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People Vs Luis Alfredo Monge Guevara

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At a Special Term of the County Court of the County of Rensselaer and State of New York, held at the Courthouse thereof, located at Troy, New York on the day of January, 2017. PRESENT: HON. ANDREW G. CERESIA Rensselaer County Court Judge ‘THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE -against- Indictment No.: 16-1146 Index No.:254610 LUIS ALFREDO MONGE GUEVARA, a/k/a “Alfredo,” a/k/a “El Gordo,” Defendant. Upon the annexed Affirmation of Andrew T. Botts, Assistant District Attorney in and for the County of Rensselaer, affirmed on the 12" day of July, 2016, itis ORDERED, that LUIS ALFREDO MONGE GUEVARA, a/Wv/a “Alfredo,” a/k/a “EL Gordo,” show cause at a Special Term of this Court to be held in and for the County of Rensselaer at the Courthouse thereof, located in the City of Troy, New York, on the _18#* day of January, 2017, at _4!00_ in the moming of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, why an Order should not be entered herein, permitting the taking of buccal cells from the defendant, pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law Section 240.40 [2](b)[v], People v. Roshia, 133 AD3d 1029 (3d Dept 2015) and People v. Pryor, 14 AD3d 723 (3d Dept 2005), why the People should not have such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper: and it is further ORDERED, that mailed service of this Order, and the papers upon which it was granted, ‘upon Jay Hernandez Esq., attomey for LUIS ALFREDO MONGE GUEVARA, a/k/a “Alfredo,” a/k/a “El Gordo,” on or before the 4+ day of January, 2017, at 2:00 inthe ACH noon of that day shall be deemed good and sufficient service thereof. Yen Seni 3, 201¢ Troy, NewYork 7 (i A. [ . Hon. Andrew G. Ceresia Dated: Commpeomrime Sverre Cot Sushice [ATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY COURT COUNTY OF RENSSELAER THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, AFFIRMATION -against- Indictment No.: 16-1146 Index No.: 254610 LUIS ALFREDO MONGE GUEVARA, a/l/a “Alfredo,” a/k/a “El Gordo,” Defendant. Andrew T, Botts, under penalties of perjury, duly Affirms as follows: 1. [am an Assistant District Attorney in and for the County of Rensselaer, and am licensed to practice law in the Courts of the State of New York. 2. This Affirmation is respectfully submitted in support of the Motion by the People for an order permitting the taking of buccal cell samples of the defendant for testing, comparison and analysis by an authorized physician or laboratory. 3. make this Affirmation based upon a review of the file contained in the Office of the District Attomey, as well as conversations with sworn members of the Troy Police Department and the Rensselaer County Sheriff's Department, and swom members and civilian members of the New York State Police. 4, The above named defendant has been charged by Indictment with: one count of Murder in the First Degree, a class A-1 felony, in violation of section 125.27, subdivision 1(a)(viii) of the Penal Law of the State of New York; two counts of Murder in the Second Degree, both Class A-1 felonies, in violation of section 125.25, subdivision 1 of the Penal Law of the State of New York; two counts of Murder in the Second Degree, both Class A-1 felonies, in violation of section 125.25, subdivision 3 of the Penal Law of the State of New York; one count of Kidnapping in the Second Degree, a Class B felony, in violation of section 135.20 of the Penal Law of the State of New York; one count of Concealment of @ Human Corpse, a Class E felony, in violation of section 195.02 of the Penal Law of the State of New York; one count of Burglary in the First Degree, a Class B felony, in violation of section 140.30, subdivision 2 of the Penal Law of the State of New York; one count of Burglary in the Second Degree, a Class C felony, in violation of section 140.25, subdivision 2 of the Penal Law of the State of New ‘York; and two counts of Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, both Class E felonies, in violation of section 105.10, subdivision 1 of the Penal Law of the State of New York. tion led by the Troy Police The Indictment results from an extensive investi Department and the Rensselaer County Sheriff's Department, with substantial assistance from the New York State Police, into the deaths of Javier Gomez, and Cristian Gonzalez. On October 17, 2016, the body Javier Gomez was discovered at his 1 East Glenn ‘Avenue apartment in the City of Troy, New York. On October 18, 2016, the body of Cristian Gonzalez was discovered wrapped in blankets and lying in a shallow ravine off of Blue Factory Hill Road in the Town of Brunswick, New York. . The defendant made a statement to the police in which he admitted that he was present for and participated in the kidnapping, killing and concealing of Cristian Gonzalez, as well as the burglary at 1 Bast Glenn Avenue and the subsequent 10. 1. 12. 