SSPC Guide 16 PDF
SSPC Guide 16 PDF
SSPC Guide 16 PDF
August 1, 2003
Guide 16
1. Scope
2. Definitions
The definitions below do not appear in the SSPC
Protective Coatings Glossary.
Velocity pressure (VP): The pressure required to accelerate air from zero velocity to a given velocity, proportional to the kinetic energy of the air stream. Velocity pres1
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
4.1 Centrifugal Collectors: These collectors separate particulates from air streams by gravitational, inertial,
or centrifugal force. Collection efficiency is affected by
particle size, particle velocity, collector design, and dust
concentration. Centrifugal collectors can be designed to
remove large particles effectively and economically; however, they are not generally suitable for the collection of fine
particles. Most centrifugal collectors (e.g. cyclones) are
used in stationary applications; however, some vacuum
systems incorporate centrifugal collectors.
4.2 Wet Collectors: Wet collectors separate particulates from air streams by impacting the particles with water
spray. They are commonly referred to as scrubbers. Wet
collectors are typically used for high temperature and moisture-filled gas streams. Neither of these conditions typically
exists in maintenance painting applications.
4.3 Electrostatic Precipitator Collectors (EPCs):
EPCs separate particulates from the air by introducing a
charge into the atmosphere and using a negatively charged
plate to precipitate (attract) the charged particles. EPCs are
primarily used for heavy-duty dust applications such as
utility boilers and cement kilns. While they have the ability
to effectively filter the concentration of interest to the
industrial painting industry, they generally cannot handle
the size range of dust typically generated by industrial
painting operations.
4.4 Fabric or Cartridge Filter Collectors: This type of
collector separates particulate from air streams by straining, impaction, interception, diffusion, and electrostatic
charge. Air must pass through a specially designed fabric
that retains the dust on the fabric but allows the cleaned air
to pass through. Fabric dust collectors are the type of
collector used most frequently in the industrial painting
Fabric dust collectors (hereafter called dust collectors)
are further broken down into two primary types based on the
filter configuration (bag and cartridge dust collectors), both
of which are used heavily in the painting industry. Both bag
and cartridge systems can attain capture efficiencies of
Containment systems and methods of monitoring releases are discussed in detail in SSPC-Guide 6, Guide for
Containing Debris Generated During Paint Removal Operations. Knowledge of the containment structure is critical in
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
There are four major types of dust collectors: centrifugal, wet, electrostatic, and fabric collectors. Each of these
will be briefly discussed.
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
Lloyd M Smith and Gary L. Tinklenberg, Lead-Containing Paint Removal, Containment and Disposal, FHWA RD 94-100, Federal Highway
Administration, McLean, VA , February 1995.
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
6.2 Dust Particle Size and Health: The size of particles is important for three reasons: health, settling velocity, and filtration. The dust collector user should be aware
that particle size determines the deposition site within the
respiratory tract. Smaller particles will travel further and be
deposited deeper within the lung. Air coming from the dust
collector may contain aerosols that are hazardous to health.
6.3 Dust Settling Velocity: Size will affect the rate at
which the particle falls through the air. The smaller the
particle, the longer it will stay airborne. For all practical
purposes, the extremely small particle will behave more like
a gas, staying airborne indefinitely. A particle with an
aerodynamic equivalent diameter (AED) of one micrometer
will fall at a rate of 0.04 feet per minute. It would take 200
minutes for a 1-micrometer particle to drop 8 feet. If the dust
collector is working properly and removing the air from the
containment system, the aerosols inside the containment
will be removed within minutes after the paint removal has
occurred. However, high concentrations of small AED aerosols may remain inside the containment for hours if the
ventilation system is improperly designed, operated, or
7.1 Fan Performance: Fan performance is dependent on the design of the fan blades. Different fan designs
will yield different characteristic performance curves. However, the performance of a fan can be generalized and
discussed in relatively simple terms. The performance of a
fan can be described by a graph of the airflow capacity (x-axis,
abscissa) and the resistance to airflow or static pressure
(y-axis, ordinate), as illustrated in Figure 1.
