Simplivity GorillaGuide Hyperconverged Infrastructure
Simplivity GorillaGuide Hyperconverged Infrastructure
Simplivity GorillaGuide Hyperconverged Infrastructure
Scott D. Lowe
David M. Davis
Book Design:
Table of Contents
Section 1: Technical Overview
Chapter 1: Introduction to Hyperconverged Infrastructure
About SimpliVity
SimpliVity hyperconverged infrastructure delivers the enterprise-class
performance and availability todays IT leaders require, with the cloud
economics businesses demand. No other company has taken on the
mega task of assimilating all IT elements below the hypervisor into
x86 building blocks that combine to create a single, scalable resource
pool. SimpliVitys unique data architecture improves performance
and data efficiency, and enables built-in data protection and global
unified management from a single management interface. SimpliVitys
hyperconverged infrastructure simplifies IT infrastructure, reducing
CapEx; accelerates deployment and streamlines operations, saving runrate expenses; and improves recovery objectives, minimizing riskall
contributing to a three-fold TCO savings.
School House
This is a special place where readers can learn a bit more
about ancillary topics presented in the book.
Bright Idea
When we have a great thought, we express them through a
series of grunts in the Bright Idea section.
Dive Deep
Takes readers into the deep, dark depths of a particular topic.
Executive Corner
Discusses items of strategic interest to business leaders.
Section 1
Technical Overview
Introduction to
In recent years, it seems like technology is changing faster than it used
to in decades past. As employees devour newer technologies such as
smartphones, tablets, wearables, and other devices, and as they become
more comfortable with solutions such as Dropbox and Skype, their
demands on enterprise IT intensify. Plus, management and other
decision makers are also increasing their demands on enterprise IT to
provide more infrastructure with less cost and time. Unfortunately,
enterprise IT organizations often dont see much, if any, associated
increases in funding to accomodate these demands.
These demands have resulted in the need for IT organizations to
attempt to mimic NASAs much-heralded Faster, Better, Cheaper
operational campaign. As the name suggests, NASA made great
attempts to build new missions far more quickly than was possible in
the past, with greater levels of success, and with costs that were dramatically lower than previous missions. NASA was largely successful
in their efforts, but the new missions tended to look very different
from the ones in the past. For example, the early missions were big and
For example, its common for IT pros to add entire shelves of disks, not
because they need the capacity, but because they need the spindles to
increase overall storage performance. There are, of course, other ways
to combat storage performance issues, such as through the use of solid
state disk (SSD) caching systems, but these also add complexity to what
is already a complex situation.
There are other challenges that administrators of legacy data centers
need to consider as well:
Hardware sprawl. Data centers are littered with separate infrastructure silos that are all painstakingly cobbled together to
form a complete solution. This hardware sprawl results in a data
center that is increasingly complex, decreasing flexibility, and
expensive to maintain.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Resources to Consolidate
The basic combination of storage and servers is a good start, but once
one looks beyond the confines of this baseline definition, hyperconverged infrastructure begins to reveal its true power. The more
hardware devices and software systems that can be collapsed into a
hyperconverged solution, the easier it becomes to manage the solution
and the less expensive it becomes to operate.
Here are some data center elements that can be integrated in a hyperconverged infrastructure.
Deduplication Appliances
Backup Software
Data protection in the form of backup and recovery remains a critical task for IT and is one thats often not meeting organizational
needs. Recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO) both described in the deep dive section entitled
The Ins and Outs of Backup and Recovery are both shrinking
metrics that IT needs to improve upon. Using traditional hardware
and software solutions to meet this need has been increasingly challenging. As RPO and RTO needs get shorter, costs get higher with
traditional solutions.
With the right hyperconverged infrastructure solution, the picture changes a bit. In fact, included in some baseline solutions is
a comprehensive backup and recovery capability that can enable
extremely short RTO windows while also featuring very small
RPO metrics.
The Ins & Outs of Backup & Recovery
There are critical recovery metrics known as Recovery Time
Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RTO) that
must be considered in your data protection plans. You can
learn a lot more about these two metrics in Chapter 4.
Data Replication
Data protection is about far more than just backup and recovery.
What happens if the primary data center is lost? This is where replicated data comes into play. By making copies of data and replicating that data to remote sites, companies can rest assured that critical
data wont be lost.
To enable these data replication services, companies implement
a variety of other data center services. For example, to minimize
replication impact on bandwidth, companies deploy WAN accel8
Chapter 1
Up Next
With an understanding of hyperconverged infrastructure and
knowledge about many of the resources that can be consolidated
into such solutions, lets move on to discuss some specific data center
architectural elements and options that comprise a
hyperconverged environment.
Architecting the
Data Center
Data centers are dynamic, complex, and sometimes even chaotic. As
business needs evolve, so does the data center, with IT staff working
hard to ensure that the operating environment is sufficiently robust.
Hyperconverged infrastructure starts to change the mechanics behind
how these efforts are carried out. With regard to hyperconvergence,
there are a number of architectural elements that must be considered in
order to determine the best path forward. But always remember: one
of the primary goals of hyperconvergence is to simplify infrastructure
decisions in the data center.
You dont need to worry about buying all kinds of different hardware,
because with hyperconvergence the traditional silos of compute and
storage resources can be wrapped up into a single hyperconverged
appliance. Moreover, with the right hyperconverged infrastructure
solution, you can converge far more than just servers and storage.
You can also include your entire backup-and-recovery process, your
deduplication and WAN acceleration appliances, and much more. Your
architectural decisions can revolve around higher-order items, such as
those described in the following sections.
Not all hyperconverged solutions ship in the same kind of packaging. For example, there are appliance-based hyperconverged solutions from companies such as SimpliVity, Nutanix, Scale Computing, and Maxta. And then there are software-only solutions that
you install yourself, which include Stratoscale and Maxta. Maxta is
on both lists because they support both pre-configured appliances
and software-only.
With an appliance-based solution, youre buying the full package,
and you just need to plug everything in and turn it on. These are
really easy to get going since most things are already done for you.
However, with an appliance-based solution, you generally have to
live with whatever constraints the vendor has placed on you. You
need to remain within their hardware specifications, and you dont
always get to choose your server platform, although many appliance-based solutions do support servers from multiple vendors.
For example, SimpliVity solutions can be shipped on SimpliVitys Dell server platform or on Cisco UCS thanks to SimpliVitys
partnership with Cisco. Nutanix can be purchased on either Dell
or Supermicro, and Maxta has relationships with a variety of server
If youd rather go your own way with regard to hardware, you
can choose a software-based hyperconverged solution. With these
products, you buy your own server hardware and configure what
you want for each resource, making sure to stay within the minimum guidelines required by the hyperconverged infrastructure
solution. Once you have the server hardware delivered, you install
the hyperconverged infrastructure software and configure it to
meet your needs.
