I. Objectives: at The End of The Lesson The Students Will Be Able To
I. Objectives: at The End of The Lesson The Students Will Be Able To
I. Objectives: at The End of The Lesson The Students Will Be Able To
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to,
1. Construct a diagram of the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle,
2. Interpret and illustrate the diagram of the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle,
Value: Gratefulness for the continuous supply of oxygen provided by plants
Subject Matter:
Topic: The Oxygen and Carbon Cycles
Science Concept:
The process in which green plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen,
while animals take in oxygen and give off carbon-dioxide cycle is called the
oxygen carbon dioxide cycle.
Science Processes: Describing, Interpreting
Materials: Illustration of the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
References: BEC 2004, You and Natural World: 1st year Integrated Science, Chapter
16 Living Things and their Environment pp. 219 by Lilia G. Vengco, Teresita F.
Learning Procedure:
Teachers Activity
Students Activity
A. Pre-laboratory Activity
Good Morning Class!
(Checking of Attendance)
..Say present...
1. Drill
2. Review
As what we have learned yesterday, what is the
process of photosynthesis?
Very Good!
What are the raw materials needed in photosynthesis
and its by-product?
Very Good!
3. Motivation
Class granting that we are in a beach or forest, what
do you feel when you breathe? How about when you
What if we are in a city with lots of cars and
and factories
Very Good!
Teachers Activity
Students Activity
4. Presentation
I have here a video presentation. I want
everybody to watch and listen carefully.
After this you are going to have a group
Did you understand class?
A. Developmental Activity
1. Laboratory Activity
Today, you will group yourselves into two and each
group will assemble the picture that i am going to
give you. Each group will select one representative
to discuss and interpret the picture in front of the
class. I will only give 3 minutes for each
presentation. The first group is the oxygen cycle and
the second group is the carbon dioxide cycle.
Did you get it class?
Ok, class are you ready to present?
Yes Maam!
(Students will watch the video silently)
Yes Maam!
Yes Maam!
Is it correct class?
Yes Maam!
Yes Maam!
Very Good!
No more Maam!
Teachers Activity
Now, lets call the representative of the second
The Carbon Cycle
Students Activity
(second group representative will present their
interpretation of the oxygen cycle for 3 minutes
in front of the class)
Yes Maam!
Yes Maam!
Yes Maam!
Very Good!
Here is a simple illustration of oxygen and carbon
Teachers Activity
As we observed, when we inhale, our body takes in
oxygen from the air. When we exhale, we release
some carbon dioxide to the air.
Students Activity
Yes Maam!
Very Good!
What is released during respiration and
decomposition and taken in by plants for
Very Good!
All organisms breathe in oxygen in order to live. In
the cells, oxygen combines with the food during
respiration. As a result, energy is released. Carbondioxide is the waste product released to the air.
Together with water, it is again manufactured into
food. During the process, oxygen is given off and
the cycle goes on.
Green plants take in carbon dioxide and give
Off Oxygen while animals take in oxygen and give
off carbon dioxide. This cycle is repeated without
What do we call of this cycle?
Very good!
Did you get it class?
4. Generalization
Based on your activity, describe how oxygen-carbon
dioxide cycle happens?
Yes Maam!
Very Good!
5. Application
Now, using the diagram that you have just
interpreted as model. I want you all to illustrate the
diagram of oxygen-carbon cycle with your own
ideas using materials from your immediate
Teachers Activity
(Same group will do the activity)
Possible Materials: Used paper/box, sticks, plant,
used plastic cups, toy animal, soil.
Students Activity
(Possible Answer)
6. Evaluation
Yes Maam!
Get a sheet of paper and answer this,
Multiple choice
1. Which of the following illustrates the oxygen
a. Cow-grass-atmosphere
b. Grass-atmosphere-cow
c. Atmosphere-cow-grass
2. It is a by-product of respiration and it
enables plants to manufacture food and grow.
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Carbon dioxide
3. Through respiration and decay, carbon is
released into where?
a. Plants
b. Animals
c. Atmosphere
4. It is an important element for all organisms
in order to live.
a. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. nitrogen
5. Oxygen-carbon cycle is the process in
a. Green plants give off carbon
dioxide and take in oxygen while
animals give off oxygen and take
in carbon dioxide.
b. Green plants take in carbon
dioxide and give off oxygen while
animals take in oxygen and give
off carbon dioxide.
c. Plants and animals do not take in
and give off oxygen and carbon
6. Assignment
For your assignment, I want you to prepare an essay
on why do organisms live together?
Goodbye Class!
b). grass-atmosphere-cow
(c ). Carbon dioxide
(a). atmosphere
(b). Oxygen
Goodbye Maam!
First Activity
Group I
Illustrate the diagram of Oxygen Cycle
Group II
Illustrate the diagram of Carbon Cycle
illustrate the diagram of oxygen-carbon cycle with your own ideas using materials from
your immediate environment.
Possible Materials: Used paper/box, sticks, plant, used plastic cups, toy animal, soil.