ISO27k Model Security Policy On Malware

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Malware policy

Information security policy

Policy summary
Malware is a serious threat to the organization, therefore effective malware controls are essential.
Where technically feasible, approved antivirus software must run continuously on all relevant
devices, and be updated frequently. Further technical and procedural controls are necessary to
address malware risks, including effective incident response, backups and other business continuity
arrangements in case of serious infections.

This policy applies throughout the organization as part of the corporate governance framework. It
is particularly relevant to IT users and administrators, and applies to all computing and network
platforms. This policy also applies to third party employees working for the organization whether
they are explicitly bound (e.g. by contractual terms and conditions) or implicitly bound (e.g. by
generally held standards of ethics and acceptable behavior) to comply with our information security

Policy detail
This policy concerns computer viruses, network worms, Trojan horse programs, rootkits, key
loggers, trapdoors, backdoors, adware, spyware, crimeware, scareware, ransomware etc.,
collectively known as malware (a contraction of malicious software).
Malware poses a serious threat to the organization because it is commonplace, highly variable and
surreptitious. It is difficult to detect and block. Modern malware is technically advanced, making it
difficult to eradicate and capable of undermining or negating many forms of control. Worse still,
malware incidents can be highly damaging, affecting the security of business information leading to
serious consequences such as business interruption, privacy breaches and other compliance
failures, loss/theft/devaluation of intellectual property, and safety failures.
Malware is being actively developed, traded and used by:
Individuals for personal reasons (such as spying on their partners and work colleagues or
accessing confidential proprietary information);
Criminals to commit fraud, identity theft, information theft, coercion, blackmail, sabotage etc.,
Unethical adversaries to commit industrial espionage, steal intellectual property, sabotage
business processes and commercial bids etc.; and
Hackers, journalists, private investigators, law enforcement, the security services, government
agencies and others for various reasons including national security and, potentially, cyberwar.

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Malware policy
Policy axiom (guiding principle)
Complementary layers of protection must be used to counter malware:
All reasonable steps must be taken to avoid and prevent malware infections, including both
technical/automated and procedural/manual controls; and
Appropriate detective and corrective controls must also be in place to identify and minimize
the impacts of malware infections that are not avoided or prevented by the other controls.
Detailed policy requirements

Points on the network perimeter through which malware can enter the organization from
outside should be limited and controlled, yet without unduly interfering with legitimate
network use. Only IT-approved network firewalls may be used, for example.


Further controls are necessary to prevent or at least limit the infection and spread of malware
within the organization, and prevent (as far as possible) malware leaving the organization by
any route including network connections and computer storage media.


Emails traversing the email gateways (both inbound and outbound) must be automatically
scanned for malware using IT-approved email antivirus software. Any infected messages must
be quarantined pending review and disinfection or deletion by suitable IT professionals.


Executable attachments (including those inside archives such as zip files) should be routinely
blocked or stripped from both inbound and outbound emails at the email gateways. Given
legitimate business needs, email users can request that executable attachments are virus
scanned and released from quarantine if uninfected.


All computers should be configured, maintained, monitored and patched to minimize

operating system and application vulnerabilities, including those that could lead to malware
infections. Critical security patches should be applied as soon as practicable following
successful testing. Software that is out of support and is no longer maintained or patched by
the supplier should be retired from service.


Wherever technically possible, IT-approved antivirus software must run continuously on all
applicable IT systems (e.g. PCs, servers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and things),
automatically scanning fixed and removable storage media and negating any malware
detected. Malware signature files should be updated as often as practicable, ideally by direct
download from the antivirus software vendors. In the case of IT systems supporting critical
business processes, the corresponding Information Asset Owners may however insist that
antivirus updates are routinely tested prior to implementation if the risks of inappropriate
changes outweigh the risks of malware infection and compromise.


Computer media believed to carry a significantly greater risk of malware infection, including
all data storage media (both originals and backups) associated with an infected system and/or
its users, should be virus-scanned and ideally disinfected on an isolated and safe test


Software intended for business-critical systems may have to be reviewed in detail by

technically competent and independent persons for malware if the corresponding Information
Asset Owners require it. Further risk analysis and preventive measures may be appropriate
within the software development, testing, implementation and maintenance processes. This
requirement applies to new software developments and to updates, patches or maintenance

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Malware policy
releases, whether developed externally or in-house, and allows for code reviews to occur at
any time (e.g. by scanning source code libraries/databases for malicious embedded functions).

IT users, IT system administrators, IT Help/Service Desk and other IT support staff must be
informed of and remain alert to the malware risk through suitable awareness, training and
educational activities, guidelines and procedures.