Software-based solutions are really good for larger organizations
with sufficient staff to install and support the
hyperconverged infrastructure. Hardware-based solutions are
Architecting the Hyperconverged Data Center
Lets face facts. One of the main reasons people are dissatisfied with
their data centers is because their storage solution has failed to keep
pace with the needs of the business. Its either too slow to support
mission critical applications or it doesnt have data efficiency features (deduplication and compression), thus forcing the company
to buy terabyte after terabyte of new capacity.
Many storage devices are not well-designed when it comes to
supporting virtualized workloads, either. Traditional SANs are
challenged when attempting to support the wide array of I/O types
that are inherent in heavily virtualized environments. At the same
time, storage has become more complex, often requiring specialized
skill sets to keep things running. For some systems, its not easy to
do the basics, which can include managing LUNs, RAID groups,
aggregates and more.
As companies grow and become more dependent on IT, they also
start to have more reliance on data mobility services. Legacy storage
systems dont always do a great job enabling data mobility and often dont even support services like remote replication and cloning
or, if they do, its a paid upgrade service. Without good local and
remote cloning and replication capabilities, ancillary needs like data
protection take on new challenges, too.
None of these situations are sustainable for the long term, but
companies have spent inordinate sums of cash dragging inadequate
storage devices into the future.
Hyperconverged infrastructure aims to solve this storage challenge
once and for all. At the most basic level, hyperconverged
Chapter 2
Abstract. Pool. Automate. That is the mantra by which the software-defined movement attains its success. Consider the SAN.
Its a huge and expensive device. Software-defined storage (SDS)
works in a vastly different way. With SDS, storage resources are
abstracted from the underlying hardware. In essence, physical
storage resources are logically separated from the system via a
software layer.
Hyperconverged infrastructure systems operate by returning
to an IT environment that leverages direct-attached storage
running on commodity hardware, but many solutions go far
beyond this baseline. In these baseline systems, there are a
multitude of hard drives and solid state disks installed in each
of the x86-based server nodes that comprise the environment.
Installed on each of these nodes is the traditional hypervisor
along with software to create a shared resource pool of compute
and storage.
Whats more is that there are vendors who collapse data protection, cloud gateway technologies, and services such as deduplication, compression and WAN optimization into their solution.
In essence, hyperconverged infrastructure leverages the concepts
behind software-defined storage systems in order to modernize
and simplify the data center environment.
With storage hardware fully abstracted into software, it becomes
possible to bring policy-based management and APIs to bear in
ways that focus efforts on management on the virtual machine
rather than the LUN. The virtual machine (VM) is really the
Architecting the Hyperconverged Data Center
administrative target of interest whereas a LUN is just a supporting element that contributes to how the virtual machine
functions. By moving administration up to the VM level, policies can be applied more evenly across the infrastructure.
To VSA or Not to VSA?
There is a lot being written these days about why virtual storage
appliances, orVSAs, (which run in user space) are terrible, why
VSAs are awesome, why hypervisor converged (kernel space)
storage management is terrible, and why hypervisor converged
storage management is awesome. In short, should storage management services run in user space (VSA) or kernel space (kernel
Defining VSA and Kernel-Integrated Management
Chapter 2
Most hyperconverged systems on the market use this VSA method for handling storage abstraction.
However, kernel-integrated storage is another method you
should understand. Referred to as kernel-integrated storage
management or hypervisor-converged storage, this non-VSA
storage management method operates through the implementation of a kernel-based module that resides in the hypervisor. In
other words, instead of a virtual machine handling local storage
management, this hypervisor kernel handles the job. The most
well-known kernel-integrated hyperconverged infrastructure
solutions are VMware VSAN/EVO:RAIL and Gridstore, which
uses an operating system driver to handle storage needs.
Choosing a Method
Chapter 2
The data center has become an ugly place when it comes to management. There are separate administrative consoles for everything
in the environment. The result is that administrators have no consistency in their work and are burdened with inefficiencies. To simplify management in the data center, admins need as few interfaces
as possible. Here are the most common options that you need to be
aware of when considering a hyperconverged virtual infrastructure:
Virtualization Layer Management
Chapter 2
Vendor-Supplied Management
A Relative State Transition Application Programming Interface (REST API) provides you with the entry point required to
integrate multiple management points and automate your data
You should ensure that the hyperconvergence solution you choose
offers compatibility with the virtualization management, automation,
orchestration, and API tools discussed here. Also, ensure that your
hyperconvergence solution does whatever is possible to reduce the
number of management points and tools that are required for administration and troubleshooting.
Hypervisor Support
By its very nature, hyperconverged infrastructure
requires using some kind of hypervisor. The hypervisor
has become the standard layer on which most new
business applications are deployed. Although there are
still services deployed on bare metal servers, they are
becoming far less common as virtualization assimilates
more and bigger workloads.
With virtualization forming the core for hyperconvergence infrastructure solutions, the question naturally
turns to one of hypervisor choice. If theres one thing
IT administrators try to avoid, its a lack of choice.
Organizations demand choice, and this is also true when
considering the server virtualization component of the
data center.
Just keep in mind a few key facts when choosing
hypervisor support:
First, although variety in choice is highly desired,
its not always required for individual
Chapter 2
In terms of which hypervisors are the most popular, its pretty common
knowledge that the most popular hypervisor on the market today is
VMwares vSphere. With a formidable command of the hypervisor market,
vSphere is offered as a primary hypervisor choice on a number of hyperconverged platforms.
Therefore, your decision around hypervisor support is really simple: For
which hypervisor do you require support?
Up Next
Overall data center architecture includes a number of critical decision
points, as described in this chapter. You were briefly introduced to one
decision point: hardware acceleration. However, theres a lot more to
that story. You will learn a lot more in Chapter 3 about the additional
benefits provided by hardware acceleration.
Addressing Data
Center Metrics
Pain Points
As much as IT pros hate to be told, We have to do more with less, its
doubtful that this directive will die in the near future. The unfortunate
truth is that IT has to continue to do more with either no increase or
with decreases in overall resources. This comes at the same time that
increasing attention must be paid to various traditional data center
pain points.
In this chapter, you will learn about these pain points and how hyperconverged infrastructure can be leveraged to help address them.
Storage Performance in a
Hyperconverged Infrastructure
In a hyperconverged infrastructure environment, one of the primary
resources that must be considered is storage, and not just from a
capacity perspective. Remember that storage and compute are combined in hyperconvergence, so that becomes a factor that is not present
in more traditional environments. In a traditional environment, 100%
of the available CPU and memory resources are dedicated to serving the
needs of running virtual machines. In a hyperconverged infrastructure
environment, some of those resources must be diverted to support
the needs of the storage management function, usually in the form of
a VSA. This is one of the core trade-offs to consider when adopting a
hyperconverged infrastructure.
