Eco - Mobility Guidelines
Eco - Mobility Guidelines
Eco - Mobility Guidelines
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Eco-Mobility Masterplan
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Intermodal connectivity for the BRT and Metro. In particular, last mile connectivity to
facilitate maximum no. of people to use public transport comfortably and safely. NOte
time-saving shortcuts to enable modal shift for short distance travel such as school dropoffs and daily shopping needs
a network of alternative routes for both quick and leisurely trips
a city-wide network of biodiversity(x) ecological corridors and public open spaces
along the nallahs, creating a massive recreational and ecological resource
an integrated yet decentralised system for surface water drainage and water waste
treatment and management
Design issues
a. Lack of direct access (negotiating level differences)
b. Lack of safety/ perception of safety (creating places and providing
necessary facilities)
c. Odour and quality of water flowing through (creating a pleasant
d. Ground recharge
2) Creating safety
ii) Participation
iii) Involvement
1) Implementation
a) Implementation models other than PPP?
b) Incentives for communities to go for
a. Eco-Mobility
b. Zero Discharge Development
c) Possibility of a economic model that generates revenue streams from
waste/water management? Could local residents (Community trusts and
cooperations) take advantage?