F672 Driftone Lace Beret

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Free Pattern with Our Compliments

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Lace Beret

Approximate Measurements
after blocking
18 Brim, 24 circumference
250g balls, color 02 Grey Tone
Gauge: 24 sts, 32 rows= 4 in st st and
Horseshoe Lace on US Size 5 (3.75mm)
after blocking,
Needles: US Size 3 (3.25mm) 5 (3.75mm)24 Circular, US Size 5 (3.75mm) DPNs, 1 st
marker (m).
Work either the charted or the written
instructions for the Horsehoe Lace and
Horseshoe Lace Decrease Chart.
If you are working the chart, work all
rounds from right to left.
Horseshoe Lace (Multiple of 10 sts)
Rnd 1: *K1, yo, k3, sl 1-k2tog-psso, k3,
yo; rep from * across.
Rnd 2: K across.
Rnd 3: *P1, k1, yo, k2, sl 1-k2tog-psso,
k2, yo, k1; rep from * across.
Rnd 4: *P1, k9; rep from * across.
Rnd 5: *P1, k2, yo, k1, sl 1-k2tog-psso,
k1, yo, k2; rep from * across.
Rnd 6: Same as rnd 4.
Rnd 7: *P1, k3, yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo,
k3; rep from * across.
Rnd 8: K across.
Rep these 8 rnds for pattern st.
Horseshoe Lace Decrease Chart
Rnd 1: *p1, k9; rep from * across.
Rnd 2: move m 1 st to the right, *P3tog, k1, yo, k1, sl 1-k2tog-psso, k1, yo, k1; rep from * across.
Rnd 3: *P1, k7; rep from * across.
Rnd 4: move m 1 st to the right, *P3tog, k1, yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo, k1; rep from * across.
Rnd 5: *P1, k5; rep from * across.
Rnd 6: move m 1 st to the right, *P3tog, yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo; rep from * across.
Rnd 7: *P1, k3; rep from * across.
With smaller circular, CO 130 sts. Join in the rnd, being careful not to twists. PM.
Rib Rnd: *K1, p1; rep from * across. Rep this rnd for 1 .
ABBREVIATIONS: beg= begin(ning), CO= cast on, cont= continue, DPNs=double pointed needles, inc- increase, k- knit, kf&b= knit
into the front and back of stitch, k2tog= knit two sts together, m1=make one, m= marker, mm= millimeter, PM/pm= place marker, p=
purl, p3tog= purl three sts together, psso= pass slipped stitch over, rep= repeat, rnd=round, sl= slip, ssk = slip 1 st as if to knit, slip
a second st as if to knit, knit them together through the back loop, sl= slip, st(s) = stitch(es), st st = stockinette st, tog = together, yo=
yarn over

Free Pattern with Our Compliments
Find Inspiration: www.plymouthyarn.com


Inc Rnd: *K13, m1; rep from * across.

140 sts on needle. Switch to larger circular needle.
Work Horseshoe Lace rnds 1-8 five times, then work rnds 1-3
once more.
Work Horseshoe Lace Decrease rnds 1-7, moving the m over
1 st to the right on rnds 2, 4 and 6. Switch to DPNs when
there are too few sts to fit comfortably on the circular. 56 sts
on needle.
Next Rnd: move the m over 1 st to the right, *P3tog, k1; rep
from * across. 28 sts on needle.
Next Rnd: K2tog across. 14 sts on needle.
Next Rnd: K2tog across. 7 sts on needle.
Next Rnd: K1, *k2tog; rep from * across.
4 sts on needle. Cut yarn, leaving a 4 tail. Thread tapestry
needle and gather remaining sts. Pull tight and fasten off.
Weave in all ends and block to measurements.
Use a circular dinner plate to block the damp hat to create a
beret-look. Let it air dry before removing.
2015 Plymouth Yarn Company. 091815vle
Designed by Vanessa Ewing

ABBREVIATIONS: beg= begin(ning), CO= cast on, cont= continue, DPNs=double pointed needles, inc- increase, k- knit, kf&b= knit
into the front and back of stitch, k2tog= knit two sts together, m1=make one, m= marker, mm= millimeter, PM/pm= place marker, p=
purl, p3tog= purl three sts together, psso= pass slipped stitch over, rep= repeat, rnd=round, sl= slip, ssk = slip 1 st as if to knit, slip
a second st as if to knit, knit them together through the back loop, sl= slip, st(s) = stitch(es), st st = stockinette st, tog = together, yo=
yarn over

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