Analysis of Trusses
Analysis of Trusses
Analysis of Trusses
A truss is a structure composed of
individual members joined together so as to
form a series of triangles.
Compound Trusses
A compound truss is a truss made by connecting
two or more simple trusses. The simple trusses
may be connected by three nonparallel nonconcurrent links, by one joint and one link, by a
connecting truss, by two or more joints, and so
on. An almost unlimited number of trusses may be
formed in this way. The truss shown in Figure (a)
consists of the two shaded simple trusses that are
connected with a joint and a link.
Complex Trusses
There are a few trusses that are statically determinate
externally that do not meet the requirements necessary to
fall within the classification of either simple or compound
trusses. Such a truss is shown in Figure (b). These are
referred to as complex trusses.
The members of simple and compound trusses usually are
arranged so that sections may be passed through three
members at a time; moments are taken about the
intersection of two of them and the force in the third
member is found. Complex trusses may not be analyzed in
this manner. Not only does the method of sections fail to
simplify the analysis, the methods of joints is also of no