Health Insurance - Policy Year 2016: Frequently Asked Questions
Health Insurance - Policy Year 2016: Frequently Asked Questions
Health Insurance - Policy Year 2016: Frequently Asked Questions
You can send your dependents information to your regional health insurance
representative as per following:
CNIC of all dependents required.
For addition of spouse attested copy of marriage certificate is required.
For addition of child attested copy of birth certificate is required.
No supporting document is required for deletion of dependents.
PKR 120,000
PKR 10,000
PKR 40,000
PKR 40,000
PKR 3,000
PKR 250,000
PKR 250,000
PKR 11,000
PKR 500,000
Maternity related expenses arent covered (unless it is an employee herself; the expense
was medically mandated (medical need) and occurred during an official business trip).
In cases of non-computer generated / manual invoice the stamp of the hospital / pharmacy
is a mandatory requirement. On manual invoices there should be no over writing / cutting.
Yes, OPD credit facility is available at selected Panel hospital in every region and can
be availed up to 70 % of the total limit.
This covers maternity and related IPD treatments including pre and post natal (30
days ) treatment, services, supplies, epidural, multiple births, complications,
ectopic/extra uterine pregnancy, miscarriage, legal abortion, midwife (in case of
home delivery), child circumcision and child nursery care (while mother is confined).
What if the new born child needs medical treatment in the hospital?
How do we claim OPD?
Fill in the OPD claim form and attach the following documents (as & where
Photocopy of doctors prescription with date and patients name clearly
Original bill/payment receipt/memo with amount, date and patients name
(where possible) clearly mentioned.
Copy of laboratory/diagnostic services tests/reports.
Copy of vaccination card (for claiming child vaccination expenses).
Updated eyesight test card (for claiming spectacles or contact lenses).
If the new born is retained in the hospital for medical treatment, it will be treated
as a separate hospitalization upon submission of addition enrollment form to the
regional health insurance representative.
In case of non-panel hospitals; you are strongly advised to get prior approval from your
regional health insurance team so that you do not have any problems at the time of claim
Contact information
You can contact your regional health insurance representative by sending your
query to following email address:
IPD facility can be availed at all the panel hospitals nationwide on the health card
along with the CNIC of the employee and patient, if the employee has availed
services of a non-panel hospital , he can submit the claim manually to the regional
health insurance team with the following documents
Original itemized bill / payment receipts / memo and Original discharge summary is
to be attached with the IPD claim form.
North Region:
Central Region:
South Region: