Hilltop store, Toby’s Fresh Fish
in Hampden, Moeraki Tavern, Herbert Service Station, and Oamaru public library.
The Rag welcomes submissions. Write to us at 70 Norwich St, Hampden, 9410. Electronic
copy can be forwarded to hamrakirag@gmail.com. We reserve the right to edit the submission
for clarity and for style. Please keep the format of your submission as plain as possible. The
cut off date is the 20th of each month.
All the pictures are taken by our staff photographer, Bent Jansen, unless otherwise stated.
Toby’s Fish
Hours: 11am-6pm,
Wednesday through Monday
(closed on Tuesdays)
Contact Peter
021 20 69 053
03 439 4550
elegant clutter for your home
Main Road Herbert
Sunday 10am- 4.30pm or by arrangement
Margaret: 4395197/Marise: 4395654
12 Hamraki Rag July 2010
puaka matariki barbecue
by Koa Whitau
On the 5th of June Moeraki Marae were given as prizes ensured a fun
hosted the cribbies and the local night for all. Almost one hundred and
community to a barbecue to thirty people welcomed our cribbie
celebrate Matariki Maori New Year. "Prince" and our local "Princess of
The occasion was also to Moeraki", Sarah McLellan, whose
welcome, meet and greet residents, sister Amy was runner up. We thank
and to enhance and develop positive our local businesses for their support
ongoing relationships. It also provided and koha, Ngai Tahu Tourism and our
an opportunity to meet our chairman, members for their help in ensuring
P a t r i c k Ti p a , t h e the young people had
executive and whanau a memorable time.
members who belong The evening was so
to Moeraki. Together successful that many
we shared histories want this to become an
and memories while the annual event.
children participated in (Photo supplied by the
quizzes, lucky dips and author.)
art work competitions.
The two hampers which
Freeview Television offers you the chance to see more of what television has to offer.
SBS One from Australia has all the FIFA football matches on live and SBS Two is
showing replays during the day. Their coverage is better than TVNZ’s or Sky’s.
Prime TV showing replays of the All Blacks’ games as well as other interesting programmes.
Available channels on Freeview TV are TV One, TV2, TV3, C4 (music plus more), Maori
TV, TVNZ-6 for kids’ programmes during the day and adult content at night, TVNZ-7
for in depth news and special reports, Prime TV, Cue (from Invercargill with local
news, farming, sports events), Stratos (overseas news, some sports events) SBS 1
and SBS 2 Australia, TV3Plus (TV3 delayed one hour), C42 - the latest alternative
music channel, Te Reo, Parliament, and Shine TV to add a little religion to your life.
FUJITSU HEAT PUMP Hi Wall 8.5 Cold fish smoker, Can hold up
kw. For a great deal on the supply and to 30 fillets. Fan drying motor fitted to dry
installation of this unit call 021 20 69 053 the fish before lighting up the smoking
or 439 4550. fire. 4394259
Hampden Market
Local stall holders have a great array of goods, and
you will see your friends and neighbours while looking
out for that interesting, just what you wanted bargain.
The market is on July 24 from 9.30 am to 12.30pm.
Plan to be there for a cuppa, with the funds
going to local community groups. See you there.