Fan characteristics can be evaluated experimentally
for different fan revolutions per minute (rpm). For the
present discussion, assume the fan and motor have been
matched and sold as a unit. In the extreme, when running
the fan with the outlet closed off, and reducing the flow rate
to zero, the pressure developed inside the duct would, for
all practical purposes, be the maximum that the fan could
deliver. This pressure is called the static no delivery (SND)
pressure. At the other extreme, if the fan were running
without any obstructions, at zero resistance, with minimal
connecting ductwork, the fan would be operating at maximum air movement. This is called the free delivery or wideopen operating condition. The SND and the wide-open
6. Background on Dust
6.1 Dust Characteristics: Dust particles are generated by many maintenance painting processes. Of particular concern are those particles generated during the removal of potentially toxic paint (e.g. lead-based paint) from
structures. It is important to understand the process that
creates the particles to obtain an estimate of resulting
particle size. In general, the majority of particles generated
from mechanical action ranges from 3 to 100 micrometers.
The larger particles will not stay in the air long enough to
cause any great concern. Smaller particles are generated
as well, but in smaller quantities. Very small particles (for
example, fumes generated during the burning of paints) are
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
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SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
Figure 1
Fan Curve
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
regular basis, the higher dust bed levels will keep dust
suspended in the air stream. A hopper that is too small can
also result in higher can velocities, which could cause
turbulence and higher abrasion on filters and metal parts.
production) while reducing the effect on the filtration system. These compartments or dividers are usually the length
of the filters and separate the filters by row.
7.6 Top versus Side Access (Pulse Jet): Pulse jet
systems can be provided with top or side access to the filter
media. Top loading systems allow the easiest access for
visual observation for filter leaks and tears by providing a
view down the inside of the filter. Top access systems also
allow the operator to inspect on the clean side of the filter
system, rather than the dirty side.
In side access systems, the exterior of the filters is
easily viewed. This would provide easier inspection of the
filters for determining the amount of abrasion. Since visual
observation of filter leaks is also important, a properly
designed side-access system should provide a man-way or
other access into the top (clean) portion of the collector for
this purpose.
The end-user should verify that the dust collector
provides adequate access to both the clean and dirty side
of the unit for inspection and maintenance.
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
collector filters are generally specified for applications requiring higher negative pressure levels. These characteristics also allow bag filters to be pulse-cleaned at higher
pressures ranging from 80 to 100 psi.
Most cartridge dust collectors currently in use in the industrial painting industry have standard A/C ratios ranging from
3:1 to 3.5:1, dependent upon the type of filter media utilized.
8.2 Filter Efficiency and Permeability: Fabric filter
selection is a careful balance between maintaining permeability (the ability of the fabric to allow air to pass through)
and filter efficiency (the amount of dust captured). The best
filter efficiency (and worst permeability) occurs right before
the filters are cleaned. The highest inefficiency or penetration typically occurs during start-up and immediately after
reconditioning. Fabric permeability typically ranges from 25
to 40 cfm/ft2. Choosing filter material with better efficiency
or greater permeability but lower filter efficiency is not as
critical as it may seem. The efficiency of a particular fabric
filter is only relevant when first put into service. Once the
fabric filter has been in service for any length of time, the
dust cake on the filter performs almost all of the filtration.
Particulate that is all the same size is difficult to filter,
as it creates a dense mass that restricts the flow of air
through the filter (reduced permeability). Fine particles
(less than 10 micrometers in size) may be too small for
some filter media to collect and can bleed through the filter
and exit the collector, resulting in emissions. In some
cases, pulse jet systems preferentially retain small particles (less than 1 micrometer) during the cleaning process.
Another consideration is the effect of filter permeability
on total dust collector airflow. Heavily caked filters can
reduce the airflow generated by the dust collector by 50%
or more. As most dust systems are used for multiple
purposes (i.e., to improve visibility, reduce worker exposures, prevent emissions to the environment) the designer
and/or operator must be aware of these diametrically opposed conditions. Maximum efficiency in filtration may
result in inadequate airflow in the containment. Therefore,
careful balancing of all factors is required for optimal dust
collector operation.
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August 1, 2003
Table 1
Natural Fiber,
Rugged fiber
Teflon or
Average to
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Good permeability
filter media should be considered during wet removal applications. Typical materials and their characteristics are
summarized in Table 1.
Dust collector manufacturers in the industrial painting
industry typically equip their systems with polyester or
cellulose fabrics. However, as most filter material is interchangeable (can be used in most dust collectors), contractors
can select more or less efficient media for filter replacement.
Consideration should be given to specifying the type of filter
material for specific operations (i.e., wet methods). Note
that blended materials are also available that can combine
multiple filter characteristics (e.g. 80% cellulose/20% Teflon).