This is where hardware acceleration can be a boon. Most hyperconverged infrastructure systems rely on the commodity hardware to carry
out all functions. With a system that uses hardware acceleration, more
commodity Intel CPU horsepower can be directed at running virtual
machines while the acceleration hardware handles processor-intensive
data reduction operations, such as deduplication and compression.
Chapter 3
Data Elements
Data Elements
Without Deduplication
With Deduplication
written to the array, additional data copies beyond the first are saved as tiny
pointers. If a completely new data item is written one that the array has
not seen before the full copy of the data is stored.
Different vendors handle deduplication in different ways. In fact, there are
two primary deduplication techniques that deserve discussion: inline deduplication and post-process deduplication.
Inline Deduplication
Inline deduplication takes place at the moment in which data is written to the
storage device. While the data is in transit, the deduplication engine fingerprints the data on the fly. As you might expect, this deduplication process
does create some overhead.
First, the system has to constantly fingerprint incoming data and then quickly
identify whether that new fingerprint already matches something in the
system. If it does, a pointer to the existing fingerprint is written. If it does not,
the block is saved as-is. This process introduces the need to have processors
that can keep up with what might be a tremendous workload. Further, there
is the possibility that latency could be introduced into the storage I/O stream
due to this process.
A few years ago, this might have been a showstopper since some storage
controllers may not have been able to keep up with the workload need.
Today, though, processors have evolved far beyond what they were just a few
years ago. These kinds of workloads dont have the same negative perfor-
Chapter 3
mance impact that they might have once had. In fact, inline deduplication
is a cornerstone feature for most of the new storage devices released in the
past few years and, while it may introduce some overhead, it often provides
far more benefits than costs. With a hardware-accelerated hyperconverged
infrastructure, inline deduplication is not only the norm, its a key cornerstone for the value that is derived from the infrastructure.
Post-Process Deduplication
As mentioned, inline deduplication imposes the potential for some processing overhead and potential latency. The problem with some deduplication
engines is that they have to run constantly, which means that the system
needs to be adequately configured with constant deduplication in mind.
Making matters worse, it can be difficult to predict exactly how much processing power will be needed to achieve the deduplication goal. As such, its not
always possible to perfectly plan overhead requirements.
This is where post-process deduplication comes into play. Whereas inline
deduplication processes deduplication entries as the data flows through the
storage controllers, post-process deduplication happens on a regular schedule,
perhaps overnight. With post-process deduplication, all data is written in
its full form copies and all on that regular schedule. The system then
fingerprints all new data and removes multiple copies, replacing them with
pointers to the original copy of the data.
Post-process deduplication enables organizations to utilize this data reduction
service without having to worry about the constant processing overhead
involved with inline deduplication. This process enables organizations to
schedule dedupe (deduplication) to take place during off hours.
The biggest downside to post-process deduplication is the fact that all data is
stored fully hydrated a technical term that means that the data has not been
deduplicated and, as such, requires all of the space that non-deduplicated
data needs. Its only after the scheduled process that the data is shrunk. For
those using post-process dedupe, bear in mind that, at least temporarily,
youll need to plan on having extra capacity. There are a number of
hyperconverged infrastructure systems that use post process deduplication
Chapter 3
Primary storage This is the storage thats user- or application-facing. Its where your users store their stuff, where email
servers store your messages, and where your ERPs database is
housed. Its the lifeblood for your day-to-day business operations.
Backup An important pillar of the storage environment revolves around storage needs related to backup. As the primary
storage environment grows, more storage has to be added to
the backup environment, too.
When people think about storage, they often focus just on primary
storage, especially as users and applications demand more capacity.
But when you look at the storage environment from the top down,
storage growth happens across all of these storage tiers, not just the
primary storage environment.
In other words, your capacity needs are growing far faster than it
might appear. Hardware acceleration, when applied to all of the
storage domains in aggregate, can have a tremendous impact on
capacity. By treating all of these individual domains as one, and
deduplicating across all of them, you can achieve pretty big capacity
But deduplication, as mentioned before, can be CPU-intensive. By
leveraging hardware acceleration, you can deduplicate all of this
without taking CPU resources away from running workloads. By
infusing the entire storage environment with global deduplication
capabilities via hardware acceleration, you can get capacity benefits
that were only the stuff of dreams just a few years ago. Hyperconvergence with great deduplication technology can attain great
results while also simplifying the overall management needs in the
data center.
Chapter 3
Linear Scalability
Businesses grow all the time. The data center has to grow along
with it. Scaling up has been one of the primary accepted ways to
grow, but it carries some risks. Remember, in the world of storage,
scaling up occurs when you add additional capacity without also
adding more CPU and networking capacity at the same time. The
problem here is that you run the risk of eventually overwhelming
the shared resources that exist. Figure 3-1 shows an example of a
scale-up environment.
Scale-out has become a more popular option because it expands all
resources at the same time. With hyperconverged infrastructure,
the scaling method is referred to as linear scalability. Each node has
all of the resources it needs CPU, RAM, and storage in order
to stand alone. Figure 3-2 gives you a look at this kind of scalability.
Scale Up Architecture - Increasing Burden on
Shared Components and Single Points of Failure
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Storage Head/
Storage Head/
Storage Head/
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Storage Head/
Storage Head/
Storage Head/
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Disk Shelf
Storage Head/
Storage Head/
Storage Head/
Figure 3-2: A scale out environment has nodes that can individually stand alone
Up Next
The items discussed in this chapter are critically important to ensuring
that the data center adequately (maybe even excellently!) supports
business needs, but these metrics are just the very tip of the iceberg.
Under the waterline are other requirements that cant be ignored. In
the next chapter, well discuss one really important requirement that is
often quite challenging: data protection.
Chapter 3
Ensuring Availability,
Data Protection and
Disaster Recovery
Even the smallest of small businesses today depend on their IT resources being available on a 24/7 basis. Even short periods of downtime can
wreak havoc, impact the bottom line, and mean having to cancel going
out to lunch. Maintaining an agreed-upon level of infrastructure availability is critically important. On top of that, outages or other events
resulting in loss of data can be a death knell for the business. Many
businesses that suffer major data loss fail to recover in the long-term
and eventually make their way down the drain. Data protection is one
of ITs core services. Unfortunately, its also a hard service to provide
at times, or at least, it was. There are now some hyperconverged
infrastructure solutions that are uniquely positioned to solve, once and
for all, the challenges across the entire data protection spectrum.
