Mayas in The Marketplace
Mayas in The Marketplace
Mayas in The Marketplace
decimated world coffee prices. Yet, peasant cooperatives in southern Mexico specialising in organic coffees have found some success. The Mexican middle class, too, has
organised to moderate neoliberalisms extremes. After the 1994 peso devaluation caused
an extreme economic downturn, most small debtors and businesses could not repay
banks and faced foreclosure and conscation of property. The anti-debt group El
Barzn successfully postponed many court cases against debtors in the mid nineties.
This edited volume raises as many provocative questions as it answers. Deborah
Barndt unravels the contradictions of female Mexican seasonal workers who pick
tomatoes in Canada. These migrant workers do not have the right to organise and
despite the extra income most of these women must continue to work two jobs back
in Mexico. Yet, in Canada female migrant workers receive health insurance, pensions
and also standard minimum wages. Indeed, one of the women interviewed noted that
the Canadian working conditions were an improvement over Mexico. What was the
difference before and after NAFTA? Did these women see the opportunities created by
the break down of trade barriers as a benet compared to the protectionist, nationalistic policies of the old PRI regime?
One principal problem this reviewer found was that many of the essays depict civil
society and peasant identity idealistically. Consequently, the essays tend to praise civil
society but do not thoroughly look into possible contradictions and criticisms. For
instance, civil society can be an agent of the government rather than a vehicle for igniting
radical social change. Similarly, many books have explored the internal conicts within
peasant communities and the Zapatistas. How do these interpretations square with
Bartra and Oteros positive vision of peasant communities? Nevertheless, by grappling
with both the negative consequences of neoliberalism and civil societys adjustments,
this collection of essays uncovers the nuances of globalisation not provided by economic analysis and ultimately provides a valuable contribution to the literature.
Byron Crites
The University of Texas at Austin
Little, Walter E. (2004) Mayas in the Marketplace: Tourism, Globalization, and Cultural
Identity, University of Texas Press (Austin), x + 320 pp. 45.00 hbk, 18.95 pbk.
Antigua, Guatemala, according to Walter E. Little, is a touristic borderzone, a space
where the distinctions between home and work, tourist and local, and representations
of cultural identity and lived realities blur. Tourists often view Guatemala as a living
history museum, which renders culture, place, and people as controlled, contained,
organised, and unchanging (p. 38). Demand for authentic representations of Mayaness results in negotiated cultural constructions that meet the expectations of tourists.
In this engaging ethnography, Little explores how Kaqchikel tpica [handicraft] vendors traverse the spaces of the touristic borderzone and negotiate the boundaries of
cultural identity.
Through extensive ethnographic inquiry, Little meets his stated intention to describe how Kaqchikel Maya handicraft vendors strategically use different identity
2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Society for Latin American Studies
Bulletin of Latin American Research Vol. 26, No. 1
Book Reviews
constructions for political and economic reasons to help maintain their livelihoods
(p. 6). Mayas in the Marketplace reects the shifting social realities that are affected
by global and local processes. Little represents Kaqchikel vendors as dynamic and
inventive, giving voice to their experiences and concerns, illustrating how, in practice,
identity is uid and malleable.
Of particular interest is the discussion of shifting Kaqchikel gender divisions of
labour resulting from engagement in the tourist market. Maya women, especially those
who wear traje [traditional hand-made clothing] and speak a Mayan language, are
recognised by tourists as being authentic bearers of culture, illustrated as such by
Little in a number of amusing anecdotes demonstrating how this perception of authenticity is articulated by tourists and responded to by vendors. Many tourists go to
marketplaces specically to engage with Maya people; female vendors thus hold the
advantage. When women work outside the home, often at a distance from the home
community, gender roles at home are recongured and generally lead to strategic
identity changes (p. 144). In addition to markets and marketplaces, Littles ethnographic inquiry took him to the communities of Santa Catarina Polop and San Antonio Aguas Calientes, where locals have responded to increasing tourism by opening
their homes to tourists. In these spaces women maintain the hierarchical gender divisions of labour and in so doing, play the roles that tourists equate with authenticity
and thereby take advantage of their potential for economic gain.