13. killing of Javier Gomez. A copy of this statement is attached hereto as EXHIBIT 1 Madgaleno Perez Calixto, a/k/a “George” made a statement to the police in which he admitted that he and defendant were present for and participated in the kidnapping, killing and concealing of Cristian Gonzalez, as well as the burglary at 1 East Glenn Avenue and the subsequent killing of Javier Gomez. A copy of this statement is attached hereto as EXHIBIT 2. Salomon Najera Hemandez, a/k/a “Salo,” a/k/a “The Player,” a/k/a “Tocador,” made a statement to the police in which he admitted that he and defendant were present for and participated in the kidnapping and killing of Cristian Gonzalez, as ‘well as the burglary at 1 East Glenn Avenue and the subsequent killing of Javier Gomez. A copy of this statement is attached hereto as EXHIBIT 3. The Troy Police Department and the Rensselaer County Sheriff's Department, in conjunction with the New York State Police, submitted various items of evidence to the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center (hereinafter “FIC”) for testing, analyzing and comparing. It is material to the preparation of the People’s case that they have the opportunity to obtain buccal cell samples of the defendant for testing, comparison and analysis, The FIC also requires a sample of defendant's buccal cells for exclusion purposes. Upon information and belief, the sources of my knowledge being a review of the case file, conversations with police officers/investigators and contacts by my office with FIC Laboratory personnel, as well as my own research, the item 14. 15. 16. V7 requested is necessary for comparison and analysis for the following reason: buccal cells are requested for DNA comparison and analysis with the evidence collected for a confirmatory analysis of several items of evidence submitted to the laboratory. Defense counsel is invited to be present at the time when the sample is collected. This will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. Further, the withdrawal of the buccal cell samples would be accomplished by a method that is safe and reliable, and which would impose no more physical discomfort than is reasonably necessary, in accordance with accepted medical standards. ‘The Appellate Division has held that in a post-indictment environment, such as this, “the grand jury indictment provide(s] the requisite probable cause and statutory authority for the” issuance of the requested order. People v. Roshia, 133 AD3d 1029, 1030 (3d Dept 2015). See also, People v. Pryor, 14 AD3d 723, 725 (3d Dept 2005) Iv denied 6 NY3d 779. ‘The People submit that the Court has a reasoned basis for issuance of the requested ofder, given the seriousness of the charges, the defendant’s admissions to being present for and participating in portions and parts of the charged crimes, as well as the collection of various items of physical evidence upon which DNA comparisons can be made. Even applying the 3-prong test applicable to a pre-indictment environment, the People submit that the present application satisfies those criteria, The Court of ‘Appeals held in Matter of Abe A. that a court order to obtain a blood sample could issue provided the People satisfied three requirements: (1) probable cause to 18. 19. 20. believe that the suspect had committed the crime; (2) a clear indication that relevant material would be found; and (3) that the method used to secure the samples would be safe and reliable. Matter of Abe A, 56 N.Y.2d 288, 291 (1982). The Grand Jury of Rensselaer County has already determined that probable cause to believe that defendant has committed the crimes charged because they have issued an Indictment; the discovery of blood-covered physical evidence of a kind and character similar to that which codefendants allege defendant possessed and utilized in his commission of the killings of Cristian Gonzalez and Javier Gomez provides a clear indication that relevant material would be found; and the method to be used to secure a buccal cell sample from defendant is the commonly accepted practice and has already been held by the courts of this State to be safe and reliable. ‘The procedure to be utilized in obtaining the requested sample of defendant will not inftinge upon is constitutional rights. The defendant may not object to such a request for exemplars on the mere ground that possession of probable cause by the People sufficient for the indictment negates the necessity for, or propriety of, an exemplar. United States v. Dionisio, 410 U.S. 1 (1973). ‘The taking of buccal cell samples does not infringe upon the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. Identifying physical characteristics, as distinguished from. material testimony, is beyond the ambit of the Fifth Amendment protection. Gilbert v. California, 388 U.S. 263, 266-67 (1967). Moreover, “the privilege protects an accused only from being compelled to testify against himself, or otherwise provide the State with evidence of a testimonial or communicative nature...”. Schmerber v. California, 384 U.S. 757, 761 (1965). The taking of samples from defendant is the taking of an identifying characteristic and is clearly non-testimonial and non-communicative 21. Utilization of the requested procedure does not constitute an unreasonable search and seizure. An individual has no expectancy of privacy with regard to the peculiar properties of his or her body, handwriting or to the taking of his or her photograph. United States v. Mara, 410 U.S. 19, 21 (1973); Dionisio, 410 US. at 14. 