Chapter 4
Yes, RAID is a part of your availability strategy, but its also a big
part of your data protection strategy. IT pros have been using
RAID for decades. For the most part, it has proven to be very
reliable and has enabled companies to deploy servers without
much fear of negative consequences in the event of a hard drive or
two failing. Over the years, companies have changed their default
RAID levels as the business needs have changed, but the fact is that
RAID remains a key component in even the most modern arrays.
The RAID level you choose is really important, but you shouldnt
have to worry about it. The solution should do it for you. That
said, dont forget that its pretty well-known that todays really
large hard drives have made traditional RAID systems really tough
to support. When drives fail in a traditional RAID array, it can
take hours or even days to fully rebuild that drive. Dont forget
this as you read on; well be back to this shortly.
Figure 4-2: Key Takeaway: On the data protection spectrum, RAID helps you survive
the loss of a drive or two.
Replication/RAIN/Disaster Recovery
RAID means you can lose a drive and still continue to operate, but
what happens if you happen to lose an entire node in a hyperconverged infrastructure cluster? Thats where replication jumps in to
save the day. Many hyperconverged infrastructure solutions on the
market leverage replication as a method for ensuring ongoing availability and data protection in the event that something takes down
a node, such as a hardware failure or an administrator accidentally
pulling the wrong power cord.
This is possible because replication means making multiple copies
of data and storing them on different nodes in the cluster.
Chapter 4
Therefore, if a node is wiped off the face of the earth, there are one
or more copies of that data stored on other cluster nodes.
Two kinds of replication
There are two different kinds of replication to keep in mind.
One is called local and the other is called remote. Local
replication generally serves to maintain availability in the
event of a hardware failure. Data is replicated to other nodes
in the cluster in the same data center. Remote replication
is leveraged in more robust disaster recovery scenarios and
enables organizations to withstand the loss of an entire site.
Figure 4-3: Lost a node? Cant nd it? Dont worry! Replication will save the day!
Besides helping you to make sure that your services remain available, replication goes way beyond just allowing you with withstand
the loss of a node, too. When replication is taken beyond the data
center to other sites, you suddenly gain disaster recovery capability,
too. In fact, in some hyperconverged systems that leverage inline
deduplication across primary and secondary storage tiers, thats exactly what happens. After deduplication, data is replicated to other
nodes and to other data centers, forming the basis for incredibly
efficient availability and disaster recovery.
How About Both RAID and RAIN Combined
Chapter 4
Despite your best efforts, there will probably come a day when you
need to recover data lost from production. Data losses can happen
for a variety of reasons:
Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery takes backup one step further than the basics.
Whereas backup and recovery are terms that generally refer to backing up data and, when something happens, recovering that data,
disaster recovery instead focuses on recovery beyond just the data.
Disaster recovery demands that you think about the eventual needs
by starting at the end and working backward. For example, if your
data center is hit by an errant meteor (and assuming that this meteor has not also caused the extinction of the human race) recovering
Chapter 4
your data alone will be insufficient. You wont have anything onto
which to recover your data if your data center is obliterated.
Before we get too fatalistic, lets understand what the word disaster
really means in the context of the data center. Its actually kind of
an unfortunate term since it immediately brings to mind extinction-level events, but this is not always the case for disaster recovery.
There are really two kinds of disasters on which you need
to focus:
Thinking about the disaster recovery process with the end in mind
requires that you think about what it would take to have everything back up and running hardware, software, and data before disaster strikes.
Yes, your existing backup and recovery tools probably play a big
role in your disaster recovery plan, but thats only the very beginning of the process.
Disaster recovery plans also need to include, at a
bare minimum:
Were going to be talking a lot about data reduction deduplication and compression in this book. Theyre a huge part of the
hyperconverged infrastructure value proposition and, when done
right, can help IT to address problems far more comprehensively
than when its done piecemeal.
When it comes to data protection, data reduction can be really
important, especially if that data reduction survives across different
time periods production, backup, and disaster recovery. If that
data can stay reduced and deduplicated, some very cool possibilities
emerge. The sidebar below highlights one such solution.
Fault Tolerance
Availability is very much a direct result of the kinds of fault tolerance features built into the infrastructure as a whole. Data center
administrators have traditionally taken a lot of steps to achieve
availability, with each step intended to reduce the risk of a fault in
various areas of the infrastructure. These can include:
Chapter 4
End Results:
High Availability, Architectural
Resiliency, Data Protection, and
Disaster Recovery
No one wants downtime. Its expensive and stressful. Most organizations would be thrilled if IT could guarantee that there would be no
more downtime ever again. Of course, there is no way to absolutely
guarantee that availability will always be 100%, but organizations do
strive to hit 99% to 99.999% availability as much as possible.
High availability is really the result of a combination of capabilities
in an environment. In order to enable a highly available application
environment, you need to have individual nodes that can continue to
Chapter 4
work even if certain hardware components fail and you need to have a
cluster that can continue to operate even if one of the member nodes
bites it.
Hyperconverged infrastructure helps you to achieve your availability
and data protection goals in a number of different ways. First, the
linear scale-out nature of hyperconverged infrastructure (i.e., as you
add nodes, you add all resources, including compute, storage, and
RAM), means that you can withstand the loss of a node because data is
replicated across multiple nodes with RAIN. Plus, for some hyperconverged solutions, internal use of RAID means that you can withstand
the loss of a drive or two in a single node. With the combination of
RAIN+RAID providing the most comprehensive disaster recovery
capabilities, you can withstand the loss of an entire data center and
keep on operating with little to no loss of data.
As you research hyperconverged infrastructure solutions, its important
to make sure that you ask a lot of questions about how vendors provide
availability and data protection in their products. The answers to these
questions will make or break your purchase.
Up Next
Its clear that data protection and high availability are key components
in any data center today. The cloud has become another way that
companies can improve their availability and data protection systems.
Of course, cloud can do a lot more as well, which is why its the topic of
our next chapter.
Hyperconvergence &
the Public Cloud
This chapter will help you understand the ways by which you can
leverage cloud services as a part of your hyperconverged infrastructure
solutions. It will also help you better understand the concept of
private cloud and how that fits with hyperconvergence. Can a
hyperconverged solution deliver some of the things that cloud can give
pit an expense center to be minimized. Obviously, when leveraged properly, IT can be an incredible enabling function, but even
in these cases, no one wants to spend more than they have to.
When you buy your own data center hardware and software, you
incur pretty significant CapEx. This initial cash outlay necessary
to procure a solution can be pretty high and can result in the need
to cut corners or even delay upgrades if there is not enough cash
When you decide to start consuming resources from the public
cloud, there is no initial cash outlay necessary. You dont incur
capital expenses. Sure, you might have to pay a bit in the way of
startup costs, but you dont have to buy hardware and software.