Felted materials are usually thicker than cellulose or
blended materials. They cannot be pleated as heavily as
the thinner materials. Having less pleats within a cartridges
diameter would mean less filtering area per cartridge and
thereby a higher A/C ratio if the collector size is maintained.
This is not necessarily a negative as the thicker material
may provide desirable characteristics that the thinner material cannot. Some projects are of a short duration and
require filter disposal at the end of the job; in such instances, a less expensive filter could be the best choice. In
other projects where the unit may be on site for an extended
period of time and/or the production schedule will not allow
for down time to change filters, or if the unit is located where
physical access to change filters is limited, a premium filter
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
9.5 EPA Reference Methods: The EPA has established several methods for evaluating fabric filter performance used in stationary source applications. The total
filterable particulate mass emission rate can be measured
using EPA Reference Method 5 or EPA Reference Method 17.
The total filterable PM-10 emissions can be determined by
EPA Reference Method 201 or 201a.2 While these methods
are commonly used in stationary source evaluation of dust
collectors, several problems may limit the applicability of
these test methods on filtration systems. The testing is
expensive, ranging from $3,000 to $5,000 per set of three
runs. Other problems are related to the fact that most
mobile dust collectors do not have conventional stacks to
support the required test equipment.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460. Text of EPA Reference Methods
may be downloaded from (3/03)
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
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SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
to estimate the actual air flow rates within the system for
each given application.
A fan, which is the central component of a dust collector, operates in accordance with a specific curve corresponding to a specific fan speed (rpm). The actual exhaust
capacity in the field is based upon where the system static
pressure loss intersects the fan curve. For example, a dust
collector rated at 40,000 cfm may only provide 30,000 cfm
exhaust capacity at 14 inches of static pressure loss (see
Figure 2). Typical static pressure losses include loss through
air inlets, duct work and the dust collector itself.
Figure 2
Fan Curve
The ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Manual may be obtained from the American Council of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists, 1330
Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240, 513-742-2020, or online at
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
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SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
10.5 Sample Calculations: By determining static pressure throughout the make-up air inlets, through containment, and through the ductwork, air filters, the system static
pressure that the fan must overcome can be calculated.
Duct friction-loss tables can be obtained from duct suppliers and general tables can be found in the Industrial
Ventilation Manual.
Using the fan curve in Figure 2, one would expect the
System Static Pressure Estimate
Based on (3) 20 diameter exhaust ducts @ 15,667 cfm per duct
50-ft section of 20 diameter duct @3.02/100
Three 90 elbows @ 46 equiv. lineal feet each
Loss through containment
Loss through fabric filters
11.44 w.c.
47,000 cfm
Q is the amount of air exhausted (cfm), i.e., the size
of the dust collector
is the velocity of air (ft/min), and
is the cross-sectional area of the containment (ft2)
For example, if a containment were 20 feet high by 40
feet wide by 80 feet long, it would be normal to decide to
move the air along the length of containment (i.e. crossdraft).
The cross-sectional area of containment (the area through
which the air will pass), therefore, is 20 ft x 40 ft, or 800 ft2.
The control velocity selected is 100 ft/min. The size dust
collector needed is:
= (100 ft/min) x (800 ft2) = 80,000 cfm
American National Standards Institute, 1819 L Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036. Standards downloadable from
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SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
If Q is within the calculated capacity of the dust collector, the system is designed adequately. If not, the crosssectional area can be reduced to meet the target airflow.
11.1 Differential (Static) Pressure: Differential pressure across the filters is a critical operational issue and can
be an early indicator of potential system failure. Differential
pressure is measured using a magnehelic gauge with ports
located within the filter housing, one port in the dirty side,
and one port in the clean side. Most systems are designed
to operate in the range of 1 to 4 inches w.c. (pulse-jet systems
operate at a slightly higher range). Both high and low differential pressures can have a negative effect on overall system
Potential causes of high differential pressure can include insufficient compressed air, improper (low) pressure
regulator settings, mis-rotated compressed air delivery
tubes (pulse jet), filters exceeding their useful life, insufficient filter area, and full hoppers. The effects of the high
differential pressure can result in filter damage, reduction in
total system air volume, and excess filter caking.
Potential causes of low differential pressure can include leakage or blockage of air in the delivery tubes,
fittings, and valves, using less than the required amount of
delivery tubes (i.e. 1 of 4 available inlets), clogged or
obstructed air lines leading to the magnehelic gauge, a
faulty magnehelic gauge, a partially closed outlet damper
on the fan (if the fan is equipped with one), over-cleaning of
the filters, or a very low dust loading. A unit may have low
differential pressure and still have high total system static
pressure (as would be the case if only one of four available
inlets was being used).