22.1n view of the foregoing your affiant submits that the People’s request is reasonable, and in light of the above-mentioned facts, there is a clear indication that the securing of the buccal cell sample from defendant will supply substantial probative evidence. WHEREFORE, your deponent prays that the Court issue an Order pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law section 240,40(2)(b)(v) and People v. Roshia, 133 AD3d 1029 (Bd Dept 2015), compelling defendant to provide buccal cells for comparison purposes by the FIC, and for such other and further relief, as this Court may deem just and proper. Dated: December 22, 2016 Troy, New York Respectfully Submitted, HON. JOEL E. ABELOVE, Rensselaer County District Attomey il Andrew T, Botts, Assistant District Attomey By: Ata Special Term of the County Court of the County of Rensselaer And State of New York, held at the Court House thereof, located at Troy, New York on the day of January, 2017, PRESENT; HON. ANDREW G. CERESIA. Rensselaer County Court Judge STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY COURT COUNTY OF RENSSELAER. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ORDER -against- Indictment No.: 16-1146 Index No.:254610 LUIS ALFREDO MONGE GUEVARA, a/k/a “Alfredo,” a/k/a “El Gordo,” Defendant. ‘A Motion having been made by the People of the State of New York at this term of the Court in the above-mentioned action for an Order pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law section 240.40[2|(b)[v] permitting the taking of samples of buccal cells from the defendant: NOW, after reading the Order to Show Cause, the Affirmation of Andrew T. Botts, Assistant District Attorney, affirmed on the 22° day of December, 2016, in support of the Motion, and no papers being filed in opposition thereto and/or the Court having heard oral argument in opposition, and after due deliberation, it is hereby ORDERED, that the defendant provide buccal cells, these cells to be obtained under the direction of any qualified person, and itis further ORDERED, that defense counsel shall be allowed to be present during the taking of the aforesaid buccal cell sample at a time and place to be determined by the Rensselaer County District Attomey’s Office and it is further ORDERED, that a copy of this Order shall be served on the defense counsel. Dated: January __, 2017 Troy, New York Hon. Andrew G. Ceresia Rensselaer County Court Judge EXHIBIT 1 GEM. 19 6/85 STATE oF MEW YORK race one or_S” praxs commy or Wythe DATED: -23ppelselh|t CY ov bsyltheew. Ie t_luis AlSvecly Mong. v6 1 0220, porn on_03/09/96 AND RESIDING aT. wel. Sh. Meche cull Jet . BAVE BEEN ADVISED o_o. Bask Burns end Ze Corey Alm, or mu NYSC cod Brctelac Co. She Dep), ov mun voxzowrec: 2 HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT, AND I DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE ANY STATEMENT IF I DON‘? WANT 70. IF I GIVE UP THAT RIGHT, ANYTHING I DO SAY CAN AND WILL, BE USED AGAINS? NE TM A COUR? oF Law. 1 BAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE A LARYER PRESENT BEFORE MAKING ANY STATEMENT OR AT ANY TIME DURING THIS STATEMENT. IF 1 SHOULD DECIDE I DO WART A LAMYER, AND I CANNOT AFFORD TO SIRE ONE, A LAMYER WILL BE APPOINTED POR ME PREE OF CHARGE AND I MAY BAVE THAT LAWYER PRESENT BEFORE MAKING ANY STATEMEWT. X ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I BAVE THE RIGHT TO STOP AT-ANY TIME DURING THIS STATEMENT AND REMAIN SILENT AND HAVE A LAWYER PRESENT. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THESE RIGHTS, AND AT THIS TIME I AGREE TO GIVE UP MY RIGHTS AND vor Tar pozsowine SuaTexrTs A Lan ot jhe Vigins Skate folicn OF Rion Gack Pam 5 dias dh sdebeyt to Sav. Ruray ead Dae Filer of poy pum Cree ta ll Te a sudch jhet is veil! Ve I is a Explre— We i vel. 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Wn money ances : EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 3 TROY POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT ‘STATE OF NEW YORK ‘COUNTY OF RENSSELAER CITY OF TROY CONTROL #: 16-112614 Date: L01946 Time: Sep Pict: Virwnia Sine Police Divison 4110, 1186 Ee Wlehuar, Wuthevll.VA 24882 1, Salomon Nalera Heraander, am 21 years of age, bm on 0625/1995, My address is Quality Tan 611 Trov Schenectady Rd, Latham NY, and my occupation is Dishwasher at Saki Restaurant in ‘Latham NY. HAVE BEEN DULY WARNED BY Sealor Investigator Israel A. Toro, WHO HAS IDENTIFIED BOSET AS A Police see THAT IDO NOT HAVE TO MAKE ANY STATEMENT AT ALL, AND THAT ANY STATEMENTS MAKE WILL BE Ole TT ENCE AGAINST MEIN A COURT OF LAW, AND THAT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TALK TD A LAW YEE AO ae VICh BEFORE MAKING THIS STATEMENT OR ANSWERING ANY QUESTIONS, AND THAT HATE ‘THE RIGHT TO OVE AN ATTORNEY APPOINTED TO REPRESENT ME IF I CANNOT AFFORD ONE. SEFORS MAKING THIS BAe an OR ANSWERING ANY QUESTIONS, AND THAT I CAN STOP GIVING THE STATEMENT O8 FEO Ae QUESTIONING ATT ANY TIME FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSULTING AN ATTORNEY. WIPE FEAR OR THREAT OF eee A UPON ME OR ANOTHER PERSON, I FREELY VOLUNTEER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT 10 THE ‘AFORESAID PERSON. fats cootined herein ere tue and fas Cass A misdemeanor porsunt TROY POLICE DEPARTMENT 2 ‘VOLUNTARY STATEMENT have read this statement (had this statement read to me) consisting of ____ page(s) and the facts contained herein are true and ‘correct. [have also been told and I understand that making a false written statement is punishable as « Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 gfshe Penal Law of the State of New York.

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