You simply rent space on someone elses servers and storage.
Business decision makers love this shift. They dont need to worry
about huge capital outlays, and they know that theyre paying for
what they use. Theyre not paying for extra hardware that may
never end up actually being leveraged to help solve business needs.
When you build your own data center, you have to scale it yourself.
Sometimes, you can scale in increments that make financial sense,
while other times you have to add more than you might like due to
predefined requirements from your vendors.
When you use the public cloud, you dont have to worry about
inherent scaling limits or increments. Remember, you pay for what
you use. As your usage grows, so does your bill, but you dont generally need to manually add new resources to your account. It can
happen automatically.
Scalability granularity often isnt a problem with the public cloud.
You grow as you need to. There is no practical limit to how far you
can grow as long as the cloud provider still has resources.
Hyperconvergence & the Public Cloud
Chapter 5
For scale, the cloud provider can provide grid-like scalability to great
levels so that you dont need to worry about how to grow when the
time comes.
For public cloud, there are a number of pros and cons to consider. On
the plus side, cloud will:
Provide more cost effective scale than would be feasible in a private data center.
Charges across every aspect of the environment, from data storage to data transfer and more
Chapter 5
storage, and networking layers. However, you need the ability to deploy your
own operating systems inside vendor-provided virtual machines. Plus, you
want to have the ability to manage operating systems, security, databases, and
For some, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) makes the most sense since the
provider offers the network, storage, compute resources, and virtualization
technology while you manage everything else.
On-Premises Reality
Even though public cloud has a number of desirable traits, there are
some harsh realities with which CIOs and IT pros need to contend:
Private Clouds
The term private cloud is often, well, clouded in confusion as people
try to apply the term to a broad swath of data center architectures. So,
lets try to clear up some of the confusion.
First and foremost, a private cloud environment generally resides in
a single tenant environment that is built out in an on-premises data
center, but it can sometimes consist of a single tenant environment in a
public data center. For the purposes of this chapter, well focus on the
on-premises use case.
Private cloud environments are characterized by heavy virtualization
which fully abstracts the applications from underlying hardware
components. Virtualization is absolutely key to these kinds of environments. Some companies go so far as to offer internal service level
agreements to internal clients in a cloud-like manner. The key phrase
there is internal clients that is the customer in a private cloud
environment. For such environments, being able to provide service
level guarantees may mean that multiple geographically dispersed data
centers need to be built in order to replicate this feature of public cloud
Heavy use of virtualization coupled with comprehensive automation
tools reveals an additional benefit of private cloud: self-service. Moving
to more of a self-service model has two primary benefits:
Chapter 5
Enables ability to deploy new workloads on a common infrastructure. Again, this comes courtesy of the virtualization layer.
Not really providing what is considered a cloud computing economic model. You still have to buy and maintain everything.
Hybrid Cloud
Increasingly, people are choosing both cloud options public and
private to meet their needs. In a hybrid cloud scenario, the company
builds its own on-premises private cloud infrastructure to meet local
applications needs and also leverages public cloud where reasonable
and possible. In this way, the company gets to pick and choose which
services run where and can also move between them at will.
Chapter 5
Up Next
Youve now completed your introductory journey into the technical
world of hyperconverged infrastructure. In the next section of this
book, you will learn about a number of ways that you can begin
use this knowledge in order to solve some of your most challenging
business problems.
Chapter 5
Section 2
Use Cases
Virtual Desktop
For years, IT pros have been trying their best to improve what has
become a chaotic desktop management environment and to reduce
costs for providing desktop computers. One of the original use cases
around hyperconverged infrastructure was virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).
VDI is an interesting solution. Like many trends in IT, VDI has gone
through Gartners hype cycle (Figure 6-1). It went through both a
period of sky-high expectations and also hit rock bottom as people
became increasingly disillusioned with the technology. Today, however,
its reaching the top
end of the Slope of
Peak of Inated Expectations
Enlightenment and
entering the Plateau of
Plateau of Productivity
How did we get to
where we are?
Slope of Enlightenment
Trough of Disillusionment
Technology Trigger
Persistent Desktops
Persistent desktops are the type that closely resemble desktop
computers in the physical world. There is a 1:1 relationship
between a virtual desktop and a user. In other words, a user
has his or her own virtual desktop that no one else uses. This
model is the most seamless from a user perspective since
users have become used to having their own space. Persistent
desktops require you to have sufficient storage for desktop
Non-Persistent Desktops
Think of a college computer lab: rows of computers available
for any student, and students can go to different computers
every day. The students really dont care which computer
they use each day as long as one is available and they dont
need to maintain user-specific settings. This is known as a
non-persistent desktop. User settings are not maintained
between sessions. Each time a user logs in, its as if he or she
has logged in for the first time.
Chapter 6
Now, multiply all of this I/O by the number of users logging into
their virtual desktops at the same time. In the world of the traditional
desktop, each user has his or her own storage device (the local hard
drive) to handle these I/O operations. In a VDI environment, the
virtual desktops all share common storage systems, often a SAN or
NAS device shared among the various hosts that house the virtual
desktops. The amount of I/O that starts to hit storage can be in the
hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of IOPS.
The Failure and Resurgence of Storage
This was the problem in the early days of VDI. Then-current diskbased storage systems simply could not keep up with demands and
quickly succumbed under the IOPS-based assault that came their
way. This led directly to the hype cycles Trough of Disillusionment
as people quickly discovered that there would be no return on their
VDI investment because they had to buy shelves and shelves of disks
to keep up with I/O demands. In technical terms, getting appropriate
performance characteristics wasnt cheap at all.
Shortly thereafter, flash storage started on its road into the enterprise.
With the ability to eat IOPS faster than anything previously on the
market, flash became a go-to technology for virtual desktops. It was
used in many different ways, but flash carried its own baggage on the
VDI journey. First, some of the flash-based solutions added complexity
to storage, and second, all flash systems tended to be expensive.
Second-Class Citizenship for Data Protection
Protecting VDI environments was also a challenge. The nature of VDI
didnt always mean that it would enjoy the same kinds of data protection services as server workloads, even though desktop computing
really is a critical service. Between WAN bandwidth and backup storage
needs, fully protecting the desktop environment wasnt always feasible.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Chapter 6
On Disk
Deduplication in cache
Chapter 6
Another huge advantage for cache that comes from tracking all data as
metadata is more intelligent cache-warming algorithms. Instead of simply
grabbing the next block on the disk and betting on previous writes being
sequential (see theIO Blender effect), the hyperconverged infrastructure
nodes will calculate predictive caching based on the metadata. This leads to a
much more intelligent and successful predictive cache approach.