In pulse jet systems, improper pulse frequency (too
high or low) is a common problem. Pulse valve malfunctions
are typically caused by diaphragm failure or dirt, oil, and/or
moisture entering the valve body. These situations can be
avoided by a scheduled maintenance and inspection program.
For reverse pulse systems, one manufacturer recommends monitoring the differential pressure during the cleaning cycles. This includes:
Before the module starts to cleanAny reading
indicates potential leakage
11.3 Visible Emissions: Manufacturer troubleshooting guides all indicate that any particulate that can be seen
discharging from the exhaust stack is indicative of a system
breach or bag failure. All of the manufacturer guidelines call
for immediate shut down, leak detection (i.e., operator
inspection for the source of the leaks), and corrective action
if emissions are observed. Additionally, fans located downstream of the collector (as in most negative pressure systems) can be damaged by abrasion or become imbalanced
(resulting in reduction of total air volume) if particulate is
discharged from the filters through the fan to the discharge
stack. Emission observations alone may not provide adequate feedback on the effectiveness of system operations.
Additional leak detection methods are discussed later.
11.4 Temperature and Wet Removal Methods: Temperatures below which water may condense, or wet removal methods, can cause premature filter failure due to
clogging and solidification of solids in the hopper. This is of
particular importance when steel grit abrasives are utilized
due to the potential for steel in the abrasive blasting debris
to rust and solidify in the presence of moisture. Careful
selection of the dust collection system and filter media is
warranted when high moisture levels are likely to be present
(e.g., wet removal methods).
11.5 Air Infiltration and Corrosion: Filtration systems operating under negative pressure, such as those
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
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SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
11.6 Start-up Procedures: Use of manufacturer-recommended dust collector start-up and shutdown procedures is important in preventing premature damage to the
unit and filter media. Manufacturer guidelines all agree that
new filter media are not to be exposed to the full air volume
of the fan. Typically, the dust collector should be brought on
line slowly to avoid damage of the filter media. Before
protective dust cakes form, clean filters are sensitive to dust
abrasion and penetration of fine particles. Most manufacturers recommend start-up at a low velocity until sufficient
dust cake has been formed. This is indicated by a pressure
differential of 1 to 2 inches w.c. Following this initial seasoning or conditioning of the filters, the differential pressure
can be brought up to a consistent operating range.
used in the industrial painting industry, are vulnerable to airinfiltration-related bag damage and water damage. Access
hatches should be equipped with functional gaskets and all
seams and unit components (e.g., hoppers, exterior casing,
etc.) should be of sound construction to prohibit air or
moisture infiltration into the collector body.
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
Q =Vt x A
except that A is now the cross-section area of the duct, Q
is the volume of air, and Vt is the measured transport
12.5 Phosphorescent Powder/Fluorescent Dye: Several varieties of phosphorescent powders and fluorescent
dyes are commercially available for leak detection. These
materials are used routinely in plant dust collection operations. The material is generally released into the dust
collector under normal operating conditions with the filter
cleaning system shutdown. After a few moments, the clean
air side of the filter is inspected with an ultra-violet light
("black light"), which will detect the material. Presence of
the material on the clean side of the filter (varies based on
system) indicates poor filter seal, holes or tears in the filter
media, improper seating of the filter to the gasket, or leaks
in the system itself (i.e., gaps in welds). These areas can
then be inspected to determine where or why the failure is
12.6 Mass Flow Broken Bag Detector: This application uses electrical output readings (pico amperes) proportional to mass concentration of the particulate (gr/cfm). If
the expected mass concentration of the particulate is exceeded, the unit can be set to sound an alarm or shut down.
Mass flow detectors are typically mounted at the exhaust air
outlet of the dust collector.
12.7 Triboelectric Bag Leak Detector and Dust Monitors: This application has been used for approximately 25
years, since the advent of dust collection in plant applications. It utilizes a probe mounted in the exhaust air outlet.
SSPC Guide 7, "Guide for the Dsposal of Lead-containing Debris Generated During Paint Removal Operations." is available online from
National Fire Prevention Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02169-7471, or online at
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
SSPC-Guide 16
August 1, 2003
13. Disclaimer
Copyright The Society for Protective Coatings
Provided by IHS under license with SSPC
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS