Building Contract
Building Contract
Building Contract
Construction Work and Consultancy
Scope of Work
1. Earthworks
2. Other: Soil Treatment
3. Concrete Works
4. Masonry Works
5. Roofing Works
6. Doors and Windows
7. Painting Works
8. Tile Works
9. Plumbing Works
10.Electrical Works
V. Construction Specifications
Section 1 - Earthworks
SCOPE: Includes site clearing, ground excavation, earth filling, and back
filling, grading and leveling.
Excavation, filling and backfilling shall be in accordance with the lines and
grades indicated in the plans.
The backfill must be free of stones larger than 50mm , roots, and any
organic matter.
Thoroughly drench and saturate every lineal meter of excavation for footings
and other foundation works including floor slabs on grade with soil poisoning
working solution before pouring of concrete. Soil poison shall not be applied
when ground is wet.
Construction Work and Consultancy
Use 6 in thickness for wall footing
Use 4 in thickness for exterior and interior walls
All units shall be laid with a mortar composed of one part Portland cement
and three parts sand.
Plastering mixture shall consist of one part Portland cement and two parts
fine aggregates.
Reinforcing bars will consist of 10mm, dia, And vertical bars shall be spaced
at 0.16 meter on the center (or at every block) and horizontal bars at every
third course.
Use Yakal grade 60% on door jambs and all other wood in contact with
concrete and masonry surface.
All wood in contact with concrete and masonry to be coated with hot asphalt
or coal tar.
SCOPE: This section includes Pre-painted Galvanized Iron roofing and gutters.
Use Gauge 26 Galvanized Iron Roofing
SCOPE: This section includes all doors, windows, wood frames and glass.
Door and window frames shall be at the specie, size, thickness and design
indicated in the drawing. Frames shall be erected true to plumb and level and
braced to prevent undue distortion.
Door butt hinges shall be wrought steel, button, tip ball mortise for heavy
duty application and shall knuckles with loose pin. Butt hinges hall be 100mm
and hinge shall have plate bearings.
All PVC and glass and other products shall be by APAI or Kenneth and Mock or
approved equivalent.
SCOPE: Includes all materials, labor and equipment required from the
preparations, painting and finishing of all surfaces complete as shown in the
plans and specified therein.
Construction Work and Consultancy
This consist the complete installation, testing and operation of waste, drain
and vent pipes,
fittings and supports including cleanouts, floor drains, Ptraps, trench gratings, and plumbing fixtures on its proper location as shown
in the drawing.
Waste, drain and pipes and fittings shall be unplastered polyvinyl Chloride
(UPCV) Pipe Class 150 emerald S1000 approved equivalent.
Water pipes shall be PPR pipes.
SCOPE: Includes all supply of needed materials, devices and labor for the
complete electrical system, ready for tapping to powers source.
All electrical installations shall be in accordance to the Philippine Electrical
Code of the Philippines, applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of the
Legal Government and with the requirements of the local power company.
The electrical
Conduits Unless otherwise specified, conduits shall be rigid steel pipes at
least 12.7mm (1/2inch) in diameter.
Electrical wires shall be (#14 AWG) solid copper on 2.0sq.m. (#12
AWG) stranded, TW>
Wiring devices; Necessary wiring device such as pull boxes, junction boxes
and utility boxes shall be provided.
Service Entrance Cap shall be 19mm (3/4 inch) in diameter, 220V, 1-P, 2-wire,
60Hz AC.
Safety switch shall be an enclosed fusible type rated 30A, 2PST, 220V, 60Hz
Convenience outlets shall be flush type duplex approved by the Electrical
Light outlets shall be provided as shown in the drawing.
Switches shall be flush type and shall be installed as specified in the plans.
Lighting Fixtures shall be provided and installed as shown in the drawing.
Construction Work and Consultancy
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each respectively caused this
Amendment to be fully executed and delivered as of the date and year first above
Construction Work and Consultancy
Civil Engineer/Contractor
Zoey Baste
YB Constructions