This is just one of many advantages hyperconverged infrastructure can
provide. This data efficiency, when applied to cache, not only improves the
space utilization of cache, logically providing a larger cache, but also prevents
read operations from going to the HDDs. It helps you improve your application performance and realize, on average, 40:1
data efficiency.
Up Next
With easy scalability, excellent performance capabilities, and great
data protection features, hyperconverged infrastructure has become
a natural choice for virtual desktop infrastructure environments. Up
next, lets go a little deeper into how this architecture can help you
address remote office and branch office scenarios.
Chapter 6
Remote Office /
Branch Office
Remote Office and Branch Office (ROBO) IT can create some pretty
tough situations for IT pros to conquer. Perhaps the most significant
problem is one of scale. Many ROBO environments have the need to
grow very large, but need to do so by remaining very small. Consider a
fictional company that has 500 locations. This is a big company, so the
overall aggregate technology needs of the organization will be significant. At the same time, though, each branch location in this company
supports 20 employees and is also a sales outlet. The individual sizing
needs of each branch are relatively modest.
probably want two or more servers just so you can have some level
of availability. If one server fails, the other one can pick up the load.
Getting high availability with just two servers, while solvable, isnt
always straightforward.
At the same time, you have to keep an eye on performance to make
sure that poorly performing local applications dont negatively impact
the branchs business. You cant forget about data protection, either. If
this was a single-site company, data protection would be relatively easy;
you just back data up to a tape, disk, or a second location. But if you
have many sites and some have slow Internet links, it can be tough to
protect data in a way that makes sense. You dont want to have local IT
staff that needs to change tapes, or watch backup appliances. You also
dont want to have non-technical people trying to do this as a part of
their jobs. It doesnt always work out well.
Plus, theres ongoing support. Stuff happens. You need to be able to
keep every site operational. However, with each site you add (each
with its own unique needs), the overall complexity level can become
overwhelming. As complexity increases, efficiency decreases and it
becomes more difficult to correct problems that might occur. Figure
7-1 provides a demonstrative overview of todays data center. In many
ROBOs, centralized IT delivers services to the remote sites from a
centralized location over a WAN. By centralizing IT, the company
eliminates the cost of skilled IT staff on site at remote sites and reduces
the risk to business continuity since IT handles data protection.
However, the major drawbacks are often poor application performance, scattered management, and difficulty correcting issues that arise
in remote sites.
Chapter 7
Data generated at branch offices needs first-class citizen protection, but often cant get it using legacy tools.
Hardware at branch offices might run the gamut from just a server or two to a full cluster with a SAN, but most companies want
to be able to have minimal hardware at branch locations when
possible and need to be able to centrally manage solutions.
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Without some kind of change, the dystopian future for the ROBO will
be so challenging that even Katniss Everdeen would call it quits and
hang up her bow and arrow.
Chapter 7
Less Hardware
Some sites need very little hardware while others need more. Some
sites traditionally needed dedicated storage while others didnt.
Its chaos. With the right hyperconverged infrastructure solution,
you can have sites that operate on just one or two appliance-based
nodes without having to compromise on storage capacity and performance. You simply deploy the two nodes, and they form their
own cluster that imbues the branch with highly efficient storage
capabilities that include comprehensive data deduplication and
reduction. For larger sites, you simply add more nodes. No SAN
is needed and all of the hardware across all of the sites is common,
easy to support, and provides enterprise-level capabilities, even in a
single-node or two-node cluster.
The data reduction features available in some hyperconverged infrastructure solutions mean that you dont need to constantly add
storage. With reduction, you get to cram more data into the same
amount of overall capacity at the branch site. Reduction also has
other benefits. Read on.
Comprehensive Data Protection
perform tasks such as changing tapes and increases the potential for
successful recovery in the event of a disaster. In Figure 7-2, you see a
nice, neat, and streamlined infrastructure.
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Deployment Options
As youre deploying ROBO solutions using hyperconverged infrastructure, you need to take a look at how you want your ROBO
sites configured. There are two typical models available:
Up Next
ROBO environments can be considered an application that requires
some specialized attention. This is a perfect use case for hyperconvergence. However, there are some actual applications that have special
resource needs as well. In the next chapter, youll learn about these
applications and how hyperconvergence helps.
Tier 1/Dedicated
Application Support
Not every company needs to tear down their entire data center and
replace everything with shiny new hyperconverged infrastructure
appliances. The chances are pretty good that you cant really do that
even if you wanted to. However, you may have a single application
thats challenging you and needs to be tamed. Or, perhaps you have a
new application that you need to deploy, and you cant deploy it on
your existing data center infrastructure.
For you, hyperconverged infrastructure still might be just the answer.
In fact, even if you have only a single application, you might still be
able to leverage hyperconvergence.
Hyperconvergence and
Dedicated Applications
The right hyperconverged infrastructure solution can help you to
virtualize even the largest of your Tier 1 mission-critical applications
while also ensuring that you have sufficient resources to operate these
workloads. Plus, dont forget the major role hardware acceleration
plays in some hyperconverged systems.
By offloading the heavy lifting operations, you can more confidently
virtualize I/O-heavy applications while also reducing the amount of
storage capacity those applications require. With deduplication being
handled by a hardware card, you can gain the benefits of deduplication
without incurring the typical performance penalty that can be
introduced when deduplication has to be handled by a commodity
Elements of the Microsoft stack, including SQL Server and SharePoint,
can be safely virtualized and significantly accelerated by moving to
hyperconvergence. The same holds true for Oracle. Other I/O hungry
applications are growing in popularity, too. Two emerging applications
that carry with them pretty significant I/O requirements are Splunk
and Hadoop. Splunk is a logging tool subjected to abusive write needs
while Hadoop is a big data analytics tool that requires a whole lot of
both read and write I/O capability. Both need a lot of storage capacity,
too, which is where the aforementioned deduplication features come
into play.
Even better, as you need to grow, you just grow. Scalability is a core
part of the infrastructure. When you grow, you can add more storage
capacity, more storage performance, more CPU, and more RAM as
needed, so you dont need to worry about encountering a resource
constraint somewhere along the line. That said, one common misper78
Chapter 8
Up Next
Just when you thought that you had everything solved by virtualizing
and moving to hyperconvergence all of your Tier 1 applications, now
comes along a directive to consolidate your disparate data centers.
That, dear reader, is the topic of Chapter 9.