10. Workers who discover or suspect malware incidents must report them without delay to the
Help Desk and await further instructions.
11. It is particularly important that workers do not disclose or discuss incidents with outsiders
unless explicitly authorized (e.g. official press releases and briefings). To minimize
unnecessary stress and anxiety, informing the news media and various concerned parties is
best handled as an integral part of the incident management process, at the appropriate point.
Until then, say nothing and refer all queries to the Help Desk or Public Relations.
12. Automatic file integrity checks should be used routinely to monitor file systems on critical IT
systems for unauthorized changes, including those resulting from malware infections.
13. Trustworthy software installation media (ideally the original CD- or DVD-ROMs, or checksumverified downloads direct from software suppliers) should be retained to enable re-installation
of known-good operating systems and application programs in the event that this is the only
means of recovery.
14. Regular data backups should be taken to off-line storage media at frequencies determined by
the backup policy, Information Security Management and/or the applicable Information Asset
Owners. Backups should be retained for at least three months to facilitate recovery of
uninfected data files if malware infections are subsequently determined *.
15. Suitable business continuity arrangements must be in place in case of serious incidents or
disasters involving malware, covering resilience, recovery and contingency aspects.
16. Malware incidents and related near-misses must be recorded by Help Desk for statistical
reporting and continuous improvement purposes. Post-incident reviews should be completed
to analyze significant malware infections and any others where management feels it
appropriate and worthwhile to examine control weaknesses and where necessary improve
preventive, detective and/or corrective malware controls.
17. Anybody who deliberately or carelessly interferes with the correct operation of antivirus and
related malware controls may be subject to disciplinary procedures or legal measures,
particularly if their actions significantly increase the risk of malware infections or actually lead
to an infection that causes significant damage.

Information Security Management is responsible for maintaining this policy and advising
generally on information security controls. Working in conjunction with other corporate
functions, it is also responsible for running educational activities to raise awareness and
understanding of the obligations identified in this policy.

Note: in most cases, business and compliance requirements dictate that backups and archives be retained for
substantially longer than the three-month minimum noted here, sometimes for years.

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Malware policy
IT Department is responsible for determining requirements, reviewing, approving, installing,
configuring, monitoring and maintaining antivirus software and other technical antivirus
Help Desk is responsible for defining and operating the malware incident response procedures
in conjunction with various IT technical support staff and Information Security, as well as
providing first line support for IT users regarding malware support issues and concerns.
Specialists from Risk Management, Incident Management, Business Continuity, Compliance,
Public Relations etc. have particular rles in both implementing and maintaining this policy.
Workers are personally accountable for complying with applicable policies, laws and
regulations at all times. Workers who use corporate IT systems or their own IT systems under
the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device scheme) are responsible for using, and not interfering with,
the antivirus controls outlined in this policy. Prior to any official disclosures, workers must not
disclose or discuss malware incidents outside the organization unless explicitly authorized to
do so.
Internal Audit is authorized to assess compliance with this and other corporate policies at any

Related policies, standards, procedures and guidelines



Information security
policy manual

Describes the organizations Information Security Management System

and a suite of information security controls based on the good security
practices recommended by ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002

Standard on antivirus Provides technical details about the antivirus software and other
primarily technical antivirus control measures
Security policy on

Specifies security controls such as remote management, antivirus

software, backups and patching on personally-owned ICT devices used for

Policies, standards
and procedures on
network and system
security, access
control and
information integrity

Concerns security controls both at the network perimeter and within our
internal networks (e.g. firewalls and intrusion detection systems) and
systems (e.g. system integrity checking) used to protect them against,
detect and/or recover from malware infections

Policies and
procedures for
security incident
reporting and

Malware incidents should be reported urgently to the IT Help/Service

Desk; incidents will be managed and resolved promptly by the experts

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Malware policy



Malware-related incidents may be common and serious enough to make

Business continuity it worth documenting specific resilience and recovery arrangements
management policies (e.g. keeping secure offline backups/archives of all software, permitting
systems to be rebuilt from scratch if necessary), as well as all-purpose
and procedures
contingency plans
Data backup and
archival policy and

Describes corporate requirements for securely retaining off-line copies of

important files that may be needed to recover from malware infections

Information security
awareness materials

Additional information and guidance to help implement and fulfil the

requirements of this policy

Further information
For general advice on information security including malware, contact the Help Desk or browse the
intranet Security Zone. Contact Information Security or IT for more specific advice and assistance.

If you think your device may be infected by a virus, dont panic! Contact
the Help Desk straight away and take their advice. They know how to
diagnose common viruses, Trojans etc. and if appropriate will call out the
Incident Response Team or PC Support. Please be patient and do not try
to diagnose or fix it yourself as you may make things worse.
Tip: if for some reason the Help Desk cannot be reached, the safest first
step is to disconnect an infected device from the network e.g. by removing
the network cable. If you are unable to turn off wireless networking on an
infected portable, shut it down normally or remove the power (you may
need to disconnect the battery).

Important note from IsecT Ltd.

This is neither legal nor security advice. It is a generic policy template that does not reflect your
organizations particular information security risks, control requirements and constraints. It is one of a
set of more than 50 topic-based information security policy templates, available as editable Word
documents from
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