AX HR Course
AX HR Course
AX HR Course
Course 80538:
3 Days
Information Workers
Move an applicant and his or her application through the recruitment process.
Pinpoint where, how, and why skills are used in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
TANDUC IT School JSC - - 180 Pasteur St., Dist.1, HCMC Tel: 84 8 38245819 Fax: 84 8 38247113
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Identify the basic actors in the course management structure (courses, participants, locations
and instructors).
Manage the process life cycle of a course, from design and deployment, through registration
and execution, to evaluation.
Manage participants.
Use the employee self service features from the employee viewpoint.
Use the employee self service functionality from the line manager viewpoint.
Use the employee self service functionality from the absence approver viewpoint.
Participants should have at least a basic knowledge of payroll and human resources concepts.
Participants must be familiar with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management
Set Up Human Source Management
Module 2: Organization Set Up
Organization Set Up
Work with Positions
Organization Reporting
Position Budgeting Data
Role-Based Security
Global Address Book
Lab : Create a Job
Lab : Create a Position
Module 3: Worker Setup
Setup for Worker Information
Create a New Worker Record
Position Assignment
TANDUC IT School JSC - - 180 Pasteur St., Dist.1, HCMC Tel: 84 8 38245819 Fax: 84 8 38247113
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Maintain Workers
Set Up Teams
Union Setup
Loan Equipment to Workers
Manager I-9 Compliance
Manage ADA Information
Worker Reporting
Lab : Create a Worker
Lab : Loan Equipment to a Worker
Module 4: Administer Recruitment Process
Set Up Recruitment Information
Manage Recruitment Projects
Manage the Applicant for Employment
Applicant Review Process
Hire for the Recruitment Project
Recruitment Reporting
Lab : Create the Recruitment Project
Lab : Create an Applicant for the Recruitment
Lab : Introduction to Human Resource Management
Module 5: Absence Administration
Set Up Absence Information
Manage Absences
Absence Reporting
Lab : Enter an Absence
Module 6: Manage Competencies
Set Up Competencies
Record Competencies
Report Competencies
Lab : Enter Competencies for a Worker
Module 7: Manage Worker Performance
Set Up Performance Information
Manage Performance
Performance Reports
Lab : Enter a Discussion and Goal for a Worker
TANDUC IT School JSC - - 180 Pasteur St., Dist.1, HCMC Tel: 84 8 38245819 Fax: 84 8 38247113
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TANDUC IT School JSC - - 180 Pasteur St., Dist.1, HCMC Tel: 84 8 38245819 Fax: 84 8 38247113
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