Data Center
Mergers and acquisitions. Cost cutting. New business initiatives. There
are all kinds of reasons why companies make the decision to consolidate
data centers. Maybe your company undergoes explosive, barely controlled growth or they may decide to stop, take a pause, and reconsider
how IT does business in their organization. Or maybe your company
decides to buy out another company, and you suddenly inherit a whole
series of data centers that youre not prepared to handle.
Want to know a secret? It will be up to you to figure it out. Furthermore, youll probably be asked to do it with the same budget you
already have.
Heres the thing, though. Data center consolidation isnt always just
about reducing the number of data centers from a big number to a
smaller number. Sometimes, its about reducing the amount of stuff
strewn about the data centers that you already have.
Todays IT organizations generally buy and integrate numerous point
solutions, from a plethora of vendors, each with its own training
courses, licensing, refresh cycles, and mode of operation. These point
products are the result of years of planning and investments to support
business applications.
We hear the same story time and time again. Does this sound familiar?
You virtualized about 5 to 8 years ago and naturally a data protection
strategy project came directly after that. The SharePoint implementation project for your marketing organization took eons to complete
and required purchasing a new SAN. It feels like you just bought that
SAN yesterday, but you blinked, three years flew by, and its time to
refresh . . . again. The decision to buy all of these products made sense
at the time, but today data center complexity can feel overwhelming
and discourage innovation.
All of this has really cooked up several challenges for IT organizations,
Budget constraints
Operational efficiency
Application performance
Chapter 9
SSD arrays
Rather than just taking all of the hardware from the various sites and
combining it all into one supersite, you can rethink the whole model.
In addition to cutting down physical locations, you can also minimize
Up Next
Data center consolidation is important, but you still need a place to
run applications and perform testing and development. Testing and
development environments are often short-changed in the world of
IT. In the next chapter, you will learn why thats not a good situation.
Plus, youll learn how hyperconverged infrastructure can help you to
improve your operations from testing to production.
Chapter 9
Test & Development
Its pretty clear that production environments enjoy premier status
in most data centers. Production gets the fastest storage, the biggest
servers, and all of the supporting services which make the application
magic happen. Meanwhile, the poor test and development (test/dev)
environment doesnt get all that much attention.
Lets take a look at what the test/dev environment supports.
Test/dev consists of important activities, which include:
Having a place to perform unit testing and load testing for new
software being created by developers.
Chapter 10
Hyperconverged Infrastructure in
Test/Dev Environments
Once again, the right hyperconverged infrastructure solution has the
potential to address all of the challenges identified in the previous
section. Further, with the right solution, you can also add test/dev
capability to companies that may not have had it in the past.
There are a couple of ways you can stand up a test/dev environment
using a hyperconverged infrastructure solution:
Chapter 10
Figure 10-1: Building out two environments to support separate test/dev and production scenarios
Chapter 10
Up Next
Its clear that test and development environments can be significant
assets, but theyre only useful if theyre leveraged in a way that supports
the needs of the business. In the next chapter, well talk about when
happens when IT goes rogue . . . or at least appears to. Alignment
between IT and the business is the topic of Chapter 11.
Aligning Architecture
& Priorities
Perhaps one of the most enduring meta-conversations about IT in past
decades has been around how well IT serves the needs of the business.
Often referred to as IT/business alignment this conversation generally used to indicate when IT failed to meet the needs of the business. In
a perfect world, there wouldnt have to be this conversation because IT
would never be considered as off-track or rogue. Unfortunately, that
is not reality. IT often struggles to maintain a focus on the business,
a problem often exacerbated by the infrastructure solutions that have
been adopted.
In fact, this whole idea of alignment is one that hyperconverged infrastructure has the potential to address head-on. No, it wont fix every
alignment problem in every organization, but it can begin the process.
Data centers are among the costliest physical assets owned and
operated by organizations. The cost is not just in the equipment that
is deployed, but also in the sheer effort that it takes to manage that
equipment, keep it running, and keep it maintained year after year. To
make matters worse, many companies have deployed Band-Aid-like
solutions to patch over problems introduced as the data center grows
more complex or is challenged to meet emerging business needs.
Lets start with the items considered priorities by respondents. In
Figure 11-1, you will see that improving data protection, improving
operational efficiency, and implementing VDI are the top three items
on respondents radars. Remember, these responses do not consider
the role of hyperconverged infrastructure; these are simply overall IT
Now, lets look at respondents primary driver for considering
hyperconverged infrastructure, the results of which are shown in Figure
11-2. See if you can tell exactly where the results of each question diverge
from one another. Notice anything interesting?
Improving operational efficiency is near the top of both lists, as well
discuss later in this chapter. Whats a bit more interesting is where we
see divergence, particularly as it pertains to data protection. There is a
vast gulf between the importance of data protection on the overall IT
priorities list and what people look for in hyperconverged
Aligning Architecture & Priorities
Which of the following would you consider to be your organization's most important IT
priorities over the next 12 to 18 months? (Multiple Responses Allowed)
Improve data backup/recovery, disaster recovery...
Cost reduction
VDI initiative
Improve scalability
Improve backup/recovery/DR
Data Protection
Chapter 11
this research. In comparing key drivers for hyperconverged infrastructure against larger IT initiatives, it was surprising to see that
data protection ranked seventh in the list despite the fact that it
was identified as the highest IT priority to address. This may be
due to the fact that enterprises are not equating modernizing the
architecture with hyperconverged infrastructure with modernizing
data protection; they continue to view hyperconverged solutions as
simple conglomerations of servers and storage. Since, to many people, hyperconverged simply means exactly that, it may not be so
far-fetched that they do not consider data protection a key part of
the hyperconverged package. Many hyperconverged infrastructure
solutions include backup, recovery, disaster recovery, and business
continuity capabilities.
This book devotes an entire chapter to this topic, so we wont
reiterate all of that here, except to say that those who have significant backup, recovery and disaster-recovery needs would do well
to carefully study the hyperconverged infrastructure market and
understand whats possible in this realm. With the right solution,
there are some impressive data protection capabilities available.
Operational Efficiency
devices in the data center that can suffer from the same problem.
Since the VM is the center of the data center universe, why not
implement a system that focuses directly on these constructs?
Hyperconverged infrastructure solutions provide this opportunity
to varying degrees, depending on vendor. Rather than go to three
different places to define storage, backup, and replication policies,
some hyperconverged infrastructure systems enable these policies
to be attached to the VM.
Policy application is just one aspect of operational efficiency. There
are many more, including:
Overall alignment enhancement As has been mentioned, efficiency and simplicity can help IT better achieve alignment with
the business.
