Reflection Questions: "The Mission of Jesus" (Luke 19:1-10)

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Reflection Questions: Luke 19:1-10

For the message, The Mission of Jesus given by Pastor John Ferguson
at New City Church of Calgary on January 8, 2017
These discussion questions are designed primarily to help you apply the message from the Scriptures
by helping you think through application to your personal life, your church life, and your citys life.
You can use these by yourself for reflection, or with your family or small group for discussion.
To review the sermon, go to
Pray. Take a moment to pray asking God to guide you in reflecting upon the Scripture text.
Read the Scripture text: Luke 19:1-10
A summary of the sermon: As Luke records his Gospel about Jesus, he tells us about the last stop Jesus makes before
he enters Jerusalem. This stop is in Jericho, a major tax collecting centre and there he encounters the chief tax-collector
named Zacchaeus.
Key Points:
As Jesus was passing through Jericho, Zacchaeus was seeking to see Jesus, but to his great surprise, Jesus was
also seeking to see Jesus.
Life is found in being found by Jesus.
Our hearts should beat with the missional heartbeat of Jesus.
Bottom Line:
The Mission of Jesus is to seek and to save the lost.
1. How does this text speak to your life?
Luke has told us that Jesus spent time with all kinds of people: the disciples, the Pharisees, tax collectors and
prostitutes. What do you learn about the mission of Jesus by the kinds of people he wanted to hang out with?

How does the way Jesus sees people as lost challenge the way we see people?

How would you answer this question challenge: Followers of Jesus are so arrogant. They think everyone who
doesnt believe like they do are lost.

If we see people as lost, how do we guard against arrogance? After all, no one accused Jesus of being arrogant.

2. How does this text speak to us as a church community?

In what ways should the mission of Jesus inform the priorities of our lives?

How would you describe the reordering of what Zacchaeus loved most due to his encounter with Jesus?
In light of this parable, how would you answer the question, What kind of community of faith is God calling us to

3. How does this text speak to our city?

How does the mission of Jesus (to seek and to save the lost) give helpful categories to people who think salvation
is a matter of what they do / accomplish?
What kind of new life / future in Christ is this text calling our city to experience?

What is the one thing you want to take away from this study to remember or to make a change in your life?

What are some ways you can turn what you are learning into prayer? List them as bullet points.

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