Highway Construction Basics
Highway Construction Basics
Highway Construction Basics
The construction of all roads are carried out in two phases
1.Earthwork and preparation of Subgrade.
2.Construction of pavement
1.Earthwork and preparation of Subgrade: According to alignment of road and topography of the area Subgrade should be prepared either
in embankment or in cutting.
1.1. Embankment: Finish road level is above the adjacent or surrounding ground levels. Steps
of construction are
- Clearing and grubbing
- Stripping and storing up top soil
- Placing of embankment
- Rolling
- Finishing
1.2. Cutting: Finish road level is below the adjacent or surrounding ground levels. Steps of
construction are
- Soil is cut
- Removal and dumping on spoil bank.
- Subgrade is brought to desired grade
- Camber is compacted.
Equipment used for rolling or compaction
Working principle of a roller is to apply total pressure, which is slowly increased and then
Types of rollers are
a) Smooth wheeled roller
b) Pneumatic tired roller
c) Sheep foot roller.
d) Impact and vibratory roller
a. Smooth wheeled roller
*. Three wheeled (gross weight, 4-18 tones)
*.Two wheeled, tandem (gross weight 1-14 tones)
*. Compaction is from top to bottom.
*. Suitable to all soils, preferably granular soil and pavement materials of various types.
b. Pneumatic tired roller
*.It consist of small truck with more than two axles on which pneumatic wheels are mounted.
*. Suitable for non-plastic silts and fine sand.
*. Slight kneading action is produced to compact soil.
c) Sheep foot roller
*.It consists of hollow cylinder with projected feet.
Finishing of surface
Opening to traffic.