You will have noticed that cost reduction is also very high on the list
for survey respondents. We believe that cost reduction and operational
efficiency go hand in hand with one another for many people. However, we also understand that hyperconvergence has the potential to
Chapter 11
Up Next
Alignment is about more than just technology. Its also about people
and hyperconvergence can and will have some impact on you. Dont
let hyperconvergence worry you with regard to what it means for your
job. In the next chapter, well tackle that issue.
Section 3
Inertia Mitigating
Perceived Challenges
What is the primary reason that you have no interest in deploying hyperconverged
infrastructure in the near term? (N=177)
Current solution works ne
No time/resources to evaluate
Organizational/cultural resistance
However, the top reasons why people arent yet looking at the technology have nothing to do with the technology itself but rather have to do
with the business cycle:
Current solution works just fine The adage If its not broke,
why fix it? holds true for many. However, that wont always be
the case. Business priorities change on a dime, and understanding
the significant benefits that may come from modernizing the
data center with hyperconverged infrastructure solutions will be
useful for the future.
In this chapter, were going to tackle some of the more serious issues
that people have brought up with regard to hyperconvergence.
The IT Staffing Challenge
Chapter 12
The data center refresh cycle is out of control and is way too tied
to capital budget dollars. Many organizations tackle individual
resources separately. For example, they replace storage in Year 1 and
then every four years thereafter. They replace a few servers each
year. They replace supporting equipment, such as WAN accelerators and SSD caches, every three years. This mish-mash of replacement cycles creates confusion and doesnt always result in an equal
distribution of budget
What if you could implement a real rolling refresh process and
simply add new appliances as new business needs dictate? And,
as a reasonable replacement cycle emerges, you simply remove an
appliance a year and cycle in a new one. Figure 12-2 gives you a look
at once such scenario.
The previous figure also demonstrates how you scale this environment. As you need to add new appliances, you just add new appliances. In the example shown in Figure 12-2, you start with three
appliances in Year 1 and scale to four appliances in Year 2 and Year
3. In Year 4, you maintain four appliances but begin to cycle new
appliances in. The entire process consists of racking and stacking
new appliances as well as removing old ones.
This is a pretty new way to handle every infrastructure element.
You no longer have to juggle storage, servers, and other supporting systems, including WAN accelerators, backup storage, and the
other myriad appliances that litter the data center.
Obviously, though, you cant just tear everything out of the data
center today and replace it all with hyperconverged infrastructure.
Like most things, you need to be able to phase in hyperconvergence
as it is possible from a budgetary perspective.
Overcoming Inertia
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Appliance 1
Appliance 1
Appliance 1
Appliance 2
Appliance 2
Appliance 2
Appliance 3
Appliance 3
Appliance 3
Appliance 4
Appliance 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Appliance 1
Appliance 1
Appliance 1
Appliance 2
Appliance 2
Appliance 2
Appliance 3
Appliance 3
Appliance 3
Appliance 4
Appliance 4
Appliance 4
Appliance 5
Appliance 5
Appliance 5
Appliance 6
Appliance 6
Appliance 7
Appliance 8
Chapter 12
Up Next
Understanding how to overcome inertia in order to make the right
changes in your data center is really important. Also important are the
economics behind the intended solution. Thats the topic of our next
and final chapter.
Overcoming Inertia
Economics: How It
Impacts the IT Budget
overhead to lower costs. You can do the same thing in IT with its own
version of overhead. Reduction activities include simplifying administration, improving utilization of existing assets, and limiting the staff
time spent on the care of feeding of the existing infrastructure.
The result is often reduced budgetary needs, and it can also mean that
the company is better able to seize new business opportunities as they
arise. That alone can have a dramatic positive impact on an organizations finances and the perception of ITs value to the business.
OpEx vs. CapEx
There are two kinds of expenses that you need to keep in
mind when you consider data center economics:
Operational expenditures (OpEx) OpEx generally aligns
with the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a solution minus
the initial costs. These are the ongoing expenses incurred
when administering and maintaining what youve already
Capital expenditures (CapEx) These align pretty closely
with the initial cost of a solution and are often considered the
one-time costs associated with a purchase.
No need to separate workloads By having the ability to consolidate workload silos into fewer or even just one silo, you can
more easily increase overall utilization of what youre running.
This harkens back to the early days of server virtualization, which
carried increased utilization as a key driver for adoption.
Coexistence with existing systems Although this is not possible for all hyperconverged infrastructure solutions, the savings
can be significant for those that can, in fact, coexist with existing
infrastructure. In this scenario, you can more easily continue to
use some existing systems (generally existing vSphere hosts) in
conjunction with the new hyperconverged environment.
can begin to redirect efforts toward goals that are more directly
Lets examine this in more detail. In the Figure 13-1, youll see two lines.
The flat line is the purchased resource capacity at the inception of the
current replacement cycle. The sloping line is the actual resource need
in the data center. The shaded area is a zero return on investment zone.
Purchased Capacity
Figure 13-1: Load vs. Purchased Capacity in a Traditional Data Center Infrastructure
Chapter 13
forms. For example, you may be able to directly save money in another
area by making a technology investment. Or, you may be able to save
time on a process. In a business, saving time equates to saving money.
The goal with ROI is to get back more than you put in. At the very
least, your ROI should result in not moving backward.
Initial cost, or cost of acquisition If you cant afford the initial cash
outlay for something, even the highest ROI and lowest total cost of
ownership (TCO) wont matter. Thats one of the reasons why the
initial cost remains a top priority for many organizations.
For the first few years of this solution, there is massive waste in resource
and budget. IT has to buy this way today because many data center
solutions dont easily lend themselves to incremental scale. Instead, IT
staff have to attempt to project the data centers needs for the next three
to five years, and they wont always get it right. This is not a knock on
IT pros; after all, stock market gurus often fail to predict markets, too.
Its just the way things are based on the tools we have today.
Hyperconverged infrastructure solutions can help you break out of
this cycle and more closely match data center resources with current
business needs. By enabling granular and simple scaling, you can buy
what you need today and, as the business grows, just add more nodes.
Hyperconvergence Economics: How It Impacts the IT Budget
Besides being technically simple, this also enables you to rethink the
budgeting process. By not having to buy for needs that might be in
place three to five years from now, you can focus on improving what
the business needs today.
Backup/Recovery Tools
Disaster Recovery Tools
WAN Accelerator
SSD Cache
Deduplication Appliance
Power & Cooling
Dedicated Stang
Chapter 13
Thats a Wrap!
Youve now been introduced to hyperconverged infrastructure, its
use cases, plus the organizational and financial considerations for the
technology. Youve made it through the jungle of hyperconverged
infrastructure and can move on to more harmonious locales. We hope
your journey here has helped you better understand this important and
growing segment of the technology market.
You can continue to learn much more about hyperconverged infrastructure by regularly visiting and