Little highlights the need for vendors to continue to belong to their home community. None of the vendors Little interacted with considers Antigua their home, even
though most spent the majority of their time there. Following John M. Watanabe,
Little asserts that place and identity, localised specically as community, continues to
be one of the more prominent ways that Mayas conceive of their identities (p. 180),
and the home communities of Kaqchikel vendors remain centres of social, economic,
ritual, and community life. For people throughout rural Guatemala there is often no
hope of working or studying exclusively in their communities; commuting is a way of
life. Maintaining community ties is complicated as the right to claim a community as
ones hometown has to do with public participation (p. 188). Participation can be
established through cultivating milpa [corneld], patronising neighbourhood stores
and marketplaces, involvement in ritual occasions, and offering support to local cofradas [religious brotherhoods].
Little asks why vendors work so hard to maintain membership in communities they
do not live in or are absent from much of the time. In answering this question, Little
falls short and disappoints. Quite simply, according to vendors, he writes, they need
to belong to their communities (p. 200). There is, in fact, nothing simple about the
human need for belonging to a place in time and space. Little appears unaware of the
ethnographic literature that addresses sense of place as a key component of identity
construction. Of particular import in this regard is the work of anthropologist Keith
Basso (1996), who explains eloquently that attachment to place is nothing less than
profound and integral to human identity. Furthermore, engaging an extensive geographical literature on space, place, and home would allow Little to explain the multilayered processes of belonging, conceptions of home, and expressions of identity as
they are tied to a sense of place.
2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Society for Latin American Studies
Bulletin of Latin American Research Vol. 26, No. 1
Book Reviews
In his introduction, Little acknowledges the signicance of place and space to identity, but denes them by way of a quotation from Michel de Certeau in a footnote (p.
279, note 2) that does little to illuminate these concepts. In his conclusion, Little returns to these concepts: Kaqchikel Maya tpica vendors do not have difculties constructing steady points of reference .[t]hey know where home is, who populates that
place, and what they need to do to exist and participate in it (p. 263). This frame has
the potential to elucidate and expand on every aspect of this ethnography, but it is not
adequately supported. For this work to realise its potential, Little needs to connect
with literature that will help him join concepts of place, space, and home to the construction and maintenance of identity.
The lasting signicance of this work is in its recognition and representation of
Kaqchikel creativity and exibility. The participants of Littles ethnographic study are
resourceful actors who nd ways to use the global inuences affecting their lives with
positive results. Loss of culture and identity in light of global processes is not a concern for these people. As Little writes, [w]hen asked explicitly what their identities
are, they answered, We know who we are (p. 32). Little has done an outstanding
job in communicating something of that knowledge to a larger audience.
Basso, Keith H. (1996) Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western
Apache. University of New Mexico Press: Albuquerque.
Leah Huff
Queens University, Ontario
Velasco Ortiz, Laura (2005) Mixtec Transnational Identity, The University of Arizona
Press (Tucson), xvii + 234 pp. $50.00 hbk.
Mexican immigrants in the USA are commonly known as Chicanos or Latinos, terms
that obliterate their more particular cultural backgrounds and identities. Many come
from indigenous regions and speak native languages. The author of this book traces
the routes taken by migrants from the Mixtec-speaking regions of Oaxaca during the
last half-century. More particularly, she researches the communication networks that
have formed along these routes, facilitating the formation of organisations beyond the
connes of corporate home communities and the construction of more inclusive identities. While indian identities in Mexico never used to carry much signicance outside
the context of traditional corporate communities, the author shows how a transnational indigenous and Mixtec identity has arisen from the migratory circuit.
The Mixtec diaspora includes groups dispersed over much of central and northern
Mexico and the southwestern states of the USA. The migrations of agricultural labourers across the border started with the US labour importation (Bracero) programme,
that lasted from 1942 to 1964. During the same period and later, other Mixtecs went
to cut sugarcane in Vera Cruz or to work as domestic servants in Mexico City. From
2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Society for Latin American Studies
Bulletin of Latin American Research Vol. 26, No. 1